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Wow, I wish it were a good game instead.
first for KIRYU CHAN
Happy for piratefags and buyfags. This game is fun. Hope it’s $20 like the rest and not the full $60. Fist of the North Star next please.
So I literally finished Yakuza 0 an hour ago, and I'm planning on moving on to Kiwami
Is it as good as Zero was?
what's wrong with kiwami 2? it's the best one next to 0
no one wants to play old busted ps2 games anymore
Is it better or worse?
If worse, how significantly worse we talking?
It's like 0 lite.
Fug, why did i bought it on PS4...A-at least i have the cool steelbook.
Have sex
If you bought it on PS4 you probably already beat it? So I would assume you bought it to play it.
its good. don't listen to the other user.
Just remember, the game is a PS2 remake and not a new title from the ground up, so don't expect everything to be over the top. definitely worth a playthrough imo
with who? You?
>its good
Sure if you haven't played the original or any of the Yakuza games other than 0 and especially 4 and 5. They actually removed shit that was in the original.
Sonybros, this is the newest engine used by Yakuza devs. I though they wouldn't release it on PC...
I bought K2 on release date but still haven't touched it. I played Y6, Y0 and YK1 all back to back and got burnt out.
>not shin or judgment
K1 is not but K2 is.
anyone have the magnet?
Can't wait for Y6 just for VF5
Am I the only one who doesn't like kiwami 2s combat mechanics? Yakuza 0 was 10/10, why change it?
0's combat is on a now outdated engine that's basically spaghetti code.
judgment shows us that the dragon engine is capable of fun stuff that the 5 engine couldn't do.
>I bought K2 on release date but still haven't touched it.
That's your fault then
i agree with this, i finished yakuza 6 yesterday and the combat literally felt like kazuma weighed 800 pounds and everyone was pillow fighting.
Hopefully the expand upon it the because it's pretty boring in comparison to 0s even on the hardest difficulty.
that's what they're doing so far.
judgment brings back styles and adds stuff like parkour based combat. and launching yourself over enemies heads.
It's fine. Just don't expect anything new, think of it as some sort of Yakuza 0 DLC. The story is just as good, the combat is the same and people have mixed feelings about the majima everywhere system, i personally am fine with it.
Oh shit, I have to finish Kiwami soon in that case!
I think it's funny and if you don't like constantly fighting then maybe you shouldn't be playing Yakuza
Anyone else think Yakuza 6 kind of sucked and was too short with too little side content?
>just beat it on PS4 with the shitty framerates
Kiwami is shit but 2 looks good. Big if true
i found it more enjoyable than kiwami, dead souls, and the first game.
just wanna say Kiwami 1 isnt that good
I love Yakuza 1 on PS2 just for that english dub, it's so bad it's good.
Universal opinion, it's the result of being the dragon engine's test game.
Sure if you're going to compare it to shit 6 looks amazing but it had the least amount of side content even compared to 1. You can do everything there is worth doing and get 70% completion in a week.
not that anyone will argue with you on that.
most people i've talked to consider it one of the weaker entries.
Absolutely nothing. You'll find that most of these K2 haters just parrot the opinion of a certain YouTube e-celebrity.
was about to do this too, i'm glad i didn't because now that i know it's coming i'm definitely waiting
Or maybe, just maybe they've played Yakuza games other than 0 and Kiwami.
You sure you aren't confusing it with PS4?
look at the bright side
you will also beat judgement with shitty frame rate
>Censored Yakuza 2 remake is finally coming to PC
T- thanks...
I love it, I wish all of them got this dub treatment as an option. Sadly 1 on PS2 was the only one.
who? link?
was Kiwami 1 censored on Steam or just the PS4?
And it had fucking Luke Skywalker as Majima. Imagine if he continued to play the role in other Yakuza games.
if you can replace the soundtrack with the old one then i'll consider double dipping once i upgrade my pc
he's shitposting
would've been apex kino actually, the man's Joker is sublime
Okay, buying so long as it comes on Steam. We must support titles like these on PC.
I know you're shitposting, but that's the "HD" remaster of Yakuza 3, this is the full-on remake of Yakuza 2.
Samefag shilling his own channel.
Literally no one has ever heard of you.
They cut out Kiryu being a manwhore from the PS2 game already
Kiwami has better, polished combat, it's harder. but there is waaay less stuff to do then in 0 I finished 82.33% in 52h. Oh and Kiwami is less grindy then 0. I like both equaly
I played it a year ago.
y'all care to explain?
>thinks the fighting is the problem, and not the character flanderizing.
Should I be playing these games on Steam or PS4? Which version is best?
>A console version EVER being superior to the PC one
Will Shin declare Jo Amon dead since Kenshiro killed him or will they just dodge the issue? Also what's the amon story in Judgement?
Issues with the PC versions got fixed so steam. That and the PC version lets you use the music fix mod for Kiwami.
Buy a PS3 and get 4 and 5 it's worth it just for those games alone. I know 4 and 5 are getting an HD remaster but with how things have been going lately I half expect them to remove most of the side content to add Clan Creator.
Just expect there to be less content, and the game to have a much more serious tone. Just remember that the first original couple of games were written to be very serious, both the story and the substories. In fact, sometimes you could even tell when they've added somethings in because it feels out of place like Majima getting stabbed in the stomach so he wouldn't appear around the map for a story segment
Also, the combat has been retweaked from Y0, where the combat feels, in my opinion, more defensive. What I mean by that is that the Beast mode feels very ineffective to enemies, and that rush mode would be the style you'll use more often.
>I suggest you listen to me
>I suggest you blow me!
>Yumi saying "Rain" in the most bored voice
>This is the part where you're supposed to laugh! You stupid motherfucker!
How could anyone hate it? Both the writing and voice acting is so good.
Huh? Who? The only reason why I dislike Kiwami 2 is because it uses the combat from Yakuza 6, which I felt was very weak there. While it is improved a lot compared to Y6, I still feel that it's very weak compared to the other games.
But won't it have Denuvo all over it? How can you actually stand that running on your system?
kiwami didn't have denuvo at all
and 0 had it removed a while ago
>Goro is too happy in this game
Ur just being a negative Nelly, don't you like fighting in the game?
While I agree it sucks, and I don't get why devs put it in their games when it get consistenely cracked within a week each time (shits a fucking scam lol) but if your CPU has at least 8 threads denuvo is a non issue, especially if you play at higher resolutions
Kiwami 1 fucking sucks and is the WORST one, that story was so goddamn forgettable i didn't bother finishing all the side quests and shit. Absolute garbage that serves as the set up for kiwami 2.
>I don't get why devs put it in their games when it get consistenely cracked within a week each time
yakuza 0 took like 6 months to be cracked
fair enough but look at the state of denuvo now, I think every shitty ubisoft game has it now and gets cracked in a week
Definitely buying this again. Hope we get Fist and Judgement this year on PC. Skipping the PS4 versions cause of no steelbook.