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Other urls found in this thread:


It's April 1st in Japan.


Attached: bnr-square-sa.jpg (1400x559, 792K)

Is there anything sadder than buzzkills? Get a life, buddy.

Who gives a fuck, all Kirby games are fucking boring.

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This one is fucking disgusting, even as a joke. Potato chip jelly.

Attached: Calbee_JP-1112368989894668288-20190331_160008-img1.jpg (1012x506, 145K)

>giving a fuck about an overrated series held up on a pedestal by women and redditors who post on tumblr in their spare time
Fuck off.

Attached: stat buffs.jpg (680x485, 34K)

>they still doubt Steven isn't in it

so kirby was our square rep all along

you're gay

>Hal expected me to pay 60 dollars for Star Allies
Whatever Kirby game they shit out next, I'm not interested.

gee I wonder who he could have eaten to take that form...

Attached: confirmed.jpg (1200x630, 483K)

>if you like kirby, you're gay

The link doesn't even work, dumbass

Such a bold new direction!
Imagine the Lore!

now i want steve in smash, fuck you user

Kirby is cube!

>they didn't make his feet, eyes, mouth, cheeks, and arm nubs square as well

Attached: 1544818157638.jpg (1000x1140, 59K)

>even for a simple april fool's joke, HAL can't commit to their ideas
Holy shit, the absolute state of Kirby

Attached: 1526405570952.png (1272x1152, 89K)

This is a joke I think...Like for 4/1/2019.


See, for America, it's still 3/31, but for others...

>what if kirby was a gri-I mean a cube



Attached: grill.png (241x268, 53K)

>noooooooooooo my comfy

10/10 would smash.

Sounds like a bunch of updog to me

Go away Arlo



Hi Arlo! Go back to bitching about everything that isn’t Pikmin and pretending you care about series you barely played half of for clicks

What the fuck are you talking about?

it's a Arlo react to a Direct but doesn't care about 95% of the announcements episode

Arlo is right, Star allies was terrible at launch and is only marginally better now.


Attached: D2_vFrWU0AAMMW4.jpg (680x383, 42K)

Star Allies was 4000 yen new; did they really try charging 60 dolllarydoos in the States?





>seething user can't fathom why people might think Kirby is overrated
Go back to your discord hugbox, faggot.


What shape is he, bros?

He's shaped like a friend.

>"reeee everything I don't like is overrated"
kys retard

>Zelda is reddit
>Mario is reddit
>Pokemon is reddit
Is there anything not reddit to you guys?


Attached: Square Kirby.png (902x925, 317K)

Will he ever score guys?

Attached: b0a.gif (350x250, 51K)

He looks edgy.

Based and roundpilled

Attached: BallBoy!.jpg (1500x500, 43K)

Attached: squirby.jpg (902x673, 26K)

Brap fetish isn't reddit

We can go even further

Attached: cubekirb.png (602x617, 134K)

>there will never be another decent Kirby game

Attached: 1531004813560.jpg (400x396, 29K)

april fuckin fools

you wanna fuck him

Attached: 1529014151772.png (1062x532, 344K)

Haha, epic! They subverted my expectations about Kirby's roundness! Think of all the incredible lore and memery that will no doubt result from this hilarious joke!

Attached: yawning.jpg (368x350, 21K)

Attached: GolfBoy.jpg (1199x673, 141K)

>there never has been a decent kirby game

Attached: 1551935412150.png (266x195, 6K)

No why would anybody want to fuck Kirby?Nobody would want that.

Thats not that unbelievable, considering there is a spaghetti napolitan popsicle in japan which apparently tastes super disgusting.

This, but unironically, it's cute

Attached: 3A85F903-25A0-451E-BAA4-3B920F1DDAA4.jpg (750x876, 280K)

Only good kirby games are Adventure and Super Star.

I really fucking hate how he automatically assumed all Kirby games are like Star Allies, he can fuck off

>Super Star.
You'd better mean the original.

This is truly the greatest crime that humanity has ever committed.

Ultra was better though.

star allies skin dlc when?

I love Meta Knight!

Attached: SSBU_MetaKnight.png (1682x1556, 2.5M)

>Yea Forums doesn't like Kirby anymore
It was bound to happen I guess

>loving a borb

You disgust me.

Now if he were a bad cube, that I would understand.


I love him more!
Fuck off orbs are better than your shitty cubes.

Attached: teacherMeta.png (530x558, 313K)

Never speak ill of my husband ever again, you tremendous faggot.

Attached: kirby_img06.png (535x355, 247K)

fuck off

>my husband
Excuse me but I think you mean 'our' husband
Are you fucking high?

Which is the best Meta?

Attached: threemetasandastump.png (658x423, 312K)

Best meta knight design

Attached: F726DD11-6DE5-4983-8CB5-9FEC27EB5A49.jpg (600x660, 240K)

*Only bad kirby games are Epic Yarn and Battle Royale

>Which is the best Meta?
All of them, you pleb.

Attached: heart.jpg (1200x675, 37K)

based retard

>Smash Ultimate’s Magalor version 2 is the Dedede drum dash version

>Not the Rainbow Curse’s version


I know that all of them are the best, I meant if you had to choose one you fucking retard.

Weird choice as the Rainbow Curse remix is way better than the Drum Dash version and the original

I want Yin Yarn to be part of the main series, he’s wasted only locked in Epic Yarn, same for Prince Fluff


I don't care for the Yarn games they can rot for all I care.

This is now a Marx thread.

Attached: 83A87A0F-93C6-470E-8860-FF6FB050459E.jpg (1024x576, 33K)

No fuck off shit gremlin.

>this is now a reddit thread
fixed that for you user

no, you fuck off, Marx is based

Attached: 109.png (238x240, 92K)

>"anything I don't like is reddit!"

>Game series is so boring that fans have to roleplay every thread since the game has nothing to talk about

But user, Marx is literally shit there are better characters than a fucking disabled grape asshole.

>user seething for being called out
Just go back to your reddit shithole.

I’m a multiplat faggot I’m enjoying all of them


Only the best Kirby villian beyond this point

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This is why I said I want them in the main series.
They are wasted in the shitty yarn games

square kirby lol
square kirby

Attached: taranza math.jpg (500x352, 34K)

At least it's a bit better than a bandana dee thread, which is not by much.

>"I came into a thread full of things I don't like and now I'm angry! How could've this have happened to me?"
the only one seething around here is you, user.

What do you think he does now since Sectionia is dead and Kirby basically fucked off back to Popstar?


>Yin-Yarn and Meta Knight vs. Max Haltmann and Susie
I'll buy it.

Attached: 212.png (500x459, 23K)

Why would Yin-Yarn work with Meta Knight?

Thanks for all the (You)s user!

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You're literally asking for a safe space?

Fuck off Bandanna Waddle Dee, go back to jerking it Dedede's used underwear.

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Yeah, I'm thinking us Marxists won again

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Wait, what if it was just an April fool's joke?

Still mopes around about his waifu while getting bullied by DMK.

It is

user, a good chunk of Kirbyfags are actually unironically redditors who crosspost on Yea Forums. I know because I used to be part of a big Kirby discord like two years ago, and shock of all horrors, it was also directly linked to a subreddit (r/Kirby). It's every bit as cancerous and hugboxy as you think it is, so of course they transfer that kind of attitude over to the Kirby threads.

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aren't you?

speak for yourself, falseflagger.

Attached: 160.png (389x365, 198K)

I just want a Mario and Luigi style Kirby RPG

If you called being forced to wear girls clothes then be savagely raped bullying then I guess so.

Attached: pixiv_02.png (598x324, 220K)

of all the kirby threads, an april fools joke is the straw that breaks the camel's back?

miss me with that gay shit

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Based frogposter

Attached: 1540439358194.gif (320x514, 1.92M)

Hurrr cube korbo tranny sad fuck niggers

>This is not a drill
That's a shame.

Attached: drill dozer.jpg (250x239, 14K)

Kirby is not gay you faggot.

Stab a fucking stake on your fucking head NOW.

no u

wakes up but is still too tired to do anything

Attached: KirbyExplain.jpg (680x679, 38K)

>glorifying baby games
Fucking lol

Attached: Chad.jpg (512x511, 24K)


captcha: fire hydrand/traffic light

What the actual fuck has happened to this thread?

Anyone want a Daroach spin-off with DMC-style gameplay?

Attached: Happy Daroach.jpg (600x600, 122K)

Crash Team Racing

Attached: 06f.jpg (185x177, 8K)

Imagine being over 20 years old and playing baby shit like Kirby.

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Defend this

Attached: 1521513976896.png (344x203, 101K)

Apparently shitposters felt today was the day to run wild in a Kirby thread even though they could've done this at any other time as well

Fuck if I know user? I'm just watching all the shitposting and screeching.

Attached: come.png (673x194, 196K)

I just want to fuck that rat


fat waddle dee with hamburger


Attached: surprised daroach.png (500x400, 128K)

I like how the guy is actually being reasonable so you had to give him literally toddler shit to try and make it seem ridiculous.

Indeed, this is clearly a square.

Attached: Void.webm (720x404, 2.68M)

Neither is fat

>I like how the guy is actually being reasonable so you had to give him literally toddler shit to try and make it seem ridiculous.

Attached: 1545380997581.jpg (708x800, 64K)

Attached: Three Mage Sisters.webm (720x404, 2.78M)

Baby's first bullet hell pattern?

show me a single platformer with a pattern like that.

You arent funny

Does Rabi-Ribi count?
It's more of a metroidvania, but still.

Remember when PlayStation had their own fun mascots that all had their own merits Nintendo's mascots didn't have? I legitimately miss the time where characters like Crash, Parappa, Rachet & Clank, Spyro, and Sly Cooper were the faces of PlayStation.

>the same Kirby threads that thinks RtDL is overrated, tired of Kumazaki formula, and thinks that Rainbow Curse is hot garbrage aside from the soundtrack
>outing yourself as a discordfag
>actually using discord at all

Attached: 1489874987870.jpg (1024x839, 99K)

Attached: 6.webm (320x180, 2.47M)

Only of the other mice are playable

Now this is a man of taste

Sonyfags: "Stop playing Toddlershit and play real games like God of War"

Also Sonyfags: Damn it Sony give us another Ratchet & Clank/Parappa the Rapper/Sly Cooper game already.

Attached: 1442007356108.jpg (750x750, 27K)

I think you meant this one

Attached: MetaKnightNES.png (894x894, 339K)

I liked anime meta knight the most, personally.

I also find it ironic that they call everything nintendo related childish but openly talk about spyro and crash like they weren’t made for kids either

I would love a Mass Attack 2 on the point of view of King Dedede and The Waddle Dee Army

Attached: 925ac44022c60053669a7d7997d456e9.png (354x368, 175K)


based, but the official artwork is better.

Attached: KA_MetaKnight.png (180x222, 37K)

B.W. Dee can summon loads of Waddle Dee, the whole game is a escort mission to get King Dedede to the end of the level while keeping his stats up.

No one in this thread mentioned Sony products or games. Is this really just your default response to any sort of banter towards Nintendo games?

Do not remind me.

Never knew how much I wanted a game about commanding henchmen around as dedede

Attached: 1521419649371.png (1036x1325, 45K)

Attached: 1531706189455.png (626x384, 186K)

what about a RTS game then?

indie kirby

It could also give us background on how King Dedede became a King, while showing us why Waddle Dees even respect him.

>b-but dude, consolewars lmao
fuck off, all of you.

Both of you die in a firey void where no one but the ether can hear your curdling cries for forgiveness beyond your former lack of life.

>He's too stupid to understand Kirby lore

Attached: 1538027200784.png (3216x3109, 3.14M)

Much better

You're the only one who brought up another company, dumb falseflagging consolewar faggot. Stop trying to play coy and fuck off to your wojak thread.

Mate I do my taxes
I take care of my wife and my wifes child
let me enjoy playing with my cute pink balls.

>not Dedede himself telling others what to do
>resort to using the "other guy"

this image should be updated.

gotta spam the thread so people think I'm multiple people


That could work also, but I do have to wonder. Why Tripple De the King and why do the Waddle Dees follow him?

I don't think zoomers could really understand why Kirby is popular desu. Super Star was one of the most chill games during the Snes era and when online emulation started people would always play it together online.

Kirby is that series you can drop out of for like 5 years or so and come back to it and have a chill time. The games don't usually do anything to special but thats why Nintendo has stuff like Mario/Zelda/Pokémon to do the main work in selling systems.

I enjoy all the salt the franchise gets. Its always a good laugh to know some 'Serious GAMER' is getting upset because some people like playing 'baby games' about a pink puff ball.

Attached: 1552720890709.jpg (912x408, 67K)

what if I only hate the new games for forcing gimmicks on you

>steve is confirmed on april fools
oh no no no..

Mostly reasonable opinion but the old ones had gimmicks too and I question why you like those.

You didn't have to use partners, bubbles, or the cell phone to beat levels in those games

>Return to Dreamland
50/50. They don't usually last too long.
>Triple Deluxe
That gimmick was pretty fucking boring and pace breaking. Main reason why people don't replay it.
Less Gimmick. Was more fleshed out and pretty damn fun.
>Star Allies
Alot like Triple Deluxe. At least you don't need them for Bosses.

Honestly I'd like to see people who say Kirby's easy shit try Soul Melter EX with no allies helping or any abilities. Even the easy as shit bosses get upgraded to be fucking monsters to fight.

Not him but the only time I found myself getting annoyed by the gimmicks was the hypernova bullshit in TD because of the slow and brainless puzzles, the segments dragged on for way too long. I'm pretty sure you were forced to use the gimmick to progress in robobot too but in that game you were using a cool ass mech and the puzzles were decent and quick

Pff. Soul Melter EX is for babies.

Real men play Dream Course without dying.

Not him but the older mainline games' gimmicks didn't break the pacing of the game and weren't "Press X to win." The animal friends only enhanced the game by giving you new ways to play through stages and rewarded you for doing so, same with (true) copy ability combinations. Milky Way Wishes let you use whichever ability whenever which was neat.

Robobot's was okay, but RTDL and Triple Deluxe's were horrible. Everything came to a standstill while you did the super cinematic or on rails move and it just wasn't fun. I can replay Robobot all day, but I won't touch Triple Deluxe unless I'm replaying as Dedede, which skips the gimmicky parts.

dude, most normies have trouble with Meta Knight in Squeak Squad. Normies had trouble with Dark Daroach.

>tfw I beat Nightmare King Grimm in Hollow Knight but can't beat Soul Melter EX

Attached: 1237.png (309x323, 181K)

If the next game doesn't finally reintroduce animal rides I'm gonna make a big stinky in my pants and cry about it.

Most share the same sentiment you have. The only one that managed to do it right was Robobot which seamlessly integrated into the gameplay along with Kirby's copy abilities. The rest of the other gimmicks are just total garbage that ruins the pacing the game with Triple Deluxe being the worse case since the level design was actually a lot better than RtDL and the main mode for Star Allies, but was severely brought down because of the fucking Hypernova.

Attached: 1462639215132.png (631x589, 531K)

super meat boy

>"Kirby is Easy"
>Proceeds to use abillities/characters who have the most I-Frames

Attached: 1550627087754.png (800x800, 784K)

>Dark Daroach.
That's fine, at least it's not Dark Nebula.

Use a character with a braindead air dodge like Daroach or Magolor. If you use Adeleine then you can heal yourself whenever but you'll insta die if you get caught in any super attacks (notably when you're fighting the three mages all at once)

Attached: bandee.png (500x500, 112K)

I bet I can push, pull, and climb him.

>Getting hit by the three mages attack is a OHKO

At least with Star Dream Soul OS it was at the end of the Arena and was really easy to dodge but fuck me, if your timing is wrong or using a character who is slow in the air thats a good twenty minutes of Arena all for nothing.

Attached: 1553042646890.jpg (500x356, 45K)

hell yeah I wanna nut in that clown boi

Yea, now that's a drill.

Attached: super_smash_bros__3ds_picture_57___drill_arm_kirby_by_quincyjazimar13_dbj3bhp-350t.jpg (584x350, 29K)

>Thinking edgy meme block boi ever stood a chance
Did you forget virginben crying?

To be fair, HK is a lot more fluid because it's designed with hard bosses in mind. Kirby isn't balanced with kaizo lasers everywhere.

its time for some movies snoyboy.

haven't kept up, what happened?

>Implying that Pure Vessel doesn't have kaizo lasers everywhere

>Or this guy

Attached: 1552700612901.gif (600x600, 645K)

That shit is always scary but that battle can also be a run saver if you have fire so that you can melt Francisca's ice which will turn into food. Morpho Knight is the one who always gives me the most trouble with how damn aggressive he is, even with friends he'll always blast right through them and go straight for you

Attached: 1521081168242.png (680x495, 151K)

Virginben shat the bed, that's what happened, nobody believes a word he says anymore, what does this mean for tranny discord fags favourite block boi? it means that he's out.

NOOOO!! Registeel, I'm coming!

Attached: 1553214231788.gif (750x563, 961K)

user i was implying the exact opposite of what you posted
radiance has kaizo lazers too btw

Did you not know that America gets fucked for pricing on everything?

>All those people who expected easy shit out of the new bosses when the update first came out

Attached: 10293.gif (238x178, 634K)

what's updog?

Nothing much what's up with you?

>Dededetour axes the Hypernova while letting you play through the whole game with the best character and best ability

Attached: zYoh31w0kjiw.jpg (1220x686, 178K)

To be fair, Void Termna/Void have alot of Kaizo Lazers too.

Fitting since Void Termina's mask looks like something you'd see in Hollow Knight.

Attached: 7816431c9fe64e0824ffb0742ec3553c.jpg (820x787, 95K)

Dedede tour was the best part of Tripple Deluxe, I kinda wished they added the ability to summon Waddle Dees.

what about no guarding/dodging as well?
>inb4 b-but what is kirby lore whatever
Yeah I know, it is shit, but at least you gotta admit this guys autism is somewhat entertaining.

>Fight me, Dark Super Sonic. Been waiting for a good fight.

Attached: SSBerserk Goku.jpg (1024x576, 90K)


Attached: steve kirby.png (1024x1024, 560K)


Attached: 1552290046605.jpg (500x775, 319K)

Disgusting, never post that again.

Attached: vomit.png (258x185, 63K)

>Dededetour takes out Hypernova
>introduces hidden warp portals throughout the entire mode
I forgot how fun that mode actually is.

Attached: 1466665686109.png (271x311, 24K)

Wrong thread, dingus


>letting a fucking muppet live rent fucking free

Mii Costume at best, spirit at worst.

It's no use

Attached: kirb-goku.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

What the fuck are you people smoking.

RtDL has straight up superior level design to Triple Deluxe. Stop making shit up, it doesn't make you look cool.

I don't believe it does, why do you think it has better level design compared to Triple Deluxe aside from the gimmick section?

Those pizza chips are so fucking nasty they taste like lunchable pizza essence

>Medievil remake is announced
>Snoyboys don't fucking bother talking about it
>SNOY doesn't even talk about it
Snoy is really wanting it to fail so they can have an excuse to make more movie shit. Sir Daniel didn't deserve this.

Attached: 1553555199688.jpg (590x350, 35K)

if there's an opposite to god's nectar, it's lunchables pizza blood

Is void still reincarnating as a gorb in the normal canon?

Oh no no no NO NOOOO

So, here's what we currently know about Meta Knight

Attached: metaknightinfodump.png (3377x5000, 3.5M)

In due time my sin...

characters knowing each other and saying x is the otherside to y coin isn't lore.

Fuck you Ratchet and Clank is fucking lit

>Medievil remake
Nobody told me...

I just had war flashbacks to 6th grade lunch. Thank God for Red Baron Pizzas and TGI Fridays.

Attached: 1546467085662.jpg (618x345, 26K)

All in all, which was better?

Attached: Comparison 2.0.png (1103x997, 1.02M)


oh look, another mediocre PM costume

Good designs in classic
>Dyna Blade
>Dark Mind
>Meta Knight
>Bio Spark
>Sir Kibble
Good designs in modern
>Galacta Knight
>Void Termina
>Prince Fluff
That should tell you.

>resorts on r_dankmemes resposes
go back

>get excited
>remember that it's april fools time

no u

>still parroting
go back

Brawl Metaknight by a mile. Put him in his jank glory in the other Smash games and he'd still be SS tier.
Transcendant priority swords are a mistake
Option Select Tornado is another

no u

>parroting again
go back

no u

Attached: 15540396817341.jpg (125x125, 2K)

They all look good to me

The classics has Adeleine, Dark Matter, Zero, Nightmare, Marx, Galactic Nova, Gooey, Queen Ripple, Ribbon, Bugzy, Knuckle Joe, Captain Vul, Dyna Blade, Kracko, Whispy Woods, Meta Knight, and above all else King Dedede. Of course I'm going with the classics.

Attached: 1436252453105.png (414x397, 207K)

I better actually fucking see Kuby in a future game update if you're gonna put this much effort HAL

Shimo Kirby is soul overload

Attached: ado drawing.png (321x157, 12K)

this made me notice how consistent the art style has been the whole series

>this meme again
The nice thing about Kirby is that everything has the potential to mingle. There shouldn't be arguments as to whether one is better than the other when they can all coexist. Which is why Smash is cancer.

Attached: 326871058548953541.jpg (473x312, 32K)

That's not exactly a fair comparison.
Classic includes mainline titles by Sakurai, Shimomura, and Flagship. Modern is just Kumazaki and a few spin-off games.
I think it should be split into four groups.

Attached: 1537347282899.png (500x500, 65K)

Our candy store announced this thing last april's fools

Attached: center surströmming choklad.png (945x473, 89K)

>king dedede will never look this good again

So literally another boxboy

>Eldrich Core

>Dark Matter
>Dark Mind
>Everything Haltmann/Star Dream related.
>Galactic Nova
>Magolor Soul

>Drawcia Soul

Attached: 1543558292300.png (1016x700, 1.64M)

The ones on the modern side look more fuckable so modern it is.

Alright, I'll do it later, then.

>no it's actually hard, you just have to gimp yourself completely

I feel like this wouldn't actually be too bad, it's the liquid that really stinks, right? If they were in sweet form you wouldn't really be able to smell them. Seems like an improvement.

Attached: c444a.png (500x460, 24K)

>"I used 4 three mage sisters and it was a breeze wtf is this easy shit?"
fuck off

Attached: 1553477395906.jpg (190x265, 5K)

>The spaghetti popsicle, made by Gari-Gari Kun, is made with vanilla Napolitana (we think they mean “Neapolitan”) ice cream, and flavored with tomato sauce shaved ice and tomato jello pieces
Fellas I think we're gonna need two more bombs

Attached: 1489551961038.jpg (900x900, 57K)

>it took him fucking hours to do a shitty edit on MS Paint


IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME YOU CAN post yours, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I'd love to see yours!

Attached: american kirby slaughtered his latest victim.png (550x400, 56K)

>rainbow curse remixes
That's cheating

you're gay

it's fermented fish, surströmming literally translates to "sourherring"

Rent free


Attached: DjpB_EZWwAYY5gL.png (540x355, 322K)


I love the one in Super Star.

Attached: 1540793666330.jpg (467x421, 44K)

best ship

Attached: 63009983_p11_master1200.jpg (450x406, 113K)

>paint bucket tool + arial font rushjob
cringe compilation

>green greens
I say fuck it. I'll post any OST I want and you can't stop me.

Attached: 3796.png (500x750, 398K)


>kirby getting used by a gold digger
>best ship

Wrong, this is the best ship.

Attached: metasu.png (480x384, 375K)

>Never ever dreamfriend of Zero possessed Ripple Queen and doing Dark Matter/Miracle Matter attacks
Why do such nice designs have to go so underused

Attached: autistic gorb.jpg (148x127, 3K)

real best ship coming through

Attached: __adeleine_flamberge_francisca_ribbon_and_zan_partizanne_kirby_star_allies_and_etc_drawn_by_chiimako (808x1184, 952K)

all shit. Ships are cancer and so are all of you

someday you'll find 2D love too

Oh we doing Kirby ships now?
Feast your eyes.

Attached: matadede.png (852x635, 285K)


ok anons, how do you feel about this ship?

Attached: D2L3hNjU8AAaBhe.jpg (1199x778, 178K)

>I'll post any OST I want and you can't stop me.
If that's the case

They hit the ballpark with Moonstruck Blossom.

Attached: 71521760_p19.png (805x700, 913K)

Might as well throw my hat into this shipping autism

Attached: Best ship.jpg (600x494, 51K)

I think NOVA might be way too big.

Semi-decent, possibly abusive on both sides.

the people who post like that don't actually play kirby games though

>on both sides
what pleasure would kirby get out of bullying marx?

Attached: 71201640_p48_master1200.jpg (1200x934, 494K)

Offical cursed image

>user swoops in with the most obvious conclusion possible
>Other anons get genuinely upset over lame joke being too obvious

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A E S T H E T I C ship

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lol dead link

Dedede belongs to Escargoon


> doesn't work
>go to
>get vacuums

Attached: gc0RxyZ.jpg (1902x933, 168K)

Damn straight.

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How did this fly under my radar? Even if Void Termina's theme is a little underwhelming compared to the past final bosses, I still like hearing arrangements like these.

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Attached: we back.png (591x875, 1.05M)


whats with all the anti kirby posters all of a sudden?

I've grown really fond of Void's themes when its all put together, not surprising the OST calls it a single Suite

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He's in.

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Not so much as bullying but I believe it would be like this. Kirby would be an emotionally clingy and draining person to be around and can rarely be serious for the life of him and would treat the relationship with very little care or stay with Marx because he believes 'he can change him'. Marx, never being in a relationship would probably be emotionally abusive without even knowing it and constantly belittle Kirby and 'bully' him and would still hold a grudge over being launched into a Clock Nova therefore he would probably use Kirby for random shit [Sex,Food,Shelter et.c] and take the relationship seriously.
It would be incredibly rocky. And everyone would not approve.

Attached: whatsadsap.png (664x477, 210K)

They haven't seen the light.

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I've hear people say its theme was underwhelming, but I've always loved it.

Attached: Epic victory royale.gif (232x197, 1.26M)

Its american daylight hours, I've found Kirby threads reach peak performance late at night when all the edgy kids have their curfew up and the few based euros join in.
They are a lot slower then but they pass by the shitposting radar and sometimes even last till the next morning.

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I got so damn confused when I checked the twitter, then I remembered timezones

Attached: 01E8DE2E-222F-4F9E-9465-26585D08DCFA.gif (275x225, 5K)

its just confusing because kirbys has always been one of the few franchises where hate for it isnt really a thing although looking at the ip count its more than likely just one sperg trying to bait

Attached: 654.gif (340x324, 207K)

that's a fair point.
kirby is not for lewd.

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Attached: Kirby Star Allies Anniversary.jpg (1280x1632, 729K)

if they ever do a Kirby's Dream Land 3 remake it must be in that art style.

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I loved how you could feel the sexual tension brimming off these two.

Attached: 649b500d1a22c209fbfd53ca806bccd5--king-friends.jpg (236x236, 13K)

Comic Meta, I love that goob

Everyone was looking to be disappointing with SA at every turn so its not too surprising. Meanwhile I can say I liked previous one's better but I'm still to this day playing this shit on loop, Void Soul specially gets me rock hard, that guitar slaps
Also relevant time to share this

Attached: 1543418823457.gif (600x600, 240K)

Liking popular garbage doesn't make you interesting either

>kirby is not for lewd.
Of course not. That's what all the female characters are for

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Nah nigga, this is the best ship

Attached: Mask Ship.png (728x404, 271K)

Wish there was a little more variety in its theme beside the change in instruments. However the bird form is by far my favorite theme. I hope someone makes an arrangement that puts more emphasis on the organ and synths.

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Look at these orbs

Attached: Kirby Backpack Hangers Series 2.png (408x403, 237K)

Finally someone with good taste.

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what about a mashup then?

Attached: 3780.jpg (2299x3264, 3.29M)

>kirby is not for lewd
I call bullshit on that one sir. I if I can find a several images of Kirby,Meta Knight, Dedede, and literally anybody else in the cast in sexual situations then, yes, Kirby is for lewd. Checkmate Ben Shapiro.

Attached: smug.png (222x156, 47K)

>shitty art from a dead artist

Everytime I listen to this I always hear the screech in my head at the start

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>giving it attention

Attached: 73406960_p0.jpg (2500x5000, 2.46M)

why not simply hear it then? See

>giving attention to the attention whore

Attached: 2100.jpg (220x229, 11K)

Best boy

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Same. I really should rewatch the show sometime. I need my dose of penguin x snail homolust.

Attached: 1545545653993.jpg (1736x1207, 144K)

He ain't dead he posted some new art like just today at 11:00
"Don't" what user?

Attached: ワドルディ殺人事件.png (704x527, 613K)


I wanna impregnate Susie!

yup, filefaggot is back.

The instrumentation is also pretty baller.

Attached: 68333493_p0.png (974x727, 403K)

you should really break that between directors and not “classic” and “modern”
I care for Shimomura’s designs more than Kumazaki’s but I prefer Kumazaki’s over Flagship, and Sakurai just floats in deep space

Speaking of music, Song of Supplication is so fucking underrated, specially Zan Forgotizanne's version

Attached: stabby sticks.jpg (1200x698, 86K)

do you have the full version of that?

I really like mashup like these, but there are moments where I think the organ should have gotten more priority in the lead while the strings take the backseat.

Attached: 67813758_p7.png (850x600, 478K)

yeah I know

My brother from another mother I actually forgot this was a thing shit

Attached: fear of a certain insect.png (600x2315, 1.23M)

The fact that he's a mentally ill asshole who uses a muppet as his avatar gives credence to the idea that he would post here.

Just a reminder for everyone.

Attached: you are kirby's hero!.png (1392x783, 958K)

It's always no the same without certain sound effects, the same could be said for Sullied Grace with Secontia's laugh and Crazy Rolling in Money with Haltmann's demented screams.

Attached: 69931422_p6.png (1814x1265, 473K)
Is my favorite just for that mix up

Attached: 1521769757075.gif (256x192, 723K)

literally one guy with a VPN, it's super obvious

>all four of these goofballs survived
>get a second chance at life after all the stupid stuff Hyness did
>still haven't really given up on the whole "doomsday cult" thing

Attached: D1wcNirUkAMlUop.jpg large.jpg (1024x880, 163K)

*not the same

That's pretty misleading too, while ultimately Kumazaki has the final say, HAL has a ton of designers (some still on board from the first game, as per that recent tweet where they sketched together) who contribute different characters, we'd have some crazy shit if Kumazaki was the only designer, his concepts always stand out. There's a crazy good mecha designer who did Star Dream, then the far more cartoony person behind that Magolor concept that was basically proto Haltmann, etc.

Attached: birth_img.png (1003x477, 485K)

What do you think their next cult will be about?

but i thought shitch had no games?! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING, Yea ForumsROS!


A few months ago I suddenly fell in love with the 1st phase theme, I think it's because I finally listened to it with headphones, that string part is almost captivating

Attached: Happy basuuudeeei.png (700x500, 154K)

What is with all the shitposters that Kirby threads attract? I don't get it, it's happening with Sekiro, too. It's like any time Yea Forums has fun someone has to put a stop to it

Attached: Sweating Formicophile.png (512x289, 304K)

I wonder if that's it for Dark Matter and Zero wank after they completely blew their load with Void

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So when will this become canon?

Attached: tranny knight.png (1200x800, 925K)

Probably Kirby assuming they ever figure it out.

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Kumazaki's art is something else

Fuck off.

Kirby is the most supportive person in my life right now.

Attached: 1546502562928.jpg (962x1081, 229K)

Fucking Bandana Dee and his apples.

I think it's becoming an addiction

>the only modern main antagonist to not only live, but also managed to squeeze out a happy ending for himself and his subordinates
fucking based

Attached: 73722514_p33.png (1280x1024, 942K)

>Hyness, no.

and of course Star Dream's teleport followed by a MRREEOOWWW, and subsequent laser charge (Thanks to True Arena PTSD)

I felt similarly, its a beautiful piece, like some classical movement, its just drowned out by all the action in-game

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>waifufag wanting to fuck rayman shit

Do you think Meta Knight cries every time the Halberd wrecks? I wanna see his pudgy blue face slick with tears, and I want to taste them and call him a little faggot.

Susie, get off Yea Forums you're drunk.

No. :^)

Attached: trannyknight 2.png (1200x800, 934K)

literally a bokube ripoff

Attached: bokunogame.png (392x557, 343K)

It's because before Void corrupted his mind, Hyness was a kind person. He rescued the mage sisters and acted as a foster father to them.

never ever tranny.

As I said, Fuck off.

>his concepts always stand out
honestly, he has a surprisingly distinct sketch style. Shoutout to Riki Fuhrmann as well, she just but her style is extra noticable

Attached: Sakurai and Kumazaki.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

Alright but real talk: How did Zan know Kirby's name?
She calls him out right before the HiAD fight but for all we know it could be some jamba expression
>But before that... you stubby little pink ball... OH!
That "...OH!" seems like she just came up with what to call him, did she figure it out? Or is Kirby's name literally "pink ball"/"nuissance"/whatever in jamba?

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why are they wasting this message on a character with no genitalia

>sing a song about apple juice
>he appears in merchandise with an apple
>"wow wtf is this addiction"
ignore everything else, will ya? i don't think i recall anything apple related with him in star allies

Attached: pizza pasta put it in a box.jpg (579x297, 18K)

I love her art, it's all super cute

So artist implying they have a dick in their pants?
He only eats apples to get buff. He wants to get /fit/

>she just joined the crew*
how the shit did my message get eaten

>brought three dead girls back to life and gave them magic powers just because
>started a religion around the guy who almost destroyed his civilization and expected nothing bad to happen
>tried to end the universe to spite a group of people who were already dead
>left an "if i go crazy, do this" message for Zan, but never got around to telling her
This man does not make good decisions

Attached: 1521701652574.jpg (1097x1200, 153K)

could there be an opinion more reddit than this?

fun fact: in the Japanese version she downright says his full name, KIRBY OF THE STARS

Attached: Hyness inhale.jpg (932x630, 78K)

an extra sword is always useful

I still don't think Star Allies is great, but after buying it on sale I think it's at least worth playing.
The main story is the weakest part, though, which feels pretty disappointing; the treasures (puzzle pieces) do nothing gameplay-wise, and I feel like having allies at all (let alone THREE) makes the game feel really cluttered, which is annoying when so many puzzles force you to get three allies for no reason beyond "this puzzle piece only works with four people" for you to just delete them as soon as you're done. There also wasn't a single puzzle in the main game that was even remotely challenging in any way.
Heroes in Another Dimension had some great puzzles though, and it was all-around enjoyable except for the fact that every single level looks exactly the same and they didn't even bother to make more than one tileset for it.
The real meat of the game is in the boss rush and guest star modes, mainly because it lets you play as just the dream allies (aside from guest star still having those forced ally puzzles). I really hope that having multiple playable characters remains a thing in the series, or at least comes back again soon, because it's easily the highlight of the game and without it the game would be pretty lame.
Also, while I hate how many repeat bosses the game has (the only original bosses are Grand Mam, who's a pretty simple gimmick boss, the mages, who get reused when you fight them all together, Hyness, Morpho Knight, and Void Termina), the bosses in general feel a lot harder with better-designed and more complex attacks/movement. I especially like things like Meta Knight and Morpho Knight clashing swords with you and that you can break the mages' weapons, and the fact that bosses seem to be more likely to attack the corners of the screen (because in pretty much every other Kirby game the corners are the guaranteed safe spot). It feels like a proper challenge which meshes perfectly with having a large array of unique characters to play as.

What the fuck is this figure from? Goddamn I've always wanted BD merch and now I can't even keep up with all of it

And buff he shall be

Attached: I'm Banwad and cute that I'm training my body dreaming of the day to shoulder the SSBB wit (1199x882, 227K)

So does Zan actually have a crush on Hyness? She is always depicted the one out the three supporting Hyness the most.

There's a minifig of Bandy sitting on top of a giant apple pie slice

Oh fuck that's some good shit, they really need to start throwing that shit out in the translations, specially with how much of Void alludes to stars, conquering them, birthing them, etc

I mean, this is a franchise where our main character goes on a spree over cake. World full of dumbos.

She probably knew of him the same way magolor said others told him or vice versa or whatever

I wouldn't say "just joined", since TDX was five years ago now, but yeah

Attached: Crazy_Mischief_in_the_Stars.png (1528x1080, 1.41M)

>American Waddle Dee

thank fuck, almost thought she was referring to kirby of the vacuum

yes, straight up, I think it was even more explicit in Japanese. Also Fran and Berge are lesbos

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Vagrant Counting Song of Retrospection is the highlight of Star Dream's battle theme. It kinda sucks that not many has attempted to remix it due to Mind in a Program getting more attention, which is a god tier final boss theme not to say anything against it.

Attached: 68348620_p0.jpg (2000x1220, 684K)

she's a daddy's girl

>matpat didn't made the second part of that one Kirby Theory, even after two weeks
yup, everything is fine.

>that good feel when Hyness survived both the main game chopping block and the HiAD one
>Mage Sisters didn't get fucked into a dindu ending even after so much pointed towards that
>Even their god is going to be all right
Truly the happiest ending

Attached: Three mages.jpg (1262x1020, 165K)

aw, kinda wanted it for the meme value

Oh yeah, but that was a bit more subtle, every other character also got paired up with a dessert, there ain't nothing wrong with liking apples.

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There is going to be a fake Smash reveal tomorrow isn't it?

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These characters are really growing on me. And I didn't like them when they were first revealed.

>Also Fran and Berge are lesbos
I mean obviously, it's Fire and Ice.
Also why does every girl on tumblr ship Fran/Susie even though that makes no sense in anyway, yet call you scum if you like Meta/Susie.
I always had this idea that sometime into the future where Kirby is about MK age, and King Dedede is a really old but wise King and MK is just travelling the Galaxy, Void reincarnates as a small puffball and Zan takes care of it.

Attached: metasu.png (554x554, 657K)

>Dark Matter
Dark Matter's always gonna be relevant, it's the most prevalent evil force in the Kirby universe next to "ancient shit made by the halcandrans".
I mean, Zero hasn't REALLY been wanked that hard, he's referred to with attacks/general design motif but it's not like they're directly referencing him.
I'm glad we finally got an origin story of sorts for him though, as someone who likes Zero I'm satisfied with leaving it at that.

It's an april fool's joke user. It's both of HAL's mascots swapping body shapes. Kirby's a cube and Qbby's a circle.

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>Hating Nintendo's biggest chads

You're a faggot

Attached: 070.png (633x874, 56K)

Probably just because Fran's the most popular mage so they just pluck her out without giving a shit about her personality or anything.

Eh possibly, we at least know that her sisters are scissoring so maybe Zan is fucked up too

Attached: Partichan.jpg (1000x1000, 126K)

I know how you feel, I think there was another one where he's playing a big drum and other one that's been announced but we haven't seen yet, he's become quite popular.

Attached: Food figurines.png (458x642, 574K)

>Also why does every girl on tumblr ship Fran/Susie even though that makes no sense in anyway, yet call you scum if you like Meta/Susie
tumblr being shit taste as always

From Boxboy.

Because Fran was the first one announced and people shipped her with Susie right away because "LESBIANS QUEEN SLAAAY"

based chad sony

Attached: 1525300922754.png (1024x1024, 601K)

How do we fix this series?

>HAL gives them probably the most obvious yuri ship in Nintendo history
>tumblr prefers crackshit anyway
Why ask for dessert if you aren't gonna fucking eat it??

I have faith on HAL to actually innovate next game, SA was a big celebration title and I totally expect them to do something new and different next time.

Breath of the Wild engine

no partners
no gimmicks
unique-er levels

tis it

Here's the drum one I was talking about

Attached: Pupupu Festival.jpg (995x1200, 383K)


>Mage Sister's reign over the twitter ends in a month
After over a year of their antics the Kirby twitter is going to feel weird without those posts

Attached: Zan's phone.jpg (613x1723, 331K)

Getting it on sale, or at least used, is by far the best option to get this game. The game has the best post content compared to past games, but the reception took a wallop when taking account to the pisspoor main mode, the mini games, and the super ability once again hindering your progress. Still, like you've said, the dream friends really are the highlight of this game.


3d dmc-esque beat em up/platformer with limited jumps like kirby 64

>Sectonia and Haltmann fucking die
>The cultists survive

gonna miss em
what's next though?

You guys think Kumazaki will keep directing the future games?

I don't get why people hate Meta Knight and Susie either. It's like a more extreme version of Sonic and Amy, only with robotization added in to the mix.

Attached: 72651605_p3.jpg (502x459, 65K)

>that time Franny went on vacation, leaving Berge to try and run things by herself
>that time Zan came up with insulting nicknames for everyone
>that time Zan wished upon a star that Hyness would remember her name but it was Shadow Kirby

Attached: DtnauY-V4AAkPpi.png large.png (757x557, 122K)

The sad part is, the only basic reason a tumblr has given me is because Susie had an ice cream factory in her game, therefore she must like cold things and you know who else is cold? Fransisca aka FranSus for the win!
I just don't get man what's the point? And the funny thing is if you do ship MetaSusie they call you an abuse/rape fetishist even though they ship ship DMK/MK, literally everyone in the Kirby franchise has done some heinous shit so i don't see how I'm different, I mean at-least they canonically fucking talked to each other FUCK!
I can't even find that much art of the two.
Thanks for listening to my heineken induced rant.

Attached: hownicehownice.png (634x431, 553K)

They worship the one true god instead of trying to usurp it, go figure they get his forgiveness

>t.Sonic fan

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she already draws all the art in-universe, how much more power does she need?

I like her twitter art

Attached: White Day art.jpg (1020x689, 206K)

>she drew herself getting cucked on white day

>I just don't get man what's the point?
Lesbians, Tumblr is obssesed with those and since Flamberge was announced later on, people found it hard to move on from their Susie x Fran fantasies.
Hell, I remember that when SA got announced some Tumblr artist drew Hooded Hyness and Fran together and said something like "they're lesbians", they just really like their gay shit, man, even if they make it all up themselves.

Not very tasteful drawing Taranza doing that

This man loves Kirby probably more than any other living person. Even if he doesn't direct every game, he'll probably always be involved in some capacity.

even better
>Haltmann died
>Susie lived

Attached: Happy042704.jpg (595x822, 174K)

>after wave 3, when Flamberge and Francisca went full lesbeans on eachother
>the mages struggling against Susie for control over the twitter
>Zan Partizanne coming to like the 64 girls over time
>10 million likes

Attached: hynesss.jpg (792x1200, 970K)

>put more thought into level design
>add in enemy a.i. scaling as you progress through the game
>give more health boost to the common enemies so they won't die in one hit
>introduce statuses that can affect Kirby with positive/negative effects.
>make his dash speed a lot more faster
>create more dynamic stages like the 3DS titles have done
>bring back his slide attack that goes through enemies and also keeping his little knockback when hitting someone heavier than him
>food items have less chance of spawning
>nerf the damage Kirby can take
>have Adeleine take a major role in the game

Attached: 65342950_p11.png (1856x1377, 1.11M)

I hope so, the guy has a great respectful for the series legacy as a whole

Attached: 1530591580092.jpg (600x500, 62K)

>some Tumblr artist drew Hooded Hyness and Fran together and said something like "they're lesbians"
Oh fuck my sides.
I like to think of a situation of Adeleine running a small art class with everyone and slowly trying contain her rage as everyone draws either the most weirdest and stupid shit or have infuriating art style

Attached: 1554031001645.png (960x960, 647K)

What a bunch of humorless assholes.

and yet, nowadays they absolutely despise Hyness to the point they were removing him from the celebration pictures.

Looks like his Smash copy ability of Steve was leaked

Attached: Steve HD.jpg (1024x1024, 137K)

I'm gonna say his time with Kirby is over and he drew that pic of Kirby saying good bye as a way of saying good bye himself.

>not even Paintra can consistently draw well

Attached: DKN07maUEAAbRTH.png large.png (700x440, 299K)

If Kirby ever makes the jump to 3D this is the way to go. Always figured the best way to translate Kirby to 3D is to make babby's first DMC.

reddit are the ones perpetuating the no bad kirby games shit

>post new fanart every week for everyone to enjoy
>suddenly post a piece that is a bit unsettling
>ends up creating Drawcia 2.0

Attached: 70260568_p0.jpg (1132x800, 1.17M)

I love the guy and what he adds to the Kirby franchise, but that final puzzle art he drew really gives me the feeling that's his goodbye to the series.

I think that's more a "saying goodbye to the game after 8 months of updates".
His concept sketches for that picture were totally different.

Attached: A_Farewell_to_Kirby_sketch.jpg (1024x1047, 143K)


Attached: DkdyEblUYAAJYxT.jpg (336x362, 27K)

So is Claycia the mirror world version of Drawcia, the parallel dimension version of Drawcia, or they just didn't give a shit and copied Drawcia because Rainbow Curse is a shit game?

if you're so good at drawing things then draw new parents fuckin orphan

He's Kirby Series General Director now so definitely, I just realized he even got that credit on Battle Royale (after the real director) while before he only got special thanks on Rainbow Curse.
Basically at the same spot Sakurai was right before he left, but at least he doesn't seem to be needing an IV drip yet

Attached: 1543559396384.png (362x750, 155K)

She's just from a different dimension
Not Another dimension tho, another another dimension

I don't think there's a reddit-tier take on this series. It's a pretty innocuous franchise.

But she already has a father.

Attached: DjE56AwU4AA7taV.jpg large.jpg (2048x2048, 459K)

According to Star Allies' concept arts, Paintra, Vividria, and Drawcia are all related, and Claycia's just a buddy

Attached: Dark Drawcia.png (700x700, 692K)

why is she eating a snowball or is that suppose to be a jelly filled donut

Drawcia is already a copy of Dark Matter Swordsman so why not add another level to it

Attached: paint witch.jpg (480x640, 418K)

I've always liked this idea that Ado lives at the castle, yet refuses to take on a princess title

She molds Clay, its totally different
No but actually I liked Rainbow Curse i think the whole idea of Claycia and Elline combining their powers to create worlds is cool, I just wish they'd actually explained their connection to Drawcia, the Magic Paintbrush and the artist. Adding Paintra to pair with Drawcia worked because they were a pair separated, but also now we have Vividra and Claycia and it does get a bit cheap.

When is Drawcia going to come back bros

Attached: 657536.jpg (326x203, 39K)

Img limit is coming up

People love to say that but I personally still don't see it

I'm fine with the lore of Rainbow Curse for the most part, aside from Dark Crafter who doesn't really fit with Dark Matter's theme of being hurt by positive emotions and just in general being an ugly rainbow blob, but my biggest gripe is that it just feels like a downgrade to Canvas Curse. No abilities beyond occasional level gimmicks, and 90% of "puzzles" are just "bump into every wall in the game until you find a fake one".

We're less than 10 away from bump dude

Attached: Dyna Blade.jpg (900x839, 424K)

shes just hanging out in an art museum

Of course it's a jelly filled donut, why wouldn't it be?

Attached: 429845.jpg (954x720, 102K)

Claycia's probably her sister, similarly to how Vividria and Paintra are also Drawcia's sisters.
If Mirror-World Drawcia is indeed a thing, then she'd probably be called "Dark Drawcia" or "Shadow Drawcia" or something similar.
Now a true question would be.: How the fuck does Paintra knows who Landia is?

Attached: landia.png (1366x768, 1.59M)

img limit is 250 genius

Attached: 1521765852828.jpg (1024x787, 160K)

Limbless floating thing + hair and a cape.
That's it.

so let me get this straight
dark matter is the invader from kirbys dreamland 2, 3, and the pilot from right back at ya
the dark clouds is the race itself, and the normal members of it dont have the little ball things on them
zero is the leader is the leader of the black clouds
zero two is zero but resurrected
dark mind is mirror zero
void termina is the origin of the black clouds
gooey is a rebel member of the black

Attached: 1520904886507.png (508x361, 279K)

Its actually surprising considering she's Kumazaki's first final boss, at the very least her influence is always felt

I just realized we haven't even seen her portrait hanging around

Attached: Drawciakumazaki.jpg (1016x700, 443K)