Steam friend says I sound really hot on mic

>steam friend says I sound really hot on mic

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thats when u get rid of 'em

>not discord

Who cares?

>friend's dad thought I was a cop calling for their son

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Suck my dick.

>tfw a Skype friend (female) said that to me a few years ago because my voice is really deep

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>too shy to use mic
i'm not even an anime poster

Umi a best.

Same. Multiple times.

Shit's dope, eh?

Multiple times from different girls. Feels good not to be a voicelet

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same but with male

yeah and then everyone clapped
shut the fuck up faggot
you have been putting up these shitty threads about your steam "friends" for the past week always putting up a reaction picture of a shocked anime girl from some shitty anime.
Go be an attention whore on Reddit or your ERP furry Discord

>saving those pics
you seem pretty gay, tho


Don't invite yourself into a discussion where you know you're not welcome.

do you have a penis?

he's not very attractive imo, 0% fat is not nice to look at

>Random guy on team asks if I’m some obscure YouTube he watches

It used to happen a lot, but now not so much

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Kids thought I sounded like XXXTentawhateverthefuck.

you know exactly what his name is, you mumbling niggerfaggot

I don't know how to spell it.

Also, I don't hate the fuck. I heard him spew the edgiest trash one time. Shadow the Hedgehog tier shit.

>Steam friend says I have an annoying accent
>After a couple of months he got so used to it that now he likes it
very cute and very kind

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>tfw some grill starts getting off to your voice suddenly mid-call

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can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

its photoshopped you mongoloid

Happened to me with a YouTube faggot named Chills.

name 2 games

>someone says I sound tired all of the time

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damn, beat me to it

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>develop a deep baritone in middle school
>pretend to be my own dad so I can call in sick for school
>get randomly recruited to be a college radio jockey because someone I know mentioned I had a good voice for it
>everyone stops talking mid-sentence when I start speaking
>women, almost without exception, mention my voice when meeting me for the first time
they probably make a big deal out of it because they don't expect my kind of voice from a manlet

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based fellow deep voice chads

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OP is cute!

>friend says i sound like an adult
>was 15 then

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>friends say I sound like a 14 year old
>when I'm a 27 year old man

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have sex

>Alone at home when I was like 14yo's old
>Phone call for my mom
>Woman on the phone assumes that I'm my moms husband

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fuck you beta incel tranny poz fag nigger

>people say I look tired or ill all the time

Not a big loss for music.

>hey man what's wrong?
>nothing, I'm just tired

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>buy game for friends they say thanks
>get game as a gift and say thanks
No need for gay shit every time.

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>Hop in mic
>Everyone thinks I'm black

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>larping in arma3 with randos
>some fuckers shell the shit out of our squad
>only 2 of us survived
>carry my battlebuddy to relative safety and tend to his wounds
>turns out he's a girl (or a trap idk)
>she thanks me

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>People abruptly ask if i'm alright often
stop this

>Hop on mic
>everyone thinks I'm white

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