Discord Trannies deleted the last one
Games with a Eastern theme?
Discord Trannies deleted the last one
So sseth is becoming a full-time shill? Good for him
Fuck off Sseth
he is uploading too frequently.
this time did he mention other creators.
>reviews the worst game in the series
an excuse to talk about china
Did you not notice how half the video was biz, int, and pol memes?
Is chinese history real? Every time I read about it makes me think it was all written as some fanfic in 18 century
Saiyuki Journey West
99.99999% of history is tall tales.
I don't frequent those boards so no.
How long until people start mass-flagging his videos?
>"Big tits with no ass will fill your hands, but big ass with no tits will your hearts"
>Is one of the oldest and biggest nations fictional
Next you'll tell me western europe wasnt an irrelevant shithole till 700.ad and that's being generous,turks are arabs or america has culture or something
It's a collection of fanfics that have been increasingly revised by the ruling authorities and rewritten every time a new one took power. It's a similar thing to what happened to the forming European areas where they wrote history to suit them, but happening several more times and written to support specific agendas.
I meant the way it's written is either retarded or goes into details the writer(historian) would have no access to making like he just made them up
why does this guy make some people so made?
I only played Pharaoh, what are the other good games in the series?
I played Oriental Empires and I had fun sending limitless stacks to genocide the mongrels.
But it was just kinda a grind so I got bored half way through.
american culture is based, most americans just forgot it existed
hey hey people
>I only played Pharaoh, what are the other good games in the series?
Caesar 3 (the best) and Zeus.
>why does this guy make some people so made?
He's not a leftists, which makes discord trannies seethe.
seff here
Why is Discord your bogeyman now /pol/?
ResetEra is the actual problem.
They are the same
Cheers m8
I've been looking for a good city sim
maybe I'm from an older time where jokes where just jokes, but nothing he says seems right wing or politically charged. It's just the occasional offensive joke at worst.