What do you guys think will happen tomorrow?
What do you guys think will happen tomorrow?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's already HAPPENING user.
It's always HAPPENING.
Literally nothing
Would be pretty funny
I was thinking the same thing.
birthday hats, harmony bgm, and skeleton wallpaper all together.
My sword is ready to fight for my princess again.
all boards are limited to ONE thread, but the catch is that it's not stickied.
so every time someone starts a new one it 404s the old one
Whatever it is, it probably won't be as good as last year or the board combinations.
Can't wait to see. What hour does it start? At midnight? If so, which time zone?
too much mini trash is this thread for my liking
*revs up minigun*
if 0, we get an e-celeb board and they pretend to sell the site to PewDiePie
Well, I'm not sure if the easter war is happening again since the only reason why it did happen is because Easter last year fell on April 1st.
We can always pray though.
can't wait for the sissy erp
You're not getting those candy wars again you fucking newfags
/pol/ is removed for the day.
The tears will be glorious.
It's better as a one time thing
Doing the same april fools joke twice would be lazy as fuck
Better be some sort of team based thing again, playing off of people's tribalism is the most effective.
yeah YOUR tears, when they all come here. retard
if there isn't any sissy erp this day heads will roll
Those fucks would just migrate to another site
>Hiro switches the sites and directs all traffic to that new shitty mobile layout site
>everyone has fun for a couple hours
>April Fool ends but the layout is still the same
>everyone is confused/upset
>Hiro puts out some "technical difficulty" banner
>a couple days pass and still no change
>Yea Forums (anonymity) is officially kill
good bye fellas
holy fucking shit please
All blue boards become red ones and all red boards become blue
I hope it's different colors this time so we get fresh oc
I wouldn't mind a return of combo boards.
For the Alliance!
Blue and yellow boards swap colours.
Every post ends up in a random thread.
Replying to a post has a 50/50 chance of linking to the replied post, or another random post.
Yea Forums, /pol/, and /mlp/ are inactive for the day. /vip/ works perfectly and passes are on sale.
Something garbage again. Only good one was the board mergers and the one that made the site look like Reddit and gave everybody random names per post could be amusing at times.
>Somebody gets the name Gayle
>Make fun of him
>My name was also fucking Gayle
>Rarely a rare name would show up
I think somebody on another board got Anthony Burch?
Board hurt or heal. Basically, have every board on a list, and allow users to hurt 1 board and heal 1 board. Every 20 minutes, the board with the lowest score gets deleted. Repeat throughout the day until only one board is left standing.
>the one that made the site look like Reddit and gave everybody random names per post could be amusing at times.
It was Google+, not reddit.
Once a creme, always a creme
Karma system is implemented.
-50 karma deletes post.
+50 karma stickies the post at the top of the respective thread.
Ah shit, right enough. Fuck, I only remember it was a sort of white background and the names.
uploading an image attaches it to the next post made on that board
Fuck this sounds too fun to not happen.
April fools makes the whole website unusable for a whole day so why not go all out?
shouldn't you be chained up in the peanut mines with the rest of the losers? lol
Why do we need to argue about who is best?
We all know it's not peep, at least.
nothing probably. worse would be they bring back mini as mint.
Honestly, last year's April Fools could have been a lot of fun, if people didn't just flood the board with reddit-tier spamfests.
Imagine it would be a regular day on Yea Forums but instead of calling someone a retard for playing on another system or having shit taste, you could've just disregarded their opinion, because they're a fucking chocolatefag.
Also /aco/ got something out of it I guess
>everyone's disappointment tomorrow when the event doesn't prompt any waifus or OC
It's be something like /trv/ or /p/ that wins. Something no one really has an issue with.
Or /an/ because cat pictures.
>got to erp on discord with a peanut butter slut on that day
Good memories.
I'll never forget it.
>peanut butter the lowest rank for like 80% of the event
>chocolate was no1 but suddenly get second to last place near the end
>peanut and choco decides to join up and out of nowhere skyrocket to the top
>last few hours literally between choco and peanut
>choco finally decide to make the great sacrifice and let peanut win since they were always in last place.
>peanut butter finally win.
Oh man all that emotions.
It will be porn boards
Unless it's 4channel only
Wasn't it all just fucking random though?
Each IP has a randomly generated "fact" about the poster.
You could go around the whole day being known as "the user with a scat fetish".
at what timezone does it begin ?
yes, the reese "alliance" is just choco cope
hong kong
Posts either have a randomized date of posting from ooga booga years to the future, or there is a chance any post will be redirected to a random thread
I got a better idea
Make everyone a mod
I could see the humour in that.
Don't forget occasionally switching to this fucking thing:
>t. Falseflagging peep
I want a nostalgia event: site layout switched to the original one, ancient memes in the background and oldfag videos on autoplay
Yeah but at the time we just didnt know or really just didn't care anymore. Shit was still fun as fuck
Peeps do not need to falseflag. We do our crimes out in the open while nobody has the guts to stop us.
I wouldn't be surprised if this site ends up better than it is right now. And if instead we kill the site for good then we're free.
>was there early morning when peeps were considered chads
Peanut butters were really asking for it.
Filthy lies, as one might expect from a peep
Blue boards become red, red boards become blue.
How much time left ?
Team Creme here, hoping for more quality fap material.
A creme slut in her natural state
i remember the screencaps.... anybody got more ?
/trash/ becomes the only available board for 24h
The board will change the format to reddit for a day.
They already did that one years ago.
Got ya’ covered, bro.
the whole website is only available to Yea Forums Pass holders.
>tfw you're in the screencap
thanks bro, fun times
me on the bottom left
Whenever I see someone complaining about 'discord trannies' I always think of this pic
>ANNOUNCEMENT: This year's April fools joke has been delayed due to technical difficulties, please be patient.
left up for 24 hours.
damn someone saved my oc
>Posts and replies get redirected to a different random board
>The entire site is flooded with SNEED
the website will automatically redirect you to r/Yea Forums
Yea Forums shuts down and I'll be free of this nightmare
Yea Forums is retarded. Prove me ronk
hau dair u cal me retarded, i got eye kyuu of tuu bazillion!!!!
We will rise once more
You're probably thinking of Antonio Bench.