Nooooooo! You aren't allowed to criticize it!

>Nooooooo! You aren't allowed to criticize it!
>It's literally the perfect game, you just don't understand the genius that went into it.
>Go play [insert meme game], it's probably more your speed, faggot!
>Those things you keep calling flaws, are actually strengths that work in the game's favor, a brainlet like you wouldn't understand.
>It's by [insert studio], how could it not be a perfect work of art?

Finish this diagram Yea Forums.

Attached: The Trifagta.png (1024x888, 712K)

Take Red Dead off and replace it with God of War, then put Half Life 2 on the top to complete the trifecta

Persona 5



Put Bloodborne on top

why is the PS3 in there?

Attached: 1554051535702.jpg (1024x888, 352K)


Just replace this image with Ocarina of Time

Except you literally can't discuss Red Dead without children running to scream it isn't a linear ADHD friendly action game

A good attempt, but "why is the entire PS3 library up there" would've worked better.

BotW is better if you ignore main quest.
RDR2 is better if you ignore open world.

Nobody ever said rdr2 was perfect, user. It's a shit game

Devil May Cry 3

Metal Gear Rising

Attached: 1551767557237.gif (200x150, 1.44M)

Nier Automata.

I feel like people who love Persona 5, me included, are aware that game has a fuck ton of flaws (everything after the Akechi betrayal twist and Okumura's arc).

I mean every game does, I love Persona 5 despite them tho

hl2 was a shitty tech demo for a really fun engine, thats it

BotW is "The game is fun" tier
RDR2 is "it's not fun, why bother" tier

Attached: reg2.jpg (620x349, 50K)

I love Revengeance but you don't tend to hear people acting as if it's flawless, because it's not.

Literally any fucking fighting game

witcher 3

Witcher 3 instead of RDR2
Bloodborne in the top slot

I had way more fun with RDR2 than BotW

Right that's why it has the best level design of any game ever


Attached: sgsdgf.png (355x358, 73K)

both are pretty epic 2bh

Attached: games.png (1381x943, 1.43M)

do you really believe that or are you trying to wind us up

>BotW is better if you ignore the only portions of the game with any thought put into them in favor of the empty world with nothing to find but korok seeds and the same shitty copy-pasted shrines
>RDR2 is better if you ignore the open world that's filled with secrets and various activities in favor of the shitty railroaded missions

Attached: 1530990118295.jpg (800x682, 78K)

Do you belive yourself? becuse all u do is parroting other peoples contrairian oppionoion

If a lot of people are telling you that the criticisms you make about games are invalid, maybe it's just that you personally make only the most idiotic complaints imaginable.

>2017 GOTY
>2018 GOTY
Well obviously top will be 2019 GOTY, so Mario Maker 2

The thing is that most of the criticisms are off the mark. Both great games with room for improvement, but a lot of people who shit on them do it for the wrong reasons.

This drives me so fucking insane with RDR2. It has such a dank ass world but no reward for exploring. There should be triple the amount of treasure maps, more cabins with loot in chimneys.

Half that nice shit that's crafted should be findable instead.



I'm not the same guy you responded to, I loved Half-Life 2 but the level design wasn't particularly excellent, it was as good as it needed to be
the fact that you just exploded at me makes me think that you aren't taking this conversation very seriously


I don't think you know what literally means...

Take Red Dead off? Why? The slightest criticism of the game makes them yell "LMAO GO BACK TO FORTNITE"

Criticizing RDR2 makes them do everything OP said.
"Go play Fortnite, it's probably more your speed, faggot!"
"The sluggish controls and slow animations to pick up objects are actually strengths that work in RDR2's facvor, a brainlet like you wouldn't understand."
"It's by R*, how could it not be a masterpiece?"
God of War completes the Triforce.

sounds like you just have zoomer criticisms

I never said anything about the game, I'm talking about the fans, dumbass. Do you just want RDR2 removed because you're a fanboy?

probably because OP is a shitter who has his shitty criticism dismissed and can't cope.

lol steaming

>The sluggish controls and slow animations to pick up objects are actually strengths that work in RDR2's facvor
I mean, that's not wrong. Not every game needs to control like fortnite desu
