ITT: dead weight

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You leave my son alone.

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>get Shedinja in random battles
>opponent has a Kyogre

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I miss Ralphposting.

Fuck you, I like it.

>not shedinja stall
has more of a niche than shit like raticate

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nu-/vp/ is too stupid to understand

I've never been on /vp/. What was Ralph posting? Pretending to be happy about something that was obviously bad?

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dodgetank is evasion-based, facetank hp-based, but how do you call a tank that relies on straight up invincibility?


coming up with the most convoluted and dumb strategy you can possibly can to deal with seemingly impossible matchups, and pretending it would work in a real scenario

it's only 1.2 kilos, barely weight

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Came here for these posts. Good show Yea Forums. Anyway, pic related.

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Ghost tank

That does sound really fun. I kind of did that myself in 1v1s, I use a level 1 Gaslty which only knows explosion to specifically counter Spore - > Imprison - > Transform Smeargles. You have to stay asleep for at least two turns but it's fucking worth it.


it worked on this

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I used to run Shedinja in Uber's in past Generations just to deal with Kyogre.

this was the coolest shit fuck you

damn that's top ralph

Taught me the hard lesson that more often than not speed is king.

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>my brother played through this game, was with him most of the way
>kept hearing his crit phrase
"Heh, it's almost SCARY how good I am."
>wanted to download it for memes
>downloaded the mp3s for all his battle quotes
>200 mp3s
>kept listening through all of them, each about a second long
>wasn't in there
>wasted 2 minutes of my life listening to his voice

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Doesn't raticate have one of the highest potential attack stats in the game? Due to guts and facade

I like Shedinja. :(

You need to post something that's actually bad, user

>some punk busts this fucker out with a focus band
>switch to my sand stream pokemon

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>unique class supposed to be magic-based
>instead gets the most benefits from DEX which does nothing to other spells
why does shapeshifting always gets the short end of the stick

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That's gonna be a big oof for me, i feel ya. They also did him dirty with only having like 3 additions and how annoying it was to get his DS early, but at least he HAD additions unlike Miranda/Shana. He was, however, one of my favorite bosses.

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Normal is not the hardest type to wall and its other stats are just too crappy to work in any serious environment.

>focus band
come back when you're out of elo hell

I agree. Yusuke wasn't all that great either but at least he got Masukukaja

It's legit good in VGC since it got Ally Switch.

Wonder Guard defending against residual damage when?

Put Shedinja and Zoroark together and Battle Facilities shit themselves.

>still no held item that protects against residual damage

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Faith builds

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>balanced hackmons
>Sturdy shedinja
>Lum berry

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This fucker should have died instead of based boy shinjiro.

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I don't know user. 2 pounds isn't that heavy.

Safety Goggles

He's unironically very useful in The Answer. A healer with (basically) no weakness

>make character that exists to inflict status moves
>status moves quickly wear off and get harder to inflict after each time
For what purpose.

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As much as this is true, it still got me in the end.

nigga he got 1hp just boob him