LFM mythic

>LFM mythic


>Manager or higher position of a F500 company
>credit score greater than 800
>Must be on call 24/7
>Must be a CFA, CPA, MBA from a top school
>Must be a team player

Why is this allowed again?

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gearing is harder in classic user

And? Is more rewarding. You EARN gear rather than just playing a slot machine.

Too many people bitched nu-wow content was too easy so they made mythics that require competence, coordination, gear and the ability to thi k ahead.

You need to filter out applicants to get the best person for your guild

What's the issue with your credit score user?

>mfw patiently waiting for Classic to fall

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The real red bull is that the most fun you can have in nu-wow is joining mythic groups that state no requirements. Note: this is only fun if you're a really good player that's able to somewhat carry others.

You don't earn shit. You get shafted by the loot council or get shafted by some retard with more dkp. That is, if the piece you need drops in the first place.

your 'resume' for raiding in classic will have to be more impressive than it is now as gear is not an issue nowadays as its so easy to get

always nice to see another man of taste around here

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>everyone hated gearscore in wrath
>everyone loves rader io now in bfa

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Either casuals got enough means to catch up on gear and decided to switch sides or GS was over-the-top in WotLK. I do remember people bitching about pugs wanting to trivialize content by only inviting overgeared players.

>check some classic wow players on YouTube
>one of them plans on moving in together with 4 others like asmongold and his degenerate friends to play WoW classic together in a house and live there.
>talking about classic wow non fucking stop, even when they're streaming its all wow classic wankery and watching old wow vanilla videos
I'm hype for wow classic but goddamn these people are fucking insane and live in nostalgia all day long.

shitters couldn't keep up and were naturally filtered

theres tons of casuals talking shit about raider io all over all the wow forums

The entire early WoW dev team was bitter EQ vets that were mad raiding was just fun and not serious business. Read posts from tigole and furor from the old EQ forums and remember they still work for blizzard to this day. Their bullshit formed the entire game from the beginning.

>wow community still embraces gearscore mods

Could be the most ironic thing in gaming.
They have zero fucking idea how bad it is.

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>that guild that requires you to send in an 'application' on their faggy website as if it's a fucking job

one of the most embarrassing and pathetic things I've ever seen

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It filters retards and shitters. I don't see the issue with it.

... see?
Holy shit, it is uncanny.

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To be fair itemization was fucked in vanilla and a lot of people were stacking stats that either didn't matter or were sub optimal. I agree that the way people use things like gearscore is pretty fucking gay, but it does help to differentiate between people who know what they're doing and people who are just winging it. I remember ignoring things like 'hit' when I first hit 60 because it seemed stupid and crit gave me big numbers- it wasn't until I learned what dps meters were and saw myself at the very bottom that I started to realize the error of my ways.

Really don't want to resub, but I've ran out of other things I want to play and Kul Tiran's look pretty cool desu

In WotLK healers people used to put up +sta items that had better gs rather than actually good dps/healing items, is it still the same in modern WoW?

>It filters retards and shitters.
why do people believe this?

You know what was fun? Questing in mid-to-late level zones which, even during WOW's heyday, were practically empty. Desolace, The Hinterlands, Azshara, Swamp of Sorrows, etc. Hinterlands in particular is pretty dope.

>play tank
>get people slobbing all over my knob to carry their retard asses through everything
pserver, live, wow, ff, it doesn't matter, it's the same everywhere.
I hope classic is fun, if only for a week or two until everyone burns through all the content. I just want to feel that rush, that excitement, being able to talk to people ingame without having someone immediately respond with a discord link instead of chatting.

>if only for a week or two until everyone burns through all the content
It'll take that long for most avid players to just hit 60. I think the initial content release will last a good couple of months considering how long it can take to get geared. Content isn't really the burn out factor, it'll come down to whether or not the community is able to adjust back to the vanilla way of progressing.

You know they won't, and you know blizz will adjust exp rates when people start to leave.

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I'm not sure. Private servers survive well enough to enable legit raiding guilds, so there will be at least that many people who are stick with it. I'm more worried about certain servers getting filled up by retail kids and then shortly after being complete ghost towns. Either way, considering what a low investment this is for Blizzard I assume that if it dies they'll leave it dead. They're not interested in developing 2 mmo's so I can't imagine a world in which they actually scramble to keep Classic alive.

This is basically my eternal problem
I've been on and off trying to quit WoW for the past 6 years, I usually come back 2-3 times a year for a month then stop. The main problem is all but 3 of my friends have quit and only 1 of them still plays the actual game and not just using it as a 3D chatroom at this point. I can only grind reps, level an endless sea of alts, and dabble in normal raid pugs before I get bored and unsub. The social element is dead for me.

fucking kys you fucking faggot

>want to play undead warlock
>it actually doesn't make sense in the lore even if it's visually badass

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I know that feeling, waiting for Classic to come around & I'll be lpaying that. But currently, I've played all the games I've been wanting to play & just want something I can chill and have some fun on

Then how do people get started in MC and Onyxia? The hell are you talking about?

I have a bad feeling about classic. Like there's something that's going to completely fuck it that we don't know about. Like OW tier policing.

Wow will die till classic

>play warrior
>Can have absolutely dogshit gear, keyboard turn, click skills and people will still beg you to join groups
Literally just take punches to the head and headbutt your sunder key and you'll find groups

>Want to play warlock
>Want to play alliance
>Have to be a fucking gnome

I guess the tiny evil thing is humorous but I can't really think of a good reason for my character to want to be a warlock or why any of this matters - and yes I'm autistic enough to want to have a vague sense of character identity

I didn't play classic but I hope it does well if it'll hopefully incentivize them to make BC and Wrath servers which is when I played.

>be warrior
>get shit on by everyone in pvp
no thanks

>enslave pocket healer
>shit on everyone in pvp
yes please

>>it actually doesn't make sense in the lore

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I'm the same way user, don't worry

Character identity is important for roleplay and enjoyment

>must be a team player
You realise its group content right?

>ITT people who never played vanilla wow

That's an orc soul in a human body that uses necromancy, it's different!

Everyone who hated gearscore in wrath were people who had already been playing. Everyone who likes raiderio is a wrathbaby or even newer than that

what stops forsaken mage to start using fel? It's not like he have to care about his soul

>dude just only pvp when when you've got someone to help you and share honor with XD

Just go Human then, if a guild rejects you because of your race alone, they're only pretending to be a tryhard.

>want to plays
>min maxing
Pick one. Play a human and enjoy not being a squeaky midget


Thats called a warlock. Warlocks are literally just mages who consort with demons.

So that's my point.
Really what part of lore says undead cannot be warlocks?

>implying the Warrior isn't the healer's pet

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It just doesn't make sense for one of the Forsaken to consort with demons when they literally JUST managed to free themselves from demonic corruption from the burning legion. They hate the legion and the scourge at this point.

What class were the best healers in vanilla? Priests?

More like

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>don't know the fights
Yea, people will have so much trouble with those 1 or 2 complicated mechanics. Don't stand by the tail, faggot.

Priests until pallys get naxx gear.

Well, hating demons doesn't mean they wouldn't be perfectly willing to enslave them. Given the disposition of the Forsaken, seems pretty in character to me.

the two are not the same. Gear in wrath was normalized, you could look at someone's gearscore and get a general idea of what content they're able to do.

Now with titanforging, you have a fuckload of shitters walking around in gear they didnt earn with inflated as all hell item levels, so you cant tell anymore. Enter: raider.io, gives you a general idea of the content they're able to do.

Anyone who complains about raider.io is outright dumb. It doesnt take long to get a good score, just spam low level keys and in no time you will have at least 1k.

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raider io is a good thing. ilvl doesn't mean shit these days. you can be a total shitter with 410+ equipped

Your easlise that mostly warlocks do not let the daemons claim their soul, and literally all warlock class quests is about how to force daemon to sbmution?
>They hate the legion and the scourge at this point.
And they will use the daemons just like they use Blight against the Scourge.
Undead warlock is basically former mage who let sinister part of his personality take over or just crazy dude who fights with fire against fire.
Both perfecly fits forsaken lore

Why the fuck would the alliance still call it's army the 7th LEGION?
Wouldn't the term Legion have a pretty negative connotation for everyone in Azeroth at this point?
It's like if the U.S. called their army "the warmachine"

>be human mage
>progress to warlock
>Forsaken warlock

hardly worth bothering when we have fucking Troll mages in a world where arcane magic is very restricted; and the clusterfuck of "Priests" under the same class

>is very restricted;
By whom?
Also, since we are talking about classic, you realise that miost magical race was troll sub-race?

Warlocks are mages that took a shortcut.

raid grouping in any mmo is cancer

>Complaining about this when the Horde is still called the Horde after like 3 genocides from vaguely related Hordes

The Horde already makes so little sense in Lore that I try not to think about it.

Yeah if I ever get asked to send in an application like that I'm out. I have to prove how nerdy I am to nerds so I can find enjoyment in the game? K

>3 genocides

Who uses gearscore any more? I just care if you've actually done the dungeon at 15, if not then you're out.

Classic is a meme.. nostalgia wont save any of your boomer asses

I can smell your fear Ion