>godtier (always useful and/or trivialize some of the challenges)

>high tier (often useful)
Flame with Living Force

>average tier

>low tier (very situational and/or cost outweights the benefits)
Mist Raven

>why is this even in the game tier
Divine Abduction
Whistle (yes I know its useful for this one boss fight)


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Other urls found in this thread:

Spear general keeps fucking me up. What should I do?

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How do I beat shields without the axe tho?

>using Soýthetics
A true shinobi needs only his grappling hook and his katana

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wow emma is VERY cute

learn to counter it

Mist Raven is not good enough to be locked behind that purple fuck. Screw Mist Raven.

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Sabimaru is good against apparition enemies since it still poisons them. In particular, you can cheese O'Rin with it. Realistically, Prosthetic's in general are a missed opportunity because parrying is the strongest mechanic in the game and you'll almost never want to use a prosthetic over it.

You can double jump on him to cancel any of his animations. It makes the fight super unfun because you cheese it, but it does work.

Sabimaru tier is wrong

Umbrella is worthless.
You still take damage with it if you're on the path of hardships
And if you're still playing with Kuro's charm, then honestly your opinion isnt worth considering

Sprint behind them, they take 5 years to turn around

I switched run and prosthetic tool buttons and the game got way easier, doing a 2nd play through now.

Mist is probably god tier since you can get more hits on some one instead of firecrackers and works on every thing. As soon as you get the timing down the game is easy mode with it.

Divine Abduction is actually pretty usefull against the second shichimen warrior when he starts spamming his beam attack, you can make him turn his back to you and get enough damage in to interrupt his spam.

I don't think using the Umbrella to cheese Headless and cross the gun bridge gets it into God Tier.
Fireworks are consistently useful throughout the run and can be used to stunlock a few enemies. You don't have to downgrade the Umbrella but I think Fireworks should be at least bumped up.

Sabimaru lets you steamroll thru fountainhead palace, as hinted by its description, expecially against that cristiano ronaldo electric bogaloo miniboss

Keep trying to beat the purple dude, if you play him correctly (using parries and mikiri) you’ll be more prepared for challenges later in the game.

Or you can pussy out and just open the doors to the temple, you don’t have to fight the guy

I'm probably alone in this, but I love using the upgraded Shuriken. I can use a charge attack while the shuriken is still spinning on an enemy's block and 9 times out of 10 they drop their guard right before my attack goes off.

How do I upgrade all my prosthetics to the max? Starting NG+2 soon and there is barely any materials

Yeah good luck with that shit in the rematch fight

God, I wanna eat emma's ass.

>Divine Abduction is actually pretty usefull against the second shichimen warrior when he starts spamming his beam attack, you can make him turn his back to you and get enough damage in to interrupt his spam

Not really much point if you have the apparition umbrella.

you can farm before going thru ng+
Fulminated mercury is the most boring one to get, drops from ministry cannoneers

>tfw asians always make souls waifus look caucasian since they know gooklook is not a good look

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The axe is top tier for cheesing a lot of fights.

Basically I'm stuck, I can't beat the spear fucker at the hinata estate and can't beat the drunk fucker either
Can I even progress at this point?

>there are other prosthetics besides the firecracker
nice try pal

>How do I upgrade all my prosthetics to the max? Starting NG+2 soon and there is barely any materials

What? How? I only have like 2 upgrades left an I'm at the end of my first playthrough

Emma is probably the ugliest From-girl after the Doll. Hideous.

Just play the main game, Hirata estate is side mission. Come back later.

Confirmed Kuro charm baby

It's even easier in the rematch

>Fulminated mercury is the most boring one to get, drops from ministry cannoneers

You can get it from pretty much every unit in the Gun Fort late game. I just run backwards through it slaughtering everyone. The drop rate is kind of cancer but I got about a dozen.

Pick 1

Fucking faggot.

Fair enough, but I didn't have it during this fight so for me it was usefull.

Umbrella turns all ghost fights into a total joke, that already makes it good without the added use against the Demon of Hatred, etc.

>wanting a girl with dragon aids
look at this faggot

Try it without Kuro's charm buddy :)

D i s g u s t i n g

Fucking faggot.

I bet it tastes like strawberries

Elder god tier:
Lewd Emma pics

This. Absolutely

My fault, I literally steamrolled through that place and never visited it again

That was the most hilarious miniboss for me, she immediately jumped in the air and I got her with the air-to-air deathblow attack 5 seconds into the fight.

Uh user that boss dies in like 3 seconds either way

Not a good example

How do you tell his quick poke from delayed poke?

Sorry, it was so easy I thought it must have been sabimaru's doing
Either way, it poisons and it's good for comboing. I always found worth trying to see if the enemy can be poisoned while doing some damage

> puppet big sword guy
> two on one fight
It's easier.

Which prosthetic should i fully upgrade? can only do two.

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She fucks monkeys bro

Wait how do you even puppet the sword guy. Theyre literally looking both ways with no way to sneak on them, at least thats what they were doing in my game.

I pupeteered the sleeping rifle guy to the side, which allowed me to 1v1 the sword guy, and spear fag alone is easy. Dunno how do you sneak up on them though.

That means I have a chance!

If we're both talking about the endgame fight at the reservoir, then you can use the stealth sugar to sneak between the two and puppet the sword guy.

I alerted sword guy, and then stealth killed him on his way back to his post after he walked over to check what he saw

Shuriken are top tier and sabimaru is good.

>>why is this even in the game tier
are you joking? sabimaru destroys everything in fountainhead palace, insta poison and stun out the ass

>easiest area with zero challenging enemies
>"it totally rocks that place user! its good, i p-promise!"

just finished the game
what'zs the concensus on the hardest boss?
Demon of hatred?

>Divine Abduction
This shit deletes enemies from the game. A single hit and they turn around allowing you to land a backstab deathblow on them. It was quite useful for farming those dual katana faggots during Ashina Castle's invasion. It even works on those fat mini-bosses that have a gorillion posture.

Sword Saint


>godtier (always useful and/or trivialize some of the challenges)

>high tier (often useful)
Flame (Living Force)

>average tier

>low tier (very situational and/or cost outweights the benefits)
Divine Abduction

>why is this even in the game tier
Mist Raven

I don't see how they're less challenging than other enemies. also, it works on basically anything, not only that place. it's a fun sword and can poison even if they block the flurry, and it combos into a strong finisher

>>why is this even in the game tier
it bodies the ladies in fountainhead, easily. dummy
>Whistle (yes I know its useful for this one boss fight)
its loads of fun turning shinobis dogs on them in late game, and fully upgraded you can use it to stagger apparitions

The second mortal blade was such an asspull

Demon of hatred can be cheesed with some luck and good positioning

There are some minibosses that are definitely weak to Sabi. O-Rin of the Water is actually really weak to it, you can get her poisoned very reliably with two Sabi combos, which makes it a lot easier to deal with her if your deflection timing isn't up to par.

Or you can just abuse the infinite run stamina in the game and literally run circles around her.

I forgot whistle, it's in low tier

That or one of the two Ashinas

Some people say owl (father) but I honestly killed it after some tries (I mastered his previous encounter tho)

On a side related note, what's the general consensus on who stabs wolf after the butterfly? Is it Owl?
I also read somewhere that he threw the shuriken in the cutscene after you beat the first genichiro (and this could go well with the fact that he has the black mortal blade in the shura ending), but frankly I think that's his ninja's doing (the crow ninja which picks up kuro)

isshin or DoH


Is it really that useful? It seems like just a waist of spirit emblems that I could use on firecrackers or shuriken. How do you properly utilize it?

>Shinobi with only a katana
That sounds like samurai talk to me you honorable fuck

>Is it Owl?
Someone already pointed out that the katana that stabs you is more like a ninjato, while owl's blade is curved. Perhaps is just the tip

You can cheese gun fort with it and shichimen\headless if you unlock the apparition upgrade. Also has some utility during demon fight

Is it even possible to poison a boss?


>godtier (always useful and/or trivialize some of the challenges)

>why is this even in the game tier
everything else

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will there be a dlc?
If there s who could be a boss besides tomoe?

It's definitely Owl. The sword is very distinctly large, so unless Juzou got his ass back up to stab you, it was Owl.

I'm not sure why Owl wanted the kid to be in Genichiro's control though, if his whole plan was to just take the Dragon's Heritage for himself, what was he waiting for? Maybe he wanted to wait until the shogun's troops assaulted Ashina, and then beat them back in a surprise counter-ambush? I guess, but why risk it all by letting Genichiro get his hands on the heir?

Honestly Owl is the dumbest part of the game to me. It just seems like an unnecessary twist in a story that was doing just fine without him in it. At least he's a fun fight.

This. Shuriken is by far the most versatile and handy prosthetic.

Lmao just eat a stealth candy.

Yes it's Owl. I think part of his plot was getting Sekiro to become immortal.

Anyone got a link for a torrent? The DMC5 one was super easy, how about this?

I'm at just after ape and have only used flame vent, firecrackers, shuriken and axe. Out of combat arts only whirlwind. What am I missing out on?

It's literally a common late game enemy

Return ending could proceed into a china DLC, or a sequel. Let's hope it's the former and not the latter, but knowing activison, be prepared for anything

Learn to mikiri and jump. Stop trying to dodge and learn how to deflect.

I've convinced they put the firework in the game as a get-out-of-jail card

In 50 and something hours I never used the mist raven, didn't even try it. What does it do?

Easiest cheesiest way is to just grapple onto the nearby branch and aggro them both towards you. 9 times out of 10, sword guy will just run right off the edge of the cliff.

How the hell do you beat Butterfly whore without shuriken?
You let her linger in the air for even a moment and her guard bar goes back down to zero.

Emma or rice divine child?

>shuriken in average

>High tier
Umbrella, Shuriken, Spear, Firecrackers

>mid tier
Flame, Sabimaru

>low tier
Axe, Divine, Whistle

Dodge hit hit. Dodge hit hit. Dodge hit hit. Dodge hit hit.

Simple stun lock combo that is almost impossible for her to break out of, completely trivializes the fight.

It’s good as a crutch early on. It somewhat lessens in its usefulness over time once you’ve learned that depleting an enemy’s posture is the main goal instead of trying to deplete their actual healthbar.

Kuro looks hellacute

Blinding enemies increases their posture meter and opens them up for at least one attack, which will do both health and posture damage and lowering health makes posture recover more slowly.

>spear let's you take off enemies armor!
>encounter armored boss
>doesn't do anything, the only way to kill him is going full iron golem on him

Lost opportunity here, could have been a cool touch


doesn't mater
but axe is decent in some fight to finish off that pose bar



I feel more like they just start taking away the safe windows for dropping firework, so it becomes more efficient just to keep up with the dodges and parries than trying to look for the firework window, and it turns into more of a panic button when you're in trouble

>Lost opportunity here
what? it's literally the opposite, killing him like a regular enemy would've been a missed opportunity
also, it says that it can take off poorly fitting armor, not proper

Guys if i use the mortal blade while i currently have 0 spirit emblems on me does it take them from my storage?

If I kill demon of hatred can I no longer get upgrades?

Loose fitting armor only, you fucking idiot.


Pay the dilapidated temple a visit.
You can upgrade yourself

>tfw he's FROM answer to giantdad

You can still upgrade

No prosthetic

what's your favorite ending?

Other than that guy with the bell, who has loose fitting armour?, I played the entire game and I don't think I seen more than one dude wearing it


>Sabimaru stuns O'Rin of the Waters very fast
>Mist Raven lets you skip getting puppeteer ninjutsu for dried snake viscera as you can teleport through the snake attack
>Having umbrella up causes sword saint phase 1 to always attempt an easily countered sweep attack instead of the usual double slash
>red eye enemies fear flames, not ogres - it doesn't work on any ogre but the first and works well against the red eye boss in the dojo near the end
>loaded spear tearing works on the drunkard style miniboss in the outskirts post-dragon, as well as the fat dudes

Post more, finding weird shit like this is fun, but hard to actually do in-game cause most of the time you just fucking die whenever you try to do something other than parrying.

>Tfw stuck between guardian ape and illusion monk
What do Yea Forumsros?

Spiral spear literally fucks every boss that isn't demon/ape. It also costs 1 emblem

>>red eye enemies fear flames, not ogres
The game says this at the very start, it's not a secret. it's in the loading screens and it's an eavesdrop discussion.

Mikiri his thrust attack, deflect the hit that comes after. Repeat.

>stuck with illusion monk
Do I have a bad news for you

>illusion monk
step 1 divine confetti
step 2 spam snap seeds->attack
step 3 spam firecrackers->attack when you finish snap seeds

The last jouzo the drunkard clone at the end when the castle is burning. You can take his armor off.

Easier and faster to just land deflects

>made a mechanic that works on literally 2 enemies in the entire game
>even put in npc conversation to tell the player about that mechanic
>literally nobody care about it because it does fuck all
why did they put so much effort into spear pull and snap seeds

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Is there an armored miniboss that you can yank their armor off? I eavesdropped two mooks who were talking about some guy they had to get all armored up, but have yet to see them.

DLC hopefully

>snap seeds
the fuck? Not him but what does it do in that fight?

So at what point are you locked into a particular route?

Currently back at Ashina Castle and about to talk to Owl.

You don't need any prosthetics for him.

Just D.Confetti and spam R1 in his face then run to his next spot, deflect beam, spam R1 again. Now he's dead.

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yeah mate it's there because it's niche, not because it's lesser known
there are only like two real enemies with red eyes in the game

Right after the two choices he gives you.

You either get Shura or the other 3 endings depending on your choice and shit you do afterwards.

Just double deflecting the double slash is always better isn't it? It's super easy to do once you see the glint and it makes Phase 1 go down 2x as fast.

Allrighty, thanks.

Can i kill all the Headless i haven't killed like the one near mibu village afterwars or should i do that now?

Loaded Spear can pull the centipede out of Guardian Ape's neck

Hits her like a truck

You can do that afterwards unless you do Shura. Shura ends the game.

Put shuriken and spear in high tier (the lady butterfly kunai are awesome and the spear drill is a fucking wrecking machine) and move that fucking umbrella to low tier

What's the best "good" ending?


I think they were referring to the fat big guy with the bell in abandoned dungeon entrance

It still isn't a "lesser known" fact. It's something the game explicitly tells the player. Red eyes fear fire. It doesn't say ogres fear fire.

>You will never experience the Sculptor's youth.
>You will never be a lone young shinobi with no master.
>You will never be best bros with a female shinobi, just the both of you against the world.
>You will never spend your days training and mock hunting each other among the flowers and Buddha statues of the sunken valley.
>You will never relax in the cool afternoon drinking monkey booze, listening to your best friend whistle songs on her prosthetic finger.
>You will never master the form of movement the two of you invented together, watching the monkeys run.
>You will never look back on those days decades later as the best of your life.
>You will never wish you could hear her play a song one more time, a sound that terrified others you found so relaxing.

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Thanks guys.

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Whens the spear actually useful? I pretty much used it once for that fat armored dude to strip him of armor and thats it.

The pierce guard upgrade is great, does a lot of damage from a distance and can be combo-ed into sword attacks

redpill me on the umbrella, just bought it from badger and im just about to start doing sunken valley stuff. Im told its really useful for this area. Something something guns

How do I get more divine confetti lol?

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Near the finale of the game. Until then you don't need it really.

At a certain point later in the game the vendor in the Dilapidated Temple will stock an infinite amount of them. If you are needing them to fight Headless and Shichimen then just wait until you can stock up.

fuck demon of hatred without charm and bell buff fuck that nigger so much

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Just did the bad ending, holy shit that second phase for Isshin.

Yeah, a lot of people told me it was similar to a Dark Souls boss but no Dark Souls strats worked. Still had to parry throughout and grapple after the first phase. Divine Confetti helps a lot though.

From the Ashina Castle samurai. They have something like 5% of chances to drop divine confetti. Ring the bell if you can, it'll increase those drop chances. You can do a run on the Samurai in something like 2/3 minutes, and in general it'll get you ~one divine confetti.

I farmed them like no tomorrow myself.

it's nice enough for gun fort - you can move nice and fast while blocking for almost no posture damage
it's really good for bosses because you can use it (and upgrades) to take no damage from special attacks and it can also be used to get right in their faces and punish/parry the special attacks rather than be blatted across the room by them
one of the upgrades is super nice for ape 2 electric boogaloo, the parry upgrade makes the ichimonji enemies super easy to poise break, the purple upgrade absolute monches apparitions and doesn't even need confetti

>Yeah, a lot of people told me it was similar to a Dark Souls boss but no Dark Souls strats worked.

That's because it's a Bloodborne boss except they give you a shield that completely negates one of his moves.

yea confetti and being aggressiv all the time helps but fuck his one shot shit.

Please do not talk about the "T" event there. We are a Chinese friendly board, quite literally.

I'd rather spend my emblems on a ranged 5 second stun than being able to block an attack I could just walk away from

There's a hangbridge in the Gun Fort you need to cross while getting bombarded by out of range snipers harder than the Anor Londo archers. Thankfully the umbrella lets you shrug off all that shit as you walk across the bridge. Just hold down the prosthetic button while walking forwards and you can safely cross the bridge without any worries.

Why is she so sad

Can someone who's playing on an AMD gpu help me with framerate drops? The game falls below 50 many times for me, despite meeting the recommended requirements with an RX570. My drivers are updated to 19.3.3
It's been an issue since day one, and it's starting to put me off from replaying the game.

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I have the same issue, the game isn't well optimized for AMD hardware I assume. I get mostly 60 FPS with noticeable drops around the Ashina outskirts and castle.

you can do a fairly strong attack with the umbrella though if you got the skill projected force
I used 3x ceremonial daggers(one at the beginning of each phase) and just used the umbrella for most of the fight

Demon of Hatred isn't that difficult and he's really fun
>if he attacks with fire arm
>if he attacks with any other limb
>if he charge forward with the danger symbol
>if he jumps up
run then grapple
>if he throws fire
use fire umbrella
i'll say Isshin is the most difficult

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Sabimaru is absolutely kino to use subhuman

how do you do that move?

You do realize you can acquire skills, right? And the fact that move is the first one you get, right?

There's also another drunkard miniboss with armor that can be removed at the endgame as you work your way towards the Demon of Hatred. The spear also works really well against the undead guardian ape when he's parrystunned.

so what are the best to tools to get the purple upgrade for?
also best farming spot for ingame?

so is it true one of these characters is a trap

>not god tier

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Where do I get more fat wax?

I think you can use it to fuck the ape real hard, but yeah, it only works for two or three fights

Imagine putting anything other than shuriken in God tier. The best weapon for keeping posture damage up.

It also instantly deletes animal enemies.

>lone shadow senpaitachi
>there’s always someone else in the room

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I like Mist Raven the most because it looks the coolest, especially with the fire.

I like how the one in the tower before owl is an elaborate joke, most people will run in, trying to get a free backstab before getting spotted by the minion just to get double-teamed, and on your next attempt you'll puppeteer the other guy first

I wish Spirit Emblems were an on-rest/damage-refill resource rather than limited, so I'd feel more inclined to use prosthetics against bosses. There's no point in wasting Spirit Emblems if you know you're going to die anyways, and by the time you git gud enough you won't even need prosthetics to begin with.

>puppeteer the purple cloak and let him loose
>he nearly wrecks lone shadow
Damn these niggas are tough

What’s even the point of increased attack power if the next boss takes years to posture deplete anyway? Still stuck at Owl 2.

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Where do you get the puppeteering ninjutsu?

Assuming you have the mikiri counter or whatever you call it, you press B/Circle when they thrust towards you.

Folding screen monkeys at the temple after you beat Genichiro.

Thanks, user. This is after the village, right?

What is yours at? I'm at 7 and just got to Mibu

i puppeted the big bois and they just fucking murdered the purple ganking fuck

Am I just missing some bosses? I'm still at four

even buff the bosses some if it means emblems refill
after every phase they should refill
that would be a good change

>owl 2
>4 attack power
user you should have 11

She looks like she fucks lightning imbued dudes

I'm not entirely sure. I got mine from
>Lady Butterfly
>Folding Screen Monkeys
>Guardian Ape
>Headless Ape

god I fucking love emma

Senpou temple.

I’m at 8

Anyone got tips for True Monk phase 3?

At the same spot? Who from my list do you have that I don't?

Not that other user. I'm at Mibu Village with four attack power. Is that okay?

Whats the next logical place to go after Ashina Castle?
From what I know, theres the reservoir, the Sunken Valley, and the Abandoned Dungeon.

I'd say Sunken Valley, but you can go wherever.

>final boss only one that's left
>missing a full prayer necklace despite killing every possible mini-boss

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You can buy them from certain merchants and find them hidden in the world too.

>mist raven
>low tier

yeah nah you can get free hits on all kinds of enemies with the prosthetic attack skill. it's also incredible for the start of a fight when you need to lower a tough enemies HP. on top of that with the upgrade its a get out of jail card because you can use it after you take a it to escape any bad situation.

im not saying it god tier or anything but its definitely more useful than the axe and spear.

you should have like at least 7 i think user

fuck off fag


Go give your precious waifu the finest sake in Ashina and see what she tells you :^)

Kuro is a boy you homo

Now that I look at her she's kinda cute, waifu material

Actual tier list.
High tier:
>Mist Raven (universal utility, becomes even better on no-charm runs as it enables guaranteed dodge that will also damage the enemy with fire damage and leave them open for a counterattack, )
>Flame Vent (heavy stun, good damage, application of the best status effect in whole game and the fire buff to your weapon, universal utility thanks to oil flasks)
>Spiral Spear (heavy mid-range chip damage, enables multiple gap closing options depending on situation, one of the highest damage per a single spirit talisman)
>Piercing Sabimaru (poison is applicable to almost every single boss and miniboss in the game and removes 25% of their HP bar, reducing their posture regen, adds 2 new combos that acts like better R1s with a switch attack that acts like a dodge option, chips through defenses, if it was less crippled by the talisman costs it would be in the tier of is own)
>Umbrella (good utility but gets a bit downgraded on no-charm runs by starting to consume considerably more charms than on NG since simple blocking will not save you from chip damage)
Mid tier:
>Axe (heavy posture damage and chip damage later, the only problem is excessive windup unless you're launching it from a jumping attack and high talisman cost on later tiers)
>Shuriken (acts as an excellent gap closer but overshadowed by spear in terms of ranged damage and similar gap closing capabilities and Shadowrush/Fall for the best gap closing in whole game)
>Firecrackers (essentially just AOE Ash that costs talismans, situationally fairly useful against beasts and leads to some cheese strats with bosses but not the best way to use your talismans)
Low tier:
>Divine Abduction (enables farm tactics and trivializes all normal enemies in the game but useless against bosses and costs too much talismans to compete)
>Whistle (very useful for stealth and apparations, unfortunately just way too situational for the rest of the list)

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w-what does she say :(

Sabimaru helped me defeat O'rin, its not useless at all. It fucks with enemy posture.

Which one is that? I gave her the one with the finest water, and she attempted to connect with Sekiro.
Sekiro was too autistic to understand

What does the Sabimaru even do? Is it just an extra sword? Of all the prosthetics I've gotten so far (all but 2 or 3 I think) this is the only one that I haven't found a use for.

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Best prosthetic for Sword Saint? Wish I didnt have to fight Genichiro every fucking time so I could learn this immortal fucks moves easier

Diving abduction is great if you get two or more of the awful spear types or just if you have trouble with 2v1 in general.

She gets nostalgic about watching Genichiro practice his swordsmanship

The Dragonspring Sake

Spear or Flame Vent. Flame Vent makes phase two of Sword Saint much quicker, because it can stun him out of attacks if you time it right. But it's not a free stun like it is on earlier bosses, he isn't disabled for long and if it's the first application without oil he'll eat it, and then followup before Sekiro is controllable again, and he'll eat 75% of a health bar before you can even parry.

Is Mist Raven really that good? I tried it once but found it underwhelming. Don’t think it’ll be really useful against bosses either. Shuriken is awesome though.

It's fairly unimpressive in the beginning but Piercing Sabimaru is a combination of really cool things. Very good gap closing dual wield combos that are essentially infinite until you deplete talismans, poison, chip damage and a built-in dodge attack. Use it to soften up tougher foes by applying poison to them at first, before you can go full ham with it.

It inflicts poison buildup, one or two full combos usually gives the full poison effect to enemies. Its best use in the sunken valley; as the description implies, the mountain snipers and Snake Eyes are very vulnerable to poison. Building it up fully actually triggers a vomiting animation, giving you ample time to get your hits in. The blue iron poison was used to drive the okami warrior women back, a weakness that still presents in their descendants.

Which spear? I think I have up to the drill one which I fucking love. Will try out the flame vent too.

how does mist raven even work?

Why can't I stun the Guardian Ape in NG+ with Flame Vent?

Does anyone know if you get different dialog or can break the iron code right after the real Genichiro fight.

It fucks the Okami women in the Fountainhead, it doesn't do much otherwise.

Apparently it's useful to poison Isshin too.

>>godtier (always useful and/or trivialize some of the challenges)
Mist perfectly fits in here, I've trained my brain to use it whenever there is danger and then I let myself get up in the air and as I land I use double ichimonji and the enemy, no matter which one is it except for some monster bosses, will eat it up and get mad posture damage as I then recover posture damage.

Mist is heavily underappreciated and double Ichimonji is way broken and always a good idea to use.

Attached: 1467362873180.gif (426x426, 3.13M)

Press R2
Get hit anyway
Switch to Umbrella which is superior in every way.

That's generally how you use it.

Oh sheeeeit, well that's good to know. I was trying to adventure out as far as I could before fighting Genichiro and was getting my shit pushed in by a Snake Eyes. Guess I'd better do other shit until I can upgrade to piercing before I continue further into the Sunken Valley.

>use right before you get hit or after you get hit with an upgrade
>teleport behind them
>hit them

>>Don’t think it’ll be really useful against bosses either.

>Boss prepares danger attack
>not sure if mikiri or jump
>use mist
>works every time
>avoid damage x teleports behind boss
>or push no direction and get up in the air
>land any attack you desire to land

It can make things a bit too easy but I fail every time to jump on a boss so it works for me.

The biggest problem I have with Sekiro is
>jump over a sweep attack
>Sekiro jumps fifty feet behind it so I can't punish
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but it just seems really inconsistent

Ive been farming in hirata estate, up to that bridge with the ogre and 2 shield guys.

You dont even need them.
Just bait jump attack and dodge+attack

>everyone hates Subimaru
It was honestly a staple for me all the way through NG+

Stop inputting movement and he will stay in place, this is basic video game knowledge user

>You will never turn into a giant demon consumed by hatred and be killed by what you could consider your new best friend.

It works the other times I do it

Two combos of the poison sword will poison nearly all the humanoid bosses if you do them close to eachother, if you get pressured then you might need some extra hits.

I'd always just get the worst phase below 60% with poison to stop their posture. Whether there are better tools or not I don't know, but poison worked well for me.

Yeah Spiral Spear is the way to go. It's a slightly longer range poke mixed with a gap closer if you've been leveling up your skill trees (hit R1 after the spear lands and it'll zip you to the enemy for a quick hit).

I stuck with the flame vent for my kill. But the spear is fine too.

Check your mom's armpits.

Shuriken is high tier. The point isn't damage, it's the fact that they can easily interrupt and follow up with chasing slice from a distance. The range on chasing slice is actually huge and in my opinion, make shuriken the fastest and best closer in the game. The point is deflecting/countering and shuriken let you quickly keep on the pressure or give you a moment to heal. They're universally useful throughout the game. You can hit enemies out of the air that jump around and take out dogs, apes, or projectile enemies easily as well. You'll always encounter enemies like this pretty much anywhere. Furthermore, they can be used to draw single enemies away from groups. They only cost 1 emblem and will still cause small chip damage through guards. They're your basic, most fundamental tool and are always useful. Again, it's not about damage. Gouging top is the best version until you get the lazulite version which is a direct upgrade. The kunai are cool but not worth the extra emblem cost, these are supposed to be as cheap as possible.

I've been doing exactly this, but for gold. Each run up to that bridge produces ~1,000 gold (sen?) with that item that buffs gold drops.

Sabimaru’s poison can knock like half a health bar off a boss and divine abduction + puppet jutsu can create an army of mindless slaves (also makes farming shit easier)

It has a timing window a bit bigger than mikiri, if you get hit during it then you avoid the attack and reappear either above or wherever you choose directionally. It gets you free hits but it's less consistent than firecrackers.

How big of a difference is it if I don't take Kuro's charm? especially in new game ++?

mist raven is so good for the isshin unblockables

Just don't input any movement for a guaranteed jump in place it's as simple as that, if you want inconsistent jumps then go for it

Hold the fuck up, Confetti works on DoH?

people who say axe is bad have never tried using it while airborne

What makes umbrella so good exactly? I haven't tried it out yet besides getting into the gun fort.

My main three were shuriken, umbrella, and sabi though sometimes I'd switch sabi out for vent, axe, or spear. It's definitely good and also very fun to use.

All blocks do chip damage so you have to perfectly deflect all attacks. Dunno if this applies to the umbrella shield

It's quite a big difference, the main thing though is that you take a lot of chip damage from a regular block, the only way to fully avoid the damage of an attack is to deflect it or dodge it entirely.

>Tools cost emblems
>Ninjutsu cost emblems
>all cool weapons arts costs emblems
>can hold 20 with all upgrades
The emblem economy is fucked, you run out near instantly if you try and use your toys.

Umbrella is a crutch for people who can't use Mist Raven. The elemental ones would be good if the weapon counter that dealt elemental damage didn't overwrite confetti.

Blocks all damage except for low attacks

Yeah, I was always disappointed when a new combat ability costed emblems, that's partly why I liked the flying kick one. Some of the others are far too strong to be free though, I do wish they were balanced differently.

Yes, we are in dire need of talisman pool buff.

>Mist Raven
>Low tier

It's amazing for negating all blockstun and pushback for any kind of heavy attack that causes heavy blockstun/pushback (even if you perfectly deflect them), like Owl's super strong horizontal slashes or the final hit of Guardian Ape's overhead slash attack combo.

It allows you to punish attacks that otherwise would not be punishable due to you being in a blockstun animation. Just use Mist Raven during those attacks and you'll be in an advantageous situation.

Yeah, I wanted to use a bunch of them but just stuck to ichimonji because it's free and heals posture, combine it with air arts and you can jump sweeps then come down with the ichi.

At first it looks like a defensive prosthetic, but combined with Projected Force it actually has good offensive potential.
It blocks alot of otherwise unblockable stuff like Owl's Gunpowder (i.e. AoE elemental stuff that's not specifically a Grab/Thrust/Sweep). Lilac Umbrella trivialises apparitions, and Suzaku Umbrella can have lots of use against Demon of Hatred.

When you factor in it costs only 1sp, has no duration limit, and can even parry for you, it's really good for alot of late-game situations.

I's universally useful because anything thats not a perilous attack can be deflected. The main thing it has is projected force which lets you do a very strong counter. There's no knockback either so you can counter enemies when they do strong attacks. The purple version deletes apparitions and the fire version negates fire while also dealing fire damage on counter and making red eyes cower. Throughout the game theres always projectile enemies and it lets you just walk up to them. Projectile deflects also increase the power of projected force. It's strong and can be useful just about anywhere.

>voiced by pic related

My dick is fucking diamonds.

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I'm at Ashina Castle but don't want to continue the story yet since there's so many places to explore.
In which order should I do these:
Ashina Depths
Sunken Valley
Mt Senpo
Are there any other places available right now?

I already went through Reservoir and Abandoned Dungeon (which was short, though didn't beat the apparition yet).

I've found that you can still use weapon special attacks even when you don't have enough emblems, do they still do full damage this way?

>playing in untermensch language

Main story sends you to all these places anyway, and you can do them in any order

gtfo Vaati

I mainly want to do them to see if NPCs in them have anything different to say if you visit them before plot requires you to.

Also do I lose something by not triggering Dragonrot? I still haven't got it once since I have never fully died, just used resurrections.

Sunken Valley is gated until you beat Ashina Castle, so i'd recommend ignoring it for now.
Mt Senpo has no real bosses in the way so you can just explore at your own leisure.

I would recommend doing Ashina Depths before Ashina Castle, it's fun and you'll thank yourself later because it turns an otherwise mandatory boss into an optional boss instead. Ashina Depths is very similar to Dark Souls in which you just keep descending and descending into weirder places than before, it's one of the best parts of Sekiro.

I have, it tastes how the everblossom smells.

>can only use mortal blade for special attacks that cost emblems
Biggest missed opportunity.

My favorite is the dragon wheelchair.

I only used dodge and jump for his whole fight, didn't parry or even block once

2nd is the dragon dildo.

You clearly haven't experienced stunlocking with Piercing Sabimaru

None of them, game is super easy just hit x2 and then deflect and repeat. Even on shitters like demon you can just run with infinite stamina and after about 4-5 hit he gets stunned which allows more hits

I'm disappointed there wasn't a ninja trick where you lay the blade on the ground to be picked up a guard, who'd then die

>eventually learn guardian apes moveset and beat him
>behead him and start running over to the exit
>he gets back up
Hype as fuck

OK, thanks.
I'm going explore Sunken Valley first and see how far you can get from Snake Temple, then Senpo and finally Depths before Ashina Castle.

How the fuck do I upgrade the gourd after beating Genichiro? I have 3 damn seeds but Emma won't shut the fuck up about that stupid watchtower.

Can you get locked in one of the three side with Kuro endings? I want the return ending but I also want to beat Owl in the Purification path. Will I get locked into that ending if I do that?

How about the best combat arts?
For me, it's Senpou Leaping Kicks / High Monk

Attached: posture slam.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Shadowrush/Shadowfall is pretty good for when you want to do HP damage because enemies always eat the full damage and they don't block it or deflect it.

You don't get locked to other paths if you do all the steps for them correctly

Nah it depends on the items you give to kuro after the final boss

Double ichimonji when used at certain enemies/bosses from right distance you usually hit their hp at least once, sometimes twice, deals a lot of posture dmg while interrupts most of the attacks. You can always cheese enemies by stunning them with firecrackers and use double ichimonji from behind.

Alright what’s the fucking deal with the Shinobi cunt in ashina reservoir. He fills your posture bar in two kicks and some of his attacks are not deflectable even without the red warning? How the fuck am I supposed the fight the camera at the same time

axe is godtier it made this game trivial. Not a single enemy, miniboss, or boss can stop the axe spam except demon of hatred/terror minibosses where the umbrella does better.

Beating him the dark souls way of baiting an attack and moving out of range is the easymode, later on youre gonna get good enough to fight these fucks normally anyway with more practice.

the high kick is so stylish

Attached: SSS.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>Breaks posture of a tough enemy in 1 fucking hit
>Costs 0 emblems to use
This seems extremely broken

How is it dealing so much posture damage? I tried it out again after seeing shit like this but it only does the same as double ichimonji for some reason

It only does that if you time it perfectly to hit them when they are preparing for a sweep attack

For now I'm using Shadowfall and liking it a lot, but I want to try others too

You can get a free deathblow if you attack from above, and mikiri counter his danger kick for easy posture damage

That's not hard considering you can start the kick animation extremely fast if you do it while you're already falling towards them in midair

Remember how kicks do extra posture damage when you are jumping over a sweep? It's a mechanic that applies to all kicks, including the Senpou one.

>Missed bell guy with the armor
>Tried it on the general miniboss
>Doesn't strip armor
>Eventually get to roberts dad in the temple
>This must be who it was for
>Nope, does fuck all.

>Sword Saint without charm

ok this is bullshit.

Too bad you can't do shadowrush and then quick switch to the monk kick in midair for a slam kick on the way down.

>Miyazaki is such a westabo he put a European knight that can't be damaged by Nippon steel in the game
I wonder how many weeb power fantasy fags were seething after that fight?

Shuriken and Firecracker is all you need, everything else is trash

Double ichimonji is the Ludwig's Holy Blade of Sekiro

He's in the monk area. There's a bridge that is next to the demon Bell. Great fight

You can't pull his armour off.

Who? Does he respawn? He's not in the list of minibosses for Senpou.
Is he like one of those big almost-naked baby men with hammers / clubs, except he is wearing armor?

They're talking about the ogre with the bell just past the guys who are talking about it and at the abandoned dungeon entrance.

Spear pull makes the guardian ape phase 2 so much easier. Just tire him out with parries til he falls over then use it on him

High Monk consistently deals very good posture damage though. Skyrocketing to like 500% is just an icing on top

so, posture regeneration is tied to full health, if an enemy regenerates posture quickly, try damaging them directly instead of sword clashing, by lowering their health, you make breaking their posture easier.

Attached: 1514272051001.jpg (650x793, 73K)

There's the Axe for that.

Attached: Axe Bomber.webm (800x450, 2.69M)

Please help.

>demon of hatred and second owl boss

Can't do it, been at it for hours and watched videos on how to and still can't get it.

Remember you can use Whistle on demon of hatred to cause him pain and sadness as he remembers his dead waifu.

>watch me blow 5 spirit emblems on a trash mob

>firecrackers stun virtually every boss and enemy outside of a few exceptions allowing for free health and posture damage with low emblem cost
>seething anti-crackermonji posters: y-yeah they're okay, I gueeesss

Doesn't matter, there's balloon to get higher talisman drops so you can spam this shit.

>firecrackers: just a stun for 2 emblems
>flame vent: stun, big dick damage, even more damage from the fire status that also freezes enemy posture regeneration, flame buff for your sword for 3 emblems

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she's asian.
this is what asians see white people as:

Attached: 1534057132024.jpg (360x360, 27K)