I just beat Nier Automata last night with all the main endings, and I loved it.
After taking a break, I'm considering getting the first game and playing that as well.
I'm aware that the combat and sidequests are considered bad, but what about the rest of the game? Are the characters as well-developed as those in the sequel? Does the story unfold at a similarly brisk pace?
I'm aware of bits and pieces of the story just from hearsay online, so I was able to follow along when Automata mentioned Yonah, Emil, The Original, etc. and I really want to see more of what this story has to offer.
Nier 1
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Nier 1 has vastly superior charcters, plot, locations and atmosphere.
However the combat is tedious, and the pacing is much, much slower.
Basically anyone can play Automata, but you gotta be patrician to play Nier.
Then you have to be a godlike true patrician to even touch Drakengard 1.
Depends how confident you feel about your level of patricianess.
Nier is really based, just slower. Way better than automata.
>inb4 nier automata hate shits up this thread
Automata is fine.
It's generally inferior to Nier 1 but not to the point of being a bad game.
The combat was really fucking good, as expected from Platinum.
My only main complaint is perhaps a lack of replay value, wich considering how PG makes their gameplay, would've allowed people to spend more time playing around with the combat system across more than one playtrough, as it is right now it's a bit too structured and limited to be enjoyable.
I didn't really like the arena shit in the DLC, too gimmicky, not enough freedom to just beat shit into submission the traditional way.
The last two routes are much more repetitive but aside from that it's pretty similar to Automata, just with a smaller budget and ideas not as well executed in my opinion. Nier feels a bit more alive than Automata in general due to the bigger more sassy bant heavy party and remnants of civilization around.
Also the quests aren't bad with the exception of some grind heavy ones that aren't very worth it.
Nier isn't ironic weebshit like Automata
Everything your saying is only true comparing Nier to Drakengard
It works for all 3 of them.
Only, Drakengard 1 combat is so shit i really can't recommend it even to people that play a lot of shitty Koei musou.
It really is a drag, past what most people can reasonably endure to get to the good elements buried within.
I played both and liked both pretty much equally. I don't think you are doing Op any favors hyping Nier 1 up like that, you're just setting up his expectations.
I beat nier 1 about a month ago, its great and definitely worth playing.
Characters and music are even better than automata imo, it does have its flaws however.
The combat is trash. Theres so many magic spells that you will probably never use because you're just fine using the same 2 or 3 spells over and over again. Its also clunky af. Boss fights were better then Automata though.
Story was kinda confusing for me (and not as emotional) and I had to read wikis and shit after beating the game.
Sidequests are trash and you'll be sick and tired of them before you even get the first ending which makes ending b, c and d even more tedios because you're basically playing the same game over and over again with only altered endings
still recommend it though
It's not really that bad. For a mediocre action game, it plays nicely, and I enjoyed the combat to an extent.
To make traversal easier, use spears. If my memory serves me right: stinger into stinger into roll > repeat
Roll is very good in this game in general, I enjoyed greatsword cheese: jump heavy attack, cancel cooldown into roll > repeat
I bet Drakengard 1 recently (all weapons (which is required for the final ending that leads to Nier)).
The gameplay was the worst I've ever seen, but I loved the game.
Keep in mind you don't have to do all side quests, just the ones that give you weapons if you want all endings.
Still I enjoyed doing side quests for the optional character dialogues, I wish Automata had more of those.
>To make traversal easier, use spears.
To make anything easier, use spears.
The Phoneix spear is the single best weapon in the entire game and it will allow you to trivialize 90% of the game.
By the way, Taro is currently open to the idea of a Nier 1 remake.
I think i heard some people say he wanted a "selection" options in such a remake where it would allow picking either Brother Nier or Papa Nier (since Automata made both canon anyway).
>By the way, Taro is currently open to the idea of a Nier 1 remake.
It really needs to be done.
>By the way, Taro is currently open to the idea of a Nier 1 remake
when did he say that? I though he were pretty much done with nier
This but replace every instance of patrician with patient.
I am going through Automata at the moment myself.
The combat in Nier Gestalt/Replicant is completely serviceable. It's not "bad" by any means, just don't expect cuhrayzee/deep shit.
Inane side-quests are featured in both games, they are worth doing just to listen to the bantz between the party and to soak the atmosphere.
The party is one of the all time best in JRPG, and therefore better than the YoRHa guys.
It's one of the few JRPG, if not the only one, I would recommend playing dubbed. Liam O'Brien as Grimoire Weiss makes the game and his Japanese VA isn't as good (should have been voiced by Koyasu desu) and the rest of the cast is extremely solid as well.
I did what you are considering doing. The charcters in Nier are great, the story is enjoyable but the game is ugly as shit and gameplay is kinda shit too. I appreciate Nier for what it is, but I didn't enjoy it anywhere close to as much as nier automata
Source is a stream he did with Famitsu: