When you finish a truly great game and nothing you play after it ever even comes close

>when you finish a truly great game and nothing you play after it ever even comes close

What's her name?

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Undertale unironically

don't know because all the games I've played are shit

etrian odyssey 3


Metal Gear Solid 2/Metal Gear Solid 4.

Earthbound. Played last year and it really charmed me. Made me feel like a kid again, even with it's flaws. I played Mother 3 after and liked it but not more than EB. Tried playing Mother 1 but it felt too stiff. Maybe I should give it another chance.

Witcher 3

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Bloodborne. The last few years have had some good stuff but absolutely nothing that came close and I often just end up replaying Bloodborne.

Dark Souls

It's not that nothing ever came close, but my standards were raised significantly and 90% of games suck now


GalGun 2 Chiru's route.

Resident Evil REmake

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FFT port fucking years ago
Mashiro is such a good girl

after completing the first 3 ace attorney games

Shadow of Colossus

It looks like she just had her first orgasm and is recovering from the experience

Nier: Automata

The finality of finishing that game was weirdly impactful. The whole closing act was a surprisingly emotional experience for a game. Those fucking credits man.

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She is 8, you sick fuck

Portal It's been a dark time ever since.

>8 years old can't masturbate

That's like 40 in dog years

Thank you for your sacrifice, user.

>when you finish licking her cunny and she's panting hard

The Walking Dead

what anime

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I feel ya bro

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Persona 4

I think Mashiro should put on a tiny bit more weight

Katawa Shoujo

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Why are little girls so cute?

Genuinely impressed by that sequence. The game had a lot of heavy moments, but I don't think I ever got more than a little choked up during the worst of them. The credits though, holy shit. Something about the changing lyrics, hearing the staff singing and accepting help from people who sacrificed their saves before you- even thinking about it now makes me kind of emotional. Don't think a game has ever captured that kind of feeling for me before, would be surprised if another one ever does.


Half Life 2

La-Mulana was the last time

zelda breath of the wild
metal gear solid 2 & 3

I played SH2 after LM and found that it tied it for the best

SA2. Actually the first game i ever played and still enjoy a lot. Nothing can, and ever will top it, not even an SA3

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Married to the unidentified. Shes cute, is never lewded and the best part of the show.


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It makes me really sad when people dismiss this game and Taro in general because waifufags. His games are genuinely unique and worthwhile experiences.

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No game yet has filled the void XC2 left in me.

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It's creepy as shit

The gameplay is boring and the sidequests are uninspired. "Go to the marker and fight a few enemies there and then come back".

2 year dev cycle. What did you expect.

I found the gameplay the best in the series, very well animated and engaging if you actually tried to use more than two attacks. The side quests were very charmingly written and entertaining. I'm sorry you weren't able to enjoy it.

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Kingdom come

What's creepy about being a pedophile?

Persona 4

The Witness

Breath of the Wild

Infamous 1 & 2. Gotta admit I teared up like a bitch from the ending parts with Zeke and Cole.


maybe he shouldnt make such obvious ironic weebbait

every single time

Killer 7

MGRR isn't even super amazing best ever of an action game but for some reason I haven't found a better one.

>Kingdom Hearts 2
There's something about friendship that makes me feel so mushy

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>tfw you're the only person who really enjoyed Doom 3 that you replay it constantly every now and again
I am alone in this world.

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that's a cool favorite game to have though


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How can you replay something both "constantly" and "now and again"

Resident Evil 2 REmake
Devil May Cry 5

They seriously feel like a fucking dream because of how genuinely quality they are.

Ha, I played SH2 a few months before La Mulana and I had the same thing, LM helped me get over SH2

i know this is from that dead on arrival tumblr faggot show, but is that shot actually in it unedited?

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Cross code

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2

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unironically dark souls

my theory is that xenovlade 2 starts out being written for children and ends up being written for teenagers like everything else, so by the end you feel like you grew up with the characters kind of

I know that feel man. Ignore the nay-sayers, but UT was pretty kino before the fanbase ruined it.

For some reason I can't into Deltarune though, but I spoiled myself on the OST so I wanna try again.

>that tummy
>those soft boobies
I'm not a lolicon, but damn...

every time i finish a good session in a fighting game. other games don't even come close

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>ctrl f sekiro
>0 resukta
It really was a low key flop huh

The World Ends With You

Lullaby For You gets me every time. Shame the removed it from every subsequent version and replaced it with an inferior song that doesn't evoke nearly the same emotion.

I love the game but I know it's far from perfect. The gacha system for Blades is beyond stupid and the first half of the story really tests your patience. But when you get to the end it feels like the conclusion of a massive story that took 10 years to complete.

Ocarina of Time

I haven't bought it yet. My friends liked it though

I just wish the cowards would have committed on the ending. It's so fucking retarded when writers set up a tragic ending just to undermine moments later. You can't have it both ways, do either one or the other or it will have no weight whatsoever.

wouldnt really call it a flop
it was just really mediocre, everyone will probably just forget about it in a couple of weeks, if not days.

Bravely Default,
Xenoblade 2 (I replayed it like three more times, then went to go play the first one)
Breath Of The Wild

this desu

after dragon quest 11 i can't motivate myself to play anything other than dragon quest

have yet to play a game that made me cry like LISA did. any recommendations?

A cs source surf map with good player.

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Dead space

Dark souls 3. It's too much fun to do a playthrough. At the moment I'm also really enjoying Sekiro as it's a great world to explore with cool bosses to fight.

Freespace 2 and Halo multiplayer. There will be nothing like it ever again.


Megaman x6. only plebs who suck at games hated it.

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its just 2hu boss fights on easy mode with shitty rpg maker segments in between

how can anyone believe this shit

This but Ironically

people somehow enjoy the awful humor and story.
though i will say the flowy fight was great, because the game closes on you and all that shit, that was fucking amazing and can only really be executed well in that kind of game

Okay dude, I liked Undertale, but come on now.

For me, recently anyways, it was ac odyssey. There is the dlc I havent played but cant afford it rn, was sad to beat all the story missions, sometimes get on to sail around but get bored

yeah, at least 9s could scream though

the first Mirror's Edge, I was disappointed that Catalyst didn't give me the same feeling and wish to see more games that have a focus in fps parkour

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>Silent Hill

Horror is never going to be the same for me

Is kingdom come really good? I own it but only played for a little while, I feel like I cant really get into it... I want to tho

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One of the few games I 100%'d

All of those memories, lost in time

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How does Mashiro look when she grows up?

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - the 3rd

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier ruined all other Third Person Shooters for me. I really liked the class balancing and the character movement was very refined. The Division seems to use the same animation tech but I can't stand that arcade-y shooter bs.

super mario galaxy

Never got that feel desu

Pokemon Gen IV for me. V was good, VI was decent but with issues and VII was mediocre. Gen IV really was the last Gen to have that Pokemon feel.
Can't really say I have games that trump all others though

gen 4 was like the worst gen every battle took like 20 mins because of how slow it was

What would Mashiro's tiny breasts feel like?

Why is breathing so erotic, anons?
The gentle rise and fall of a young woman's chest does something to me I can't properly explain
It's so hard to find content of this fetish since it's not only excessively rare but also not at all the sort of weird fetish you'd find on a place like /d/
And most of the stuff you do find that focuses on breathing focuses on the hotness of the breath itself, usually with some girl who appears to be in heat exhaling clouds of visible breath
That's not what I want, I just want cute animations of beautiful girls breathing

I can understand for Diamond and Pearl, but Platinum and HG/SS have aged beautifully

>Thank you
>Thank you for playing

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Beats me, I guess it's the feeling of YOU making her feel pleasure

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It means you want to snuggle with your wife and have at least 3 kids

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Bayonetta ruined other brawlers for me.

I'm trying Abe-sama, but women are terrible

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I can't remember the last time I played a good game.

Video games are shit.

I did, I finished Ace Combat 4

Diablo 2 Median mod
Warcraft 3 custom games for a partygame itch
ARMA Shacktac
Smash Melee but casually at parties where everyone bullied the turbo autist until he stopped regarding with Fox