The Outer Worlds looks like abject dogshi-

>The Outer Worlds looks like abject dogshi-

Attached: The Outer Worlds Combat.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)


n megami tensei

Oh boy vats!!

It kinda looks like bioshock infinite

i wouldn't give a single shit about the shitty gameplay if the setting, tone, writing and characters didn't look so awful

was that webm supposed to prove something?


That the game is fucking trash
I don't know what were the obsidian wankers expecting

>shilling on Yea Forums isn't re-

>stealing Bethesda's kill camera

Attached: 1480869279749.png (453x478, 337K)

Bethesda is happy they don't have the worst animators in the business anymore.

>that weird wooden animation.
>That cold lifeless gaze

Did they outsource this game to Bethesda? Looks like ass

>that PAX demo

Attached: 1269812554418.jpg (400x533, 50K)


Please tell me this is at least a year away from release...

I was kinda looking forward to this game but you're right, that looks like shit.

I already preordered, it's not for everyone tho, to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand this game. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head.

Literally what about this looks good?

what happens right at the start? it looks like console autoaim locks to one side of the model and when they try to adjust it slides all the way to the other side of the model, and after they shoot it locks back to the middle? how can people play console shooters that looks so terrible.

It's slated to come out August of this year.

nice try

>animations and camera copy/pasted straight from NV

H- holy shi... is this the true power of RTX ON!?

I literally don't care if it has a little jank. what makes or breaks an rpg for me is the world building and gameplay loop. I just pray it doesn't have obnoxious, observational quipping and reddit tier dialog. but it is current year Obsidian so...

You had one job
>Make a game better than bethesda
ONE FUCKING JOB after the 76 disaster

Attached: 76.png (194x100, 37K)

Bethesda has good animations.

Attached: Skyrim Finisher.webm (1024x576, 2.09M)

but t his unironically looks like dogshit

Looks better, specially considering Skyrim has 10 years and that crap the op posted has to be released yet

>reddit tier dialog
Black Isles/Obsidian have always been Reddit: The Developer.

Attached: Fallout 2 Republican.png (1024x768, 464K)

Looks a lot like New Vegas desu. The main problem I see is that NV partially traded on Fallout nostalgia. It was really the best re-imagining of the 2D fallout feeling into 3D that has been done. But outer worlds doesn't have anything underneath it to emulate or call back to.
Whatever, I'll withhold judgement for now, but it'll probably suck desu

How shit the game is

those were different times (unironically), long before the Democrats/liberals went insane and changed into identity politics commies

brainlet can't understand that they're saying old world thinking is the problem and republicans are a part of that

>no gore

no buy

There is tons of gore.

But according to everyone ever they've always been that???

I only saw people getting dissolved by plasma

than those "everyone" are full of shit
hard radicalization of left into it's current form started after Occupy Wall Street, when oligarchs in power realized they need to give liberals a new enemy or they will focus on them