Fire is the strongest element, prove me wrong

Fire is the strongest element, prove me wrong

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Other urls found in this thread:

i'm legit terrified of fire cirno

Water stops lava


A choice in elemental magic?
Why, ice, of course.
Should go quite nicely with my P90.

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>lava = fire
also though, how do you know it isn't lava stopping water?

thos is the dumbest post I've seen all day

Because the lava cools and turns to stone

Lava is the ultimate form of fire. It's hotter than a flame

If you crashed a sun made of water into the actual sun, it would just get bigger and more powerful.
Waterfags BTFO

Cold is the strongest. Because cold is the absence of energy. So in essence all cold related powers suck your energy out of you.

Lava is molten rock, not fire.

it wouldn't? the nuclear reaction would slow down due to lack of energy (water is non-reactive) and eventually stop, you would end up with a huge water-hydrogen-helium based nebula

the lava expends its temperature to evaporate water and solidify in its place
Islands form from ocean volcanoes because lava triumphs over the water

Cold isn't an element, it's a state of being.

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Imagine mastering cold to the point you become the heat death of the universe

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Lava just flows on top of it

>weak to sneaky pebbles

Holy > all other elements

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>Lava is the ultimate form of fire
what is plasma

only against undead, otherwise it's average at best.

They already did that in bastard!!. Ice wizard shot fire wizard with absolute zero, didnt work since his fire was hot enough to stop absolute zero

>Cold at max power can cause all energy to cease existence and stop the concept of movement entirely
>Electricity at max power is a fundamental force of the universe
>Fire is just making things slightly warmer



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It's a magical element if the universe says it is you nigger

OP is right.
Throw water at someone: they get wet.
Throw dirt at someone: thet get their clothes ruined.
Blow wind at someone: they get their hair messed up a bit.
Throw fire at someone: they need medical attention.

The other elements are only strong in great amounts of them, while just a tiny lighter flame can hurt you.
A case could be made for earth having rocks, but their weight makes them less useful.

That's just ice with a fancy name on it.

Fire is destruction incarnate. It's the source of life and bringer of death. It's the most powerful element for sure.

Throw a knife at someone: they're dead
Firefags btfo by metalchads

Wtf why is she so hot

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I want to be in a scarlet sandwich

>not tanned
its shit

>Using elements at all
>Not just fucking beating your enemies to death with superior physical strenght
You're all a bunch of pussies.

yeah white people basically shouldn't be allowed to be pyromancers
rain, wind and ice are pale person elements

Don't forget demons

Only chinks with their gay feng shui shit consider metal or wood elements.
Even then, it counts as a fire kill since fire was needed to make the knife. Metal was the thug and fire was the mastermind.

Technically every single kill is a kill from the Atomic element.

Also, Fire is the most resisted element.

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He's just talking about Cirno. Here, tanned ice fairy.

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t. ashnigger

Who would win in a fight, Cirno or Burno?

>always the argument of ice vs fire
wheres my electricity chads at
FUCK rubber and FUCK the ground

Why is she tanned though?
I think I remember something about Zun BTFO'ing people who'd say cirno would melt in the sun, but I feel like it'd be something else.

>speaks a race that is resistant to fire and takes less damage from stepping on lava

>try to open with a volley
>zaps friends because they're the path of least resistance

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fire needs fuel to burn


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>Being worried about the inch or so of rubber your opponent is wearing
>After overcoming the much more massive air resistance to travel to them in the first place.
Zaplet detected.

>not punching so hard your fists catch fire


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so pyromancers are actually just wood elementalists

It is natural that strong spells have a cost. Wood, coal, bodies.

bodies, souls, my parents, brad from school...
no cost is too great for the bliss of casting my ultimate pyroclast...

Fire is the punk element, prove me wrong

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>Komeiji sisters
Wait, when was this popularity contest?

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Kaguya is a dirty neet

Thunder is far better fag
>Can be used to make fire
>Can easily flow through the water

Literally no weakness

Something to do with Okina powering up all the faries
She loses the tan on VFiS and it states that that's when all the faries stop being overpowered

Okina buffs them

*blocks your path*

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That's a sound, you dope

February user. you didn't vote for the best boy?

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That's a meaty Cirno

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>Lava is the ultimate form of fire
Wrong. The ultimate form of fire is the motherfucking sun. Try stopping the motherfucking sun with a bucket of water or some ice.

Waterfags are delusional.

Throw fire at knife: knife melts.
Fire wins again!

>throw metal cover on fire
>fire stops
Metal wins

>He didn't choose Poison element
Fucking casuals

Fairies always have nice bodies.

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>most bosses immune to his element
Okay pal

Try to remove metal cover after it stopped the fire: get burn.
Fire always win!

>People still like Satori and Flandre
for what purpose? They show up for like, one game and then disappear for the rest of the series

>wait a moment after fire gets stopped
>don't get burned
Metal wins again

>One of the rare games that doesn't have boss immunity to poison
>Poison becomes the most broken thing in the game
Life of a gambler, dude

Lava is liquid rock, therefore, it's actually earth element.

>throw fire at fag while he's distracted waiting for the cover to stop being hot
>he burns and dies

You can't force people to like someone no matter how hard you try. It's all about the first impressions. Reverse case of them would be Sumireko.

I hope you meant koishi, faggot

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>throw knife at fag before he throws fire
>he gets stabbed and dies

I thought she just got shoehorned into all Zun's CDs and spinoff shit but hasn't really touched a game so no-one cares?

No he didn't you dumb fuck
Koishi has been in the fighting games since her appearance in SA. Satori hasn't been in much of anything

>cast fire on myself
>knife melts before touching me
>burn metalfag

>durr fire isn't the strongest!
Look up in the sky, big guy. What is that big bright thing again?

Do nips not like Sumireko?

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Pure water is actually a great resistor (and a terrible conductor).
If the person is creating water rather than moving it from an outside source they’d be the safest person there.
t. Physics student

>cast fire on himself
>average temperature of the universe is -270.42 C
Coldchads always win

If the average temperature is like three kelvin then it's not cold, it's normal. It's Earth that is super goddamn hot.

>not having immunity against your own element
dumb metalfag

>eventually entropy will cause the entire universe to become a cold empty place
Cold always wins baby

Someone explain why ice is a neckbeard element

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Time's not even an element, Chronigger

How old is this shit? Youmu is ranked 3rd now.

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It isn't
The real neckbeard element is Dark/Nether/Whatever else it can be called

What's the most chuuni element?

>entropy makes everything cold
>gravity brings everything close again
>big bang eventually happens again
>it's the hottest and most powerful explosion in the universe

>weakest fundamental force
The absolute state of firecucks


If it is so weak then why you are tied to this faggot earth?
Checkmate. Also
>flames go up because they give zero fucks about gravity
>knifes go down because they're too weak to reject gravity

Fuck Christopher Sholes for putting the F and the V so close of each other.

Climate change

>flaming faggot cope
Gravity can't stop entropy cuck

Flandre is EOSD
Satori makes Reimu seethe the hardest, pretty big achievement

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I can't wait for the ZUN style Satori doujin

Void is the best element.

Do you want an even meatier one?

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I can't, fire is the best and always be the main protagonist

Fire isn't actually an element at all. It is just the exothermic oxidation of something. Therefore, not only would it be the worst element, it isn't not even a contender.

Also it has like the least number of useful applications compare to other "elements"

delete this

But it can stop your gay knives :D

>gets stopped by a metal cover
Uh firebros?


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>add more fire
>melt metal cover
On an unrelated note, should explosions be considered its own "element" or should they be considered part of the fire group?

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I kinda prefer lightning, usually inside the wind element area.

Wind saws are also pretty cool.

>Throw water at someone: they get wet.

Or you could fill their lungs with water and watch them drown on dry land.

>Throw dirt at someone: thet get their clothes ruined.

Or you could clobber their skull with rocks until they're so brain-damaged they can't even remember their own name.

>Blow wind at someone: they get their hair messed up a bit.

Or you could remove all the air around them and make them suffocate to death. How much oxygen does it take to kill a man? NONE.

Then give me your list of useful 'elements' Science man

>tungsten cover

Only Yilx draws good muscle girls.

Electricity master race my fellow electrofag
Literally a fundamental force of the universe (electromagnetism AND combines with the weak force at certain levels) and you can do so much more shit than just zapping people

Electromancer master race

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>throw pressurized water at someone
sliced in half
>throw boulder at someone
>blow wind at someone
concussive force into a wall, or blown into the air, etc.

Cirno is shit and made for bullying

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Here you go. They're all useful for something.

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hydrogen chad represent

Based and electric-pilled

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>not tased and circuitpilled

You cheeky dastard you know this isn't what I meant
Hydrogen a best, probably

I just realized that there isn't an element with the letters J and Q.

Nuclear is where it's at. Nuclearlet countries begone.

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dumb bird

Do NOT bully
Cirno is for hugs

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This is a joke, right? Water is clearly OP.
>Average 360k drowning deaths annually to 180k burns
>Requires nothing to maintain. No fuel. No air.
>Makes up 70% of the earth's surface and 60% of the human body. Literally required for life.
>Routinely falls from the sky.
>Pressurized water cuts through metal
>Nearly every electric station is powered by steam. Steam moves trains.
>140k people killed in Hiroshima. '04 tsunami killed 220k.
>6 inches of water will knock you off your feet.
>Flood waters moving 7mph has the equivalent force of an EF5 tornado
>Humanity knows more about the cosmos than it does about the bottom of the ocean

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Sounds like the cuck element

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>Remembering that fat tat Cirno I saw a few weeks ago.

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If you don't bully the dumb fairy you're doing it wrong

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Fairies are for hunting

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>breaking news: local ice fairy eaten by giant toad
>severe punishment for fairy whose prank went too far

Earth is the chad element

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Give it up Akyuu, no man will ever knock you up because fairy cunny feels better. Say goodbye to your bloodline.

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Meanwhile, fire hurts just by contact and doesn't need any complex use, large quantities or any application of force.
Also, propagation: a droplet of water can't cause a tsunami, a pebble can't cause an earthquake and a breeze can't cause a hurricane, but a bit of fire can result in this.

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Gravity bros ww@

Post dem rock vidya characters

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>throwing a big rock is complex

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That's just an old hag in a fairy costume

But how many vidya characters that manipulates gravity that isn't from MOBAshit

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earthchads unite

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So muscle element.

>water is the healing element

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>anything but Almighty element

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That's not Energy/electricity.
It's the most powerful element and also the one that took humans the longest to master.

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gimme, i want cold fat tatas

>Name three games with flamethrowers that don't suck

>It's the source of life
That would be water.

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>cucked by earth element

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>why do japs like the little girl characters the most

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Shut up Demifiend

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Missed the "application of force" part?

>Not using Phys Pierce

Team Fortress 2
Battlefield 1
Resistance: Fall of Man
Alien Isolation
Far Cry 2-5

Fire is the beginner element you first learn when you're starting your journey, most common monsters know it

The hierarchy goes:




ice can melt fire

maybe you should read the printworks

>not having Luck element

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>not stealing the Luck of others
what are you fucking gay?

>can't even tell Yukari and Cowpiss apart
So this is the power of fairyfags...

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>elements consist of Earth, Wind, Water and Fire as basis
>Lightning is combination of Fire and Wind
>Ice is combination of Water and Wind
>Sand is combination of Earth and Wind
>Lava is combination of Earth and Fire
>Plant is combination of Earth and Water
>Steam is combination of Fire and Water

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It's actually Fire + Earth. You can think of Fire as "energy". Thus lightning is also Air + Fire. Ice is Water - Fire.

>Not using the elemental power of lewdness against your foes

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>Light element does damage

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how is that ghost orb all blushed and moist n' shit?

Aren't all the touhous little girls

are you talking about renko?

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Sunburn and skin cancer.


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the fuck are you even talking about?

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they're not supposed to be but that's the only thing ZUN can draw so they all look like they are

>implying characters' presence in games matter
I can guarantee you not even 1% of the people who vote for Flandre or Koishi ever encountered them in the games

Why not just call it sun element?

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thats not how it works.
lighting is the exchange of electrons, fire is the burning of material.
lava is just earth but melted, same as water is just ice but melted, same shit diferent state.

>ZUN can draw
Stop the presses

>Dark element is negative.emotion

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I disagree

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>I get them backwards every fucking time
My bad, I am a huge faggot please rape my face


I wish that was what Love element does

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>Lightning is combination of Fire and Wind


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His final fight against Zatch deserved to be longer.

>he is not made of rock

For once I agree with localization

Because he rocks

Dreams > Space > Time
(Ice =) Earth > Water > Electricity > Fire
Pure fact.

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Lightning is more badass than fire though

>not having the element of surprise

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That's what the spooky element is for, silly.

>Water not bottom tier


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i want to lick cirno's cunny!

big is the best element

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not very surprising if it's tied to one element in particular

>Wind element is colored green


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They don't, see her ranking.

Because water and ice are hogging blue as is

more like mid-tier since I meant to separate the first three from the actual remaining elements but still what are you gonna do nigga splash me with water ahahaha

So this person finally released the cute zelda like flandre game
Someone has the rip?

Big is a meta-element, and therefore cannot be best.

Space > Time > Lightning > Fire > Ice > Wind > Earth > Water

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that's a big yuuka man

The Keener happened.

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>he doesn't wield the element of nothingness

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Divine element is the best

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Steel element best element

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That looks so fucking cute!
>Flandre hits stuff with a wrench.
>She can put fucking C4 charges everywhere.
>She equips a freaking flamethrower.
>When she swims, she changes into the lewd school swimsuit.

Thats old

touhou but with big tiddies

if entropy made everything cold, no, gravity would never kick in
the universe would just be nothing forever
cold always wins, sorry



There more wind then water and there more water then earth. The only way Fire could be created is by human hands or the wind element decides to be a dick and start a forest fire.



Water beats both Earth and Fire, making it one of the basic elements that has the most type advantages. Earth comes in second by beating Fire as well, but because wind does jack hit to a solid objects it is the second best type. Fire has the most weakness, but because wind only makes it stronger, it the 3rd strongest. Wind doe jack shit to the other elements unless wanked to high hell degrees.

I made this out of my ass, but prove me wrong.

Pro tip: You cant.

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how big we talking

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Allegiance or death!

>blast enemy with a sunbeam
>give them a light sunburn
>they kill you
>years later they are suffering from undiagnosed skin cancer and slowly dying as their loved ones watch
>ghostly laugh

>four basic element weakness cycle
>Earth is weak to Wind or Water
>Earth weak to other elements at all

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Something about heating up the air and ions.

basketball big

>Earth weak to Wind or Water
What fucking game is that?

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Water DESTROYS earth irl.

How does Water beat Earth?

Erosion. There is a reserve process I forget the name of though.

Some games give Wind an advantage over Earth to balance the element cycle

Water > Fire > Wind > Earth > Water

The thing is, nature is inherently unbalanced

More like slowly chips away at it for decades, and even for that geographical process to work the rock has to be basic bitch rock. Begone, watercuck. Earth chads can't be bested with our high variety.

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Like this user pointed out Erosion, do you even Science?

Cold can hit -273 degrees at best when fire can get at billions, cold is literally the shittiest element ever existed

Then I go with Long process isn't really weakness, at least not in the same way Water puts out Fire or Fire feeding Air/Wind.
Fire probably chips Earth faster than Water.

>Fire probably chips Earth faster than Water.

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>Null: All