I'll start with a few:

I'll start with a few:
>everyone on main cast are either kids or teenagers, 21 is considered to be very old and is probably like a mentor of the group
>everyone is extremely restrained and autistic when it comes to relationships or sex, (if it's not a porn game) main character holding hands with his love interest near the end is considered the apex of their romatic plot
>giant monsters who can be defeated by kids in the main cast
>weird fucking pokemon/animals who can talk
>nobody has any fashion sense and wears too many belts
>fantasy imperial japan counterpart somewhere in the game
>weird shit
inb4 asshurt weebs

Attached: pic.png (703x482, 13K)

>there's a scene where the characters go to a hot springs

The game is clearly targeted towards horny autistic men.

>it's good

Attached: 1462993123643.png (233x272, 86K)


>game has good gameplay
>attractive female characters
>no niggers

you seem like a fag

boring gameplay but women arent dikes

you fight (and beat) god

Even with all its flaws, is still better than any western game.

If it has gameplay.

Attached: 1427520294224.jpg (640x480, 52K)

>no M&KB support
>camera is regularly hijacked when entering rooms or walking around "scenic" areas, making it so you have to figure out what buttons to push to keep moving the same direction for a second
>generally shit controls
>it would be considered generic shovelware in the west, but because it has anime characters on it it's a AAA title in Japan
>it's just a musou or fighting game with anime characters on it
>there's a token black guy who looks straight out of tom sawyer
>the evil organization's plan is to combine all egos and remove individuality
>the final boss is god

Nice ad hominem you asshurt brainlet faggot.

>the game isn't bad

>It's fun
>has good characters
>great music

It has mobile tier gameplay.

>but because it has anime characters on it it's a AAA title in Japan
Is it possible you don't know what AAA title means?

Alright user, what WOKE western game got criticized here for you to get this assblasted?

>overrated writing
>button mashing
>ridiculous hitboxes
>fanfare tier generic music that is constantly praised
>muh friends
>autistic characters

You see world in black & white, western & japanese and YOU are assblasted here you brainlet dickless faggot.

inb4 japanese ""humor"".webm

>You see world in black & white, western & japanese
And that's a good thing.

>I'll have to use THAT/go to THAT place...
>I won't forgive you!
>It can't be helped.
>At any rate...
>You shouldn't say such things.
>You brat!

>nobody is allowed to criticize or make fun of things I like
>they must be mad there is no other way
Says the most assblasted faggot in the thread.

Attached: 28308860.png (500x460, 25K)

For me, the biggest clue is it it's a jrpg. Westerners just don't make them for some reason.

>costume design consists of black clothes or leather, ocassionally an excess of belts

Attached: 1515269221001.jpg (696x402, 121K)

Attached: 1476910116608.jpg (399x444, 41K)

>Westerners just don't make them for some reason

Attached: 1515263136876.jpg (534x532, 41K)

camera during cutscenes is shitty
dialogues are autistic

Its shit

>Everyone has massive titties

Attached: 1547925595216.jpg (600x446, 91K)

It's good