Negative user review

>negative user review
>"I wanted to like this game, I really did"

Attached: IMG_20190331_201546.jpg (1248x1024, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>x users found this review funny

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>Japanese console game
>negative user review
>"can't use mouse for menus"
>5 minutes played

Attached: nupriest.png (1228x1343, 332K)

It's a legitimate complaint.

lets switch this thread up a bit, post your most rated reviews

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It's a simple way of getting rabid retards that usually make up a fanbase to not completely disregard the review out of hand

>I would rate this game higher, but the developer has been known for his problematic and transphobic behavior

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Post the whole pic.

>check user reviews
>'thanks humble bundle'
>('the cake is a lie'-tier catchprase from the game)
>'this game gave me aids LOL'
>(positive review, three people marked as funny) graphic 6/10 gameplay 5/10 but it has hot girls 8/10 :D'
>'(negative review, nineteen people marked as helpful) too much politics'

is it that hard to write down, using words and sentences, how you feel about a game - describing what you liked about the game and what you didn't like about the game. that's all that's needed. cowardice? irony poisoning?

>positive review
>"it's not worth playing right now, but it has tons of potential"

Attached: 1548513339277.jpg (236x237, 10K)

>Yea Forums review
>"I really wanted to hate this game, I really did"

Attached: 03b.png (400x381, 108K)

>somewhat amusing event that happens in the game
>10/10 would ___ again

Attached: fehehyh.png (214x197, 85K)

>negative review
>5000 hours played

Attached: 1535349527625.jpg (250x238, 8K)

>it's awful, not worth playing.

Nobody really cares that much about wether other people buy the game

>game with pornographic content
>"It was a gift I swear xD"

>2000 hours played
>it's okay

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Fuck off, faggot

Those are legit arguments, though. Plenty games could be really good if the devs pulled their heads out of their asses and fixed the bugs they have.

I'm honestly kinda happy for you, though. You've clearly never played a game that had an update or patch that completely shat it up.

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'i enjoyed deep dank autismo-sim-90000 in spite of the developer being an abrasive asshole who left the game unfinished and really unintuitive for new players' would be a good reason to give a negative review after 5000 hours desu

well no, it's not my job to market the game for free or anything, that's silly. however i'm more likely to buy a game if reviews flag up a game having things i know i like, and avoid a game if people point out things they didn't like that i also dislike. so, i try to do the same when i'm spurred to review a game i've played.

This is legit though. If it's gacha shit or moba, some people get addicted and can't stop, even though they know it's terrible. It serves as a warning.

For instance, I know that the alcohol I drink is bad and thats it's killing me, but I still drink every day.

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>it's a masterpiece
>3 hours of horrible cover based shooter with cutscenes

says the faggot too afraid to post his review

I know right, Spec Ops: The line is hella overrated


>negative review
>"fuck this game lol"

Attached: b12.jpg (640x640, 67K)

if i was the gay retard homo clown who owned this shithole website, i;d program the website to auto-delete trips upward. just to annoy people slightly

If you wanted to put together a coherent, concise, and well thought out review for a game you could make a youtube video and get a few thousand views.

Its hard to expect quality reviews for a product when there really is no compensation for reviewing the said thing. Most people regardless of opinion of the game see no reason to waste time writing something up about it unless they get something for it.

What's irony poisoning?

>I wanted to like this game, I really did
That's basically how I felt about Breath of the Wild.

>0.1 hours played
>negative review

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>he games with a mouse and keyboard

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Not until you post the pic this image is based off of.

>game SUCKS i go to BED

i dont play button smashers

I would no longer recommend TF2 after years of enjoying it because each update makes it worse and worse

you're a monster

>If you wanted to put together a coherent, concise, and well thought out review for a game
maybe i'm coming off as aloof or something. i'm not jumping up and down demanding a minimum number of characters or anything, just ... tell me what you liked about the game, it doesn't have to be a frigging book or an essayr or anything.

it's complex, but i'd call it the state of being where you;re unable to have sincere opinions about things because you think in memes instead. 'did you like the film we saw?' - '10/10 bruv (crying with laughter emoji) ('ok symbol' emoji) would watch again' etc. bad example but you get my drift.


>t. says "I wanted to like this game, I really did" and "It's not worth playing right now, but it has tons of potential" in their own reviews

somebody stop me!!

there shouldn't even be a "funny" response, it just begs attention seeking rebbitors to embarrass themselves

That's point of it though. It's there so you can filter out reddit reviews.

it could be used in a geniune way to say 'i relate to this review' - for example, 'i spent 100 hours in vain trying to rebind the controls only to find the option hidden away in the launcher instead of in-game grr' - but of course 'IM COMMANDER SHEPERD AND THIS IS BEST GAME ON THE STEAM' triggers the most dopamine hits


videogames will never be on the same level of big boys addictions

>unable to have sincere opinions about things because you think in memes instead
One of the main reasons why useful user reviews get rare. Why invest time and effort to write a thought-out, long review when it get buried under endless meme reviews?

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Than he wasn't talking about you was he? And making the complain even more retarded you CAN use a mouse on DMC5's menu, so obviously he wasn't even talking about DMC

For a thread making fun of reddit you faggots sure do use a lot of reddit meemees.

Gotcha. It's a phenomenon I've never had a word for. It extends to a lot more things. It extends to communities at large who can't be sincere because everyone is trying to fit in. It ruined a guild for me in a game once, when the leader grouped us with an alliance full of his cancerous friends.

What the fuck is a reddit meme anyways?

>Vee review
>Jim Sterling told me this game is bad because of capitalism

reddit tells jokes sometimes, that aren't pepe edit #3581848 and wojak edit #3518484213, and that makes people really really really mad for some reason

>the SJWs don't like this game, so i like it and want to kiss it and say 'based' and '/ourguy/' a lot

reddit is known for beating jokes into ground, but Yea Forums doesn't talk about that much anymore because it became one with the reddit
that explains all the frogs and wojaks

respecting women

office quotes, song lyrics and star wars prequel quotes. that is like 95% of reddit. the rest is sjw shit and annoying word misspellings like "smol."

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dude crop the screenshot, why would you want to let anyone know you're a poorfag with an android lmao

>reddit frog user pic review
>Its full of epic Yea Forums memes like yikes, tfw, reeee, onions, cuck, etc.
>Uses meme arrows

>If you don't spend 1k a year on the same overpriced phone every year you're a poorfag
Not even that same poster
A fool and his money

>X hours played
>[subtle jab at the negative aspects of the game]
10/10 would [do aforementioned negative aspect] again

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>steam curators
who follows this shit

Attached: curator.png (961x1646, 799K)

i hope the people who run these accounts are actually 12 years old or something

That's a valid thing to say, retard. It's a more polite way of saying "I wanted this game to not be a steaming pile of donkey diahrrea"

This is legitimate. Ark took me hundreds of hours to wake up and realize I was logging in every day to maintain what I spent hours building instead of just logging in to have fun.

i wish i could disable curators entirely and block news from specific websites like rock paper shotgun and kotaku.

it's not valid. why would you play a game that you didn't want to like? it's completely unnecessary and stupid.
>well i wanted this cheeseburger to taste like butthole but i was surprised it actually tasted good

>it's a /pol/ review

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that hasn't been the case for literally a decade user. flipping it around a little, that would be like assuming the entirety of Yea Forums is wt snacks and child pornography

I unironically love this curator:
He's the only guy I've found who actually sorts roguelikes from roguelites

You see, retard-kun, I was saying that "I wanted to like this game" is a valid thing to say, not "I didn't want to like this game"

Explain this Dotards!

well i only looked on r*ddit less than a year ago to see what it was like and that's what i saw. maybe if you like it so much you should go back there.

>he's never spent hundreds or thousands of hours on a game only for a dev to ruin it with shitty updates no one wanted

shit thread

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>Being a consolecuckold

The worst review you could get as a dev.
Not good enough for fangays to obsess over.
Not bad enough for haters to rage about.
It's just so average, it's OK.

haha i forgot im only allowed to go to one website ever. haha my bad

>write a serious review pointing out faults in a game
>1 person found this review helpful
>10 people found this review funny

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based frogposters

no u

no shit dumbass. the opposite doesn't make sense that was my whole point. we can assume you wanted to liked it and that was why you played it in the first place.

>negative user review
>+500 hours played

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Faggot, the game is better than ever now

>haha i forgot im only allowed to go to one website ever. haha my bad
No you should use each site for its intended purpose.
If you don't, then all sites just become the same site, meaning that there's no point in having multiple sites.
So please, either fuck off forever or stop trying to turn this place into something it shouldn't be.

Is bard the most based class ever?

>purely coincidental
Is that a dog whistle?

nah i'll continue to treat the internet like a tv thanks

no, that's Paladin because you get cool armour and a sword, and have the Big Man on your side and you don't f*ck around with him unless you want to be turned into a pillar of salt

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You can be glad that at least 10 people saw your review at all. The average is 0: invisible review.

Why do people say that anyway?


>why would you play a game that you didn't want to like?
You've seriously never looked forward to a video game before only to eventually play it and be massively disappointed with it? I figured everyone has gone through that before. That's why you see people say "I wanted to like this game".

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Good. It's always hilarious seeing the retarded user base call something a roguelike that even the devs state is a roguelite.

I've done my part. Now you do yours.

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You still wanted to like it at the beginning you stupid shit.

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you're approaching this incorrectly. remember, you're correct 100% of the time and have completely accurate foreknowledge of everything ever. so if you dont like thing, someone is to blame - they took something from you, or lied in some way - because you make perfect decisions

I spent more hours on my job and i would definitely not recommend it

I'll post that sometimes if a game has a lot of good parts but fucking sucks.

They put that there exactly because people were making retarded joke reviews and getting upboats, it's basically a "this is useless" button.

You're right. It everything he stated but now with shitty Twitter memes.

Doujinsoft addicts is a great curator desu

Check out this need game I got I hope it's a real waste of my time!

>using steam as some sort of facebook instead of just playing games

what the fuck are you talking about lol

True, I have no idea why the dev of Risk of Rain 2named it a """roguelike""" despite him being a /agdg/er.

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A product can have a good, likeable concept but be deeply flawed. Unfortunately, if it's "deeply flawed" then it's unrealistic to expect that the developers will fix anything worthwhile. After all, they already have your money.

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ive gamed on pc my whole life

You didn't, else you would have known the superiority of M+KB

I don't know dude i've lived for 25 years and I wouldn't recommend it.

>add some guy for trading in 2015 or something
>has reviewed all of his 500+ games
>every review is just the word "epic" and a thumbs up
i wonder if he kept his tradition alive

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Bro, we stopped the whole overt PCMR shit a few years ago because it was kinda cringe. We're also no longer atheists, not interested in ethics in video games journalism and we don't care whether religions are free, in case you also didn't know.

>Plays game every day for a month straight
>"Game is really boring"

Attached: 1553826495802.jpg (691x625, 236K)
I only follow the one you mentioned and this one


>Bro, we stopped the whole overt PCMR shit a few years ago because it was kinda cringe. We're also no longer atheists, not interested in ethics in video games journalism and we don't care whether religions are free, in case you also didn't know.

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>racing game review

im not 15 years old, I don't care about "superiority", I use what I enjoy more.

I bought my first controller about 4 years ago and realized that I enjoy gaming with one a lot more

Fucking Wolfenstein TNC

>We're also no longer atheists
Shitposting on /pol/ or Yea Forums about christianity doesn't count

Then why are you bitching about others playing with M+KB you retard?

Some weeb game where I made NEET and Asian jokes still gets me messages to this day.
Whenever something I do gets remotely popular I kinda instantly regret it.

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baiting for (you)s

>did x, y happened 10/10 L O L

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>using game as a verb

did his part, you now have a sacred duty to uphold.

Attached: pr.jpg (500x500, 92K)

I follow a guy who posts obscure weebshit because I fucking love obscure weebshit.

>"I wish I could recommend the game, but the developer is an SJW and I just can't support that."

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Illiterates, please leave Yea Forums.

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I haven't checked this in a while and am surprised it's got so many ratings

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>hello fellow gamers: the review

this screams like a Yea Forums review

>shock value


>He doesn't


>Tfw never left a review because I only pirate games

Attached: 1534877069310.png (819x827, 302K)

>negative review
>no ultra wide support
>fps locked to 60
>no VR support

>7000 hours played
>"haha guess this game is okay" xD oh btw see how many hours i have loooooool xDDD

>fps locked to 60
>defending this

disgusting pleb. the other options are excusable because few people have those monitors/peripherals, but unlocked framerate (or at least a much higher cap) are non-negotiable and benefit you even if you still play on a 60 Hz in 2019.

Spec Ops and Wolfenstein TNC

No real reviews allowed.


give me dancer god PLEASE

For me, it's entirely dependent on what type of game it is. I would never play a game like DMC with a mouse and keyboard, but I wouldn't play a RTS game with a controller.

Remember when the main reason Yea Forums hated Reddit was because they just kept spamming rage comics?

crutch ass controller user


>"If you disagree with my opinion that's fine"
>gets really defensive when you call his points and reasoning shit in the comments


Your "review" was fucking embarrassing

Shock games that start with "Bio" were never deep
Yea Forumsbait review

>RPGs never include strategists
>when they do it’s just an unrelated class that is spellsword 9 times out of 10


Attached: Pure coïncidence.png (297x315, 109K)

so close


Have sex


>being a toddler

excellent and true start to thread

this occurs because "gamers" legitimately cannot understand the difference between "I do not enjoy this game" and "this game is critically bad"

if you're too retarded to figure out how to hotkey/mod it then kys


Is the eye of a pepe really longer than the other?

I just fucked a "trap" and feel gay as fuck
Thanks /fit/
At least i'm not a virgin


>neo/v/ review
>"my favorite eceleb told me this game is bad when I asked his opinion after donating a 20"

Attached: smugjeremy.jpg (750x750, 108K)

I also have the most hours in this game out of anyone

Attached: Screenshot_20190331-194608_Steam.jpg (807x1860, 523K)

If you play a game for that long the only option left is to hate it with a deep-seated passion. It's like 20 year old marriages.

Somebody ban this stoner.


no wonder you got so many "likes" you fucking normalfag

>review contains the word "masterpiece"

Attached: download.jpg (459x459, 28K)

>I've got 5000 hours snorting crack but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

>its no masterpiece

Attached: 1518478096923.jpg (1000x1000, 115K)

The game's community, balance and flow have all degraded over time since 2013 and now we're left with a third world day care centre that forces people to group up and have EPIC heroes of the storm hero brawls every 2 minutes the second the game hits 10 minutes. There are retarded heroes like Monkey King, Mars, Grimstroke and Arc Warden that come on with very little effort and barely require a brain to play but will COMPLETELY shit stomp games regardless because the heroes are untouchable. Literally your only hope against those heroes is picking Viper and if that's banned you're fucked. Also *Ahem*

So yeah that's why someone may have gotten that many hours clocked and eventually have come to hate the game. It's unplayable now.

>Rating: 1/5 stars
>"Seller sent me the wrong item"

Attached: gjaiejg80gaspg.jpg (246x205, 12K)


You obviously never played Quake Live circa 2014.

>literally frothing at the mouth over text on a computer screen

FARTS were always unplayable.

fucking webcam and epic store's spyware

but Reddit loves PCMR

I thought this was funny

Attached: chinese..png (618x319, 116K)

sauce me

I only follow Framerate Police

>Review goes into detail about a very specific scenario the player wound up in, something that in all liklihood would never happen to anyone else, and bases a part of his overall summary on it

>amazon review
>wow, this game sucks 1/5

>negative review by a user due to developer's politics

Attached: factorio.jpg (973x533, 158K)

Just for that I'm making this my steam review for all the shit I play

>using official social media and updates to indoctrinate autistic gaymers
Uhm, ew much?

>negative review
>"game not support chinese!!!!!"

Attached: 1469833260547.png (400x420, 9K)

You subhumans will never be pleased. Everything you hate is Reddit and only dated memes are acceptable. You love repetition way too much.

autists love repetition

autists love repetition


>You love repetition
Like another user said, reddit is largely just repeating The Office quotes, Star Wars prequel memes, and song lyrics.




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And Yea Forums is repeating pepe, wojack, and tortanic pessimism

rolling for role

Attached: Untitled.png (638x199, 63K)

Uuuh Lolbab? Dota is the apex game okay?

Fuck you, asshole. Have you never gone into a game hoping that it would be great only to be disappointed?


>not wanting to like every game you decide to play
Do you ever play a game hoping it's bad? What kind of a cuck mindset is this?

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>reddit shut down r/games for the next day due to transphobia and racism
we did it plebbit

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come on fighter

bupkis man and obamaweed9000 are kino

You only learn it was never fun after 1000s of hours. It sounds retarded but you always think next game will be better.

>negative review
>"it's too easy to play"
>played on the lowest difficulty

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>tfw no indiana jones level

Why the fuck would you buy it if you didn't even want to enjoy it? Is people wanting to not waste $60 and have fun instead news to you user?


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fuck steam im an epic gamer


Rolling, fuck op

seer get

this isn't always bad though. people who put a fuckton of time into a game are usually the kinds of people who are most capable of outlining all the games flaws and downsides, if they include those in the review then it's a-ok with me

>let's give the bad guys even more importance, I am sure it will change things!
god they're really fucked in the brain

call me henry rollins cuz im rolling

What does a snoo have to do with that opinion though?

2012-2016 were absolutely shit for video games so Dota filled the void.

can somebody with a brain tell me why NPCs always flock to this shit? i have been here for a decade and not once did this compel me to reply so i can what i got and forget it a second later. you're also just making the "shitty" thread last but making it even worse.


Why is the future so shit, anons?

>positive game ""review"'
>it's nothing but check boxes sorted by graphics, sound, gameplay, etc
I really hate theses

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autists love repetition

99 out of 100 games are shit.
But that 1 game that is not shit is epic as fuck and gives you an endorphin kick of a life time.
That's why you keep playing. Always searching for that one game.

People do that shit regardless. for fucks sake, they ADDED the "Funny" button to stop people from voting joke reviews as "helpful", because it was a huge fucking problem.

>check old reviews
>review of myself for tf2 back when i was 16-17
>lolsorandum 2010s humor

fucking kill me

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Probably gonna say the same in 10 years user


fuck you anti spam fucking shit