When is Gabe going to stop letting all this trash fill up steam?

When is Gabe going to stop letting all this trash fill up steam?

Attached: trap shrine.png (1071x589, 984K)

Other urls found in this thread:

danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=✓&tags=shimakaze_(kantai_collection)_(cosplay) &ms=1&limit=200

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Why do they keep doing this?

Attached: 1553938152551.png (446x435, 74K)

if it has a dick its a boy

>have to literally opt in to even see it

Move along.

salvation from this cesspool full of filth is near

Attached: 1200px-Epic_Games_logo.svg.png (1200x1393, 51K)

A clitoris is just a mini-dick.



Attached: trap shrine top .png (961x831, 920K)

Are there any other good VN games that involve crossdressing and are in English?

Now disable "show sexual content" and post again, dumb nigger.
That's like entering a porn store and getting upset that you get porn shoved in your face.
Get a grip.

Gonna buy desu

You're a mini dick.

GOTY confirmed.

>you are literally entering a kids toystore that its featuring faggot porn dumbfuck

t. angry Snoynigger who can't accept the fact that this game isn't available on his pro LGBTQ+ console

You have to OPT IN to see the adult content you tripple nigger.
Kill yourself now, quickly.

Good VN? You mean like an Eroge or a Nukige?
Because there's things like Otomaid Cafe but that's just porn.

Yes, porn.

VN's aren't games and shouldn't be allowed to be posted on Yea Forums. Every VN thread is trash waifu posting.

but if I play this all my normie friends think I'm gay

Attached: 1553972174466.jpg (550x550, 42K)

Josou Kaikyou from the same artist as OP got a fan translation released back in January.

Fuck him.

Attached: yeah.jpg (400x300, 36K)

Attached: reviews.png (983x947, 239K)

They'll KNOW you are gay

Attached: 1551275476472.png (1107x2016, 2.24M)

Well the one I said is good and in english. I can't think of any other that isn't japanese only. There must be some but not much.

most of the reviews are in Chinese


Spotted the faggot.

>a thicc trap with a booty that doesn't look like a 12 year old anorexic boy

Attached: 1511282012870.png (971x1103, 438K)

when i stop buying it so never
get fucked

Attached: gay smile.jpg (400x379, 64K)

There's nothing wrong with being gay, cutie.

any torrent yet?

Do they get pregnant in this one?

has aogiri penta ever made a trap VN without Mpreg?

Attached: __hime_mizuki_kanatake_jun_and_mitsuse_nozumu_original_drawn_by_aogiri_penta__2b4e1baf72b3725c80b7b1 (1035x1440, 1.79M)

pretty sure it's japanese. Chinese would be hanged for this.

someone hook me up with uploads of the fox slut

If I set my language to Simplified Chinese on steam the review section says there are 120 reviews in "my" language.

No. I take it they’ll get pregnant in the sequel.

tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square iannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square

lol. Why are they risking their lives for faggot porn.


Chinks like animu

Sequel when?

Part 4 when?

To ease the transition from straight porn.
Also another wonderful VN.

Attached: Hadaka.Shitsuji.full.1393429.jpg (982x694, 347K)

wait a minute, is the same artist as pic related? Because if so HOLY SHIT, this is literally a masterpiece. Pregnant boys is KINOGRAPHY .

Attached: 002__top_bg_full.jpg (1920x2353, 1.02M)


I thank you

Attached: 1543264633470.jpg (623x702, 51K)

user, don't post my wife.

Adult games on Steam were a mistake

It's just flooded with this deviant art tier shit

It is

same artist yes

Attached: Josou Kaikyou.png (1292x727, 1.83M)

brb steam

Attached: ohyeshump.gif (480x270, 315K)


Disgusting fujoshit. Kindly get the fuck off. Nobody likes you here.

Is it uncensored or the steam version user?

"deviant art shit" the fucking guy is an accomplished artist you ignorant idiot. Don't ever come to talk about art if you know shit about it.

they need all the help they can get. We are truly living on the greatest timeline. These guys deserve all the money and recognition that Japan has denied them.

Attached: 1515614745633.png (850x1200, 867K)

>We are truly living on the greatest timeline.
We really are.

your're wife is an slutty bitchboy

>games are for children
>please ignore the fact that the average gamer is 42 years old

Attached: 1472485112550.gif (240x234, 2.72M)

ikr? I couldn't be more happy; I almost started to cry as I wrote this. The perfect wife all around.

>foxbois, demon bois, and straight up traps
I want it all

Fag propaganda to try to turn weebs gay. It’s why their are so many good hentai images but they always slap a cock on it with no straight alternative, they’re hoping the viewer would just say fuck it and fap to it anyway

Traps aren't gay.

>The Goddess was a Crossdresser?!

Attached: 1548192525637.jpg (480x368, 36K)

traps belong to straight men

Attached: 1553740692000.jpg (830x624, 178K)

Yui > Mishiro

There's literally nothing wrong with steam selling porn. Prove me wrong.

There needs to be more games with forced feminization and not just traps.


>This is what Discord trannies actually believe
I guess this is you fags ideal timeline since no one girl can make a cute video anymore without being called a trap and getting faggot degenerate artwork

Except I'm not a Discord tranny, faggot

go back to your containment board fujoshi

Attached: 1553295793050.jpg (450x534, 115K)


Attached: 1550584802102.jpg (549x1024, 50K)

Yeah you are

this was pretty good honestly

>paying 9 dollars for jpegs and text
you can literally find thousands of drawn trap pics for free.

Attached: 1553975656112.gif (200x212, 1.82M)

Dumb pleb, getting the know the characters is what mlakes it hot.

i love my wife so much

Attached: 1553014616819.jpg (900x1267, 110K)

Ignore him, he has never truly enjoyed porn in his life. He still has much to learn.

I like supporting my favorite artists

user everybody will think you are gay, just accept that fact your a faggot and move on with your life

Not sure if male Astolfo or not... Preferably female obv since I'm not a huge faggot in denial

Yes they are, cope harder closer dweller.

Bros traps are NOT gay

Never played a porn game from steam. How will I know if I correctly installed the patch?
I haven't downloaded the game yet, by the way.

what game/anime?

Dude, I have folders full of jpegs I can jerk to for free. Only stupid idiots pay for porn. Especially under the fact you need to patch the game just to see the nudity anyway.

Attached: 1545318105524.jpg (720x960, 418K)


Attached: 1553276809349.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

i like both male and female Astolfo, my wife is perfect

Attached: 1553535908809.jpg (800x1157, 213K)

So... this is the power of PC gaming...

Attached: 1534908390276.jpg (216x225, 13K)

You won't know until you encounter the first h-scene. It's easy to install it anyway. You just need to copy and paste the files (there are two) in the correct folder

Cool. Thank you.

They are gay. But that's the best part. If you're gonna be a homo who jacks it to dudes in girls clothes, at least assume that fact that it's really fucking gay

Attached: 1546718767525.png (1280x867, 1.22M)

just get a 2nd account for porn games nigger

Trap on female is the most hetero thing. Next to futa(no balls) on female that is.

>Gabe lost to the cock

>all anime profiles
i bet their all members of the tranny discord as well

redpilled post

Why did fags latch onto Shimakaze? Please stop

Ironic faggotry is worse than ironic weebs could ever be. And I guess this is both.

You know, there isn't a day that goes by that the fact this image became reality doesn't feel fucking surreal. I feel I must've hopped timelines at some point.

Attached: 1545281986835.jpg (971x923, 248K)

he loves it.

>the MC isn't a disgusting fat man
How am I supposed to self-insert as the traps now?

Just to suffer.

>self-insert as the traps now
based fetish.

>I feel I must've hopped timelines at some point.
Most defiantly, too much weird shit has happened in the past five years

because doujins about cosplayers turning into sluts is awesome

What a fucking future. I'm just happy some things went right in this timeline.

the outfit is fucking great. Literally made for breeding.
I also really like normal Shimakaze since i'm also a lolicon

Attached: Shimikaze1.jpg (696x924, 101K)

Attached: 15a870156520ad.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

fill your profile with anime tiddies and they'll know you're a bichad like me

Attached: GIGACHAD.jpg (680x763, 33K)

>Dude, I have folders full of jpegs I can jerk to for free

1. If you engage with pornography only on the level of jerking off, you are a hopeless fucking plebeian.

2. Pictures with words are hotter than pictures by themselves.

Attached: steam porn prediction.jpg (780x515, 268K)


>I feel I must've hopped timelines at some point.
Yes, this must be the anwser
>Steam with full on porn games
>Nintendo having some lewd games on the Switch after the censorship galore that was the WiiU years
>Sony going full retard and censoring everything with lens flare up the ass and switching place with Nintendo
>Microsoft going full friend mode and starting to open their games to everyone
>Epic Chang Store trying to force console war shit on the PC market
what is this timeline

Attached: 1485990795618.jpg (512x512, 59K)

Move to EGS my friend, they don't allow trash

Everyone likes the outfit, including faggots.
>danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=✓&tags=shimakaze_(kantai_collection)_(cosplay) &ms=1&limit=200

Attached: __mizuki_yukikaze_and_shimakaze_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_nanashi_maru__32942af010a22571c35 (900x1200, 1.07M)

>ChuChu Rocket
Is it weird that's one of the least likely games from the list?

>Trap Shrine

is there a trap with a body like this in the game?

asking for a friend

Attached: catherine game.jpg (222x822, 30K)

I know he just messed up the anatomy, but it looks like she has a big fat belly, that's kinda sexy

the funniest part is games in the image like Eroico actually got on Steam
AA2 when?

>there are people on this planet that think 2D traps are the same thing as 3D trannies

>Pictures with words are hotter than pictures by themselves.

Attached: 1545282359588.gif (222x379, 2.87M)

>i like both male and female Astolfo
Everyone their own obviously, but I'll always think Astolfo is one of many wasted designs on a fucking meme.

Attached: 0AEA48BD-BE4F-483C-BA98-6747FCF77EA2.gif (203x244, 1.1M)

Its the price of a fucking pizza. And compared to modern AAA releases that I havent bought in years, why wouldn't I want to buy something I enjoy?

>zoomer calarts cartoon gif

Knowing the artist these traps can get pregnant too.

>If you're gonna be a homo who jacks it to dudes in girls clothes

i'm gonna be a straight who jacks it to drawing of flat-girls playing with their butts

>there are people on this planet that think boys who put on girl clothes as a sexual fetish is the same thing as mentally ill subhumans who want to chop their dicks off because they "were born in the wrong body"

Attached: 1549908194665.jpg (1277x1417, 271K)

anubis will never be on steam because it would be probably be considered a child porn game

>no rebuttal so i'll attack the reaction image on a chinese imageboard

Attached: 1545531577151.png (593x580, 621K)

Normalfags are retarded
They watch Netdlix and Jazz all day on tv, it brainwashes them

>calarts or zoomer

>>there are people on this planet that think 2D boys who put on girl clothes is the same thing as mentally ill subhumans who want to chop their dicks off because they "were born in the wrong body"


real life crossdressers are as mentally ill as trannies

I jack it to both lolis and crossdressing boys since flat chests are a miracle of the universe and they both satisfy this desire.
Naisuri is the best shit, prove me wrong
>MILFags/Mommyfags need not aply, they should go to the barn since that's where the cows are

Attached: 1548466132946.png (1000x1022, 1.03M)

>MILFags/Mommyfags need not aply
>not enjoying both


Spongebob literally started the calarts style


They already know you're a cockcuzzling bitch.


not a loli guy, but i like big boobs

dickgirls / traps with enhanced tits are a miracle of the universe

Attached: page_1.jpg (1048x944, 203K)

And you're gonna tell me that lolis are not the same thing as real life kids

>tfw my drawn trap fetish evolved into japanese crossdressers
I fear what's next.

Attached: 1546243511196.png (253x199, 6K)

Fuck off back to wherever you came normie / tranny faggot

The term Discord tranny is a slur that’s used to call HRT shilling femboys who platform on Discord, if you’re unfamiliar look up Reiko333. And the reason we hate them is because they’re so loud and obnoxious about their faggotry and try to shove it in peoples faces as much as possible

>gay shota artist does disgusting dickgirl

Attached: 4_1.jpg (1280x1836, 398K)

There's nothing to fear. Most crossdressers look absolutely disgusting, there's only a few good ones.

They actually don't, No Strike's traps all have masculine proportions and look like guys when naked.

Attached: 女装海峡_2019-04-01_03-53-05.png (1282x752, 1.77M)

Japanese ones use masks which make it harder to resist since I can't see their faces.

>japanese crossdressers

otokonokos look awful, bro

>Most crossdressers look absolutely disgusting
Yeah, non-japanese ones

Japanese ones too. If you watch any of the gay/trap JAVs you will quickly snap out of your illusions.

I have a feeling jap traps are business men relieving stress.

Attached: 1547005943412.png (927x907, 973K)

Haha, yeah...

>Makes one manga series that's kino trap masturbation and trap with female incest
>Everything else is just plain dude on trap, not even trap on trap
What a waste.

Attached: 011.png (1440x2054, 917K)

Well, businessmen are relieving stress in them

And voice acting.
Please provide thousands of trap eroge that are available in English for free.

>Disgusting fujoshit.

I know you're retarded, but you do realize that Hadaka Shitsuji was created by a Japanese gay man, right?

Shimakaze isn't even a loli, officially she has like C cups.

japanese ones too, being caked on make-up / filters and cherrypicking angles don't change the fact

i'm not even going to mention the ones wearing masks,

Well, not one of those pictured games is on Steam, though.

Looks like GOTYAY material

The ones wearing masks are pretty much the only ones I can fap to, honestly. Without the masks it's just too obvious that 3D can never compete with 2D.

>want to fap to some trap shit
>it's nothing but shota shit with anorexic little boys in skirts

Attached: 1504127100337.png (356x276, 204K)

I wanna see Astolfo fart

truly the patrician fetish. Anyone who says otherwise is a pleb with no taste

Attached: 1552021701948.jpg (2450x1388, 1.2M)

It is

I feel your pain. Older and more variety would be nice.

Shotas make the best traps, this isn't debatable

Wrong on the first part, right on the second part.

why we get translations for these shitty trap VNs instead of the Mogiki Hayami ones? fuck

>Yea Forums hates trannies
>Yea Forums loves traps

Attached: 1476647728200.png (741x568, 29K)

>best traps

shotas are only good when paired with milfs

Noticed how gamers are obsessed with trannies lately? They're just acting out because they secretly (not very secretly) want to fuck them or get fucked by them.

Eroico, nigger

It's very simple, dear mentally deficient frog friend: traps are not the same thing as trannies.

Wait why is skyrim in there

You ARE going to buy Skyrim again aren't you user?

Attached: 1533959566163.png (600x610, 434K)

>Shotas make the best traps

adult traps > shitty little boys in skirts

Attached: 1503998739363.jpg (306x548, 227K)

Traps aren’t trannies

>Want to fap to some trap art
>Only time it gets me revving is when the trap has a fatass

Attached: 1513994142994.png (280x280, 180K)

well dad one is mental illness the other is a fetish

>Yea Forums hates trannies
99% of trannies don't pass, i don't hate them, I just don't care about most of them. i'd fuck a tranny like pic related

>Yea Forums loves traps
i like traps like this one i don't care about shota traps, nor boyish traps either

Attached: 1551651205775.jpg (640x853, 98K)

>Yea Forums is one person
I guess you’re never here when threads derail into Discord faggots arguing with people telling them to fuck off with their degeneracy homo shit

>traps are not the same thing as trannies.
>Traps aren’t trannies
they are the exact same thing: transvestites

>one is mental illness the other is a fetish
both are mental illness

Wait, who's the trap here? The MC? The fox girl? Everyone? Does anyone in this game NOT have a dick?

sky is green and grass is blue

Being gay is a mental illness

you fuckers cry about this then worship cuck porn subverse as the saviors of gaming.

Attached: af702d781c.jpg (449x498, 29K)

nope no one shown is female

According to roman law it's not gay to give

why would there be girls in a trap game?

If the main character was the trap and was picking up chicks on the sly it mite be cool. But this sounds like it's just tranny porn.

who /funbagfantasy/ here

>you must secretly want to fuck spiders

trannies are ugly, have uglye plastic boobs and limp dicks.

I really just want another game like Starless translated, I need my milfs and dickgirls with degenerate fetishes and perfect feminine adult bodies.

Clever. Did you think of that one yourself?

This is the flat zone, only traps and lolis are welcome here

Attached: 1552558435833.jpg (793x1964, 703K)

Traps are boys that look like girls that still want to be treated like boys but aren't because they're so much like girls.
Trannies are men that want to be treated like women but can't because they look like men no matter how hard they try.

It's pseudo shemale at this point

>wah how dare you don't buy into my basic bitch Freudian bullshit

What's the source on that image, family?

>draws prepubescent cross dressing boys

Face it dude you are just a virgin pedo.. I can only imagine how bad you’ll be when you are 40. Maybe look in the mirror and reevaluate your life now before you wind up on the sex offender registry

Not just based, but redpilled too

Attached: sauce plos.jpg (300x215, 18K)

is the gallery for this available on the panda? i can't find it. or does it not have sex?

If only naizuri wasn't rare as fuck

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

Attached: [Gujira] Kimeseku ni Maketa Shounen.jpg (620x501, 71K)

artist is cyocyo, some good stuff.

Shadman pls

>existing outside the 2D plane

Attached: 4730bbfa9252d0_full.jpg (405x289, 17K)

If traps and trannies are different, why do Yea Forumstards call Bailey Jay and Sue Lightning "traps" when they're trannies?

thanks dude

Attached: naughty.png (149x200, 52K)

>read review
>there is no hentai

Attached: feels disappointed man.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Why WOULDN'T Skyrim be there?

but there is just look the "unofficial" patch

>Why do these traps look like traps?

because they're fuckable


how come the hcg for this isn't on the panda? did they not release it beforehand on dlsite etc?

Even your image contains a better fetish.

Attached: insert here.jpg (137x152, 6K)

>looking like an obvious little boy

>they are the exact same thing: transvestites
Transexual and transvestite do not mean the same thing, and tranny only refers to one of those two things.
A tranny can be a transvestite, but a transvestite isn't necessarily a tranny.

Because Bailey Jay was a trap before they were a tranny. They made their entire start posting on Yea Forums as Linetrap, you fucking newfag.

1. It's a steam only release
2. it was released like 3 days ago

oh, i'm surprised they release it only on steam. it really is the meme reality we're on. hope someone rips the hcg, i don't have the patience for playing h-games

It was a day 1 English translation included release too. Buy now to support Jap/Eng VN releases.

imagine being this much of 3rd millennium kid

tranny (~1980s slang) = short for transvestite

Chinese too, who seem to be most of the buyers anyway.

It's a trannie, not a dickgirl.

true, I forgot to mention Zettai ryōiki with fat thighs skin dentation, which is fucking god tier

Attached: I want to eat this.jpg (720x720, 33K)

Or better yet, wait for the upcoming JAST / MangaGamer release so you can get uncensored CGs.

it's actually pretty cheap. i'll consider it. i'd buy it for sure if they had a 2 usd dlc or some shit to just unlock all the scenes. fuck, i want to fap to it too

trap = any natal male who passes for a female until you see their junk

>looking like a little boy in desperate need of a sandwich

A trap implies you can pass as a woman. A flat-chested little boy in booty shorts is not what I would call passing as a woman.

>flamewar bait thread devolves into a trap thread
Sometimes you guys are alright.

Attached: 1524379410808.png (500x500, 217K)

Solid nukige, I came, 6/10.

Attached: cc.jpg (1280x588, 206K)

My lad do you know how much porn mods skyrim has?

Yes, a hairy old man who has already developed masculine features post-puberty is clearly more feminine.

>developed masculine features post-puberty

We're talking about 2D you retarded tranny-obsessed faggot. You can draw a grandpa with giant tits and have him look like a decent trap if you wanted.

Except there's a specific option you have to enable on Steam for you to see those games, and it's disabled by default. You ARE entering an adult only section and then complaining there's porn.

I heard it's josou seme, can I get a confirmation?

good, can i fug honiwa?

What in the fuck kind of logic is this?

Sure does, but it's not that.

Attached: file.png (121x142, 24K)

can you link the full image? i want to see the trap naked

Unfortunately no. It ends with a sequel bait though by introducing a new character and making the kitsune look younger through magic.

So by that logic why are you complaining about young characters not looking feminine? Are you stupid?

Attached: 女装海峡_2019-03-30_16-18-03.png (1282x752, 1.33M)


Technically safe-for-work male nips.

Attached: 2.jpg (1280x720, 261K)

let me see the entire image with the willy. upload it to another website

He's saying he's sick and tired of 7 year old traps and wants some high-schooler traps with big asses.

Attached: 1474758969055.png (413x448, 234K)


So traps and trannies are the same thing then

why must they hurt me this way

Attached: 1551966402471.gif (500x269, 637K)

damn art is so good. someone rip the hcg already fuck

Attached: niggy AAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (255x255, 363K)


That doesn't make sense either.

They pass as lolis, which are a type of woman.

Attached: 1524956712746.jpg (363x363, 25K)

Hahaha memes

oh lord my penis. thank you for this. i want to see the hcg now. wish it was uncensored

asian traps in general are alright
some hispanic traps can be hot like that one boy spammed all the time on /int/
stay the fuck away from white traps though

Attached: aiaiaiaichan sfw.jpg (715x1280, 218K)

Torrent or magnet link anyone?

>Putting the guy's face in the sex scene

Attached: 1292704959715.jpg (366x380, 40K)

Traps that aren't fucking 140cm manlets with baby faces and childish features.
The pic you posted is a 10 year old with a fat ass.

traps are trannies by default because tranny is just short for transvestite, the word you're looking for is "trans", and a trans can be a trap if "she" is feminine enough to fool people

a passable crossdressing femboy = trap, a passable transgender = trap, but not all trans or femboys are traps, far from that

No, bisexual because it is the female traits that attract you to traps. It somehow confirms you like beautiful women

Got an example?

>asian traps in general are alright

Astolfo, Felix and Ruka are the greatest

why is it censored? did i miss something?

Sadpanda gallery out yet?

I think you confuse one third world country with another.

I assume it would be regionlocked to outside japan if uncensored.

If they release the game uncensored they can't get that Chinese market because it'd be banned there. So they release it censored with a patch instead.

Remember Bowsette?
Yea Forums is full of them.


>traps are trannies by default
>traps are not the same thing as trannies.
>Traps aren’t trannies
Who do I believe

the only people I've ever seen try to argue that traps are trannies is trannies themselves because they want people to stop using trap because they think trap=tranny
traps aren't trannies in the slightest

The people that aren't trying to legitimise the mentally ill.

your dick

Traps can be trannies, but rarely is there a tranny who could be considered a trap

Took me a while and had to crop, but I'm pretty sure this is close what he meant.

Attached: EGAMI.png (690x1391, 781K)

>girls' clothes

Same reason you're filling up your countries with trash. Lack of caring and quality control.

Attached: Literal migrant invasion.webm (854x480, 2.77M)

I actually want more eroge focusing on trap only but I dont like the traps in that game.
We have traps like Astolfo, Ruka and Felix, so the standards are much higher than that.

in fact, the 2nd trap on this post is a japanese shemale / transsexual named Sakiyuki Kana, the two on the first webm are probably trannies too, given their plastic faces (definitely not natural) and the 3rd i wouldn't even call a trap since it's just a webm of a dick

The doujin has lingerie

>Astolfo and Felix

Attached: vomit.jpg (740x740, 616K)

Infancy is liking traps who are draw a girl call it a boy
Adolescence is liking traps who are just shotas in girls clothing, but you can see it's a boy nonetheless
Adulthood is liking traps who have slightly developed male muscle tone which clearly shows it's a male but the crossdressing takes this into account to make them even sexier.

Grow up.

Attached: 1520299375457.gif (429x284, 866K)

Artist now!

astolfo and felix are cute
taking a buff dude and putting him in a dress is pretty shit, locon's kaname is pretty ideal

Attached: thinking.jpg (850x973, 165K)

So you're saying you want more meme traps?

yeah the first one is a chinese trap, zhaoenjing or 北京伪娘赵恩静. Haven't found him on twitter yet, but that's where most of the asian traps on tumblr fled to after they ruined the website

Attached: tumblr_onr0cdXQVV1w8og2co1_1280.jpg (1280x1280, 106K)

This for me, but infancy is liking futa.



Attached: 1531850028400.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Astolfo and Ruka are girlfriend material, especially Ruka.

Yeah that's a better state of infancy, replace Adolescence with the draw a girl call it a boy.

Futa is based but completely unrelated

>Futa is based

>dont mention any "better" traps

Opinion discarded.

Your point?

Attached: 1346080648935.jpg (300x273, 38K)

Enlightenment is liking boyish shotas.

Attached: 1544174034056.jpg (868x934, 806K)

I love his stuff. Him and Nokoppa are probably my two favorite trap artists. What do you guys think of them? Good shit or not?
well yes, this is a dick thread my man, it's obviously very gay

Attached: 1.jpg (1057x1500, 669K)

This thread is for straight men only.

No, that's just being gay.

Attached: your words and actions.png (189x597, 41K)

>boyish shotas
It's kinda amazing that you have to describe a boy with boyish nowadays

threadly reminder that futanari on male is the most straightest form of porn

maybe if i were gay, but i like women, "draw a girl, call it a boy" is acceptable because it still looks like a female, it's a novelty

Pathetic bait.

especially if it's futanari on shota tbqh

b a s e d

Whatcha gonna do about it lil boy?

Attached: 1345408348585.gif (320x180, 1.44M)

Here's the ideal trap: A boy who looks like a girl but still acts like a boy. It's a bro that you can fuck without having to deal with the bitchy attitude that most women and traps have.

Attached: 1542412297878.png (1240x1900, 1.99M)

Futa on male is just missing the point.


This doesn't look like a girl, it looks like a twink

psssst..... hey kid....


Attached: 1426775434211.jpg (243x324, 26K)

Get out of that jabroni outfit and I'll show you who's the boss of this gym.

>still acts like a boy

Attached: Clint.gif (200x200, 2.14M)

>Everyone ITT blaming each other about who's gay and what's the most gayes shit

The real thing here is, dare I say gentleman; liking woman is WHAT makes you gay. Why?, because woman likes sucking dick and that's gay as fuck.

>You must login to see this content

type "925310" in your client store

>my entire identity is based around liking a gender that lives for the cock
Hetfags couldn't be more homo if they tried.

>he says it in a trap thread
Stop deluding yourself. Traps are gay and so are you.

Yeah, it sounds redundant now that you mention it. I just said it because most artists draw very feminine shotas.

Attached: 1552872590308.jpg (1131x1200, 75K)

That's literally what a trap is

What does this have to do with traps

That's because he isn't wearing his undercover disguise.

Attached: 1548941292786.png (850x1221, 710K)

Okay be real with me guys, cut the Poe's Law bullshit.

Do you really, truly, genuinely think liking traps isn't gay, or are you just parroting the meme or mimicking some fetish?

Attached: 1348785773819.png (388x372, 198K)

Is this game better than Josou Kaikyou? That one was boring as fuck even with good trap designs.

I'm not into traps but i've realized that i'm hitting a new low since i've started jacking off to traps a few weeks ago. Now i'm trying to stop it but i go back to jacking off to it. Fuck you Yea Forums and fuck you /gif/.

Also, it isn't gay liking futas since it is a girl with both genitals.

Attached: 1528571737715.png (329x298, 174K)

I really, truly, genuinely, honto ni don't give a fuck either way and neither does my cock.

I'm attracted to people that look female, because I'm straight.

That's all that matters.

It's still straight if they have a dick and balls, because I like them for looking female.

>I'm not into traps
>i've started jacking off to traps
which is it user

i've been a faggot for 11 years and have had penises in my mouth
liking traps is pretty gay, who gives a shit

Attached: 4a072f9f07f92c095579883abbe30d1224b4aeba.png (987x1200, 877K)

That's based, and SHOULD be the mentality around here

Traps are gay, futa isn't. I like both but that's just how it is.

I feel like all futards end up liking traps. Happened to me, happened to you.
And now one of the biggest weg games is about a boy with a huge ass getting fucked by futa monstergirls

>boy on boy

so it's gay then?

The entire point of traps is that they're feminine enough that the only way you can tell they're not a girl is to see that they have a dick.
Liking tomboys is more gay than liking traps.

Attached: this is what people who say futa is gay really believe.jpg (1263x660, 231K)

trap shrine is one. Paying for porn is for the braindead.

Unironically because it sells to nu-homos, or whatever they're called now.

What about your arse?

>And now one of the biggest weg games is about a boy with a huge ass getting fucked by futa monstergirls
what game?

It’s boy on trap so no

Based. Sucking a trap's dick is unironically fun.
Same here, started with futa, ended with traps.

Don't you faggots have friends and family on steam? People you talk to everyday? Why the fuck would you want them seeing you play what is not only a hentai vn, but a gay fetish one. Seek serious help because that level of disconnection might mean you're a sociopath.

Attached: 1d9f94c25bd00082d2e0d86027e3776cbc601631_00.jpg (503x503, 23K)

You still have at least 1999 to go, buddy.

ideal traps

looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, acts like a girl, but doesn't have a massive ego because the lack of male orbiters responsible for feeding it
looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, acts like a girl, but still have some minor boyish traits that give him a bro-tier aspect

Attached: Urushibara.jpg (688x576, 90K)

sadly no, while i would like to be a turbo slut I'm too autistic and antisocial to actually do soand scared of stds


Attached: 1546701737118.jpg (660x1024, 123K)

> trannies: mentally ill retards who want to chop their dicks off
> traps: cute 2d boys who actually look like girls

Why the fuck would I?
Why would I be friends with people who would ostracise me for my taste in porn? You need to get better friends.

What i meant is that i didn't like traps, but after some time i started looking to it til the point i started to jacking off. Now, I hate myself.

>Happened to me, happened to you
God damn it, i'm speechless.

>And now one of the biggest weg games is About a boy with a huge ass getting fucked by futa monstergirls
what game?

those are both pretty cute

Tales of Androgyny

Luka has short hair and is an obnoxious confidence-less coward.

Ah I think I looked at that a long time ago

>he posted the meme screencap again
Tomboys are very nice, but they're also somewhat gay, especially if you're talking about muscle girls, that shit is gayer than traps

Tomboys are good when they look feminine but act masculine. But most tomboys are just girls that both look and act like dudes.

>one of the biggest weg games
Looks pretty gud, but

futa is more gay than traps because with futa is a girl with a dick, and that's the defining thing, while traps are girly boys, with cuteness as the main thing
that's how I see it, but both are low on the gay scale

Attached: 1553735447990.png (528x516, 445K)

>Looks pretty gud, but
Welcome to western erotic video games

You seem to be assuming that the futa is there to fuck a guy and not to fuck a girl and replace the guy that would be fucking the girl otherwise.

The dick is the most important thing to me.
I actually would probably prefer a dickgirl in most situations over a trap, I just really love cocks.

Attached: d2089f3f4b82d8c8768ed00c48ca72fdacd3c21d.jpg (550x750, 78K)

Like futa NTR?

Waste of time. Only has like 4 sex scenes and none with the puked haired shota

Ruka is pretty much a female untainted by our modern mangina society. It's the girlfriend you want to help to improve the confidence, but will never turn into an egomaniac, because the ego wasn't inflated by society and dozens of horny males during the formative years.

Astolfo is pretty much a tomboy female at heart (mix of both positive masculine and feminine traits) who isn't afraid of expressing an feminine exterior too.

>short hair
Short hair is great as long as it's not too short.

Attached: LMK-131426-Jenna-Coleman-400x561.jpg (400x561, 51K)

No, you degenerate.

dont like it dont buy it .

I cant get into futaxgirl, but I can get off to strap ons. it just looks unnatural to me, ironic since i prefer 2d way over 3d
cute boys

>Short hair is great as long as it's not too short.
Luka's is too short. Shoulder-length is the absolute minimum.
Stop posting 3D.

For me it's a feathered pixie cut

Attached: 12232281_1_470x627.jpg (470x627, 79K)

>I cant get into futaxgirl, but I can get off to strap ons.
That's the opposite to me. Any time I see strap-ons I just think it should be a futa instead because then the strap-on would actually be felt by the user and could do dick things like ejaculate, thus allowing me to empathise with it more.

same, cocks looks and taste great, it's really erotic. And my trap friend says cock feels awesome in him

Attached: 1528850675246.png (500x800, 486K)

Attached: absolutely disgusting.jpg (400x300, 65K)

I've always been a fag and have wanted to get dicked, but in the past few months or so I've been fantasizing about getting creampied
I don't know why

please tell me it's traps on girls
it's so criminally underrated

>pixie cut
truly abysmal taste, you guys are why people hate on short hair

Attached: 1550761007111.png (551x491, 261K)

Attached: 1529093400180.png (1257x878, 81K)

>Wasting a trap on some random whore

Well I can that dicking a fag and giving him a creampie is great. And seeing by his reactions, it must feel even better for him than me

People don't shit on medium length like you posted, they shit on people like me. You're the people shitting on short hair.

short is always cute

Attached: IB.jpg (1000x667, 78K)

Why is it impossible to talk about trap games without faggots shitting up the thread with their blogging?

You deserve it.

Attached: truth.jpg (640x1800, 528K)

Why are the greatest of posts always made with a Master Shake image?

Attached: master shake korra.png (1300x1700, 868K)

True and necessary are rarely kind. So fuck you little girl I'll post crime stats and reasons to shut down the border.

Attached: Welfare usage--.jpg (1240x1142, 183K)

>3dpd posters show up
>Thread goes to shit
fuck off

Attached: madotsukipuke.jpg (600x600, 110K)

>cocks looks and taste great
Don't forget the smell of the balls. Only thinking on that strong smell of sweat is enough to turn me on.

Attached: 1533343307787.png (625x471, 925K)

Based ally

maybe because of the inherent overlap between mental illness and gay porn is a lot bigger then most other fetishes.

You don't know how incredibly crestfallen I was to find that the two guys that I actually got to suck their dicks had cleaned that raw so it was no different from smelling or sucking on a forearm.
they didn't even cum it sucked

>bottom traps
into the trash it goes

"totally not gay tho lmao"

You are


absolutely based

if you want a josou seme game you have to make it yourself, no one knows or thinks there is a solid audience for it.

>I'm a man

is that right, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1551996908842.jpg (640x924, 48K)

god I just want to kiss that tummy and that bulge

>tfw no friends on Steam

Attached: Happy Shortstack.jpg (277x351, 37K)

Not right now you're not.

there are no traps here, just fujos baiting your dicks

a very cute man
I don't think anyone here is pretending to be a trap, just a fag

You cant really say that the porn games were the start, after all they have aaa games too and we all know those suck dicks

>can't fuck or even kiss the green one
It's dogshit

why wouldn't they?
better than western devs drawing buff men and calling them women

That is why you buy the game, beat it, and then take the google survey that is unlocked once you complete the game so you can complain to the devs that you couldn't fuck Hinowa. That's what I did.

for the next hour or so, no she's not

>he doesn't know

you're ugly aren't you?

since i have to make sure, always talking about 2d right?
otoko no ko is all about feminity but they all have to look young as in preprub where their secondary sexual traits arent developed, otherwise its a man with a skirt
futa/chestlets/muscle/shorthair/tomboyfaggotry are all the same shit for closet gaylords
the whole point of girls is being female and feminine
>b-but a dick
>b-but butchered hair
>b-but more testosterone less estrogen
the older i get the less i understand it
also i really love anal but most of the female:anal tags are dp, futashit or dildos, like 3 artists do anal on female as the main dish so traps kinda fill that void

All anime looks the same what the fuck. Why do people even like this shit.

Anal belongs in that list of closeted faggotry, if you're gonna be that much of a stickler

Its gay now, taking it down would be homophobic.
Steam has gone full sjw so they dont wanna go near that.
Based japs

That's why I stopped watching anime. All the new shit looks exactly the same

That’s a trap, not a man

80s and 90s battle shonen are the only good kind of anime save for a few exceptions like Big-O, Cowboy Bebop and Space Dandy

Attached: __astolfo_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_mung__7f98268f6ceb0053c908b10f34f9f97f.jpg (2309x2559, 2.75M)

My god I hate you ironic weeb astolfo niggers so fucking much.

they are amazing

Astolfo and Ruka belong to straight men, though

>t. eternal newfag Zerotard

>most overrated traps are the greatest

Because these games have entertaining plots

>The protagonist has married an older woman and moved in together but joining them was her college aged son. Turns out protagonist admits that his stepson is closer to his ideal woman in looks than his own wife. Also happens his stepson is very friendly and looking forward to get closer to him.

Attached: apt_119[1].jpg (350x450, 146K)

If you don't get turned on by this you are gay.

Attached: shrine.png (1271x695, 1.5M)

I'm guessing no English translation? fuck

what game


None, but with the commercial success of Trap Shrine, maybe more translators will try their hand at doing other trap games

>In distant future, woman is few and the birth-rate of woman is low.
>To defeat low birth-rate, a government secretly initiate "cross dressers pregnancy project".
>The project is to make cross dresser who have suitable potential as couple and make them pregnant by mandatory law.

Attached: c911151package[1].jpg (500x715, 536K)

Boku wa Tousan o Aishiteru ~Koakuma ga Shikakeru Amai Wana~

What's funny is trap nipples are totally SFW and won't get you fired by your boss

Attached: sample01[1].jpg (800x600, 285K)

Trap shrine thread?

Attached: 1039119094723.jpg (1280x720, 293K)

>[User was banned for this post]

i remember reading a translated visual novel about trap maids in a café. it was ok. forgot what it was called

I am, Hibiki is worst girl(male) by far.

>just fapped to the hacka doll doujins yesterday
He's so cute

Finally! Someone posted some Trap Shrine CGs
He cute

>That failed perspective

Attached: what you are seeing.png (312x497, 5K)

>Those Kanikama doujinshi that haven't been uploaded
I'd consider buying them but I can't even tell if they actually have porn in them due to his previews.

I really wish more artists did this. Traps with defined collarbones, broader shoulders, adam's apples, big hands/feet, more rigid jawlines, etc.

But then you'd probably just have a bunch of gay dudes.

Doubt it. Mods don't consider male nipples NSFW.
Some weeks ago a fag posted a SFW picture of a male inkling and a female inkling, both topless. The picture was quickly deleted.
I then tried to test something and reuploaded the picture, this time censoring the chest of the female inkling. My picture wasn't deleted and the thread archived normally.
Mods and janitors have a weird concept of SFW and NSFW.

Attached: 1547195210519.png (695x604, 431K)

Meguru was smaller though

traps are so good almost everyone likes them

>straight men / lesbians
"draw a girl, call it a boy" with limp 2 inch dicks
>gay men / straight women
"boyish traps" with bulging 10 inch throbbing dicks
"shota traps"
anything above when paired when a dude or another trap

>calling for censorship
I believe everyone has the right to make their own games that cater to their tastes and a select few as a niche.
I don't get why you niggers are all up in arms about it like nigga just dont click it. Fucking waste of space

The potential NTR was kinda weird though.

I've been on Yea Forums for 13 years, I've gotten banned for all sorts of shit that I had no idea I would get banned for. You never really know.

Attached: wondering.png (605x167, 40K)


Meguru still distinctly looks like a guy under that shrine maiden getup. He has no hips at all.

Thanks user :3

As I said, mods and janitors have a weird concept of SFW and NSFW. I once got banned for posting pic related. I also got banned for making a SFW vidya loli thread (I even mentioned about not posting lewds in the OP). You can never tell when ABIB is going to appear and nuked everything loli/shota related.

Attached: 1532089569455.jpg (480x487, 33K)

Is it okay when Japan does it? Yes, it is.

Attached: 4xANNJZlKL2mFaM3ceJGQzP2PQFi3vDHrmtqec4tJCV4rsyTsJNb_Ae8LxhLTb-X.png (453x536, 247K)

You should post his sprite too.

Attached: 136.png (1280x920, 164K)

Which qt is this

>also got banned for making a SFW vidya loli thread (I even mentioned about not posting lewds in the OP).

We all know what you wanted.

When the fat stacks stop rolling in.

Josou Sanmyaku soon bros

I didn't want to because I expect the mods to ban for it.

>trap shill is a nintendo tranny
What a surprise

How much money do VN seiyuu make? I've noticed a few of the big ones don't do many anime roles

Youmu (Male)

I shit you not that I only wanted a /c/ thread that would have more than 3 posts per day. The image dump boards are criminally underused.
Your mom's ass is a nintendo tranny.

Attached: 1543349340293.jpg (480x346, 113K)

Midare Toushirou

Attached: Midare.gif (268x151, 354K)


Attached: 1551261158428.png (320x367, 264K)

>Josou Kaikyou, Josou Sanmyaku, and Josou Jinja all in 2019
the fuck is going on
is this the age of trap VNs?


Voice acting is generally the most expensive part of making any VN. Also you should look up those voice actors because there are a lot of big name VAs that do eroge under aliases. Maitetsu is full of famous VAs.

based bug remover

Attached: 1553043086241.jpg (300x300, 52K)

Who are some? I only know Kadowaki Mai and YuuAsakawa.

and then some

Attached: chrome_2019-03-31_20-41-11.png (403x363, 16K)

Is she reading my mind?

>Maitetsu is full of famous VAs.

Attached: 1522472956223.png (273x209, 71K)

Just bought this what am I in for?

Attached: cocks57d10b56a7f0c.jpg (600x624, 108K)

>Gay romances
Goes directly into the trash.
Traps are gay.
The entire LGTB Community needs to burn like their flags

Attached: 1550453735850.jpg (577x562, 42K)

Your image is relevant


Attached: shrine tail.png (983x297, 299K)

>distinctly looks like a guy

Meguru looks like a worm from MIB, not like a guy

Shut the fuck up you retard pedophile. Traps can be older than a fucking toddler.

Attached: 56345634556.png (220x574, 114K)

Attached: Manly.png (1200x1600, 1.33M)

>that pic

Attached: 141075609246.jpg (680x680, 85K)

Fuck you, the last thing Steam needs it becoming a shitty walled garden. How fucking insecure do you have to be to feel in any way threatened or maligned by the presence of games nobody is forcing you to buy or play or even look at. Steam doesn't even do recommendations to you based on what you've played in the past unless you explicitly ask it to by using the discovery queue, unlike pretty much every other store in existence whether it's Amazon or local internet stores looking for repeat business. It doesn't even bother you with sales unless stuff on your wishlist is on sale.

Attached: 456.jpg (450x302, 24K)

>all the buttblasted underaged anti-trap newfags in this thread
Jesus christ

newfags love traps you fucking retard
they're more popular than they've ever been

Newfags like 3D trannies.

Imagine being so stuck in the last millenia you still haven't updated Grandpa's archaic dictionary.

Came buckets to that scene

I'd fill up steam.

Fill her up with steamy hot cum that is.




Attached: trap3.jpg (1469x742, 185K)

One man's trash is another mans treasure

Attached: 1547278489081.gif (500x376, 337K)

Traps should be treasured.

funny steam reviews are the only good things left on that shit site

Attached: anti_chink_poster.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

Attached: trap2.jpg (1482x703, 219K)

fucking based, I'll download it now

thats what mine looks like because im a degenerate and ive opted into seeing that shit.

i really enjoy that one furry vn where you can get raped by a dragon.

ebin games cant provide me that now can they FUCKING CHINK KEKS


Well, I, for one, don't enjoy penis. But these are pretty good. Woud like to see heterosexual hentai made by these fellas.


this doujin is the most hetero doujin Aogiri penta has doujin.

Attached: trap getting pegged while fucking a girl.png (421x371, 150K)

Are there uncensored CGs available? This is important.

Attached: 1494968743038.jpg (500x500, 109K)

Not yet

>trap and feet threads hitting bump limits while actual videogame threads don't

I just don't know anymore

Attached: file.png (872x595, 60K)

Uhmmm, like, hellooooooooo. You can totally buy the game on steam right now!

>another trap thread hit bump limit
feelsgoodman, thanks Trap Shrine

What is the appeal of cuntboys anyway.
Is it gay or straight?


gays who like pussies

Some dude crossdressing as shimakaze participated in a marathon in Japan and ran like the wind
It became a meme
A meme other twitter traps replicated
A meme that trap artists who follow said traps started to draw
It's just a meme user an actual correct definition of a meme

>an obnoxious confidence-less coward.

That only makes the benis harder.

>Likes pussy
Isn't the whole appeal of being gay about wanting to suck dick and shit? Fetishes are weird man.

Attached: 1385415767072.jpg (466x423, 74K)

I like both of those things, but they don't mix.

user, it was twincest
He fucked his own twin sister while dressed as a girl on his birthday
What a way to celebrate the say you were born

I unironically agree. Traps are usually depicted as petite and cute with small-to-average "feminine penises". Futas are often chubby, slutty and degenerate looking, usually with large-to-titanic horse cocks.