Nuff said.
Nuff said
What if you have the money to buy all consoles and a PC
>you only need to buy a pc once
and harware parts every two years or less
>implying once Tim won't put a forced subscription once he has made Steam close
op you dont get it
the only reason pcbros are mad is because they slowly realize now that steam is not the exclusive store on PC.
Imagine if there was a competitor for PSN. like you could install a firmware of a competitor or something on PS4. snoybros would be mad as fuck
>they slowly realize now that steam is not the exclusive store on PC.
Yeah because Origin, GOG and UPlay aren't a thing
Then explain to me why there is a console war happening on PC right now?
then why are pcbros so mad?
You say it won't happen but here people are, storefrontwarring, every fucking day with more vitriol than any lighthearted console war ever had.
So basically console wars are happening, because people are too poor to play games they want.
t. Dont know shit about pcs
>Yeah because Origin, GOG and UPlay aren't a thing
They were never a competition
because no one wants to install chinese spyware just to play some games
>implying Epic won't give up and shut down like they have done to many other things in the past
>actually fucking shilling for the new GFWL
i dont believe this one bit. this is just pcbros not being true to themselves
Epic has less features than Steam and is only trying to be competitive by buying out exclusivity. Also EGS is also Chinese spyware.
This is what the argument boils down to. It's not really comparable to consoles.
Because the Epic Game Store is a piece of shit platform, has now brought the console-tier bullshit of paid timed exclusivity (of games the storefront had zero hand in developing) to the PC space, takes choice away from consumers with this exclusivity shit, and because Epic doesn't do free key generation for publishers you need to pay the prices set on Epic's store or have to fuck off (I can regularly get new $60 games for $45 on legitimate retailers like GMG)
Everything about what Epic's done makes things worse for the people who actually play the games
Then you have even less of reason to instigate a corporate ware on PC.
>noo my gay achievments, profile bio and badges
Classic case of less is more. I'm sure they'll bloat it up real good in time though, but that certainly won't make it better.
based epic shill
>Epic in 2009: Fuck the PC, you're all pirates. Consoles are king
>Epic in 2019: Come to our great PC storefront! We love PC gamers!
Imagine actually trusting Epic
Still doens't change that you don't need top ic a side between Steam and Epic.>Imagine if there was a competitor for PSN. like you could install a firmware of a competitor or something on PS4. snoybros would be mad as fuck
I don't have a PS4, but I see zero reasons PS4 owner would be mad at this. Like, okay, even more games available. Do PS4 owners secretly wish they had no game ?
>>noo my gay achievments, profile bio and badges
So why did you choose the superfluous features to rag on and not mention things like cloud saves, controller support, piss easy modding support, and game-specific forums that are useful for troubleshooting issues?
Are you telling me you can't use a controller with your Epic games? Sounds doubtful, my friend.
They have made very clear they don't give a shit about PC gamers tho, even when asked why gamers should go to their store they just go BECAUSE THE DEVELOPERS GET A BETTER CUT!.
Just a few morons. Once Epic is et up in the habits, People will cease to complain.
I mean OPs image is bait. But this post is even more retarded. If you're upgrading your PC every couple years you're doing something wrong. As long as you know what you're doing 5-6 years should easily keep you covered.
no, we just have shitty launcher wars on PC
You can say it's only a few idiots, but the fact is they are fighting right now, even though you claimed it would never happen.
Never underestimate idiots.
Cliff B. said that in 2009. He hasn't been at Epic in years. Would you like getting something your racist cousin said stapled to your head so you get beaten up for it every day too?
If your controller doesn't work by default with Windows you're shit out of luck on Epic's platform. Steam's added in official support for PS3 and Switch controllers, among many others
do people actually believe there are "sides" when it comes to the steam/epic thing besides retards and trolls? what I see is that people refuse to use a client that is worse than the old and well established one and also pulls data off your computer in places it shouldn't be
steambros are just a bit slow on the uptake. they are still in the anger stage and don't realize new times have arrived. i still think the situation is on track to nomalize by the end of the year.
Or just use an 100kb program like we did before. Nice of steam to do it for you, but I'm not sure if it's enough to pick up this embarrassing gamer cause. Not for me, anyways.
Tim get out
>this embarrassing gamer cause
user you revealed your hand here, too blatant
literally no
My GPU is 3 years old and my monitor is 2 years old, but everything else in my computer is more than 6 years old
980ti wont run most of modern games at 4k/60fps even with setting lower than ultra, so he is not wrong
Steam should just rebrand as "free" (in the sense of we allow every crap, porn, Linux compatible and other neckbeard bullshit) indie platform.
Would be future proof branding, and fill the niche left by Epic.
Just like your consoles so what's your point
>turn shadows from ultra to high
>gain another 3 years with the gpu
Exclusive right of sales is not the same as needing hardware to run something. If you want a game from the EGS you need to buy it from EGS, or buy it from Humble where Epic sets the price.
If you want to buy a console game you can go to a plethora of retailers, both physical and digital, all participating in market competition.
>steam is not the exclusive store on PC.
It hasn't been, even when it first came out there were alternatives.
But this is what happens in reality. I change some parts of pc independently every year or two. The only exception is when new cpu will require new mobo and maybe new ram.
>fat jew man good
>chink man bad
>He wants his information sold to the Chinese government
>he gives his information to jews and NSA for free
You have no idea what you're talking about.
>this is hy
have had my PC for 6+ years, I only replaced a GTX 770 with a GTX 1070 and my old OS 1tb hard drive with a SSD 1tb drive. Stop being a faggot.
My friend has a gtx 670 and it still runs most games better than the consoles.
It is true, you don't have to buy new cards and motherboards so often. But you know what? In most cases people who say that are the ones who buy them each year.
Thats utterly retarded OP.
People buy consoles for the exclusives the first parties provide. Not because a multiplat game got bought out to be exlcusive.
>i just had to upgrade 1000$ worth of parts
ok buddy
>the only reason pcbros are mad is because they slowly realize now that steam is not the exclusive store on PC.
Xbox Live, Origin, Blizzard's launcher, and several more have been around for years, dumbass. The issue with Epic is it's as shady as Origin used to be and even less consumer-friendly.
Console exclusives are not the same as STORE exclusives. Please stop entertaining the retards.
That's nowhere near $1000 worth of parts.
>implying epic won’t introduce paid multiplayer once they realize why steam charges a higher fee
>Bought a 970 and an i7.
>Can run everything at high quality for i dont know how many years yet.
spot the 60hz subhuman
They already realized. The CEO has straight out said their rate isn't sustainable.
Unlike origin or uplay, Steam is default pc games store (if we dont count torrent trackers ofc). It will change soon.
>tencent store: $0
>steam: $0
>nvidia and intel's overpriced parts: thousands of dollars
Yeah yeah keep feeding the jew propaganda and buy a useless video card every year. Dumbass.
I keep seeing this but no source
You can build a solid gaming pc that'll last almost a decade for $700~$900 USD.
It’s not even the developers, just the publishers, that are likely to see an extra penny from this.
ok poorfag, enjoy your 60hz. maybe someday when you find a job and can afford a real pc you will see how much of a subhuman you really are
You're talking out your ass. I almost never have hardware failures and I was using a prebuilt for seven years before I built my own PC five years ago. The most expensive thing I've ever had to replace is a hard drive.
>It will change soon.
Microsoft gave up and are putting their games on Steam. You have to actually provide a good place for consumers or your storefront will die off eventually
back in the day, you could install linux on ps2 and ps3 and "snoybros" weren't mad about that.
60hz of what? mains?
And why is Steam default PC games store and not Origin or Uplay? What is stopping others to become the default? Remember now that Origin used to have better consumer support than Steam.
I mean you can easily buy all three of those consoles + a game for each, brand new, and end up around the same budget as a good mid tier pc. I'd argue you could skip out on an xbone entirely though since I don't think it has any exclusives left, unironically. I can't think of any that aren't on another system or pc at the very least. They fucked it up super bad.
also who c ares about console wars, seriously. buy whatever looks cool to you, or whatever your friends have.
i use a switch to play jrpgs and nintendie exclusives.
i use steam to play fighting games.
i use my ps4 for literally fucking nothing haha i use my ps3 more
the fucking LoL client has more players and users than whole Steam combined, not to mention Mincraft or fucking Fortnite
Steam isn't the default you fucking shill
If you want to be bleeding edge sure. It's atleast optional and won't eat up developer resources, unlike mid-life refresh consoles like the Pro and X.
>Remember now that Origin used to have better consumer support than Steam.
Gonna need a citation on that one boss. Origin has been shit since its inception.
>And why is Steam default PC games store
Hassle-free service with the widest selection of titles.
>pc has access to all exclusives
bruh look at this dude
>you only need to buy a pc one
oh no no no no no no no no
What PC Games are you buying from the LoL client? Or the Minecraft launcher?
>default pc games store
Lol no i choose to invest my money wisely and not follow the last retarded shit you read on the internet without even knowing what you are memeing.
>It will change soon.
Not in the foreseeable future as Epic is horrible platform relying solely on few exclusives to draw people in. Steam is and will be for the coming years the most consumer friendly platform, in addition to housing a larger game library not only in terms of storefront, but on a player basis as well.
I'm 100% sure you are lying. You changed your whole config at least 2 times in those 4 months while you were playing Witcher 3.
fucking retard, once you go 144+ you never go back, its not even a meme
>almost adequate grasp of the English language
>pushing Epic as the hip new thing for no reason
Winnie the Pooh
Citation? Ok. Origin has phone number you can call in and talk to a real person.
Steam still doesn't have that, and probably wont ever.
>Hassle-free service with the widest selection of titles.
Why would anyone choose Epic over this?
Yeah, but counter argument says that PC is much more expensive, building is a pain in the ass, and upgrades are also expensive, too. That, and if you lack any PC Gaming-centric devices, then good fucking luck playing unity games, bitch.
>game library already divided across 5 different launchers
>just install the sixth bro it's free
Nope. I don't even like Witcher. PC parts do actually last a long time if you aren't in a third world climate.
>building is a pain in the ass
I build my first PC at age of 10 in two hours, if you can't manage it you are a certified moron. Only PC builds that are pain in the ass are show PCs or PCs with liquid cooling, even that is easy nowadays as closed loops exist.
Origin has phone number you can call in and talk to a real person.
That's not better.
There’s one dude whos either paid or is bronyfag level. He’s made thousands of threads and is easily up to 5 digits of posts. He makes new images for these and now tends to avoid epic in the op because his crapflood was so much even the janitors noticed.
I've had the same specs for around 6-7 years and It hasn't caused me any trouble. As long as you don't need to play every new graphicswhore AAA game at 4K 144 fps a relatively new GPU will do just fine for years.
Software is far more of a pain in the cock than hardware.
The only reason why incels are mad about the Epic store is because it has Fortnite. PROVE ME WRONG
I haven't upgraded my PC in almost a decade and it's still better than current gen consoles.
>building is a pain in the ass
If you're stupid, maybe.
inb4 paid subscription
>Rolling onions
What is third world climate? I mean, USA is apparently first world country, mine isn't, but unlike USA we don't have tornado alley.
I did install Epic launcher to try Fortnite.
There, proven wrong.
>Citation? Ok. Origin has phone number you can call in and talk to a real person. Steam still doesn't have that, and probably wont ever.
They have a number, the spam filter catches it on Yea Forums if formatted properly. 4258899642. And even then, a call center is not the epitome of consumer support.
>Why would anyone choose Epic over this?
Market manipulation. Paying off producers so they're the sole retailer of their products. See: inb4
>why would consumers support this
Brand Loyalty / Poohbear Nationalism. Wouldn't let me post Chinese before that word.
Or, maybe it has something to do with:
How does it feel to be retarded?
I built this rig in 2015 and I've only ever replaced the GPU and added HDD space
This type of shilling reaches the level of Chink Gold Farmers from WoW. Hmmm...
How sad that your mobo is bottle necking your CPU.
I pay money each year for PS+ because I want SONY'S service. I've loved Sony's service for years and like having all of my games on one digital platform. I'd probably sell my PS4 if there was a second store on the system, this would just fuck up the experience entirely. Sony produces and sells plenty of games on their own.
>he uses Win 10
>call someone retarded
>buys a K processor and a H81 mobo
LMAOing@your life fag
Each console exclusive exists as such because the owning companies of the platform invest into the production of those specific video games. They have money to give and money to lose in this instance, and their competition between one another is what is creating these titles in the first place.
Epic has no part in the creation of the games that are listed as exclusive on their store. They look at video games with massive hype, see people are interested and decide to snatch those games from the hands of other stores. They are not playing the role of a competitive creator, but as a greedy middleman trying to strongarm their way into the market. They're not selling to you with products that could only have been made by Epic themselves, but by strangling the consumer's options.
I would sooner stop playing video games than give another cent to Epic directly. Sadly I can't refuse any of my funds go to them when a game uses the Unreal engine.
Would you pay for PS+ if you could play online without it?
he is already being 3 times less greedy than Valve is so why would he
its not a limitation if I was never going to overclock dumb dumbs :^)
leave it to veetards to point out something obvious like its a big fuckin deal
Stop equating console exclusives to STORE exclusives. Console exclusives can be purchased from multiple competing retailers. Store exclusives can be purchased from a market controlled by a sole retailer (and yes, EGS sets the prices on Humble for its "exclusives".)
that's like 400$ worth of parts at worst.
Why the fuck did you buy unlocked CPU then? Did you just see most expensive and decided to take it because "It's better"?
>What is third world climate?
Indoors and climate-controlled. I'm guessing you live in a cheap shack with a humid environment that wears out your parts quicker.
Tornado Alley barely affects anything. Tornados are occasional and aren't that large in diameter. You've got a better chance of being hit by a car.
you buy all of them, obviously
what are you, poor
Because I could easily switch out the mobo at a later date?
What, are you fuckin retarded or something?
>buy console for $200
>sell your privacy to the chinese government for $0
That isn't even relevant to the point he raised. The user is clearly talking about company investment in production of the video games at hand. Epic has no right claiming exclusivity over games they didn't even produce.
And before some fag says
>But Steam has several exclusives you can't buy elsewhere
The developer made that decision. Valve never bribed them.
Or being shot by a nigger.
>I'm wasn't going to overclock
>I could if I could
You are digging yourself into a hole.
Fuck, I meant a first world climate is indoors and climate controlled.
I mean, that doesn't change the fact that you can have both Steam and Epic for no extra price.
>playing on pc
>owning games on multiple distribution platforms
>picking the less comfy option
>having your games instantly riddled with hackers and Chinese bots
no thanks.
I'm pretty sure you have to buy a PC to play Steam & Epic.
How much did you spend on your PC?
>buy console for $400 + online server access + tip
>have your identity stolen anyway
I'll dig you a hole
How fucking hard is it for you faggots to understand that I went with a cheaper board to save money and with the thought process that I could upgrade the board at a later date if I wanted to do anything serious with the CPU
Which didn't happen since it suited all my needs
The issue is he's entertaining the argument in the first place.
Also Steam keys you buy from anywhere that isn't the Steam store don't give any money to Steam. Publishers on Steam can create any amount of Steam keys, for free. They provide those to retailers like Humble and whatnot, on their own terms. Not Valves. Valves only part in the deal is that they get to sell the product on their store.
>And why is Steam default PC games store and not Origin or Uplay?
Wide selection of titles and far and away the most consumer-oriented, useful features. Nobody else is even really trying except GOG. Even then GOG is appealing due to their DRM-free policy and making old games easily playable on modern systems, they don't try to compete with Steam in terms of features either.
His reasoning for Origin being more consumer oriented is that they have a call center. There is no reasoning with this retard.
I think its great, I bet epic will use some of their chink money to get some console exclusives on pc, while steam will do the same.
As a pc owner, I win, and fagstation looks gayer by the day.
sure, if you're willing to make serious compromises on performance. and at that point, you might as well buy a console for even cheaper.
Nothing too serious, this isn't counting peripherals of course. Sure, after 5~6 years there'll be solid reasons for upgrading, but you'd be able to make due for a while past that.
>I bet epic will use some of their chink money to get some console exclusives on pc
Doubtful. The David Cage games were always going to come to PC since Quantic Dream got bought out by a Chinese company and the IP rights stayed with QD. Those games coming to PC were announced as early as October of last year
and haze?
One tiny glimpse of competition and valve drones go full damage control
They've never had any real competition until today. For one, I'm glad to see them exposed as the most insecure fanbase
so, just like consoles then, but more expensive.
>tencent store
>your entire paypal and bank account balance
See: Valve has always had competition.
>most insecure fanbase
>this fag thinks epic verse steam has any comparison to the massive butthurt faggotry and assblasting that are sonyand nintendo
lurk moar
>if you're willing to make serious compromises on performance
If a console even enters the equation at all, then yes, you are willing to make absolutely major compromises on performance, to the point where you're willing to accept most games at borderline unplayable performance levels of
What does a terrible game developed by Free Radical and published by Ubisoft have to do with any of this?
That's the point user, you don't go full retard until you got a monopoly or are the lead of the market when no matter if everyone complains or calls you greedy they have no option but to comply to your higher prices or shitty practices.
>See no difference
>Turn shadows down to low
>A little different
Might as well just have "On/Off"
>this post
and sinker
>he is already being 3 times less greedy than Valve is
Yet somehow I have to pay more for games on his store than on Steam. Very strange how that works, most peculiar indeed.
its nibbling the waters of buying console exclusives dummy
laptop gaming is the future.
All DRM is bad, no exceptions. Anything that restricts how I play my video game is DRM, from console hardware to digital launchers. Tell me right now why I shouldn't be allowed to OWN my games, and laugh at this idea of "renting them".
>b-but the law says
The law means nothing if they can't actually enforce it. If I own a digital copy of a game without DRM, they can NEVER take it from me.
Lmao I can't wait until Stadia btfo ownfags like you
>gog, no one cares
>origin, no one cares
>uplay, no one cares
>epic, people tell it to fuck off
Ah, this can surely only be because of valve robots
My feng shui tells me so
Fun fact, Steam (and Epic's shitty launcher) don't require DRM. There are games you can download on Steam and launch directly from the exe without starting up Steam
the whole point of pc gaming is getting the best possible graphics and performance. if you're willing to accept anything less than that, then you're just spending more money for no reason by building a gimped pc instead of buying a console.
I don’t get this image is it a joke? If you need to buy all 3 consoles to get to play their exclusives, won’t getting a PC be the worst option as you’ll still need to buy 3 consoles in addition to the PC to play all exclusives?
You are underestimating the ability for people to become brand loyal.
Reminder idorts are money wasting faggots
>and harware parts every two years or less
I honestly want it to be the case. But its not anymore.
CPUs have frustrating incremental upgrades since year 2012(top sandy bridge is still alright for "midrange" gaming and upgrade-wise it only makes sense to buy current top of the line, everything else gives diminishing returns), and now GPUs too start to show the same problems - AMD is stuck with rehashing and overclocking the same shit for i dont know how many years and nvidia gave 20% increase in performance for double the price after 2.5 years.
780Ti released at the same time as 8th gen consoles still beats them.
>Epic doesn't require DRM
>the whole point of pc gaming is getting the best possible graphics and performance
The whole point of PC gaming is to be able to play however you want. You can have better graphics, sack those graphics for better performance, mod your games, use whatever control method works best for your game, and emulate older titles with ease
Seething console war faggot
>hoarding extra crap that you don't need
based freedom poster
Phoenix Point devs themselves (after they were absolute cunts and sold out) said that it's totally fine to have their game on Epic's store because you can just download the game there and never have to open the store again because it's not going to have DRM
>the whole point of pc gaming is getting the best possible graphics and performance.
Not really, there's a large amount of options between the absolute bottom of the barrel (toaster with integrated graphics), low-tier shit (consoles) and the absolute best you can have. Most people can easily find something which makes them happy somewhere along that spectrum and the vast majority don't go for the extreme high end. I don't see many people running 2080 Ti SLI systems with 4K 144Hz monitors, but even if they're not running that they can still get a vastly superior experience to a console.
PC is all about choice and customization to your needs and wishes, from the performance you want, to the controls and the games themselves.
Why do you need 4K?
Does high PC specs even matter anymore? So many console ports are awfully optimized and even PC exclusives are badly optimized or they're low effort indie pixel titles. What games even pushes a moderately powerful graphic card nowadays?
And you seriously trust them?
just let epic store stick a pinky in your butt one time user
Just digging for a little data.
Only one time is okay right?
Just the tip?
>Because I could easily switch out the mobo at a later date?
The mobo is literally the part of a PC that is the most pain-in-the-ass to switch out.
I've had my PC for 6+ years now, and only upgraded the GPU twice, and can currently play most games in 4k @ 60 fps.