Who's better
Who's better
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Why? UT2004 is an objective improvement.
quake 3 team arena
Starsiege tribes.
everyone I knew played Quake, UT wasn't popular over here at all back in the day
Not options
Don't state the title and give some arguments to why you think what you think
Ut2k4 is more fun but quake is good too
I don't have to answer shit to you nigger.
Reddit is elsewhere.
UT2k4 is better played in onslaught mode with vehicles and shit, everything else is Q3A domain
UT2k4 = onslaught
Q3A = everything else
I loved Q3 campaign
quake 3 campaign
It's just a bunch of multiplayer maps with bots.
exactly. it's a good campaign
well maybe you could call it singleplayer instead but i think campaign still fits
It’s really tough
mechanically Q3 is a near perfect game with great customization, near perfect gun balance and good maps, but it lacks a lot of good content without mods.
UT has a shit load of content with fantastic game modes, but it’s a little worse mechanically, the weapon balance isn’t as tight, and I always liked the flow of Q3 better.
Tough call, but I feel Ranger boy edges out.
quake is the tighter shooter but UT has more gameplay variation with the vehicles and gamemodes
Why are arena FPS games dead? They are so fun to watch, why is everything just boring strategy team FPS now?
Right is business. Left is pleasure.
I'm casual player, i have slow reaction times.
I'm shit at fast paced shooters and yet i like UT2004. One of my favorite fps games of all time.
The maps and game mods are fantastic and it's not as fast as quake.
I don't like quake because it's mostly 1v1, when slowpoke like me getting owned for hours it becomes boring for me.
In UT at least i could have fun driving a cars and get a couple of frags from spamming flak in close quarters in tdm
Never played an arena fps, the closest I came was hl1 multiplayer
where do I start?
There's quake champions.
too late really but i guess quake live or ut2k4 are your best choices if you can find servers
>Why are arena FPS games dead?
>point out several different arena fps's alive right now
>t-those don't count!
every time
I don't really like UT2004 that much on its own, but jamming that shit full of mods is a good time.
>mfw Ballistic Weapons
>mfw cutting off Gordon Freeman's head with a sword
>mfw driving a jeep in first person, physically looking around and seeing Megatron sitting in the passenger seat, hearing Captain King shoot people on the turret, getting blood splatters on the screen when I run someone over
CS and team fortress killed it and the last two Quakes being terrible on release and taking years to get good didn't help.
>several different arena fps's alive right now
such as?
remember that 'alive' for a competitive 1v1 game means more that 1k concurrent players at top hours and more than 700 players at the average
i liked UT more personally
150 concurrent players at peak hours is not alive
>quake live killed itself
>tribes ascend killed itself
I can't believe in dreams anymore
Always been an Unreal guy going back to the very first Unreal
No excuses.
>champions 1v1
even 2v2 duels are better than that forced fighting-game-y schlock
okay that's one. you still need like 3 more until you can call that "several"
Quake Live, search for "free for all" servers. that's basically all that's left of real AFPS now. if you're the competitive type you can also play duel but it's difficult to find other low level players since there's no match-making.
only go Quake Champions if your computer is extremely high-end (i7 CPU, 16 GB of fast RAM, windows and game installed on SSD, GPU is not so important as you can lower the graphics settings). you need 200 stable fps in that game or it's shit. also the duel mode is a joke so if you're interested in duel don't bother with QC. the only fun mode in QC is TDM.
And duels in QC are joke because ..?
Hard disagree, I think UT2004 has visually aged very poorly compared to UT99. Plus '99 has the best soundtrack in the Unreal series, topped only by Unreal Gold.
low stack caps, random ability shit, random netcode fuck-ups, three frag limit means whoever gets one clean kill wins the round 99%.
is quake live okay for toasters? I'm talking ancient shit here
because they're not duels. they're broken into rounds instead of being one continuous stream of gameplay.
you pick 3 characters, then at the beginning of the round pick a character to start with. when you die, pick a character you haven't picked this round. when you die three times, your opponent scores a point. first to three points wins
now, normal duels are just 1v1 deathmatch, so you only need to kill and keep killing, no rounds no resets no whatever. QC has 2v2 which is exactly that but for 2 player teams. shit's fun
does it have a graphics card? if yes, it'll be fine. QL runs at 125 fps locked (or at 166 or 250 if you tell it to) on basically anything.
short answer: yes
long answer: quake live is quake 3 but for browsers. it will definitely work on toasters
Grew up with doom doom 2 and ut99/quake 123a
Ut99goty shits on everything.
Quake had fuck all decent mods and half life/Cs/tf killed the genre so fuck that game and it's shit arse weapons as well
>mfw even f2p arena fps are completely dead
I hate this desu nothing comes close to the pure chaos of old arena games
Last man standing on castle was my favourite and I still replay it every now and then
Fuck battle royale and fuck modern fps.
Fuck cod fuck halo and fuck sandbox memeshit
Only vaguely modern games I can stand are halo eldawrito and siege but I'm sick of them as well it's just all so tiresome
I like Unreal more.
Quake 3, it's a legendary game, maybe the only perfect game that exists. You can't improve that formula.
The good UT games are fun but they are mechanically very inferior.
It's basically quake3.
Team Fortress didn't kill it, games who tried to replicate it and failed like Overwatch killed the Arena FPS.
What does Quake Live have that Q3 doesn't?
pro e-sports skins
pro intel e-sports versions of maps
some slight balance changes, i don't remember the exact numbers though
a bigger playerbase because it was free once.
UT2k4 because vehicles and the two most satisfying weapons in any game ever (flak and shock rifle).
There's a lot of mid level duelers in QC though, it's not a bad way to learn the basics until you can hang in QL duels
>three frag limit means whoever gets one clean kill wins the round 99%
By that logic entire match depends on the first kill in q3, not just round.
It has the Team Arena content too
Like with fighting games and RTS games, arena shooters got memed into being something that's only enjoyable for experts. That if you don't have all the map pickups memorized and you can't move around the map at super speeds you shouldn't even bother to play.
A fucking tragedy, it was doomed from the start due to Epic only putting it on their launcher, back when barely anyone used it
They should just give away 2004 on epic store along with 2.5 engine
I’d be down to get free Unreal games through Epic
But that would imply having an Epic account.
I don't understand why they didn't modernize ut2004 instead of trying to make a new game on a skeleton crew.
They would have had much more content to start with and could have added from there instead of starting off with almost nothing.
i miss it... hard to believe the great Yea Forumsictory happened about 7 years ago
If that means i can duel and play again 2004 with people so be it
Its legit a fucking GOOD game, jesus fucking christ fighting people in this feels so awesome
who /diabotical/ here?
This post reminds me, one time I bought Unreal Gold from GoG and a week later they sold the game for free
That happened to me too.
>no UT2003
UT2004 is an objective improvement to 2003