Doll > Bearer Seek Seek Lest > Anastacia > Emma > 3
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not a firekeeper
not a firekeeper
I like Emma because she actually does something instead of just sitting around in the hub all day.
What are we basing them on? If it's appearance then the doll wins, if it's personality/character then they're all last.
the girl from Dark Souls 3 is the most attractive, though Emma has a cute face. Dunno how anyone can be most attracted to the doll, she's a literal mannequin who looks like a giant sick Russian lady
Maiden in black > all of them
The doll has a really nice and likeable personality
They're literally all blank slate guide types, when does the doll show any personality besides two lines of dialogue when you give her a hair pin?
This, any other is just a pale copy
>Bearer Seek Seek Lest
Literally the worst, when will 2fags fucking neck themselves and make DS discussion better?
Princess Guard for life
When you wake her up from a nap and when you talk to her after killing maria.
Being nice and calm is a type of personality. None of the characters in Soulsborne have many lines, so I don't know who you're using as comparison. Characters don't need complex backstories or motivations to be likeable
Solaire > any of these faggy waifubait characters
I prefer cute girls, thanks
Doll > 3 > Emeraldy > Anastacia > Emma
How is Solaire quirky or random? He's a kind and friendly knight in a hostile and dark world.
There is no need to be upset that your favorite characters, who are only your favorites because you are lonely and desire a silent complacent female-looking thing that will talk nicely to you, have no personality.
emma>3>maiden in black>doll>2>1
t. only knows about Solaire from the bastardized praise the sun memes
You're a faggot. Solaire has no personality outside of "PRAISE THE SUN xd", it's a meme bait character who appeals to normalfags like you. The fact that you want to suck his cock because he is kind (thing that you don't like in female characters for some reason) doesn't change the fact that he's a blank slate who's just there to be friendly and literally nothing else
Doll > Maiden > Emerald > Emma > Firekeeper > Anastacia
Emma actually has some semblance of a character and isn't a robot.
The doll has no soul
Bonfire > Maiden in Black > Doll > DS3 Fire-Keeper > Emerald Herald > Emma
Leveling up at bonfire > having a forced level-up Maiden in Black clone
This, hubs and leveling waifus are the worse
only bonfire-kun truly understands my struggle
I don't mind the level-up waifus, but it fucking blows that in Bloodborne I can't "rest" at the lanterns to reset enemies or teleport to other lanterns. If I want to warp anywhere in Bloodborne, I have to go through the extra step of going to Hunters Dream and then teleporting again.
Correct, but the zoomers of Yea Forums are too young to have played DeS.
Kuro>Doll>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
This guy was raped as a kid
Solaire's a deep a complex character.
Did you forget about his depression arc?
So the world might be mended.
>making tier lists out of the female characters from a series.
Just how incredibly pathetic are you all?
Go back to your tranny discord, retard
Came here to post this
Japanese VA Emma>>>>everyone
Her voice and the way she speaks when you give her sake destroys my fucking dick.
t. brainlet
My favorite is Irina because or her whole side quest.
Also my ex was called Irina too.
Emerald Herald > All
When you do Make Contact to her she'll clap when the arms finally rotate
Nah. She's consciously thinks about you every time you leave the dream, and hopes the best for you.
Irina's side quest was great.
Shanalotte is my personal favorite
I want to drink her piss.
That's gross, user
I just never understood why Eygon ends up killing himself.
Rice loli > crusty old hags
>no longer needed
>waifu likes someone else
>surrounded by degenerates
Why is everyone from Carim an asshole?
damn yeah I can sort of relate.
Emma is the only good one
Do any of the non Fromsoft Souls-likes have level up ladies?
In Nioh the goal is to save your spirit waifu.
Code Vein has Io, but it's not out yet
When the fuck is it coming out?
Cutest: MiB
Hottest: DS3
Best Fuck: DS2
Friend-zone: Anastacia
Marriage-tier: Emma
Exotic taste / personal onahole: Doll
So when did Yea Forums start sucking bear seek seek lest's dick?
Is it part of the new edgy, woke contrarian opinion that DS2 is anything else than a badly designed pile of garbage?
Fuck if I know. It's been almost four months since they said they would release new information soon.
I mean just because she's in the worst soulborne and her most defining meme is how people skip her dialogue because ds2 story is bland but she is the most thicc out of all the support chick so there's a spot for her in the discussion.
this, but switch places between Doll and MiB
sculptor is a bro. ex shinobi murder machine who passes on his literal arm to you and tells war stories over sake. best soulsbourne hub world npc period. tied with emerald herald.
He's a cool guy. I wonder what it would be like to fight him in his prime.
This is a nice picture
Is doll wooden?
she's fleshy
I was thinking porcelain
Fire keeper
But Emma is without a doubt the hottest. She beauty. Look at that smile and tell me you don’t want to protect it.
Needs for fan art though.
Thank you.
I only came here to point out op is a massive faggot. Emma is the only one that comes close to Maiden.