He actually heals in a PvP encounter or invasion

>He actually heals in a PvP encounter or invasion
Imagine actually doing this.
I guess some people have to be scrubs right?

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Of course I’m going to heal I didn’t ask to be invaded so I’m going to play to survive. Fuck being “honorable”

The game is called "For Honor" not "With Honor"

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I only do it because I know it makes the invader mad, and it's hilarious.

true victory is achieved when you receive hate mail

when trying to get to the next bonfire, an invader is just another obstacle to overcome. it gets the same treatment as any pve enemy.

Sounds like OP got buttfucked in PvP LMAO git gud

>invades someone
>gets killed

When someone invades me I just disconnect from my internet for a second

if someone is crashing my game to try to kill me you better believe I'm going to heal

>invade someone's game with the goal of killing them and ruining their progress

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Imagine giving your enemy a chance to heal. Guess you're the real scrub

>minding my own business
>playing my adventure
>faggot invades me and wants to kill me

>Play DaS for the first time
>They invade me with PvP builds and expect me to fight "fair"

This mentality is what made being a souls fan cringy.

>play DaS for the first time
>guy invades me by the church with the firekeeper soul in Undead Burgh
>hit him once
>he takes 5% damage
>he hits me once
>I take 75% damage
wow what engaging pvp mechanics

Yes, sometimes i'll even heal twice in your face
even if i don't need it
eat shit

>he doesn't pretend to be an honorfag only to BACKSTABBU the host as they're clearing out some mobs

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if you're a garbage enough invader that you can't make the host and his 3 phantoms all deplete their estus before you finish them off then you have no business being an invader. don't blame others because you're too much of a prissy faggot to fight fire with fire.

I once invaded a guy who chugged his estus dry to show me he had no intent of healing. It was cute but it didn't stop me from using a humanity every time I got below half health
>mfw he fell off a bridge trying to punish me for healing a 6th time

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Only way you aren't going to be in a prime position to punish healing is if you were healing yourself, fag

>Lloyd's talisman

>he doesn't heal aswell so both of you can get an actually good pvp battle
>le boring "HONOROBU" meme

Estusing during invasions is perfectly fine.
If you don't want people to use them just go for duels at Pontiff.

>to punish me
what a cook, nicely done

>scrub mentality
Have you tried talismans?

Healing is a calculated risk. If you're drinking Estus, and your opponent is worth his shit, he will punish you.

>fighting some guy on battlements
>throw an alluring skull over the edge
>point after it
>the host runs to the edge to go look
>backstab him

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"Only scrubs heal in pvp."

>Griefing as twink.

>playing demon's souls years ago
>host is around the start of the level
>make self noticed by the host but stay at distance at first
>kill some stuff for him
>he starts to trust me and we don't fight
>continue all the way to the end fighting together and get in front of an elevator leading to the boss
>take a step back
>backstab him

Attached: nepgear.jpg (1076x1162, 155K)

If I'm invading the goal still is to impede progress. Getting a kill is a bonus. The real bitch move isn't healing. It's running away to resummon the asshole you just mopped the floor with. The resummon pushes a little further into the level each time. Basically clearing the level for the host and boring the shot out of me.

Imagine his feeling of betrayal.
It must be so intense, and palpable.

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Imagine invading people and complaining what the player you invaded does.

Imagine someone jumping into your game just to kill you, and them getting pissed because you healed yourself to make sure that doesn't happen.

Why would they do that?

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I don't do this because I've only ever pirated Souls games

Of course I heal, I will use every exploit, summon and bug to fuck invaders. Honorfag invaders are pathetic.

>intentionally limiting your options to survive and win the encounter
>somehow not being a scrub
Sirlin would be ashamed of you, kid

I was once invaded and tried fighting honorably without healing against opponent who was also not healing
Learned my lesson when I got the point down after defeat, now I use every dirty trick to defeat the enemy


pvp in dark souls has always been dogshit, change my mi- oh wait you can't

But we can brand you as a casual faggot and ignore you.

PvP in Souls would be the most amazing online experience if everyone played the game without twinking, ganking and metashittery

>not being part of gankfests or estus chugging faggots
>apparently that makes me a casual faggot
Imagine playing dark souls for PVP, oh im laffin

Will this bait ever NOT work?

>t. ASSMAD that he invaded and got BTFO by based estus user

whenever i had invaders, i immediately gave them my full attention. no matter if i had to go pick up some souls i lost or if i was cooping. i gestured and got ready to duel, i treated them like a guest. if my phantom ganged up on him, i banished him right away. nobody is rude to guests in my world. if i died, i died. no big deal. and this way i had the most fun with dark souls games.

Faggots like you are the exact reason I go Blue Smurfs to gank and kill you. I wish DaS1's sinner punishment worked better.

>lets duel
>yeah lets use everything we have
>this game is easy
>just dont use XYZ and the game becomes harder
why is Yea Forumseddit filled with brain damaged soiboiz?

Souls games are great single player games but shit tier multiplayer games. Anyone who actually plays them for pvp is mentally ill.


Depends on my mood. Sometimes I see an invader down all his Estus to signal; fair duel and I just ignore them and fight them like any other mob with maximum cheese possible. Sometimes I also down all my estus and make it a fair fight.
Really depends on the context.

The fight between and invader and the invaded is not supposed to be fair. The invader is supposed to be at disadvantage to make up for the fact that the invaded has to deal with all of the area's crap on top of the invasion.