Thoughts on Demon's Souls?
Thoughts on Demon's Souls?
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Better than Dark Souls 1 in many ways.
shitty dark souls ripoff
Worse than Dark Souls simply because it is its predecessor and primitive. Hailed as the best game by sonyfags because of exclusivity until it popped up on emulator. Same thing will happen to BB.
How well does it run m8?
>Same thing will happen to BB
you must be retarded
I love it
pretty good, specially considering I have an old ass i5-2500k @ stock clock
I always get black flickering when emulating it.
Valley of defilement was the best version of blight town and latria was 10x better than the asylum in 3, but it's really different from the other games in a lot of ways
Nice, any other games that run well?
is it worth it to buy the PS3 version after online has been disabled?
Vulkan will change the world
i tried and couldnt get this to work
The phasing system was pants on head retarded. Glad they did away with it.
Demons has better gameplay user.
I've only tried Demon's Souls, but Persona 5 supposedly runs wells too
Nier should run pretty well
Best soundtrack in the series and very down to earth in general. The later parts suffered from powercreep in terms of moving away from medieval territory into soulless fantasy memes.
I have no idea why, but it has some of the best animation work of all the souls games (not including BB and sekiro here). I mean, a lot of the animation were ported to dark souls, but they were always slightly worse. It may have to do with there being just less weapons, but not sure. Also the animation skeletal structures were just used better, even if the graphic horse power was far worse. Just the way the characters hold the weapons when idle, or how they move around was miles better than dark souls, and insultingly better than ds2. It wasn't until ds3 that they finally reversed the trend of using worse animation,but I would still put demon souls at the top between them. BB had better animation too, but I account that to how little weapons and such it could port over from souls.
That all said, it has so many little QoL things missing and missing features in general I have to say both DS and DS 3 are better than it over all.
too bad is still buggy on rpcs3
weird and niche
Eggcelent game. I like it more than Dark Souls.
Feels finished (but I thing it's missing one stage) and has a feeling of terror that Dark Souls doesn't really have.
It's more aligned to Bloodborne, I think.
>Feels finished (but I thing it's missing one stage)
emulation is piracy and piracy is deplorable
Yeah, that way you don't get scraping spears early game and you have full control over tendency. It's not like summoning or notes were needed to play either.
what do you mean user?
cry more paypig
If you like other Souls games you'll like this one.
Why the fuck am I even saying this?The thought that 90% of the fans came from Dark souls first weirds me out.
The sidequests of this game are pretty cool and can fuck you up if you accidently let one of the npcs die,bring one of the npcs to nexus and he fucks everyother npc up or simply forget to talk to an npc and his questline ends there because of it.
The controls are more janky and the bosses can be cheese pretty easily.I have no problems with the herb system,early game it's pretty shitty but end game it's pretty easy to farm them.
I really liked how every area in demons souls only had one bonfire, so instead of having a bunch of checkpoints it was important to find and unlock shortcuts. I don’t think that kind of level design is possible in dark souls because it’s open world and less linear
The thing that I hate about Demons Souls is the lack of Weight in it. The lack of stagger/poise just makes it really hard to enjoy. As far as aesthetic though, it's top fucking notch.
You can apparently connect to a private server just by changing DNS settings in your PS3. It's all up to how populated it is though.
It's totally playable without online though. There's one boss that loses its gimmick but that's it.
Deserved a DLC more than the other games in the series
Who knows why they didn't make it
Would like to see a remake that upgrades the gameplay to modern standards.
why is it that the graphics in Demon's Souls are better than Dark Souls?
Why are PC redditors so obnoxious? DaS1 was barely a change over DeS, only notable thing about it was the level design and a slight boost in boss quality.
>What is they actually made a cool game out of Berserk
It has world tendency mechanic. This alone is enough for me to shit on it.
It is as one user said. The only people who are praising this game are Ponies because it's PS3 exclusive.
Archstone of the giants was never completed, although a small section of the level for it has been dug up from the games files
Best souls game together with 2 for me
>why is it that the graphics in Demon's Souls are better than Dark Souls?
Because they had to release it for the the shitty 360 which was weaker than the PS3. The fanbase also went to shit when all the Xbros came over, people blame PC for shitting up the souls fanbase but fucking Xbox was 10x worse.
Absolutely, it's a fun experience.
If DeS was primitive, why did From go back to using mana bar in DS3, hmmmmmm?
Imagine being this guy lol
They aren't? They're markedly worse actually, terrible textures and lighting.
Wow, your stellar comeback filled with facts and logic has swayed me. You have convinced me
DaS1 had literally Z E R O innovations over DeS. All it had was an interconnected world. That's it.
I wonder if the devs got inspired by the broken archstone when making the Eleum Loyce DLC for Dark Souls 2. Both settings were very similar except for the enemy types. Maybe there even was an invisible boss fight planned back then aswell. Demon Souls had a lot of gimmicky fights like that.
what's your GPU? I have the same CPU and a 1050
think my 2500k is OC'd though, not sure.
might be where Dark Souls takes place
I know its a silly fan theory.
Talking to obvious Sony shill such as you is like talking to a wall.
It is clearly a long haired Nord with a horned helmet. It could have been so good, and it could have informed design choices in the rest of the series.
Everything could have been so much better.
The only game with shields backwards on your back because it made sense with how you place and take it off. Also the only one that gave an explanation for self lighting.
It's the best souly due to how much it wanted to be unique. Everything after slowly let the le hardcorrre PC gamer faggots influence design decisions, taking less risks and pandering more to the reputation they gained rather than wanting to be their own games.
A 4GB RX480, but GPU doesn't matter nearly as much as CPU, my GPU usage stays around 10%, while CPU is 100%
You shouldn't have any problems I think
still my reigning MVP
I just prefer the level design to anything that came after.
I had never thought of that but you’re probably right
Shame that both demons souls and dark souls were rushed but I’m glad that they exist in the first place
Fluted armor has never been bested
I overclocked mine and still get drops into single digit fps
Read the post
i hope the rumors of demon souls remaster are true
Is anyone working on a 60fps patch yet?
I like how in Demon's Souls they kinda threw a lot of stuff to the wall to see what would stick, and what needed refinement. you end up with a ton of moments in the game that are completely unexpected or downright bizarre, whereas a lot of Dark Souls games adhere more strictly to a formula, which makes them more predictable.
even the 'bad' moments in DeS were interesting experiences.
One of the most innovative games i ever played, the online feature particularly was very unique.
Started my favorite series in vidya and got a lot of things right on the first try as well.
Still got the best atmosphere and music in soulsborne Also the Nexus is still best hub and pic related is still best waifu
IIRC all of the game’s animations are tied to the 30FPS frame rate so I’m not sure if unlocking the framerate is even possible without breaking the game
Unless I’m wrong 60FPS in demons souls would basically just double the speed of the game
Mostly great worlds and zones, but full of awful bosses. A visual remake wouldn't be good enough to salvage the game after DaS1-3 changed up the formula and players got better.
Where the fucking shit is the Demon Souls remake?
What ps3 games can be 1:1 emulated?
That's currently the case though it doesn't mean that the patch can't be tweaked.
Breath of the wild had the same problem at the beginning and runs completely fluent nowadays.
I prefer it because of the setting.
In Dark Souls it was a little too extreme from the get-go, I guess. I prefer the games to increase in supernatural elements in regards to setting as the game goes on.
In Dark Souls you pretty much start off in "Land of the Gods" with all this extremely high-stakes shit all over.
I much prefer Demon's Souls because it's set in a pretty normal land initially where you're just some guy who wandered in either to try and brave the fog or become the most powerful fuck in the world.
I just find that more relatable, I guess. I like the idea of just being some nobody from bumfuck nowhere who is driven through his own motives to push through this fucked up land instead of starting off as muh chosen one and just having that as your motivation.
Yeah,DeS takes place in 1 kingdom while Dark Souls takes place in alot of kingdoms
Demon's has the loveliest fucking weirdo aura but I never go back to it because I dislike the weapons and especially the magic.
I see. That's sad.
Subjectively my favourite game from the series and I've played it for the first time only after completing all 3 Dark Souls games. There is just something about its atmosphere and world construction that blows the other ones out of the water for me. Also it has the best replayability of them all
What's up with From and snowy areas?
>cut from the game in DeS
>secret area that almost nobody would find without help of internet in DS1
>added as DLC in DS2
>added as DLC in DS3
>secret hidden area in BB, not even that much emphasis on snow
It feels like they really like making them but can never really fit them into the main game
old game good
This but unironically.
Very atmospheric, incredible aesthetics. Better movesets than the clunky ass shit from DS1. More interesting itemization with every second item you find being amusingly broken in some way.
Together with Sekiro and BB probably the best games MIyazaki has made, with DS1/3 lagging a bit behind and DS2 not existing.
Sekiro has a bit of snow since the game seems to happen during the late autumn.
fucking how
This is your brain on the "refinement" meme. Most sequels are not simply straight up superior than the prior, games aren't fucking phones or some shit you upgrade every year or two. There are some thing Dark Souls does better and vice versa, both games bring something different and valuable to the table.
Does actually being good count as ain innovation?
It's great, but it doesn't have many good bosses
They seem to be enarmored with swamps. Wish the games would have been a little more diverse in terms of locations.
>there's a fluid flow between r1-r2 combos, some weapons have unique r2/r1 combo chains and this weren't replicated in any other games in series
>the only game in series where weapon damage type was EXTREMELY important
>weren't afraid of giving unique statues and utility to basically every piece of equipment
>better infusion paths
>more enemy variety and more interesting self-contained levels, harder individual enemies that forced to learn their behaviour instead of being a backstab bait
>hyperarmor over the hilariously unbalanced poise
the best of the bunch
Outdated and generic as fuck desu. Doesn't innovate like DaS1/BB/Sekiro
no, its literally giants dumbass, it even says that.
It was a survival horror with a hack & slash theme.
Can you climb ledges in Dark Souls? No. Demons is closer to Sekiro, the latest iteration, and its the first game in the series.
Checkmate atheists.
Demon Souls imo has a WAY WAY WAY better fucking lore and setting with the demon shit than anything in Dark Souls. Everything about humans slowly turning into corrupted demonic abominations is just flat out better and less convoluted than the fire and undead shit in souls. It also made bosses feel a lot more special knowing they were all once Human(I think, maybe big boy manta ray was just a demonic animal)
Its world and enemy designs are still the best out of all the souls(not counting BB in any of this. Every area felt very detailed, and it looks better than souls 1 and 2 by a fucking mile. The Tendency shit was pretty fucking cool. I fucking LOVE the Nexus and the megamanish type of level choice is the best.
Sadly Demon Souls has a major glaring flaw in that its so FUCKING easy after playing souls, its actually shocking how fucking easy the game is and ive played it so much theres nothing left in it for me to really enjoy anymore.
I've played all of them and I found Demon's Souls to be of poor quality. Lots of stupid stuff like:
>obtuse mechanics that affect your game permanently that are not only never explained, but automatically ruined if you go online (not that you can anymore)
>extremely low variety of weapons and equipment
>good graphics but terrible face creator
>crystal lizards have limited spawns (max 4 each) and even if you can find and kill them, they have a very low drop rate to boot, making some max weapon upgrades nearly impossible
>too many gimmick bosses
>too many bosses (all of them except Allant) can be very easily cheesed, not due to design but due to dumb shit like the fog wall not working properly or a giant piece of bone that the boss gets stuck on
>limited stones of ephemeral eyes
>extremely abusable item clone glitch
>shitty black phantoms that use really lazy, dirty tricks like that cocksucking faggot who eats grass and heals to full in less than a millisecond
>really poor dragon "mid-bosses" that MUST be sniped to death which the game apparently doesn't want you to do but gives literally no alternative
>really cunty level design in some places, really good level design in others
>low variety of enemies
>4-way rolling
It's just not as fun because it's less in every dimension other than "hurrr it was da furst one". Even the story is a bland dead end.
>big boy manta ray was just a demonic animal
Storm King and Adjudicator were manifestations of the mythological beings worshipped by pagans who built the Shrine of Storms, made real by the fog
>knowing they were all once Human
Not really, only the 3 bosses from Boletarian Palace, Old Monk and Astraea are confirmed to having once been human. Idol and Maneaters are artificial constructs made by the Monk. Bosses from Stonefang are propably just monsters and demons and always have been. Not sure about the Leechmonger and Collossus
But yeah, DeS had much better lore in general. It was simpler, in many places it really rather "suggested" stories instead of outright telling them, but somehow it made it way more climatic.
Remake when
My favourite. For me, it's the Blueblood Sword, the best weapon.
does it run well on the ps3 emulator yet
just stop embarrassing yourself you sad, sad man
People only praise it because it was first and satisfies their inner hipsterdom. The gameplay is floaty, the animations are incredibly strange and feel like they are being played at 1.5x their normal speed with no consequence if you mistime an attack, rolls are literally as spammable as DS3, grass is abusable and a shit healing system in general, world tendancy is good idea with shit execution, some shit bosses like Dragon God, Leechmonger and Colossus.
You can sperg all you want about muh lore and muh atmosphere, but that doesn't make it fun to play.
game is good. you're a dum dum baby
>complains about lizards
>abuses the dupe glitch anyway
>"researched" the dupe
>is souls pro
>doesn't know about the clever rats ring + morion blade
Clever Rats Ring = +50% Damage when HP < 30%
Morion Blade = +60% Damage when HP < 30%
Combined together will yield +140% Damage
Add Cursed Weapon spell = +50% Damage on Right Hand weapon
How much damage do you think this is? This is the only game in the series which is still fun and "balanced". And the game expects you to break it anyway because Second Chance is accessible by anyone, and every boss in NG+ will one shot you.
With this, not including the Cursed Weapon spell, you can kill the dragons with 30 arrows.
I played DES for the first time last year after putting literal thousands of hours into the series.
Some areas were fun. Others, not so much.
I absolutely adore Latria and Shrine of Storms, though. Especially the catacomb area of the Shrine, and the jail part of Latria. I just like spooky areas. Probably why I like Bloodborne so much.
>I dislike the weapons and especially the magic
I'm assuming you just mean how op the magic is. Because the spells and miracles are done better in Demon's Souls than Dark Souls in my opinion. Way less versions of the same spells like Soul Arrow and Heavy Souls Arrow. Almost every spell in Demon's Souls at least does something different besides just doing more damage.
I liek bloodborne but hated the lack of shields I wanted to play a knight
Feels the most down to earth despite being weird as hell, probably because you're a literal nobody & the game doesn't open up with a loredump cinematic. I know the "chosen one" shit in DaS is actually meaningless but it undeniably changes the mood a lot, combined with the big intro explaining who the big baddies are & why the world is the way it is. People praise souls lore for not getting in your face but all 3 DaS games really give you a lot at the start compared to DeS & BB
The intro still sends chills down my spine.
I still remember this on replay that E3
Yes it did. You just named one of them.
My bet is miyazaki thing swanps are the real,decadence of nature the degradation of something or he legit have a mud fetish
Well, it doesn't really have to be that deep, it's just that oppressive, stressful and disgusting environments fit their games and wading up to waist in dirty water is all of those
based and zoomerpilled
Best souls.
how can I, a poor casual soul who was never rich enough to afford a ps3, play demon souls this very day
>First game in the series
>Doesn’t innovate
Imagine being this dumb
I told my friend when dark souls came out that I played it even though I never did so I wouldn't look like a casual.
I still haven't played it.
Emulate or buy a ps3
Used PS3s are cheap as fuck these days, just buy one, buy a used copy of the game, play through it and sell them both to get your money back
Or even better, if you know anyone who has it, do like I did and borrow a ps3 from a friend
>not enough materials
>too easy to dupe materials
How's the weather in retardville?
It had the best memes that started it all.
I loved that shit. Feeling like each area had its own hub could still be done, a game like Sekiro has a lot of potential to do it, but it would just be difficult to get right. You could still have each area connected to on main hub, and have smaller hubs for each one after a little trek. The sections between the hubs would need to be like levels within themselves though.
I much prefer the relief of opening a shortcut that leads to somewhere familiar than the sense of safety you get from seeing a bonfire. If anything, the fact bonfires are checkpoints more than anything else now means most shortcuts are completely pointless.
Another aspect of demon souls that was removed in later games was splitting utilitarian spells and damage dealing spells between the two schools of faith and magic. I think wrath of god was the only damage dealing miracle.
Great game at the time. Now after all the other souls have come out it really shows it's age. All the bosses are gimmicks and the phasing system was retarded. Good armor and weapons though. Also had the coolest hub world.
Wish they would have taken the poison area concept in another direction. Encumbered movement and status ailments seem to be the hallmarks of these areas and they surely could have been envisioned outside of poison swamps
I was thinking it deserves a remake but seeing how they ruined DS1's online, maybe not.
They only reason it should be made is if it comes with a fully fledged Land of the Giants path.
Jesus who cares about the buttfucking online? As long as there's messages on the ground I could give a fuck about le epic pvp
That innovation alone is still why its best souls.
Demon's Souls has the best PvP and it's half the fun of the game.
Invaders were genuinely terrifying and there were no handholdy mechanics to prevent people fucking you up. It's an example of the online supporting the hopeless feeling of the single player.
All following games have ruined that in some way.
the only prob with demons souls is inventory burden.
I still think that Valley of Defilement is one of the best settings I've ever seen in a game. The atmosphere of constant rain, decaying wood and bodies, and not to mention filthy swamp water just gave you a sense of hopelessness. That hopelessness played in perfectly once you got to 5-3 and saw how Maiden Astraea was being worshipped. The setting was so incredibly well done you could practically smell how awful it was.
The Depraved Ones are also one of my favourite enemy designs ever.
By the time I played demons souls I got invaded maybe three or four times. It's still a masterpiece without invasions. Honestly the DS remaster just made it so easy for twinks that I got rekt every time an invader showed up. They'd just spam emit force and since I didn't have an epic pvp character I'd get one shotted. Dark Souls PvP players are just cancerous af now and no amount of mechanics will change that.
fuck off /pol/
Best invasion mechanics in the series.
Not tied to a late game covenant. The invasion stone was relatively easy to find, meaning players of all levels would be invading. As a result overpowered invaders were a minority compared to in later games.
More balanced in terms of penalties too. Invaders would suffer gimped HP in soul form which would get lower and lower as they kill more hosts. Plus they would be deleveled if they died to the environment while invading.
No pretense of being fair. The invader was the bad guy out to kill you, plain and simple. With Acid Cloud, Scraping Spear, and Soulsucker, battles could have terrible consequences for both the invader and host. Consensual duels were locked behind either NG+ or NG++ depending on the ending you chose.
>Consensual duels were locked behind either NG+ or NG++ depending on the ending you chose.
Interesting, how so?
Definitely outdone in some respects by further iterations on the formula but still a masterpiece. Super tight experience that delivers its vision beautifully. Boss fights aren't anything great compared to the increasingly intense battles in later games but it was more about facing a unique challenge and not just a test of skill.
What made Demon's Souls look so unique? I just love the graphics. They're smooth.
I still think it's the best
You could only unlock the Red Eye Stone (Duels) after getting the "become the demons" ending. The Black Eye Stone (Invasions) dropped from the very first Black Phantom you found, which could be as early as the second world you ever entered.
>wander into first area of shrine or valley
>stumble around and find the falchion or mace
>game completely falls apart and has no answer to the weapons it freely gave you
It was cool to see what Beta Souls was like at least
Polygons, lots of polygons
Why do people write in this weird corporate PR press release tone?
Three online items in Demon's Souls.
Blue Eye Stone: Coop, gotten through progressing the story. Only works when you're in soul form IIRC.
Black Eye Stone: Invasions, dropped by the first NPC black phantom you kill.
Red Eye Stone: Duels, obtained by choosing the bad ending.
>multi-platform remake
> I'm too dumb to understand basic English
best soulsborne game
I'm not a native speaker so I might be trying too hard. I'm sorry if I offended you
>That innovation alone is still why its best souls.
The world in dark souls is overrated
Clearly you are too stupid to understand English if you thought I had difficulty understanding the content of your post. I was commenting on your tone and word choice. It sounds like you learned how to read from Tony the Tiger.
The horned helmet makes it look like the Grey Demon's head.
I cheesed through that game usimg magic like a total fag. I felt so ashamed that I never used offensive magic in any other Souls-game.
It was a dark time of shooters and casualization when Demon's Souls appeared.
Plus the online mechanics--messages, bloodstains, phantoms, summons, invaders--were something never really seen before (as far as I know).
From Soft + Japan Studio is a kino machine it seems. I love the whole line of games, but BB and DeS are just much more complete.
But I'm literally talking about how unique the game looks. The graphics changed with Dark Souls but I don't consider them better, just different - they probably switched engines or changed too much to make it work multiplatform.
Think he's talking about the actual graphics.
It has clinky combat and a heap of unusual mechanics that From later dropped. What I really like is its atmosphere and the early 2000s feeling it still has. You can really tell that this is the evolution of all those absurdly polygonal ps1/ps2 games
kill yourself tranny
>early 2000s feeling
I know this a thing but I don't know how to describe it.
Shush, incel.
Very good game. Some aspects feel far more comfortable and fun than Dark Souls, but I like a lot of things in Dark Souls more.
I wish the meat cleaver returned. It was my favourite weapon and the Roll+R1 attack was fucking excellent.
No idea what engines the game use but demons souls always had a bit of blur and bloom applied at all times. Combined with the muted colour palettes and much more realistic take on medieval fantasy compared to the rest of the series it makes for a more charming package.
DeS didn't have those color filters Dark Souls used a lot.
>the model T is garbage because it is primitive and the presecessor to the mustang
dark souls wouldn't exist without demon's souls, demon's souls had to be good enough to get a pseudosequel, and DeS' success is more important because the format was original and conceived the online play system.
I'd say it's better than DaS because the system is original and isn't derivitive. It is a way more important game, one that had to be made.
>That giant heart in the middle of latria.
Why was it there? Was it grown as is, or did it belong to something?
Things like this keep me awake at night.
It's a proprietary, free engine made by Sony in-house.
I think it has been used twice in multiplatform games, too.
I think it's called "Phyre" or something.
Keep in mind your the one going out of the way to shit up one of the few threads thats actually discussing video games. Go to Yea Forums or something you fucking faggot
I'm not really following the progress but a few months ago I heard some people were reverse engineering the server, has there been any particular progress?
DeS is the strangest entry in the series and reminds me of playing old-school DnD with its gimmick boss fights and bleak atmosphere. Dark Souls had a great interconnected world, Dark Souls 2 took some steps back but had a better online experience, Bloodborne was just damned near perfect- if a little short, Dark Souls 3 was mediocre but had some fantastic boss fights that put Ds2 and DS to shame, and Sekiro (despite being short and having recycled enemies) really brought out all the stops for an exceptional new combat system, great boss / miniboss variety and freedom of movement unparalled in any souls game.
I really can’t wait to see what Fromsoft does next. Only Bloodborne and Sekiro felt like “complete” games to me, but even at their worst (Ds2 / Ds3) it still feels like From is making better games than 99% of other big companies. Even if the next game is just Dark Souls IV I’ll be happy. And we have Demon Souls to thank for that.
One word: bloom
Also From was fooling around with ps3's hardware maybe that had something to do with it.
Remember those rolling balls in Bolitaria you can knock over cause From just had to show off those physics simulations.
Na, that was a hoax. From never used sony's Phyre engine.
Got a PS4? It's on PSN. Look into Playstation Now, if you want to find the >streaming games meme
It is a mystery.
I like that you can climb ledges
I just hope when I get a new pc to have one capable of emulating because I'm a shithead who lended my ps3 to my sister and now I can't play it
>color filters
Literally every dark souls trilogy trailer was a massive bullshot. They applied filters to hell and back yet the games never had any of it except blighttown.
>Giant heart in Demon's Souls.
>Giant brain in Bloodborne.
Aside from the fact that you can use VPN or something to play online with one specific server, they found some Alpha invasion stuff but that’s it
One of Monk's experiments. I even think there was a bit more explained about its purpose, but I don't remember right now
I guess I can play it again since my ps3 wont turn on anymore.
Fuck man I can't wait until the inevitable HD remake in 25 more years.
No dipshit.
We've seen the unfinished level.
You're the only one shitting up this thread, son. Now shush and let the adults talk.
>25 years
I hope you meant 2-5 because that's more where we're at with "remasters."
What kind of specs do you need to play DeS on PC? Is the full game completable?
Wrong. It's Dark Souls
>His whole argument comes down to immersion
What a waste of 13 minutes
>no u
now this is epic
Not the best in the series but it will always be a personal favorite. I really like the way most of the boss fights are more about gimmicks and the spectacle of the thing rather than the trend of later games to just throw challenging humanoids at you. Also Latria is still my #1 favorite level in a Souls title, only beat out by levels in BB and Sekiro. DeS also has the best h-doujin in the series. There's a lot to love.
I imported Demon's as a kid because I heard so much hype around it. I remember playing it and unironically thinking "Oh, this is like a Fantasy RPG Ninja Gaiden, only it's slow and boring."
True story.
Best game in the Ps3 era.
It would still be the best game if it was multiplat.
It was just so innovative and good all around.
Gameplay was satisfying, story was good and simple, characters had personality, amazing ost, decent~good graphics but amazing aesthetics.
DeS>Bloodborne>Sekiro>Shit>the Dark Souls series, aka normalfaggots first """hard""" games
>Everything after slowly let the le hardcorrre PC gamer faggots influence design decisions
Some will probably call this bait, but both the games and community declined after the PC release.
HD remaster for the ps5 its gotta happen.
World 4 is the epitome of 'want to play game, remember that part' meme to me. All the other worlds are really good though.
A couple of other saintly folk wandered into the swamp. Some theories think they're leechmonger and colossus and that the moon sword and holy spear thing were their weapons
it may not be the best overall but the best levels are in des so yes its worth playing
For some reason it's not getting credit for inventing 90% of the souls game mechanics that are used in every single soulslike. In terms of IMPORTANCE it's #1 out of all of them.
Funny how we treat game sequels so differently than movie sequels. In the movie industry the first movie is almost always hailed as the best because it is original and deserves credit for bringing new ideas to the table.
message end
Thankfully you can pretty much speedrun most parts easily just by knowing the right paths
snoy fags absolutely btfo.
and inventory system. and healing system.
What's wrong, user?
Are you afraid of skeletons?
Literally what happened to Dark Souls 2.
>muh 47 bosses that are all the same
That's because its not a single player RPG with online, its a PVP multiplayer game with a side campaign for collecting PVP weapons.
While DS2 PvE is utter shit, it had by far the best and most diverse PvP, best variety, best magics, and best covenants.
I went back and played it a week ago before Sekiro and I forgot how fucking horrible DS2 is in terms of its actual PvE, its also ugly as fuck.
>really poor dragon "mid-bosses" that MUST be sniped to death which the game apparently doesn't want you to do but gives literally no alternative
This is the only valid point I could pick out of this. I seriously don't know how to work around the dragon in the final stretch of the Boletarian palace outside of chucking kunai at it like a jackass. Getting past its stupid horizontal spray on the stairs was horse shit.
Did you just straight up copy a leddit post?
wait for the server emulator
Fighting them without a shield actually still gives me a bad feeling for some reason. I mostly dislike 4-2 though. The ledge and stairs in the cave suck so hard. One mistake and you're starting over again. Still feels like playing the game for the first time.
a lot more movies are based off books than you'd think though so it's not a fair analogy
>inventing 90% of the souls game mechanics
That's Monster Hunter.
If the movement and animations were decent I could stomach it but it feels to terrible to actually play it especially the massive deadzones on the left analog.
Hmm, kinda makes sense I guess
That's Zeldavania.
Enter a disgusting swamp
>Leave us slayer of demons, this is a sanctuary for the lost and wretched, there is nothing here for you to pillage or plunder. Please leave quietly
Kill a bunch of cripples and deformed fuckers on my way through the swamp. Run into a big fucker with a bigger mace.
>You will not turn back will you? I will let no harm come to dearest Astraea. How dare you intrude upon our haven, you abandoned us long ago. What right do you have? We leave humble lives, leave us be.
Kill the knight after a minute
>Dearest Astraea, I have failed you.
Run over to the "demon" I'm here to kill
>You killed him didn't you? Very well I can no longer resist you. Do as you like. Take your precious demon soul.
She commits suicide
>The demon was destroyed
Doesn't feel like it
Valley of Defilement always gave me serious Heart of Darkness vibes. Am I the only one?
This. It's just not worth playing through more than once if you don't care about PVP
Valley was a fucking 10/10 area for so many reasons, that ending was the perfect fuck you at the end of a long disgusting slog, you did nothing helpful for anyone and made an already shitty place worse
Is there a download for the emulator and game? Any way to mimic online on emulator yet?
Based linuxbro
>nice challenging rpg which doesn't hold your hand
dark souls
>*shills games difficulty by putting literal memes on the box*
Why did Dark Souls 2 get so much flak for humanoid dude-in-armor bosses but Sekiro is praised despite 99% humanoids?
Because Sekiro isn't called Dark Souls it's called Sekiro
Moments like this are why games are the best, no other media can do what that fight did.
because its a fucking awful game on top of awful bosses, while Sekiro is a great game with great combat.
best game of the last decade
The prepare to die meme only became a thing after the game's release. It was Dark Souls 2 that went lolsohard
demons souls was announced on e3? it was a niche game that only got a western release due to all the imports.
The biggest thing that keeps me coming back to DaS, DeS, or BB is simply the lore and world building. It's unmatched compared to so many dark fantasy titles.
Yea, "Prepare to Die EDITION". Like I said, only after the game's release. It was never a thing when it was original.
I wish I had enough cores for the emulator
It's almost like PC gaymers have to ruin everything they get their greasy hands on
Demon's Souls reminded me of older dungeon crawlers but with a new flare. I still really like it.
no b-b-but m-muh pc!
how could you
Pretty sure the game box says "prepare to die" on the back as well.
What do you mean? I'm just showing him that the game was marketed since the reveal trailer as "le prepare to die".
It's a Berserk game
>Come Nerevar, come and look upon the heart
It's a great and atmospheric game but I think it's a bit overrated withink the community and the later Soulsborne games improved on it a great deal in all aspects.
Bloodborne had an open-ended and interconnected game world and it's areas often only had one ''bonfire'' aka a lamp.
i doubt le hardcore pc gamur influenced anything
I remember sitting there kind of stunned and then conflicted. Kino moment
i see you're using matts arguments
Her soul is the most impure of all.
Just how could one Irish boye influence everyone's thoughts about a game? What a top bloke.
>do I fit in yet?
So your only problem is, that they advertise it as a difficult game?
after seeing how much of a soulless reskin ds1 is after playing des i can never go back
It was Bandai Namco's marketing and support that made Dark Souls successful and FromSoft the company they are today. You might not like it but the truth is that From would probably be out of business without them.
based post and objectively correct
but it isn't though
What a handsome, average woman. I can see why you'd obsess over her.
holy fuckin samefag
great argument, incel
I surprisingly have to agree with this user, which happense very, very rarely on this site.
It's good but vastly overrated on Yea Forums (but so is das1)
''big dude in armor with a sword'' bosses are honestly the best in Soulsbornekiro when done right since it feels like they're using similar abilities and techniques to yours and the fights in Sekiro especially are very engaging and fun since enemies have blocks, counters, sweep / thrust moves etc. But Dark Souls 2's bosses often were just bland overall or were vastly quantity over quality.
This will never prove anything.
This. That's why Zelda 1 and A link to the past are so great.
Healing system in Dark Souls 1 is a lot better than in DeS. DeS grass completely breaks the game. On my first runthrough I was able to buy 99x of each grass and just spam heal through every fight. I didn't even need to dodge Allant's shit and beat him first try by just healing through his damage it was pathetic.
Actually autistic
>99 humanity
>99 twin humanities
>20 estus
your opinion is worthless schizoid
You have to actually go and farm humanities and most people won't on their first run. And the best place to do it is in a DLC area anyway.
It's trivially easy to get insane amounts of grass even for a guy that has no idea what he's doing because the vendors sell it.
Yes, and?
How does the emulated version run?
You'd have to grind way more to obtain 99 humanities in Dark Souls than grasses in DeS and there are no merchants in Dark Souls that sell infinite humanities unlike there are grass merchants in DeS.
I am not a schizoid.
Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro
>20 estus requires using a resource
>shit you can freely buy and doesn't cost much unless it's black
it did a lot of things right and a whole bunch wrong
best atmosphere out of any souls game
citation needed you fucking loser
the main menu theme had a specific jrpg ps1 era feel to it
Neither do baseless accusations.
terrible balance, flawed upgrade system, boring bosses that lack challenge minus two, neat world
>trying to get a pure bladestone
garbage fucking game
definitely the best souls game
adhd riddled children will disagree with this assertion though
what's the deepest demon souls lore?
Its set in the same canon as bloodborne
Out of stuff with actual solid proofs? Probably God=Old One thing
Out of far fetched speculations and fan theories? There is a bunch of interesting ones, all of them probably bullshit
I made the mistake of playing through all the Dark Souls games before I gave it a shot. The entire game feels like a Dark Souls beta build, I just can't enjoy it, should have played it first.
But of course I am not allowed to dislike it, it's the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the Souls series, I will be told that I just don't get it.
>read item descriptions
>almost no lore at all
boring as shit desu
same with sekiro's lack of lore
But it is? First boss literally says Umbasa in the alpha.
I played it after all the DaS games and it instantly became my favourite one
Is Sekiro part of the dark souls 1-3 lore or the demon's souls and Bloodborne lore?
What if everyone in DeS is super tiny and people in DS are really tall?
yeah same. Felt like just a worse version of Dark Souls. Inventory limit and grass was the worst part of it.
What exactly did you find so enjoyable about it compared to DS1?
astraea is evil because she is intentionally prolonging the suffering of the inhabitants of the valley and allowing them to worship her, while they would die quicker and less painfully if left alone. garl vinland does not realize she's a demon, or is just deluded due to his love for her.
the talisman of beasts is a red herring. god and the old one are not the one and the same, it just shows that they're connected. god has abandoned the old one, his child, on the corrupted earth which is why it is mentioned the old one's wail sounds like a baby crying for its parent. the old one does not understand what is happening and is crying due to its abandonment. true king allant was right, it was sent to reset humanity.
the maiden in black predates the old one and is stronger than the old one. i wonder who or what bound her to the nexus in eternal servitude?
It's its own thing.
Why did they sever the connecting lore between DeS and BB? It would've been so kino.
my favorite
I miss Demon's Souls threads here. The community has irrevocably changed so nothing like that will happen again, but I wonder what happened originally that destroyed the community.
Was it because Demon's Souls was way more niche compared to Dark Souls? Although early Dark Souls threads were alright too
DS1 PC release + PvP youtubers. Once it hit Steam is when it all started falling apart.
Guy who bought a PS3 for souls games back in the day.
It's the PC fags, is right. As soon as it hit PC DeS/DaS threads went to shit.
OnlyAfro did videos before the PC release though
Hard to tell really, mostly the atmosphere and lore got to me much more than in any of the Dark Souls games and those things are important to me in vidya. Other than that the world construction and lots of weird, gimmicky items(and the fact that it's pretty short I guess) gives it much more replayability. I also genuinely loved the gimmick bosses: they were easy, but at least actually interesting to fight, as opposed to another fucking "circle around him while dodging attacks, counter while he exposes himself, repeat till dead". But in general, it has a certain something I can't really put to words, it feels simpler, but in a good, charming way
yeah it was totally the PC release that brought on onlyafro