>quality of sound in vidya isn't important
Quality of sound in vidya isn't important
Other urls found in this thread:
[reelin in the years intensifies]
audiophiles are a laughingstock on /g/
redpill me on these giant slugs, what the fuck am I looking at?
What the fuck
Who the fuck makes these threads? Who goes "I know what'll be good to post on a video games board, an audiophile thread!" It's not even your run of the mill off topic thread which is standard here, you deliberatly went out your way to make this board just a little more non video games related and more shit.
Go fuck yourself OP.
Those little wooden stands probably cost 20 grand each.
Peak boomerism.
They prevent infeterence.
these are some weird looking snakes
Are you gonna cover wires in that shit all the way to nearest power plant?
>audiophiles confirmed they could not hear the difference between these cables and metal coat hangers
Literally the definition of placebo...
What the actual fuck.....
Jesus fucking christ /g/ truly is pathetic.
Are you listening to music? or trying to smash particles?
While it works, the amount of effort needed to have a marginal improvement makes the inconvenience far from worth it.
Except those are ~$3000 headphones and he thought they were a waste of money.
"you can gain SIGNIFICANT improvements in the sound"
Why nobody is blind testing this shit I want to see mythbusters tier test of this, I already know the results but we would have links to throw around.
160$. end me
I can understand using this shit when you really needs get ride of noise, when you produce music or for scientific applications.
But I bet those cunts use a MP3 or compressed ass flac to keep bragging about this garbage.
lol, people will buy this.
If you're wealthy enough to afford this, why not just go to a different opera house each weekend? Or pay an actual band to just play shit for you in your basement
>600 bucks
I cant even.
>vinyl through an expensive system
Why? Why not .wav, .flac, or something lossless?
It’s april 1st
>implying real audiophiles don't do both
Those cables create the new element audiophilium, and the music is the leftover vibrations from the radioactive state of decay.
Is it 'laugh at audio autists' time?
It's the 31s and it'll still be for like 7 hours in bongistan.
Based electrical infetterence reducing cat.
I live in bangkok
Someone post the $1000 hdmi cable
this cant be real lmao
it's money printing autism for unwitting manchildren, just like ancient vidya or trading cards.
Only a music producer would need these things.
why are audio tards so afraid of the floor?
Couple of years ago we had 500$ speaker "pointy legs" then we got super ultra silver titanium cables, then we got the same cable sbut for power ignoring shitty 30 old wires in your home but whatever, now we got magic cable holders...
I fucking wonder what will they think of next? Magic fucking force fields? Im genuinely curious to what scams they will push next
>Only a music producer would need these things
most of this shit is totally pointless though
what the fuck /g/
>inb4 the floor is lava
>$160 + tax + shipping + tip
>for a bag of rocks
>implying i don't have my own bespoke generator
electrical infetterence
>Why nobody is blind testing this shit
m8 it's been done. no one gives a fuck
It is though. It's just as, if not more, important that the graphics and gameplay. There are some truly shitty games people play just because the audio is so good.
It's the same concept as the old Aphex exciters:
Introducing small amounts of harmonic distortion actually provides a better mix.
I fucking know they will go to other side of the moon to listen to mp3s because Earth magnetic shit is just shit
>living in your own butthole
yes and no. If you produce FLAC in a studio, you might actually hear it. There's a reason why these prices aren't exactly consumer grade, the wires are solid gold iirc.
is that a fucking tape reel?
Most engineers use very basic shit. The only thing they'll spend big money on is mics and preamps, but you can very clearly hear what your money is doing for you when you use these.
you'd prefer more smash leaks or 2b butt threads?
I thought those were huge logs of shit
Some of these fuckers are installing custom electric lines and poles, others relie on batteries because it can cause interference apparently. Most of them are over 60 and have tinnitus.
I'm just mad I haven't figure out a legal way to take money away from dumb people.
Nobody talks about hardware there anymore, it's full of curry vindaloos who digitally shit in all the threads.
meme shit that costs $10k+ for audiophile retards who claim they can hear a difference between 24 and 32-Bit
> this must be a new meme fucking kek literally esoteric healing stones buy in bulk and save 40% ONLY TODAY!
What happens when you succumb to Chaos
The original spurdiophile
you unironically think professionals buy bags of crystals?
>I'm just mad I haven't figure out a legal way to take money away from dumb people—
Videogames. They're a tax on the stupid.
This was exaggerated to show off how shitty those headphones were.
People with 12k sound systems told me that vinyl is the most authentic format since it's analogue, personally I couldn't hear a difference
You don't want to introduce noise and interference with conductive wood do you?
>curry vindaloos who digitally shit in all the threads
Fuck you for making this thread. I was much happier before I learned just how retarded these people are.
Reminder that people spend up to 2000 bux on improving visuals and user interface on PC, but won't spend a hundred on an SFX card. Being able to have 10% of the pixels on your screen a slightly different hue of blue is SUPER IMPORTANT but who cares if my SPU can't produce sounds of certain range at all lmao.
Reminder that integrated sound cards are the 128kbps mp3 of SPUs.
not specifically, but they do buy high end hardware, yeah.
>sound cards
lmao the 90's called, dipshit
Video games are a visual medium.
Can you read? I said engineers use basic shit.
While we are talking about this, what is the go to sound card?
audiophiles compete with feminists in pure unfiltered retardation
Are they trying to make the most ridiculous looking speakers?
Nice zune faggot.
goddamnit i lose it every time i read it spelled like that
>he fell for the gaming headset meme
This. Also:
>people that collect shit (figs, CCG, game carts, etc).
>people that want to marry and fuck cartoons (toonophiles).
>MMO players.
Are those fucking matches? Why are audiophiles so fucking dumb?
Dumb faggots are probably listening to garbo classic rock that was sloppily recorded by a bunch of drunk, drugged out ex-hippies and sounds like shit no matter what
Matches don't conduct electricity well I'm guessing.
That's still cheaper than burning over a hundred dollars buying some glorified pedestals.
Looks like birdos mouth
TV = $150
Stereo System $15 000
Video game threads gets sent to vg dummy. We only allowed to shitpost worn out memes, waifus and pol baits here
>comparing something anyone can see like 4k and more fps to fucking allegations of retards that claim that they can hear the differences between a small or big cable
remainder that you never be as dumb as an audiophool
The actual schizo demographic is far superior, boomers wouldn't even know where to begin with a VibraPortal Stone of Clarity.
>my son has been reduced to listening to gachi this way
Reminds me of Rollercoaster Tycoon desu
I can sort of understand the cable risers if they're meant to keep the ground's vibrations from going through the cable and into the tubes.
Both are shit. Just buy a console (you get better) and listen to music on 10$ buds. Spend the rest on booze, hooker, etc.
Is this the inventory of a wizard?
>loose lips sink ships
>Russian audiophile.jpg
>and even your experience playing online fantasy games will become a mind blowing auditory experience
I can't be bothered to find an image of someone dying with laughter, so just imagine that I posted such an image.
>on the end of that spike is an industrial diamond
Fucking Boomers...
The concept is sound, but completely irrelevant for these applications. Isolating ground vibrations is shit that's done in high-end calibration, not producing or listening to music.
I can picture there being a 0.0000000000000001% intereference which audiophiles try get rid of, but just look at this.
This isn't even an audio cable. It's a fucking power cable.
Are they trying to make the electricity sound better?
Audiophiles are the most insufferable people.
>here, listen to this highly compressed clown format youtube video through your $50 speakers and hear for yourself the superior sound of this setup faggot
And these people are supposed to be audio experts
>Yea Forums will NEVER EVER experience their online fantasy games at peak performance
keep seething poorfags
I bet his neighbors want to kill him.
hope these people go deaf
Even more so than niggers?
If only you knew how bad things are
Man there was an episode of Akiba's Trip about this shit
This is exactly what I'm thinking. The recording quality must be a huge bottleneck. Especially old shit actual boomers listen to
>all that fucking snake oil
Around fifty thousands $ wasted if not more. I wan't to kill the person who did this.
audiophile thread?
These people all deserve to go deaf for the millions of dollars they're spending on this absolute bullshit.
Like your boomer ears that can't even pick up high pitched frequencies anymore are going to be able to hear the difference of "electrical disturbance" with your cassette tape.
the fuck am i looking at?
How can this look retarded and cool at the same time
can someone explain the autistic "cables cannot touch the ground" nonsense?
3rd world electricity grid.
Audiophile power cable.
Russian electric grid.
Is this a lowkey bloodborne thread?
No, you prevent infetterence by scanning your candy bars one at a time, Ryan.
I think it's supposed to demonstrate how thousand dollar powercables won't make up for the interference it's already gone through. Not sure how the electricity itself makes the quality of audio better, but that's something audiophiles believe.
I do agree with this it's retarded to have a high end PC but using shitty Logitech speakers or gamer headsets. Getting a simple DAC/Amp setup with decent headphones is enough to redpill you on good sound quality.
t. blown away by the NVX XPT100s after years of using Skullcandy headphones and shit headsets
exactly my first thought.
>2b butt threads
It's obvious you don't come here often. We haven't had one of those in ages.
>zip lock bags, which have a more linear response than glass
All this shit certainly can't be worth it. I just use some cheapo logitech headsets and never felt like I was missing anything.
Probably would have been better without the text
Who's more retarded, people who spend hundreds of thousands on audiophile shit or people who spend hundreds of thousands on wristwatches?
My money's on wristwatches, like nigga just look at your phone lmaooooo
Here I am, cracking up at the thought of some yuppie sitting in his recliner with a glass of wine, hair being blown back by this ear piercing foghorn setup.
Finally, a group more pathetic than gamers (for now)
>This entire shit
Take your pick:
>magic cards.
>anime figs.
>collectors editions of games.
>handwired amplifiers.
>people that buy the best graphics cards and ricer parts.
>mechanical keyboards over 50$.
>harley Davidson owners.
>people that soup up their shitty cars.
To be fair, watches hold their value. If you buy a Rolex and keep it in good condition, you could sell it for as much as you paid for it.
I want to blast some trve kvlt black metal tapes on that thing.
wristwatches are the only piece of jewelry that men are allowed to wear without looking like a faggy ass faggot. however spending retarded amounts of money in it is kind of stupid
HOWEVER its their money so who fucking cares?
You forgot
Power noise is a thing, what impact it has on systems like these i dont know.
On actually good system it makes no impact
people spending that kind of money on wristwatches are in it for the status symbol, to impress other people or show off their wealth. people spending that kind of money on audio equipment are lying to themselves, saying they can perceive a difference. both groups are stupid, but at least the wristwatchers know what they're doing and aren't delusional.
I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I hope you guys have a nice HDMI cable to go with your audio.
>+3.67$ shipping
>On actually good system it makes no impact
And these people think you need $1000 anaconda cables for a "good system".
>audiophile thread on Yea Forums
>nobody has yet to post the ps1
How about we make it vidya related?
name one
Is the PS1 actually a good CD player or is this just another audiophile meme?
robotsneks are cute! CUTE!
Who's worse though? Audiophiles or homeopathy advocates?
>playing Pokémon RSE as an audiophile.jpg
The very early PS1 models allegedly had a DAC used in Sony's high-end audio systems.
It actually is a good CD player
But audiophiles take everything to the extremes
Homeopathy advocates.
At least audiophiles are unlikely to harm people.
>manlytears show off his sick $15 000 audio system.jpg
I want to make fun of audiophiles, but I can't. I can kind of sympathize.
They probably see me the same way my I see my sister when she's watching a tv show on her phone with the audio coming from the tinny speaker.
Hyperloop prototype scale model coming along nicely Elon
My nigga
>tfw too poor to afford sound slugs
I can understand people wanting good headphones or earbuds, but stupid shit like this
Can't say I can.
How do I keep earbuds from falling out? I don't know what size my ear canal is. Do I just buy all sizes of silicone tips and see what fits best?
I love those boops and beeps. fills me with a sad warmth
get those dorky runner ones that hang on your ears
At some point it becomes a placebo. They will "ear" defaults and pay to get it fixed, and it "works" when mt goldberg let them test it, but after a few weeks and some negative thinking, it's back to have "flaws" again.
They might hear their own heart beat at some point, and complain it's electromagnetic interference in the cables.
>tfw in the got gud headphones but didn't fall for the audiiophile moneydrain meme
>tfww still get to make fun of B*ats normals just cuz
It would, but any decent PSU will filter shit out too. So redundant and retarded.
also while you wait for your ear hooks to ship, curl the over the back of your ear to keep them stabler.
good tip for going on jogs with normal earbugs too
>let's XXXproof all the hardware
>let's still use non sound proof, non magnetic proof rooms not even floating in an anti-micro quake magnetic field
>let biological creature with hearbeat and internal electric fiels interfere with it
>the air isn't even optimally chemically filtered.
Humans, when will they LEARN
I guess that is a sure way of keeping them on. Thanks for the suggestion. Even if they look like a meme, I am going to be listening to audiobooks for 8hrs a day. Can't lug my over ear headphones around.
>the hardware is bigger and takes up as much space as an original xbox
>the speakers look like foghorns
>the cables are sturdy, thick and heavy
That means the audio quality is superior!
Now you're getting it.
I own studio headphones but fuck audiophiles, absolute cunts
"the way it's supposed to be listened" is in big hall with thousands of people. Fucking plebe.
If they just went on the internet and learned about electricity for 10 minutes they wouldn't waste their money like this. All you need is a few capacitors to filter electricity.
Nothing gets me immersed like a latency bump that causes the next 10 seconds of audio to lag and overlap once it finally plays
IMAGINE being an audiophile
real talk would these autistic setups actually improve on bad company 2 war tapes or would i just be wasting time and money
The latter
Unironic reply here. My wife is an Otolaryngologist and she told me most people hearings are so fucked up by 30 years of age that all of this is ultra bullshit unless you are a teenager. Basically whenever you find someone older than 50 that is into this shit, you can just laugh at their faces for being retards.
*Listens to Sekiro_main_theme_HD.mp3"
Aaaaah, now THIS is KINO!
>Experience the amazing sound quality of the same fucking SFX library that's been used for every game in the last 20 years
It's not new. It's like smokers lecturing you about the taste of things then drowning their shit in hot sauce.
Blast this song on those speakers
Some headphones are worth more now than when they released. Try getting some original hifiman jades, grado hp1000's or the original sennheiser orpheus for msrp.
Nothing says cool like hanging one of those faggotronic Mccartney violin bass guitars on the wall
>>harley Davidson owners.
dear fucking god
>Ride japanese sportbikes
>Get to talking about bikes at work
>Co-worker calls anything not a cruiser a "Death bike"
>Ask him why something that can brake properly, handle and accelerate well would be a"Death bike"
>Motherfucker looks me square in the eye and says to make them turn, you have to lean over so you're almost touching the ground
>Tell him that's the stupidest thing i ever heard and i will make fun of him relentlessly for it
>He tries to go to HR and is told to fuck off
>a sekino thread died for this
ah, some good news then
And that's a good thing
>things that never happened
But at least you chose a clown to represent yourself accurately.
>caring about a 1h30 game
>literally a garden hose
i thought at first the cat had a bionic paw. was disappointed
electricity is not a signal
Can you ask her how far along a cure for tinnitus is? I've had it since I hit my head 14 years ago. I'm accustomed to it, but I would like to hear pure quite once before I die.
>>anime figs.
Another one
>Never take my figures out of the box because the box is part of the display
>Also makes it easier to dust
>Motherfuckers say the figures outgassing melts the paint
>people that soup up their shitty cars.
>Go to work in my 370Z
>See a slowbalt SScovered in stickers
>#Winning, #Killing_it #Sgtanceskwad
>Hear him start it up
>Revs the piss out of it without any regard for oil circulation
>Sounds like it has a bad misfire and is in limp home mode
>people that buy the best graphics cards and ricer parts.
>Work with guy
>Cool dude
>Starts whining about how much PC parts cost
>"Whaddya buildin?"
>This PC i want is 2.5K
>Why are you buying a pre-built?
>No i want a 2080 and i want it watercooled
>Ask him if he's overclocking
>Ask him what he intends on playing
>LoL, Dota and Apex
>Tell him not to waste his money on liquid cooling and a 2080, a 1070 will be more than overkill
>Says he wants to "Future proof" his system
Fuck me I'm retarded, obvs meant quiet
confirmed for never talking at length with harley cucks. They really are that fucking stupid.
>tfw fell for the high impedance meme.
I've got a handmade amplifier I made in school. Cost me absolutely nothing and is gathering dust in some shelf right now as I don't have anything that can connect to it
>there are retards who buy expensive audiophile gear but have never heard a live orchestra
>nonono my history was RAEL and I BTFO him in the end and they all CLAPPED!
girl you are fucking pathetic.
Are there actually smokers who are this retarded?
Isn't this just an mp3 player and a headphone amp?
>I want attention so i'm going to try and pick a fight over a post with zero confrontation at all
if you had a likable personality, you wouldn't have to do things like this,
Id be starting to float when listening to kodak with that bitch
Top kek
ain't got it chief
>ITT: brainlets who know nothing about TVS, DSP, FFTs, FMACs, sampling rates, and the Nyquist theorem
birbs are great
Power noise is important enough that you can tell when an old fridge kicks on just by the distortion, but even something drastic like that can be completely resolved by like 50 bucks worth of equipment.
Reel-to-reels tapes are unironically among the highest quality you can store audio on. They aren't equivalent to cheap audio cassettes.
It's smokers, of course they are spineless hypocrites
it has 0 impact. electronics filter their source entirely to run.
false. have you never heard hum coming out of a loud speaker when no input is applied? that due to the grid and powersupply not being filtered well.
don't talk about things you know nothing about.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy a huge battery and run your system off of that?
Never argue with harleycucks.
>tfw I spend a lot of money on perfumes
It might not lose top octaves, bit it is losing soul.
Seriously? Are you a woman?
wtf? are these audio stones?
women don't walk into your home and get moist because of your giant ram horn speakers, but a bitch see your wrist iced out and she ready to ride a nigga dick till he mayo them guts.
Do you spray it on yourself?
>he starts listening to it
>sounds like a 1950s game show theme
Is this just an elaborate troll?
Audiophiles always have god awful taste in music.
I thought you were going to post this historic boi
>Says he wants to "Future proof" his system
He should future proof his financials instead
Even if this shit all made a difference, how do they find music with a high enough quality to show itself? It was all probably recorded on 2000$ worth of equipment since nobody else is retarded enough to spend more.
Like if you download a fucking crusty mp3 off youtube its not gonna be better regardless of what format you convert it to or how much you reduce interference.
>spending one million dollars on a hi-fi only to use it to listen to terrible audiophile renditions of house of the rising sun
>with added bells and weird noises so the audiophiles can ooh and aah at it like a kid at a 3d movie
im pretty chink bike worshipers are just as bad
yes, you pleb
modern vinyl with a good record players just as good as digital.
Just listen to that version of House of the Rising Sun separated from that hi-fi
Listening should make it clear that recording and mastering of the source is more important than what its being played back on. That hi-fi won't make any important album of the last half century sound any less compressed or clipped.
Bet he slays some mad puss in that room though.
one reason you want a supporter for cable
if your cable is too heavy they sometimes can rip port off circuit board
if your cable is light enough than you are just wasting time and money for that
then it can literally be a wooden block, it doesn't need to cost 800$
I fit two of those sort of.
if you're good you'll notice the difference between a $500 and a $3000 guitar
buy two steps below the top-end and good cables. $1000 cables are retarded though
>buy the best graphics cards
spending $500-600 on a graphics card is unironically the best price/performance ratio unless you always want to have the latest generation
>mechanical keyboards over 50$.
pic that cable rip port off
>dark souls switch was on its way to being the best version of the game by retaining the original artstyle and active multiplayer
>it ends up being the worst because audio is literally 64kbps mp3 so bamco could jew out on cartridge size
>comments sections flooded with users saying how they can't tell the difference
i hate you deafags so goddamn much
This reminds me of that /g/ user who downloaded song from youtube, converted them to Flac and uploaded them to an audiophiles forum and everyone praised the quality.
there is a sucker born every minute
>using unbalanced connections
>Not just using xlr
Soundman disappointed
jesus wept
Imagine your main hobby being sitting down in a room and listening to something and then you start wincing and fidgeting around for hours because of the way you react to the stimulus.
>I fucking wonder what will they think of next? Magic fucking force fields?
Way ahead of you buddy, they're selling you a $900 box that genuinely claims to improve your audio quality by just existing near your shit. Note the copious amounts of vaguely scientific horseshit and the classic disclaimer of "oh it's just really sensitive to placement so try again if you aren't hearing any results".
>Yea Forums rags on autistic audiophiles
>almost everyone here buys super expensive GPUs and ricer shit for their PCs
You faggots are such hypocrites.
You're right he could have saved himself like 6 grand he did solar battery storage meant for his shit
>buy $80 sound card
>$280 headphones
>sound quality is eargasmic
This is like the modern-day equivalent of a nobleman in the middle ages showing off his alchemy workshop.
Buying a GPU is the equivalent of buying nice stereos. Buying audiophile shit is the equivalent of buying two 2080 founder's edition and submerging them in mineral oil.
>buy super expensive engine for your car
>buy cheap stereo
>"youre a hypocrite!"
>humans have fairly shit hear
>people still drop thousands of dollars on equipment that can't even pass a blind test in ideal conditions
>they are mostly older people who have even more shit hearing than younger people
>could blast teenager repelling buzzing in their house without them knowing while they talk about the finer points of their sound crystals
Audioretards are at least just as pathetic as Steamtards who legitimately pay for their games when it's so unbelievably easy to get them for free.
>why not just steal lmaooooooooo
This. And sound cards usually last the longest. Currently using an soundblaster I bought in 2012 in my $2300 computer and everything sounds crisp.
Seeing this shit makes me proud of my tinnitus
a good motherboard
There is no motherboard with as good of sound as a sound card.
>Not renting a rolex, the current luxury generation car, and an expensive suit to take photos with for a day
It's amusing to me that elderly retarded boomers who are losing their hearing anyway care so much about audio quality.
have you ever tried those self home remedies for it you see all over youtube now?
i tried it and it worked but who knows
>No explanation given
Thank you for proving my point.
I collect vinyl and in the most non-audiophile way
>only go for colored vinyl or picture discs
>audio gets from my record player to my speakers via Bluetooth
It sounds fine to me.
He's not Finnish though
idk, my otologist just tells me some people are born with tinnitus, the cause is a mystery and i need to deal with it.
What's the point of all the shielding if it's literally exposed around the connector?
your picture says more about you then anything else ever could
You're a giant faggot user-kun
And I once thought CD gaskets were excessive.
What’s the matter? Wasn’t fast enough to secure your own copy?
Vaporwave is objectively good :^)
yeah no thanks my taste isn't decided by what the newest hot meme is
i do this is niggers, women and video games.
Yeah, it's decided by being contrarian to avoid things just because they are new or considered a "meme", right?
>be me
>mute games music and blast glam metal every time
more like vaporware boom boom bap
WTF do you even listen to with these systems? Some compressed as shit audio files?
Harley Davidson bikes are actually useful tho unlike the rest of the crap listed
fucking literal boomers
Even pedophiles are more tolerable
Imaging wacthing high quality ASMR videos with one of these audio systems
no it's decided by simply liking what i like just turns out i usually don't like whatever the 13 year old kids are memeing this week
do real living people listen to asmr
Only incels.
Yes. Are you deaf?
t. incel
I mean they don't call it "crystal clear audio" for nothing.
>Yes. Are you deaf?
If I decided to listen to some asian girl chewing on ice instead of listening to music I think I'd kill myself desu
>will never get to experience the true wonders of audio because i'm literally only able to hear in mono
You guys don't know how well most of you have it. Be glad that you can hear everything around you in Stereo mode.
It's just softcore mixed with girlfriend simulator.
That's why how attractive the girl doing it is more important than anything she does.
It's practical to have two working ears in real life, but recorded audio is a meme. Not to mention surround.
I guess it's useful in games though so sorry about that.
So you do sometimes happen to like something that's the hottest meme by 13 year olds?
Good to know we came to the bottom of your hypocrisy and you may move on to lead a better life, user.
I heard that the PS1 has a great sound chip, that it's legendary among audiophiles or some shit like that.
>The Blackbody is unlike any other filter or conditioner. All power filters and conditioners address noise found on wires, but there’s another type of noise altogether. Until now, this inconspicuous type of noise has been largely unacknowledged.
>this inconspicuous type of noise has been largely unacknowledged.
So basically they made a $900 box to get rid of a noise nobody can even hear. Fucking amazing.
i never understood the point of downloading songs in FLAC, sure mp3s may degrade over time but what kind of boring autismal faggot just listens to the same shit over and over again that you need to make sure the quality is preserved
If you're using headphones then stereo audio is absolutely worth having.
Just buy speakers with an integrated DAC that take digital input you fucking brainlets
i say usually just incase i don't always keep up with the new hot memes of the year so i could be wrong and actually end up liking something
>quality of sound in vidya isn't important
But it is and most sound design in video games is shit.
>if you produce FLAC in a studio
you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
>everything visual has been upgraded with new hardware and hookups over the years
>an analog stereo receiver from 1970 can still provide sound quality as good as anything else sold today
Imagine being an audiophile and spending a fortune on the digital audio meme just for the sound to still come out of an analog speaker.
>free shipping on orders over 30k
Could it be that, after all these years, my ears are finally starting to give out and music sounds worse nowadays not because of any deepening appreciation on my part, but because I'm rapidly growing deafer and deafer? No, it must be because I don't have $10k audio cables.
Fuck boomers.
what in the fuck is a finger box
As opposed to what, a digital speaker?
You need to be at least 10 y.o to browse this anime forum
>mfw listening to flac with a cheap dac/amp
how far am I on the spectrum?
mp3s don't degrade over time
lossless is useful for archiving and converting to other formats often
Fucking Coconut Audio
>mp3s don't degrade over time
Rotational velocidensity.
how about i rotational velocidensity my fist into your face how's that sound
I do the same shit. HDD space is ultra cheap, so I might as well just go lossless for archival purposes and since I already have those FLACs, I just point Foobar to the archives and call it a day.
who the fuck cares about audio quality
and /g/ is a laughingstock to the rest of Yea Forums
are you fucking 12? nobody does this other than zoomers right?
are those tiny waifu pillows?
probably for extra comfy sound
Jesus christ
the drawing fucking rules
>girlfriend simulator
>not superior kong simulator
No wonder you faggots don't understand ASMR.
my brother is a hardcore consumerist
>magic cards.
>anime figs.
>collectors editions of games.
>people that buy the best graphics cards and ricer parts.
he spent at least 5k on each of those
What a fool I've been.
I like you user
but why is he eating?
>be me
>turn off game's music but leave SFX on
>blast euro trance music
av union worker here
what the fuck is this shit
>HDD space is ultra cheap, so I might as well just go lossless for archival purposes
same reason actually, I can't even hear a difference between 256kbps and lossless
Chewing sounds and harsh "S" sounds and other things that spike the mic feed are apparently what ASMR are all about
>At least audiophiles are unlikely to harm people.
I had to forcibly evict an audiophile neighbor who refused to turn down his foghorn speakers at night. I suffered from acute sleep deprivation for close to 2 months.
"People" who pay for digital distribution are worse than these audiophiles and people that bought Juicero
i can hear a slight difference, the sibilant frequencies on things like cymbals sound a bit worse on 256 kbps, but at 320 i literally can't tell the difference
is he in pain because its bad or is he orgasming, the world will never know
so audio engineers are the true autists
What the heck are those anacondas?
link the full video please
i've always heard various stories of the context
One day I will learn what these expensive pieces of shit actually sound like.
Sindsyge Bertram?
What about gacha?
Fuckin video of me talking to my mother on the phone right there
Probably sounds like if you put Thom Yorke's butthole next to your ear.
All have constant use and to each their own
>magic cards.
>anime figs.
>harley Davidson owners.
>mechanical keyboards over 50$.
>people that soup up their shitty cars.
>collectors editions of games.
>handwired amplifiers.
>people that buy the best graphics cards and ricer parts.
ive been on Yea Forums for way too long
I mean at least there's different smells to be experienced.
why is the bottom one enclosed but the top one is open
He's getting a blowjob under the desk
Why are audiophiles so retarded?
>mfw first hdmi cable I ever bought was 30 yuros because I had no idea it was a gold meme cable and could just get an identical one for 5 euros on the internet
to be fair hdmi cables are all overpriced in physical stores
Sound engineer here. Everything in those pictures is bullshit that doesn't make a difference
Obama here, can confirm.
electricity is a triphase sinusoidal signal in transmission lines you retard.
Cum drinker here.
I drink cum.
>autistic 50k audiophile setup
>meme altec lansing plastic "sub" in the corner
guy who invented sound here, it's true.
based tyll. he quit headphones after experiencing literally everything so he could retire in his custom bug-out van, traveling all over north america. I wish he would do vlogs of it. apparently he also does adventure motorcycling.
Didn't Best Buy at that one company get in trouble with the FTC over overpriced HDMI cables?
deaf man hear this user speaks the truth
What animu?
>people that buy the best graphics cards and ricer parts.
What's wrong with buying the best hardware available? It's always better than the next step down at a huge margin, and will actually affect your performance unlike audiophile snake oil.
Thanks, Obama
super hearer here, can confirm
>no box filled with stones for 8000 bucks
fucking audioplebs
THIS image is easily 7 years old. /g/ has not changed in 7 years. It's still the same gnu/fuck/Terry/freedom/fuck apple threads from 7 years ago on an infinite loop
ITT: if I can't see it, it doesn't exist
And I'm not an audiophile, all I'm telling you is to invest a couple hundred bux into it and you'd hear the difference. More than that is actually the real snek oil.
>Bought 120€ headphones to replace old 20€ headphones
>Don't ear any difference
Am I just deaf or something?
We all laugh at each other.
the thing is while there is a lot of science to sound, the perception of it is still entirely subjective and always will be, so you can make these claims and word it so you are never "wrong". the only way to prove a placebophile wrong or at least shut them up is to ask them about MEASURABLE differences. and then question if miniscule measurable differences are audible or can even be reproduced.
If the music you're listening to is a high enough quality
If your headphones need an amp+dac
If you have ear problems like impacted wax or hearing loss
Why does the wood make this picture seem like it was taken in Japan?
I had something similar happen to me when I upgraded. It sounds stupid but it could be a matter of time. Listen to the new ones for a month or two and then try going back to the old pair and you'll more than likely hear the difference
This, anti-audiophile retards are basically poorfag copers or dumbass copers coping their shitty Samsung earbuds or their gaymer headset which both sound like shit
Also big cope from the retards who download music from YouTube lel
those cables look disgusting, make me really uncomfortable somehow, something subconscious
>tfw reading through this thread as a deaf user
disgusting sonybros
Nobody likes /g/. They're the reason we have a filter on s o y
>trying to smash particles?
>people that soup up their shitty cars.
If you do it right it's absolutely worth it.
let me play for you the song of my people
What's the appeal of listening to someone eating Pringles or popping bubble wrap idgi
maybe its cause they look like animals
Good CD player
>this thread
You might just be retarded
>sure mp3s may degrade over time
A riced out Honda Civic isn't any more valuable than a new Honda Civic, probably less so due to the assumption that it's been driven like a retard
my grandpa was all kinds of into audio and video stuff.. I think there's truth to the basics but anything beyond that is just tinfoil shit.. having a strong amp is the most important and then after that the quality of speakers and what else is there beyond that? just dumb people with lots of money.. obvs $500 speakers will sound better than $50 ones but these people can't not be putting themselves at a higher risk of electrical fires with those python cables
I almost want to say headphone fags are worst but idk
I'd buy a house instead, thanks
Buddy, Harley owners being the epitome of retarded literal actual lead paint eating leaded gas huffing born between 1945 and 1965 boomers isn't disputed by anyone.
It’s called strain relief. Do it, retard.
yes, so perfectly normal considering the headphones. though frankly most of those high-end players could power them anyways and why would you use those huge things on the go? better to invest in an IEM setup if you want that.
I still use the Sony MDR-7506 since 1991, changed the cable 4 times (broke by freezing)
why I would buy anything else? What difference there is with some $2K headphones when I've paid 20$ from a crackhead?
>Hurr durr what is rotational velocidensity
if you're good you'll notice the difference between a $500 and a $3000 guitar
nice bait. You wont hear the difference, you can feel the difference though, if the cheaper was made without any care on the world.
i already have a tascam uh 7000 and a 770 pro, there's not much more i can invest in
>Caring about a car's value
>what else is there beyond that?
Acoustic design of the listening space, though a lot of audiophiles seem to forgo it entirely and just plop their shit down in a room planned with aesthetics first.
You can tell between a $99 and $200. $500 and $3000 is trickier. The $500 might even sound better if it’s older than the $3000 especially if it’s a gibson. The wood they had back in the day was allowed to dry out for longer because they simply had more wood in their reserves.
>tfw still use my Zune...
>The wood they had back in the day was allowed to dry out for longer because they simply had more wood in their reserves.
Must be some good ass ASMR
What speakers would you recommend to say, a follower of Slaanesh? Asking for a friend.
What are some good headphones for gaming? I've already got a little amp, and some HD600's, but I was wondering what you guys would recommend.
>Not using lossless
brainlet confirmed
As obnoxious as audiophiles are, the Steve Hoffman forums has much better actual music discussion than Yea Forums.
It’s true that’s one of the reasons new gibsons sound like shit.
Terry's fucking dead, user.
I saw more Terry threads after his death than before
What was he listening to that made him cry?
To give your bait some credit, acoustics can sound better when old because fungus and shit. I dont know how its possible or how it works, but some older acoustics do sound better than newer ones. But its entirely subjective, as i found a 200U$ acoustic to sound much better than any 2000U$ counterpart, simply because i liked how bright it sounded as compared to how dark the others were.
Electrics though? Pic related.
This is new to me, wtf
>Audio setup level: Dr. Suess
No the wood itself used to make the guitars was originally air dried for 4 years before kilning. Nowadays gibson just pops fresh wood into the kiln and the difference is obvious
Snake thread?
It is trickier, but not by much since $500 is still in the lower end price bracket with some corner cutting to keep costs down (most notably hardware) and $3000 is squarely in the top end category where less than perfect fit and finish will get you fucking skinned alive. $1000 vs $3000 is a much tougher comparison since the parts start being largely the same and the QA gets stricter, you really have to start looking for the minute details.
>that one guy that downloaded flacs of the new pop songs and desynchronized left and right channels by like 0.001% and uploaded the flacs to thepiratebay
>contrabrap brapophone
this guy gets it
if you've never taken a psychedelic, then you're missing out on music
this is bait but i pay for TIDAL because atheme lets me rip flacs to disk
yes finding new music is harder than spotify on it (and spotify scripts no longer let you rip because they changed the backend) but something like boards of canada? flac because i WILL listen to it again in the future
>not converting them to mp3s then back to flacs
That sounds like a painful way to go.
whats wrong with paying $4 to download a 50mb .wavs straight out of the producers daw though?theyre being shafted as it is I look at it as a form of a tip for trying once again to cater to my niches
It also depends on the brand and whether you're paying $500 for a used guitar at a pawn shop or some dude online who has no idea that he could sell for more or a $3000 brand new meme guitar that's only priced in that range because of the brand name *cough*gibson*cough*
>Plays excellent defense in a number of sports.
to be fair hdmi cables have like 5 different levels now, theres 4k, 10bit, high refresh rates, and 2 different HDR standards to worry about, so its not insane to pay $40 for a cable that is futureproof
I use a $30 pair of headphones held together with tape. I really don't get how people can justify spending over a hundred for this crap.
>wristwatches are the only piece of jewelry that men are allowed to wear without looking like a faggy ass faggot.
Listen to yourself.
>Must be some good ass ASMR
True, I was thinking more about what you can get brand new from reputable brands.
by the end of the track the left and right channels were completely out of sync
So wearing a wedding band makes you a faggot?
this gives me tingles
the kind of tingles that trigger a fight or flight response
i dont see the appeal at all, it makes me want to swat an invisible fly
Yeah you're right about buying brand new. Problem with instruments and various audio equipment is pricing rarely makes much sense because of the second hand market. I bought and Accoustic 450 amp from a guy for 60 bucks because he had no idea what it was. Definitely wouldn't refer to it as a 60 dollar piece of equipment though.
Yeah? How much do you spend on video games? Or your other hobbies? How do you justify all of the money you spend on the crap you buy?
>entering a financially binding contract with terms subject to change based on her projected emotional attraction to you
>snek oil.
Jesus, I imagined some old fart melting down a snake into cooking oil.
Would probably taste like chicken oil, since people say that sneks taste like chicken.
Doesn't sound gay to me.
god me too, they make my skin crawl
>That little dance he does
I wish I could be this happy.
you can absolutely tell the difference between a 500 and 3000 dollar guitar. like said its around $900 that the quality begins to plateau
no its more like after building all these elaborate rigs they get so used to their system as the 'base perfect configuration' with nothing to compare it to, that sound slugs and placebo stones do actually affect the way they hear it, its just its nowhere close to sounding how the mastering guy intended, which is probably apple earpods
I own a pair of AKG k240 $70 and they sound great, but most of the time i use beats solo3 because while not as realistic i like them. most people stop here but these faggots have no other hobbies and just keep going into oblivion
being a man is about independence and power
bad investments emasculate a man
underrated post
So it's gay to get married and not gay to live a virgin.
literally my face while trying to hold in a mean turd in public after eating shitpotle.
just have sidegirls man, why you gotta bring up the cock
There literally isn't any way to cure tinnitus. You have damaged some very specialized structures in your inner year (a type of ciliated cell).
The best you can do is prevent it from getting worse.
I have it too
Reminder that the best headphones ever made cost $80 and will last you your whole lifetime. Reminder that anything more expensive is literally a meme.
Nothing wrong with that
Best anime of 2018.
As long as you're trying to get laid, I guess it's fine. But don't overdo it.
>Pleather trash
>Absurdly thin headband
They may sound good, but that doesn't matter when they're uncomfortable as fuck.
if you like listening to music through tin cans maybe
If the choice is between fake leather and cloth cushions I take fake leather every time. I made the mistake of going with cloth again after my last headset and it already has hairs and dead skin cells all over it, with no way to wash it.
>T. BigHead McLargeNoggin
Because having fake leather that flakes off and gets everywhere is so much better.
>random audiophile thread on Yea Forums made it to bumplimit