Which Souls game has the best PVP?

Which Souls game has the best PVP?

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The one without it.


Attached: Doot.webm (960x540, 2.86M)



>lags behind you
Soulsborne PvP has always been absolute garbage.
>spams R1 with Dark Sword

DaS3 has the most varied and enjoyable one thanks to QoL improvements over its predecessors

It's a laggy backstabbing chesspool nonetheless

>enchanting a fucking greatshield
That nigga deserved that

Dark Souls 1 was the best even with pvp. Countering lagstabbers was easy as fuck, and there was the perfect amount of variety.

You probably didn't play on GFWL

I unironically like DS3 PvP the most

2, that's why only subhuman retards like it

GFWL had it's own charms when it did work though - the amount of angry messages you got when you kicked people's shit in made it all worthwhile.

>invading is fun
>dueling is what's wrong with you?

So much fan mail full of Russian swearwords

Demon's Souls
Second chance, infinite old spice/grass, the old monk, and a fuck ton of other bullshit meant invasions were a 5 minute session of constant jank. Anyone who thinks PvP should be balanced is tricking themselves into thinking it has the depth necessary to be a test of skill; it's best when there are a ton of broken things to play around with.

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>soulshit pvp

At least post some pvp webms. Does any user have the one with the uppercut guy in DS2 DLC? You know the one

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what's even the point?
GMS gives immense resistance and stability, at least in 1 and 2.
you could easily make a medium shield 100% perfect block with no stamina loss even while tanking shit like kalameet in the face