We're still winning, r-right PC b-bros?
GPU Prices
Looks about right.
>implying you need top gpu
>implying you need to spend $1800
>tfw bought a new GTX1080ti right after the bitcoin crash but right before the RTX got announced
it lost the silicon lottery though
Did the same, but a 1080 right after ETH crashed.
enjoy your computer fire
Crypto just became another speculative asset, I don't understand why people went bonkers over that shit.
Whats wrong with it?
I dont get it
Crypto is dead
>founder's edition
>outdated, old GPU
1/10 bait, try harder faggot
It's the Hyundai of card manus
Really makes you think.
>.t Nvidia shill
>buying used components
Already have enough trouble with companies reselling returned product as new. So why would you intentionally gamble your system?
Says the guy that lives on a Cardassian space station.
at least PC has options. with console you just buy the low-end piece of shit hardware and then you can't upgrade.
>Spending more on used parts
Go ahead and shit on me.
I will say I didn't fall for the RTX meme, it was competitively priced with 1080s and buying a used 1080ti after the buttcoin crash is beyond retarded
Nothing. Notice he doesn't have an actual argument.
It's just poorfags shitposting. Probably Brazilians.
i never got it either until i realized it was simply because of american culture. hate to start obesing over americans again but i can't think of any other reason. no other culture is that eager to dive in on an obvious speculative bubble like americans. the concentrated greed and willful ignorance was enough to push that shit up to 20k before it burst, and even now this asset that has no value besides the speculative kind if still retaining value, simply because these people are still holding onto the hope of becoming rich. hell, who knows, it might happen again
You made a good decision
>literally the best GPU on the market
Bitch I just got the 1660TI for $280.
Retract that it's a 1080 I thought it was a RTX 2080.
I got a 1080 for £300 off some rich guy, barely used because he got it right before the new cards came out so good deals are out there you've just got to go beyond Ebay's first page.
I'm running a 970 right now. Is a 2070 the best price/performance around that's actually a real upgrade? 1080TIs look like they've dried out, 2080s seem a little overpriced still, and I don't know anything about AMD
i have a 970 and wanted to upgrade as well, and i concluded that the best price and performance upgrade for a 970 right now is to hold onto the 970 and wait until the video game crash to buy a new gpu
Do you think it'll happen within the year?
probably not. i was kinda memeing about the crash, but it will be a while until it'll be a good time to buy a new GPU. the 2000 line was dogshit and failed to pressure people to upgrade (which would've dropped 1000-line GPU prices) so we're mostly stuck with shit prices until the 3000s come out.
if you are anxious to upgrade right now, then your best bet is a used 1070 or a 1080. you might get be able to sell your 970 for something as well. so basically keep your eyes open for good deals.
i've personally elected not to upgrade out of spite. there is a very good chance that whatever second-hand GPU i buy will have been used by some miner fuckhead who is flipping the GPU for the same price he bought it for.