What are the best areas in Soulsborne/Sekiro?

What are the best areas in Soulsborne/Sekiro?

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Demon's Souls - Shrine of Storms 4-1
Dark Souls - Anor Londo or unironically Blighttown
Dark Souls 2 - ???
Bloodborne - Haven't played it
Dark Souls 3 - All of Boreal Valley up until Anor Londo
Sekiro - Senpou Temple

shulva sanctum city is the best area of the entire franchise


actually the entire sunken king place is the goat

This place in DaS3 felt mythical as fuck.

Also Cainhurst Castle in BB. For some reason the missable areas are the best in these games.

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Nah man I don't like Majula. The colors are all so washed out, coupled with bad texture work.
I'm not a fan of the overall Dark Souls 2 aesthetic.
If I had to pick one area, it'd be the one with the pirate theme, with the boss with the two torsos. Gameplay-wise, nothing special, but I really like its atmosphere.
Maybe Heide's Tower of Flame as well, but I like it mostly for the Dark Souls 1 callbacks, and not on its own.

Demon's Souls - Haven't played it
Dark Souls - Haven't played it
Dark Souls 2 - Heide's Tower of Flame
Bloodborne - Haven't played it
Dark Souls 3 - Haven't played it
Sekiro - Haven't played it


The magic windmill to lava lake in dark souls 2

DeS - Shrine of Storms
DaS1 - Undead Burg/Parish
DaS2 - Lost Bastille
DaS3 - Ariandel
Sekiro - Senpou Temple

this is too based for this board

All they had to do was make the elevator go down. That's all they had to do.

lost izalith is top tier

Dark Souls 2 is a fucking shitty mess of a game but yeah, this is pretty based

>all they had to do was change the direction of the elevator
>but they didn't therefore it's a shit game
I'll never understand this logic

>Demon's Souls
Honestly I can't think of a cool area, I finished it and never touched it again
>Dark Souls
Anor Londo, no contest
Heide's Tower of Flame
Profaned capital (sadly it was super short)
Hirata mansion gave me some good tenchu vibes, but the prize goes to Mt. Kongo, beautiful. The Ape valley with is a close second

Demon's Souls - Tower of Latria
Dark Souls - Anor Londo or Ash Lake
Dark Souls 2 - Shrine of Amana
Bloodborne - Central Yharnam, Research Hall, or Upper Cathedral Ward
Dark Souls 3 - Cathedral of the Deep
Sekiro - Fountainhead

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>The Ape valley with
all those statues* I accidentally the post

Now that I think about it, the whole shrine of storms section in DeS was pretty kino (expecially the last boss arena)

That's all they had to do to fix that stupid thing that made no sense. It wouldn't have made it a good game.

How about the magical secret rotating wall in Kuro's room that teleports you to the dilapidated shrine?

Not the dude you're replying to but Dark Souls 2 falls short on so much else as well. The whole world is literally slapped together because of troubled development.
Dark Souls' world is very much pre-planned and meticulous, and a lot of thought was put into making it consistent with itself, and making it seem like a real place you could visit. If you were to make a map of Dark Souls 1's world, or even build a diorama set, it would be 100% possible to travel from Firelink Shrine, to Darkroot, to Blighttown, to Lost Izalith, etc, without loading screens and teleporting across gaps in the world.
Dark Souls 2 shat the bed on this one. It's why Heide's Tower looks so far away from Majula, but you can take a brisk promenade and reach it within 30 seconds. The Earthen Peak elevator is supposed to lead up to the mountains behind it, but the distance traveled in the game world is much less than what's required to get anywhere close to those mountains.
In short, the interconnectivity was ruined, which is ultimately one of the reasons I don't like it as much as the Soulsborne games.

What about the untended graves (which ought to be something like an alternate dimension) hidden behind an illusory walls in DS3? They could have done something like a teleport or a mirror you get in, idk

Shulva or Majula
all of it, but Forbidden Woods stand out the most to me
monkey valley unironically

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They kinda solved this problem in 3 by stating that the world is literally falling apart due to overexposure to the First Flame. Things aren't as they appear to be.
Even still, Dark Souls 3 is much more consistent with itself than 2.

two favorites from each game
DeS : 4-1/1-3
DaS : The Depths/Oolacile
DS2 : The Lost Bastille/Brume Tower
DS3 : Archdragon Peak/Irythill

I don't really like that many areas in DS3 desu