I miss this April's fool joke
I miss this April's fool joke
Other urls found in this thread:
>shitposters are canadians
>idiots are americans
>waifufags are all mexican
northern america wide ban when
> People shilling for SJW shit are Canadian and Central Europeans.
> Most retarded posts are BRs.
> All food analogies are from Americans.
>tfw slav
Merging boards
Team bullshit
Merging boards
Team bullshit
>No soul
haha Anthony Burch lol
So what's gonna happen tomorrow
I bet this year will be board Battle Royale. Every hour or so the boards with the least activity get thrown out until there's only one left.
I'm asian
Yea Forums won already then
Yea Forums + Yea Forums
wow this user is in the same timezone as me
I will see what horror's will come firsthand.
Merging Boards 2
and add flags on all boards !
all the shitters turned out to be brazilian.
It's 22:43 here
Mutts should be purged from the site, they are without a doubt the most insufferable shitposters and always ruin threads by seething about the jews, sjws or trannies.
It's not 2006 anymore. Yea Forums, /vg/ and /pol/ are both much more active than Yea Forums
>Implying the idiots weren’t the BRs
okay. /Yea Forums/ and /4channel/. the amalgam of all boards
Isn't it already April 1st in Japan?
I have a feeling tomorrows joke is going to be that the entire site becomes a mobile layout
Thread theme:
Sure, but aren't the servers still in the US?
I doubt hiroyuki upgraded from the stack of iMacs.
imagine if they did Yea Forums and /pol/. what a shitshow that would be
Don't joke like that
Yea Forums is on EST timezone sweaty
no longer works for a (((reason)))
resetera trannies would get btfo and cry about how toxic the site is for months
Past years didn't start or end on EST. I think boards started on Euro time and went for a day and a half ending on Hawaii time.
Not nearly as comfy as /mlpol/, that's for sure.
Welp, I guess we'll just have to wait then, thanks for the info famalam
And teams went on a different times than boards too. Hiro is just inconsistent.
>everyone thinks Australians are the worlds biggest shitposters, moot creates a narrative that they're actively ruining the website
>frozen wasteland with the most boring people on earth surpasses them in terms of bringing down site quality 10fold
This thread will die in 5 minutes
I was hoping this might happen when we reached the date that human instrumentality was supposed to have gone down, just redirect every board to /tang/ or something. Nothing much was made of it in the end from what I remember, would have been pretty fun, though.
Why are Bongoloids always acting so smug,mutts maybe the worst posters but the English and other Anglos arent that far behind.
Literally nothing whatsoever would change.
Yea Forums's starting to get all the joke announcements
>inb4 nothing happens
What do you think it's gonna be? What could they do to top last year?
sorry user
v + lgbt
so the resetera users can feel at home
>outing canadians as faggots/cucks and brs as consolewar shitters
should be this way year round.
What would it be called? /lvbt/?
Everyone is a jannitor.
Tomorrow wojak and pepe are banned !
She just did it for attention why are you surprised? You'd be dumb to actually believe it. She wanted a lot of yous.
>Tomorrow wojak and pepe are banned !
Quality of board improves 20000%
It got weird at the end there. Not really into dom/sub shit.
I still dont know how these points were even calculated
>idiots are europeans
I wish they’d do it again. I want to collect some data.
Canada has way more minor shitposters whereas Australia and New Zealand has had some of the site's more high profile shitposters, including shit like an Aussie who kept DDoSing the site demanding that moot ban New Zealand to punish a friend of his.
I personally don't think they were, my money is on it being an rng that just awarded points at certain intervals. If it wasn't just completely scripted.
Yea Forums is literally the most leftwing sympathizing board. It's full of people that have opinions for the sake of having them, rather than actually knowing anything.
flag shitposting is the worst
why do you fags think that was fun?
Don't ask how I know this, but this year's April fools will be every board merging into one superboard.
If they WERE to do board merges again, which would you want to see? I'd like to see the shitshow of /yu/
/cgl/ and /r9k/ 100%
Completely unusable and chaotic. The only threads left alive will be moving so quickly you won't be able to discuss anything. I love it.
It's nice to have confirmation as to which countries should get rangebanned
What we will get from gook this year?
It's the closest to board IDs which are great for identifying samefags and habitual shitposters.
Last years one was cancer
It just brings more shitposting though.
>hur durr you're canadian lol
>lose to birds and leaves
Lmao Aussies
/tvp/. Easily provoked, likely underaged autists going up against easily provoked grown manchildren. And /gdlit/ which changes the board subject to those god-awful inspirational quote images.
Also all porn boards merge into one. /bedsuhmyacohgif/.
i miss being a creamy BITCH
i miss /mlpol/
t. cremeshitter.
>Yea Forums is going to turn into another gay orgy board
I hope I don't get put into the loli-loving team again
/int/ has anime gay threads up constantly. Does Yea Forums really want this?
This but add /trash/ to the mix too
all of the vidya boards
Make Yea Forums into a red board
Every board is /pol/
/vpol/, /apol/, /intpol/, /copol/, /lgbtpol/, /polpol/
Just add thread IDs and flags.
/can/ forever!
when does the new joke start???
Literally the worst of the board mergers.
/cock/ and /mlpol/ were the only worthwhile ones.
>Complain about burgers on burgerchan
Why are you Muslims so retarded?
turn /pol/ into /polpot/
I honestly hope jap moot just shuts down the site for the day as a joke to piss off you fags
>24 hours of TADAIMA
i actually hoped they'd make a better mobile version
Just a reminder that the last two times the site started to act buggy and not work a couple hours before it hit as Hiro set things up. So keep an eye out for when Yea Forums goes on the fritz and you'll know the joke is on its way.
>Australians are all three combined
You must be new here
Hopefully they bring back pudi pudi
>He didn't like /fitlit/