It's been fun bros...
It's been fun bros...
Other urls found in this thread:
>e-celeb shit
Not video games.
Fuck off zoomer
who cares
Is it true his net work is significantly more than $20mil a year?
where vido gam
Remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie
I wonder how much ad money he made from this campaign
The lesser strati dethroning a white folk isn't relevant in today's world?
Million dollar business beats out million dollar business. No one except the businesses win while viewers get to eat shit.
>"b-b-but this was about sending YouTube a message!"
His income likely doubled since T-series became a thing
Yipes lost a lot of weight
Is this proof that Neo-Nazi's and /pol/ will never ever win against diversity?
literally who gives a fuck
Maybe when he was Youtube's golden child.
bitch lasagna was way better
The difference is that the first business was run by one guy and not a faceless corporation.
>another song
>PewDiePie in the year of our lord 2019
Are you fucking 12?
>not capitalizing on relevant events to turn a profit
good, fuck him
pewdiepie is one guy doing what he likes vs an entire corporate entity that is only shilling themselves for word-of-mouth and views
T Series is only watched by Indians.
Is marzia basically a trophy wife now? Doesn't do youtube anymore, living off Pewds riches.
I love video games
My favorite games are Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario and AWWWW FUCK
>hope that #metoo-stuff doesnt severely affect your bottom line
Dear I say it, absolutely based
People who were 12 when PDP got big on YT are 19 now.
>e-celeb shit
kys tranny
Yeah, diversity
>wooow it took 1.4 billion of you to beat me
100% indian = diversity
white supremacist enabler.
oh ffs go back to plebbit
real talk though this means almost 10% of all indians watch t-series
thats insane
You're confusing trophy wife with housewife.
Latter is a wife who stays at home. Former is someone you're only with because they're hot. I'm sure Felix could do better than Marzia if that's what he wanted.
I subbed to T-Series just to spite 9yo PewDiePie fans
>people actually believe the stupid "he's just one guy doing what he likes!" excuse
>implying he isn't just doing it because he's making millions off of shmucks like you
The whites people of the worlds took another loss today.
But we WILL win!
Is he finally quitting? This is too cringe for me to watch. I thought the lasagna song was cringe enough but this is next level. He was unironically more entertaining when he was playing games rather than reading reddit posts. Also this is majority of his current fanbase
t. unironically uses the term dog-whistling
>Actually defending PDP
The absolute state of this fucking place now
>one guy
You are naive if you believe this. No one with his net worth is one guy. He started as one guy many years ago, yes. But he has tons of people on retainer at this point.
...oh yeah.
and that's a GOOD THING!
What's with the JC Dentons in the comment section
>>"b-b-but this was about sending YouTube a message!"
It started as a meme and became a "Creator Vs. Corporation" thing, retard. You literally can't prove me wrong.
>"b-b-but businesses only care about money and literally nothing else"
19yo are filthy reddit posting zoomers
Really? I figured he wouldn’t be on this list compared to that other trash
It's both.
>went from being cool to hate on to being cool to shill relentlessly for.
Why is everyone so obsessed with this guy?
Don't seethe so hard over youtubers m8 its bad for the health
>Is it true his net work is significantly more than $20mil a year?
his mobile game makes 20million alone
What the fuck even is T-series? The only reason I know about it was because of this weird subscriber war between PDP's fans and T-series.
JC is a normie meme now thanks to some faggy youtuber who uses him as a profile pic.
>But he has tons of people on retainer at this point.
The only other guy is his editor. YouTube disowned him and he lost his contract with Maker Studios. Unless, you know something literally nobody else knows, it's one (maybe two guys) Vs. one corporation.
What will he do now that he is free?
It's about the principle of it.
He called them poos
Maybe he shouldn't have pandered to a litteral mosque shooter?
Diversity has only ever meant less white people.
I don't know who T Series are. Do they play video games?
Live a comfy life in Japan with his waifu.
>But he has tons of people on retainer at this point
definitely the same level of resources as an international media firm right
Indians aren't diverse. They are the same person cloned millions of times.
AVGN may be older than most of those guys but he's still a faggot e-celeb who over-exaggerates to excite children and it's not videogames discussion to discuss how much he can cum or something.
PewDiePie used to be good sincere Swedish LPer.
Then he became shit meme man faking reactions
Then he became good black humour, /gif/ threads, internet drama and book reviews guy.
Now he's shit Reddit, compilations, shit template memes and can't swear or do anything guy.
The race is on 100m now though.
why does /pol/ like him?
he’s still the fucker who “raised” a generation on shitty overreacted let’s plays
PDP made at least one good video making a good point about how biased, click baity, and sensationalist news media has become.
>talking about taking things out of context
>vaguely extends his arm upright
>"Look, they'll take this out of context and call me a nazi"
>next day a dozen articles calling him a nazi with a picture of the handful of frames where it looks like he's throwing the salute
>this is what zoomers watch
kill me
lol. just because hes older he gets a free pass? he generates the same content, actually paved the way for the other ones on that list.
>It's ok when pewds does it
Running her own clothing company
the nazi shotter singlehandedly killed the subscribe to pewdiepie meme and that's a good thing
>T-minus one year
>India is a superpower on Youtube
TAKE THAT, Yea Forums
What do you think PDP even does nowadays? None of it requires more than a friend or two to edit out all instances of the nigger word and that's it.
its just some Indian TV show which has its own youtube channel
>Bombay to Bangladesh
Is he fucking retarded?
>Over one billlons indians getting internet and smartphones.
>Suprise indian channel with massive quantity content get number #1 subscriptions.
>he’s still the fucker who “raised” a generation on shitty overreacted let’s plays
because /pol/ is that generation
underage b&
Why is chad warden on there? He hasn’t made anything in years
>One Swedish cunt, a few editors, a handful of people to help process his merchandise (which is actually put out via a company to which his brand is an affiliate).
>Equivalent to literally the largest entertainment corporation in India.
he was insufferable when he was playing games but he redeemed himself when he actually provided a lot of red pills. Now, he's becoming insufferable again.
I get that he wants to redpill slowly but holy shit whenever he does something for long, he becomes annoying as fuck. mainly because of kid fanbase
It's not a faceless corporate takedown of a platform defined by the creations of individuals when it's one guy in his basement telling jokes about memes.
based pewds dabbing on T-series and pooloos
goddamn, I wonder why he pushes other sponsors so hard when he already has so much bank, am I expected to believe he actually likes G-Fuel?
>im about to start a genocide so you can call me h- *cuts out*
what DID he mean by this?
They get autosubbed to it when they make a youtube account if they express interest in music during creation. Youtube used to do this back in the day for some of the Minecraft youtubers, Captain Sparkles, in particular, got huge from the auto sub thing if you expressed an interest in gaming.
Who gives a fuck?
im fucking 28 you oof cringe lit naenae ass nigger.
>Brenton Tarrant sacrificed himself for this.
Imagine Vevo, gosspie and clickbaits channels in one single channel for indians phonepost.
These people are trash. There's too many immigrants here to fix the place.
I love how you all three reached for the same strawman. Are you sure PDP isn't paying you?
delet this
>chris chan
>e celeb
You all laugh now, but this is just the start.
Next, indie developers will get buttfucked, then, only megacorporations will get any revenue in platforms like youtube, and finally, any form of art creation will be produced by soulless corporations.
Fuck Youtube.
Wait, autosub is a thing? It wasn't like this back in the day.
Are there people who actually care about this crap?
Will the World Superpower finally start using toilets?
this but unironically
are you sure you know what a strawman is?
Go kill yourself you worthless retard. Nobody fucking cares about this shit.
>say something wrong
>get corrected
every time
i was under the impression that he actually does. he doesn't do much sponsors because he doesn't need them, so he only sponsors products he likes. Not that G-Fuel is any good just because he likes eating it out of the can though. That shit can't be much healthier for you than other energy drinks, especially if hes literally addicted to it.
The context makes their posts not strawman. Reread what you responded to. The comparison was to one of the largest entertainment corps in the world.
Nu-Yea Forums is shit and I wish I could quit it.
>I like this annoying video game e-celeb because he “redpilled”
Anyone who thinks like this should be shots
Problem is the threads.
Not the e-celebs.
>Only got big after several years into his career
>Superseded overnight by a channel that's only a couple years old
What is this? What is T-Series? What does this have to do with video games?
toilet witches are visiting you tonight, Pajeet, was nice not knowing you
It was during the peak of Minecraft. Now it's only a thing for some regions to help the Non-English "find their communities".
doesn't count sweetie
we all know that diversity is just leftist for niggers
>>next day a dozen articles calling him a nazi with a picture of the handful of frames where it looks like he's throwing the salute
kek sauce?
Never once did I equate PDP to a corporation. And you children demonstrated you are woefully uneducated when it comes to money. No one worth that much money has just one lawyer. He's dodging multiple lawsuits monthly.
>Get called out for your faggotry.
>Instantly resort to "muh strawman."
Shit, someone get me Felix's number if it's this easy to get paid.
pewdiepie is a famous for his VIDEOGAMEs let's plays
No one cares that you think that no one cares, since it's a wrong opinion.
hes reacts to memes for a living. i imagine hes not very educated on geography or history or anything of the sort.
pewds hasn't been vidya for awhile. i first watched some of his videos back in 2016 and they were pretty funny, that kill all jews shit on fiver was gold. the novelty of his channel wore off pretty fast when i realized it was mostly e-celeb vlogging and boring, not vidya stuff.
his girlfriend is super fucking cute tho
indian vevo
Cool, go kill yourself nigger.
>The context makes their posts not strawman
There is no caveat of context in regards to logical fallacies. They misrepresented my argument. That's a strawman. It's not even fucking debatable. Go fail a philosophy course and argue with your professor. I'm not paid to babysit.
>that shit's got a wikipedia page
t. pajeets
Oh and do those lawyers help out with the channel and suggest content for his videos? What the fuck are you talking about son? You can just admit you got horsewhipped in this thread, we're all user here
man, I miss when Yea Forums would collectively laugh at how stupid this snow nigger is playing Amnesia or whatever the fuck
Maybe Youtube2 will come around when that happens.
I can't stand his videos, not even his "new style" the new style ones are just diet idubbz who already wore out his shtick.
hahaha christ, it is either edgy humor or dog whistles in this video in this video
he doesn't vlog anymore. i don't think he liked vlogging, and i didn't like watching it either.
>lie to pad arguement
>get mad someone calls you out on your lie
>also know PDP's first name
Source? PewDiePie claims he never even made anywhere near $42 million in merchandise in his latest Google search video.
>seeting over a wikipedia page
have sex
Should've just called them out on moving the goalpost. They went from saying he's k one guy to not being a corporation because he has a team of people working for him.
this is Pat Contri level ignorance
nigger faggot retard
>children and retards literally falling for the "support the little guy who makes millions from browsing r/memes" scam
>they're even in this very thread desperately defending this "little guy" while claiming to be fighting "the corporations"
>all while doing exactly what google wants most
How do I say "good goyim" unironically
>There is no caveat of context in regards to logical fallacies.
There is when you're ignoring the context of your statement to claim you're being strawmanned. They accurately represented your statement, when taking in the full context of the reply chain.
So what's this about? i watched it and he said some shit about pirates from india? lmao
The guy in the video, Pewdie Felix Pie, started out his career playing minecraft and streaming it. My guess is that OP felt that this is enought to make it video game related. T is a company in Sweden that makes ethanol. I think the song was a comercial for them.
Much better than when he was trying to be Fitlhy Frank.
>hey didn't fulfill my arbitrary requirements for winning the arguement
This is literally called moving the goalposts. All i said was he was naive if he thought PDP was one person.
me on the left
I miss when scary games were the biggest thing on youtube
We need to unironic start going around killing "people."
when's his next book review video? those are some of the best content
Well done, he's made a point hundreds have.
We giving a fucking medal to anyone who even slightly agrees with us now?
No they didn't. They made a poor inference. Again, I'm sure you live in developed nation. You can go argue with a professor on this shit if you feel so emboldened.
irate game was better
>all while doing exactly what google wants most
Google doesn't want Pewdiepie at the top. Advertisers fuck them over every time they realize that Pewdiepie is their top channel.
This. Wake the fuck up or go back.
>I can't present my arguments clearly so my opponents are automatically wrong.
We're reaching smug reaction picture territory dangerously fast, bucko.
I've noticed this for a while too.
How is 's point rendered moot by the fact that PDP has 2 editors, some lawyers and a few people helping with merchandise?
That's like saying that an author is actually a co-author because he has editors, proofreaders and publishers. Fucking retarded.
Can someone tell what the fuck makes Pewdiepie different from all the other Youtube fucks following trend waves that there is a whole movement behind him?
>chris chan
Okay, so who the fuck are the rest??
You can just admit it son
I did. Just when they actually did it to me. I think they have me confused with a previous poster in the chain.
>I'm a heavy hitter, about to cause a genocide so you can call me Hi-
How did he get away with this
Also he makes a poo in loo joke, how the fuck does someone with 91 million followers get away with this
I'm a simple man, I like my memes being presented to me.
>the nazis cucks keep losing
AHAHAHAHA truely the memest of the ideologies
I guess that 50 just wasn't enough to bridge the sub gap.
Why would I argue with a professor? You're the one bringing up a fallacy that isn't there. You're literally taking the stance of "this is a fallacy so it's wrong, but don't talk to me about fallacies they're irrelevant"
excuse me sir this does not appear to be related to video games
Stop arguing with literal children. It doesn't matter who's right, they're too retarded and fanatic to even care. They're literally shilling for free. Just spam reports or something until they kill this shit thread.
At what point does he refer to channel content at all?
>How did he get away with this
He just posted it.
We will know in a few hours how everyone reacts but those were some fire lyrics.
>gaming youtuber
>not videogames
The absolute STATE of pajeet cucks.
Fucking nothing.
Kids liked him and he earned more money.
Now everyone's bandwagoning even though he's still a faggot
You have to be a retard. There are like trillions of ethnicties with their own languages and religions living that poohole
>Priding yourself in being technically correct in the most asinine way possible
Why even respond then
This is true, I’m an 18 year old who first saw PewDiePie in 5th grade and am about to graduate high school
>Post yfw you didn't subscribe to PewDiePie.
PDP spent the last few years showing 85 million zoomer retards that the media in this country is a retarded laughing stock
Google hates him by the way. What flavor of retarded are you? Seems like a rare strain
I don't know why brain-dead zoomers would think that. The guy happily worked for Disney until they gave him the boot for being a Nazi.
agreed, from matpats video, he demonstrates that youtubers are mid-tier influencers by google as advertisers don't want to be associated with them in the same way A-list celebrities get.
Because it's the end of youtube-started creators being at the top of youtube. It's everything youtube wants, they would love for Jimmy Kimmel and other old media things to be at the top. Their creators that got big on their platform are a blight to their ad revenue.
>gaming youtuber
who? pewdiepie is a vlog/meme channel and tseries is a pajeet music label. neither are vidya
Threads with chad warden in them are typically discussing playstation shit. So he doesnt deserve to be there at all in that pic
Ikr, white guys coming back with the bantz now that leftists are starting to lose their grip on culture. I love this timeline
You falsely attributed a bunch of shit and continue to do so. This would be a literal F in logic. You seem to take umbrage with the western analytic approach to philosophy. Professors are paid to educate you on this. I am not.
There’s nothing entertains or funny about him. His commentary is the dullest most boring commentary ever. He “reacts” to memes for millions of dollars and children think it’s cool and get their butt buddies to support him too. He has no appeal to anyone with a brain.
Does he even play video games anymore
>mfw I also watch youtube shit in MPV and external sites so JewTube doesn't get money from me
You could probably just google "pewdiepie nazi" or something and find at least something about it, I don't remember what the video he was talking it in about was called.
>muh scary faceless corporation
kys commie
I'm and apparently many other anons were making a point that no one beyond a certain tax bracket is just one guy. Content be damned, you wouldn't be able to make some of the videos he does legally with just one guy. You'd have watchdogs groups up your ass relentlessly and C&Ds galore.
T-series is older than the average poster here
Why is this still up? Where are the video games?
This guy’s modern shtick is just stealing shit from here and Reddit and making money off it
He makes millions of dollars and it’s STILL not enough because he always begs people to purchase memberships
but dude don't you want to fight mega corporations!?
>the internet will soon enter an unrecoverable dark age of censorship and all zoomers give a fuck about is which billionaire youtube has has the super duper big number that's higher than the other
we're getting exactly what we deserve
who is this
Except PDP is one person, you fucking retard. You can say his has one or two editors but it's still one person creating the content and advertising it.
They already are, YouTube's copyright policy is 100% abusable by big corporations who can copy strike with no repercussions or mediation. Company copystrikes a video, takes all ad revenue, uploader submits claim that it is fair use/ parody or some other protected form, claim goes to company that copy striked, they laugh and tell them to get fucked, end of appeal.
>Not just using ublock origin and umatrix
>Yea Forums STILL hates Pewdiepie even after the NZ shooter told us to sub to him
Who cares, they're both just as shitty, but in different ways. So without further ado...
>people who were really young 7 years ago are still young now
Didn't they arrest him for killing all those people in Christchurch?
youtube and mainstream media despise him because he has a massive outreach but is a wildcard that isn't under anyone's thumb. they'd get rid of him if they could but he's too powerful
so many pewds hating indian hijras ITT
I'm not watching the video. Please give me a tl;dr.
The same way that he got away with having a frame of one of his videos say nothing but NIGGER or how he got away with "I'm a Blues Eyes White Dragon and you're just a Dark Magician". Aryan meme magic.
The problem is the self made youtubers who got big off of youtube are being overthrown by giant media corporations. By dismissing this you are defending the faceless corporations shutting down the average joe who got lucky.
He keeps getting away with it!
>Yfw you're American and can still legally post memes
Good goyim
just contrarians hating what is popular because they think it makes them cool and interesting and high iq. pewdiepie is based and redpilled.
it's just a song bro with racist/nazi lyrics
>He employs other people
Keep trying
Are you retarded? T series is a billion dollar monopoly
They're old enough to be here, and vote, and fight in wars.
>caring about some gay meaningless shooting in some third world shithole
I absolutely cannot believe you pewdiepie kiddies swallow this complete load of shit
You are the biggest chumps in the world
Just go out and get a real job lmao
If I pretend to support T-Series, maybe I'll get a cute Indian girlfriend. Sorry Pewds, you're on your own.
lmfao right? he's epic as f*ck xD
Advertisers pay for views too, and JewTube creates profiles of you that feed them data about the kind of videos that are more popular. Streaming the videos in MPV or using sites like prevents that.
>I don't have a counterargument, so I'll just call you names
Yeah, and? Mentally, they're still young and lack real life experience.
yeah but nobody likes them
the internet is shit solely because of zoomers
Aping /pol/ talking points doesn't work if you fuck them up this badly
Why do people say Pewdiepie is redpilled?
>I'm a heavy hitter
>'bout to cause a genocide so you can call me...
Youtube was created as a trojan horse into peoples households for that express purpose though. It's been known for over a decade. This was always going to happen. They just have enough crowd sourcing to make it happen now.
he makes /r/The_Donald proud
he said the n word and makes fun of jews
>>He employs other people
To edit his videos.
He creates and advertises his content and his own brand, retard.
People were saying this since the usenet days. Eternal September.
this, dude is looking great these days
>poor communities in India receive free Internet where they didn't have it before
>surprised when this massive growth results in massive growth
Says some non-PC shit every so often, U guess.
Remember when everyone hated PDP because he was a garbage faggot screeching like a child into a camera, and now people like him because he does all that except now he's alt-right?
Why do people point out the Donald Trump subreddit when the r/Anime subreddit and r/Yea Forums subreddit are much bigger problems.
so does anybody else believe they used subbots?
fug, supposed to be an I
>a millionaire denies hes rich
you didnt think this through. also he moved all his business to UK because Scandinavia has higher taxes and more regulations
But think of redpilling the children...
i always liked him
>e-celeb shit
Rangeban everyone born after 1998
Based pewds sending Yea Forums "sophisticated adults" in a seething rage
Yeah, indians.
>retarded post
>made by a jojohijra
lmao like clockwork
It's okay because he's ironic about it now, rather than trying to seem genuinely scared for views.
4channelers going through a TURMOIL
>all these seething pajeets itt
I don’t think anybody here cares enough to research a shitty and trivial topic like that
Lol that's a great track! Def gonna cop it
Yea Forums is filled with autistic antipoltards
people like him because the kids who grew up watching him screeching like a faggot found Yea Forums and post here now
his fans never changed, we're just forced to share the internet with them now when they were contained to youtube and minecraft before
>tfw kiddies who unironically watched pewdiepie are posting on Yea Forums now
Neck yourself zoomer.
you mean 1990
Meme Bobs win again.
This is a great thread, I'm going to copy it all and post in my youtube channel for internetbux
kill all zoomers
generation war when?
>that filename
>he was a garbage faggot screeching like a child into a camera
And he was, when he used to play up the act for the kids who would watch him play scary games. He barely even plays games anymore though, has a bit of variety in his content these days. He actually changed things up, so it would make sense for me to feel differently towards him, you fucking sperg.
>there are people who genuinely give a shit about any of this
One million dollar business is getting more subscribers than another million dollar business. Who gives a shit. It's just another marketing scheme (RUH ROH THE LITTLE GUY IS LOSING TO THE GIANT BUSINESS!!!!) when they're both giant businesses
Fuck off faggot zoomers.
Pewdiepie stans are finally old enough to use Yea Forums.
Fuck off Chris. Go back to taking care of your girlfriend's son
This literally has nothing to do with video games. Okay
He actually said the reason why he's still pushing sponsors, basically he doesn't want to do this forever, so he wants to pile up enough cash to live comfortably in nipland with his wife, until he dies
...Brenton Harrison Tarrant
Because he's greedy lol
All of the money he makes is more than enough to retire with, he just can't get enough of dem internetbux
>so it would make sense for me to feel differently towards him
only if you're a gay zoomer who enjoys his content
to everyone else he's the same screeching faggot
funny how you never complain when it's a giant bomb thread
Anyone remember when PewDiePie was hated, and associated with shitty shrieking face-cam Amnesia Let's Plays? He used to be hated in most non-normie places of the Internet
>literally the only people raging ITT are zoomers defending him
nobody cares faggot
it'd be cool if he turned into a joe rogan type and did podcast and inspirational stuff for an older audience and did more with his celebrity. like i alluded, his channel is bogged down by the youtube e-celeb bullshit aimed at a younger crowd. idk google says he's only 29 and he's stupid rich. there's still time for it to turn out pretty cool, men like that don't just vanish and while i don't follow his content, i'm rooting for him to do something more than silly youtube shit because he's likeable and has a lot of talent.
He still is. The only people defending this faggot here are unironically zoomer children.
I'm 26 and I watch pewdiepie. Ligma balls nigger LOL
He means 93-95 probably
zoom zoom
>be a zoomer
>watch pewdiepie as an underageb& and unironically enjoy it
>turn 18
>discover Yea Forums
there you go
is it true that zoomers are more conservative than millennials?
He is as much of an unfunny faggot as he was back then, just that he is spreading a different kind of AIDS now.
The video where they interview real Indians about the """battle""" reveals why T-Series got so big on Youtube.
1. Well over a billion Indians.
2. T-Series already owned most of Bollywood and India's music for over a decade now. Having a near-monopoly on the country's source of entertainment
3. Youtube algorithm
and 4, the big one. There's a company offering affordable and accessible internet to large parts of India recently and that's gotten new Indians online in droves.
I can totally believe that a large part of T-Series winning comes down to these factors. Subbots aren't out of the question but PDP would probably be benefiting from them too. Also, this is partially a good thing because it's a sign that India is becoming a more developed country. That means that 1/7th of the human population will be more than godawful engineers/programmers/doctors and cheap clothing providers. There might be an Indian space program that isn't a joke and they might actually do something about their myriad problems.
This isnt vidya gaems
>>a millionaire denies hes rich
I never said that. Stop strawmanning. I just said he claimed to not make $40 million+ in merchandise, so you need a source if you're going to say he made 20 million with his mobile game. I'm going to believe the source over the guy who makes a baseless assertion.
Lmao like that hyper-pretentious kike faggot H3H3? Yeah no, fuck that.
>have sex
not him, but i've been seeing meme grow the past couple months. it's a silencing tactic in the same vain as calling someone a nazi
So you are a zoomer? No one buys your retarded doomer/bloomer bullshit
Because Indian people literally shit in the street.
Notice the [1] at the end, I just got the first result from Google.
I’m not watching that shit
But congrats on what
Ain't time weird like that? Remember just a bit before PDP got popular and how Yea Forums's biggest problems were implying implications and greenlexluther.jpg? Crazy how weird the world can get in just a bit under a decade.
Why didn't you listen?
Wow that was so bad i couldn't even get a minute in
Subscribe to pewds
I remember when he used to comment on every MLG meme video and I fucking hated him, I still do.
They are an insincere lot. They talk about how all commies should die then get furious when chad and stacy make more money than them. Part of it is they are still children so they don't even know what the fuck they are saying/doing. Part of it is they are just fucked culturally and there's no bouncing back from the levels of stupidity and ignorance they are at. Just ignore them.
this is pretty much it
people born in 2001 are turning 18 this year so they don't know how much older people despise pdp for the shit he did years ago and his cancerous retarded underaged fanbase
>More Indians having access to the internet is a good thing
Made a joke song congratulating T-Series on finally overtaking him in the number one spot on YouTube.
Diversity is code for no whites
Diversity has always been code for anti white.
>I'm going to believe the source over the guy who makes a baseless assertion.
but you will believe a millionaire who says hes not rich.
>Giving PewDieBitchass views ever
I'm almost 25 and was part of the group of people who were annoyed by PDP's earlier content, the change in format to something that seemed more sincere and grounded (if still very lowbrow and stupid) made me hate him a lot less. His standalone LPs and book review series were pretty endearing.
The message at the end had me tear up.
>countries developing is a bad thing unless they are all white
Jesus you guys are no fun at all. It was a fucking meme.
>screencapping your own post
proof that /pol/ is mostly zoomers who watch pewdiepie
Children will always rebel against their parents, some to more extreme measures than others, how do you rebel against the current generation in charge when many are left leaning or farther left? Shit will work itself out over time and some may float right while others will follow their parents footsteps.
Yeah, it's a sign of development.
I used to not like him, but looking at his recent stuff he's actually pretty swell these days.
>Zoomers on Yea Forums shilling a cringey lets play zoomer
holy fuck I clicked the video and turned it off after a few seconds due to the sheer amount of cringe
do zoomers seriously watch shit like this unironically?
Sub count has so many bots how is youtube even this dumb
They're right, you know. No one on the left cries about the hilarious lack of diversity on the East or about the fact that China and Israel are essentially ethnostates.