I am still surprised Kanna design managed to pass ESRB as E-rated

I am still surprised Kanna design managed to pass ESRB as E-rated.

Also, Blaster Master thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nintendo knows since Splat and Arms that ass sells

I haven't played it yet but you don't actually see much of her rack in the game itself do you? Wouldn't be a problem with ESRB in that case.

Kanna is literally the best girl ever that's why.

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Well. Remember there is possibility that game gonna get DLC with Kanna as playable character.

Splatoon 2 and Arms are rated E-10+

I think DLCs aren't accounted for during the rating process or are rated separately.

Is this the Kanna thread?

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Kanna IS literally made for wholesome hugs

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Any actual info about that wholesome Kanna fanfic?

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>Mighty Gunvolt Burst was E rated
>game is completely tame except that every time you boot it up, the splash image before the title screen shows the angel girl's bare ass
Meanwhile DMCV gets censored.

Kanna is made for a lot more than just hugs user.

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why is kanna so cute bros

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Tender kissing and cuddles, too.

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Wagecucking in the cage, I do believe that sample pastebin was the only thing he's made currently.

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>blaatant cleavage

the fuck. why is the esrb so useless


Need more hug images user's.

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Because most people either ignore or straight up don't know she's kind of a ditzy cunt in the game.

Food doesn't affect the ESRB ratings.

It's almost like those who censor their titty monsters are using ESRB as a scapegoat for their own short coming or something.

Kanna IS for handholding, cuddling, caressing and wholesome lovemaking. She is a pure plant girl.

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what the fuck is that thing
who approved that design

>Omegal Labyrinth Z gets the OK from ESRB as-is
>Sony gets cold feet

kanna in a wedding dress when

God did

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Kanna In wedding dress smiling at wiever as her future husband This is a good inspiration for great Kanna art

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Reminder that Bullying Kanna is the ultimate sin.

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Now i really want to see this

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big tits WOAAAAH

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>ywn get tearfully embraced by Kanna

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I downloaded the Blaster Master Zero 1 demo for Switch. Does anyone know if progress carries over to the full game? I don't want to get to far and have to start over.

my heart is erect

It's beautiful, good for soul

Can cure suicidal depression.

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Anyone who's bullying kanna to the point of tears wouldn't be alive as they'd be savagely beaten to death with a 9 iron Driver Nephi style by her very angry boyfriend.

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If it could cure my MDD i would stuff my face into those melons for all time.

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Those ropes around her boobs look a lot like how shibari looks when girls are tied up under clothes.

Do you think Kanna would be weirded out by people staring at her?

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>literally wearing bondage gear

Big, round, healthy and scrumptious Melon's.

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>"user! where have you been? you've been gone for,like,ever! C`mere~"

She's probably a social retard who feels no shame, but is also pure and eager to interact with anyone who isn't her butlerbot

So big boobs must mean it isn't kid friendly? If you played the actual game there's only like 3 Sprite images of kanna in the whole game and one of them just covers the head and shoulders. Heck, why didn't you mention Eve since she has big breasts too and they are shown more prominently than Kanna in the game.
Nothing in the game is sexualized enough to warrant a higher esrb rating.

>So big boobs must mean it isn't kid friendly?
according to sony, yes

I think it's good she doesn't feel shame, meaning she wont feel the anxiety and social pressure the rest of us have on a daily basis.

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if she is more sciency, why does she have an MA? someone draw her doing labcoat stuff! now!

Shut up about plants and post robots

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Huge melons

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In all honesty I'm surprised if that really is the case since that is body shaming and despite what many of us keep hearing, there do exist woman with naturally large breasts.

I fucking hate her kitty decades and her cat oriented gimmicks in game.

fuck you, it's cute

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i bet none of you faggots are bold enough to get a potted plant, draw kanna's face on the pot, and hotglue it

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Is there even anything that says Eve likes cats or is it just a thing with her design?

Eve is cute and i do like her but she just doesn't stack up to Kanna for me.

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Why does this thread read like a dev's desperate attempt to market his game by amassing poor waifu art of his literally who? It looks like an mspaint creation.

Someone edit this image of her with kanna sized melons?

Worked on me. I spend 20 dollars to get both games.

Eve is boring, generic and worst girl to Kanna.

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Well she isn’t nude and doesn’t say anything suggestive

why isn't there one of her getting watered?
like, a ton

and her boobs grow and grow, because plants plus water equals grow.

do it you bitches
do it for her

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Too much water can drown a plant user.

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Hotglue it to what?

goddamnit stop posting jpgs

That's churazy, man. I like it.

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Control your autism.

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She isn't a fricken cactus unless someone is willing to draw desert theme kanna

To be fair, titty monster Eve is really hot.

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Knowing kanna she probably unironically just wants a banana

Anyone want to RP as Kanna for me on F-list?

I am ready to do literally anything you want

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Big yikes.
Nah Eve is generic and boring, literally every blonde haired anime girl. Kanna is unique in personality and appearance.

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So is half her suit flesh colored or is her root tail in the suit too or is the brown parts her skin?


Can you be not gay? No, obviously not.

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That's a good question, I assume the tail is inside the suit and the fleshytan is just part of the suit colorscheme while her actual body is green.

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What really helps with Kanna's character is her robot butler who helps make her more than just an alien titty plant waifu

What if everything under her head is just a water balloon suit and inside it is just a crap ton of roots that act as her muscular and skeletal system?

i want to fuck moth_user!
i want to hear him squeal as i penetrate his shit-coated pucker!

I think it's simply that while she does have large tits, she doesn't do or say anything sexual in the game at all. The nearest thing is when you show up when she's being watered by Kenwood and she gets kinda embarrassed.

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I want Kanna to hold my hand and tell me everything's gonna be ok

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For some reason I can't make a new thread on /aco/, reply to any current threads and I don't even have an update button. If someone wanted to make a new Kanna thread there that'd be awesome because it apparently isn't happening for me

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i'm playing the first one and don't understand what's so good about it, seems really fucking easy and soundtrack is repetitive

Any news on the japanese artists?

I was having this problem eariler as well. i just installed 4chanX and everything seemed to work fine after that.

I wish you faggots would stop with this shit.

Yes, she's great but you've made her into the next Bowsette already. When you run things into the ground like this so quickly people are turned off.

But how do you have tender love time if Kanna is just a mass of roots? You shouldn't overthink it like that.

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remember not to rush or overly pressure wholesome writefag, he's doing a 30+ page story for us

I've never understood the Bowsette connection, that was banned because at its peak there were multiple Bowsette/super crown threads at a time. The Kanna threads have always been confined to one thread with maybe a second Blaster Master thread up. Who cares?

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Yeah and his wagecucking in the cage certainly isn't speeding things up either. But that sample was wholesome as heck.

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What does Kanna's liquid melon product taste like?

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ESRB ratings for digital only games are decided automatically by a vague questionnaire and not reviewed by humans

Kanna could do tentacle porn with you

So where is the paizuri?

Either Tropical punch or Melon bubble tea. Either way it's the nectar of the Gods.

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Do you have a link to the sample?

Hiding from view.
Here you go nigger.

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What the hell is melon bubble tea and where do you get it?

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He's probably referring to watermelon boba tea

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Where do I get that and see if it's worthy to say that's what Kanna's liquid Melon produce would taste like?

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Who honestly cares about the rating system besides mother's that think about the kids?

Here's a recipe you can follow.
blog.bubbleteasupply.biz/make-fresh-watermelon-juice-boba-tapioca-pearls/ . Some places may also sell it as a drink though im not sure which ones exactly.

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Why can't Kanna be real?

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ESRB actually cares little about cleavage, man. Most cleavage censoring is eaith to make CERO ratings or to avoid potential issues with soccer moms and SJWs.

Can pollen get her pregnant?

Because when we die we get to spend the rest of eternity with Kanna.

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Love me some melons

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Me too.

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The plants in the pot will, but Kanna herself was genetically engineered to only procreate with human seed as a safeguard against any unwanted pregnancies that would hinder her ability as a pilot.

wtf i want to fuck a plant now

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Welcome to the club.

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It would be double standards to shame her for her body

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It's like a trap for SJWs

Best Girl

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she's voluptuous but she's not overtly sexualized

thicc kindergarten teachers everywhere would be out of a job

Super Best girl*

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I do love when a vidya chick I think is cool gets tons of fanart. The game's barely a couple weeks old

THICC watermelons

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We truly live in the worst timeline.

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better keep this thread alive

Because if you do that, Kanna will cry!

No, that would be Tae.

One day, we will live to see plant girls like Kanna be real, and they will be completely enamored with you by virtue of being their caretaker.

reminder to kannafags

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Thanks for the reminder.

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>want to talk about the actual game
>get called a faggot while people spam more kanna porn

And that's why I just discarded this game as complete and irredeemable shit.

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Please kill this thread, ACfag

There was an actual Blaster Master thread the other day, it was nice.

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I hope they do a physical with both games like they did for gunvolt.

But the game is good. Dont disregard the game as bad just because some people enjoy a certain character. And no one is stopping you from talking about the game, feel free.

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Yeah as if people don't want to fuck Hollow Knight characters. Get over yourself moron.

Whipped this up pretty quick.

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>Game is bad because of annoying fans
I never understood this mentality.


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Isn't 50 shades of grey about bdsm? How does that relate to a wholesome melonfic?

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I need to know a release date for the full thing

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We sadly dont know. Writefag's been busy wagecucking but hopefully we'll be updated soon.

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money i want money, do you agree?

Plant tits aside is the game itself good?

Yes it is

>Sure, idk. I was going by the context of pic.

This is actually now my fetish, post more

Kanna is an airhead that is relevant for only a few scenes of dialog during her fight, quest and golden ending. The people who say Eve is generic havnt played the game. She goes through hell to save Jason during the best ending.

Yeah, especially when there's never a short supply of annoying people

>blonde haired anine girl isn't generic
Already exist's everywhere but Kanna does not.

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Hope that day comes soon.

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Not bad art But Eve wants to take a hammer to Kanna!

It won't work. Kannas tits are too powerful.

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Bruh that image sketch looks awful.

You do better then.

Learn to shade in properly you fucking subhuman.

There's been plenty of E rated games with girls with big tits or some shit. Namely in this case, is because the plant is just a one sec NPC so the entire game isn't dictated by her presence. I worry about how even sjws don't even address this while pervs feel the need to question the games rating because of the female body.

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if you heard of this magical game called Smash Bros, Bayo and Snake neither raise the rating of the game based on playable status of any kind.

She has quite the... melons.

Never had interest in this series but this plant has made me discover my love for fishnet bras

meanwhile CERO says a Tharja trophy, Corrin's Thighs, a Mythra sticker, and peach's goofy underwear need to be censored otherwise the rating gets bumped.

Why exactly do we care about this? Nintendo used to act like Modern Sony does now, so I don't understand why anyone should care? Just ignore Sony until they backpedel or something if ya'll care so much.

Or stick to PC like a non idiot would do.

To TEEN rating. That's the only issue because it's not the fucking body, it's the poses themselves. You're comparing a fucking sprite with a 3D model with multiple, exploitable angles.

Honestly I bet that's why Sakurai removed them all because he got triggered about the censoring of his work.

the tharja trophy and mythra sticker didn't have dynamic poses. the mythra sticker is a literal 2d sprite. CERO still censored them in the same game they okayed Bayonetta.

Eventually it'll bite them in the ass.

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A: I never said anythng about dynamic poses autism. Stop saying shit that was never stated
B: Doesn't counteract the exploitable angles argument. Which is why it was removes.

FFS the model doesn't have big ass tits, so it's clearly not about how fat some body part is, just how much you can see it. Remember when that FE cross over game had a girl in a bride outfit get censor because of the cleavage? Instead of actually removing the cleavage, they just painted it white. Guess what makes it ok for the plant girl's tits to be ignored? She's painted green.

It's like an algarism for these companies, if it's skin colored, it's censored at this point.

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I wish I could bite Kanna's ass, or playful nibble.

>Her own head as test bed for plants

Ohhhhhhhhh so that's actually pot of plant

>B: Doesn't counteract the exploitable angles argument. Which is why it was removes.

oh yes all those exploitable angles the mythra sticker has. just admit CERO is a retarded censorship board who can't even stay consistent about what they want, rather than trying to cover for them like some idiotic shill.

I had to look this up because I had no idea what you keep going on about and... why the fuck are you going on about this? She's just wearing leggings. I thought you were implying this was removed or some shit like the tharja model. What are you calling this a censor for?

Wouldn't it be funny if she were in smash? haha

>Milk Sales Drop by More Than $1 Billion as Plant-Based Alternatives Take Off
The future is sooner than we thought bros.

Sòy milk is bad for you though user.

Are all plant based milks onions ?

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Nope, there's almond milk which is pretty good but expensive as fuck and takes a lot of water to make.

this was a list of things in Smash Bros that got censored because they'd raise the rating, despite them all being incredibly inoffensive and mundane. because you brought up smash as an example of things that got through without raising the rating, it seemed relevant.

The comparison was the E rating. The plant tits, in a 2D form isn't exploitable like the Peach and Tharja examples, and in 2D form, apparently leggings is called censorship now. What the fuck is the compassion here? None of this shit is relevant to the original statement, TITS = must need a higher rating. But the game is fine with Samus' tits, Shulks abs, Bayo's everything, and Snake's guns. All of what was relevent to the argument, has gotten through with no changing of the series standard E rating since the beginning, besides Melee because E-10 wasn't a thing at the time. I hate 4channel posters, they are fucking inbreds.

>TITS=must need a higher rating
gee, you'd sure look stupid if they'd censored some cleavage to keep the rating down then wouldn't you. since you've repeatedly claimed this had nothing to do with what you're talking about.
Also of course adding leggings is censorship, why wouldn't it be? if the previous design was deemed offensive and the new one was okayed because it was less provocative i can't imagine what else you'd call it.

Attached: ssb-ultimate-mythra-censored-nov262018-1.jpg (837x356, 110K)

Oh, so that's how the original look. I didn't know the leggings was added one after the fact.

Then it proves my point that it only matters when it's skin colored. Green tits is ok, but not white/black skin. Just like how green blood is ok, but not red blood. So no, I'm not wrong, and anyone crying over why melon girl gets no T/M rating retarded shit is because of that exploit in the rating system.

CERO's rating system is stupid. Look at the spirits in Smash ultimate and see how many ladies have their tits barely contained while others are covered.