Why didn't you play Kats game, user?

Why didn't you play Kats game, user?

Thread theme and best music : youtube.com/watch?v=Gfxf4x3L1bs

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.co.uk/Gravity-Daze-First-Press-Limited/dp/B01IF3AR1U/ref=sr_1_14?keywords=GRAVITY DAZE&qid=1554049665&s=gateway&sr=8-14

Lei Elgona was my favorite track.


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Reminder that Gravity Daze composer is doing the music for the next Sakura Wars game


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But I did. Managed to unlock everything but the Infinity Gem or whatever before the collapse. D-Didn't want it anyway... I got Kasual Kat and all the other costumes, that's all that matters.

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How bad does kat smell?

BASED funky tune coming through


I still pop and lock to it to this day

Someone as cute and kind as her can never smell bad. Everyone what is just bullying her. Do you think Raven would date a stinky girl?

>Why didn't you play Kats game, user?
I fucking did.
Both of them on PS4.
The second game was more of the same shit from the fist. Novelty wore off after finishing the first. Faggot.

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Syd is handsome! HANDSOME! I want Alias to tenderly love me!

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they didnt release the sequel on vita

you have bad taste and should feel bad

Look at this gay ass nigga

For playing and enjoying the first game but eventually getting tired of it when the second game had the same shit combat and stupid time waster ass missions? Nigger thats not bad taste; that's called standards.

Look at this waifu fag whos game got literally phased outa history. Unlike mine.

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>Filthy and decides to wash
>Goes to wash and live in a sewer to clean herself


>Kat will never dress up as 2b for you and let you grope her all around the city
Why are we here, bros?

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You could have at least posted a good game, that game even has shit waifus.

>GR1 remaster runs silky smooth
>GR2 kneecapped at 30fps
COME ON! It doesn't look that much more graphically intensive.

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>Ywn gag from her odour and also while she farts in your mouth

>that game even has shit waifus.
>Implying lady is shit.
It appears to me YOU have the shit taste sir. look bro Kat is cute for a sewer dweller, but her game isn't as fun as lady's.

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>Has to post DmC3 Lady because the new ones are a fucking abomination

Lmaoing @ you are life

You are not wrong there. The only faces that look good in that game are on the dudes.

The one fatal flaw of the RE engine: Waifu destruction.

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Nothing is as bad as Vergil, that is the biggest fuck up in vidya history

As a fan since 04 I disagree. He was alright looking in the game. Trish on the other hand makes me want to murder who ever was in charge of that trash fire. Shame because her model for the engine is gorgeous.

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They look fine


Porn when

If somebody makes the models work

I would do it but I don't know how nor can I be bothered to do it but apart from that I would totally do it.

If it's any consolation it's genuinely useless. It nerfs other stats, IIRC combat power, to keep you from using it in missions, it's literally only for flying around and if you have enough playtime to have gotten to around the Infinity Gem in progress then you have enough gravity gauge that it doesn't matter.

kat pusy

I did. I played both her games and loved them. Have platinum GR on Vita, GR Remastered and GR2. GR2 is my favourite game of all time.

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Based pusy poster

>It doesn't look that much more graphically intensive.
Was it brain damage?

I'm sure most would only want Kat and Raven

Imagine if someone made a video of them having a pee and poo contest to see who could make the biggest mess haha

Kinda wished Crazypotato rigged the models himself.

I really want to buy it NEW but these prices are too high my man. amazon.co.uk/Gravity-Daze-First-Press-Limited/dp/B01IF3AR1U/ref=sr_1_14?keywords=GRAVITY DAZE&qid=1554049665&s=gateway&sr=8-14

Ape Escape crossover when?

imagine them going on a rwby/shantae/overwatch area of nothing but dickgirl x female porn haha

I loved them. GR2 is probably my favorite PS4 game.

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You must be the master of shittaste from the rumors, how do you feel being this wrong?

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you say this but actual girls find him attractive so you're wrong. also nu-Lady and Nico are super cute. Trish is also very pretty i'm well aware of the fact that i have low standards but they're still very attractive

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Imagine they had huge horsecocks haha

Because it's not on PC.

What's the appeal?

It's just for fun haha

I'm sure you can play it in about 10-20 years when a shitty emulator comes out.



I did. 2 was good. 1 was so so. But you niggers need to fuck off.

>Not posting bet music of the series:


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Because I played the first one on the Vita and it was bad.

What does it smell like?

Banana and shota semen

Best ost is the ending them of gr1
and default costume is best

I did

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Imagine if you were passing Kats sewer and you found a pile of her clothes all covered in piss, shit and her cunt juices! Imagine how bad they would smell! UGH!

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>It doesn't look that much more graphically intensive.
this pic is just of Heckseville
JPL has a huge amount of separate floating islands that the Vita couldn't handle
GR2 in general also a lot of physics objects interactions that the first one lacked
also the original GR1 for Vita was 30fps, it was only 60fps via the PS4 port

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reminded that kat isn't a shitskin

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gr1 had a better art style and areas though

>that one cosplayer who was harassed for cosplaying kat because they thought she was whitewashing her

Infinite Potential was useful for the treasure hunts and for the non-combat related challenges. Completing the Delvool Trench Mine a ton of times will allow Kat to be equipped with all nine of the Gift Fragment talismans, which boost attack and defense while halving the depletion rate of the gravity gauge.

Because it's a boring gimmick piece of shit game

Nothing is on PC except Candy Crush and the latest forced Windows "update."

But we aren't talking about Nintendo games


>they never released the costumes as a free update or DLC
Thats why I'll never play GR2. Literally missing content even if it's inconsequential to some.

>Why didn't you play Kats game, user?
Because I don't own a PS4 and won't buy one
if it comes out for switch or PC I'll definitely buy her game though

But you have games that are on other systems and games from 30 year ago and it only costs $10000!

It's never coming to any other platform. You either stream, or wait for PS5.


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why don't we just exterminate niggers and basedboys? we greatly outnumber the niggers and basedboys are just weak and pathetic

I was being sarcastic but the state of PC gaming is just pathetic. I quit in the 1990s back when all games came in boxes (some quite large) and had printed manuals and physical media. The games were developed to make money based on the idea that people found the game fun, not DLC, skins, loot boxes, or other stupid shit. There were also no ship-day 10 GB patches.

Thinking back, it also seemed that there was no DRM for many of the games in the 1990s, at least the ones that were on optical disc. A disc-check was all that was required.

Okay guys seriously, I read lots of people happy that gravity rush 2 closed kat story, but I can't be the only one who felt that the ending was rushed AF. Literallywho villains which are introduced and defeated in one hour and most importantly there's a whole damn city which we cannot explore (in a fucking gravity rush game).
Kali bossfight was kino, I would have been very satisfied if they had stopped there, but it felt like toyama understood that the game will sell shit (and sony doesn't care about anime games) so they decided to put an epilogue in the last weeks of development just to make GR fans somewhat happy.

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That's an embarrassing thing to admit.

>switchlets still show their faces without shame

Lei Havina best song

Are you unironically proud of supporting snoy?
What a tragedy

I am proud of supporting Kats game

kat's to nice for that
maybe not raven
don't lewd the kat

>there's a whole damn city which we cannot explore (in a fucking gravity rush game)
people found a glitch to explore Eto and there isn't much there to see and explore
they only made a few assets for Eto

tfw thinking of getting a tattoo of katfu

Can't get the online stuff anymore

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Played the first. It was an interesting novelty for my new Vita at the time since it was free but not a good enough game for me to give a shit about the sequel.

how do i get a 3d kat gf

manga's last chapters scanned when?

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because its was fucking garbage

I did. It's one of the very few open world series I enjoy. Lovely aesthetics, nice characters, and fun gravity mechanics do a lot to overcome my general disdain for the genre.

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Because it didn't come out on PC.


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1st had better music and areas and didn't have a bunch of pointless boring time waster quests
would have liked it better without those

lol the absolute state of gravity rush players

Can you get the costumes that were exclusive to the online mode? No? Then fuck off, I'm not buying incomplete garbage

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that don’t have White Kat

Wasn't on anything I own.

>there are people that don't have all costumes, including Shifter 1.0

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her defualt looked
tfw didn't get into gravity daze till 2018
oh well

That relay looks about as much fun as a crackdown agility race. Not fun

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You know your open world game is shit when they have to resort to time trial races just to give you something to do

Like hell yea, I jumping on these walls in the exact order the quest compass tells me to

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Waiting for the Switch port.

I would probably like capeshit more if their protagonists were more like Kat

I legitimately fucking love all three of these games and they've been some of my favourite parts of this gen. Sony's first party/second party titles have really hit it out of the park when it comes to appealing to my specific love of mobility-focused open world games.

Just got the plat in Spiderman, actually, so have the plat for all three games there now. Feels good.

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you should play sunset overdrive then

I'd like to at some point but my PC is old as shit and can't run it, last I checked. If/when I upgrade my GPU, Sunset Overdrive is on the list of things for me to get though, has been for a while.

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>waifushitter sonyg gers shilling their garbage game again
Sony needs a fucking containment board

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capeshit is aids
gravity daze doesn't count

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tfw not being crushed by heavy kat


do i miss much by skipping 1?

because she's not real

Fucking slut abandoned me

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