What should rockstar do with the next GTA?

What should rockstar do with the next GTA?

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What other Merican cities are worth mocking up

Early 70s or late 60s like mafia 3 but not shit

Houston or Dallas

None. California is the final form of America

Make it not control like shit. That's all.

I feel they should go back to a strong time and setting like they did with vice city. Not saying they should do the 80s again I actually don't think they should but that game has such a strong look and feel and still had the fun silly GTA vibe. They need to capture that feeling again.

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either 1930 take on mafia, chicago, NY, that sortha thing. 80s miami liberty city rerun. A timeline that has no cellphone would be great.

fuck no, this would be PC fest all the time.

This. They need to MASSIVELY move away from the slow realistic moving characters. I love the engine they use but maybe focus more on NPCs reacting realistically to what you are doing rather than the player character taking two minute to turn around or walk upstairs. With what they did with red dead though I do worry they will continue down the ultra realistic route.

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Make it fun.

go full RP

Female protagonist that her whole adolescence was a sex slave and then she manage to escape and is going for vengeance by infiltrating into the crime world.
She starts sucking at shooting, fighting and everything but there is a skill building mechanic like on San Andreas
This would be great because her background gives the perfect excuse for her being attractive having a sexy voice and having a lot of costumes and shit.
Also it needs an obligatory mission where she starts completely naked, because of reasons.

Mars with large parts under a dome or made otherwise hospitable.

Stealing cars that look like those in the fifth element, going to asteroids to hide and get new paint jobs. Going back to earth in some missions, reaching further out in our solar system as well. Still shooting out the window in space while you wear a space suit. Bowling alleys on space stations. Organizations spending top dollars to look like aliens which you have to gun down. Police magnet jamming you if outside a planet atmosphere and officers with jetpacks gunning for the driver door to bust you.

Add in snow and snowmobiles.

Multiplayer that doesn't sucks - they should allow people to make custom servers

>Also it needs an obligatory mission where she starts completely naked, because of reasons.

where we also discover she's actually a full grown man

GTA V didn't go for the reallistic route though, GTA IV did that. V was arcade as fuck in everything except the damage dealt to the player

honestly if u could mix SA & gta V you would get almost a perfect game. SA map with V details, SA minigames with V random npc encounters and you're set to go.

Less realism, more like Saints Row 2.
More RPG elements and dialog choices.
Tight fast moving narrative built around their sandbox environment instead of a collection of random missions like GTAV.

RDR2 did. thats why hes saying it.

saints row is too much of a joke imho.

>V details
You mean IV.
V is GTA: The downgrade.

One where the online doesn't fucking crash every ten minutes


Cyber punk futuristic

i purely meant the aesthetic part, not the actual details you can interact with. GTA v has so little of them, unfortunately.

Portland Oregon. Make a game based around hipsters and hobos.

Nah GTA is known for "heavy" controls. Not even Sony does movement this realistic. They should keep it, because it makes even just walking around more enjoyable. It's not good for the gameplay, but GTA isn't known for its gameplay, its known for exploring and godlike physics engine.

Chicago in the 1920s

The whole saints row series is a poor poor poor poor mans GTA, I hate when people even compare them it is second rate trash.

i had fun but the game tries too hard to be funny and edgy and keeps reminding you that you're playing a game.

>Saints row

I still think they should do a fictitious version of East and West Berlin. I know GTA is an American thing, but they already did UK so who cares.

It would be fun to go back and forth between the different government types and would give rockstar lots of creative opportunities for missions and map design.

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In my opinion GTA IV was superior to V and so is RDR2, i just though that V was in a limbo where they didn't want to make it to realistic because IV got mixed reviews but didn't want to go full arcade because saints row was still a thing. Rockstar just makes good reallistic games imo

>can't make my GTAO character pregnant
why even live

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1960s, California or some other Western state. You play as a biker who served in Vietnam

Non stop riot mode throughout entire game

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Sounds awfully familiar

i didnt like the IV because of the environment, im just not a sucker for NY aesthetics. Also im slav and Niko fake accent annoyed the shit out of me. I had some fun but IV is the only gta in the series never finished. Anyway, RDR2 is somewhat better i guess. i really enjoyed it but the replay value (for me) is low. i replayed gta story line 3 times in the past 5(?) years. I would love rdr2 random npcs in gta altho i think they need much more improvment.

Tokyo, and the game is about the Yakuza

Back to Miami

Thank you user, very cool!

Vegas is the only uniquely interesting city left. Every other city is either too similar too any of the ones that has been done, too generic, or too boring. Houser said he would only do a GTA in the US, but theyre limited the series unless they plan to do something like set in the future or past.

san fran in hd

Female protagonist.

>Less realism, more like Saints Row 2.

Nah. Fuck that.

>I would love rdr2 random npcs in gta altho i think they need much more improvment.

optional NPCs should really be that, optional, not a blinking white dot with circle around it on the minimal screaming "HEY THIS IS ONE OF THE OPTIONAL ORGANIC NPC INTERACTIONS WE SHILLED SO HARD FOR COME CHECK IT OUT". No, this is done so wrong. I should be curious enough to approach that npc by myself without any hints he might have something for me. i would feel so much better accomplishing that by myself, finding an anctual npc who's different and opens up additional tasks/missions. it feels to scripted.

Detroit with a bit of surrounding midwest

Oh they did that after the superhero shit? Never played beyond Saints Row 2.

They already did it if you count Las Venturas in GTA SA. It's hard though, because there isn't a lot of very big cities they haven't done already. Chicago and DC come to mind but not much else.

>did uk
>irrelevant expansion from 20 years ago
its america only get over it.

A minigame where you have to stroke a dude's cock to get information from him.

Cities like Chicago and Detroit are too much like NYC/Liberty City, they're not unique enough like the difference between NYC and LA. They should only do something like Chicago if they plan to set it in the past like any decade before the 80s.


Yeah, Chicago in the 1920s would be awesome. I don't know if that's too far back or too similar to LA Noire though.

I think Chicago is recognizable enough to Americans, but the city itself is probably too small for a modern day sandbox game. Unless they went smaller map with a shitload of detail, that could be interesting. Maybe fucking be able to go into more interiors, and have shit to do.

>GTA V takes place in a fictitious LA
>has a Koreatown on the map
>no pedestrians have weapons cheat
>no pedestrians hate each other cheat

I just wanted to roleplay as a roof korean defending his liquor store ;_; I remember I kept a special save in San Andreas after that mission where the whole city riots.


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this right here

The midwest. You can either do Chicago + the western suburbs + rural lands west, or Indianapolis + everything in between that and Fort Wayne. I think the first one would be the best for satire, since Chicago is California amounts of retarded liberalism and the rest of the state is solid red. Can be another niggerstory with South Side Chicago, or a story of a sweet ass story about a rich Naperville dad who got put in jail and starts selling meth.

Also, 90s

GTA San Andreas 2

Gta V

They could also do a map with Chicago, Detroit and a midwest countryside

Vegas is too fucking small.

Improve weapon feel, sound and just about everything about them. Feels like you're firing nerfguns in GTAV.

This is what I want them to do.

What they will actually do will be a return to Vice City set in modern day with at least one female protag. Rockstar only care about money, and doing this would maximize hype as well as faux controversy so that they get the most sales. It will be extremely PC as well looking at how the Housers’ writing style is trending.

Also, all the people saying GTA is a USA only franchise are delusional. There will be a GTA set in Rio de Janeiro within the next ten years. The Housers are notorious liars as well as sellouts. And anyone who has played GTA Online for any substantial amount of time knows that a huge plurality of GTA players are Brazilian and bad with money.

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San Diego-Tijuana

Give me the option to customize my character more. I mean like more hairstyles, tattoos in different places, more clothes, rings, necklaces, shoes, color options, etc. Give me something to spend my end game money on because I always end up with millions of dollars and nothing to spend it on.

>or Indianapolis + everything in between that and Fort Wayne

Nobody wants to play a GTA set in your boring ass flyover cornshucking state.

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Bring back weight gain/weight loss


>its america only get over it
Not once America becomes majority brown.

You're a turbo autist. Why would they include such a niche situation. Fuck you for thinking this is a reasonable request, none of the Koreans would even accept help from a white psycho, a white psycho or a nigger

ditch the attemt to turn modern day into a video game

>Also, all the people saying GTA is a USA only franchise are delusional

It's not delusion. Dan Houser himself said he only do a GTA set in the US and that it has become a game about satirical America.

they should do some shithole 3rd world country where all the raping, robbery and shooting would be totally normal

for fun make it so the player can get a militia and extort/blackmail/kill his way into the ruling class

Pennsylvania. It can be based on the state, with two big cities on either side based on Pittsburgh and Philly. And some comfy farmland and mountains/forest in the middle. I think the two city concept would be cool.

gta sa remake which includes a prequel when brian dies and expands some characters

implying R* actually have the mental capacity and talent to implement this well, if at all

>where all the raping, robbery and shooting would be totally normal
so america?

I see you didn’t read the entire post. The Housers are full of shit and will do anything for money. There will be a GTA set in India eventually as well and it will outsell every other GTA so far.



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Only the “diverse” parts.

>Bring back more side stuff to do from SA/3D era like gyms, paramedic and vigilante
>Make NPC interaction and gunplay more like IV
>Switching characters like V is alright but each character should have a comprehensive storyline like IV
>Put in more cheats

>irrelevant expansion
I can promise you it was not “irrelevant” when it came out as the first and only sequel to GTA. Neither was the follow up in 1961 London. Until 3, GTA was just as much about the UK, if not moreso, than it was the US. Which you’d know if you weren’t a zoomer faggot.

nah the london shit wasn't nearly as popular as gta 1 and 2

thats just a town off the highway. theres a lot more to the state than that

that said, it would be pretty comfy if GTA had an area like this

They should complete the San Andreas area so they can reuse the Los Santos map while adding Las Venturas and San Fierro with some reused Red Dead 2 biomes in between, that would save time and still cash in on both GTA SA nostalgia and zoomer GTA V nostalgia

When exactly did they ever do Chicago? I can only think of NY, LA/SF, and of course Miami

I'm actually nostalgic of gta v's hype but not of gta v itself

Just let me spend a large
r prtion of the game doing minor gang shit and then slowly ramp up the craziness. Gta 5 really skims over the small time stuff which is the best part desu

In reality it would just have 1/4 the number of npcs from the rest of the games and there wouldn’t be anything to do

but yuropeans and the rest of the world in general know chicago only because of al capone
only american cities people recognize are ny, la, sf, lv, maybe boston

>bmw x1
>beats by dr. dre
How come modders and their userbase have poor taste?

Las Vegas, San Francisco and Washington DC are probably the only "unique" cities left. Anything else is way too similar to New York or LA. Or is not interesting enough to be have GTA game based on it. Seattle would be a nice, but it's not really a city known for it's crime, so it wouldn't work either.


too black

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Reminder we're not getting a new one until they have enough material to ape the 2020s

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70s in a big city, plus some rural aspects around it. It has a lot to cover, mafia 3 kind of wanted to do that but I feel they missed the tone

Nope. Gta 1 and 2 sold significantly more after the release of 3. They were not more popular than London during their intial release.

They can set it in the 60s or 70s

That's happening regardless of the city they pick because that's the direction rockstar is going towards

They shouldn't.
5 was shit and only made worse by online
Rdr2 I didn't even play
Fuck them I quit gaming again

Is this Blacked 2k20?

Next GTA is going to be in hong kong or some other asian city, and it'll have lots of interiors. Screencap this.

They won't make one, it would be impossible.

what about 90s?

Moscow (Anywhere city)

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70's setting with Dirty Harry / French Connection / Godfather references out the ass please.

Gta IV went too far with it tho which just straight up made things less fun,especially in the driving

>location doesn't really matter
>go back to the 'rags to riches' gangster formula instead of trying to write another braindead ""deconstruction""
>actually design some fun missions
>actually design a fun sandbox
>don't turn missions into overscripted playable cutscenes
>no rubberbanding AI
>no psychic cops
>no new car to magically appear when you disable the owner's real car ahead of time
>get literally anyone but the housers to write the story. they can write the funny meme dialogue of they want, but get someone with actual talent to write the plot and characters

Venturas in the 70s is the only way to go. That and the surrounding desert.

>switching characters

I thought it was neat. I played each one of them differently and would listen to certain radio stations based on which one I was playing.

because they are all pakis

>All areas from the entire series in one >map and maybe a new area
>Online to be not shit
>Better music selection
>A great story

What didn't you like about it? I thought having instantaneous perspective change of a big firefight was pretty fun, you could be sniper guy one instant and then on the field shooty tooty guy the next

make it always online :^)

This. Now that you've said it I think Vegas would be absolutely perfect and a great spiritual successor to vice city.

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They did the first two you mentioned in San Andreas. That game was LA, SF, and Las Vegas.

Probably just because I played on the xbox 360 and it took about 20 seconds to switch characters made it feel terrible. I did buy it again for the PC and liked it more as It was quicker but having more than one story driven character felt too unfocused to me. I'd rather just play as and get to know one personally.

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Don't make it rely on realistic animations to the point of making the controls feel like shit. Just go back to Vice City design mentality

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>bigger = better mentality

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Already begging for Gta 6? I thought RDR2 was game of the decade?

>What they will actually do will be a return to Vice City set in modern day with at least one female protag. Rockstar only care about money, and doing this would maximize hype as well as faux controversy so that they get the most sales. It will be extremely PC as well looking at how the Housers’ writing style is trending.
RDR2 makes everything you just said false. Their singleplayer focus was so heavy it's compromised their money making multiplayer experience and it was their best written game. They made the main missions and some side missions. The liberal shit you potential speak of was probably handled by one of the other 20 contributing writers. Which if anything their was only one kinda liberal thing which was the dude in saint Denis talking about white supremacy

characterization for all 3 was bad

70s New York, hyper violent

Not to mention the story was dogshit and the ending was so bad I actually said "huh, that was anticlimactic"

the problem with the story is that it didn't had a proper villain
all the antagonist factions were poorly done mainly due having 3 different characters that have almost nothing in common

cancel it

what was the ending again

Main issue was that they introduced so many cinematic missions but at the same time threw out much of what made GTA fun.
Also, having the main characters needing to be struggling for cash to make the "the big one" thing work, also gimped the game tremendously.
Trevor was the only character whose missions felt like actual GTA missions.

tying up the loose ends with the CIA guy, the chinese faction that never appears in the game at all and the shitty gang bullshit that is just there for reasons

>hasn't participated in a GTA speculation thread before
newfag please go back

Seattle, maybe

we already had GTA Chinatown Wars tho

That was in LC


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That doesn't fit under the premise of a strong female lead anymore though, sadly.


So just like all other GTA games?

>Open-ended mission design, fewer missions that are strictly linear, and fewer missions built around a basic player choice to change the objective (this is arguably most important)
>Grounded story, closer to GTA IV
>Much smaller map, emphasis on tiny details everywhere, plus a bunch of secrets like RDR2
>NPCs with realistic routines and daily schedules, important NPCs that have homes they go to, shopkeepers that close up shop, etc.
>Include NPC interaction from Bully and RDR2
>More interiors
>Likable, genuinely nice or friendly characters

I'd prefer another period setting, but thanks to the existence of GTA Online we can rule that out forever.

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New Orleans

GTA IV's driving wasn't realistic but importantly it had a SKILL CURVE. If you were good at it you were GOOD and that made all the difference in MP especially. In V the driving is piss easy for anyone to the point where you don't even have to line jumps up properly because you can just jiggle it in the air. Ruined the MP experience for me.

who cares its the multiplayer will be microtransaction GARBAGE. The last good R* MP experiences were IV, RDR1 AND MP3. they've done nothing worth playing since

I've never been to burgerland in my life but SF bay area seems like a good map.
You can have a 1:1 SF, the sea, Silicon Valley, the parks, etc Lot of diversity.
Plus, San Fierro already exists.

Yes but Vegas was really small in SA. They could absolutely do a full game with a bigger city and have detailed interiors for the casinos and hotels.

>Las Vegas
wont happen. think of all the interior places they'll have to model. No way Rockstar will do that

Ok, I know that nobody is going to believe me, but I know where GTA VI will be set. Here it is: it will be set in the general area of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. Atlantic City is in the game, called Poseidon City. Connecticut is called some Native American name that I don't remember. Liberty City is in the game but a smaller emphasis.

>LC again
>but with less detail
this sounds retarded enough to be true. when is the release date? (that will get pushed back another 18 months)

Las Vegas
New Orleans

> smaller emphasis on the one city in the three states that is known abroad.
You're right, I don't believe you

does New Orleans actually have any character at this point? to me it seems there are a few streets in the French old town but that are a little interesting ten the rest is just bland cookie cutter garbage

Its a smaller emphasis because a lot of the storyline focuses on the upper class really rich people of society, hence the game having some of Connecticut. In fact I know remember the name of CT, Mashantucket.

Vegas needs its own game. San Andreas didn't do it justice.
I can't think of a more iconic city which hasn't had its own GTA game yet.

>Ranks dead last in Quality of Life compared the every other state in the nation