under 30% of players have his trophy
Leave the casuals to me, Shinobi of the divine heir
under 30% of players have his trophy
Leave the casuals to me, Shinobi of the divine heir
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How is it on ps4 xbone? What is the percent on those platforms?
On ps4 it was about 25%
Don't use PC stats, people are using cheats to beat the game
PS4 is at 25%, Xbox is at 17%.
PS4 players tend to be the best at these type of games so yes definitely cheats for PC users.
Genichiro is around 40% on PC, but like I said people are starting to just cheat and use trainers to beat the game because they can't adapt. I play on PC but I would never trust PC statistics for these kinds of games.
Forgot pic
But why, you can learn any boss's move pattern in a few hours at most. And even if you can't beat the boss, you can always come back later and try again. That usually helps me
Some people are just really stupid and cannot adapt to new things. So instead of just learning how to play the game they will just cheat.
PC players are used to easier games. Playstation players grew up playing these kind of Jap games on PSX-PS2. Remember how much the Ornstein and Smough outcry escalated when DaS hit PC?
Tons of soulsfags suck balls and rely on summons and leveling health etc. They are getting annihilated by the requirement to deflect
Isn't that actually kind of high for Souls?
I might be remembering wrong, but I thought the stats for stuff like Taurus Demon or Phalanx were shockingly low.
That's actually pretty impressive. I didn't think 20% would even make it that far.
The game has major get gud thresholds
Chain ogre
Lady butterfly
Rape bull
Seven spears
Snake eyes
And these are all bosses in the first act.
Monkey trouble on PS4 is at like 9 percent.
most people just refuse to learn and blame the game for their own mistakes
>Laurence, the First Vicar has an 8.8 clear percentage on PS4
Is he still the most based Souls boss?
Genichiro is the second mandatory boss and his completion rate is only 25%. The boss right after him is only 10%.
It isn't far at all, Genichiro is at the very early part of the game. He isn't even the half way point.
Trueachievements only tracks users on the site I think. It's actually lower on Xbone. Only 14%.
t. Xboner who's beaten the game. Only 1.69% have beaten Isshin.
What? The Guardian Ape is 17% on PS4.
Forgot the pic that shows it.
I beat this guy last night. Took maybe an hour to nail it.
I know, but it's still quite a journey from the start to the top of the tower, with lots of boss fights.
Even people on Yea Forums has bragged about using trainers. The whole purpose of a game is to learn the mechanics to progress,and enjoying overcoming the challenge. Might as well watch a movie or read a book
There only one boss before Genichiro, unless you mean the mini-bosses. There's only 2 mini bosses before Genichiro and you can skip one of them.
Just beat Genichiro today. Felt really good.
If you dont use the bell portal, you have a handful of multi deathblow enemies before getting to him, roughly a third of the game.
Nevermind, the psnprofiles only tracks users on that website. Can someone take screenshots of the psn trophy stats straight from a PS4?
Games are the only medium of entertainment keeping me from killing myself but I'm piss poor at them and have bad reaction times (multiplayer games are absolutely out of the question)
>Second mandatory boss
I get that Sekiro has the weird distinction between boss and mini-boss, but if something like Taurus or Capra is counted as a "full boss", then I would definitely say things like the Chained Ogre or Ashina Elite count as well, at least when comparing the boss count to Souls. So he's more like the fifth mandatory boss.
like 30% of players launch any game
stop making these shit-ass threads, you wanna jerk yourself off then do it in private
>weird distinction between boss and mini-boss,
>chained ogre a boss
Absolutely not. If it doesn't drop a memory, the game doesn't treat it like a boss. The only exceptions I would make this for are things like the Raging Bull but even then I wouldn't do that because it only has one health bar and has almost no moves.
>ah yes ANOTHER multi-stage boss
>"alt-f4s and uninstalls*
>like 30% of players launch any game
at least 90% launched the game on PC and played through a tutorial. You Seem to be confusing "launch" with "beat". Most people don't beat the games they play.
Why would anyone cheat on a game built around the fun and satisfaction of learning to beat hard bosses? Fucking retarded zoomers. Also fuck people who call them “trainers”. Dishonest pansies.
Ogre blocks the passage forward with a mini fog wall if you don't kill it. You can't bypass it by any means to proceed in the area, like the bull and the guy in the horse.
hardest game EVER!!!!
man, am I good
nobody cares. it doesn't mean anything. stop shitting up the board, you exhibitionist asshat
The guy on the horse is an actual boss. The game tends to force the player to fight minibosses sometimes, for some reason. This doesn't make mini bosses actual bosses. There's a snake-eyes npc mini boss that's a mandatory fight in Ashina Depths. It's is not an actual boss, though. Bloodborne does the same thing int he chalice dungeons, it takes regular enemies and turns them into "boss" fights for some reason sometimes. They aren't real bosses, though.
who gives a fuck what you make exceptions for, a mini-boss would still be a boss.
It's not.
These stats are all trash. Remember the one that said something like 10% of people beat Cleric Beast in BB?
Even DSP beat this boss in 4 tries.
it's the same people that mostly used summons and stupid shit to beat Dark Souls games. this game does something totally different by not giving you the option to not learn the game properly
nice try, but Dark Souls 1's achievements were all reset when the game switched to steamworks years after its release
Him or Manus of the abyss (not sure of his name) only 2 bosses I ever needed summons to beat
>absolutely rock robertoooo
>block everything he can do like a basic ass area 1 enemy
>realize it's a gimmick fight and he won't die
>repeat near edge
Who the fuck is calling him hard
He's basically a gimmick boss, but a pretty cool one
Jesus Christ I'm good. Aren't I just like, the best, ever?! OHMIGOSH!
why the fuck did they make him a gimmick fight, he might have been one of the better bosses in the game otherwise
Casual filters are Genichiro, Guardian Ape, and Owl
No screenshots, but I'll go through the current percentages for all bosses.
Gyoubu 55.5%
Lady Butterfly 40.6%
Genichiro 27.8%
Guardian Ape 19.1%
Guardian Ape Immortality Severed 13.2%
Folding Screen Monkeys 22.9%
Owl 12.5%
Owl (Father) 2.7%
Corrupted Monk 11.4%
Divine Dragon 9.6%
Isshin Ashina 2.1%
Sword Saint Isshin 5.0%
Demon of Hatred 4.9%
You only listed one boss, though, and she's optional.
I found that jump slashing screws with snake eyes AI and can be repeated multiple times before she goes out of the loop. Honestly the hardest "bosses" have been the minibosses. Ashina Spears and the kick well ninja both took me over ten tries. Butterfly, genichiro, and horseman took maximum 3. Was this intentional?
More casual players aren't interested in spending the time to overcome a challenge, which is fair enough. I play a bit of guitar but I don't spend hours trying to crack certain songs. Some people have the motivation for it, some people don't. DaS players who get filtered by this guy can get fucked though. Just proves that they over-levelled or summoned to get through tougher bosses in those games.
So quick question, in the cutscene before the Genichiro fight, who is the women there with him? Is it Emma? Also how do i get new Emma dialogue all she is the same thing about how dragonrot once spread a long time aho.
They're mechanically the same as fully fledged bosses and several fully block your progress. The ogre might not be listed as a proper boss but still filters players like one, more so than early Dark Souls bosses actually.
oh lawd I'm cumming, do you all hear that
thanks for watching me stroke myself off, yall
it's her. are you not past Genichiro?
Im glad ill never be eternally butt blasted about a video game
No i haven't beaten Genichiro, i decide i should stop exploring and just fight him. I got the mibu village and i said "i should beat Genichiro before i keep going".
They aren't unique enemies and don't drop memories. I'm aware that they block progress but they aren't actual bosses.
chain ogre is such a basic bitch.
literally zone his moves be aware of tracking on jump kick and finish him like a dark spuls boss with in and out attacks...
stop being jealous I'm part of the 67% pro gaymurrs and git gud
It's amazing how well designed this game is for that. I'm doing a demon bell playthrough and seeing how much can bs done before fighting him. 3 deep rabbit holes of exploration, several minibosses, and even another actual boss or 2 not including hirada estate.
he's pretty tough until you learn him. it's probably the biggest git gud point in the game besides some of the optional mini bosses. it's where the combat really clicked for me
In the same subject, how come when you trigger the Genichiro fight custcene and then lose, Emma doesn't acknowledge it and is still back at the temple like nothing happened. That makes no sense.
You are looking for the little lord but Emma is right there with Genichiro and the little lord.
I haven't beaten him yet. Trying to do everything I can before him and I think I only have O'rin and one kickboy left to beat.
You'll find out when you beat him
In the prologue Gen cuts you uo and steals your gf (male), you just have to go back up the tower and kill him, or try I guess
There's like 24 named enemies that you can fight before Genichiro.
he's not even close to the final boss dude. you should do him before exploring too much
I'd be surprised if I can even make it to him, I got this game on release day but holy shit I've made pretty much no progress
>Everyone complaining about some of the easiest bosses in the game including seven ashina spears
>Here i am even finding Sword Saint Isshin not to be super challenging just getting his patterns down for a clean fight.
You are all just shitters
And I've beaten a lot of dudes. Everywhere I go end up either with a locked door or a dead end but I'll keep exploring a bit and see if I can find more mad lads.
He seems like an important story boss so I want to do all the side shit before him. Never assumed he would be the final boss.
He is literally easier than the Seven Spears dude outside in the Ashina Reservoir. I mean, he has to be the easiest non-gimmick story boss.
This. I got to the Mibu Village and missed some lore stuff, i say explore the Tempu temple, talk to the guy at the top for the creepiness and them go back and fight Genichiro. I already fucked myself over because i read about the headless monkey fight that now i can skip (but won't). To be honest the game should lock out most areas until you beat Genichiro, game feels more natural that way.
Make sure to go underwater to fight some dudes. There was a place I almost forgot about in Sunken Valley where you fight a boss after going underwater to be able to get to him.
Where are you at? Have you beaten lady butterfly at least?
Thanks for reminding me to check all the deep water areas. Just today beat Corrupted Monk and got the dive ability so I have only checked a few areas for sunken secrets.
>To be honest the game should lock out most areas until you beat Genichiro, game feels more natural that way.
I feel that same.
Can i fight the Corrupter Monk after Genichiro. I feel like im exploring too much, like im skipping ahead.
As soon as you know that you can jump and throw back the thunder he is easy as shit.
I mean i did read the thing before the bossfight that implies you can do that, but it took me a while to actually attempt it.
You're not skipping anything. Explore to your heart is content. You can literally do whatever you want.
I beat genichiro and haven't found monk yet so yes
Isshin is the major get good threshold, was the first boss that made me learn how to mikiri counter.
All the ones before i just paried everything.
You can fight him before and after Genichiro
Exploring is the best in this game.
Cant get past his first phase. I really thought he was supposed to be the final boss
He's not that difficult.
After i killed the Mist Noble i went back because i felt like i was missing too much context. Then i read that other npcs mention it and i haven't heard it in my game so i waa afraid i was skipping stuff.
I've never even fought him because hes optional but I beat Orphan
I beat this guy second try, but that may have been because I'm the closest thing to being overleveled in this game because I did a shitload of exploring first. Corrupted Monk and the ghost lady with the shamisen gave me way more trouble than this guy.
The third phase fucked me up hard.
The optional mini bosses available before him kinda teach you how to beat him with no problems.
You have autism.
Cope, retard.
How the fuck are you suppose to go through all his phase with 3-4 gourd? not to mention he hit like a truck
30% is a LOT. A shit ton of other 20+ hour games wouldn't even have 20% of it's base have some obligatory mid-game achievement.
the fact u can unlock achivements by cheating is retarded wtf
I didn't want to spend 30 minutes to hours upon hours whiping on bosses with a combat system I don't even enjoy. I wouldn't mind if Parry had a smaller window but came out instantly but it has a weird delay before hits. I hate it
No. The interconnected world is one of the finer aspects of the game. Even from outskirts you can get to sunken valley.
To be fair the thunder parry mechanic is ABSOLUTE shit. I mean I beat the guy, I did the mechanic, but it is so poorly executed. Like when you see him charge thunder you have to jump, then get hit by the attack, then time R1 when you hit the ground. Sometime sit works sometimes it fucking rapes you. I ended up spamming R1 in mid air like a retard and it sometimes it worked.
It's just a shit mechanic
>Finally deathblow Genichiro twice
>'Alright, that took a while to get his moveset down, but at least now I can actually go do something else'
>Phase 2 starts
After a few tries i could reliably get to his final stage with zero damage. His new moves fucking need a mikkiri counter and if he stabs you hell try a grab that does almost 80% of my hp
Trial by fire for getting to master that fucking counter
You are going to have a lot of fun with future bosses.
>spend ages fighting his regular form
>finally beat him
>suddenly have to fight this form and die from getting zapped when his bar is half full.
I'm going to have to give it another shot later. I guess.
You have to be able to swing before hitting the ground is all. If it's not working, it always means you jumped too early and got hit by lightning too close to the ground to have time to swing with it.
I had zero trouble outside of readying for the counter if i was right on top of him. You can also deflect his lightning arrows and do lightning counter, but its better to stay on top of him
Wait, is genichiro really only the 50% mark? maybe it's because I did so much other shit before him but I feel like I cleared 80% of the game. I got blocked off at gun fort, mount senpou, etc. Just because I purposely ignored the top of the castle and did everything else I could. After I killed him I gave kuro like 3 items since I had already explored these areas.
I feel like I did this wrong
Stop relating this piece of weeb shieet to Dark Souls. This is God of War tier.
Damn, the combat flows better in The Force Unleashed, ff sake
Treat him the same way. He was mostly the same moves. Jump away from his mikkiri sheev attack if you cant counter it. He opens a combo with a running slash, parry away from it and you can safely get in a heal.
Friendly reminder that genichiro can be fought after completing every optional shit and many players are playing it casually. It might take some time till people kill him.
Seeth more casual
I'm not dumb enough to talk sgit without playing something. This game is a steaming pile of trash, and and you have no argument
>Beat robert's dad first try on my first run
>Think the deathblow has a special animation were wolf pushes him off the bridge
>Fight him again
>Turns out you need to aim the deathblow
>Had to kill him three times
Somebody post the Folding screen monkey's post please.
i recall reading about some point in the game where you cant go back to finish things, where or what event was that? i just got the mortal blade
Guys I'm stuck at the WWE ogre so I went to the memory and met Father but shouldn't there be some kinda level up at this point? I only have 2 of the required beads or whateer that was and so far only got some skills
PCfags cheat in all games
it's just natural to them
the genichio battle was so satisfying
>Struggle with a boss for ages
>Suddenly destroy him really quickly
>Dont feel like I got pertucially better or did anything different
What happened? Is it just the nature of the posture system causing little improvments to lead to massive momentum changes?
I honestly dont know how I beat this dude. I bullshitted around with his first 2 bars, then it went into a cutscene and I forgot to pause, come back and I barely died, decide to say fuck it and resurrect and actually manage to defeat him when it was my first try on his second phase. Didnt know how to feel really.
Na, level ups are sparse.
I'd advise you to go through the memory until you reach the totem behind giant drunk sword mini-boss and then go back to the the castle until you beat horse general and get his attack up.
If you want the easiest path that is. Just use fire to stun the ogre if you're having problems.
There are some hidden beads as well. One before lady butterfly and one by climbing the tower next to the castle gate.
This is literally impossible
This really. The thrill of beating shit with my own merit is what keeps me going in this game.
>press jump to win
The new axis adds new cheese
Wow what is that enemy he looks really cool almost like half the bosses in Bloodborne
Plays like a lot of them too, just much harder.
Gyobu is 50%. Genichiro is around 27% on PS4.
>activates inf health