a sequel 16 years in the making?
A sequel 16 years in the making?
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>they will be using Unreal 4
Say goodbye to amazing face animations.
Are they going to finish this one or leave it up to the fans like last time?
Man, I wish i was a vampire.
Its going to be awful I can already smell how bad its going to be.
why tho, beside immortality
>slip into coma during the day
>if you so much as ever see the sun you instantly burn
>constantly afraid of getting taken over by the inner beast
>always have to hide powers, if a cellphone camera ever spots you the entire town will get filled with religious nutjobs trying to hunt you down in the name of God
>sex, food, booze, drugs, etc... are no longer pleasurable, only blood has any taste anymore
>start the bottom bitch in a pyramid scheme that is thousands of years old, good luck working your way up for the next 2000 years
>immediately drafted into supernatural war against fleshcrafted abominations
>all this shit and you're not even a particularly powerful supernatural, werewolves demons and wizards could easily kick your ass if they wanted
sounds like shit honestly
>super strength
>DEX as fuck
>infinitely charming
>all the pussy I want
>suck blood
why the fuck not
I'd much rather be a ghoul servant of a perma-horny attention starved Toreador like Velvet. Get some of the perks of being a Vampire without most of the drawbacks like
>infinitely charming
>all the pussy I want
*sires you*
Nossies are the most based clan and everyone here would be best suited to it.
>live in sewer dwellings all day and don't have to worry about self-grooming
>sit on the shreknet all night shitposting
>feared by the other clans due to their autism
>bitter assholes who can fuck with chads and ruin their lives in many creative ways
The only downside is being hunted by a loli vampire who will devour your soul.
I'd rather be a mage desu.
the NEET clan
>get hunted down by the fucking terminator
no thanks
>The only downside is being hunted by a loli vampire who will devour your soul.
I must have missed that bit of lore. Why do the loli vampires not like the Nosferatu?
>Not creating your own plane where reality is 2D and your waifu loves you
The fearsome Baba Yaga got fucking devoured by a loli
The Nictuku exist solely to hunt the gremlins down as instructed by Absimiliard.
Sad that they have not surpassed Valves face poser technology yet. Even if they mo-cap it, it does not look nearly as dynamic. VtMB does not even utilize the technology to its fullest, probably because Source was so new back then.
Beckett style.
Who hurt you
Have sex
They were offended for a while and finally decided to make a game about being offended.
Nossie papa is mad because he is ugly, and he hates anything related to him because he is ugly, so he embraced a broken child into a rampaging death machine.
>Just up and murder a 7000 year old Methusela
If I was a Nosferatu I'd probably never leave my haven again
Mocap requires a fuckton of work
>need to rent a studio to record, good luck when you have to change dialogue lines
>need to manually adjust it to models if you don't do a full actor capture
>can look uncanny as fuck
Source engine is the best currently avalible tech to do this stuff extremely fast and at zero cost.
Literally anybody can do it, I messed around in Hammer myself with no knowledge at all.
I believe the expressive facial animation was an influence from Tim Cain, he believes NPCs should be overly expressive to easily give information to the players.
I like the devs, but I loathe Paradox. They'll ruin the game.
He's not involved in this though, is he?
this has about as much of a chance of being good as the netflix witcher show, wew fucking lad.
No, he is working with Obsidian in Outer World
>muh i want to be vampire xd
Why want to be the cucks of WoD?
Better to be a chad(mage)
>a sequel 16 years in the making?
You do realize that if there is a 16 years gap between two games, it does not mean they have been actually WORKING on the sequel for those 16 years, right?
Daeva (Requiemfag)
Toreador otherwise
they're god awful.
I have a pet theory that their reputation still outshines their performance because most people who buy their games are sold it on memes and don't invest any time to see the experience themselves. before steam spy was blocked from getting the data, you could see a game like CK2 having an average total playtime of about 30 hours... and the median total playtime at about 4 hours. So some people who do play it a ton and skews the average, while most finish the tutorial then post "lmao I murdered a royal." Stellaris had huge average playtime numbers though, they definitely know that casual is their audience, and they are going to pump that brand out forever now.
Why was Gimble calling Carson when he'd already kidnapped him
did you guys know gangrel can learn a 4th discipline?
pretty awesome desu. hope bloodlines2 has nifty shit like that.
VtMB2 is going to be some fucking monkey paw shit. It’ll be full of le ebin XD call backs to its predecessor and constant slurs at American right wing politics.
It’s going to be absolute fucking cancer and age like milk.
nobody cares user
>Daeva (Requiemfag)
You really want that Spiderman wallet, don't you?
He might've seen you go into the tattoo place or had a camera set up and called to lure you in.
I care
>tfw no goth gf
how do i cope bros...
You cared enough to reply faggot.
Who are you going to roleplay as?
I'm going picture related.
based post
Well VtMB seems to be picking up in popularity now, it might help get more people interested in the subculture.
Source had run-of-the-mill blendshapes for facial animations, which are now available in almost every engine, including Unreal. The animations were great because the artists were damn good, not because of the engine.
>It’ll be full of le ebin XD call backs to its predecessor and constant slurs at American right wing politics.
I doubt it. I think what's more likely is we'll see a game that more or less just retreads some of the shit from the first game, but in a far less original and creative style, because devs seem to be more and more creatively bankrupt as time goes on. There may be some jabs at American right wing politics but I don't think it'll take up much focus at all. The experience will just be kind of bland, which kind of reflects what WoD has become anyway.
are goths still a thing?
I just thought about it and realized that was a dumb question, anyhow. He was probably just leaving messages to avert suspicion that he'd seen Carson prior to his disappearance, just in case Carson had informed anybody of his plans to visit Gimble's Prosthetics.
Well now I have to post it
Not a fan of incest but this gets me rock hard every time
Of all the franchies to want to be a vampire in, this is pretty much the worst one. Even Bram Stoker vampires had a shit ton of a happier time with their unlife than these vamps.
Yeah, just even less common now. Although a city near me regularly holds goth events, and I think it's still a bit more popular in Germany.
I kind of hope it combines with cyberpunk in some way and evolves to get people interested again. I always liked it and I know a lot of people are saying they miss it.
Why the fuck would someone fuck a Nos in the intro?
Fetishes can get really weird.
>areola just barely peeking out
The most powerful state of breast
Do Nure-onna exist in WoD?
>spending hours in honey select carefully tuning the aerosol size so they're visible with all the skimpy outfits
It's such a perfect vampire fiction for Daeva.
Fuck this. Every single day i find more and more reasons this game will be disappointment.
>Those little stars on chad's shoes
>aerosol size
Obfuscation 3 in the tabletop
some mages are chads, some are not
lots of alcohol
It's about simplicity.
Sure other engines are capable of the same or even better, but you need to have the skills to pull it off thus we never see it done well unless it's mocapped.
In source you literally type in works in a text file and make some slider adjustmens in the timeline here and there.
It doesn't get much simpler than that.
Who ISOLATED here?
>American right wing politics.
How does the WoD set in other parts of the world. this American shitshow makes me wish the game would take place in Eastern European shithole with tracksuit Brujah, woodland gangrels and parliaments filled with malkavians
Still get goosebumps walking into the club and hearing it
Unusually accurate post, user.
fucking lasombras
*blocks your path*
>because devs seem to be more and more creatively bankrupt as time goes on.
Kind of makes sense since technological progress hasn't resulted in big leaps like it did from 1994 -> 2004, so the endless sequels just fall from the peak. That's why I have a bit of hope in virtual reality even if it's not great yet.
that is not a formally recognized dance
so this is the power of the VtM:B community...
they are out there...
Honestly I'm just hoping for lots of branching dialogue based on your background and choices and the ability to use speech to bypass things in interesting ways a good percentage of the time. I know it won't nail the atmosphere of the first game even though it has a lot of the same talent there but I'm not entirely hopeless. I honestly love the setting and I'm a fan of most the lore changes brought forward in V5
>cain killing abel in the background
Jesus Christ use a fucking spell check
>I honestly love the setting and I'm a fan of most the lore changes brought forward in V5
All the paintings in Lacroixs office are some variation of the first murder
Second Inquisition and Camarilla hierarchy being shaken up is a good change to stop everything from stagnating. Maybe less so Lasombra, Assamite and "The Ministry" having their allegiances moved about.
did he get the punan?
>Second Inquisition
Is a shit idea and poorly executed
The only reason it was done was to give the character in this video game mook enemies to fight, mark my words.
>Camarilla hierarchy being shaken up
Again, stupid fucking idea, only done so your super speshul thin blood can become prince of seattle or whatever
>tfw no heather gf
Even with so much vampire cleavage, the times I get the hardest is when heather says she loves me.
to add on to it vasilisa is
little boxes?
with avellone this is likely
I think he has some shit that relates to his napoleonic history too
You're a genuine dicksucker
Idiotic criticisms really. Both things have stopped Vampire society from being boring and unchanging and makes the Camarilla more accessible and desirable for young vampires which tend to be the player characters in the p&p. I don't see either of your dumb ass predictions happening.
You forgot to add
>Fucked the disciplines
>Trusting Paradox
And I say this as a fag with hundreds of hours of EUIV under my belt
i heard it
>makes the camarilla more accessible and desirable for young vampires
The camarilla being impossibly difficult for young vampires to break into was the entire POINT
God, I bet you also want to make the Sabbat cuddly and friendly so players don't feel bad joining it
the feeling aren't genuine, it's just the vampire blood compelling her to think that she does love you
>There may be some jabs at American right wing politics
I think everybody expects that, they're just worried that it's going to be more invidious than the odd quip about Bush or registered Republicans.
Your opinion on whether or not that's a valid concern may vary, but given the political climate and the quality of commentary and satire its producing, it's not difficult to see where that concern stems from from.
the story will come out of some kind of macropolitical conflict. what are possible actors?
>camarilla + infighting
>sabbat + infighting
>variations on abrahamitic religion in vampire form (Assam and sword of cain)
and they removed the azns right?
so who's most likely to be running seattle by default? it is far from the stronger cammy areas right? it's far from everything.
Didn't they say tech vs tradition is part of the story? I'd kind of like to see the Technocracy and Black Spiral Dancers or other more in-depth werewolf stuff involved, which it looks like we'll get because of the Season of the Wolf DLC.
replace vampire blood with money and its just like real life.
>Didn't they say tech vs tradition is part of the story?
cool that fits well imo. fitting for our times and obvious factor in a society of centuries old individuals.
Yeah, I had been hoping that would be in a possible sequel long before the announcement after I read a little bit of the World of Future Darkness stuff. Goth + a bit of scifi/cyberpunk would be nice.
How come the facial expressions are so much better than literal current year AAA shit?
a cashgrab 1 year in the jewing.
Partially and also that current games fell for the mocap meme which either looks bad or just boring.
Yeah you tell those fascist prcks we dont want their sales!
White men need to be allies in our struggle to free the thinbloods from camarilia oppression!
Ghenna is just a myth dreamed up by antideluvians that want to farm us out!
Fuck mocap and 3D scans.
stylized faces and exaggerated expressions
really just an evolution of talking heads from fallout 1
Anyone have that image of what I expected vs what I played for vtmb?
I think its because devs are trying to make faces as realistic as possible and end up falling into the uncanny valley. Older games were limited by technology and the design idea was different so it wasn't that jarring.