Valve Index


Attached: valve_index.png (1232x716, 567K)

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The savior of VR is almost here!

This will look great collecting dust next to my Steam Machine, Steam Controller and Steam Link.

>steam machine
Which manufacturer did you get?

But there's going to be a game now.

Valve is making a game for it.
Three to be exact, but pessimistically only one of those is probably going to feel complete.

Why bloat a market no one asked for even further?
This shit won't catch on until it has perfect inside-out tracking, 4k 120hz for each eye and requires no PC at all all for a low price of sub $200.
And we know that's still a generation away.

Can't wait for Valve to release yet another flop instead of developing something that'd actually make them money like Half-Life 3
Thanks Gabe

>buys a pre-built PC
>too retarded to install windows on it
>puts it on a shelf instead

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Steam controller is based desu.

No way it's getting released in May right? Probably just getting more info then. When's a realistic release date?

The announcement was an obvious response to Oculus Quest.

6 months after Quest releases at the latest I would guess.

Thought Valve had sort of alligned themselves with Vive. What happened there?

They've been working on those headsets for a long time and that in the leak there were shots of rows of them sitting on a table.
They might be closer to complete than people think but who knows.

Yeah it's based if you like having one analog stick replaced with a garbage d-pad.

>higher res OLED
>top-tier inside out tracking
>reduced weight
dare I dream?

>headphones built in
>breathes well so your face doesn't get sweaty
>controllers have analog sticks so you don't have to teleport around

>Some fucking games.

I can already tell that "top tier inside out tracking" isn't happening just based on the placement of those camera's. even if it has inside out at all, it won't be as good as the Rift S.

Wireless is also a stretch for the base model. That shit is insanely expensive and requires an adapter to be installed onto your motherboard, which most consumers won't bother with so it would be a waste of money to include. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a bundle including the wireless adapter though

They need to stop with the fucking "we need to be 100% immersive NOW!"
The headset is a neat idea for an immersive peripheral, people need time to get use to that and enjoy games with it before they want the next step up.
Designing the controls and games around "you have to teleport since you can't walk or that would take players out of it!" faggots are literally fucking retards on par with "if you look down ingame and see your feet that's immersion breaking" retards and they're the sole reason the game-aspect of these headsets are failing hard.
I would use the headset alone with an xbox 360 controller if there were any fucking games for it.

there are some cool platformers that look really nice in VR. a bit higher res and I can see how VR would easily replace many 2D experiences with 2.5D (3D models and all). full 3D platformers in VR seem quite nauseating though

I know you're retarded and all
But how did you find your way to Yea Forums?

You fucking cuck, gaming monitors cost more than some very very good vr headsets that have inside out tracking and controllers.
I've got 4 different headsets and flat games are basically completely dead to me.

>the virgin Valvecuck Index
>the Chad Oculus Quest

I just hope for a higher FOV than the current Oculus and Vive Pro.

VR is fucking great already.
"Screen door" is a forced meme.
"No good games" is a forced meme.
"Vr sick" is a forced meme.
"Muh 4k 120hz" is a forced meme.
"Expensive" is a forced meme.
"Lack of adoption" is a forced meme.
As of 2018 11% of us adults have some form of vr in their house.
Psvr sold 4.8 million headsets.
There are 8-16 million 6dof high end PC headsets in people's hands right now.
The best headset for visuals is 299$ usd on sale right now, with controllers and 3 free premium games.
VR headsets are qhd and 90hz already, and cost less than a cheap 144hz 1080p monitor.
Stop moving the goalposts. Do you like having fun? I do. VR is more fun than anything else I've ever played and ive been a gamer for 32 years since the colicovision and my dad's ti88.
VR is here, it's ready, and you've been missing out.
I am so humbled to be lucky enough to live in a place and time where I can enjoy and afford this tech.

Attached: 20181201_164154.jpg (4032x1960, 2.75M)

You seem to be very strongly opinionated for someone who hasn't bothered to look at any VR games in the last two years. Rather than getting upset because of assumptions of how you imagine VR games work, you should look into it again and see what has already been done since the initial release. Controllers are really limiting and a huge step back.

Attached: Windlands2Boss1-2.webm (576x324, 2.51M)

They assisted HTC with the Vive. They made the light houses.

VR sick does exist, especially if you take long breaks from playing

>no gaems is a forced meme
Go ahead, name me 5 (five) games that you can play for 5 hours straight that are still fun after 250hrs+

Yes, and so does seasickness, both are surprisingly common and also extremely commonly remedied fast.
I've actually completed a study on it.
The problem arises if you use your vision for balance more than your body.
Once you rely less on your vision for balance, you stop getting vr sick.
Simple as that.
You can also vibrate your inner ear with a little white noise, that also stops it entirely.
Incidentally that also works for traditional motion sickness, a patented behind the ear device is coming out soon.

That looks slow and shitty. I also knew you were coming, you're definitely a paid shill and I've seen you in every single VR thread. You should be careful, someone may just upload the NZ shooter webm and get you arrested.

>controllers have analog sticks so you don't have to teleport around

I'll give you all the games I have over 250 hours in.

Elite dangerous (never played it outside of vr)
Skyrim (never have played outside of vr)
Vrchat(ditto, thousands of real standing hours in a headset)
Rec room
Beat saber (thousands)
Project cars 2 (never played outside of vr)
My daughter has 200 hours in job simulator.
Many more are coming up to 200hrs.
Hover junkers I've stopped playing but everyone moved to pavlov
Space junkies will get there soon.

I can't even imagine having such poor taste. Now THAT'S what I call cognitive dissonance

Wireless is definitely too much.

The data rate would be much too high, Intel's solution for the Vive Pro was already sort of experimental and niche, and we haven't heard anything about Valve working on anything like that.
Wireless alone would jack the price up another $200 dollars, and they're directly competing with the Quest at 400.

I will evangelize vr all day every day like it's my job, even though it isn't.
Most passionate people in VR are passionate because they have taken the time to play the games that redpilled them like everyone else.

Why are you in every single VR thread if you hate VR or don't own it?

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Then you will remember how I suggested that an user should pirate the game I posted a video of last time. It turns out I just like VR and want to talk about it. However, I do question what you have to gain by putting so much information posting blatant misinformation.

Those are just the games I have over 200 hours in at the moment user. There are literally dozens I've completed that are 10-40 hours of content like apex construct, thumper, vertigo, doom vfr, senua sacrifice, budget cuts, I expect you to die, creed, electeonauts, raw data, sprint vector...etc etc. I missed ktane in the previous list, in death gorn and others like the ready player one oasis minigames.
VR is fucking tiring and I'm a very fit guy all things considered. Play time in VR for some games is very limited by how active they are.
There's only so much tennis level of activity you can endure before you need to switch to vrchat or bigscreen and watch a movie or anime with friends.

VR piracy is definately a thing.
Easy to do and fun.
I'll pay devs to push the industry if I like it though.


>As of 2018 11% of us adults have some form of vr in their house.
Absolute bollocks.

He probably counts Google cardboard as VR lmao

He was going to post that regardless of what you answered, stop responding.

Get blown the fuck out, shill. I'll never understand vr haters.
They're just mad because they're blackpilled and think its expensive (its not) or that it needs more than a 970 (it doesn't).
VR is cheap now. Go pick up an Acer hmd for 150$ and have some fun.

Don't spoonfeed the newfags

Attached: oopsies.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

That's pretty obviously a very broad survey question that doesn't fucking correlate with HMD ownership.

Attached: How invisible walls work.webm (718x404, 1.17M)

how does one manage to get so immersed in a vr game they forget about walls

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>I'll never understand vr haters.
I can see two things. First, people who see videos and can't comprehend how VR makes it play differently so they come to the conclusion that they can already do the same thing without VR. It actually is a huge change compared to playing normal games that I can see why people would miss out on what makes it so good. Since this is Yea Forums, this miss understanding leads into harsh criticism. The second is people who simply don't want to do more than pressing a button to make something happen on screen. The idea of games taking actual coordination is simply too much for them. This turns into anger at the fear that VR may actually take over video games (It won't).

This game honestly looks like shit for how long they've been working on it. It's even more disappointing it turned out to be yet another wave shooter.

>enthusiasts: I hope it's wireless with eye tracking
>literally everyone else: I hope it's under $350
PC VR needs it's equivalent of PSVR, ie. is affordable and has fucking actual GAMES not tech demos that people want to play, more than it needs another high end enthusiast headset like the vive pro.
Scream "poorfag" all you want but if this thing is $800 that means VR on PC is going to remain to be an extremely niche thing and there's going to continue to be a drought of developers and games.

it's barely a game, it's a tech demo like every piece of software on vr.

I mean its in development, what do you expect?
IIRC its only about a years worth of work, give or take a few months

Attached: ugly son of a bitch.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

>Valve releasing 3 games
If one of them is half life related I'm going to lose my shit, and I don't think the internet can handle it. It would confirm 2019 as the best year for gaming in recent history.

>Yea Forums will still find something to complain about it

>at all all for a low price of sub $200.

Nobody wants you poorfags shitting up VR t b h

Nearly every other VR game is early access but there's far more of a functional game in gorn/blade&sorcery/beat saber/h3vr than this thing they want $25 for.