Insomniac is going full Naughty Dog.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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2 genders
2 scoops
2 terms

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>tfw they turn Ratchet into a transgender.

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ape escape 4 when

So all that's left is Sucker Punch?

Nice April's Fool joke Insominac!


Not a surprise, they also made a video about the Trump travel ban if I remember correctly

Fuck off SJW, there's only one gender.

Based and islamapilled

Kinda nice. Most people are hating this ironically or to fit in since I KNOW, this board is absolutely full of queers.

You fags wanna say RE5 and DMC2 are good, you wanna trying and fill your hungry holes during steam threads with gay hook ups, you guys wanna argue soul all day everyday.

This Insomniac post was practically custom tailored to Yea Forums

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Why would fags give a shit that insomniac added a fag flag to their game?

>Today and everyday we as a bunch of low IQ americans suck jewish cock
Good, that's an american tradition since 1904
Btw hopefully China will nuke California in the near future

it's nice to see support when everyone else on the internet is shitting on you because of alt-right memes

Guys, remember what tomorrow is

Honk honk!

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Gotta scream about boogeymen to avoid the fact our lives are shit

If goddamn zoomers weren't all mentally Ill fucking weirdos that stay inside and play video games 24/7 they wouldn't market this way.


Think of Ratchet, but drawn by Shadman.

What support? An image in a logo? Did you get a job or mental treatment out of it?

Guess what geniuses; they are a corporation. Corporations need money to survive. Which do you think is gonna get them more money, supporting trans people and all that gay shit or having a “politic free” policy. Figure it out.

>March 31st
don't fall for it

And that’s retarded ghost

Shouldn't that be part of comedy month?

Oh shit, Cosmic Spider-Man suit.

Having a politic free policy. Alienating 30% of consumers is not a sound strategy

good for them


I hope if they start doing shit like that they go full JK rowling.
>Clank was actually black, but the paint got scraped off in the factory because evil hitler robots didn't want black robots
>Ratchet never specified his gender, think about it
>in the R&C universe, it's actually illegal to be 100% straight.

Supporting the trans will literally do nothing to their bottom line. You faggots will still buy their games. Plus millions of other people.


I just wanna play video games. I just wanna lounge around in a lazy sunday and play my video games. I dont care for anyones personal favorite thing to suck or lick, pussy, dick or lolipop, I just want to fucking play videogames.


literally none of their games are good

>from the makers of FUSE and Meme Overdrive
They're just trying to remain relevant, that's all

>Insomniac is going full Naughty Dog.
Making Yea Forums SEETHE whenever they make a great game on PS4?


Trans people are less than 0.5% of the world's population

ps fuck corporations

Why is it so hard for people to accept there are only 2 genders? Even moreso, why do these people claim you're the bad person when you call them a he or she as if you were supposed to know their fucking weird ass gender?

This world is fucked.

because it HAS to be SHOVED INTO YOUR FACE



for a group of people who are so interested in "passing" you'd think they'd be more interested in just fitting into society as whatever gender they are trying to transition to

instead all they do is bitch on the internet and demand free shit

still upset over Spiderman I see

The fake woke train continues ever onward. Its amazing the LGBT community doesn't shit on every corporation that dares to try and use them for woke points.


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Why does Yea Forums obsess over trannys? I agree they're a cancer on society but you don't see anywhere else talk about them nearly as much, at least not the other boards. This thread would get insta-culled on a better board like Yea Forums

That's just a coincidence.

>Why does Yea Forums obsess over trannys?
Like everything they obsess over it, they are jealous

Goobergate and the elections invited all kind of /r/TheDonald and /pol/tard newfag reactionaries here.

Or is it?


Go back to craposhithouse. This board has been shitting on leftist sjws since 2012 ever since anita started making her videos. Yea Forums is a right wing board, leftism is a cancer to gaming.

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I don't play or buy capeshit so no

Yea Forums is a hotbed for repressing trannies so they take it out on others as a mega cope

Why are you posting dead franchises?

>Yea Forums is a right wing board, leftism is a cancer to gaming.
No it wasnt, prior to the election no one cared about politics in fact the people who did got fed up with not getting attention and went to cripplechan

>Why is it so hard for people to accept there are only 2 genders?
Why is it so hard for people to accept there aren't?

seething snoy tranny

based and redpilled

So go and play video games.

Naaaah. Really?! NAAAAAAAAH!

Attached: The future of gaming.jpg (1920x1080, 317K)

>prior to the election
>wasn't here in 2012 when anita announced her videos and there were multitudes of threads shitting on here
back to r/games

Nothing is stopping you guys from just playing the games, nothing is being shoved in your face you have to look up their twitter account to see this, you're going out of your way to make yourself mad

Why would i be upset about a franchise that killed itself and was a watered version of already existing games? Bayonetta not only has better gameplay but fanservice too

Yes, stormfags have been pretending to belong since 2012, and they got people on board by shitting on Anita, but they've been pushing further and further ever since.

>Yea Forums has always been right wing
Yea Forums has always been a mix of mostly moderates of both sides. Kill yourself, revisionist.


Here you go, newfag. Go back.

>Sony devs

how have we hit a point where this mental illness is celebrated? The more I think about it the more it bewilders me

>wasn't here in 2012 when anita announced her videos and there were multitudes of threads shitting on here
I was and people only ridiculed her, not went up in arms or clogged the catalog with daily threads about 'us vs them'

Uhhhh lurk more

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>muh stormfag conspiracy
Leftist bugmen kept shoehorning their ideology into games. You are just seeing a backlash, faggot.

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I can tolerate the existence of people who intentionally mutilate their own genitals but I’m not proud they exist and I’m sure as fuck not going to celebrate mutilation

How did we get to the point that we literally hold a fucking ticker tape parade for people taking it up the ass and the mentally unwell while praising them for being insane

>Imsomniac worked for other studios including Microsoft
>Sony devs
Why is this place obsessed with Sony?

But they have never made a trans-focused video game, nor have they ever included a transgender character in any of their games.

Why are they pretending they care?

Because most people don’t accept obvious lies. Only mentally ill (like trannies) spew obvious lies.

Trans rights are human rights. Nice facebook spongebob meme, theDonald newfag. Go back

>mentioning trans people = alienating fanbase

>determinism applied to history
The single most dangerous idea of the modern era.


Press F for Ratchet and Clank.

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Don't trannies have to be human for those rights to apply?

Attached: at first I was like but then I was like.png (1210x515, 445K)

Except this board has been shitting on sjws well before the election and a couple of years before GG. Fuck off you useless tranny. The only reason political posting increased is because leftists keep shoehorning their ideology into games.

user, that "leftist shoehorning" IS the backlash to your reactionary bullshit.

That said though your little scaremongering screenshot is entirely devoid of context so it's impossible to tell what it's really saying. Oh no, Marxism! Scary word! You people are pathetic.

Imagine publicly and openly supporting and encouraging mental illness and irreversible body mutilation and transformation.
Clown world.

Attached: Insomniac's manual on how to transition.webm (360x270, 2.96M)

Another screepcap of some ugly person from reddit. Go back, reactionary newfag.

Get back to dilating your hole on r/games, r/chapotraphouse or leftypol tranny. This is a right wing board.

>Except this board has been shitting on sjws well before the election
They didnt though
>The only reason political posting increased is because leftists keep shoehorning their ideology into games.
Then why the people who complain about this dont make games pushing THEIR ideology instead?

>westernshit devs

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So what is wrong with it?
Recognizing a part of your customer base is bad?
How does this affect you, like, at all?
Are you this bigoted that even a mention of the word "transgender" makes you seethe?
Nobody is forcing you to become transgender, all they are doing is just showing trans and queer people that they are humans too and deserve love and support.
If you really think that this is some attack on you, you need to rethink your life choices.
Grow up.

Imagine if Rockstar put a NIGGER in their game today.

>This is a right wing board.
If that's so then im gonna post left wing stuff just to trigger you :3


This is a video games board

Are you fucking stupid? Bugmen like you have been shoehorning your failed ideology into gaming well before Trump was elected. How is it a backlash to my politics? Your ideology is a blight to games.

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>fag flag
this is the tranny flag

Unironically based

Not a real argument

Oh I'm sorry, maybe you 2 newfags are actually schizophrenic incels on top of being facebook-memeing newfag redditors.

In that case, go back to 8gag.

>Yea Forums
>right wing
Nah, I don't want Jack Thompson stealing my vidya tits

Do you have any scientific proof to comprehensively show there are more than 2 genders? If not then it's all some fanfic.

>They didnt though
Yes they did. Anita made her videos in 2012. There were a ton of threads about it.
>Then why the people who complain about this dont make games pushing THEIR ideology instead?
The only good games come from right wing ethnostates like Japan and ones in Eastern Europe, so they do.

In the west, any developer who does not shoehorn leftist politics gets harassed by screeching bugmen and trannies on twitter and doxxed.

Oh honey, I wasn't talking about Trump. You remember Anita, don't you? Notice how all she did was point out things in video games and criticise them? She was responding to something else that existed before her.

Incidentally, I like how you people revived an old slur for gays just so you could be sophisticated in your bigotry, I guess.



>Your ideology is a blight to games.
how? Nintendo could announce the new Mario game turns the brothers into mexican trannies yet if the game is still fun to play then its no biggie

>be me (John Insomniac)
>put a couple of rainbow flags in my expansive open world spiderman game
>brag about it on Twitter
>not even the crickets are chirping over that one
>pay a couple journos to make articles claiming that people are SEETHING over the presence of a fucking flag

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gamergate was such a fucking joke lol

>Murdering people you don't agree with is okay
When will it be legal to kill wh*Toids?

so cringe

Attached: tranny suplex.webm (288x360, 1.56M)

Yeah I'm pretty sure anthropologists have done just that

Reminder that we've gone well past the point of no return, democratic solutions are impossible. Stop trying to educate and convert people, mass support is only needed in a democracy, and as we all know, this shitshow won't last long, you are just wasting your time.

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80%+ suicide rate. they are celebrating mental illness like it's a fashion trend. they are exploiting these people solely for for their vain hypocritical social media image. These people need serious help. Not some bachelors degree in dance therapy Twitter dimwit making positive Twatter hashtags.

Attached: regretful tranny.png (1409x4383, 880K)

holy fuck that was based

>The only good games come from right wing ethnostates like Japan and ones in Eastern Europe
>Japanese and European games
>right wing
Nintendo is Japanese is they havent introduced politics of any kind ever, not left or right
So shove your fanfic up your arse

They have been dead for quite some time

>right wing ethnostates like Japan

I'll never understand the reactionary mindset of being obsessed with Japanese cartoons

. Do you also get a hate-boner for Israel, seeing how it's a country founded off of a genocidal racist colonizer ideology.

Of course not, muh jews run the world, right?

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Why the fuck do developers keep coming out of the wood work acting like this, like it's gonna make them money, when it dosn't, every single time?

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>80%+ suicide rate
lol, this statistics keeps growing every time I see you people cite it. Could it be bullshit?

There have been games with nigger protags recently released without any compliants. That's because they actually fit in the theme of the game. Strawman harder.

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>like it's gonna make them money, when it dosn't
Spiderman put a couple of gay flags and it made millions so yeah it does work

Imagine feeling complimented when somebody says to you "Hey, you exist!"
How fucking miserable must your life be?

I'm not talking about showing stuff here and there without making a big deal out of it, i'm talking about proclaiming shit loudly.

the far right is the only group that wants to defund israel you dumb shit

gaming has always been full of fags, look at Yea Forums. this cant be news to anyone

This is the funniest thing I've ever read.

>That's because they actually fit in the theme of the game
Well that's weird, Mafia 3 was about racism in that era yet everyone threw a fit because the protagonist was a black man and they were upset because a black man was fighting against racism

>80% suicide rate
Source, please

>poiting out
>crying abouy "muh sexist tropes" in gaming
>rightfully get shitted on
This board has trashed SJWs before the election and around at least two years before GG. Again, this is a backlash to leftists wanting to shoehorn their ideology into games.

Its why I didn't buy spiderman. They used to be one of my favorite developers.

>Imagine feeling complimented when somebody says to you "Hey, you exist!"
>How fucking miserable must your life be?
>And special thanks to...You
Yeah, go figure

>wants visibility
>when the goal of trans is to be invisible
>day is right on April Fools


>There have been games with nigger protags recently released without any compliants.
Really? Recently? Without complaints?

Yes I linked to Reddit.

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>Am I the only one...
>I mean...

I fucking hate these zoomers phrases

Insomniac ALWAYS wanted to be ND. It's like their kid brother company.

>no reply from the SKfag yet

>2 scoops
Fucking lightweights

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And again, leftists are only rightfully shitting on your bigoted bullshit, and then doubly rightfully shitting on your for crying about it.

non binary?

Triggered snowflake hates that all the top replies to the tweet are people saying it's a respectable move and the transphobes get ratioed

>crying abouy "muh sexist tropes" in gaming
Isn't that what /pol/ does about race mixing and other forms of "white genocide"?

>Yea Forums is a right wing board
No. The right is fucking stupid and has always been.

This. I don't support any company that gets political, even if I 100% agree with their politics. I don't care what you support; I care about the product you make being the best.

that flag has pretty cool colors honestly

someone nuke burgerland before it's too late

aprillia aprillia syö silliä ja juo kuravettä päälle!

Holy kek, this bait got me.

I'd rather Jack Thompson than all the bugmen leftists censoring "problematic" games and threatening devs to comply.

Because you are a tranny and would enjoy having a character to relate to. Dilate your hole.
That's because they are Japanese who don't give a shit about screeching bugmen trannies. If Nintendo was a western company, it would have made Peach into a tranny already. Be glad they aren't western.

if I ever fucked with some tranny fag I would tell him to never have this done to his genitals this shit creates a horrifying result and doesn't put a dent in the 50% suicide rate


It's not just Yea Forums. It's an internet thing in general, because that's where these groups are most prominent.
I live in Los Angeles and don't hear anything about transexuals, homosexuals, race, etc. come up in normal conversations ever. Most interaction I have with them in life is seeing you guys complain about them instead of video games, and once in a while I see a drag queen on the subway.

Trannies hide from the real world in video game worlds. It is a very common escapism for them (and there are studies saying that vidya is causing gender dislocation but that's neither here nor there). This is the video games board. The vidya community - just like the real world - does not want them.
Nobody wants them hence why over 60% of them kill themselves.

>neocons equal the far-right
I want all jews and leftists gassed tbqh

Welp, guess I'm not buying Ghost of Tsushima. Fuck these sjw faggots

I'm pretty sure they haven't

>tfw the political pendulum of Yea Forums is swinging back to the left because of /int/ and all of these butthurt newfag reactionaries who came here during the elections are seething

I might be inclined to give a shit if they'd made more than 1 good game in the last decade.

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Have sex.

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Jack was easy to ignore when he was ranting that games were the work of Satan and corrupting the kids but when leftists say the exact same thing but blame the patriarchy instead of Satan it works and censorship happens.

If only user knew

>Because you are a tranny and would enjoy having a character to relate to
How is having enjoyable gameplay related to having a character one can relate? That would mean people who enjoy Mario games are all fat, moustached italians
>That's because they are Japanese who don't give a shit about screeching bugmen trannies
And how is that 'leaning to the right'?

You're making less sense than people who cut their dicks off and pretend to be woman, think about that for a second

>I don't care what you support; I care about the product you make being the best.
So then why does it matter to you if they're opinionated?

That's Sucker Punch retard

Oof, that was hard

Weak bait, tranny.

Not him but I find it personally insulting when they try to shove their agenda into their product.


God I wanna have another /pol/ Harbor

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because not a single one of these tryhard progressive games are actually good lmao
the correlation really makes you think, doesn't it?

>previous games were about the mafia, you play as the mafia, mafia storyline
>mafia 3
>tries to be "woke" and make the story about muh raycism completely out of place with what the two previous games were about
Glad it sold like utter shit and fans of the series hated it.
>tranny turns out to be a redditor
Like clockwork!

re-invent a word, that makes it true

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>I dont support any company that gets political
>I only support a company that makes the best product
What if the company that is political makes the best then?

because first world life has gotten so easy that people make arbitrary problems for themselves in order to give their life some meaning

>not at least 4 scoops
It's like you faggot niggers don't want to be big.

"Binary" refers to the idea that there are only two genders and you are either one or the other (often the one linked to your sex).
Recently, it's been discussed and researched if social gender (not the same as biological sex) isn't more of a spectrum.

The idea is that the things you normally attribute to one gender (being muscular for men, shaving legs for women etc.) aren't exclusive to people of the respective sex (there are muscular women/non-muscular men, women who don't shave their legs etc.).
That's what's allowing transgender people to exist, because you can be born male (sex) but feel like doing things normally attributed to the other sex through gender stereotypes.
TL;DR: You don't check people's genitals to verify their gender, but a bunch of other things which aren't inherit to either sex.

Non-binary then refers to people who aren't at either end of the spectrum.

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Sounds like a personal problem. Grow a thicker skin.
Okay so you don't care but really you do care.

>because not a single one of these tryhard progressive games are actually good
God of War and BOTW were progressive and were the best games of their respective year

See also
>Yea Forums

Do you need a safe space?

>Talwyn is a non-binary!
>Ratchet is Asexual
>Nefarious is gay!
>Courtney Gears is TRANS

Grow some balls

This thread again. You are persistent at least.

It's not about a thicker skin or a safe space you fucking niggers. It's about not supporting people that try to virtue signal to any particular group. It's pandering in its most egregious and pathetic form. I don't support it.

Just fucking 40% yourself. Your ideology is a cancer to everything it touches.
Leftists actually have power, and have actively gotten games censored and successfully threatened devs. Jack and the christfags had no power.
Because it actively shits on the story, characters and settings to score political points. Fans do not like seeing their favorite series' be it games, movies, tv shows, etc, change for the sake of politics. Retarded cunt.

Gender is a social construct. There’s only two biological sexes tho’

Kill yourself you politics obsessed deranged newfaggot

Look at how shit this thread became after this polfag started sperging out. I can't wait until your shit board is finally deleted.

>Why is it so hard for people to accept there are only 2 genders?
Because if you refer to social genders and not biological sex, there are good arguments for why it's a spectrum rather than one or the other.

>why do these people claim you're the bad person when you call them a he or she as if you were supposed to know their fucking weird ass gender?
Extremely rare cases where this happens. The "Xe", "Xhe" etc. made up pronouns are barely used by anyone. For transgender people, you can usually tell if they want to go by "he" or "she" based on looks.

>This world is fucked.
Don't get your information on transgender people from Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson or Sargon of Akkad and the rest of Youtube's top "skeptics". The world is less fucked than it ever has been.

I sincerely don't believe there are actual leftists on this board, just retards trying to get a rise out of normal people.

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>anyone here having children

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I don't understand your point. Are you implying having sex will somehow make you a better person? Less angry maybe? Maybe make you like Trans people? I assure you that's not the case.

>Your ideology is a cancer to everything it touches.
Says the man whose ideology consists of being a twat to all sorts of people for no good reason, to the man whose ideology is that shitting on people for no good reason kinda makes you a twat. Your ideology is destructive and corrupting, mine isn't, simple as that.

>Because it actively shits on the story, characters and settings to score political points
None of those have personal impact on the gameplay which is the most important thing in a game. As long its fun to BING BING then there's no problem
Seems like you're the one with the problem here

kudos to Insomniac

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Have hope, brother!
This is all for publicity.

Attached: Ratchethope.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

>btfo tranny arguments
Just 40% yourself. You will never be a woman.
/pol/ will never be deleted. Get back to crying on /qa/, tranny.

>Leftists actually have power, and have actively gotten games censored and successfully threatened devs
Leftists don't actually exercise power over others, though, they've only censored games to which they unequivocally had the right to censor, that is, games they owned, and they didn't "successfully threaten" anyone so much as convinced them through reasoned argument. I dare you to prove me wrong.

>Your ideology is destructive and corrupting, mine isn't, simple as that.
I'm pretty sure it is, with, you know, Cambodia and Pol Pot, and the USSR and the holodomor, and a myriad of other crimes against humanity.

But what do I know, I'm only a political moderate.

After fucking a transgirl i do appreciate how tight their pussies are

>There’s only two biological sexes tho’
That's reductionistic. Intersex people exist.

>Leftists don't actually exercise power over others
I don't think I have a reaction image to express how good this b8 is

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I dont understand why its relevant to mention people who have a preferred sexual preference. Like, its not fucking important whatsoever. It has nothing to do with games. No one has ever made a fucking holiday for being straight, what's the point?

>say you ally with trannies
>the few trannies who actually play games buy your game
>say something bad about trannies
>a million lawsuits against your games, your entire company gets fired, everyone bashes you on twitter
>but hey, literal whos from /pol/ call your studio based
There's obviously a better choice here

>Says the man whose ideology consists of being a twat to all sorts of people for no good reason
I want bugmen leftists to stop shoving their shitty ideology into games, dumb britfag tranny.
>Your ideology is destructive and corrupting, mine isn't, simple as that.
Kek, Leftist ideologies have mass murdered more than any other and left nations backwards economically stunted shitholes. Kill yourself.
Gameplay is not the only important thing faggot. You cannot blame people for caring about tge story, characters and setting getting shit up. I'm not talking about Mario.

>we see you

God I'm sick of this gender shit, I miss when fags were the hot topic.

I miss Ratchet. Good Ratchet, not nu-Ratchet.

I'm not a tankie though? You're just assuming that because I oppose bigotry. I'm a political moderate, you see :^).

Listen, Insomniac, I know you mean well but you're going to end up in hell if you keep saying shit liket hat

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Homos ruin families, rape children and spread diseases....no wonder they were despised for so long. Trannies are completely irrelevant statistically and are extremely mentally ill, they should be locked up and given some kind of medication until they act normal.


This, Yea Forums thought their Trump video would make Spiderman bomb when the opposite happened

Which leftists have introduced legislation to ban or censor video games where Jack Thompson failed? None. They're not forcing anyone to comply, nor are they able to. When people comply it is of their own free will.

>Leftists don't actually exercise power over others, though, they've only censored games to which they unequivocally had the right to censor, that is, games they owned, and they didn't "successfully threaten" anyone so much as convinced them through reasoned argument. I dare you to prove me wrong.
>threatening, harassing and doxxing developers over "problematic" things
Countless examples. Just look at what they tried doing with the kingdom come dev.

Not him but
>get dared to prove him wrong
>opt to post a reaction image instead

This is your chance, man

It's important because there are people who think transgender people are just memeing and shouldn't be allowed to exist.

>Gameplay is not the only important thing faggot
You cant be serious
>You cannot blame people for caring about tge story, characters and setting getting shit up.
Stick to movies and books, you clearly dont care about games at all


please stop

>I want bugmen leftists to stop shoving their shitty ideology into games
I want people to be free to make the games they want.

>say literally nothing at all
>you reach your expected sales quo with no problems, your studio isn't under fire in the news over retarded bullshit, go home with a fat check and fuck your wife
yeah and it's this one

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>I'm not a tankie though?
Communism and socialism in general is pretty bad. I don't give a shit about trannies and all that but if you're a communist we have a problem.

t. man that thinks the epitome of politics were the founding father's ideal of the republic and thinks the industrial revolution was a mistake

>games they owned
What do you imply by "owning" games?

>Countless examples, such as this one which wasn't censored and where the devs didn't change things according to suggestions

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I really hate when companies pretend to care about trans people or gay people or whatever the fuck for just as long as they have to for a little twitter/facebook clout.

I mean, I don't hate them for doing it. I get it, it's easy free PR. I just don't get why these people or their "allies" let themselves get manipulated by hilariously blatant PR stunts and go "LOOK THEY REALLY DO CARE ABOUT US" as though they won't change their avatar back in 24 hours anyway. Why are they so desperate for validation that they need some game developer to give it to them?

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I not a mentally ill faggot with a mangled dick, but I'm sure you are, amerimutt.

>Countless examples.
Name just one.
>Just look at what they tried doing with the kingdom come dev.
Ah, er... nothing? Besides yell at him on twitter a bit, which he kinda started? He really went way over the line. It's really not very professional of a CEO to imply black people are stupid on twitter. If that caused people to not want to buy the game, well, that's his own fault, isn't it? But who was forced?

>no wonder they were despised for so long
top kek
keep living in your ignorant shithole


>who think transgender people are just memeing
i've got 2 words for you kid

Don't lump me in with that other faggot. Trapfags are just as mentally unstable.

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/r/games is nice though, it's where I get all my news. All my friends that only use Yea Forums are always out of the know

Traps are the first stage of becoming a tranny, it's slippery slope.
>Haha, traps aren't gay
>Haha, I wish I was a trap
>Haha, I hate my penis
>Haha, oops I miss my penis now

The most logical choice that I wish more people would opt for. But apparently you can get shit for not saying anything too.

>you can't be serious
I don't give a fuck about bingbing wahoo. I do care when you engage in historical revisionism and shove muh wimmin soldiers in a ww2 game as to virtue signal.

he probably means california having an iron grip over every game that comes out on playstation

Here's a couple of REDpills, newfags:

Jesus would be considered an "SJW" today

Transphobia as an actual mental Illness according to the World Health Orginization

There is no "White" gene. There's nothing linking an Irish person to a Russian person. There's nothing linking a German to an Italian. Race is a social construct.

I can drop some more truth bombs if y'all need. Just HMU by clicking my number, then I'll know you're replying to me.


- Anonymous.

I wish one day to have someone obsess over me the way Yea Forums obsesses over trannies.

>say literally nothing at all
And miss on potential sales from people you dont care but are willing to buy your game if you "care" about them

Is transgenderism blindness?

If you do not consider them synonymous, "trap" and "trans" are at least a venn diagram with a significant amount of overlap.

Please give me more redpills user-kun

They're just doing it for free PR since it costs them nothing.
A tranny programmer is still better than an actual female programmer

Now where the fuck is my Stormland at, Insomniac?

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Russians are Asian though.

Then why do the left routinely threaten and harass devs in the west who don't engage in political pandering or have "problematic" things in their games? Fuck off.

I dont care about shooters, my point is that as long as the game is fun to play politics and such dont matter

What does -kun mean?


- Anonymous.

>t. man that thinks the epitome of politics were the founding father's ideal of the republic and thinks the industrial revolution was a mistake
I hope you're not the one who identified himself as a moderate just now

>There's nothing linking an Irish person to a Russian person. There's nothing linking a German to an Italian. Race is a social construct.
no fucking shit. Only one of those is white

Best is subjective, and there's always plenty of competition out there so there's always multiple choices.
I shouldn't have to be explaining this.

I agree with you up until significant.

>i've got 2 words for you kid
You think all transpeople are autogynophiles?
And even if they are, I don't see how that changes anything.

They have the rights to them.

>implying WW2 shooters are historically accurate
if a game aims to be as historical as accurate as possible, fine, but most games tend not to do this


It means something like "friend"

>tfw you miss out on making $180 out of literal millions off of the three (3) trannies that actually care about video games
holy fuck user we're bleeding money

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It's just for fun, m8, it's no more "historical revisionism" than God of War revises Greek history.

Transfags or whatever they're called are irrelevant no matter how the media shills them so much.
Majority of the people in this world doesn't give a shit about transfags or only think of them as attention seeking freaks and almost half of them are the going to kill themsleves anyway.

I'm a classical liberal, so yeah that kind of makes me one.

How can they fap if they cut off their dicks? Think before you post next time

I'm not your friend, you asshole.



Because the developer told them to fuck off retard. It doesn't mean that many others have not capitulated. I gave you an example, off yourself tranny.

Sure. Sony censoring games because of sjw backlash against weeb games that make muh wimminz into sexual objects.

Vavra told the bugman trannies to fuck off, however other developers have yielded to backlash because they are located in the west and were threatened.

i dated a tranny because i like anime traps
if anything Yea Forums is what made me interested in fucking one
Yea Forums was a fucking cess pool of tranny porn after linetrap blew up
you know what made me hate them?
dating one
seeing what their social circle was like
meeting more trannies
no matter how much they pass or how pretty they look there's always something that will give them away as a man
with my ex it was the feet
i never touched them and im a footfag
i could only stand that nuerotic cunt for a month or two also
honestly id prefer a twink over going through that bullshit again anyway

Oh no. That even worse than a rainbow.

>I'm a classical liberal
Ah, so a reactionary who gets his politics from youtube, got it

The founding fathers ideas included slavery.

>tfw you miss out on making $180 out of literal millions
When did this happen? Also like that other user said saying nothing will also give you bad rep

How about we stop trying to appease people only looking to put PC nonsense in games? They really are a small minority.

>I don't see how that changes anything.
>I don't see how fetishists pretending to be an oppressed minority changes anything

You really are retarded.

Honestly thank you so much for this post. I was feeling like poop this morning and this reminded me at least not everyone is an ignorant pisshead.

After so long, seeing transphobic shit literally everywhere gets to my head. So thanks. Hope you're doing well friendo.

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>responds to "There's only one gender" post seriously.

>Because the developer told them to fuck off retard
So you didn't give the guy an example of a game lefties have censored.

>classical liberal

>t. nazi larping as a radical centrist or some other corny shit

>Vavra told the bugman trannies to fuck off, however other developers have yielded to backlash because they are located in the west and were threatened.
No, user. Because they agreed with the criticism (not "threats"). Do you really think some AA Eurojank dev has more power than Sony?

>It's mam not sir

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How come no one celebrates people with cerebral palsy, or disfigurement from car accidents, or any other thing that afflicts people who would rather not be suffering from such a condition? Why does it have to be a fetish?

Then you should go back :)

i'm just fucking around. the point is that some weird-ass corner on the outskirts of society is not worth pandering to for literal scraps unless you're really that much of a penny-pinching jew

Yes? What's your point?

No I've been this way for a long time.
You should actually research the subject.

Honestly he looks like a ugly chubby girl. If he was wearing make up and girl clothes I would natively call him ma’am in public.

>radical centrist
God forbid people just hate authoritarianism in any way, shape, or form be they left wing or right wing.

>No I've been this way for a long time.
My condolences.

Are you sure that's a tranny and not your average modern-day asian?

Why can't these discord nazi get banned already. They're obviously raiding

It's not. It's obvious to everyone who was here before they took this place over.

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That's not radical centrism, that's libertarianism. Radical centrism is just nonsense.

>tell if they want to go by "he" or "she" based on looks.


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>celebrates people with cerebral palsy,


Once again, proving this image right, lel

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Assholes typically are tighter than vaginas.

>There is no "White" gene.
There's no "human" gene either so I guess you're a banana. Everything else you just posted is equally as stupid but I'm not gonna bother. Give me my fucking (you) you disgusting manslut.

trannys are just fucking mental fuck wits. no you arent a woman deal with it your beardy twats.

>game can shit on story, established characters, setting, and censorshio for the sake of virtue signaling but so as long as it's fun who cares!
Actually there have been ww2 shooters which have nailed the setting, weaponry and even the battles on which they were based on pretty well. Red Orchestra 2 comes to mind.

DICE said bf5 was supposed to be as close to history as possible. Except it wasn't.

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seethe Whiteboy

>be brainwashed by the internet to think trans people are perverted freaks
>meet one in real life
>perfectly normal, well adjusted human
>doesn't get mad or throw a fit when called by the wrong pronoun, just politely corrects them
It's sad that both the left and the right seemed to be ruled by the vocal minority of their actual population

Can the SRDine.

As a trans person, anything outside of male and female is fucking retarded, only 2 genders actually exist and Im a living oxymoron

Wanna source me where the founding fathers weren’t ok with slavery?

I'm just getting started

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Nah most people who use the wow epic centrism! excuse are poltards who worship JBP Shapiro etc.

then when they get called out they call themselves a """""""classical liberal""""""

wait, what?
deus ex is one of the most redpilled games in existence

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It's funny because this is an obscure term you would only see if you spent hundreds of hours on reddit. Back to /r/The_Donald, cleetus

The entire mainstream establishment is fully on the side of mentally ill crossdressers and you're acting like you're some oppressed class because people post stuff like on a website you go to.

New nuDOOM, that recent Far Cry game, Kingdom Come, the entire Dead or Alive franchise, Senran Kagura, for just a few.


Because everyone, and I mean everyone apart of the LGBT community are bourgeoisie neolib scum with enormous spending power and corporations figured out they can make mad bank by accommodating people who are the embodiment of childless, materialistic hedonism.

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yeah but the devs said something nice about gay people/women/minorities so they must be SJW user.

It’s because the lefts majority is the loudest and the rights literally want to kill people.

Which is classical liberalism by another name.

>but so as long as it's fun who cares!
Videogames are meant to be fun, if you care about the other things you listed just watch a movie or read a book
Also like other anons said, videogames are allowed to be play around with history for the sake of fun

GoW was based on myth and did not market itself as being historically accurate like what DICE did for bf5. They also did not make an establushed character (kratos) into a fucking tranny or wimmin. If they did, you would have rightfully seen many people complaining about ruining an establushed character. People feel an attachment to chracters they are fans of, be it games, movies, shows, etc.

>hurr one bad experience means trannies must all be bad
also maybe don't be a retard next time and pick a girl when your entire fetish is ''girl feet''.

I'm so sick of leftist autists on the internet. Tried to quit Yea Forums because this site does no good for my mood and mental health but fuck man, any slightly history or politics related thread on reddit and half the thread is sperging out about late stage capitalism and the thread gets brigaded by tranny NEETs. Literally worse than Yea Forums

im so fucking tired of this internet warrior climate

>this animal far from light of humanity

I mean i get you but the difference is that the crazy left are people who post their opinions on twitter while the crazy right run people over and kill them for not hating black people

Nah, it's more like sub-80 IQ schizophrenic reactionaries can't properly comprehend things.

Is the Matrix also """redpilled"""?

>a moved made by two transgender sisters with the 2/3 of the main cast consisting of a black man and a woman

Indeed, males are going to be made redundant soon.

Want to cite examples and not just name games?

what mods?

You are assuming a lot of things
>All transgender people are autogynophiles
>All transgender people pretend to be an oppressed minority
>Even if these two were true, transgender people shouldn't be allowed to exist
I don't understand you at all. You do realize that there are transgender people who don't have colored hair and yell at trump supporters, right?

>call them the wrong pronoun
>"Oh, sorry, do you mind referring to me as [other pronoun]?
>"My bad"
The screeching "IT'S MA'AM" psychos aren't the majority, no matter how much you want to perpetuate that.

go to bed

SJWs also believe in conspiracies against them just like the right does

>want to watch GDQ
>the announcer is a jewish crossdresser with a forced and fake voice that hears voices in his head and wears make up
>I have to ignore this and act like everything is normal or else I'm some kind of bigot who's looking for things to get mad about


Is that Game Dude? The gamer with a bad attitude?

>Thinking intersex is a true third gender and not a freak anomaly

Good job looking retarded my dude.

Not if first worlders keep importing an even worse religious people from third world islamic shitholes.

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Kek, /pol/cucks getting their collective asses handed to them ITT.

Good work, girls.

Boy if I were a minority I'd be so proud to have videogame corporations on my side.

Companies should just keep their mouths shut no matter which side of the political/social spectrum they're on.

yeah the whole point of the movie is to show how fucked reality is

wachowski sisters just went tranny to break the 4th wall

>You do realize that there are transgender people who don't have colored hair and yell at trump supporters, right

In fact there is a decent size of of the tranny population that is pro trump.

Gameplay is just one aspect. Why bother with a story and setting and just make every game bing bing wahoo shit?

>play around with history for fun

Not when you explictly market the game as being historically accurate dumbfuck.

Someone post that insomniac video i think it was he will not divide us pr a trump one. The comments are disabled i forget the name.

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Then buy some guns and ammo because it will literally never stop. That’s how leftism tends to work, no matter where they are they’ll end up causing the suffering of millions because a bunch of bourgeois assholes decided the last time didn’t count

>nigger head stomps a white person on concrete


This was made in an age when anti-globalism was a justified distrust of corporations and not a dogwhistle for anti-Semitism.

I don't know who to hate more anymore

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