What games are you playing today siblings?
What games are you playing today siblings?
Why is trans day right before April fool's day? Who made that decision?
I support transgenders and I know of at least 5, based on the statistics I am worried about them. How do we make them feel less unhappy?
>How do we make them feel less unhappy?
Work towards medical advances that could treat their illness, not follow it down the rabbit hole.
It's mother's day for fuck's sake
But I don't know any Transgenders.
For real, I have never met one, or conversed with one, even on the internet.
Not being mentally ill
Why does the right support the troops, then?
Fuck off slaneshh
i don't have any trans loved ones, checkmate faggot.
>How do we make them feel less unhappy?
Well support alone is reducing suicide rates. The medicine and tech just isn't there yet, but the social aspect is enough for most of them, the ones who aren't doing it for the attention, at least.
Is there a speedrunning event we should be aware of?
>Transgender day of visibility
>On mother's day
Mothers day is in may my man
Tranny here, I'm playing 40k: Mechanicus.
fuck trannies tbqh. They made the whole LGBT thing completely unpalatable to normal people.
*tink tink tink*
Ladies and Gentlemen...
That is all.
im blasting nazi music in my house at full volume on speakers to celebrate
my neighbor's son is a tranny and he most definitely will hear it when he walks past my house when he goes to his friend's house today
I blame you wh*tetoids for enabling trannies
you wh*tetoids are enabling trannies so much they think they own the fucking planet
My uncle is gay. Hes an ok guy
To reduce that number?
Sorry user, you're gonna lose at least 5 friends in the next few years
Fuck trannies.
Fuck niggers.
Kill a minoritie today.
>Forgetting that Mother's day is in May
I don't know what's sadder, that you don't love your mother enough, or that you're trying to use a love for your mother that you don't have to shit on others.
>using known transgender rights icon Donkey Kong in your post