Non-horror game has a horror section

>Non-horror game has a horror section

Attached: bowtlets.png (700x681, 838K)

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Half-life 2

Is there any particular reason for why these are all different or is it just an arbitrary standard that is too bothersome to change?
And is there an optimal design for a socket?

there are different voltages around so you can't plug an appliance needing X voltage into an Y outlet and break it.

>And is there an optimal design for a socket?
yes, pic related

Attached: Schuko_plug_and_socket_annotated.png (1052x504, 209K)

>mfw I apparently have the most optimal one
That's neat I guess

But then the follow-up question is why they don't have the same voltage everywhere?
Sorry if I'm being a bit of a brainlet here.

Attached: 1498937869344.png (373x318, 40K)

>mfw 3 prong British masterrace

Nationalism. Honestly.

Why is Iceland socket a dog?

Originally, electricity was just for lights, like, there wasn't anything else that used it. It was cheaper and safer than using kerosene torches. Then people started making toasters and shit that fit into that same plug, so they made a new outlet type specifically for lights, and electricity was cheaper as it used lower voltage through those specific plugs.

That was of course, the US history. As electricity started spreading to the rest of the world, the option was adopt the US standard, which was (and is) unsafe, as you'll be able to find, they're pretty unstable and wobbly when plugged in, a fire hazard. So countries made their own plug standard.

There was an IEC effort to make a universal plug standard (Plug type N) but it never really took anywhere. Nobody wants to switch, I guess, since it's been a good couple decades with everyone having their own plugs.

Oh and plug N is the switzerland/brazil type, in OP picture.

damn north america is based

USA was the first to get electricity, right? They had 120V. Afterwards other countries, such as most of Europe began using 230V because it's more efficient. Since the US had been expanding their 110V it was too costly to redo it and thus it stayed that way.

Attached: voltage.png (1365x710, 156K)

Don't confuse based Iceland with the shitpile of lime and water that is Denmark.

Can we all agree that the Schuko is the best plug? Britbong plugs are excellent too, although too bulky.

yo wtf brazil


Attached: excuse me.gif (220x258, 195K)

>inb4 fuse in plug argument

why not have the appliances be of better quality so that the fuses wouldn't be needed?

Still better than "red Sweden"

absolutely based

Are you muslim or something?

The chad block.

Attached: 1486951399481.jpg (962x1056, 127K)

Alright, thanks for the explanation. I guess changing also becomes more difficult with each passing year.

>there are different voltages around so you can't plug an appliance needing X voltage into an Y outlet

The outlet shape doesn't matter though...
It could be identical, and your things still break due to different voltages
And most of europe has the same voltage, but still different outlets


lack of standardization from day 1

Attached: 1000px-Power_Grid_of_Japan.jpg (763x800, 76K)

Reminder for pluglets out there

Go back to r/Denmark

Jesus christ, what is wrong with the Japan?


No it isn't. Those 2 flags are identical outside of colour. Iceland has an additional cross.

>And most of europe has the same voltage, but still different outlets
but still compatible with one another

>all that crap right above the stove getting soaked in fat fram cooking

>all different forms of electricity
>somehow Okinawa where the burgers are ends up 50hz

How long until the uniform EU-mandated outlet?

No need. Everything works everywhere else as is.

Brazil ain't fucking around

You still need a plug converter

But I'd rather have my country associated with Iceland, than with those fuckers next door.

>that aussie/chink outlet

Attached: 67869.jpg (500x286, 22K)

You see what poor communication can do to a nation? Although it could be worse, as seen here.

>only ground needed to open the shutters
the schuko requires BOTH to be pressed to pass through. and when that happens the plug is already in. no open holes to shock yourself

Fair enough. I mean, I would too.

Though it would be neat if shuko had shutters in addition

Just for the UK. And they're leaving so who cares.

>no power in antarctica
oh well

It's a good reason if the power infrastructure is also different. All the continental EU plugs that look pretty different are actually the same and cross compatible, as long as you don't need ground.

That depends on where you go, and what type of plug you use. Many appliances in Europe use a "universal" one that can go in almost any European socket.

Yea Forumsoltage

But that one is unearthed

Americans microwave their water

Attached: 41INoX+Hm6L._SX425_.jpg (425x498, 18K)

schuko DO have shutters

So they're relocating the isles to Asia?
(Them being in the EU or not doesn't change jack shit)

True, but there's very few things that would need that, that I'd also fell like taking with me when visiting another country.

You pretty much have that with the one that is supposedly German in the collage but is the modern standard in many more countries. The standard grounded plug that goes with it is also compatible with the French socket, so these are fairly interchangeable as long as you're going to plug stuff made in the past few decades.

Not everything needs to be. The ones that do provide the additional slot and if you want to be really safe you can just buy a plug where you are, cut the wires and reassemble it. Or just be careful while using it.

Or don't and you'll get a 220/230 AC shock. It makes you jump but it's not that bad.

americans do not use water

Asia? Nah, they're just putting rocket engines in Dover and shooting it up to the arctic circle.
Now Northern Ireland is where it gets tricky.

Wrong you retard, British sockets are obviously the best

brainlet here, what does the Hz of the electricity have to do with anything? tought only V and A mattered when pluging shit to the wall

What if we merge the best parts of them and make a new socket?

Why is the Japanese plug unearthed?
I understand the Russian one because lolpoors, but shouldn't the Japanese use something more akin to the US plug?

>inb4 he posts that video

how so?

not enough space

how did germany and south korea end up with the same

American sockets are trash, every time I use a vaccine for too long the metal connectors bend and the bottom one always breaks off.

Attached: testv.png (567x709, 619K)

That plug is bigger than some of the appliances, man.

daily reminder that the danish plugs are the best

The Australian / Chinese one is the best, but any of the sockets that form a triangle with their holes / prongs are good.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

They use a different system where you get ground with a separate, assuming you have it installed where you need it. If you don't, you simply yolo without.

I don't know if Russia actually doesn't have ground in sockets or if it's just showing the most popular one, because in Europe it's common to have a mix of both grouned and ungrounded variants around the house.

>use a vaccine

does vaccines require power nowadays?

Yet it was hot shit

Yes it does, theres a reason why pal games used to run at 50 fps

>not reversible
>xbawks hueg
>breaker in every plug because your grid is shit
kys bong
schuko is perfection

yeah. in norway we can have both grounded and grounded in a house legally, but it's illegal to build with a mix of grounded/ungrounded on the same circuit, something i found out when renovating my parents house.

>but any of the sockets that form a triangle with their holes / prongs are good

>They use a different system where you get ground with a separate, assuming you have it installed where you need it. If you don't, you simply yolo without.
I haven't seen a single socket that actually has a place to screw the cable to, and nobody uses it anyway
It's like a stop-gap measure that never got replaced because nothing is grounded anyway
The only 3-hole sockets I've seen in Japan were in a bank/post office

>but it's illegal to build with a mix of grounded/ungrounded on the same circuit
wrong. it's in the same room that's violating the code

t. elektrikker

I guess the only reason Japanese games ran at 60hz was Nintendo, being a Kyoto-based company
If they had been from Tokyo, Europe wouldn't have suffered

*25 FPS
CRTs work by illuminating "scanlines" altenately; odds, then evens. Once a cycle is complete, you get a full frame. So at 50hz, 25fps. At 60hz, it's 30.

It guarantees that you can't put the plug in the wrong way.

yeah i guess so, it's just that in my house they're the same.

I can do this, I'm a vampire, I shouldn't be scared of ghosts..

Attached: hauntedhotel.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

If only there was a way to circumvent this problem entirely...

Hertz is the frequency at which you get a pulse of electricity. 50Hz = 50 times a second.

I mean it's not on the same socket where you get the power, but a separate installation put where it might be required. It's supposedly exceedingly rare to find in private homes, but most larger appliances come with this separate wire that most people leave hanging loose.

>wrong way
for most appliances it wouldn't matter

wtf are you talking about? we go to dunkin donuts to get tea like normal people

very innovative

Attached: Japanese_air_conditioner_electrical_outlet.jpg (1916x2768, 344K)

That's some impressively retarded shit.
Like, somebody actually had to *think* how to make shit retarded instead of just brainfarting.
How the everloving fuck is that even in the same time zone as 'ergonomic', or 'easy-to-use'??


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>horror game has a comedy section

The haunted mansion in A Hat in Time is scarier than 99% of horror games.

nice argument there, friend

There's literally nothing wrong with schuko. Now, fetch my kebab

Wtf are you talking about that for in a plug thread?


Hat in Time has plugs

Russia mostly uses shuko with some left without ground.

Why shouldn't it work for Americans? You just need twice the amps.

We're joining up with Japan desu

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i wanna kiss this qt

Sources tell me that the UK is planning a referendum on leaving the solar system this summer.

Fucking Blanka

she isn't real, user

I didn't find this all that scary mainly because of the implication that you play a vampire, wholly atmospheric though. shalebridge however, fuck, I couldn't wait to get out of there. the cathedral/return in thief 1 was tense as fuck too

BTW anything as good as these 4 levels in regards to horror in non-horror games?

she's more real then your social life

'ate Mars
'ate Jupiter
Love alpha centauri
Love me wife

They should actually leave the EU first

Bitches don't know about fuses.

Attached: 44.jpg (300x300, 11K)

>wanting to kiss cartoon characters
>talking about other people's lack of social life
user, i...

schuko plug is perfect. goes in both ways and naturally leads the connection. kinda like my ex-wife.

>It's like a stop-gap measure that never got replaced because nothing is grounded anyway
And that doesn't strike you as a bad idea?

>disposable fuses
How base.

Attached: .jpg (1125x1500, 278K)

>the metal connectors bend and the bottom one always breaks off.
This has never happened to me.

Canada, USA, MEXICO > any country else
It’s literally perfect, not bulky for nothimg

>circuit breakers without built-in ground fault interrupter
How outdated.

Attached: IMG_1644-002-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 70K)

That socket is screaming.

Attached: ZG38C02544-main-v1.jpg (1000x1000, 30K)

>Canada, USA, MEXICO > any country else

Attached: snickering females.png (560x500, 477K)

>blå målersloyfe på IT-nett

Actually here in Mexico we use 2 systems one like the photo and one closer to the Japanese one

looks more like it's shocked

Attached: 1402512033258.jpg (324x372, 53K)

>no smart meter
i'm calling the police

>living in a voltlet country
lmao my substation puts out 250v and that's how I like it. No fibrillation for me, my toaster is gonna kill me stone dead instead.

You, me. Behind school after class.

you live closer to the transformer

Why don't we just use 400 volt?

Meanwhile in Japan

Attached: 62aacc95.jpg (560x372, 15K)

no household appliances run at that voltage

I fail to see why that could potentially be a fire and shock hazard

Attached: RS5s33Y.jpg (750x1334, 559K)

>light bulb socket
>running multiple extension cords

nvidia must be jealous as fuck

Twice the amps twice the time so they don't use them

What would even need that amount of kick? A lathe?

We could have vidya with 200fps

Shut up Tom

Japanese TVs all run at 60Hz since they borrowed the NTSC system from the Americans. You can't run a 50Hz signal on a Japanese TV.

Old games actually are 60/50 FPS since they're double-scanned rather than interlaced, so each scan is a full picture at the cost of half the vertical resolution. This is why things that run at 240p have scanlines: the TV is ignoring every other line on the screen.

That's what they want you to believe...

The US power grid is actually 240V, it just gets stepped down to 120V before it reaches the power outlet. Certain high-power things such as washing machines have special outlets that run at the full 240V.


Attached: file.png (526x275, 180K)

But there's also PAL60 tho. Any all my PAL CRTs can do 60hz ntsc too.

It's incredibly creepy how Germans even mention themselves as such or refer to Germany, it's always the EU and EU citizens.

Attached: kraut.png (1232x2974, 203K)

I was like 12-13 yrs old playing Uncharted Drake's Fortune with the lights off and those monsters they dropped out of nowhere wuz scurry as fook.

Attached: uncharted.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

It'd be easier to list things that aren't wrong with Japan.

>when your house only has 2 sockets everywhere
I need to replace them with 3 prong stat

Out of all edgy, racist shit I've seen on Yea Forums, this is the most forced, desperate and pathetic one. Bravo.

Cry more shit eating kraut.

Attached: 1467753827276.jpg (853x480, 88K)

>its white people shitting on white people
