Risk of Rain 1/2

Risk of Rain 1/2.
Why are Stone Titans fucking assholes?

Attached: RIsk Of Rain3.jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lads I barely played RoR1, but I liked it for what I played. It was mostly at a friends house and ge had everything unlocked.
How is RoR2? Is it fun?

I did what the other user said and may have a six player lobby. I have 10 minutes, let's see if it works.
U.S. West



two spots left us east

so for those of you guys doing the 6 player mod, sorry for retarded question, but can you still join 4 player lobbies? or do i have to remove the dlls from the folder or what?

for the 2 people who actually play huntress
if you use glaive just as you jump, you jump like 2-3x as high

it's RoR in 3D

So I found the gold dimension but eventually got rekt by an elite stone golem. I'm assuming that I have activate all those beacons multiple times to actually hurt the gold titan, right? Whats the reward?

when the 5 player group dies let me know, I have everything set up but missed out on it and want to play with 6 people.

How do you play as enemy characters?

Please die.


Titanic Knurl

Join up, man: Anyone else, don't forget to download this:

This was a nice game. We made it to second loop Ice World, but we died promptly upon reaching there.

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3/6, open.

Oh I should have mentioned I have no friends to play it with

how the FUCK are you supposed to beat these double assholes?! Its the third time now and I'm starting to get mad.

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Dibs here, that was good shit.

>they make an artifact that makes everyone (enemies and bosses included) fast as fuck all the time

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post your runs in an image.

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why stop at 6?

5/6, open.

Attached: uhhhhh thigger.jpg (680x813, 51K)

Wew lad

there was one in ror1 that made movement speed based on how low your hp is, it was buggy as fuck and made everything desync but it was hilarious

>Let's take a peak at the dev discord can't be that ba-
>Tourists journalists and people looking to bait the devs everywhere.
>Voice chat 40 channels
Discord was a mistake

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-31 11.13.01.png (182x39, 2K)

Should change your difficulty to drizzle.

one more

bait for what?

Those oversized flame lizzards at stage 4 are the bane of my existence as merc. Literally insta-kills no matter what


grab the DLL (re-upped to mega because what the fuck was that file host): mega.nz/#!ToRRBAba!-QqcVOHTlaxJsm5_LNUPxfnj_CS4dH8A-KjS--JS_zE
extract to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
and then join lobby: 109775240985543030

Attached: 20190331172434_1.jpg (1920x1080, 298K)

Something happened and people dropped, try again.

I join and get a black screen rip

Sexism, racism.

seconding this, I want to play a golem and wreck shit

Attached: golem.jpg (1024x1024, 99K)

Hey, for some reason people keep dropping out of mine. Any ideas?

Any dicords past the 20 active members is absolute shit.
You can't have a meaningful covnersation, everything goes too fast and everyone tries to have the silmmest minute of fame.

Im not normally a waifufag but jfc why is huntress' ass so thick

engineer is fucking great

Attached: ror2 engineer.png (654x292, 219K)

Keep moving when they're short, jump or get on top of stuff when they're tall, try to keep up DPS when they black hole

Nope, restart your game maybe?

Its better if only because you have quick play so no more looking for host IPs.

Oh just the usual trying to get the devs to say something stupid out of context so it can be reposted over twitter repeatedly for fame points.

because Hopoo has good taste

What are these for?

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post friends you made along the way

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Why do people want more players?
I already dislike playing with 4. The least the merrier imo. 2 and 3 man squads are kino.

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why won't that fucking nigger just say what you need to change so we don't have to rely on downloading sketchy ass dlls

If you speedrun to the timed chest you get a really powerful equipment item

yeah, and more players would mean less shit for you

Back to Yea Forums, shoo.

>secret gate in desert is open
>it's two elite elder lemurian
>friend is merc and I have huntress
>that should be easy they have like two attacks
>friend get insta-delete by fire elder lemurian
>have to take potshots and run away every 5 seconds or I'm going to die
Those fuckers are no jokes.

>pick artificer
>stack up ukuleles, willowisps, gasoline, daggers and every possible on hit proc
>get three dune cunts as boss
>cast black hole under them, all of the trash piles up under one
>mfw the nano bomb hits

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if you don't play at all you have a 0 man squad which is the most fun

timed chest, gotta reach it before 10 total minutes have passed; do it on Drizzle to unlock the item


You weren't around for 8-16 FUNBALLS runs in Risk of Rain 1, weren't you?

get to the third level before 10 minutes and you get a item

going fast

Is it scaling properly for more than 4 players? Are you gonna make versions with more than 6 now that you know how it works?

Because ror1 had 10 player multiplayer that was total chaos with glass and funball artifacts on.

Timed chest, you need to open them within 10 minutes upon starting the game or they are permanently locked.
Item in it is pretty good.

Risk of Rain is about fucking chaos and bro-squads. Providing more players has scaling for monsters/item spawns there is no reason you can't enjoy 6 or 8 player runs.

2 definitely feels like the best setup, but going beyond 4 just to reach crazy numbers seems like it could be fun. If I were gonna go past 4, 6 wouldn't be my first choice but whatever

It's kind of funny that the current Prismatic Trial has this chest available within seconds of starting it. Does the achievement unlock too? I already had it, but I imagine anybody could get it super easy right now.

>tfw got 3 glands early on
>all 3 of them outlived our team
I let the squad down...

Attached: Sad.png (93x150, 18K)

>not having 5 queen glands
I had a lot more friends than you'll ever have!

nigga even on RoR 1 it was awful. 4 was the bare minimum and the chaos comes from builds, not number of people

>Get to ice map
>Game bugs out or something, spawns nothing but stone titans
>Literally just those, nothing else
>They spawn faster than I can kill them
>Using my R means I eat a dozen lasers as soon as it ends
>Instantly die when at least 13 of the fuckers all spawn at once on me
That ain't fun

>tfw staying comfy under my shield with turret bros
Why Engi is so damn fun?

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That ain't a bug, it's an event. There's another one where only wisps spawn.

I can join but it goes to a black screen then kicks me back to the menu.

It's not a bug it's a random map modifier

Wish I could turn 'events' off then. Is there any upside to this shit? Because the game is pretty goddamn boring with only 1 enemy type.

>there's another one where only wisps spawn
God no.

is the quickplay broken? I can't join a single game

US East
Trying to see if the 6 person mod worked

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It's an exceedingly rare event, and sometimes you get ones that give you hilariously easy to kill enemies like jellyfish that make the level literally free on most builds.


We're trying to figure it out, join 109775240985543030

Still open.

>Went an entire game on merc dry of soldier syringes
I miss command already

Steam controller

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anybody getting reminded of this when hearing RoR music?

The best part is how you can play the game however you want. 4+ players chaos or singleplayer challenge or chill coop with bro - everything is possible and viable.

Confirmed it counts.

One for only jellies too.

Unless you want to be stuck playing only Commando or MUL-T then KBM.

Whichever you prefer. Some characters are more controller friends, but the game doesn't rely on precision as much as it does movement. Follow your heart and see what you enjoy most.

Did you wait until there was 5 or six people before heading to character select?

I remember the lemurian log in RoR talking about underground lemurian cave system, would be great if there was a chance the map would land you in a cave with nothing but different types of lemurian enemies and bosses, and similar types of map giving a bit more insight on the world.

>click join clipboard lobby
>Black screen for 10 seconds
>Get booted back to main menu

It's not fair bros, we had it working

6 player EU host on 109775240985543030

We're waiting for 6 before going into char select so join up, 1 slot open.

Playing on pad just fine with every character.

>the 2 people who actually play huntress
But she's great.

>but the game doesn't rely on precision as much as it does movement.
Spotted the Drizzle.

You do need to be able to snap aim on harder difficulties on some characters. Namely Huntress and Mercenary.

Bandit will also 100% need snap aim.



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Fuck I want to play huntress more on rainstorm but her health is absolute shit, I always get gibbed by some random mob out of the blue
Meanwhile MUL-T almost couldn't die if I tried

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Hey man, we waited for six people in the menu lobby, but only four player models were visible in the character select. Did you neglect to upload something?

>more movement tech for huntress
Nice. She already has the best unconditional vertical movement.

Single player feels kind of obnoxious thanks to the absurd spam of laser targetting enemies. Wisps in particular often seem actually impossible to dodge on classes without an instant dash or similar.

will i be able to play in normal games when i install this?

>private profile
>still won't say what you have to change in assemblies
>doesn't mention if the command is only for host or for everyone

likely only four were placed on that screen

it should be working. I need to know what you did exactly

so could i technically stay on the same level to farm for lunar coins?

>16 Bustling Fungus on engie
>Alright we can do this
>Rejuvination Rack

Attached: HEAL BOT.png (1913x1071, 2.63M)


EU 2/4

I wasn't host, but host set everything up so that six slots were visible in the lobby menu. We waited until six players were slotted in, we went to character select, and the names were visible on the right, but only four player models. Only four of us in-game, right now.

Who here playing at sub 30fps? Changing graphic settings doesn't make a difference

>tfw covering teammates from a distance as mul-t
Comfiest character in the game.

command is for host, sorry
and I;ve made it public now

maybe a list of differences would be better... but that means more work for people to join.

US East
Tryin 6 players again

It was a good game.

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my best run yet. could have kept it going longer but I had to actually try and die because I had something else to do

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you need to go to character select, THEN join

do I need the mod if I'm connecting or just if I'm hosting?


I'm in and none of the players have their steam avatars on display and my name isn't on the list

I may actually cry

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>standing on top of the piled up containers way high on the ice map as commando while my friends are getting toasted to death by elite magma worms as mercs

you need it if you're connecting as well unfortunately

Obviously you don't want to farm levels but going for all chests is the way to go right?

or should you be speedrunning the early levels?

I'm never going 20 fireworks again

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Okay that makes sense

And if yes, why stop at 6, why not going for like 10 / 12 / 15 / 20. Yes would be a shitshow but could be fun




check the v-sync settings and makes sure it isn't set to something weird.

if you edit the values it goes all the way up to 32 before the game crashes upon making a lobby

Time/Reward ratio
Don't go looking for all chests if it takes too long, the difficulty spikes will pretty much fuck you. On the other hand having nearly no item is sure to get you killed on even the easiest difficulties.

and now it's even more cuhrazy
imagine this shit with head 5t (or whatever it's called)

you could offer both options, and have the changes for the people who aren't lazy but are paranoid

did you download the shit?
I had that when I didn't download the shit

speedrun first 3 levels because they don't have that many chests
never go for ALL chests, just do a good sweep, spending a minute or two to find 2-4 extra chests isn't worth it

Attached: super jump.webm (960x540, 737K)

By the time I reach HAHAHAHHAH it becomes 20fps because of all the chaos.

>Download the DLLs
Why do you guys never tell us what you changed in the files?
What the fuck did you edit to accomplish this?

Attached: 4d9.png (382x491, 124K)

we replaced some '4's with '6's

I didn't edit shit, just downloaded the dude's .dlls and went for it. Living on the edge and all that.

Also Lemurian only. That one's a lot harder than it seems.

check for yourself nerd

It works fine and the guy showed what he did. Changed the limits on shit from 4 to 6.

How do you beat the 20 stages challenge? Just rush tp all the time?

I think MUL-T might be fundamentally broken in MP because of this. MUL-T can go off on his own and nobody is punished for this. He can easily hold his own in a fight and if another player is having a rough time then MUL-T can trivially snipe enemies from his position without breaking a sweat. Even if he does need to actually move in to assist, he's the fastest character in the game so it takes no time at all for him to arrive to deliver his monstrous DPS and stun.

US East 5/6

found out that you can stand on top of the wanderers if you make it up that high, handy for merc, blink strike you arse up there from wisps to to wander and melee the top of the head while standing on it

Worked just fine too.

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How accurate is this?

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How do you connect IN character select? Is it a console command? Do I make a private lobby, type the command, and then join?

6 player lobby waiting for folks, EU host.

grab the DLL (re-upped to mega because what the fuck was that file host): mega.nz/#!ToRRBAba!-QqcVOHTlaxJsm5_LNUPxfnj_CS4dH8A-KjS--JS_zE
extract to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
and then join lobby: 109775240985581498

Attached: 20190331180118_1.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

What do you need to edit to play as other characters via ID? Wanted to try a Bison.

>elder lemurian slaps you shit for 1800 damage

can people without the 6-man mod join 6-man lobbies?

The essence of RoR is carried over
The game still needs changes like MUL-T being nerfed because he's just too good and commando getting buffed because he's just so shit compared to the rest

i died like 10 seconds later

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>Accidentally touch the thunder worm thing that turns your screen dark
>-2000 hp

Attached: 2hrs.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)

Six man works, it is glorious.

ROR1 was kino with 10 players
now, however, box prices scale with # of players so i'm not too keen on ten-man lobbies

US East


>The air burns up
Kinda fun before elites were involved

for some reason dunestriders give me the most shit as merc

>Steam servers

I kinda wish the late-game random spawn bosses at least dropped items like they used to. Right now, once the difficulty ramps that high that you're getting worms, titans and imp overlords everywhere, you have little chance to keep up anymore if you're not already kitted to delete everything on sight. Killing them takes long, and you get nothing from it.

>bitch about getting rusty keys
>read the log book
>oh wait they're actually fucking incredible

Only shitty part is they're pretty much impossible to find on the 4th level as the bloom / red makes them practically indistinguishable from rocks. Had a run with about 8 keys and was getting a green every box and like 1-2 reds.

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>Need a single lunar coin

EU host



These drones are amazing

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join us for 6 engineer run


They give everyone the most shit, they're hard as fuck despite having a basic ass moveset. Probably because they take forever to take down.

do you need modded DLLs?


Wait, what do these look like? I thought they opened the timed chests.

where are the thiccmods aaaaAAAAA

Is there a way to edit in lunar coins? The game somehow let 2 of mine go into the void.


save the originals somwhere and copy paste the new dlls into that folder

They are small rusty boxes that spawn on the map and give you a free item

They're these little brown rusty lockboxes. They're easy to see on the snow level or on the desert level but other levels they are pretty hard to see.

Any way you can tell us how to extend it to 7, 8, 9, 10?

yes, follow the guide

wheres the mod that turns mercenary into vergil from the devil may cry series

Did the teleport ever get bugged to anyone?
I spend 20 minutes on the first map looking for it, i'm sure it didn't spawn.

>get glass for the first time
>soon after get my hands on meteorite
>"oh it can't be that bad right and +2x damage on it sounds great"
>hit Q and the sky goes dark

Attached: 1455382359739.png (400x600, 254K)

>still no one posted the cloakless artificer mod

God damnit

Attached: butts.png (403x603, 150K)

Too bad they get stuck all the time

>Only 2 hours with engineer
lmao ur garbage

I tried that and it shit the bed
there's changes like this all over the place, he likely decompiled it differently or with some other settings or whatever
or maybe decompiling it a second time fucks it over
who the fuck even knows anymore dude

Attached: DqZq8kg[1].png (1218x298, 30K)

Actual botnet

Watch a video on editing the xml file, the number of coins option is in there

EU host




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>20 players coop

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Yeah, it happens. Most likely spawned in a wall or something. I think I've only had it happen like once or twice in 25 hours though.

I live for the day I play MUL-T with Fuel Cells and double Meteorite.

Literally just a basic featureless grey rectangular lockbox.
And unrelated, but these exist too. Completely invisible unless you are already close enough to open it.

Attached: 20190331161608_1.jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

Small rectangular boxes

>open console with ctrl+alt+~ and type 'sv_maxplayers 6' before you go into character select
Damn I missed that

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the game specifically has a value for a hard cap set to 16
I'm pretty sure that's not there for no reason, so I don't think we'll ever have 16+

Join in fags

I want to be a weeb

artificer has no ass

So you are saying that 16 should be possible? Well that could be fun as long as the game scales

How do people get to stage 20

I don't care what people say my autism doesnt let me miss a single chest and i still do fine

What the fuck? I just did my 3rd run ever, and are 5 wandering vagrants to spawn when you activate the teleporter?


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doesn't the scanner item reveal them too?
then join in

where is the chest on todays trial I can't find it at all

get in here we need 1 more

Absolutely false.

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In one of the shipper containers.

I pasted the modded dlls and did the console thingy but I still get black screen and kicked out when I try to join, am I doing something wrong?

What level should you be on average by the time you activate the first teleporter?

shrine of the mountain summons an extra boss when you activate the teleporter

Based Culter

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did you use multiple mountain shrines? did you loop hard? then yes, otherwise no

>Voice chat 40 channels
Isn't it for play together?
Literally what discord is made for

That can very well happen, god save your soul if you are playing as huntress or artificer

There are mods? Where are the lewd mods?

Take 2 for 5 man
Make sure to open console with ctrl+alt+~ and type 'sv_maxplayers 6' before you go into character select


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i think you dont have to do the console thing unless yo are hosting

>yfw there's a chance RoR 2 will have Shrine of the Mountain + Scavengers

shit game

Aside from turning off corpses, is there anything that can majorly help with shit framerate?


where my EU lobbies at

Beetle Queen lewd mod literally fucking when? She T H I C C

Do you guys use voice chat while playing? Is that even implemented? My computer setup makes using a mic pretty much impossible and I hate being the only one in a game that doesn't talk


Can't get past the multiplayer menu. I have the dll and was able to play before in

the mods are currently just editing values. no model manipulation just yet.
all the other options like shadows, DoF, etc. if you hover over an option a tooltip will be shown

>Magma Worm x3

Attached: 579885.jpg (1200x629, 102K)

Shrine of the Mountain + Overloading Cremator

can you only join lobbies in the same region?

why won't my friends wake up. I want to play more

No ingame voice chat yet.

no, people are mentioning their region to prevent lag

Oh yeah, I did find and activate multiple of those. Thnx

need 3 doods

Sweet, thanks

600% movement speed on mercenary is hilarous


EU host


We're struggling but lets keep trying.

>gifted a copy to a friend we usually co-op a lot with
>he accepted but never said anything, nor played the game
Good thing i have you guys.

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One more spot!

>run around map getting shit on snow level
>shrine of combat
>finally finish them off and start tele
>let the trial of the mountain begin!
>3 more magma worms

Attached: fuck.gif (250x271, 991K)

>tfw you activate a lunar totem and get 40-odd sticky-bombs that don't have a stack limit and 14 hopoo feathers so you basically become a magnificent flying bastard of death.

Pissed I died before being able to find the box with 6 keys.

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6 mod has a lot of bugs like
>stuck at the beggining of the stage
>infinite clipping through the ground

then why don't you fucking ask him to play

lunar totems spawn randomly at any number of stages/play time or on a certain point?

Any advice for playing as merc?

How do I git gud with him without dying?

6 man lobby, need 2 more

Now you just need a stack of syringes. Become the A-10 you were destined to be.

Wait, if you get multiples of the healing mushrooms do they make the circle bigger?
That's because it's more of a hack than a mod.

never played any RoR, is this fun solo? I got no frend

How does this run?
I've got a shitty laptop would I be able to play solo at least?

so whats up with that timed chest? does it have something special or am i wasting my time?

Lunar coins are too rare right now

I'm tired of asking him to play with me.

that gold portal boss fight was tough

the host has to go in character select
if he doesn't you get kicked out

merc doesn't seem to have translated to 3d as well as some of the other classes. He was my favorite in the original but he feels weak here.

i got 11 in one day

Only in multiplayer, you can farm them solo just fine

then why are you complaining he isn't playing lmao

Have to reach the third stage and the chest before 10 minutes to be able to open it.

Think of it this way. Don't concern yourself with what could be in the chest, concern yourself with the fact that you could not open the chest.

can you do multiplayer on a pirated copy yet?

Engie is fun.

Attached: shroom3.webm (836x352, 2.25M)

I have an okay laptop and I get 60 fps with medium-high settings

as a commando/merc in 1, he feels amazing

get there within a specific time frame, it unlocks a new item

play on drizzle
bonus: play as Mul-T aswell

any US lobby non 6 man?

The demon horns are so fucking good on him. Just let fungi heal and you and your turrets shit fireballs all over the place

11 in one day isn't a lot if you want to have fun with lunar items. I'm assuming you think I still need to unlock the artificer.
I haven't gotten a single coin in my last 2 60 minute runs.
Maybe I'm just unlucky.

unlocks an item. Load in on the prismatic, it's on that level so you can easily unlock it.

I mean not this time. He obviously knows i want to play.

yeah if you manage to get more than 2 or 3 shrooms in a run

How do you do that?

There's a torrent of this game already? I wanna test if my shitty computer can run it before actually buying it.

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yeah i assumed the latter

>unlock meteorite by having 5 lunar items equipped
>keep getting equipment instead of actual items

This is the only one I'm really not looking forward to unlocking. I just need to stock up on a fuck ton of lunar coins and just buy them at the blue portal.

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>when you print 20 syringe on huntress and just hold down m1 for an hour

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yeah i figured it out but it was in a different spot when i got there in time so i couldn't find it
it was bugging me that i was so close more then once

Maybe ask him whats up?
I don't know how close you guys are but if he hasn't even touched it and he knows you guys want to play?

Just use steam refund, silly goose

just refund if it doesn't run dumbass

I just hack them, fuck grinding them and then buying a lunar item only for it to be shit

By gitting gud

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How do you unlock engineer?

>Literally shooting tiny greater wisps

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>play on drizzle to unlock mercenary and artificer fast
>find out I'm having 500% more fun

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I've finally gotten to play Bandit using his mod does anyone have a mod for HAN-D yet?

Hell yeah. The item is sick on engi

Attached: Capture.png (1551x843, 678K)

Oh yeah, that's a thing.

>randomised loot and enemies
>getting gud

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>build engineer as a support going fungi/banners/movement speed and the like
>give up and ping dps items for other players

Am I being worthless by setting up heal/invuln stations for team members or should I just try to keep my damage up to par with everyone else?

6 player lobby WHEN

>Torrent of Death Coil

I need this in my life

I'm still missing so much shit, goddamn.

Bought it just because of you Yea Forums. Downloading right now, I hope this game isn't shit,

Other difficulties are fun but drizzle is the perfect medium for me. You just become such a fucking god and I love the amount of items you get. Eventually after like an hour and a half the game gets hard as fuck anyway.

dodge shit m8. Enemies are no joke

Brazil, but last time I hosted some anons said it was just fine connection wise.

I got a tip for vagrant. Just sit on top of it and attack. Fall of it and do the spinning slash, then just use your R or dash on top of it. Also get fucking fast or die. You need to be able to get in out and of combat and have some type of healing.

how many players able to join?

haha tricked you again, alright boys keep up the shitposting and lets get another one

Someone was showing HAN-D gameplay but I haven't heard of anyone else enabling him and messing around. I'm assuming he's less finished than Bandit is.

The log tells you how to unlock shit. I just played through some initial games on drizzle and you end up with a ton of shit.

Then from there I've just been doing drizzle games focused on one or two unlocks.

4 total, 2 slots. Can you increase max players already?

The only thing the difficulties modify is the time spent in each difficulty.
By the end of the run everything is identical on all modes.
I think Monsoon should be harder, it is no feat for me to reach loop 3 with merc on monsoon solo. Maybe start off on the "Hard" difficulty and ramp up exponentially?

considering there was a lot of doubt the game would translate well to 3D, it probably exceeded expectations

some sort of modded DLL deal going on that I can't seem to figure out myself but maybe you can based huehue

I love this game, but I just don't fucking get it.
>Play on medium difficulty with 2 buddies
>Never get enough items unless I spend a long time scouring the map
>Even then, seldom get the items I want
>Hit high difficulties
>Can't kill anything anymore because their health is so bloated
>Can't get money anymore because because everything takes 2+ minutes to kill
>Eventually get cornered and blasted from 600 to -200 in a quarter of a second
I just can't get past level 3 or 4. What am I doing wrong? Should I worry less about searching the map? Am I under-levelled? And how are people talking about "builds" like they have any say in what items they get?

all players need the dll though

>about to split game with friend
>sale over


Challenges unlock new items right?

BIG TIPPY: you can initiate engineer's m1 charge and then sprint while charging it

EU Lobby

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Between multishop terminals and 3d printers, you end up with a lot more command over your build than you may think

artificer is so strong

how do I deal more damage

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Have we figured out what higher difficulties do now? Anything at all besides making shit harder? Unlock anything?

But are you able to join 4/4 if you dl this though or just 6/6 after that

Builds come from 3d printers and the item chests that give you a choice. Otherwise yeah just rush bosses as fast as possible if you want to get higher levels

There's one unlock behind defeating an elite boss on monsoon

there's one unlock related to monsoon, but i think everything else can be done on drizzle

People here play on Drizzle instead of based Rainstorm and Monsoon
Also I noticed compare to the the first game, enemies don't drop items yet in RoR2.
I think they will eventually.

15 backup magazines

another big tippy, if you get wurm of fast jumpies, you can move at practically full speed while shooting with commando by tapping sprint & immediately jumping
if you get head-5t it's ruined though


really? I could swear enemies had less HP and you can take more of a beating on drizzle

>invalid lobby id

artifacts when?

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How do I get better performances on RoR2?

this game needs a shotgun character

Is there a more fun item than Wax Quail?

I don't like how much of a steamroll the game becomes when you get the right item combinations. I was considering abandoning it before I found a Syringe Printer on the 6th portal, after that easy street.

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I just parked my turrets and mines up their assholes and went to loot while they died

Read the steam faq


having 20 of them on merc. Duh.


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There is absolutely a difference in how many monsters spawn.


Does this work with the lunar item that converts all your hp in shield except 1? does shield count as max hp?

Yes, but enemies will keep scaling up and you won't be getting any new items to allow you to keep up, so it's probably not the best strategy.

All this dll edit stuff for six player to be used.
Rather wait for hopoo to implement it legitimately.
Any optimizations for 4 play that can carry over to the higher player lobby rooms is good enough for me.

>literally 50 items
>Complains about this

6 man?

>You've lived long enough for people on Yea Forums to hate on fucking JoJo of all things.


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Yeah, and maybe he could have a shield, he could be like a riot cop or something like that

animeonlys are a cancerous blight

Hello time traveler from 2017.

Any useful commands in the dev console?

>3d printers
Is there any logic to which item the printer takes? Every damn time I play (commando) and find a printer for something good like specs, it eats my good shit like syringes and sticky grenades.

Jojo's fanbase is cancer, Jojo itself is based.

jojo is the MLP of anime though

What's the Shrine of Order supposed to do? Does it just replace my items? Cuz I suddenly have 11 fucking soldier syringes


Nah it's random.

Yea Forums doesn't hate jojo
Yea Forums hates jojofags

they're the furries of the anime fandoms

The Anime was a curse and a blessing

>liking Joses Overrated Pilgrimage

just follow the red brap particles bro

Its random every time

White item in printer takes your white items only
Green item in printer takes your green items only

And so on


If you unlock an item, does it appear in games for people who have not unlocked said item, or do you all need to have the item unlocked?

Attached: aga.png (824x363, 387K)

It's randomized, some people say it prefers large stacks, but from what I've seen it's totally random.

It takes all of your items of the same rarity, then combines them with your highest stack. So if you have fifteen other whites, 11 syringes, it''ll become 26 syringes.


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>he obviously knows I want to play
Unless you're a woman, this is genuinely the most pathetic thing I've read all week. No one can read your fucking mind, you sperg. Either ask him to play or shut the fuck up and wait for him to try it on his own and offer to join.

it literally just takes your items and gives you like 10 of whatever
>have a perfect merc build going
>20 wax quails
>9 banners
>fly across the map at mach12 and smash into a wall and die
>worth it

Is shit confirmed to scale properly in 6 players or not?

Did I miss something? I activated the gold golem, went to the isle and managed to kill the golden titan after a long battle, and the only thing I got was a titanic shard.

fucking paco

Yes it scales fine

>White item in printer takes your white items only
>Green item in printer takes your green items only
This helps a lot, I'm always scared to use printers when I'm carrying a very rare item, so I should be much better off now knowing this. Thanks!

get in here boys

6 man?

There's probably supposed to be rewards for that part but it hasn't been implemented yet. Kinda just serves as a challenge room now, I guess.

nope, at least mine dropped a lunar coin too, but it was probably chance


4man, (will check out the file shit later) us east

Multiplayer is so laggy. Is there a way to only match with non third worlders so I can actually play ??

4 man

its a fun challenge room.

just move to 6 man now what the hell it takes 5 minutes total to set up. Its all posted in this thread even

I would have kept going, but after 300 minutes bosses stopped spawning and there were only about 20 mobs per stage and no more would spawn for some reason.

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i think its just the servers user

as engineer after a while my turrets stop attacking, any ideas why ?

6 man is impossible to play with a toaster

The lobby posters here usually include their region, play with one of them. Never tried it but I'd imagine Quick Play doesn't use region filtering.

Do you still get a copy to gift if you buy?

What do they mean by "connect in character select"? There's no option to join anything when you're selecting a character.

No problem, i was also afraid that it might take away rare items but it only takes away same quality / color

>6 and a half hours in a single game
why would you do that to yourself

Does anyone know exactly where the n'kuhana's shrine in the wetlands? Does it only appear sometimes or am I just really dumb?

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offer ended today

Mercenary is some anime shit, love it. Reminds me of Braver in PSO2

New items and the characters. Look at the lock icons in the log book in main menu to see what you need to do.


Can you namefag so I know to block your shit? That retarded garbage ruined RoR1.

>6 man is impossible to play with a toaster

Not impossible

t. Plays on a toaster

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Attached: jump.webm (1280x720, 859K)

the host as to be in the character select screen at the time of joining.

it's only that way cause there's no end, in ror1 when you feel like you've just completely won the game and are unkillable, you go fight the boss and end it

>get to golder giant
>need money to fight him
>normal mobs stop spawning and can't acquire more and teammates died
Fuck you goldstein.

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playing with large lobbies?

There's a cliff with a massive carved rock jutting off of it. Underneath that massive rock there's a cave leading to the shrine.


5/6 EU lobby, we had a good run


last time someone hit the shrine everybody died to a LITERAL CREMATOR STRIKE

The secret 2 millimeter jump technique.

Post post RoR images. I just got into the game and I love it

Six man, U.S. West. One hour.

US East, 6 players. Testing this shit, followed all the steps correctly.



Yes. The game was buggy and broken enough without needing huge lobbies, and you morons ruined every RoR thread by wanting to make the game even more of a buggy broken shitfest.

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Would anyone happen to still have an extra copy of risk of rain 2 they're willing to trade for?
here's my profile

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Damage shrines don't give items anymore, just gold right?


>no stars on the flag

For the paranoid I've listed the DLL changes for the 6 player mod. If I'm missing any, PLEASE TELL ME ASAP


>Blazing titan kills me and my extra Dio life on stage 19



ye, useful if you're going through levels fast

would it be possible to merge this with the bandit mod?


>been here since launch
>you're still trying to trade your humbun games for it

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Blazing always fucks me up the most out of any modifier.

yeah, it would be possible. But i'd need to know the changes for that too

nah, I got the game, hence the red cross
turns out my brother is a fucking nigger
so here we are

Noticed this too, the AI is absolutely retarded. Can be game-losing if your cooldown isn't up

can anyone help me out here?
ive been playing this game for the past two days and it's been fine but today it's been laggy as hell, i didnt even change anything
has this happened to anyone else?any ideas?

>Gggman confused MUL-T with HAN-D

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blaze bois need a nerf
like half of my deaths are just me getting oneshotted by a blaze elite that spawned right behind me
theyve hit me for >1400 in a single hit before, its real dumb

yes it appears for everyone as long as one person has it

> if you get multiples of the healing mushrooms do they make the circle bigger?

Yes sir it does!

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Is the buy one, get one sale still going on? I don't see it on steam.

Who here /toaster/?

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items i should get first with engi?

1 spot left.

Attached: RISK OF NATURE.jpg (1280x720, 415K)

Ended on the 30th

5/6, closing in 30 seconds.


>mfw 3 Vagrants are charging a pulse attack and there's nowhere to hide

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Ya missed it, they should extend it considering how big of a marketing push it was but they probably won't.

>>Tourists journalists and people looking to bait the devs
Mind sharing a screenshot of something like that?

always shrooms
then glasses and syringes and gas

Attached: initial T.png (629x357, 175K)

Laser beam attack. Other than that they are nothing. It may force you to find a rock or something to block the beam, but that's it.

Ayy that's my old laptop.

that sucks, I'm a little salty about missing out on the 2 day sale desu

Any tips for the samurai?

if youve ever played with Yea Forums on ror1 you would know

that they are a bunch of casual retards entertained by flashing lights. i have never, never seen a Yea Forums rule lobby not game over after no more than three levels. its not about winning, its not about anything, its literally "i can do it so i should". gamebalance out the door, your three viable characters are huntress, chef and engineer, because all three allow running backwards and attacking or homing missiles so i dont have to get close to enemies (since the bigger enemies all instakill you up close because lol spite + constant lag due to 10 person games constantly leading to desync dont fucking mix). oh, and dont forget, you should cheat the characters and artifacts in! because the other option would require you actually play the game in a way that you wont die in again three fucking levels consistently, because im adhd and playing games without spite and glass is sooooo slow and... unflashy.. also dont forget command of course! because im a minmaxing faggot who doesn't understand the appeal of unique runs

>got lucky with 3 ceremonial dagger drops


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5/6 US east get the fuck in here bro

>Highest stack: 1x
What did he mean by that?

You can use cover to get away from it?

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Holy based

It's your highest stack, you dumbo

>dislikes spite
>dislikes command + glass
nevermind, based

>explosive rounds+7 syringes+5 glasses
>as MUL-T
This game is basically about how OP you can go

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Going into the blue portal then leaving counts as clearing a stage. Make sure you don't go in the celestial portal.

Kill me now. Can't even read item descriptions. I'll build a computer, eventually...

I think it might be random per item. So if you have 3 fungi and one crowbar there's a 75% chance it takes a fungi and 25% for the crowbar.

>Invalid Lobby ID
I guess you guys are full?

Whirlwind whenever it's off cooldown
Attack in between dashes
You can stand/jump on top of Vagrants

brb killing myself

Attached: capture.png (1368x768, 1.23M)

start this nigga

>hating command and spite
>hating glass

I really hope Hopoo doesn't list to people crying for nerfs. This game does not need nerfs.

It's pretty kawaii, my brother had to play FPS games and Warframe like that.

I read the stats on the Dagger and it claimed they dont stack (as in it didnt specify what part of it stacks) Does it just literally just multiply the amount of daggers spawned?

>stack 8 will-o-wisp
>kill one lemurian

Yeah, I think both hiding behind terrain and using engi shield works.
You can also precisely time Huntress blink to negate any dmg.


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Ops wrong pic

Attached: cap.png (1364x768, 563K)

>viable on glass
so you didn't play with Yea Forums at all, got it.

That's what you get for being a rush-the-teleporter-buy-shit-after fag.

Get in line and then get out because I was here first

he's from Yea Forums and /vg/, not reddit so we're gucci

Those guys are great. I had a solo run with two of them, but one got stuck in the terrain on spawning into a level and died not being able to defend itself

Yup. Seeing about 12ish daggers spawning from each mob killed

we want the 6th. We need an ENGI

I want Huntress to strafe on me

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Attached: 1553362166364.gif (416x416, 14K)

How do I unlock the celestial portal?

>After 300 minutes spawns stop
Ahh finally I can get the clover

I never cared much for will-o-wisp, and gas can in the first game, but I absolutely love them in this one.

Open the door, get on the floor
Everybody walk the Lemurian.

invalid lobby ID when i try to rejoin, guess it did break


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What's the item ID for the clover

I noticed it happens if your turret locks on to an enemy and can't shoot at it. It won't switch targets until the enemy it locks on to dies. Try placing your turrets on flat terrain and they'll probably work better

Aite boys who wants to try
player lobby

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STOP! You're going to make yourself sick.


me (also me)

Blazing is a real bitch

>Playing as commando
>run and gun while going backwards
>blazing crab spawns behind me where I can't see
>run into it's flame trail before I know it
>die quickly

w/ Mods

Interview with them explained they use it to create new enemies, but do not plan to release it as they fear it will get boring fast

why hte fuck not, post dll

I always ran from it welp.


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post dlls

Thanks mate

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anyone got a hack that marks the teleporter?
im tired of it

>6 player coop mod
when are they going to officially increase it to like 12-24
and artifacts when


To give you more information, its on the edge of the map. You will notice trees growing out the side of the cave that you will have to jump into

so if you arent host do you need to have the dll to play?

cause I was gonna get afraid people would think it's a virus

create an autoexec.cfg file in configs
add cv_max_players 16;
then pop in ufile.io/lnai5

imagine the lag

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Look for the floating embers. I used to spend 20 minutes running around the map looking for it as well. In fact, if you look for embers instead of the teleporter itself you can even easily see the ones that are spawned halfway into geometry.

Has there been any mention to add a workshop to the game? i loved RoR1 but eventually it got a bit old, if this had the possiblity to add custom items or even characters my dick would be diamonds

What's the easiest way of farming lunar coins?

A light drizzle.

Play multiplayer with as many people as possible.



like this user? also post lobby id

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