Will there be a game now that there will be a normie resurgence in NGE?
Will there be a game now that there will be a normie resurgence in NGE?
for the love of god don't let anime become the new capeshit. I really don't want to see more western adaptions like Death note come to existence.
Hollywood needs a corpse before it plays puppeteer.
too late
>June 21st
Why are they taking so long?
The show itself is already complete
>spam annoying shit everywhere until it becomes a subculture
>mainstream sees a subculture ripe to be plucked
>*sobbing weebs* HOW COULD THIS HAPPAN
Anime is worse then capeshit
The new dub will include "dialog consistent with modern day's sensibilities".
Take that as you will.
I liked the netflix deathnote. It solved my one big gripe about the anime in that the anime overstayed its welcome. Too fucking long and full of a ton of filler. It just got dumber and dumber as it went, Netflix one ended right when it should.
Also I like Willem Dafoe.
The solution is to stop watching once L dies. That's what I do on reruns.
>spam annoying shit everywhere
tell me more about this
That's not a bad idea. I'll remember that.
Reminder we're getting a live action Cowboy Bebop and a Bladerunner anime with a black protagonist from Netflix
It only gets worse from here
Why are you guys so afraid of black men?
*Shinji jerks off onto Asuka's comatose body*
>"I'm so toxicly masculine"
personally I stop watching after light loses his memories and ryuk leaves him temporarily
>Misato explaining to Kaiji why she broke up with him:
>"I realized that by loving you I was submitting myself, a strong career woman who needs no man to triumph in a phalocentric society, to the whims of the patriarchy"
>During the climax of End of Evangelion instead of seein an illusion of Misato the glasses guy sees the long haired guy. Maya seeing Ritsuko is unchanged.
Wrong, at least anime very rarely is good, capeshit is never good.
Nge is shit anyway.
More like will spark controversy, knowing how normie are easily outraged, it's very likely they will shit on it to spark some useless and unnecessary controversy, and yeah NGE was always inbetween being widely normie and niche
I wonder if they're going to censor problematic thenes since they're redubbing
Sir Yea Forums is that way
EoE will have many lightbeams.
Gundam is the next anime to my knowledge to get a Westernized movie
I love the drama cd where Asuka repeatedly shouts 'Homoboy' at Kaworu
NGE must be sacrificed to atone for what it brought to anime, even if it means destroying the medium forever.
Whom are are they congratulating? The bunch of lawyers who finally sorted out the licensing agreements?
Never seen anything related to NGE
I know there are a few movies out, should I watch the series or a movie instead?
Oh good, because what I really wanted was for normalfags to turn the debate on whether NGE is deep into a massive-scale internet argument across facebook and twitter.
Hollywood is creatively bankrupt so they need to rely on old anime from the 90s to actually make something.
They're different. Watch the series.
Guess I'll binge that shit then. Thanks user
watch the series and sequel movie 'end of evangelion'. The rebuild movies are inferior but mostly ok with the first one basically being a retelling of the first 8 episodes of the original series. the 2nd rebuild movie heavily differs from the series and is good as an action movie but pretty subpar in everything else. Avoid 3rd rebuild movie
Where do you think we are?
Look into the history of Yea Forums you autistic mouth breather.
>Literally ever
Good luck with that.
There is the 26 episode long Series, including the directors cut with extra scenes.
Then there is the first movie, End of Evangelion, which is the end of the series proper.
Then there is a recap movie called "Death and Rebirth" which really doesnt add anything of worth
Then there is the Rebuild movies, which is a remake / reimagination / soft reboot of the series.
Here is a release of the main series.
After finishing the series (subbed not dubbed) watch End of Evangelion. Skip 'Death and Rebirth' as it's half a recap of the series and half the first 30 minutes of End of Eva.
Wait a bit after that and watch the Rebuild films (3 out of 4 have been released so far. Last one scheduled for 2020) 3rd one is very divisive but I think it's interesting and has some of the most striking visuals in Eva.
>another wave of people shouting IT'S A DECONSTRUCTION
I don't know if I can take it bros.
Death to tvtropes and their brainless classifications.
I thought it was Your Name
>Yea Forums is everywhere
NGE is already too much for normalfags to handle, this won't change anything. Anime will never become mainstream.
Comic book movies only became popular because the studios that made them invested huge amounts of money into convincing ordinary people that being into superheroes wasn't weird. Most anime is so weird to begin with that the amount of time and effort needed to do something similar would be astronomical. It doesn't help that actual Japanese anime studios have been exclusively catering to weird nerds for decades now and show no interest in making their IPs "cool," despite the best efforts of localizers to the contrary.
Eh, what?
"I'm so fucked up" was itself a dubism so what's the difference? watch the actual version
I'm black and I honestly don't trust modern western creators to create a black character that isn't dogshit.
Mainly because everyone who writes for TV and movies in the west is a fucking hack.
I've legit read fanfiction with better writing and characterization than most western TVs and movies.
It would be cool if some of the Angels died like the enemies in the Mazinger manga, like melting or the rust breath making them fall apart
Edge of Tomorrow was great
>inb4 it was an adaptation of a light novel first and it was loosely adapted
still good
If any series deserved this fate, it's this one. So many years of idiots pretending it's deep and asuka vs rei fags shitting up threads. It's cathartic.
What the balls are you on about, some of the biggest anime in years have been west bait as fuck like One Punch and My Hero literally being superhero garbage, DBS is actually larger than DBZ was globally, as hard as that is to believe, anime cons are growing
It's not "Fully Mainstream" but it's growing
Edge of Tomorrow is literally the only decent western adaptation of something from Japan.
And it doesn't hold a candle to something like Oldboy (which was also ruined by a shitty 2013 remake made by a retard).
did 4.0 ever come out?
I'll spell it out for you, you bloody useless mongoloid american mutt.
You asked, how is anime everywhere? Being spammed everywhere and so on. Well this "everywhere" is on the internet, where people from around the world can interact with each other simultaneously. Quite a concept, isn't it you misbegotten adolescent cunt?
I gave you the quickest example of Anime's popularity in the west. The very fucking website your on dickhead. This website was made for weebs to talk about anime; it has obviously grown since then to the point where Yea Forums is a house hold name.
I'm going to really simplify it for your american ADHD brain. Anime, is popular. It can be seen on the internet such as forum boards (e.g. like the one your using right this second), social media, games, and in general, it's engrained itself in internet culture. Because of this surge of popularity, it has drawn the ire of the suits who's only purpose in life is to make all the money in the world. Capeshit is being milked, and after thanos that well may dry up.
These corporate husks are looking to "diversify their products"
To make it easier for you to understand that, you dumb cunt with shit for brains. IF Capeshit becomes not as popular; they'll at least have anime to fall back on. and the only reason they're doing this is because of how popular anime is on the internet. and the reason why anime is popular on the internet, is because of people watching it, enjoying it, and talking about it on forums in very large numbers, creating an internet sub-culture. an example of that would be this very website.
Try to use at least some part of your withered up amerimutt brain to try to deduce why events around you are taking place. Instead of going around day to day as an empty person who's only thoughts are where's your next meal, instead of thinking on other things in life. Or as people call it these days; an NPC.
>Edge of Tomorrow is literally the only decent western adaptation of something from Japan.
Kino Racer
No, Speed Racer is shit.
Please stop ironically liking that dumpster fire just to be contrarian.
>all this buttmaddery about americans
>not even a burger
Being this obsessed isn't healthy for you user
Source on this? If Normies ruin Eva, I'm not sure how I can cope.
You just have terrible taste.
2020. They're doing voice over work atm
Okay lads;
-Eva Unit
-Episode 8/Asuka Strikes
-Deployment of the MP Evas
-Unit 00 in blue colour scheme
I love anno and nagai but I've never read any transcript of them speaking before. I always love how creators in Japan have a reverence for those that paved the way for them it's very comfy.
Normies already ruin EVA. Idiots go around claiming it’s a deconstruction to a genre they know nothing about.
So, who do you guys think would get BLACKED for the live action movie?
They're redubbing the whole thing
A new dub doesn't ruin anything. If it's better that's great if it's worse then who cares? You should probably be watching the sub anyway who is trying to protect the old eva dub with that shitty ass shinji
>Redub will cut out Shinji and Asuka's hospital scene
They'd clearly cast a black dude for the role of Kaji
I do to. There's a recent interview where Otomo was just like 'yeah, Akira's basic plot is that of Tetsujin 28' and one where Sadamoto said Eva is 'Devilman divided by Ideon'
definitely Asuka
If they're planning on making the dubs more politically correct, you can bet your ass they'll change the subs too.
because normie infections ruin everything. Classic dub is one of the few dubs worth defending too.
>people still haven't seen this fucking anime
Face it normies, you aren't interesting in doing so. Same with DBZ, I feel like it's cooler to claim you're a fan than to actually be a fan and watch it.
>has Yui have an affair with him
>Kaji and his watermelon patch
Those shows are still only popular among the same subculture of American teenagers who used to gravitate to stuff like Inuyasha and Naruto. More people may be watching anime, but the kind of person who watches anime hasn't changed at all.
I remain convinced that Eva and anime as a whole has as much chance of going mainstream as a John Waters film.
Thats true with pretty much anything nerdy user
Like that girl who had all the portal shit and loved portal to death but admits to never having beaten it. despite portal being like 2 hours long
>what are children
Anno (and Gainax in general) always paid tribute to the stuff that came before them. I think there are a couple of interviews out there where they talk about it. But I mean you can clearly see their influences in their works.
>Ignoring every single point I brought up
You may not be a burger physically, but you have the mental capacity of a drooling, mouth breathing, uncouth, rim crusted big monkey lipped nigger. You putrid, rotting, rancid excuse of a human
The only thing i'm obsessed over is ignorant retards running their mouths over shit they have no understanding over; whilst also not understanding basic concepts of thinking about other things in life that is not yourself and your immediate needs.
Go outside.
Western culture loves realism and i cant see them stomaching ridiculous shit that anime has.
I mean just look at capeshit. It didnt hit its mark until Batman dropped the comic shit and became super realistic and dark with Nolan
Only exception is marvel films which just uses le quip and not take itself so serious.
I'd be alright with a resurgence in porn being made
>More people may be watching anime, but the kind of person who watches anime hasn't changed at all.
should be
>More people may be AWARE of anime, but the kind of person who ACTUALLY watches anime hasn't changed at all.
otherwise I 100% agree with you. Anime/manga is always some nerd shit. Just like actually reading comics that all those capeshit movies are based off of is always going to be nerdy.
I fucking hate the human race.
Fair point there, but I feel confident that only normies would pick up on anime and manga that are edgier and subdued in the ridiculous shit of anime. A handy example would be Patlabor and Gundam.
>tfw I've yet to try out the Shinji mod
care to hook up a brother?
>Netflix redubs and recasts the original cast, who have been doing the voice for near twenty years
>Crunchyroll hires a new voice cast for the recent Berserk series, despite the fact the original voice cast was working on the series, even including the new films
How much you wanna be it has to do with MUH UNIONS. I know the CR issue was because they wanted to use the original voice director and CR said no.
That's literally it right there. Just drop it in
Every redeeming element of capeshit was squeezed out of it a number of years ago when comic books were taken over, in their entirety, by pink haired white knights.
>all that Newtype shit
I doubt they stomach it
Oh cool. Also, going forward with honesty, it's as simple as selecting a file to upload right?
Is that truly all you conjure up? Surely you could make a better retort than that. In all your infinite wisdom, having been blessed with the gifts of free thought; and able to express yourself vocally in ways not possible to any other creature in existence. and the best your genuinely fascinating, unknown and unique mind could retort with is a mindless catchphrase?
Load the hair, change the body. That's it
U ok m8
Maybe just adaptations of One Year War stuff and Iron Blooded Orphans.
I have no idea what you were arguing about, but I'm a doctor and can't stand idly by while someone is having a brain aneurysm.
Iron Blooded Orphans any good?
tiny adults that don't mature mentally past highschool? Because thats what most adult burgers are like.
It's alright, but I'm retarded and I failed to notice how bad having literal child soldiers winning would be in the second season. Also, I think it's good for tragedy and what not.
Jesus fucking Christ imagine being this autistic
Wait, weebs think anime is "subculture"?
Yeah it is. Here's the kicker. Almost everyone who watches anime plays vidya. But barely anyone who plays vidya watches anime. So effectively anime is a smaller sub culture than vidya
Japs do all the porn and a Netflix release means nothing to them
If dressing up in leather and having buttsex can be a subculture, so can watching ultraviolent Japanese porn cartoons.
Um battle angel alittia just came out.
And it was also shit.
And the actor who played Hugo was hilariously bad.
Felt like someone who should be in an 80s B movie.
liking some of the buggest bands on the planet counts as a subculture
A massive influx in interest in eva definitely will interest the people who draw the smutt. More interest, more views, more demand, more money.
In theory this could cause the viewership of this series to increase 300%.
Manga is the largest market share of readers under age 20. Its been this way since the early 2000s. A single My Hero Academia volume sells more in a week than Marvel or DC will in a month.
There is a huge gap between 13-20 that Western media fails to capture, and it is slowly being dominated by Asian influences.
CR is an SJW shithole, just like ANN.
Try all males aged 10-28.
The west gave up on that market outside of capeshit, star wars, and comedies, so the Japs came in and took over.
Have you seen the kid's cartoons on nowadays?
Compare the shit on Nick, Disney, and CN to what's currently airing in Japan for kids the same age (or even younger).
WAY more mature themes, WAY more action, WAY more adventure, WAY more shit that boys that age actually like.
>WAY more mature themes, WAY more action, WAY more adventure, WAY more shit that boys that age actually like.
Yikes weebs actually believe this. Anime is just manchild bullshit.
2/10, you'll get someone
kek no its trash like all anime dubs
Not that user but cowboy bebop, hellsing ultimate, FMA, NGE, Inuyasha, rurouni kenshin all were fine
Marketing isn't complete
I will pay any blood price for the Western movie of Evangelion, truly then I can leave the series behind
Why are they redubbing it?
The original dub was actually pretty good imo, especially when you consider it came out in the 90's when anime dubbings weren't taken seriously at all
I don't think it will
Capeshit works because your average normie westerner has heard of superman, batman, iron man and even spiderman for example long before capeshit movies became popular
Whereas very few people in the west know about anime beyond dragon ball and ghibli films
Devilman Crybaby on Netflix features demon rape and tons of female nudity.
Nah Netflix kiddies think they're deep and get depression because of Bojack and Master of None, this will be perfect for them
NGE and Cowboy Bebop dubs were approved by the directors themselves. Both had a huge amount of work put into them, that isn't matched even today. Just because NA voice actors lack the talent or range, doesn't make the dub inherently worse.
I don't expect unironic kekposters like you to actually give a fuck though. So go back.
>this normie anime of mine is going to become mainstream to normies now REEEEE
Anime hipsters are the absolute worst.
Why is Anno so shit now, Bros?
Didn't want to pay the original dub, when they can farm it out to their private studios that shit out content with the same VAs. They can also take a butchers knife to the script and make it normie/'woke' friendly.
People will now realise what an overrated piece of pseud shit Eva is so I'm ok with this.
Anno sold out his artistic vision so he can try to save anime. He funnels a huge amount of money to develop new animation techniques, and sponsors a shit-ton of contests for new creators.
What about EoE?
>ctrl+f "April fools"
>0 results
Go back to Yea Forums; the official board of newfag contrarians.
Never been there. Sounds like an absolute nightmare.
NGE captured the zeitgeist of the 90's, that magic did not extend to the 00s as apparent by the rebuild. It will not catch on in the 10's
This is about as tonedeaf as when they remade Ben-Hur in the 10's and thought it'd hit like it did 50's. No one cares about giant robots now, anime is old hat, and "hurr religion= bad" anime is well trodden ground at this point. Nothing in NGE will appeal to a modern audience and this was an absolute blunder on Netflix's part for thinking anyone would care now.
Cause it’s tomorrow
This isnt new information
Netflix getting NGE and redubbing it is several months old news
Oldboy is overrated shit, Edge of Tomorrow is so much better.
>artistic vision
What? He literally made a career on cribbing other people's works into mainstream waifushit. The man is as artistic as Roy Lichtenstein i.e. a fucking thief.
>not watching the fan remaster that fixes the bad coloring in some of the episodes
>Redubbing Eva
But why though, the Eva dub is a classic, like GitS and Cowboy Bebop.
I don't know. Some adaptions could be good. I wasn't aware that Alita: Battle Angel was a manga originally. And that movie was fucking great.
>Literally gave up making TV anime (he even said in an interview he wanted to do a space opera style show after Eva/Kare Kano
>Got so butthurt after Karekano he quit and now makes an Eva movie to fund his Godzilla hobby every 4-5 years
Love you Johnny
>so what's the difference?
are you really that dense?
Eva is literally one of the MOST famous TV shows ever (not just anime), how the fuck would normalfags "infiltrate it"
dude if that is true I am heading to netflix offices. motherfuckers will scream
>Casting a black man as a watermelon farmer
EVA just copied some scenes from some lame ass euro book
EVA is a terrible fucking anime. You only like it because you saw it at a young age.
get fucked, I love EVA. lol Komm Süsser Tod is literally taken from a music from spain!!! fucking insane because it is not even mentioned in wikipedia!
>bloody amerimutts
Why are Britbongs so obsessed bros?
I think a Western live action Evangelion could work if handled properly, it's not like it doesn't take heavily from Western live action works. I know Anno doesn't think it would be a good idea, but fuck him.
Anyone who hasn't seen it is in for a big surprise when they find out that all that mech fighting shit is like 20% of the entire series.
give it to James Cameron and make sure the spy kids guy doesn't give it any mexican flavor like in Alita.!
I don't know if Anno has any reverence for Tomino nowadays though, considering the latter publicly shat on Evangelion.
Calling Eva "Devilman divided by Ideon" is severly understating the number and influence of Eva's inspirations.
weebshit WAS a counterculture but it really isnt anymore
-no favourite
-Unit-01's launch/episode 26 ending
-no favourite
>Calling Eva "Devilman divided by Ideon" is severly understating the number and influence of Eva's inspirations.
Not at all. There may be a lot of minor references and influences from various series in Evangelion, but ultimately its Devilman + Ideon. You can flail and cry, but you're an idiot and those worse come directly from a co-creator of Evangelion so basically just fuck yourself.
It actually comes from that by way of Ultraman, there as some scene in some an Ultraman series that used that imagery and Anno was paying homage to that and not specifically the book cover.
Eva and most of Anno's work is more or less one big homage to Ultraman and Ideon.
>an 80s B movie.
So just like the source material?
Neither Devilman nor Ideon have as their main theme a critique of otaku escapism, plus there's tons and tons of stuff in Evangelion that doesn't come from Devilman or Ideon. You won't find in either the basic premise of a secret millitary organisation defending Earth from alien attacks, nor will you find precedents for said organisation's relationship with its funders, or inspiration for its leader. To do that, you'll have to look further West...
Also Sadamoto didn't have that much influence on the story of Evangelion, and calling him a co-creator is definitely an exaggeration.
Like I said, it doesn't matter how much of a temper tantrum you throw.
>Also Sadamoto didn't have that much influence on the story of Evangelion, and calling him a co-creator is definitely an exaggeration.
Okay. So how about the creator Evangelion?
>Hideaki Anno : No, but I think I didn't do it consciously… After that, people made me notice : "Ah this is Devilman", etc…
>Hideaki Anno : But your influence on me is incalculable, impossible to evaluate. After all, even in Evangelion, I couldn't get away from the Devilman influence…
Going to cry again? Get real, you dolt.
Episode 6/Rei II
Gendo speaking down to Shinji in ep1 or this one sakugabooru.com
Eva Unit 01
I never said he WASN'T inspired by Devilman (though pay attention that here Anno is saying that he believes Evangelion took inspiration from Devilman unconsciously, as opposed to stuff like the Unit-01 reveal, which definitely was a conscious reference to Mazinger), just that claiming Evangelion is "Devilman + Ideon" is highly reductive, as inspiration from those two series is only two relatively small patches of a large tapestry.
it has been since naruto
I'd take a NGE game developed by platinum games or suda51 or fromsoft or the current era capcom, why not
NGE is one of the most entry level normie shows there is
G-Saviour already exists. This is the Unicorn 2 is the second western Gundam movie.
>one of the most entry level normie shows there is
Nah, that's Dirty Pair, Crest of the Stars and Legend of the Blue Wolves.
I think Evangelion would work as a Japanese-only live adaptation in the vein of Shin Godzilla.
Despite being entry-level it still causes anime fans to absolutely seethe over it. As if its this impenetrable series only for high iq pros.
When is the "weeb subculture" gonna die?
I'm already tired of it.
Robert Rodriguez saved that movie, if James Cameron directed it it'd be as dull as Avatar was. Jim would be the last guy I'd pick as director. Really, first choice is Anno himself, Shin Godzilla proved the guy can handle directing a movie just fine.
I have been watching anime for 14 years and I hope anime as a subculture in the west dies as soon as possible.
>as inspiration from those two series is only two relatively small patches of a large tapestry
>that pathetic coping
Devilman is the single largest inspiration on Evangelion and makes up the core of the story and characters. Deal. With. It.
>and makes up the core of the story and characters
...Devilman was a critique of otaku escapism?
Dang. I guess it's good that I watched this when I was like 11 years old over a decade ago
it's the fate of all countercultures
This is Yea Forums
lol you're the most asshurt faggot I've seen in a long time
it also contains unacknowledged crying
Quick and dirty for a brainlet like who has never even read Devilman in the first place
>Shinji = Pre-Devilman Akira
>Asuka = Miki, including her being fed up with wimpy Shinji/Akira
>Kaworu = Ryo/Satan
>Religious imagery, specifically Old Testament/Gnostic
>Eva was literally designed after Devilman (Hideaki Anno : For that, Devilman was the perfect model. I had drawn a "rough" version of EVA which looked a lot like Devilman, with the curved back, la taille fine, a thick chest plate. It was the image that I made from Devilman. But EVA also has common points with Mazinger Z. Him too has a scary demonic face.)
>EoE = Devilman apocalypse
>beach ending mirrors devilman beach ending
>rebuild of evangelion = alt reality time travel shenanigans of devilman lady
It goes on and on, but of course you're going to try and argue with my post because you're a reactionary piece of shit. Just take to heart that multiple staff members of Evangelion, including the creator himself, have said that Evangelion = Devilman. You're a delusional twat and I hope you get die for arguing in such obscenely dishonest ignorance.
>you now remember Netflix subs are usually just the dub's script
Could be pretty horrendous.
What's wrong with calling EVA a deconstruction?
Live action confirmed
I hate normalfags as much as the next guy, but wasn't it extremely popular in its prime?
Because the people saying that didn't actually know anything about Mecha anime.
NGE has been normie ever since the 90s
>no mention of two-thirds of the characters
>giving a quote from Anno that literally states that Devilman wasn't the only inspiration for Unit-01's design
You dumb-dumb. Tell me, is a core part of "pre-Devilman Akira"'s character his relationship with his father. If so, please give a summary of his relationship.
Give me examples of how you think Evangelion critiques the mecha genre.
>Devilman is the single largest inspiration on Evangelion and makes up the core of the story and characters.
Not even slightly. Evangelion's prime inspiration is tokusatsu, primarily the works of Tsuburaya productions. Hell, the tagline of 1.0, "You Are (Not) Alone" is a huge callback to a Tsuburaya show that aired a few years prior that used it as the key moral: もう君は独りじゃない. And fun fact, wanna know what the core concept of that show's narrative was?
A critique of the otaku lifestyle and telling NEETs to go the fuck outside, juts like Evangelion.
Nigger I dare you to watch the OVA and read the first few chapters of the manga. The movie is insanely faithful to its source material
it's called closed captioning
That, and Space Runaway Ideon, which also was a way for its author to deal with his psychological breakdown.
>primarily the works of Tsuburaya productions
Weeb. There's another major inspiration that can arguably be characterized as "tokuastsu" (the Japanese do, anyway), but it's Western.
>Eva dub
I watched it a few years ago for the first time. The dub was bad enough to make me switch to the subs after the first ten minutes. Do you guys have nostalgia, or did it get better later on?
A deconstruction does not need a single criticism.
>thinking gendo and fuyutsuki are based on ideon, or for that matter any anime, characters
Evangelion in general is Anno's emotional breakdown mixed with a long, maniacal rant about Ultraman.
Are you saying Tsuburaya doesn't make tokusatsu? If you mean Supermarionation, everyone and their mother knows that's also got an influence.
What IS a deconstruction then anyway? (Separate from the pretentious French shit).
Visual similarities user, VISUAL.
That new Disney streaming service should license and remaster DAICON IV, since it already owns most of its cameos or has ready availability.
Reminder that anyone who would choose Rei over Asuka missed the point of literally the entire show.
>Evangelion's prime inspiration is tokusatsu
You take apart the genre's standards, you remove the common tropes, systems, and/or methodology that genre has built-up or uses as a shared framework for it to function. Mecha anime is usually about a hero robot saving the world with his all powerful robot, Eva deconstructs that by casting an emotional frail boy who doesn't.
>Evangelion in general is Anno's emotional breakdown mixed with a long, maniacal rant about Ultraman
Lmao that is perfect and succinct way to put it, I've never heard that before. 10/10
>not misaka
Prove it wrong, Zoomer.
If Eva isn't a deconstruction, does that mean Watchmen isn't either? If so, what are some examples of real deconstructions?
I don't understand why people like personalityless characters like Rei. Its like those people just want some blank obedient boring slave
Thread theme.
You mean Misato?
I'll take boring over a bitch.
Japan does live action for anime all the time.
Even when Japan does it, it's bad.
El Topo
Mobile Suit Gundam
Asuka wants to be loved but doesn't want to be hurt, thats why she's such a fucking bitch. If she pushes people away they can't hurt her
I'd must rather wade through that bullshit than have some boring pushover
I watched End of Eva on a cheap HK bootleg so I get nostalgic for lines like, "This is kiss of adult. We do again when you come back."
It's a level of respect you rarely see today. Last person was Stan Lee. I remember when Steve Ditko died, people started shitting on him because he was a huge Randroid.
Their anime plays are kino
Now, that's a REAL woman.
More than most fans seem to be able to handle.
so... which of the main characters gonna get blacked?
on the other hand the Netflix devilman was surprisengly good. so maybe there's still hope?
I'm glad I watched Ideon before Eva. It's a vastly superior show
Honestly, don't bother. The series has nothing of value to offer.
>trying to fix or deal with crazy girls
Good luck with that dude.
Its not a live action remake, its the original anime with a new dub
How so?
>guy asks for source
>3 replies
>not one of them actually provides a source
Out of those 2 choices I'd go with crazy every time
Doesn't mean I actually seek that shit out
>I will pay any blood price for the Western movie of Evangelion
Pacific Rim, the first one. It's everything a weeb can dream of, huge robots, A+ action and MC gets a qt asian gf
Asuka vs MP EVAs
Now that I look at this, apparently I sure like watching Asuka suffer.
I wouldn't say vastly.
Both have flaws that kind of get in the way of them being the masterpieces their authors wanted them to be.
Ideon is super dry in parts, and the design off the Ideon itself suffers from pressure from those who financed it to make it like a toy robot instead of the bio-mechanical design they were originally considering.
More obscure so it's better.
Pacific Rim is nothing like Evangelion, you delusional dumbass.
>le generic biomass monster
That design is crap.
>Anime is just manchild bullshit
you are correct, but it is STILL leagues more mature than anything the west has to offer for that age group in spite of this.
Should I just watch eva for the Synthcool memes
>Pacific Rim is nothing like Evangelion
The closest you can get, Hollywood will never adapt 25 episodes about different forms of depression
>for the love of god don't let anime become the new capeshit.
I don't know where you've been, but anime is more popular than ever. Crunchyroll is making mad fucking bank even despite how shitty they are.
>The closest you can get
It's just a giant robot movie.
>25 episodes about different forms of depression
Evangelion isn't "25 episodes about different forms of depression". That's a completely overblown statement. The "depression" aspects of Evangelion are minor. The Evangelion that exists in your mind isn't the Evangelion that exists in reality.
>>le generic biomass monster
Far from generic in 1980 and not the original design that was proposed.
It's just that I have trouble finding a picture of it. Used to be a really cool and dedicated Ideon fanzine out there, that diapered with the rest of the internet the past decade or so, with ton of photo resources and behind the scenes translations. Can't seem to find it.
>Far from generic in 1980
lol zoomer
Doesn't even really work then.
Not that user, but are you going to contribute anything meaningful to the conversation, or are you just going to spout buzzwords?
films for sheep > series of slideshows for degenerates
>If you mean Supermarionation, everyone and their mother knows that's also got an influence.
You'd be surprised. UFO's major influence is mostly unknown.
That was in end of evangelion, not the show.
>The "depression" aspects of Evangelion are minor
Nigga have we watched the same show? Eva is basically the first "character centric" anime ever made, and the characters are all written with different forms of mental issues and hardships to overcome.
The humanity enrichemnt project is, except the symbolism, just a plot device, evas are a methaphor and at the end of the series they drop the thing in order to progress with monologues about accepting your weaknesses and overcome the loneliness
Misato is a mother figure, so I'm afraid choosing her is missing the point just as much as choosing Rei.
Do normies even like asians?
So what? The original subs exist still. They will never ever defeat fansubs.
I think my standards of recognized influence have been warped by /m/ a little. Especially with the recent uptick in Gerry Anderson threads.
I'm sorry, what did I say that made you think I didn't hear you?
>now that there will be a normie resurgence in NGE?
> first "character centric" anime ever made, and the characters are all written with different forms of mental issues and hardships to overcome.
Nigga, I'm an Eva fan, and even I can you that's bullshit.
>If they're planning on making the dubs more politically correct
...but they're not. Are you this fucking retarded?
>blank obedient boring slave
Except Ayanami development consist of finding herself as a human being despite being a doll. And the end of the day she's the only human in the show that managed to find herself and accept her existance, while Asuka drowns in daddy issues, Misato sucks dick to fill her lack of self esteem, Gendo chases a ghost and Shinji still wants die
In pretty much every way aside from cinematography or whatever the anime equivalent of that is, as Anno is really great at that.
Is the movie coming too? It's not NGE without it.
have sex
When I see fags sperg about Rei they don't give a fuck about any of that, they just want thier pushover fuckdoll
Then explain me your opinion instead of denying my statements with cool kid one liners
I'll agree that I was incredibly disappointed when I found out Ideon was three red trucks but after a few episodes that really ceases to be an issue or something I even really notice.
Define "character centric" because that can mean anything.
I think it really will just amount to casting currently well known VAs and trying too hard to avoid all the newfags tweeting "lol Shinji is such a whiny bitch."
>your opinion
Not him, but you're trying to push your own opinion as a fact. Plenty of anime before Evangelion were centered on characters with various hardships, mental illnesses, idiosynchrasies, and neuroses that push and move aorund the dynamics. Yoshiyuki Tomino's entire body of work in the 80s and early 90s covers that already, and then there's the obvious iteration of Legend of the Galactic Heroes which is extremely character-centric. And that's a very small selection already, by the time Evangelion was even in production, anime and manga both had undergone two different renaissances in both narrative and artistic endeavors.
>Jensen Ackles as Archer.
>Tom Holland as Shirou.
>Scarlet Johansson as Saber.
>Emma Stone as Rin Tohsaka
>Lorde as Sakura Matou
>Ken Watanabe as Kiritsugu
>Ben Affleck as Kirei Kotomine
>Isabella Crovetti-Cramp as Illyasviel
>CGI Berserker with voice provided by Bill Murray
>Michael Angarano as Lancer
>Natalie Portman as Caster
>Dwayne Johnson as Kuzuki
>Justin Timberlake as Sasaki Kojiro
>Keegan-Michael Key as Hassan-i-Sabbah
>Michael Cera as Shinji Matou
>Marisa Tomei as Taiga Fujimura
>Viggo Mortensen as Bedivere
>Ezra Miller as Diarmuid ua Duibhne
>And featuring Robert Downey Jr. as Gilgamesh
Faith/Stay Night, coming Winter 2020. Get hype
>have we watched the same show?
Again, the Evangelion that exists in your mind isn't the Evangelion that exists in reality.
>aside from the visuals, the single most important thing in a visual medium
When animus get new dubs it's usually to have a more "faithful" translation, in the sense that supposedly the first dubs didn't care about weebs so they took liberties with dialogue structure, honorifics and the like to make shit feel more natural in the translated language instead of trying to adapt Japan. It's been a thing for a while with Ghibli movies here in Italy for example, new dubs that kinda come off as a marketing gimmick to promote new home video releases, sometimes with limited theatrical showings too
I don't think I've ever fully seen one of the re-dubbed movies but i remember a clip from the Spirited Away one, it was the scene where the MC realizes the blue boy was a river dragon and she goes something like
>It's you, you're the spirit of the river itadakimasejatedtsu!
which really drove home of the focus was to make the dialogues more Japanese, "authentic"
t. didn't actually pay attention to the show because he was too busy thinking about waifufag strawmen
we tried to warn you. you could have prevented this
welcome to clownworld
You will live to see everything you enjoy ruined
This is a good point, not quite what i meant tho. To answer what i mean is that the exploration of the psyche of the characters is basically the whole point of Evangelion. While many works before were heavy on character development, Anno and Urasawa were the first ones, around the same time, to push animes and mango to a more metaphysical plane of existance
I think this happened a long time ago
He's got the typical moron argument structure: His position is a fact that you have to overcome, but he will never concede any point no matter what. He's essentially saying
>/pol/ continues to fall for bait
I have avoided watching this for several years because apparently the MC is supposed to be a little bitch for the plot and I rather not sit through something like that when there's other kino out there
Anno will always love Tomino the most and will continue to NTR Miyazaki with his affection. Just read any of the interviews the two have done together.
Cross Ange is better than Evangelion, prove me wrong.
Anno is a bigger Nagai fanboy than a Tomino one.
>what i mean is that the exploration of the psyche of the characters is basically the whole point of Evangelion
And several anime and manga before that had also done it. Ashita no Joe is another extremely famous example. I'm not even trying to go off of live-action works that influenced Anno either, that's a whole other can of worms.
>Anno and Urasawa were the first ones, around the same time, to push animes and mango to a more metaphysical plane of existance
This is a non-answer. What do you mean "metaphysical?" There's nothing particularly ontological or distinctly "metaphysical" about any of their psychological habits that wasn't done before. A lot of various psychological "Theming" in Evangelion was done before on multiple occasions. Hell, even Spider-Man had a manga that did it in the 70s.
I didn't even watch NGE until like 2012 and I liked it. Why do people shit on it so much? Is it just contrarianism?
I'm sorry mr. Stormfag
He is but he has several instances of snapping and turning into mini doom guy for 20 minutes
It's a mix of contrarianism and the typical reaction to seeing people hype something up as the best thing ever and never shut the fuck up about it.
>what i mean is that the exploration of the psyche of the characters is basically the whole point of Evangelion. While many works before were heavy on character development, Anno and Urasawa were the first ones, around the same time, to push animes and mango to a more metaphysical plane of existance
I REALLY hate when newfags say things like this. Can you please stop assuming things about subjects you clearly have little experience with? Seriously. Why are you so intellectually dishonest? You try to seem so objectively superior, but your arguments are just cringe inducing bouts of baseless bullshit. You're a newfag.
In addition, any and all criticisms got responses of "you just didn't like it because it's too complex for you to understand." That's how the original 2deep4u meme got started.
I think a western live action adaptation would have to be like a modern war movie, like The Hurt Locker I suppose, but also showing the military machine at work. Does anyone think such an adaptation would keep that scene from the beginning of EoE?
Good point, i'll have to explore the matter deeper.
I looked at Anno inspirations some time ago, and i've seen that his approach was innovative for the medium, but i didn't considered other shows that tried to perform a similar theme
Because of shit like
Basically, newfags make ridiculous statements about how Evangelion which are based on saying things about topics they know nothing about. Evangelion is a deconstruction of that thing, it's revolutionary because of this thing etc. etc. when it's all just pure bullshit. To a lesser extent, this is the kind of posturing that happens to all popular works, but Evangelion is the worst of the lot because of the time frame of when it was brought to the west. These morons spread a lot of misinfo which has stained the western fandom in a many ways, so people in the know are left fighting with these absolutely braindead legions of know-nothing fanboys who are discrediting entire genres with their fervent ignorance.
>and i've seen that his approach was innovative for the medium
No it wasn't
>I looked at Anno inspirations some time ago
No you haven't
I'm not talking about the show I'm talking about the attitude of your average Reifag
That makes sense I guess. I still wouldn't blame the work itself for the obnoxious fanbase.
I liked it too, but it is nowhere near as good as the people who never shut the fuck up about it would have you believe and there are so fucking many of those fags.
bruh. it totally is.
You are such a fucking brainlet
>your average Reifag
Waifufag strawmen living in your head rent-free.
Rei has the most interesting character arc out of all the supporting characters, there are plenty of reasons to like her other than sex appeal.
It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's that series that came out five years before Evangelion, by one of Anno's favorite authors, that is conspicuously never mentioned by Anno because of how similar Evangelion is to it!
Rei isn't even a single character, there are multiple Reis
Exactly, there's enough Reis for everyone to get one
Normalfags can't handle this level of remorseless logic.
Autism wins again.
What if all the soulless husk back up Rei bodies all decided they wanted to fuck you? Could you escape them?
master of none is one of the least funny "comedies" i've watched in my life. i don't understand how anyone could actually like that crap.
And this is why Reconstructions are superior to Deconstructions.
You people have come up with such a long list of things that Eva supposedly ripped off that at this point you're not making it look like a ripoff anymore.
Never forget this saying
"If I like it, it's an homage, but if I dislike it, it's a ripoff"
Who people?
A homage is a passing reference. A ripoff is a fundamental aspect.
I'd kill to see a western adaptation of Berserk, but that's the only one I wanna see done by whites
Not choosing her is being a fag, you fag.
>casting an emotional frail boy who doesn't
Literally gundam.
What is it called you tard?
>The movie is insanely faithful to its source material
Except when it comes to a certain someone.
There are already several Evangelion games. What you mean to ask is, will they finally translate them into English?
>Eva deconstructs that by casting an emotional frail boy who doesn't.
>Eva is the first mech show that has a emotionally unprepared MC
This is why nobody likes evafags.
>retards actually believe this slop
Deconstruction has an actual definition and that's not it.
what is this
>dialogue consistent with modern day sensibilities
I know that they are going to redub it but was this said anywhere, it's making me worry
>Anno is a genius and Eva is the best deconstruction ever made
>same fan never watched Gunbuster and says 3.0 is bad
Tell me about it.
Except 3.0 is bad no matter how new or experienced you are with mecha
Eva was always style over substance and 3.0 is a perfect expression of that, Anno just wanted to make a Redline.
I'm hoping that NGE gets an affordable blu-ray release
it's a bad manga and a bad show with some cool elements
deal with it
Most of the deconstruction is stuff Gundam or even other Super Robot shows already did, so while it isn't technically wrong most people who call Eva that are claiming it was the first thing to ever do that, which is not true.
It is, congratulations you just learned what deconstructionism means in regards to art.
No, that isn't what deconstruction means you TVTropes regurgitating insect.
Getter robo
Its skull killer jakio
but it already is
even normies that supposedly hate anime have seen shit like one punch man, my reddit academia and jojo now