Sekiro vs. Baba Is You

Which one are you guys enjoying the most? And which one do you think is most difficult even though they're different style games.

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Haven't bought Sekiro yet, so I suppose Baba Is You.

I can play sekiro for hours, but baba is you? just like 2 levels per day to increase the my intellect

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Sekiro is obviously better than R*ddit is You

Both are tough though Baba does have an option of finding solutions whereaw Sekiro leaves you with git gud or [kanji]. This user recommends both.

What is baba? The game just popped up out of no where

More like Baba Literally Who

>Baba is You
literally fucking who?


indie puzzle game about pushing blocks and breaking and making the rules.

This has got to be the most stupid and pointless comparison I have seen yet

That's true, I can find a walkthrough for Baba Is You, but Sekiro is just based on all skill and trial and error

It's a puzzle indie game, I thought it was gonna be a typical boring indie game but the art style and the puzzle mechanics work very well and it's an enjoyable game


Baba has some charm to it at least. Enjoying both, but I don't think I'll remember Sekiro by the end of the year. Baba Is You is memorable af. Fuck the later puzzles tho.

>an actual game vs le quirky reddit indiepixelshit

A really solid puzzle game that wasn't on anybody's radar unless they followed Game Jams.
Yea Forums had about a week of good threads about it before online guides were published and e-celebs were able to pick it up.

look at me i watch vinesauce hurr durr

>burr huhgrr glerr vs ba gleggg pffbbl blegdurr

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user, are you ok? Please don't die

fuck I laughed


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sekiro is more difficult. requires lots of reflexes and dexterity. baba is you is easy as fuck for anyone who isn't a brainlet

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t. looks up answers

>increase the my intellect
You're doing great.

as a wagey, I already play easy puzzle games for 8 hours a day. not really interested in any more desu

>Akko poster is also retarded
yup, it all checks out

What a bizarre comparison. Why not just enjoy both.

no. just someone with a STEM master's :^)

based STEMchad

Both are great. OP is just comparing the difficulty. I believe that Sekiro is the most difficult out if the two though

be a little more subtle

he's cracked it, this user has finally discovered the optimal way to respond to any post

ah fuck this is fucking great dude