>not having thousands of hours in team fortress 2
what are you doing with your life user?
Not having thousands of hours in team fortress 2
playing good video games instead
Having a job, friends, family, lover, responsabilities, etc... Pretty much having the fun sucked out of my life so I can eventually wonder about what fun was when I'll be on my deathbed.
faggot detected
go for it user, you won't regret it :)
>what are you doing with your life user?
Playing games in which those thousands of hours might actually pay off in a viable competitive/streaming scene, like Overwatch, Fortnite or Apex Legends.
Playing TF2 seriously is a fandom.
Fucking normie animal, go back to rebbit.
>viable competitive scene
I got into it too late. Now there’s no chance of me getting good.
None of those have the same great community that TF2 does, which is partly why I'm still here.
You don't get banned for calling someone a faggot unlike overwatch, for example.
>viable competitive scene
>TF2 fandom unironically doubting this
Why does every fandom have to be obnoxiously insufferable?
A comp TF2 player saying this is the equivalent of furries posting yiff outside of Yea Forums or their containment websites.
Putting thousands of hours into eroge.
Can I gift that game to someone? It's still in my inventory.
I got a thousand hours in TF2 with the idle program when it was still a thing
>None of those have the same great community that TF2 does
Highly subjective and borderline untrue.
Let me know when TF2 actually has tourneys sponsored by big gaming companies with $75000 payouts via regulated gaming leagues.
Only then, is the question of "is tf2 better than overwatch" worth entertaining beyond a simple "No."
valve fags are a dying breed faggot lmao
>hurr durr my game is better urs bad lol
>pic related
>Having a job, friends, family, lover, responsabilities
you're fucking disgusting seriously, go fucking kill yourself right now
dead game
why in the fuck is no one posting more of the girl
English isn't your first language is it faggot? A good community has nothing to do with how much money is dumped into it.
The TF2>OW question has nothing to do with my initial affirmation either, though I would argue that having a bazillion classes that are just some sort of a variation on tf2's classes+unlocks does not make OW a better game.
>what are you doing with your life user?
Masturbating excessively to images on a chinese basket weaving site
>the greatness of a community is determined by the money made at tournaments
Holy fuck my sides
having thousands of hours in ow
you think I give the slightest fuck?
>A good community has nothing to do with how much money is dumped into it.
Most mainstream gamers don't want to play a game where some edgy shitlord can liberally use racial slurs, as was the point made by to support the idea this somehow makes TF2 community good. That and paid cosmetics is the reason why TF2 is a fringe, mostly fandom game
>b-but muh 50,000 player peak!
That's no where near a lot for a popular multiplayer game, like PUBG, CS:GO or Fortnite.
Furaffinity also has 100,000+ registered users not including other furry website. Furfaggotry is still taboo and fringe.
>Sunny (172).jpg
i was always too nervous to try and talk to people, and its not very fun alone, so i quit about 70 hours in
That doesn't even answer the >A good community has nothing to do with how much money is dumped into it. But here goes anyway.
>Most mainstream gamers don't want to play a game where some edgy shitlord can liberally use racial slurs
Sure. Hence the mute function. You don't get banned instantly, and it allows a more free environment.
>That and paid cosmetics is the reason why TF2 is a fringe, mostly fandom game
Oh and paid cosmetics aren't a thing in OW? Try again.
>b-but muh 50,000 player peak!
I don't believe I ever mentioned anything about player numbers. Again, you can't grasp the fact that player numbers and money invested doesn't make a good community.
here you go friends
if money necessarily made = good surely you also love fortnite huh user
a game being good is not determined by its financial success, that's just an appeal to popularity
>here you go friends
I was making fun of user saving a thumbnail, you turbobaka.
more than you
she has nudes right?
not being a total loser
>Play lots of pubs
>Always check the profile of the guy top scoring on the enemy team
>If he has more than 1000 hours, I add him
You see, if you play on the same team as the pubstomper, you'll never get pubstomped. I added one guy with 5000+ hours clocked in, and whenever we play together he pockets me while I play pyro and crush the other team. Good shit.
I don't think so.
No thank but I do have that on Splatoon 2