What. The. Fuck. Was. Her. Problem?
What. The. Fuck. Was. Her. Problem?
Absolutely nothing. Best wife gives bombs every morning.
but Haley gives blows every night...best wife
Imagine not having a heritage to call your own.
She is the most boring character in the whole game. Completely one-dimensional as the “genius science inventor girl”. Terrible. And she’s black for some reason.
She was denied her ebony goddess look
she just pales in comparison to the other girls. every single one of them is cuter and has a better personality
she knows this. and it bothers her.
it bothers her like how if she was really such a genius she'd be at MIT instead of stardew
She’s a nigger
Because the only Bix Noods in the game MUST be super smart....
She isn't filled and plastered with my semen
I don't understand how almost every character in this game looked so much better in the early to middle stages of their design evolution. What prompted the developer to pass up designs 2-5 here, get to 11 and say 'yes, this one.'
Because "nerdy looking black girl" is progressive.
>ugly girl is progressive
oh no
And you're white for some reason, Look user, I'm all about hating on inclusion that's only in the game for inclusions sake, but her being black isn't a focal point of the character. Some people are assholes and just happen to be asian, and some people are incredibly nice and just so happen to white, and vice versa. Stop looking at everything as "Muh Inclusion!" and maybe you'll be happier.
hell yeah to the picture but not entirely the sentiment
because i dont want to look at black people in my games
What a shame.
what the fuck, so thats why every female character in the game looks like shit, why did she become fat out of nowhere ?
>can't marry best girl
>No porn mods
Look at how she reacts when you tell her that you'd put her robot to work on the farm.
She's going to react like that, but harder, if you marry her and expect her to do some work.
A woman who believes in freedom is NOT marriage material.
Personally I went with Haley.
Penny is the daughter of a single mother and thus doomed to turn into her mom.
Leah abandoned her past relationship because she wanted to go live in a rural area.
Emily ... in a world where magic actually exists, she manages to believe in an entirely different set of magic. Probably also believes in horoscopes and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Abigail can't beat the first level of Prairie King.
So that leaves only one option.
dumb incel
Marnie is fucking the mayor bro
Mayor is an idiot, and Marnie deserves better.
dumb redditor
cuck the mayor. Mayor kills self. Become new mayor and Marnie blows you for eternity under Mayor desk as you become dictator of stardew charnel house.
>wants the old mayor's used goods
Imagine being mad that some people have a different skin tone than you.
You will notice he doesn't visit her for taxes.
Imagine being okay with the culture you worked for centuries to create being destroyed.
found the lib with the victim complex
Imagine not noticing trends/risks because SJW tell you to ignore race.
Top row, second from the left.
Top row, second from the right.
Bottom row, second from the left.
Never played the game and she looks the cutest out of all of them by far.
Enjoy it while yuou still can
The day of the rope is coming
I've been trying to figure out how to add custom events to the game, anyone have tips? I'm trying to make an expanded social mod that pairs off bachelors and bachelorettes you aren't dating starting in Year 2
hahaaaa yea
You worked for the culture? For centuries?
thanks for dating your white daughter to the cause bro
/pol/ loves to take credit for everything any white person of any nationality or culture ever accomplished because they have the same skin color, and in the same breath make fun of those idiot blacks who perpetuate that myth they're descended from pharaohs
>those idiot blacks who perpetuate that myth they're descended from pharaohs
inb4 /pol/ thinks this user is posting in support of the Kangz and not calling then as stupid as /pol/
rope rope rope rope rope rope rope rope
Difference: There is proof of white excellence in the past and there is no proof of Egypt being constantly ruled by blacks.
That doesn't mean /pol/ has any claim to that excellence, they're a bunch of useless dregs living in their parents' basements and accomplishing nothing, just like everyone else here.
Okay mister individualist tell me how well that works out for you when the massive collectivist nation of China becomes the most powerful in the world within the next 10 years.
>/pol/posting in a Stardew thread
the fuck are you mongs doing
also best girls are the boys you turn into girls
Right, because the correct way to bolster ourselves against a most homogenous nation of over a billion people is to try out damndest to fracture our nation of 300 million into as many violent, warring and insular factions as possible, you fucking dolt.
She was a mixed nigger. That’s a big problem
Humans will naturally gravitate to their tribes, Blacks and Hispanics have been doing this forever in America so why can't the Whites in America do the same?
>tfw can't choose between Alex or Sam in my modded run
>Call them subhumans, lesser races, and generally unintelligent
>Want to copy their behavior.
>Portrait looks like a cute young woman
>Sprite looks like a fat old lady
Found the Jew
Tribalism is high IQ though. Jews and East Asians are the highest on IQ scores and are very tribal for their own people.
very close, but not quite there
>breeding dialogue is hardcoded
nice traps my dude
btfo'd by
oy vey
>That set
Shame wasn't a mod
there are mods to change that dialogue too
no there aren't
what part of hardcoded don't you understand?
Mutts have fucked up brains
>every fucking day this faggot makes this face
People who hide behind other’s people achievements are underachievers.
I love stardew valley but the first thing I did was mod the niggers out. A nigger scientist? Don't make me laugh
Gotta give props to the guy for not putting any more subhumans on top of that though, trash like chinkoids, streetshits and co.
Listen up subhumans. You know this to be true, but I'll say it regardless. You are beneath us. You are the trash "version" of us. You are naturally disgusting to look at. The only reason you're not being hunted to extinction right this moment with all the weapons whitey has available, is the globalized propaganda machine whose masters are in cahoots with banks and the like, since having worthless shit-people that you can hang endless credits on, that drive up property prices, that have no problem living on top of each other and making t-shirts in sweatshops for scraps - is extremely profitable
The truth however, is that the planet cannot support you. You are human garbage that floods the oceans with plastic, the rivers with corpses, and poisons the land and even these elites which flood the West with trash like you for a quick buck know this, look up the depopulation "conspiracy theories" they have planned the "lesser races"
You should and will be eradicated in the most "inhumane" ways possible. Remember that :)
But yeah stardew valley is amazing, despite the couple of nigger apes
>mary sue levels of genius to the point of tokenism, can literally build a robot capable of space travel on her own
>you marry her
>spends the rest of her life tinkering with your farm's sprinklers
the robot is sentient too
/pol/ incels deserve to be rounded up and held down one by one to have their balls and dicks cut off with rusty, crude tools, and then immediately shipped off to mental asylums with minimal medical treatment before hand.
She's a Nagger.
If there really was a superior race it would get no sympathy from the lower races when attacked. Its women would be desired by all of the lower races whereas the men would be undermined. If...
>/pol/ shits up another thread
Like fucking clockwork.
this but unironially
Looks fucking shit.
>This mod
>Made best girl even bester and cuter
didn't even think it was possible tbqh senpai
You were not supposed to point that out
Stop samefagging your own shitskin delusions, subhuman
My parents built MY country in the LITERAL sense
You don't belong in it, because they built it for ME
Not some worthless ugly shitskin lmao
>romance every single bachelor/bachelor
>patch makes relationships monogamous
>haven't touched that save since
Everyone is going to hate me
also post best husbands
Tribalism is low IQ, that’s why the world has been moving away from it, even the Asian countries. There’s a reason the United States is the most prosperous country in the world and has the most diverse population.
>tfw mozilla dictionary doesn't recognize bachelorette as a word
if you have a rabbit's paw in your inventory the event drastically changes and they never find out you're an easy slut
I want to play Stardew, but I've already been spoiled by Rune Factory.
I'd marry Sebastian if I did, though.
>Hate Jews
>Call Jews interior and cowardly
>Mimic Jews
European history up until the enlightenment was nothing but a shitfest
>Fall of one of the greatest civilizations in the world because of barbarians
>Dominance of the church
>Mass corruption of the church
>Black death
>Protestant reformation
>All four fucking crusades
>The entire HRE
>Europe being cucked by kebabs
It took Great Britain and a fuckton of not dumbasses to make Europe a world power
>imagine thinking race is only skin tone
Fair enough. I wish more people were honest about this point instead of doing all the retarded skating around people do.
Who is the most interesting girl to actually get with? Like, who's route will make me go 'oh I couldn't have expected that from her when we first met'? First time playing, just hit summer. I hope you don't get a boost in relationship for asking girls to dance at that spring dance, because I assumed you would get humiliated or something and didn't ask anyone. At the moment I want to go for Penny because she is nice but lives with that angry bitch mom, so I want to rescue her. Haley is such a bitch (Haley is ignoring you) that I want to defrost her, but she's clearly the basic bitch route too. Leah is good too. That little video game womanchild can fuck off, and Marley has just too much of a lovely personality for me. There's also Emily I recall now, she's too forgettable.