Why is gore considered safe for view in america, while big anime tits are getting censored?

Why is gore considered safe for view in america, while big anime tits are getting censored?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>girl on top looks like an adult
>girl on the bottom has the face of a ten year old

Why are weebs such pedophiles?

because in the USA
Violence = A-okay
Sex = bad
it's just how culture developed here, most of us are aware of it but we don't do anything about it

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desu I couldn't care less about nudity censorship in games

Violence is encouraged from a young age in hope of brainwashing young americans into joining the army and becoming cannon fodders, fuel for the ever present military industrial complex that has become over the decades one of the building blocks of modern american capitalism and is necessary for it's continuing existence.

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Something about it changing the way women are looked at or something. It appeases certain terrorist groups like feminists. Gore doesn't really offend anyone.

>see a girl with large breasts
>imagine she's a 10 year old

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The image is misleading. Rape is so normal in Japan that women don't bother to report it.

>i believe pedos are EVIL, m'lady, will you end my incel-dom now pls? im desperate!!!!111ones

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What this user says.

Sure sure. UK and the US are in the top 5. Rapists and civilian killers.

Because generally women, Liberals and Californians are fucking pathetic and video games became mainstream and too popular not to take notice of now.

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>being a pedophile is wrong
i bet you've never tasted cunny.

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The better question is, why isn't THIS censored?

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>those tits
>10 yo

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It's a pretty well-known fact. The actual rapes (and child rapes) in Japan are through the roof but they're rarely included in statistics. It might even be higher than both put together.

>Adjusting for population, these figures suggest a person is around 40 times more likely to be raped in the U.S. or U.K. than in Japan.
>However, the Japanese government’s own figures show that more than 95 percent of rapes are not reported to the police.

>Japan’s legal definition of rape also excluded anal or oral penetration, meaning many female victims of these kinds of attacks — and all male victims — were counted as victims of indecent assault rather than rape.
>female sexual attack survivors and their supporters suggest that women can feel less safe after reporting their experiences to the police than if they don’t.

whats the source of the botton pic?


thank you

I'll be frank I thought it was a loli on first glance too.

actually it's just the innate bloodthirst of the foul anglo

>oy vey it's actually 20x more
Seethe more

This is how they train people to become school shooters

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>anal and oral not counted
and here come the weebs to attack the

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>yes rape is actually more than 40x the crime rate

it would cut into the porn industry, they already have enough competition with all the free porn out on the internet that they can't control

What kind of person gets off to the pic in the bottom?
I can't imagine even lolicons jacking off to beating up kids. You'd have to be a special kind of psychopath or something.

(((Western gaming)))

This is the answer

>>However, the Japanese government’s own figures show that more than 95 percent of rapes are not reported to the police.
Wow, even if 100% of rapes were reported the numbers would still be less than half of anything on the right in this picture Really made me think

>only ~5% actually reported
>increase reported figure x19

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Same could be said about literally every country. Feminists will always claim that rape is actually way higher and that unreported rapes by far outnumber reported ones. What is this based on? Uh... Gut feeling.
It couldn't possibly be that Japan has successfully developed a society that excels in several aspects. That would be impossible given how homogeneous their country is. Everyone in the west knows a successful society has to be built on mass immigration!

Why are pedos so easily triggered? Is it because you're mentally ill, like trannies?

>399 is less than 271

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did you not look at the PDF? That was made by the JP government. Not feminists.

The only seething one is you weeb. He gave you proof but now you gotta act like a retard.

>Weebshits desperately defend their shithole island country from this mean post
It's going to be hilarious when Japan finally sinks into the ocean and all the weebs commit mass suicide.


>has the face of a ten year old
Weebs in charge of reading

>heh only Japan has a non-100% reported rape rate

Don't women in the west report whistling as rape now?

Most """"""""""rape"""""""""" doesn't even count anyway and Japan's figures are way closer to the truth.

Still doesn't justify censoring vidya.

This lads just trying to play some video games. Why bully him?


You don't get fame and money for being raped in Japan.

What is the bottom image from?

I dont see the issue

The same reason why you need to cut off the full picture on the bottom but the top can be in its entirety.

which is?

read the thread you piece of shit

Yea Forums's retarded censorship to appeal to anglos?

Based black man

So like "grooming" gangs from "asia" in the UK?

The question is how the fuck only 5% is reported? Where do they take the total from to make a percentage if they are not reported?

Is that bottom image from something? I could swear that's the cover of a DJ Technorch album

>get called a proper scientific term
>return with a proper insult, exposing to the world that are you an incel
>gets mad
>w-w-why d-d-do y-you g-get ssssooo triggggered?!?!?!

PS pic related is a long time 4chinchin banner


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>Rape is so normal in Japan that women don't bother to report it.

you mean like in the UK where rape gangs era terally not prosecuted for rape?

It's because porn is addictive and harmful to the mind. It's literally better to see a ton of images about WWII, dead bodies and Holocaust pictures than to look at porn all day. At least in the former you're learning something while the latter is addictive and harmful to the mind. Porn is literally worse than gore.

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>be father
>rescue your daughter from those pedo rings
>get arrested instead

Evidently a shitload people would go to the police who would not take the people seriously. The police would accuse the women of being sluts and irresponsible and whatnot.

Honk Honk

Those rape gangs are all arabs. No one is saying arab men aren't rapists.

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racist bigot. They didn't know any better.

disagree completely. Go on liveleak and watch people get their faces skinned off and tell me that doesn't disturb you mentally whereas porn does no such thing.

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It bet it is something you can find out through interrogations. If you catch a why who raped 20 people but you only heard from 1 victim, there you go.

Still part of skewed statistics. You can't go saying japan doesn't report any rapes and imply other countries don't do the same thing. Especially when it's that blatant.

Do you know what "Artstyle" is ??

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if you actually read the study, they had a sample size of less than 100 women

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He's one of those faggots claiming that chibi Arby's girl is CP too.

The proper term would be schediophile.

So pedos defend their perversion with 'artstyle'.

Everyone except weebs know that japan is a degenerate crime ridden shithole run by yakuza that can mask itself for tourists, every single statistic from there is rigged. The problem is, weebs don't care, they think everyone walks around dressed as a samurai there (which is definetely a honourable swordsman, not a mercenary archer)

Ten year old faces look like THAT?!?!

>suppressing wholesome depictions of arachnids
Filthy cricket enabler detected.

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this is your brain on presbyterianism. not wrong, not right, just cultural.
your relation to porn is what is problematic. seeing naked bodies isn't harmful to the mind by itself. if you just stayed in the scope of the big anime tiddies, you'd be right. but you are not and your argument is stupid.
watching dead bodies all the time provokes a lot of different problems down the road.

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why are you a walking buzzfeed article

is he playing spider (ps1) ?



speak for yourself normie

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>comedic violence = sexualized violence

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because it's hot, especially the one on the bottom

Ryona is the most based fetish 2bh

because women feel threatened by anime girls

>d-da pedophiles!!!
Have you guys actually played weeb games? I won't pretend there aren't lolis being sexualized, but most of the time the characters don't look underaged at all. Most of people only complains about a stupid CG that stays on screen for two minutes top and is basically inconsequential to anything. Now go and tell me that gore games are moderate and only happens from time to time.

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you're actually delusional if you unironically think japan has virtually any crime at all compared to most western countries. People who have lived there can attest to that. There's a reason sending 5 yr old kids to school and for errans on their own, and leaving your bike unchained is the norm there unlike here.

This is why i fucking agree with the deletion of fucking /pol/
Really, /pol/ is fucking ruined Yea Forums.
If Hiro Moot wants his ads money, change the /pol/ board domain to ForPolitics.org or something.

Fucking /pol/ ruined my Anime, goddammit.

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>Why is gore considered safe for view in america
Just ignore the constant campaigns for violence censorship.
Just ignore that one of the main reasons the ESRB was created was the increase in graphic violence.
Just keep ignoring that violence in media get censored to this day, all over the world. Even in America.

Stop it with the victim complex. I'm getting real tired of you people.

What people don't take into account is the price you pay for that safety, they're a country run by corrupted politicians that keep you safe as long as you walk however they want you to, their caste system is literally india tier or just buglike

they are like meleefags, being victims and demanding pampering and pandering to them

Kys pedo.

I hope your neighbors find out and burn you alive.

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Top kek

What do expect from resetera trannies?

I think most of the art he uses is actually repulsive but I do love his music.
I guess you gotta differentiate yourself somehow when all japanese techno albums use big titty anime girls for their cover art.

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I agree but you're moving the goalposts completely.

every country has politician problems, and we're talking about crime at face level. IE people getting shot, mugged, raped. White collar crime is a whole different animal.

>and Holocaust
Keep up the good work!

I wouldn't be surprised.

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Why do you retards feel the need to discuss this dead horse every fucking day as if you'll magically arrive at a new never before thought off answer? Or us your feeble mind incapable of remembering the answers for longer than half a day?

And who is going to produce the cp?
Yeah, stop abuse of children, by abusing them so others can wank. Great logic, pedo/pol/

I'm just here hoping to see some gore.

What's next, gonna post smegmafag to complete the irrelevant twitter faggot list?

I'm personally hoping for dolphin porn

Did the OP picture get put in spoilers by the mods?

But the OP pic is a big titty anime girl, it's his new mascot.


They’re not censored
Game companies just take ESRB too seriously

not rape if they enjoy it

i'm getting hard from the top one and feel nothing from the bottom one
i guess the bottom one is comedy after all
blind retard can't see huge bonkers
kids will play mk11 regardless of everything you've mentioned, then grow up and murder people, like in their favorite games


Well, even if we suppose a lot of unreported rapes are happening in closed doors, would the people that have the means to orchestrate such things really be the same demographic as some average lolicon hiki?

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Well, dead bodies and gore in general is porn to me, what about it now?

Whatever you say, Mohammed.
You can go back to beheading infidels now

You can keep production of CP illegal while making collection and distribution decriminalized. This is not hard, and would save literally millions of children from traumatic experiences.

But you don't really give a shit about children, do you? You'd rather satisfy your beliefs of what is and is not okay to look at. If more children get raped to satisfy your demands so be it, right?

>he gets up on his high horse as he defends CP production
No awareness..

>You can keep production of CP illegal
>"defending CP production"
Are you being deliberately obtuse?

Thank God cops will nab you soon enough. Say hi to Bubba for me, pedoscum

If you said this on Resetera, you would be banned for:
-Name dropping
-Using vulgarity
-Speaking of behind the scenes advertisers
-Encouraging the sexist and racist medium that is anime

This is the kind of place you are defending by shitting on /pol/

The people most violently opposed to child pornography or anything even similar to it are, almost always, the biggest closet pedos. Just like with gay bashers, people who are desperately afraid of being found out lash out against that part of their mind they've been told to believe is wrong and evil.

Of course, that wouldn't apply to you, would it?

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So you're actually believing your own tripe then? You dare imply that the bastion of sanity that is /pol/ is actually a bunch of homosexual trannies?
God, you're an actual retard.

>the internet is a struggle between /pol/ and resetera and everyone must take sides
you have brain damage, seek help

/pol/ is right about some things, wrong about others. It's also filled with astroturfers from Israel, the US "intelligence" community, and probably quite a few Russians and Chinese.

You are literally saying you'd prefer actual children to be raped in real life because you don't like people looking at pictures.

>he keeps defending his illness while pretending to think of the children, as he gaps to images of them raped
The hole in these "people's" mind is fascinating.

replying from the front page so I'm not that guy but pornography desensitization is a real thing and having content like that around is asking for trouble

Pedos deserve a hanging when the day of the rope comes. ;o

>This is not hard, and would save literally millions of children from traumatic experiences.

But fuck the children that are being raped in those videos, am I right? Who gives a fuck about the kid that is now an adult who has some creepy motherfucker use that material to blackmail them. Or get them fired from their job by showing it to an employer.

What if you made real CP illegal and just made drawings/3DCG legal, that seems to solve both of your problems.

I'm just here for the techno music though so what do I know.

>IT'S NO USE, Nagatoro

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Wait what's with this shit people are saying about rape not being reported in Japan, is it true? Can I just go there and rape freely?

This is why pedos deserve to be exposed. Even lolifags. They WANT to rape kids but the cartoons are just a taste of their true intentions. It's really fucked. They rape mostly white kids too, if that isn't grounds for a bullet to the head I don't know what is. If a /pol/ fag exposed a pedo den and dusted them all, they would be seen as heros. But they would rather protect them. Fucking sickening.

this, the prevalence of cp in anime is so high that I assume that regular watchers are closet pedophiles. Anime needs to be banned and the animators should be tortured to death.

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>implying holocaust actually happened

Pic related here: Availability of porn reduces sex crimes, particularly when it comes to violent sex crimes. This is true for both content featuring adults and for children, in every single case that has ever been studied.

>What if you made real CP illegal
It already is.

>made drawings/3DCG legal
Those already are.

At least in the US, which is a shithole but at least we don't go to prison for thought crime, yet.

>creepy motherfucker use that material to blackmail them. Or get them fired from their job by showing it to an employer.
Because that just happens all the time, huh.

Again, let's get back to the main point:
You are literally saying you'd prefer actual children to be raped in real life because you don't like people looking at pictures. Nice stance.

Its anime it doesnt conform to realistic human looks fucking retard normalfag

This is actually true. The Danes tried finding a causative relationship between lolicon and child exploitation and found nothing, zilch, nada.

>the prevalence of cp in anime
What children are being exploited for porn in anime?

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Because anything even remotely sexy triggers amerilards due to them being fatasses.

All japanese women are actually secretly lewd and want to be touched/fondled by attractive men.

because animu gals when judged by western standards look like underage children

but a better question would be: why do some sjws like gore when they are soifilled, it really doesnt make sense

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>seeing beauty is more harmful than seeing horror and the grotesque

Okay, retard.

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Name of artist for the bottom? I want to really fuck up my day.

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Rape is also normal in the UK, but only when it's done by """Asian males"""

Look at this vile, pedophiliac imagery!

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>ever present military industrial complex
I think you are forgetting a certain (((group)))

Who in their right mind would even consider this possibility?
Obviously it's not causal, there isn't a causal link between any kind of external media affecting human behaviour. Otherwise human behaviour would be the easier thing in the world to predict.

You can show somebody a globe of Earth and they might still think the world is flat.

How convenient for you that your assertion impossible to prove.

I own a teapot that is orbiting some planetoid out in deep space and let me tell you about all the fucked up and depraved acts that happen inside it.

>Who in their right mind would even consider this possibility?
Here are the Danish studies in question, both concluding the same thing: Lolicon and shotacon does not a diddler make.

Lynch all pedos. ;)

It's just insane to me that anyone thought this was worth investigating. Why would you even begin to suspect a causal link exists?

J-just believe me, bro. I mean come on, it's obvious.
J-just look at all the japanese porn, that's gotta mean something, a-and the drawings oh those poor cartoons. So much child rape must be happening there right now.
Unless it's real american porn, of course, also yurop is as peaceful as ever.

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>Why would you even begin to suspect a causal link exists?
Why would anyone believe that DOOM inherently makes people more prone to commiting violent acts?

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>You are literally saying you'd prefer actual children to be raped in real life because you don't like people looking at pictures. Nice stance

And you are literally saying that you don't actually give a fuck about children and just want to be able to get off on real children's pain and suffering for your own pleasure. Nice stance.

because violence is present and common in the bible, but pre-marital sex is not

you could have gone down like 2 posts.

spiders are awesome fuck you

Nobody reasonable argues that, they say "It might affect a small portion of people who play it" or suggest there's a correlation between video games and violence. Not causation.

Literally nobody who had kids in the bible was married.

Woman are okay with one but not the other.

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OP's post had nothing to do with loli
Why did you start talking about pedos?

Well the main arguments against lolis/shotas are causative, so there you go.

Society is taught that womens' bodies are symbols of purity, nurturing, love, etc. so people can't handle seeing them "desecrated", least of all women, who take it as a major ego blow to be insinuated that they're nothing special. Same reason mens' bodies are taboo and funny and womens' bodies are not. Mens bodies are gross and funny, so it can be used for comedic effect. Womens' bodies are holy. Not to be taken lightly.

Because anime=pedo to retards and lolifags don't know how to tell them to fuck off.

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Graphic violence is good because it makes you a good killer, a good soldier, a good patriot

If you stay on your home fapping to sinful images you arent developing the necessary murdering instincts to defend your country in case of need. So user, are you a good patriot?

>mens' bodies are taboo
Explain how.

But why? Surely you need a shred of evidence, even a slight suggestion before you go off trying to disprove that.

Maybe you should stop fence sitting, and realize we've been through this before a hundred thousand times. Jim Morrison got arrested for singing songs on stage with the DOORS because of words, the Beatles couldn't get radio play in England, their home country, for their hit "A Day in the Life", because they sang "I'd love to turn you on", Elvis could only be filmed from the waist up, because he shook his hips, and that was considered a thing to worry about, Dungeons and Dragons players were accused of being Satan worshipping psychopathic murderers, Heavy Metal was taken to the Supreme Court because old assholes thought it inspired evil, Video Games in the '90s had a Senate Hearing to discuss banning violent games. Larry Flynt from Hustler magazine was on trial for being an alleged "pornographer", like that was a serious crime to be thrown in prison for, and shot and paralyzed during it.

You have no idea how crazy it can all get. Someone is always trying to tell you what you can watch, listen to, put in your body. You absolutely should wake up and care about it, no matter how trivial you might think it all is. You should be angry that someone thinks they know what's best for you, better than you yourself do. Brainlet.

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Whats he playing?
Bet is Tony Hawk Underground

>no matter how trivial you might think it all is.
I hate when people say "Is THIS really the hill you want to die on?"
People only ever try to censor things that are somewhat distasteful so there's never going to be a pleasant hill to die on since why would anyone censor that?

They use correlative evidence in their causative assertions (eg. this man who was charged with possession of CP had lolicon on top of the CP, so lolicon makes you lust after 3D kids). They're very disingenuous.

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>it's better for children to get raped because I don't like you looking at pictures I find distasteful
I know YOU are trolling but the sad thing is, a significant number of people actually, literally think like that

>study is in japanese meaning the majority of v can't read it
>trust me it says THIS

sasuga, user.

And you call yourself a weeb? Don't make me warai.

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That's incredibly dishonest and also implicates any human being who breathes oxygen since all criminals also breathe oxygen. !00% of them, in fact.

You realize that you gave them ammunition to dismiss the studies that I posted, just because they're Danish, right? Now I have to post an article that says what the studies say.

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Japs are cucks and barely have sex so this number is surprisingly high. Probably half of all sex there is rape.

Fuck, wrong post.

This is the kind of stuff you should look for when people start throwing statistics around. This shit is always sketchy.

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SJW are actually against how all games feature violence, they have a big push on more non-violent games

But it's a battle they can't win for now so they go for the easy win

Someone didn't take their coolhole ban well.

Japan has over double the rate of prosecution for reported rapes compared to the United States.

We live in a post-ironic world of outrage culture, and victim complexes, and you expect people to read past the first line?

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Violence is masculine whereas fapbait is degenerate

violence ends life whereas sex creates life
see, I can make nonsense comparisons too!

according to americans, this is child porn

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Loli is not and will never be legitimate child porn. Legitimate children are disgusting and I don't see how prople vould ever want to fuck one. Dom lolis lile yupiel however are a gift.