It's 2008

>it's 2008
>GTAIV has just released

Attached: gta-4-57bc43f75f9b58cdfd1c0773.jpg (768x512, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This shit sucks where are the jetpacks?


Everyone loved it when it came out faggot. The graphics and physics were ground breaking.

Boy, I can't wait until I go visit the twin towers in 3 years!

>stupid shaking cam with car going auto forward and smoking
Quit and restard again.....

Attached: 1466555094273.jpg (218x290, 16K)

not sure if bait or newfag


Attached: 20190331_122632.png (419x376, 85K)

fucking newfag who didnt played the game at release

Attached: 1481789909321.gif (300x169, 320K)

Pirates don't count. Poorfag

I'm literally 12 and taking pictures of myself

Yea Forums shat on it on release

>Yea Forums
>an opinion that matters
Laughing at you

9/11 people played the pirated version, I think they count more than those who get milked


If your car is too banged up and doesn't want to start you just call up some random number with your phone and it will start

Unironically untrue

*quits playing video games and stops posting on Yea Forums*

ah, now i can finally fix my life

you're in the thread where people larp Yea Forums on the games release

Did you hear about the swing set glitch dude?

>an opinion that matters
name some

My own, retard.

I found Yea Forums's fav song on the internet bros! Such an amazing song, it's awesome that this will be in the game forever and ever.

I wish it was 2008 again.

>Yeah I'm sure my 8600GT can run this

GTA IV was one of the foremost examples of paid reviews.

Obama will be a great president

Sure it was. Because Rockstar needs to pay money for people to buy their games. Right. That makes sense. Source?

Why can't I fly any planes? Just Helicopters? Really?

Eins zwei drei, shicki shicki Schweine

Are you retarded? Don't answer that. Rhetorical question.

If you think about it, the 2000s were a much more momentous decade, and they changed the world a lot more, than the 2010s.

Just take GTA as an example. At the beginning of the 2000s, the latest GTA game was GTA 2. A top-down game which was hardly very popular. Then in 2001 came GTA III, then in 2002 came Vice City, then in 2004 came San Andreas, then in 2008 came IV. So by the end of the decade, we had the first HD GTA game, which was a massive departure from the "3D" era before it (III, VC, SA).

Compare that to the 2010s. At the beginning of the decade the latest GTA game was GTA IV. By the end of the decade, the latest game is GTA V. It's a technically improved game, yes, but not by a huge amount. And that game came out in 2013. So for 6 years we've had nothing else.

Look at phones, too, as an example of how the 2000s brought more change than the 2010s. At the beginning of the 2000s, we had the Nokia 3310. Throughout the decade phones changed DRAMATICALLY, first with colour screens, then with cameras, then with MP3 playback, then with internet access, then with touchscreens, finally giving us the iPhone in 2007. The last iPhone of the 2000s was the iPhone 3GS. We also had Android phones by the end of the 2000s (the T-Mobile G1 was released in 2008). Bear in mind that many people didn't even know who Google were at the beginning of the 2000s.

What about the 2010s? Well we're still using iPhones. And Android. And Google is still big. And Facebook is still big, just like it was at the beginning of the 2010s. Dial-up was still probably the most common way of getting on the internet in 2000, but by the end of the decade, broadband was commonplace. The 2010s? Yeah broadband is what we still use.

Why is the 2010s such a decadelet compared to the 2000s?

Attached: 2000s.jpg (1100x619, 77K)

Okay so you really are the typical contrarian idiot. Thought so

I'm not gonna lie, I fucking hated it at release. Grew to appreciate it though

I'm not even the guy you were originally replying to, you're just unironically a complete retard which you demonstrated in that post. I can't begin to imagine being such a brainlet that the logic in that post makes sense. Kill yourself.

literally the only rockstar game that I still play every so often.
Shame the normies got upset about MUH JETPACKS MUH GUN SHOPS REEE

Was anyone else's mind blown by the fact that you could actually enter cabs as a passenger? Or the fact that you could use your phone outside of story convos?

I'm still impressed by all the small details IV added.

>2008 was 11 years ago

Attached: 1552681894864.gif (460x345, 492K)

Now you're false flagging and pretending to be a different person. This is sad.

To be fair, the game just wasn't very fun. There really wasn't a lot to do outside the missions, and the vast majority of missions were shit. People were just impressed because it was the first "next gen" GTA game so it had prettier graphics and physics than the previous titles in the series. GTAV gets a lot of shit here but compared to GTAIV it was way more fun and had way more shit to do
>races on land, air and sea
>buying cars, planes, helicopters
>gun smuggling
>more fun missions

Yikes. What's sad is you thinking more than one person could possibly out you for the retard that you are. I'll say it again, you're unironically a complete brainlet retard if you think the """""logic""""" behind your post makes any sense. What a complete waste of oxygen you are.

I remember going to a friends house to play GTA Vice City. I was so excited, i had straight up anxiety. It was like going to play this mythical game everyone keep talking about, i remember my friend putting in the disc, the booting and finally, finally playing it......

And then nothing. I got shitty third person shooter, with shitty jokes a large map that had nothing in it. I told my friens "is this it?" And he just went "look you can rampage" and he started just blowing shit up with cheat codes telling me how cool it was. I asked is him "is this it? Just blowing shit up? That's stupid".

"No you can explore"

"There's nothing in the fucking map to explore, its almost an empty field"

The GTA franchise is one the most overrated fucking pieces if shit ever made and a sign of the stupidity in our society.

The stories suck
The gameplay is shit
The world is empty, and exploration is never rewarded with anything interesting

I finally gace San Andreas and 4 a chance years ago, finished them and i got the same shit game with a different coat of paint.

Why the fuck are this games so popular?

Not him but keep seething

>>more fun missions
More gimmicky missions you mean.

IV missions were more straightforward, but there were far more ways you could approach them and there were fewer scripted missions overall. In V, 90% of the missions are heavily scripted and rely solely on spectacle.

Are you fucking retarded? Crysis came out a year before. Now that's a game that had groundbreaking graphics and physics not shitty ass GTA.

>gets mad
>k-keep s-seething!!!

Every single time, like clockwork

Attached: 1528504051795.jpg (682x600, 144K)

never did any of that in GTAV. Im just one of those boring fuckers who just flies around in a cuban aircraft.

Come on, I'm just fucking with ya bud. No hard feeling, friend. Why didn't you like GTAIV anyways? Was it that it focused too much on realism?

Out of all the missions in GTAIV, there were about 5 that give you some nice freedom of approach. People always bring up those same missions and show videos from them to demonstrate how amazing GTAIV was, but the vast majority of missions were scripted boring shit. In GTAV the missions are scripted shit but at least not scripted boring shit. The missions in GTAV are a lot more rewarding too, because there's actually stuff to spend the money on. In GTAIV, money is not much more than an arbitrary number since there's literally nothing but some clothes and a hot dog to spend it on.

Crysis was generic as fuck and exclusive to high end PC's. GTAIV also has way better physics and attention to detail, and it runs on a fucking 360

trying to get that piece of shit to run on my shitty windows vista desktop

Everyone knows V is superior, Yea Forums just likes being contrariant.

Literally a downgrade from SA, what a shit game

In terms of what? Surely not in physics, gameplay, story, sound design, graphics, attention to detail.

I actually like GTAIV. Like I said, I wasn't the guy you were originally replying to. You just posted some really stupid bullshit that I responded to.

im not talking objectively you fucking retard.

Seething console mental midget.
Crysis wasn't generic, you're generic.
Everyone knows the original Crysis is GOAT and a revolution in FPS mechanics due to the nanosuit.

Then you're the retard because it objectively is.


pick you're big gay homo

The guy said Rockstar paid off positive reviews. That just retarded to even assume so, and there is literally no proof to back that up. Rockstar games practically sell themselves regardless of the millions spent on marketing.

>tfw editing weapon files and going into MP servers with pistols firing rockets

"muh crysis"

I play on PC faggot. I bought Crysis on a steam sale. It's generic as fuck. Best thing about it are the mods that let you fuck about in the sandbox. It has good controls, and great vegetation. That's about it

V fucking blows

Oh I see. Were making stuff up now. Funny enough that's exactly how Crysis ran on most peoples machines in 2007

>muh crowbcat
>muh cherrypicking
>muh old GOOD new BADA
Yeah, I'm thinking its Reddit.

>no one is talking objectively
>no but I am

Brainlets everywhere.

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the video is comprehensive as fuck so suck a fat one you fucking casual. go buy a shark card because, OH YEAH! IV even had better multiplayer than V.....

You too

fucking watermarks.

You said it was retarded that Rockstar would need to pay for positive reviews, which is frankly stupid. Do you think a company ever goes "well our product is popular enough, we don't need to advertise it more"? No, of course they don't, because every cent of profit counts. GTAIV would have sold perfectly well on account of being a GTA game alone even if there was literally no advertising, yet millions went into advertising it because even though you would have sold 15 million copies without advertising at all, why not advertise and sell 20 million copies? Now extend this logic to reviews. Sure your game will sell 15 million copies anyway because it's GTA, but why not get really good reviews and make that 20 million copies? I'm not implying that they DID pay for good reviews, I'm just pointing out how dumb and naive it is to think "lol why would they do that when the game will sell well anyway?" If anyone would pay for reviews, it would be the huge companies that, according to you, would never even need to do that because their games sell well anyway.

Because muh new millenium fags made it that way.

>it's le future lets make things look like le future.

That's my guess atleast

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fuck I never noticed that was in there til now

wow these graphics sure are good! im sure i wont forget it in a month becuase it takes itself way too seriously, the main missions suck, the city has only one colour and the driving is fucking trash

>no stats
>no paramedics
>no gyms
>no recruiting a 10-man crew to rampage with
>no planes
>no helicopters
>no countryside
>less customisation options
>less weapons to fuck around with
the only meaningful improvements are having cover, freeform drive-by and AI ragdolls/interaction with weapons

>better multiplayer
>not even 1/16th of the content


Not him, but nope.

>better multiplayer
>not even 1/16th of the microtransactionable DLC

yeah and it was STILL better. V is garbage for causal kiddies

I remember that unless you had NASA level pc you couldn have played it in 20+ fps

Cool, stay retarded

>There really wasn't a lot to do outside the missions
you drive around and shoot people, making your own fun. literally the same as in every other GTA. except this one actually has good gunplay, driving physics, cop AI, etc.

who the fuck ever did any of that mundane shit

IV has car thefts, street racing, drug deliveries and vigilante. actual criminal side activities

Attached: IV gunfight.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

The PC port is just shit.

mommy said she will buy this for me when i turn 8 next month!

Attached: 1523744601163.png (434x327, 43K)

And it's the only game worth buying in 2008.

V could have been a 10x better game if they hadn't DOWNGRADED the physics hugely. Doe anyone have any insight into why R* did this? it legit makes no sense at all

The gunplay and driving was better in V than in IV. You can claim otherwise all you want but it will never be true. The driving and shooting were both shit in GTAIV. So V is actually better for the very things that you say you played IV for, AND it has all those other activities that you find mundane shit. I can't imagine liking GTAIV and calling anything else mundane shit.

>Barely any guns
>No planes
>No army
>Boring map
>Weak motiveless story
>Awful music
Meme game/10.

I actually hated it at first because all the cool vehicles and weapons from SA were missing

First time I played GTAIV was after begging my mom to give me permission to play it at the local gaming lounge. I was 11 years old :)

>>Awful music
Awful taste.

the gunplay is horrendous paintball feeling trash (liked by the same people who thought fallout 4 had good gunplay). IV had meaty gunplay where you really felt like you were blowing chunks of plaster out of the walls and sending people flying. The way civilians reacted to being shot is also probably the most REALISTIC any game has actually got to real life. Go watch some real police shootout footage and see what I mean. is better and more satisfying than firing any of the weapons in V.

As for the driving I will never claim it is realistic (neither is V - you can't control the pitch and yaw in a flying car kiddo) however IV'S driving was difficult which meant it had an actual skill curve. This meant if you were a good driver in the game it actually had an effect on the outcome and this was satisfying as hell. On the multiplayer i would regularly run rings around peopel who were driving super cars whilst i drove a shitty mid level sedan simply because I was good at it. In V car chases are simply a matter of buying enough shark cards to own the faster vehicle and then using the pinpoint airsoft feeling guns to headshot your opponent and that fucking blows

That's the only thing he was wrong about though. I loved the music in IV but everything else is pretty much spot on. I still didn't really hate it though, I just found it meh. TBoGT made up for it somewhat.

>The gunplay and driving was better in V than in IV.
Fuck no, every car’s drives the same and the guns lack the kick and sound of four. Like automatic pellet guns.

does this trick actually work?

Nah, I’ll take the story and setting over previous GTA settings except 2001 Liberty.

Everything besides The Journey was pure unmitigated trash. Most other stations didn't even have one memorable song on them.

it's an exploit they'll patch it soon

You're talking about the destructibility of the environments, not the gunplay. The gunplay in IV was horrid because it literally had laser weapons. At least in V there's SOME recoil, in GTAIV there is literally none. The aiming and animation system for shooting was infinitely better in V too. It makes IV's look clunky in comparison. What V lacked was NPC reaction to being shot, that was undeniably better in IV. I much prefer the driving in V because I think it's supposed to be arcadey in a GTA game and it's faster and more about avoiding traffic whereas IV driving was about mastering cornering. I guess it comes down to personal preference but I simply had more fun driving in V.

To be completely straight with you, I've spent more time playing a modded GTAV than vanilla, so I actually have the full euphoria physics from GTAIV and the cars move at realistic speeds (they're limited to 120mph in the vanilla game). Driving the supercars at realistic ~200-250mph speeds in GTAV is absolutely amazing. If you're on PC I recommend these mods, they change the game completely.


(you're a pleb)

And why am I standing in the middle of the Hudson river? Why the gloves?

So memorable I have no idea what that's supposed to be.
It was mostly a generic iPod mix for the time and most of it didn't fit the tone or atmosphere. Or perhaps it did, because that was bland too.

He's putting on his sniping gloves to snipe an assassination target from his boat, you faggot.

you're about to drive Brucie's boat

I was disappointed. First it wasn't on PC. When it finally came out, it ran like shit even on the best PCs, it was unplayable.
Then I realized shit tons of features I loved from SA simply wasn't there, like jetpacks. It felt a huge downgrade compared to SA.

I feel the graphics fidelity and physics upgrade wasn't worth the tradeoff of the game being less fun.

Of course you won't remember anything if you just switch to Journey as soon as you enter a car, you tard.

How long before it's ported to phones?

looks like East River to me

IV had plenty of destructibility in its environments. In most of the indoor shootouts you can blow chunks out of the furniture, the walls, the doors and the damage on cars was far far FAR superior with hte one exception of not being able to fully shoot out a windscreen or rear window. GTA IV simulated recoil by having the gun spread if you fired it rapidly whereas V does this by juddering the screen and forcing the reticule up slightly (while still giving you laser aim). I guess the driving is personal preference but i loved the weight and difficulty to IV. Having every kid on the map easily zipping around like they're Ryan Gosling in drive from the moment they jump into their sharkcardmobile just sucked. GTAO was a nightmarescape to me.

I'll also add as an aside that having to collect weapons on the map after each death in IV's multiplayer (and vehicles) was way more fun because it led to a greater variety of situations where you might be a great shooter but find yourself outclassed because you only have the pistol and they all have assault rifles. you would have to think carefully and consider your options to play it really well and if you had good stuff you wouldn't simply risk it all over nothing. Meanwhile in GTAO everyone has a rocket launcher and a sniper rifle and an assault rifle on them at all times so every gunfight plays out exactly the same way and once you progress past the starter weapons you never use them again.

>driving was better in V than in IV
V has toy cars with no weight or deformation

Attached: GTA IV vs V collisions.webm (994x560, 2.68M)

You're wrong. That's definitely the Hudson. You can tell from the position of the statue of liberty.

Why do people cream themselves over this feature? It's just a gimmicky novelty item.

why does everyone miss jetpacks so much? you just sort of floated about....

Gimmick back then good, gimmick now bad.

gotta love your gimmicks for short lived enjoyment

Fuck off boomer

>say driving is better
>but collisions and deformation!

Every time. That's not the point of discussion.

>IV had plenty of destructibility in its environments

That;s what I said. I also said how we're discussing the shooting mechanics, not the destructibility. This is just like the driving argument above. I say it has better shooting and driving, and the discussion is suddenly moved to environment destructibility and car deformation. I'm not saying that environment destructibility and car deformation were better in V, I'm saying the shooting and driving are better. I didn't really spend a lot of time in the multiplayer of either game so I can't really comment on that. I respect your opinion though, you're alright.

plenty of people hated the car handling, the friendship simulation, the lack of jets/parachutes/fun san andreas shit, the grey/brown colour palette

same, loved all that. being able to walk straight into cluckin bell with no loading screen was cool too.
personally i fucking loved the physics. in older games you'd just fall in a straight line with a single repeating animation, but in IV you had momentum and it seemed so much more natural and satisfying when you bounced off shit. launching out of a car windshield and skipping down the road was hilarious the first time it happened, took me completely by surprise. shame you'd basically die instantly when that happened in V, you'd never get to appreciate the physics as much.
ahh i just remembered how fun it was when you'd try to jack a car and it'd drive off, leaving niko clinging on to the door while it was moving.

god that car damage in IV was the bee knees. the game was just by accident one of the funnest demolition derby simulators ever made

>radeon 4870
>c2d e6750
time to overclock this crap to their absolute thermal limits just to get an unstable sub-60 FPS

V has the same problem with explosions in general. You literally just fall down dead if you're near and explosion instead of being sent comically/cinematically flying through the air. Another huge downgrade but at least it's not brown!

I got blown away by the fact that Niko breaks the car's window to enter and you can actually see him hotwiring the car

The funny thing is, you can get the exact same car deformation in V by just editing some numbers in the game files. There are literally just simple variables determining the amount of deformation. So this makes Rockstar's decision to turn it down so much in GTAV even more perplexing.

>Crysis wasn't generic, you're generic.

Attached: 1550674412686.png (697x768, 174K)

I found it amazing how Niko's phone literally updates real time as you use it, not just the HUD element but the actual phone in his hand.

>Out of all the missions in GTAIV, there were about 5 that give you some nice freedom of approach.
Which ones? I don't remember any mission giving too much freedom to the player.

Legit does anyone know why this was done its absolutely mind boggling?!?!?!?


Attached: 1553723254736.jpg (660x1146, 102K)

Not that guy, but I kind of see his point. You can play Crysis like a run of the mill boring military and later alien shooter, but it gives you so much freedom to fuck around it's ridiculous. If you found it generic, it's probably your own fault for playing it in a generic boring way and not playing around with the tools at your disposal.

No wonder why I feel the 2010 is eternal while 2000 feels as if it happened decades ago.

>races on land, air and sea
>buying cars, planes, helicopters
>gun smuggling
You mean those things you do once and then forget they even exist?

Attached: JUST.png (307x256, 77K)

when it rings in the car it interferes with the radio signal and you get the BRRRRRRR BRRRRR noise just like irl

We will never know. Another thing I don't understand them toning down so much is the euphoria physics. People claimed that both of these were done for performance reasons, but I have both euphoria physics and car deformation mods installed and the performance wasn't impacted in the slightest.

I had just graduated college, and the terror of the real world closed in around me.

But at least I could pretend to be some scumbag Russian taking his fat shitball cousin bowling. Worst GTA in the series.

Yeah I get it, I just found the way he said it kind of childish in a funny way.

As opposed to GTAIV, where there's literally nothing to do, even once? Yeah man that's cool.

Don't forget the following details as well:
>if you wait a second before driving off when you get in a car, Niko will fasten his seatbelt
>pressing the acceleration key will, make hotwiring faster
>NPCs have to either bleed out, or be finished with a shot to the head to fully die
>every single mission and side quest will have a news article on the net published about it
>clicking on the child beauty pageant site will give you a 5 star wanted level
>Niko has unique idle animations for when it's raining

Man, I can't wait for DMC5 and FFV13! GTAIV was kinda boring but at least the graphics are good :)

That's why you focus on what's important, which is main quests and friend activities. Both of which as vastly superior to those in V

I feel like time stopped in 2012 or 2013. Seriously, nothing has fucking changed. Game graphics have only gotten nominally better, fashion hasn't changed one fucking bit, SJWs still are cancer.

>if you wait a second before driving off when you get in a car, Niko will fasten his seatbelt

That's fucking bullshit. I see this posted so often and it was NEVER, EVER true. EVER. He puts a helmet on when on a motorcycle, seatbelts were never a thing.

>Both of which as vastly superior to those in V

Attached: sample3.png (617x655, 498K)

You have to remember that V originally released on the PS3 and X360, they just forgot to tweak the numbers for the enhanced version

>>if you wait a second before driving off when you get in a car, Niko will fasten his seatbelt
I never knew this one. What I do know is that if you leave the car normally you leave the engine running, but if you hold the button you turn it off. That alone made my dick hard, and if I remember greatly it wasn't ported to V.

>gun spread if you fired it rapidly

There was zero spread in the PC version for some reason. I'm assuming that user played the PC version. The weapons are literally lasers on PC. I guess they tried to make up fro the fact that consoles had autoaim somehow and make it "fair" between platforms, but it was a retarded choice.

dude reaction image lmao

>you can't control the pitch and yaw in a flying car kiddo
Actually, you can, at least a little bit. Spinning wheels will generate a counter-torque. If you keep your foot on the gas, the rotation of the wheels will also rotate your car very slightly. You can slow or speed up your pitching tendency by spinning the wheels in forward or reverse (depending on which end drives. AWD cars can't do this unless you can lock wheels independently). FWD cars can add steering into the mix for a tiny bit of roll control. Completely negligible for short jumps, but you'd notice the effect if you drove off a cliff.


>they just forgot to tweak the numbers for the enhanced version

But that's the thing, there was literally no performance hit. Like, none. Not a fraction of a frame lost. So I don't think the PS3 or 360 would have had trouble handling it. I think they did it for other reasons that will never become clear

Got to disagree there.

2013-2015 were the dark ages of the industry, but 2017-2019 have been the best years for the industry since 2004-5.

Meanwhile, the stupid idpol war wages on, but it's not as in your face as it was back in 2014.

so if you fire the uzi full auto without moving the reticule all the shots hit exactly the same spot on the pc?

Shit taste

yeah i knwo this from watching Evil Kenevil vids but you cant just wobble the car backwards and forwards and side to side as much as you want. Meanwhile IV actually did represent what you are talking about

Gta4 is the best gta
handling is the best and most realstic out of gta

>play as 3 different protagonists
>switch between them on the fly on missions or off them
>they have their own special abilities
>game centers on huge heists
>other missions have you stealing helicopters, submarines, repelling down buildings, diving to stealthily enter secret facilities, tearing down a house on a hill, doing rampages, etc. etc.

>just uh... go here and shoot these guys dead
>oh there's this one memorable heist in the game

>LCS so high

Attached: 1553221445204.png (788x614, 437K)

GTA V keeps you far too on rails where you are actually playing in the missions. IV at least let you dick about a bit

Starting up the game and explaining the bdsm scene at the beginning to my mom.
Good times.

Where do you sit on the spectrum mate?

in terms of gunplay, the guns in V are laser accurate peashooters that all feel the same and every class has a weapon that is a direct upgrade over the others, so there's no reason to ever use anything but the best one, since at 10k ammo you will never run out

then there's the way enemies react to getting hit. not only do the guns have a lot less punch, you cant even maim pedestrians without killing them. in IV you could disable NPCs. in V ped health is scripted so that once they hit the ground --no matter how much damage they sustained-- they die immediately, playing the EXACT SAME 'last stand' animation most times

Attached: prebaked animation.webm (720x405, 1.48M)

I really wish I could like this game, but the color palette and soullessness of the city doesn't really make it all that fun. It's like they took GTA3 and just coated everything with depression. The physics were fucking wonky to the point where it probably gave the creator of Goat Simulator his idea to make it, the story took itself way too seriously, even the light-hearted moments felt out of place. It really felt like Rockstar was trying to make a "serious" game while still trying to pepper in humorous moments here and there, but it just made the entire game dreary to play.

People talk shit about Trevor in GTA V, but I'd rather take le ebin reddit & turdy man a million times over than virtually all of the cast in IV, save for Brucie and Roman.

Does anyone else feel as though IV's story is slightly too long?

By the time I got around to doing the final Bernie missions, I was starting to get tired of the game. The fact that every contact arc has at least 1 or 2 filler missions didn't help either.

Also, as a side note, Alderney was criminally underused.

>"dude explosions! I clapped when I finished the mission! Trevor ur so random xD"

Attached: 1532636270813.png (266x243, 87K)

IV is still the worst GTA game and there's nothing you historical revisionists can do about it. Literally everyone on Yea Forums shat on IV on release because it was missing 50% of the features SA had and none of the charm.

IV was not good until TBoGT

Not nearly enough to call its missions better though. There are only a few missions in GTAIV that give you any freedom to speak of. As I said earlier in this thread, V is scripted shit, but IV is boring scripted shit most of the time. I'll take scripted shit over boring scripted shit.

V's shotguns are easily some of the more underwhelming boomsticks I've ever used in vidya, feels like shooting plastic

>zero (0) arguments
>le reaction image

Wow, absolutely shocking that a faggot who criticized my reaction image would do such a thing. IV was such a boring, shit game and you know it. Go suck off your boyfriend some more and eat shit you faggot.

>Literally everyone on Yea Forums shat on IV
Yea Forums bitches about the gayest of things, so I’ll still play it

I am looking back more fondly on GTA4 and its dlcs than GTA5.

Because its older and has more nostalgic value to you

SA had the best driving system, IV feels too weighty and V feels like driving on ice

>Yea Forums bitches about a new game
History continues to repeat itself

They were actually good and made a cohesive world in its own.

The shotgun in V is gods gift to earth and feels nothing like the other guns

Funny, I loved the shotguns in V, because unlike literally every other game, they're actually effective at more than 2 feet.

nah Yea Forums is the single most trust able place on the internet when it comes to vidya. it is not, by any margin, perfect, but it's still better than other options
>revisionists try to change history*
*yet again

BTW I was one of the few people that defended this piece of shit on release.

who isn't? V also indirectly RUINED rdr2 online by making R*/TAKE2 microtransaction whores

And also because it's much cooler to hate Rockstar now because of the kikery in Online.

>Yea Forums is the single most trust
Stopped right.

Feel like you're projecting a little bit there user. Why bring homosexuality to the table? Something you want to tell us?

is this bait?

>V ruined RDR2

My guy, Rockstar ruined them both. Point your finger at the company, not a game.

gay tony was a great redemption to 4

>physics were ground breaking.
i dont know anyone who didnt crash romans taxi first time round
i grew to love it but it was still jarring as fuck

all i mean is the shitty direction R* took with V payed off too well and so of course they used it for RDR2. Imagine if they just had the integrity not to take that path in V?

>Literally everyone on Yea Forums shat on IV on release
Should I care? I loved it on release, I love it now, suck my nuts.

Did anyone actually finish this game

>no u

Wow, still a very compelling argument. Imagine getting BTFO so hard that you resort to using the very tactic that you criticized in the previous post and then trying to deflect further just so you aren't forced to address the arguments given. It must sting. Keep SEETHING, faggot.

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I would argue that the Ballad of Gay Tony was the only good part of IV. People love to meme about Trevor and shit, but missions like the last sasquatch, blowing open notZuckerberg's brains on stage, that entire tortue scene, etc. left more of a memorable impression on me than IV ever did. IV was pretty fucking bland in retrospect.

I've finished it like 5 times now

50% of SA's features were pointless gimmicks that added nothing to the experience.
>RPG elements
Arbitrary gating of content.
Fun for 10 minutes, but nothing beyond that.
>difference hand to hand fighting styles
Purely cosmetic.

We did lose some actually useful features, but we gained others in return. The vigilante missions in IV for example are the best in the series.

I remember some dude streaming early gameplay on justintv

fucking justintv

Try it on specs that match the PS3 or X360, maybe your computer is just too good

It's honestly still the best GTA in every single aspect. It's even better than San Andreas.

seconded. Their was a backlash but clearly not everyone shat on it because the series survived in a good enough state for their to be n real worry that V would be a good game. An irony when you think about how badly V turned out

Not that guy, but I think he was pointing that out because a majority used to shit on it and now a majority claims to love it. As soon as there's a newer game in a franchise, the second latest game gets a lot more praise from Yea Forums because as we all know, NEW GAME BAD OLD GAME GOOD

The only GTAs I've actually beaten are SA and LCS even though I've played them all

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Go play the game again contrarian

Not exactly, my frame rate dips to the mid 40s in a couple of areas on the map during some parts of the day. So it's not like I'm getting hundreds of frames. And still, those mods didn't do anything to the frame rate.

little to no character costumization
small map
no visual variety, just generic looking buildings and some sad beaches (unlike in SA where you had countryside, forests, etc.)
uninteresting shitty psycho MC
boring-ass story (couldn't bring myself to continue playing after getting to the second island)

what was so good about this piece of shit?
It's unironically the worst GTA game ever released.
inb4 "mature themes", "soul", "soulless"

Jesus user, why keep the projection? Just how much of an egotist must you be to seriously write "woah imagine getting btfo s-so hard".
>that you criticized
But that's the thing my dear friend, I didn't. For some reason you seem to think Yea Forums is one person, are you okay?

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ALL the guns suck in V because V has terrible airsfot shooting shotguns included. Compare them with IV's meaty Scattergats and weep

>lol it wasn't me!!!

Sure thing, faggot. This cope is absolutely mindblowing.

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I beat it 9 times, some of them consecutively.

I still have 4 years to fix my grades and actually learn something useful in school so I can enter university in pursuit of a non-meme degree... I want to go back.

I love playing a heavily modded version of V that brings back everything people loved about IV and more. Truly the ultimate GTA experience. Pic related is me moments before sitting down in my chair to enjoy my modded copy of GTAV.

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Niko bellic wasn't as blank a slate as CJ was. He was a much deeper character so he really didn't need to be as customisable.

Remember how big of a deal the euphoria engine was? Dude, you can have each foot individually on a different step when walking down stairs.

Hey, believe whatever you want user, I'll sleep just as well tonight.

>small map
It had a bigger map than SA. SA simply felt larger due to low draw distance.

See, I could give you the other but the moment you write
>uninteresting shitty psycho MC
it's obvious you're just memeing

V being a disappointing downgrade made people appreciate IV more

Attached: GTA IV vs GTA V.webm (640x480, 161K)

not really or we'd all be wanking 3 over 4 when this board is clearly 4 country despite respecting all the old GTA's for what they were at the time. The real reason we all love V was because it was the last good GTA game (possibly ever). Same reason why this boardin the future will love RDR1's online over RDR2 online because 1 was the only and last good red dead online experience.

>woah you can push pedestrians off the ledges
>you can throw bricks
>flying through the windshield
>drunken walk

At that time i had played 3, VC and SA, and this was the first GTA where when it was over i felt relief instead of sadness and the only thing that kept me playing was my curiosity on how it was going to end.
After playing this i realized that what i liked about the GTA games were the music, and the rags to riches story-lines. Starting small and ending big. Also, the unlocking of zones and the new weapons/cars/sights.
Starting with GTA IV, they threw all of that away and went with this grim realism that's still there even in V albeit a more watered down version of it. The radio music wasn't as good either.

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Imagine being BTFO with such incredible force that you have to
>use reaction images as a response after criticizing the use of reaction images
>deflect the given arguments with a literal "no u" response
>avoid replying to the arguments even further by using the ultimate "lol I w-wasn't even that g-guy" copout
>post "whatever, I'll s-still sleep w-well"

Wow. Just wow. I don't think I've ever BTFO anyone this hard. Nothing personnel, kid.

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>CTW was because it was the last good GTA game
had to fix your taste taste

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getting nudged by a car and stumple a few steps before falling down (EVEN ON THE FUCKING ONLINE) was fun just because of how impressive it was. I remember the first time i played online i got chased down and beaten to death by a mob of players with baseball bats. Halfway through i managed to get away and fled only to get knocked flying off an incline by a random NPC taxi. It was absolutel insane I had never seen anything close to this my entire life and I ended up playing IV multiplayer religiously all through the 360's lifespan. Even after V came out and i realised what GTAO was like i didn't mind because i could just go back to IV. I sure miss it.

But GTA IV had a rag to riches storyline,

*All love IV

Well you know what I mean. Chinatown wars was good but it was a very different thing to a "classic" GTA

>Starting small and ending big. Also, the unlocking of zones and the new weapons/cars/sights.
But all of that is in IV too?

things like that just don't happen on GTAO. you walk around and get shot or shoot someone. There's no emergent gameplay or people making up homegrown mingames with their imagination and it FUCKING SUCKS

Imagine going through life with taste this shit.

Each to his own really.

VC is my favourite GTA overall, but I loved IV's pseudo-realism and sim aspects. I just wish IV had fully committed to the sim aspects rather than just leaving them mostly as sandbox dick around elements. Imagine a mission where you actually had to take advantage of the Euphoria physics in order to accomplish it (i.e making someone's death look like an accident by shoving them off a ledge). Sadly, because Rockstar is a mainstream company, they probably wouldn't want to take that much of a risk.

which Toribash update was this

>very different thing to a "classic" GTA
Never played the classic top down GTA, how much different that CtW where they

>22 years old
umm yikes

there was one mission where you could shove a guy out a window instead of shooting him which i think let you leave the area more inconspicuously. I think it was simply Rockstars first time out with such a phenomenal engine upgrade and even they didn't know fully how to utilise it

>But GTA IV had a rag to riches storyline,
Yes, sort of. But it didn't feel like that, at least for me. Honestly i don't even remember how it ended, i just know that Nico wasn't top dog. I remember how 3 ended at that dam with Claude shooting that vapid woman, Vice City ending with Tommy being king of the city, and SA ending with Carl in a similar position.

>IV also had zone/weapon/car unlocks
Now that you say it that's probably true but it just wasn't the same. It may have had something to do with the fact that the city looks similar no matter where you are when for example in gta3 each island felt very different. Same in VC and especially SA.

>I loved IV's pseudo-realism and sim aspects
The only thing that i liked about IV was the car physics. Running, shooting felt bad for me.

There's no animation for it. But waiting a sec after you enter a car will make sure you dint go flying thru the windshield.

actually chinatown wars was very similiar to the 1st gen GTA games but isometric instead of top down (and thats probably the biggest difference in gameplay) I simply meant CTW wasn't a big budget modern hardware pushing console game like GTA had been since 3

SA has the worst of all the GTAs.

Nothing came close to GTAIV physics. It was groundbreaking as fuck.

this game is bs i hope they release five with arcade driving mechanics, shittier ragdolls and 3 souless characters instead of 1

There's an early mission where you murder a slav that threatened your cousin, you have no weapons at that point but if you do a counter you can take his knife and if you kill him near the window he falls from it and a little cutscene plays out.
Then there's that mission where you get an interview with a guy you gotta kill. If you shoot him the secretary will come in running, scream and call the cops; but if you kill him silently (ie a knife) you can either walk away or break the office's window and jump out. I don't remember any else.

Anyone else actually love the missions?

Go to 5:20 when the gameplay starts. I just love these missions, the gun sounds are intense, the atmosphere is great (shootout in a museum as alarm is going off), taunts from Niko and the NPCs are really dramatic. I know they're just shootouts but I was really invested in them, it felt awesome to just go through these areas and shooting your way through them.

Because other people have this thing called imagination. I played out my own stories in GTAIII as a kid, had an OST going in the background. It was like a TV show in my head. Used a bunch of cheats to tailor the ingame experience to my current storyline. Spawned police when necessary, had rain when I wanted it to rain. It was fun


the islands in IV look very different. The first is poor suburbs/projects, the second is manhatten inner city skyscrapers and wealth, the third is a mix between more peaceful suburbs in the north and heavily industrialised in the south. You really need to play it again and pay attention

that second mission you mentioned you could also push the guy out of the window which counted as a silent kill

eveyone did, except for the story

I want to go back...

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this was over a decade ago whats V's excuse?

It wasn't his objective though, he wanted to make enough to have a good life in America, but he started from rags, I wouldn't say that about Tommy and CJ. Plus Claude was still a gunman and not a crime boss

The third island was litteraly New Jersey

There was an economic depression at the start of this decade that we still haven't recovered from.

There's also the mission where you have to kill the strip club owners for Dwayne. You can stealthily kill 2 out of 3 targets before you're alerted and even then you can block the entrances with a vehicle to prevent the third target from escaping. Planting car bombs in cars was also an option.

I swear, if Rockstar just made a game like IV and gave all the missions Hitman/MGSV levels of freedom of approach it would be GOAT.

exactly but it felt very different from manhatten and the airport island (bronx or whatever?)

>nab a Cavalade
>drive to Pegorino’s place
>this suddenly plays

>get it release day
>dad drives me to pick it up and buys me supper, usually is a complete asshole
>pop it in and play the online til 3am
>have school the next day, didnt even realize how much time has passed
>meh its almost morning anyway, we play til the next day
Fuuuck take me back

>this should take my mind off that cheating cunt

Collectors edition was Tits with the lockbox, duffle bag and hardcover art book

It was inspired by multiple New Jersey cities if I recall, the airport island is made up of Brooklyn, The Bronx and The Queens

What's the best looking in the game and why is it the Cognoscenti with this color scheme?

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*best looking car* fugg

right colours but wrong car

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>mfw when I like all of those things

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hey there

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640x480 all on now and barely making 30 fps on my bullshit PC
and yet I was happy
those were the fuckin days boys

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for me, its the Korean gang Sultan

Attached: 1181869-iv_sultan_1.jpg (800x450, 60K)

>I remember going to a friends house to play GTA Vice City. I was so excited, i had straight up anxiety. It was like going to play this mythical game everyone keep talking about
God, remember that feeling from childhood? Games just seemed so surreal when your kid-imagination got to work

IV wasn't just the start of the HD era, it was the start of the scripted cinematic "|storytelling" hand holding era, I don't mind the changes they made as much as I mind everything that was missing, compare it to San Andreas, and it's a massive downgrade,

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if you can name this car without googling it you are allowed to call yourself a GTA expert. This was one of the rarest generally spawning vehicles in IV

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It's not a blista compact though so who cares

A shame that they killed him like this, he deserved a better death and he was a biker nigger

it was also one of the few that actually had pop up headlights

SA was the start of scripted handholding missions, user. Do you not remember?

Futo > Blista but both > all the traditional sports cars (literally with how the map on IV was all about cornering and drifting)

GTAIV was fantastic on release. Everything holds up except the bad frame pacing, input lag, lack of checkpoints in missions and piss filter. AFAIK only the piss filter was ever fixed. Still way better than GTAV

oh no worries the driving itself in V was shit as well

>driving was better in V

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The Futa?

I didn't play very far in this game. Last mission I remember I was trying to kill some nigger in the projects

Oh yeah there was that too, fuck, still wasn't half as bad as what came after.
>try to think outside of the box and do the thing differently.
>mission fails.

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no the Futo was the 2 door car that got posted second


if no one gets it soon i'll tell you

Fortune. How the fuck do I know that, I don't even know IRL cars this well.

For me it's the Sultan RS

Attached: kino.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

IV was so much better than V. After a gunfight in IV, there might be one or two people still barely clinging onto life, and they'll say something like "I'm done gangsta" as they're trying to get away from you. Where as in V, you punch someone once and they're dead.

I'm sorry but you are wrong.

My favourite of the high tier "super cars" but once i got good at driving that car just felt like cheating. Good taste though it was good fun to drive

I downloaded the game and reinstalled it just to drive that car again, needless to say I got extremely frustrated with how bad the game still preforms and stutters even on a good machine and how shit it looks I uninstalled it days later.

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I thought maybe it started with a D? DSX200

I love how I can just stand around the city and take in the atmosphere without getting an automatic one star wanted level or attacked by pedestrians for no reason. I hope they never make the AI fucking stupid.


no it didn't. I told you it was a rarity. Honestly this car just spawned in regular traffic on the map but so specifically many people played the entire game without ever seeing it.

i bought it at launch when I was 14 and I was disappointed because San Andreas had more vehicles and weapons

Any easter eggs or myths? Post them Yea Forums


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Yeah for some reason this car only spawned on the small island called Bohan. It did spawn in regular traffic with no special requirements but not often. It also had pop up headlights but there was no animation for it so the lights would instantly be up and out when you turned them off and go back in instantly once you turned them off. It's handling was pretty good but it didn't have the speed or agility of the Futo or the Blista so despite looking like a little rice racer it wasn't a particularly standout car, further adding to its obscurity


The ratman


this so much

I remember this car in GTA 4 online would spawn in some bush behind a shed near to where you spawn at the docks and I would go there with my friends to get it and we'd have to constantly drive backwards and forwards out of the place to spawn in another car.

Hey I'm not completely bored with the open world genre yet!

Boy, Johnny was a great character. I can't wait to see what role he has in future games

Remember when V gave you a supercar right after the second Franklin mission?

Same as it ever was

They tried way too hard with the myths in V.

The ratman was a legit mystery because all that was pointing to him was some graffiti and unexplained bloodstains. V meanwhile actively tried to force the Chilliad mystery, which ironically wound up killing all sense of mystery.

>GTA VI comes out
>I am simultaneously impressed with how much detail they included and disgusted by what was left out since GTA:SA

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Yea Forums shits on everything

Nobody in the world liked it at first.

200,000,000 dollars

>it's been 11 years since 2008

Attached: I want to die.jpg (675x477, 137K)

It was controversial for sure, but there were still plenty of people who praised it for it's story and general atmosphere.

I honestly can't do another rockstar game. I'm playing rdr2 right now and I don't even know why. It's just a traveling simulator. They insist on making the maps bigger each game but not adding interesting content. I'm just playing it to beat just so I can say I beat it.

Electro-Shoc and Vladivostok FM were kino get fuck out

San Andreas still holds up like a fucking mountain, textbook kino, if it weren't for the god damn fucking shit textures and graphics it would be timeless.

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RDR2 has the most stuff to do in the open world of a Rockstar game since GTASA

Be that as it may, I feel like 80% lf game is either following someone or riding somewhere on my own. It isn't very fun.

Should I pay 20 dollars for episodes from liberty city?

Even when I was 13 I felt the game to be less fun than VC/SA, even though I got mind blown by all the "wow le immersion" things from the beginning, but the game felt way too grounded and "realistic".
I actually grealy prefer 5 over 4 because the over-the-top action and setpieces made the game more enjoyable to me.

>clicking on the child beauty pageant site will give you a 5 star wanted level

You're the type of person who'd probably prefer Fortnite then

nah, found it boring and runs just as shitty as the original IV, do it if you're nothing better to do or if you're interested in the story, but I'd read a synopsis and save myself the money and the bandwidth.

IV with graphics mods > V

I liked GTA 4 at first and I still think it's a good game but it's easily the worst in the series.

>no economy which means mission payouts are totally pointless since there is nothing to spend your money on
>no car customization options
>shitty clothing
>reload animations were awful even for 2008
>literally the "no fun allowed" of gta, only TBoGT made it it somewhat fun
>nothing to do outside of story missions, no gang wars, no military base to break into, no jets or tanks to steal to cause havoc

It had good physics for a 2008 game and that's about it.

Yeah that makes sense.

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I liked GTA IV immediately.

I'll admit I was slightly disappointed by the lack of fly-able airplanes. But I never really cared much about jetpacks like or But no game is perfect, and being of Polish descent myself (though I live in Germany), I identify with Niko trying to make it in a new country a lot more than CJ growing up in the ghetto.

Everything that was in the game was amazing.
The only thing that bothered me was the cheat system: you have to type cheats by dialing numbers into the cellphone, which means you can't activate cheats in certain situations, like while you're being shot at.

The online mode was pretty amazing as well. I had a good time playing it with friends.

Yes. It's the best DLC in existence. This is what DLC should be. Not paying $15 for 1,000 in game tokens to buy a reskinned gun that cost 1,100 in game tokens.

it came out in 2004 retard

True, I remember playing it on my Playstation 3 in 2004

GTAIV was by far the most fun to drive around in. None of the extra(neous) stuff worked very well in other GTA games anyway. Like SA's gang wars you mention- I loved the idea but they were so dull because of the game's awful AI and gunplay, making them a chore.

I hope you didn't play it on a ps3 because I did as a yuropoor on a friends ps3 and it was blurry as shit. I got a free xbox 360 from my brother and it made the experience 100x better for me. I bought a HDTV for it and everything.

>The only thing that bothered me was the cheat system: you have to type cheats by dialing numbers into the cellphone, which means you can't activate cheats in certain situations, like while you're being shot at.
After activating a cheat for the first time it got added to a menu in your phone for easy access

Attached: gta-v-cheats-phone.jpg (180x222, 11K)

yes, tbogt is fantastic

If you even remotely liked IV, yes. It's more and, in some cases, better.

I played it on a PS3 and the graphics were fine.

Maybe your friend had a shitty TV? Or he was too dumb to use the correct cables?

As much as I loved driving cars with wheels made of concrete, cars don't handle like that irl, and it doesn't take long to realize almost all vehicles accelerate like someone plugged their exhaust and brake like the streets are covered in oil, moving around gets boring as fuck if you just want to reach your destination and not fuck around with the physics and ai.

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For me, the best safehouse is Playboy X's.

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the sport motorbikes are embarassing in gta iv

It looked like shit and was shit. The GTA4 ps3 version was the worst of them all because it wasn't even HD. It was like 640p or something. Google it. The game was blurry as shit.

Jesus I'm getting flash backs to when I rode them and tried to corner.

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>Claude's outfit
>don't have to share the house with your obese cousin
>based Dwayne as friend
10/10 would shoot the drug dealer in the throat again

Wtf is this the mandella effect? i remember it being in HD. Creepy...

I had this little headcanon that Niko would prefer to drive the simple poor cars because that's all he had in his old country, y'know?

Also, it made more immersive moving through the city in a discrete and simple car such as the Blista Compact because it kinda fits with Niko's character. I guess it would be a little weird seeing Niko cruising down to grab a package of drugs in a Turismo GT or Infernus, I guess.

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>crashes his car after attempting to drive through a curve with 110 mph in rainy conditions
>omg, driving sucks in this game, it's so unrealistic

Attached: That feel when brainlet.png (211x239, 4K)

Niko’s favorite stations are actually the rock station, Vladivostok and the smooth jazz one.

>tight corner at 40mph
>car flips
omg so realistic!

If you were playing it on a small monitor you wouldn't notice but I had this 32" TV and all i remember is the game being super blurry and with a yellow filter. This game was a point in my life as an early teen when I wanted to save up for a gaming PC. My friend who paid I think it was 479 yuropoor bucks for the ps3 was seething so hard lmao. Either way I didn't even know about xbox before I was given it and I lucked out because it had the exclusive GTA4 DLC lost and damned and ballad of gay tony.

How many cars do we know Niko canonically drives besides missions, anyway? Roman's first cab, the Infernus the gay childhood friend gives him, and that one blue Stallion from the trailers IF you consider that as canon? I don't see him wearing fancy suits either.

>im a shit driver i blame my car

git gud

My PS3 cost 599€

Have you even driven a car user?, I daily a shit box that I push to the fucking max since now one gives a shit down here, and it doesn't fucking flip over or go head first into walls or railings if i try to turn at speeds.

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yeah maybe try playing a legit racing game once

how does a free roaming crime simulator end up with better vehicle damage mechanics than a racing game?

I hated it then
I still hate it now but not as much as I initially did

read his post again. If you try and make a 90 degree turn at 110 mph in the rain you're gonna fuck up and die. Learn to drive in GTA 4

Yikes. At least it had ps1/2 backwards compatibility and its very valuable today because of that. I get pissed when I remember Sony removed back compat from the ps4 but then I remember I have a good PC and it doesn't even matter. Life is good.

I'm drunk

>cars don't handle like that irl
I mean, the driving in all GTA games is pretty unrealistic. The weighty caricature of driving in GTAIV is just the most challenging and fun. GTAIV is the worst in the series: everything feels like a high-end sports car in an old-school arcade racer, magically getting traction and steering and acceleration from nowhere. It's stupidly easy, then they throw a pointless cheat on top of that for the colored character.

This is your car? How is this a shit box?

it's only good in visual damage, a car shouldn't function normally after hitting a wall even at relatively low speeds

>user goes through a character arc

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I loved the rusty Vigero for the irony that the most broken car in the game had the most details. It also didn't handle that bad from what I remember.

Attached: GTA4 rusty vigero.jpg (1251x571, 167K)

nah, that's not true. I personally liked it but many didn't. also I was on the fence about it for at least 2 hours before I got on board. at first the sluggish movement inputs and realistically difficult driving put me off. plus the early hours are full of "do this exactly as we planned it or you can't progress" moments where they jerk off about their cutscenes and silly details. in general the story missions are a mixed bag with lots of frustrating parts (and not because of difficulty).
ultimately I ended up loving the driving physics and learned to deal with the sluggish on foot movement but I can understand that not everyone was as hyped about "realism" and physics. if you expected another Vice City or San Andreas you could be rightfully disappointed, it's nothing like those games.

>At least it had ps1/2 backwards compatibility and its very valuable today because of that.

Yes that's true. Unfortunately my PS3 died 2 years ago ):
sad times, RIP 2007 - 2016

nowadays i prefer PC gaming too, especially because of the modding, you don't have that on consoles

theorically if you suffer damage that compromises the car's performance you're supposed to retire from the race so who gives a shit if cars don't get torn to pieces

He gets the Yellow Comet from Bruce at that racing mission, the silver Blista that Vlad send him to steal it, Pegorino's Schafter when he was working for him and the car that he drives in the ending with Jacob.

redpilled to the max

bluepilled cuck, rockstar are notorious for blatant deals with "journalists". and no, there's no proof. if there was proof there'd be lawsuits and rockstar would have to pay millions.

>GTA IV was one of the foremost examples of paid reviews.
you now remember driv3r had excellent reviews

I wish user, I wouldn't call such a magnificent piece of engineering a shitbox.

It was a good game with or without review, so who gives a fat fuck.

you don't flip over doing a turn in gta 4 either. and you do hit walls if you pull your steering wheel all the way to one side at any even moderate speed. your car is a little too old to have a smart camera system keeping you on the road so I'm pretty sure you just haven't tried doing this.

I still wonder why Rockstar unleashed cars without anti-lock brakes and heaps of glorious shitboxes which do 0-60 at 1980's speeds of 10-16 seconds, pitch and roll on disintegrated roll bars and drive on worn cheap all season tires onto the normie crowd

but I'm a simfag so I loved all of that shit

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I like 4 due to how taking a corner at high speeds is a challenge

wouldn't have minded the driving if the framerate didn't go to shit past a certain speed

Right. I don't remember if you lose the cars you had parked at Roman's first house when the Russians burn it down. If you do, the Blista and maybe the Comet might be lost.
Whatever the case I'd say he'd probably drive an inconspicuous car around in between hitman jobs.

Loosen up the tinfoil hat retard they make good games

Literally almost everyone buys them

user cars in IV have massive under steer, you don't hit walls because you lose control, you hit them because the cars refuses to go where you want it to.

and of course going full lock will driving at speed will get you killed irl, but that's because the car will actually turn and you'll either flip it or go head first into the railing.

I don't know why you won't take user's word for it, but just google GTA IV and steering in the same sentence and look at the results.

Attached: Nissan350Z-01.jpg (1200x900, 205K)

the GTA 4 PC version is terrible I tried it on PC after I bought the Rockstar Humble Bundle and if this link above is true the best version of GTA 4 which is the 360 version should he playable on PC natively without the shitty stuttering that keeps happening for everyone (especially if you have 144hz monitor).

RDR2 and KH3 on PC soon in 60 fps 4K if true too..

you can literally bend the bodywork so thoroughly the wheel it's touching fucks up and enough hits and it will only run slowly. Cars also can have engines go off only for them to come back if you turn the ignition a few times but not always. It's a mix between realistic and playable - whereas every racing game your car just flys into the air and lands and is ok.

>user cars in IV have massive under steer
many do. so do many cars irl. but you can also find cars that oversteer, and among those the rear wheel ones can be drifted. it's realistic.

I guess you do, if anything, they would get stolen very quickly because the area is a midly bad neighbourhood, so parking a bright yellow "porsche" in your doorstep is not very smart.

And I agree with what you said, Niko would be pretty subtle between hs jobs in both clothing and cars.

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My experience with windows 10, Forza, and UWP tells me that even if that shit happened, it would be janky af, just look at the state of windows atm, fucking pajeets shitting out spaghetti code.

>whereas every racing game your car just flys into the air and lands and is ok
most racing games have damage nowadays

It will probably be a dedicated xbox OS like on the xbox right now. It's in line with Microsoft's idea of every PC should be an xbox. It will be epic if true because console exclusive games will be very rare and everyone can just use their PC they already own to play the game disk. Bringing physical back for PC is something I want. It will take time to be refined though.

i hope GTA returns to IV's liberty city one day but adds new territory like Stanton Island, the surrounding NYC forrest area and more of Jersey, that would give them a good excuse to use airplanes in the setting

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>wow what a bland piece of shit! this is a massive downgrade!

>liberty city
Do London 1969 already

if they ever return to Brittain they wont use London but some amalgam of it like Lexington

I wish user, doesn't seem realistic tho, even tho there is likely no overlap between xbone owners and PC gamers, the CEOs will see it as lost sales.

They already did London 1969 which is why I suggested it
All the cities in 3d GTA are from the original topdown GTA's.

Woah, this game is massive. I can't wait until I unlock the gym and learn new fighting techniques. Also, where do I find bikes?

this would be dope but I say really take a risk and go back to the 1920s and do prohibition. you can have zeppelins and biplanes and autogyro's zipping about in the air for people who obsess over the flying

im just saying London 69 was a one off expansion where the general artistic direction of the GTA series hadnt been decided yet
from GTA 3 onward its only fictional cities you think 9/11 was in 2011?

Man, this shit sucks. Why can't I do anything cool like in San Andreas? Why is this fat fuck calling me every 5 minutes to go bowling? I'm in a goddamn mission for fuck's sake. What's with the shitty music? Why do all the cars sway from side to side like boats? Why did they even bother adding a cover system this shitty? Why is Niko such a whiny pissbaby about his troubled past? I just wanna shoot some niggas and have fun.
Why is everything so dull and grey and fucking BORING?

Well duh September 2011 you rapist.

Why were so many people so stupid they couldn't find the "quiet" mode tha blocked incoming calls on your phone and stopped the LETS GO BOWLING" thing? Why was everybody else so dumb they simply didn't accept the call?

Me too man. I'd be 21 years old instead of 32 right now. I'd still have options and opportunities to make it in life. I'd be young and healthy, instead of old and fat. My life could be so much better right now if I didn't waste my 20s like I did.

Any anons who are late teens/early 20s and headed down the same road I'm on with NEET life, do whatever it takes to avoid it. Get in college, just pick something and stick with it. Or get a trade. Or do what I wish I had the balls to do and join the military. Anything. Don't end up like me, please I don't want any of you to end up like me.

that dude who unnironically had a decent pc to run it and told you the story and how cool it was

Can my PC run GTA IV? here's my specs

Attached: dxdiag2.png (730x534, 24K)

Not even modern PCs can run that abortion port of a game

Attached: dxdiag.png (736x534, 23K)

do you think you can't join the army at 32

Shut up incel.

>mfw watched as the console peasants got it first.
>mfw discovered how much dope shit from SA didn't make into it.
>mfw waited and waited.
>mfw got it, and my poor GTS 450 and Phenom II did their best but their best wasn't enough even at 1024*768.
>mfw years later throw a 7950 at it and it's still not enough.
>mfw years later throw a 1060 and an R5 at it and it's still stuttering and full of graphical glitches.

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The quiet mode if I remember would either turn off after missions or you'd need to turn it off in order to progress.


so turn it off and then turn it on again... OR DON'T PICK UP THE PHONE WHEN IT TELLS YOU ITS ROMAN. seriously why was everyone so assmangled about this?

Never speak to me and my dad’s PS2 again.

I only played the Gay Tony expansion

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GTA IV is my favorite game of all time and I just beat it again for about the 17th or 18th time 3 days ago

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Why can't Yea Forums drive in GTA4?
There are actually people from Yea Forums who think webm related is like some god level one in a million chance gameplay and not just regular driving.

Attached: gta4tampa.webm (640x360, 1.82M)

Rain is so comfy in GTA IV. Shame it doesn’t work right with mods.

It wasn’t in V. I remember being irritated when my car didn’t shut off after holding the key.

dangerously based!

no, somehow rarely inV protag leaves car with engine running
and when he jumps out of the car on speed that works

I can't even fucking start the game with my GTX690 and i7, thanks R*ckstar

loads of little touches like that got cut for seemingly no reason at all. It was part of the general feeling of "downgrade" you got from IV to V

I put:

-nomemrestrict -norestrictions -novblank -percentvidmem -availablevidmem 1022

in my launch options. It helps, but it’s still kinda shit.

on pc a lot of the problems are related to the "games for windows live" garbage the game is ported with. there's a few fixes out there but most of them disable MP which blows.

I love the fighting in GTA IV. At least it was much better than any other GTA game.

IV just feels so much more atmospheric to me. On PC I guess you can turn up the cars and peds but playing V on 360 for the first time was shite

wtf all the cars feel like boats

People bitching about the PC version- just get rid of GFWL like some other user said, and don't crank the sliders over 50. Most people whining about low fps usually have those cranked all the way up, and it pretty much tanks the game.
My game runs around 80-90 fps on foot with these settings and only dips to around 60 when speeding across the map

Attached: Screenshot (191).png (1920x1080, 122K)

Properly dodging a knife wielder and stealing it was great

Do you have a lot of z-fighting? That’s my main problem I can’t find a fix for

i played both on 360 and had highly anticipated V after i loved IV so much. I was so so so disappointed in V it's not even funny. The heartbreak was complete when the Multiplayer game out and it was pay to win trash.

can you play MP with your fix? thats what i really want to do but most fixes seem to remove the option to play online

Yeah i get a little, it's not really noticable though. It happens to me in V too so it might just be something weird with how Rockstar optimizes their games on pc

>might just be something weird with how Rockstar optimizes their games on pc
Probably so. I read it’s generally worse on AMD which I am.

Thanks mate

I'm not sure, I haven't really played the mp on pc. It probably won't work with the GFWL fix though.
Isn't the mp dead anyways? I remember it being really fun back when the game came out and I played on 360 but I'm pretty sure GTA Online killed it.

MP sucked so hard for me because I just wanted to RP as like a low level criminal with my own made character. I feel like Rockstar Take Two was considering taking a more RP oriented feel to online at first, but unfortunately the cash was too sweet.

[spoilers]I max out reflections, shadows and night shadows on, and use a mod that pushes ped and traffic density way past 100, and get 60ish with dips to 40 when a lot goes on but cap the fps to 30 anyway [/spoiler]

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yeah the MP was the bomb but nowadays you can only find servers with like 7-8 people in free roam max. Still its fun to dick around in with other people to spice things up. My favourite home made free roam minigame was to pick a player and go and assassinate them. I'd only kill them once and wouldn't grief then i'd move on to the next player while also dodging revenge attacks and generally shitters. Was great fun and you just can't do stuff like that on GTAO.

Oh fuck I had forgotten about the jaggies why did you have to fucking remind me, fuck.

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This is me right here. The city has so much more life that way. I’m downgraded to for mod stability though
I like to obey traffic, and get chased when I don’t

You can inject SSAA and it looks great with little performance hit

it was things like everybody having all the guns on them at all times and car insurance that ruined it for me. Becuase the wanted you to buy good cars there weren't good cars spawning in on the map (or aircraft) and it just fucked up the premise of roaming around a sandbox making up the fun as you go. on GTA IV me and my friends would regualrly use the awesome damage physics to play demolition derby at the airport with the added rule if you car was destroyed people could chase you down and try and run you over until you got another. Or we'd turn off player damage and just blow each other up with rpg's and laugh as we all went flying. Helicopter jousting explains itself, another one would have us all go up to a high ledge on the airport control tower and have a brawl with the last man who hadn't fallen off begin the winner. I honestly never laughed so hard in my life as when we were dicking around doing these things. A lot of them just weren't doable in V

Best part I remember from IVs mp was the cops and crooks gamemode, one of the best mp modes ever created.

>why is everyone at the airport?
>go there
At least we still have our memories.

I wonder if zoomers even truly have the same pure fun we did. Everything just seems like a one up on everybody else, fueled by those who pay the most. Pic related.

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you're not joking it was one of the most intense and funny game modes ever. All for one or one for all both were great.

the anti aliasing i use doesnt show in screenshots, ingame it looks good. iv is really pretty in my eyes

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>no enb
Top lad. I like intended aesthetic.

>ITT: fags who didnt have 10 copies of gta 4

It's a nice game to look back on since now you can appreciate it solely for it's story and atmosphere, but it sucked at being the "newest and best" GTA, if you know what I mean. Most people didn't want the most modern GTA experience to be so gritty and depressing and lacking in content compared to the last one.

i couldn't play V for that reason. there'd never be moments where you got caught out in an alleyway with just a knife and were in the middle of a knife fight when someone decides to try flicking you all into the air with the heli rotor blades - instead it was just people in gunfights but everyone always has an rpg, sniper, assault rifle. That was a pay to win thing because instead of having the weapons free to find on the map you instead buy them and have them permanently. Ruined things like car chases too because you just got headshotted all the time instead of having a thrilling chase where you both have to keep control of your cars at high speeds and use whatever shitty guns you have to try and take each other out. I don't think i ever had a properly cinematic car chase on V - whoever was doing the chasing just plugs the other in one second and its over. I was truly gutted with the state of V

it isnt entirely vanilla, i have a couple of mods that make reflections and post processing more like the ps3/360 versions. cars are less reflective on PC by default and the motion blur is a little different.

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I didn't, I completely lost interest in gaming when I saw even GTA was going le realistic route.
Later on I played it and my fears were unwarranted, it was basically the same shit as San Andreas

>didn't have jetpacks or other pointless stuff
>instead had awesome multiplayer set within an awesome sandbox and crazy good physics and damage

it had plenty of features

i remember playing it in cinematic 14 fps because pc port was abysmal. i also remember having more fun than i had with anything recently, so it kinda evens out

Literally Soul out the fucking wazoo

Unironically based frogshitter. Thats probably the only part of IV I genuinely enjoyed.

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>Gay tony is only featured in about 4-5 of 20 missions.

Might as well said it was the ballad of Gay Louis.

Added shit mini-games and terrible driving compared to the 2D era.

It had 4's terrible boat driving.

The funnest thing I’ve ever done on GTAO was steal a cop car and follow around people with my sirens on trying to pull them over. Then, naturally, I was blown up by an RPG. Looking back that was my last gasp at trying to enjoy the game and have fun. Because I finally got the message with that death.

>instead of having a thrilling chase where you both have to keep control of your cars at high speeds and use whatever shitty guns you have to try and take each other out
To me that’s like the biggest difference. What you said was a little scenario, a mini story that makes the game fun. Instead of feverishly trying to not get rekt so you can message people and call them “trashhhhhh”. It’s not a fun, one of many mini stories you have with your friends. It’s simply not getting rekt. Fucking soulless.

I’ve got some other motion blur and DOF shaders too, that’s mostly to hide z-fighting though. Tried CryEnb but it fucks up the lighting for some reason. Headlights won’t project shadows at night.

First of all, GTA4 driving isnt terrible
And secondly, CTW controls nothing like GTA4.

I don't think you played either game.

Attached: Grand Theft Auto 4 Screenshot 2018.04.09 - (1920x1080, 3.47M)

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yeah user you get it entirely. There was the time i took out 5 guys alone just because i was so much of a better driver, the time a police helicopter exploded and fell into the algonquin river tunnel and slid over my friend on fire right before my eyes, all the epic jumps, crazy physics driven moments, amazing saves, near misses, last minute escapes on Cops N Crooks. IV only was just the best and V could not have been further from it. RIP they were some of the best gaming days of my entire life

>RIP they were some of the best gaming days of my entire life
Fucking rip. It’s up to us to take over the industry and make games great again after the crash boomerbros

microtransactioneers need to be burned at the fucking stake they are what caused this. There was no reason to change the GA multiplayer formula besides trying to wring profit out of it

I used to be able to do this with any game as a child, now I can't do with a single one as a adult. Same reason when you become a teen you stop playing with toys.

It seems like people are generally becoming less acceptive of it. Like with SWBF2, Dice removing most of bullshit and actually adding decent content in response. Or the backlash to diablo mobile.

Just remember: fanboys get the rope first

thats compromising and accepting what they give you. instead you should just boycott them and completely fuck off anything they make. Microtransactioning fucks gameplay design and mechanics at the fundamental level. Its unfixable once it in unless you tear the whole game down and begin again

>you should just boycott them and completely fuck off anything they make
This is true. Let’s be honest, it’s all mostly the same shit underneath all the micro transaction bullshit anyway. Slightly better graphics, maybe, but if a game is good and has depth the graphics won’t matter all that much anyway.

eh like i said it changes things in insidious ways

>have to find weapons on the ground which means you plan ahead or have to plan making do with what you do have
>rare cars and vehicles spawn on the map with no limitation
>no penalisation for rampaging against other players and destroying their stuff
>many fun game modes in the base game for free
>two dlc's are practically full sized game stories with plenty of other additions to make up the value for the price
>ultimate goal: have fucking fun go crazy but have fucking FUN

>All guns must be bought with currency and every class of weapon has a clear progression from the bad on to the good one
>all ammo must be paid for with in game currency
>no rare vehicles on the map all vehicles must be bought with in game currency and insured with in game currency
>penalisation for rampaging or messing around that costs in game currency
>pointless "progression" (buy virtual houses, yachts etc etc) that is ALL based around spending currency
>deliberate throttling of game modes and game mode rewards to foster microtransactions
>no meaningful dlc, in fact all dlc is based around currency
>despite having 16x more content nearly all of it is locked behind currency
>ultimate goal: BUY CURRENCY

Its literally heartbreaking really and fuck the fanboys that support it

People hated GTA IV on release and even today it's only better than V. I would literally actually ironically but unironically rather replay GTA 3.

Holy shit I was 18...
someone please put a bullet in my head.

Why does driving in this game suck so much? what the fuck were they thinking?

2010s was the rise of political faggotry that will inevitably cause a third world war, starting with a civil war in the United States.

2010 was in the sweet spot of trivial technological use. You would go hang out with friends outside, then eventually go inside to play on a console or pc or even other forms of entertainment. Nowadays we are sated 24/7 with digital entertainment which is exhausting. Everyone is constantly on their phone doing something for that quick dopamine fix. Back in the day you would just check your sms and that would be it. Technological use was generally done in moderation.

Everything is digitized nowadays. It used to be an enhancement to our normal life, now it has completely overtaken it. I would definitely go back if I could.

Good I need an excuse to leave.

They were thinking that over 18s would be playing.

Attached: gta4.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

>game critics like it therefore I am right
You need to go back.

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based like none other. I love that driving. V fags fuck off and die

> le epic stickfigure V man angry face XD

Jesus christ, old V sucked major ass. It's almost as bad as those nazi frogs and incel feels guys that are spammed here

I don't know what you drive but car doesn't move like a refrigerator on wheels

You baited the wrong thread, fool.

Attached: smoke.jpg (1280x720, 38K)

I wish it did, because driving "refrigerator on wheels" is very very fun.

Attached: gta4uranus.webm (640x360, 1.53M)

It's 720p, as most console games of that generation were. Stop making up stupid bullshit.

IV's driving isn't realistic but it is fun to master and it has a skill curve that was worth learning. V's isn't realistic and was arcadey garbage

gta4 on ps3 was 640p upscaled to 720p. are you actually defending 7th gen console resolutions in current year lmao this isnt 2008 anymore, we all agree 1080p is the minimum

what are you talking about this driving is impossible and i don't like it so the game sucks but i love SA's rubbish driving reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anything to fix shadow flickering? The frame rate isn't bad but the flickering really ruins the immersion. And I assume there's nothing that can be done about stuttering during cutscenes.

I don't know anything about shadow flickering other than d3d hooks causing it. Stuttering in cutscenes is caused by timing issues from running past 30fps.

Stuttering and zoomed in cutscenes happen with high framerate im pretty sure. Setting shadows to the highest setting helps with the flickering but I don't think there is a way to fully get rid of it.
Like I said to another user, I think it's just part of Rockstar's engine fucking up and running weird on pc, because I get that on all IV, V, and Max Payne 3.

What the fuck are you on about dipshit? Nobody is claiming the ps3 has good graphics by today's standards. Are you seriously that fucking retarded? Do you get mad the sega genesis can't do HD too?

Remains undefeated in CnC

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>freeaim IV ps3 lobbies
my brothers

What a mistake that was.

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I was 18 y/o freshman in college. At the time and I was going through a hard time or so I thought. My older sister bought it the day it came out and that was the day I bought Guitar Hero 3. I played the shit out of both. 2008 ended up being a great year. Now, I'm 29 with health problems, broke, no gf, at home. Life sucks and I find myself yearning to live back then.

It’s all the same shit user. Welcome to the circus.

PS3 was bad in 2008 too.
>Dropping below 30 fps
>rendering below 720p and upscaling.
Meanwhile PCs even way back then were doing 1080p 60fps.