*obliterates your gaming community*

>*obliterates your gaming community*

Attached: UwU.png (896x896, 318K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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Meowie you shoud stop trying.

Weren't you complaining about how most gamming communities were "SJW infested shitholes" echo chambers?
So they give you the tools to make your own community and you still complain about it?
What do you want, exactly?

>bunch of furries prove how hypocritical and bigoted gamers are
btfo indeed

Discord is genuinely ruining entire PC communities. I can't join a server where there isn't some insecure mod or a girl half the server orbits.

Genuinely, it's the shittest fucking place.

Is that the guy who posts his lewd Twitter here from time to time?

>community is full of control freaks and attention whores
Sounds like it was always shit

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fuck the mod staff, they all are a bunch of biased assholes, I just want a calling service so I can talk to my friends that isn't ass like skype dammit

Sounds like you play shitty games or join shitty servers.

how is that any different than this shithole?

*Gets raided by FBI*

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>time to time
That faggot posts his stupid video all the time


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Steam was the thing that ruined gaming community, discord is just the final nail in the coffin.

Then please tell me where to find good servers.

Reminder that Discord staff are literal furry pedophiles who had to be strong-armed by a witch-hunt campaign to ban furry child porn from their own platform
You can find discord staff accounts on furry dating sites where they list "younger" and "underage" as interests

Attached: stu2.jpg (506x533, 19K)

Never said it wasn't

>Telling people about good servers on Yea Forums
yea nah fuck off

>Yea Forums
>Not /vg/

Being bigoted to someone who is less roasted than you isn't any better. Don't bother responding back your only getting one (YOU)

>preventing hate
get your brain checked, you're clearly fucked in the head

reminder that discordfags will destroy WoW Classic with their gay pedophile exclusive grouping

>not just having a server just for your buddies to fuck around in
I Don't get it, why do you faggots want to be part of these big retarded community servers infested with power tripping autistic mods and gay furry transsexuals. Just have a server for you and your friends and have fun.

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Just avoid community servers and join private servers for the game you're playing. I've only been a part of 1 bad server but that's because the admin was a butthurt brit.

I didn't ask for a specific server you fucking mongoloid lmfao

I asked how to find good ones

you niggers didn't even have friends anyway so i'm not sure why you're complaining

>letting your underaged daughter cosplay
Those parents should really be fined for being so fucking stupid.


Let me fix that for you
>Obliterates Yea Forums gaming community because it exposes the average Yea Forumstard as a power tripping sociopath
Seriously, every single vg or v server I've ever joined has been filled with total jackasses who do nothing but shitpost and never talk about the game
>Say x thing
>50 people just spam "he doesn't know" golden face emoji
You people are cancer and then at random people get banned for "the luls" mentally I'll faggots have sperg attacks every 5 seconds and then you people wonder why your servers and communities collapse.
After spending a good long time in the warframe /vg/ discord and a normal warframe discord I can honestly say the /vg/ one was the worst bar none the worst experience I've ever had amongst other people.
Some of the most autistic administrators I've ever seen who ban literal who's for nothing but refuse to ban actual nuisances until a third of the server has already left.
It isn't discord, it isn't furries or trannies or whoever you idiots want to blame it is YOU it is you morons. Fuck me, everyone enjoys shitposting but good God can you fucks learn to interact like normal people for 5 fucking minutes?
Holy fuck.

The FBI doesn't give 2 shits about loli, but there was actual cp being posted on various discord servers which is why they're being raided.

By using your judgment and life experience to make decisions for yourself.

>Just avoid community servers and join private servers for the game you're playing

So you mean local ones for specific in-game servers?

>Joins a random discord server posted on a gay Yea Forums threadd
>"OMG why is this program so bad and only attract faggots, I hate this!"

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Nothing wrong with cub or being a furry pedophile.

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I'll never understand how these fuckers think they can get away with it by calling it "cub"

>want to try out sea of thieves
>do matchmaking
>run into people who disconnect without ever saying a word constantly
>go to reddit.com sea of thieves subreddit
>see discord link
>"fuck it"
>join the discord
>play for 2 weeks with a bunch of cool dudes and we kick ass
>always a new group of people
>no trannies, only 1 girl once, no drama

Why is Yea Forums always wrong about everything?

You need to get help if you think underage cosplay girls are lolis.

Right now.

ah yes.. furry child porn. We must think of those in real life cubs we are explioting.

You say this like it's strange but many years ago yahoo had a messenger and community client that got raided because of people literally sharing cp and doing child molester meetups. It was actually an epidemic

So why bother responding at all, you retard?

Do not lewd the Bun

You prevent others from enjoying what you enjoy, it's what strong people do.

If it was just against people saying shit like faggot and stuff I would disagree just due to them taking over on a fundmental control of whats supposed to be a community platform but I would understand it but its not just that
the staff will not let you shit on furfags and will nuke your account if you piss them off.
and if shitting on Furries is considered hate, then fuck that shit they arn't a identity like being gay or black, they are just degenerates who chose to dress up in fursuits. shitting on them is not hate retard.


Yeah or if you're in a clan/guild in a game.

>join discord server based around a multiplayer game to find people to party up with
>80% of the discussions are in "off topic" channels of people posting anime/furry porn
>constant e-drama, every week someone is getting banned for pissing off a moderator or "leaking DMs"
>people spending 5$ a month for discord nitro so that they can spam funny pepe emotes cross servers
every server is the same thing and discord staff are childish and unprofessional. It feels like a company run by those really smelly people you see at meetups/conventions

Attached: nothing wrong34.png (185x187, 47K)

These 3.
Here's the truth:

Some (not all, mind you) of the people that end up on Yea Forums won't ever have permanent friends of semi-permanent buddies because they're genuine sociopath shitposters constantly edgy as fuck that are messed up in the head.
The way things previously were set up they could enter a server or a random forum and just shit out their usual verbal diharrea.
With discord servers they're swiftly weeded out as unwanted elements.
So they try again and again in every new server and they're always kicked out for being unfunny, edgy memelord shitheads.

So in the end they think everyone is a control freak mod and all the communities out there "just don't get them" so they complain about it on Yea Forums.

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>Drawings are real
Fuck, I hope you newfags never go to Yea Forums. They had to get peer pressured because you may be shocked to find out drawings aren't illegal in U.S law you dense fuck

you're a subhuman, and your hate must be contained, that's why you get moderated

these "people" need to be v&

haven't been banned yet fag, keep seething tho furry enabler.


I didn't read the entire image, but even then the FBI doesn't give 2 shits about creeps having pictures of clothed kids. Child modeling is still an expensive way hebes and pedos get their fix. But it's still not illegal.

>joining shit servers
entirely on you, fag
how is it different from joining an IRC channel full of fags and trannies, unless that's exactly what you want
why would you complain about going to some place full of people you don't like

>hey dude join my discord
>you have an account right?
>let me add you on facebook then...
>dude, what?

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>server is filled with anime profiles
>all literal pedophiles and law breakers
Like clockwork

Imagine blaming a VOIP for ruining your shit games

Holy shit have you been living under a rock dumbass?

> but even then the FBI doesn't give 2 shits about creeps
Actually they do. You see, just because the pictures are not showing genitals, it is still considered child pornography.

the solution is to use steam chat and steam groups
you may not like it because you're faggots
but steam chat is what peak community chat looks like

Thanks. Though I don't really play games with encourage that kinda stuff, so I'm a little fucked I guess.

>constant e-drama, every week someone is getting banned for pissing off a moderator or "leaking DMs"
Jesus Christ, this is it. I don't know what it is about the platform that makes people such melodramatic children. I swear there's some shit starting in every server, usually due to a Mod who clearly doesn't know how to handle power.

Don't forget:
>Needless number of ranks for servers
>About 60 channels
>Have to do some verification horseshit to be allowed in

good, and you better behave yourself in the future too, subhuman

how is this different from any games forum

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>furries ruined something
What else is new?

>Go to a party
>It turns out it's shit
>It's your fault for choosing to go to a bad party :)

Because it's cub, not cp one of them isn't real you brainlet, this is the equivalent of saying
>wow, how do they get away with calling mass murder "videogames"


Why don't you move to GNU Jami, Riot.im, or XMPP? They respect your freedoms

Anonymity means nobody can actually get control, unless they become a janitor or a namefag. Namefags are reflexively hated and Janitors are anonymous. So while people.can influence, more than their fair share, they can't really get attention and control narratives either

>furry child porn

We need to protect the cubs!

>autistics too inept to create their own communities
If there enough people who agree with you, why not organize?

Never said it was

>uses subhuman when defending discord staff
>who are actual subhuman jannies doing this shit for pennies and their epeen

Furry servers are the only good servers

They're using the same logic as Dobson.

Attached: Dobs.jpg (775x1126, 359K)

yes, yes it is
you fags are this stupid, god damn

Yea Forumstards are tech illiterates

Epic is the salvation.

Teamspeak renaissance boys ww@

Well at least it wasn't a food analogy

I dislike how if someone shows up in your discord and starts complaining about it, it can be taken down. It just doesn't make sense that someone can get a server they don't like taken down by reason of their distaste for it alone. It's made keeping a discord for my game up impossible because I have a shitpost channel where people can post memes. Some asshat gets offended at one of them, when I prune it and politely say "alright, but maybe you should just mute the channel" they can continue to look at it, making themselves mad, and then report the server and get it nuked.

fucking infuriating.

Maybe if you live outside of the US but it's literally not illegally here. Just creepy. Child pornography has to contain nudity and be sexual in nature. There's been people who got tried for having pictures of kids in lingerie that got off from being convicted.

You need to go to a place to form an understanding of it, you fucking mong.

Rent free in VaIvedrones heads.

Imagine not just using Discord to play with real life friends. Do people here really not have real life friends who play vidya?

>having shit judgement

NSFW channel is the biggest red flag.

>implying Yea Forums has an impact on anything

says the asshole that has his speech supressed at every turn, you know why you're a subhuman? because you refuse to embrace civility, which is why society as a whole rejects you from even participating in the discussion in every turn

How the fuck could you judge a server before you join it? Jesus christ, how are you this fucking dense?

That's...literally how it actually works, yes.

There is nothing wrong with being a pedo

What actually happens
>people make a discord server
>talk about games/porn, whatever because they're adults and that's what they do
>BASEDANDREDPILLED has joined the server
>calls everyone a degenerate
>spams random emojis and anime pictures
>talks about how loli is bad but having a pure Aryan 13 year old virgin wife is totally ok and good
>gets banned
>makes a thread on Yea Forums to complain about muh trannies
You bring it on yourself

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I host and use Matrix for text chat/file transfer and Mumble for voice. Also managed to get quite a few of my acquaintances onto that.
You can even embed Mumble-web into Riot as a widget for the few retards who can't install the native client.

he isn't wrong on this though

That one with the Quinn cosplay is a boy, right?

Once again, how can you tell something is shit, before you experience it as being shit?

But why? How?
Skype, Voip and google hangouts didn't ruin video games, I don't think discord is to blame, I think it's just we are experiencing a rapid change in the structure of out civilization where sexual degenerates run rampant and eventually take over.


Who is this? I feel like this was a tripfag at some point but I can't remember.

Genuine question. Why do people orbit pathetic 2INT 0 CHR losers like this that they would even be willing to hover around private servers made by them for the sole purpose of sucking their dick?

They would rather do drugs or play videgames by themselves than play with user at his place.

I've never set foot sinside Discord, never really cared for it, what goes on in it that so many people hold such a strong disdain about it? isn't it just a skype or gamers?


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bigots are not welcome, and that really puts sand in Yea Forums's vagina

to be fair though, discord has been cracking down on right leaning and Yea Forums servers for no good reason
and also entire servers can get nuked if one person says a banned word


>having a discord server for just you and your buddies to fuck around in

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>on the fucking internet
the internet's not real life just turn off the screen lol

Neorussia used to tripfag on Yea Forums a long time ago but a mod banned him because he kept posting cp.

things that never happened

Just like you can go to a party, peer in and decide whether or not you like the look of it, you can peek into a server, see the number of channels, lewd channels, mods, active users, muh rules channel, dumb bot that signals every new person joining (channel for it alone optional) and whether the online list is split by roles, and decide whether you like the look of it

It's a program that allows you to create a community sorta like Teamspeak but with more functions.
Yea Forums is mad because there's servers that contain trannies, furries, or other degenerates they don't like.
But instead of making their own servers they just complain about it here.
Or when they do make their own servers they start the goddamn inquisition among every single member memeing in there with them, find something to nitpick about them, rage about it, get banned, repeat.

>no good reason
you serious?

Its cool until it gets too big and then they have to cater to sjws

He used to be a laughing stock on a different imageboard like 10 years ago. Wanted to be a competitive TF2 and Dota 2 player, but sucks ass.

Who made this work of art?

I'll smooch the bun.

Based and cunnypilled.

>banning weeb server because some user post loli
>allow furry toddlercon
>allow furry underage dating server
>not biased

>Bans any "Nazi" or alt right discord
>Keeps loli shit and pedo discords up


Attached: Bicentennialman6.jpg (569x603, 25K)

or better yet, delete the bigots, you don't need access

This desu.

>Entire server can get nuked if one person says a banned word
Only partnered servers and even they are getting fed up with that, if you honestly want that to change then go make a r*ddit account and bitch a them
>inb4 I'm not willing to do the legwork to make the change I want to see

I mean 9 times out of 10 they're the same communities.

I never liked Discord, in practice it's not much different than shit like Ventrilo or Team Speak but I hate how annoying Discord's UI is and how the desktop app is like a web browser.

How does Discord make money?

>tfw when I joined the tranny discord
>tfw I wanted to make fun of trannies
>tfw no trannies there
>tfw only anons posting tranny surgery images
>tfw Yea Forums is lying.

Isnt that the 9s attention whore?

It has thousands of members.


And you're allowed to leave that server after seeing upon arriving that it's garbage, and express frustration at the quality of servers you join.

Stop being contrarian because you can be, lmfao

Still too lewd

Literally me

this is mostly true but your explanation has one flaw, you fail to realize Yea Forums has edgy discord servers full of sociopaths who are still degenerates

Ok furfag


subhumans don't get to enjoy the good things in life, it's always been like that everywhere


Discord has a couple of rules:
1) at least one tranny in each server
2)At least a couple of furries in each server
3)Not being gay is a bannable offense
4)Having a cute trap is not mandatory, but it's encouraged.
5)At least 10% of the servers users must have some sort of self diagnosed mental illness.

Didn't he also used to go to Fighting Amphibians?

Cuz actual tranny discords use filtering methods specifically to keep you out and places like Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /pol/ are completely blacklisted.
I mean, it's kinda obvious.

It amazes me when I see retards complain about /vg/. At least those idiots talk about the video game their general is about. Here on Yea Forums we are bitching about discord, and trannies, e-celebs, and basically everything that ISN'T video games.

Isn't this some nazi LARPer? Or am I misremembering?

I agree, he's pretty ok

Fuck I knew I remembered him from somewhere. I also remember Gurk, and Chrustler.

Yes, but people here are so autistic they can't even fit in with their own kind.
Or rather, they don't want to admit what they truly are even to themselves.

You play with a bunch of people and get invites to smaller servers. Small communities are better. Ideally you want things in the 20-50 range. That's enough people that things are typically active and small enough that you can still actually know a good chunk of them. If they are morons you bail.

what if I want to be a nazi trap tho?

Yea Forums is dead

>turns every community into a tranny circlejerk

Not that I'm saying you're wrong but everyone on discord has an anime profile.

who are you?

>this is actually what bigots believe
it's pretty free, haven't been banned or ever recieved a warning for anything, sure is hard being a decent human being huh?

>If you complain about discord you're probably a nazi
very plausible assertion any other hot tips?

Attached: tony.png (386x399, 208K)

How to identify a retarded tranny nigger with just a few sentences.
>You people are cancer and then at random people get banned for "the luls" mentally I'll faggots
>It isn't discord, it isn't furries or trannies or whoever you idiots want to blame it is YOU
These retards literally ignore the retarded trannies and furry nigger who ruin every single game they've been in.

Yeah he did. Neorussia also got banned from that imageboard for being a retard with shitty opinions and he paid for a ddos service to take it down but he failed (or rather gave up).

You can't be a nazy.

Thanks, the hard part is finding people to play with, I suppose.

They didn't say it was any different but I agree Discord is like being stuck on Yea Forums except everyone's a tripfag. Everyday the same people bitching and fighting to control the narrative of the whole server, retarded 15 yos concern trolling under the guise of mature discussion along pretentious excessive verbiage that they use wrong half the time, trannies, low effort trolls, power tripping mods etc.

I'm lucky enough to only be in 3 discord servers now but if it isn't related to hardware, software cracking or isn't a small server for a non dramafag clan or something in my experience most servers suffer from those aforementioned problems.

Alright Yea Forums, you made me do this.
>be me, 2016
>get in discord full of people discussing original characters and all originating from Yea Forums
>only person who had definite control over it was some autist who had a pumpkin-head waifu (who was as appealing as sounding yourself with a stick previously used to scrape dog shit from your shoe)
>autist forced himself down on everyone, especially e-girls
>he would get offended by what I said all the fucking time, simply because I had no filter (e.g. I would compare something to something else in a comedic tone)
>shit flings everywhere for what feels like an hour every time he got offended
>would continue for months on end, have been banned multiple times but he didn't know i can just use proxies to evade his sperg tantrums
>get within 5 months of being on the server
>new girls have arrived (most of them soppy attention whores), one of which was literally spongebob: the e-girl and wouldn't stop sounding "happy" in the most pretentious and fake ways possible
>tell her to shut the fuck up with her non-personality
>get banned from sperg for good, all invites are closed forever and are only given to "trusted people" (translation: his butt buddies and e-girls)

>be me, 2019
>hear that same sperg has ties with a baby fucker discord, along with about two other people
>one of his e-girls actually turned out to be a grown man
>have never heard from sponngebob: the e-girl ever since then

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I used to shitpost on FA under the alias Smugleaf, and a bunch of other names. I miss those times.

>Implying you don't want to be trapped between two mtf cuties, feeling their budding tits pressed against your shoulders and their tiny little leaking cocks dripping against your thighs as they tug and play with your cock

Stop defending faggots and transfreaks you bigot

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Yeah I remember all that. Surprising the site is still up. Time flies.

I just want a woman to look at me desu

make sure to post this on r/Yea Forums


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Luger is a German nazi LARPer and he's a pedo too. His Discord server got taken down because people reported Neorussia kek

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and it has a web browser built in-game that you can use while playing games

based tranny making up retarded scenario

>hating furries in 2019

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But those rules don't suck. They promote diversity.

I would like to talk to some furries brother and a cute trap every now and then.


>not understanding bigotry

By being easy. No one used google hangouts. Skype needs you to be on a friends list and sucked in general. So Mumble, Ventrilo, and Teamspeak were the primary programs. You had to download something, someone had to buy a server, then you have to punch in the info and configure it.
With Discord anyone can start a server with the click of a button and you don't even need a client. Plus you can use it on your phone. So all the stupid, low quality degenerates now have access to voip communities.
The same thing happened with the cell phone. The barrier to entry was lowered and the common man was let in. Eternal summer began, turns out the common man is a fucking idiot.


t. kero the wolf/ yms the dog fucker

Discord is a shithole because people behave like they were in highschool again

>Have you heard X did Y
>Z is doing X or so they say
>Y is a backstabber
>I'm feeling lonely and depressed guys uwu
>I'm the server's mom/dad/aunt/uncle
The worst one is, of course:

Attached: 1541276127205.png (784x522, 216K)

Stop joining shitty servers and have some fucking standards
Make your own and moderate it accordingly

Have you actually visited any threads on /vg/? Actual vidya discussion is pretty rare in half the threads.

not him, but like most things in life i think the concept is less 'how was i supposed to know it was shit?' and more of 'well my hand is already in shit, but it's warm so i'll keep my hand in'

just leave and move on, do you need more convincing that it's shit other than the smell, do you think someone is going to flush?

>walks in for smash bros anyway
>gets glared at for intruding at closed building times
>gets made fun of for being so obsessed with vidya that he tries to get a copy of smash bros while the building is still closed
>pissed over how he cant get his smash bros instead of just getting it at walmart or something

>"he isn't wrong on this though"

based oob-poster

You just outed yourself as a pedo twink.

Is it easier to get a bf on discord?

Attached: img_672.png (540x306, 107K)

It's almost like Discord is filled with zoomers and grown ass manchildren in their 20's/30's who still act like they're 15.

>things that only happened inside my head


>The worst one is, of course:
Shut your mouth, that is a cultural treasure.

>go to a /vg/ discord
>no one talks about the game, they only talk in off_topic

>posting oob in 2019
Fucking yikes

Having a fursona is pretty good.


disgusting subhumans

He was a Tripfag but dropped Yea Forums to focus on his discord

it clearly said games on the sign, fucking Yea Forums being retarded again

No, Tomo. Go outside.

Really, if you're one of those hollow, empty shell of a person that thrives on dramas with made up villains and victims discord is the place for you,

>be me
>ask some tranny fren to let me join her tranny frens server
>its full of cute boys and traps
>post my lewds in the server
>they all said im hot and cute and keeps giving me complements
>one of them actually bought me grills clothes
>started wearing girls clothes on the regular and trying to look as fem as possible
>almost everyday i post lewds and jerk off with my cute trap frens
>even got some dates and had sex with some of them a couple of times
>tfw you feel so happy and loved with ur cute frens
discord literally made my life a lot better
it just the perfect place for autists like me to find other autists and form friendships and even relation ships
you people are just a bunch bitter incels who hate life

I just rode my bike around but no one is outside yet.

Attached: img9716.png (280x464, 77K)

I'm afraid in the last few years zoomers have stumbled upon it and think it's an ironic meme. They don't understand it's actually used to communicate, and now it's difficult to use it normally anymore without someone thinking LOL HE'S REFERENCING THAT FUNNY MEME SO BASED


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Uh huh.

Let me guess: you have a passion for lolicon, and you defend it at every chance that it never harms anyone, but then, when you're faced with cub, you bash and condone it. Did I guessed it?

Plus, only one person from the Discord staff was reported to be a enthusiastic furry cub.

Attached: 1485286755556.jpg (1800x894, 284K)

Attached: 1553631571316.png (731x1024, 1.19M)

Ride it some more and awkwardly wave to people

Attached: Furries vs Non-Furries.png (900x506, 817K)

>"her" tranny frens server

Attached: sensiblechuckle.gif (250x250, 993K)


nobody here
>has a name and profile pic associated with them
>can attain mod status on a whim just for sucking up to authority
>can lord assigned roles, meaningless or otherwise, over other users
>join a voice chat

it's like all the shit tripfags could ever want for being annoying tumors in one package

>*sells all your data to chinks*

It’s the room Yea Forums keeps saying is full of trannies.

I have never seen a furry actually ruin a server, I'll give you back my warframe example
>go to normal warframe server
>people talk about THE GAME
>Some people have furry avatars
>server is still about the game
Meanwhile over on warframe /vg/
>someone tries to talk about the game
>someone with a furry profile passively exists and talks about the game
>50 people immediately screech reeee furfag furfag
>took a year to actually get banned because he genuinely didn't break rules but people still screamed at him
>f-furries and trannies ruin servers
No, faggots who can't stop screaming about literally nothing are the problem, just shut your fucking mouth for once

This. Even furries can be annoying to other furries.

>Needing encourgment to act like a trap from a community
>not just having one fujoshi bring out your inner desires randomly by shitposting
get on my level faggot

dont you dare talk shit about my boy King

Thanks for including those Twitter handles in your pic for me to check out.

Attached: D20zZZYVYAAzJfV.png (575x650, 431K)

I didn't suck anyone's dick to get mod status

so did moot.

Just go on Facebook or Grinder or whatever you homos use these days.

>not wanting to fuck gumshoe

discord (dĭsˈkôrdˌ)

Lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things.
Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement; dissension.
A confused or harsh sound or mingling of sounds.

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>not just posting gay furry porn and talking about wanting dick
I hope they like it UwU

yep, Discord admin tranny have never been the brightest bunch

>play mmo years ago
>have whole crew of friends that meet up and play weekly
>slowly lose friends as life catches up with them
>have some of them added on random social media/steam/etc but several are still unaccounted for
>eventually all stop playing and don't hear from them for a long time
>discord arrives
>make my own server and invite the friends I have and they see that its basically the same community we already in that mmo years ago and they all settle in voice chatting, gaming and posting memes and shit daily
>eventually they reconnect with older mmo buddies and as of right now my entire crew is accounted for other than maybe one stray guy
I don't get the discord boogie man meme. You know you can use your own server with your own friends right? Its no different than getting them together on vent or mumble or whatever you used to use, just with more features. You don't have to join these public cesspools and reddit circlejerk servers.

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>it just the perfect place for autists like me to find other autists
I don't care if you wanna be a degenerate, but at least acknowledge it, like this faggot

Godspeed you glorious bastard

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Let me guess: you have a passion for cubs, and you defend it at every chance that it never harms anyone, but then, when you're faced with lolis, you bash and condone it. Did I guessed it?

Where do they live?

why won't these tranny freaks just swallow a bullet already

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what's that dripping down your chin sport

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Chkins now know that I visit ERP servers and role play as a trap.
Chinks now know that I want to be a femboy fox.
Guess what? I don't care. I'm sure that even the chinks don't care.

Stop being a pedo, matsuri

you already gave a good reason for the ban, are you fucking dense?

I fucking lost.

I'm honestly more angry at autistic furries making anyone who's into anthro seem like a flaming degenerate when some of us just like the feeling of soft fur.

Drawings aren’t human you stupid fuck.

>not just having one fujoshi bring out your inner desires
i need to hear the story
grindr is full of closet homo boomers
its quite disturbing the things i see there everyday
some in eu some in the us

Can you link server?

What point are you trying to make here?

I insulted a spic several times, he gave me mod status, even though I never do anything with it.

If it's to chat just move to Telegram already

they ask for lewds before you enter
they wont let people who arent fem enough in
not kidding


Attached: grin.gif (800x430, 564K)

just a different flavor of mental illness and faggotry not unlike trannies and furries

That's a lot of CP.

>sure is hard being a decent human being huh?
Being a tranny was never being a human being


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Things that have happened on 3 servers I moderate.

Excuse me?
Who are you to even decide that?
Are you the author?

>Not having the guts to follow your own desires and needing 3rd party input to finally agree with yourself

You're a waste of a human being, not because of your tastes; but because you're weak and pathetic

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Hiroyuki is already doing that

>unironically using the word bigot

I hope they never do just because it’s fun to watch your tsun obsession.

Almost half of them do

The image is meant to point out the bias mods have here. They delete furry pics, but not human ones, despite that both are truthfully vidya.

it also clearly said "closed"

learn how to read retard

Leave Meowie alone.

yes user
now fap to it

it's more to the point than fagot

zoomers are scum

I've been making this joke for 3 years and the average discord fag is too dumb to get it.

It enables pedophilia

What's yours?

Fuck that attention whore

>Yea Forums
>whining about porn

>I have never seen a furry actually ruin a server
And of course the tranny furry retard revealed himself with such retardation. SS13, old CS servers and TF2 was nearly ruined by those faggots. Just because you like to hide and side with those freaks doesn't mean its true.

I imagine if they make it to elderly age their fake penises and vaginas will start necrolysing from poor circulation and hygiene.

holy feck that's teamspeak? time to go back then

okay link

>Warframe general server
Holy fuck I used to be in there. Worst member by far was fucking raybrandt
>literally can't stop talking about sucking cocks and how he wants to fuck pokemon
>has the audacity to call other people furfags and spergs when you tell him to shut his faggot mouth for once
The ent is also a total fucking retard, thank fuck monchop left and that entire server actually got blacklisted from /wfg/ what a fucking shitshow
I also don't understand how retards like goatsnarfer never got banned, then again it really was filled with morons

And then you woke up

2 INT 0 CHR is more than 1 INT -1 CHR. Its also easy to build a better persona on the nets than irl if you literally spend more time online.

>have a non-english anime/vidya server with +2000 users
>never any trouble
>no shitposting
>tons of patrician people actually discussing things
>join literally any english anime/vidya server

>Unironically using discord

>be high school student
>me and older friend shitpost to hell and back with some friends on a server
>we joke randomly about shit
>she starts making weird high pitched sounds randomly
>start to imitate them
>eventually this comes into randomly repeating shit she says, mimicking her
>what started as a meme became an actual fetish for me
>after like a month start to like doing that voice
>get into sissy hypno for a time
>MFW I feel fucking awful about it but I get immense joy from thinking about trap shit
I want to stop but I think I'm way too far gone

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When you guys hit 30, do something cool like beta uprising instead of just mass suicide

This. Based RRDS server.

cool, keep making up bullshit

The point is your a walking suicide statistic, freak.

>preventing hate
>against furries
They are not and will never be a minority fuck you

it's unironically the only service on the net run by decent people

>tf2 retard is a sperg
I've never played tf2 or cs but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say furries probably did nothing because tf2 players are so fucking autistic that you would've ruined your own server someway or another

>Getting groomed into being mentally ill by a bunch of crossdresser faggots
Literally loling at your life

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>you already gave a good reason for the ban
Which is?


I found a really good server here but I'm not about to ruin it by inviting you people.

I can feel your seething ass from your le quirky post.

I don't think it's a joke but yes, the idea is that the users are too stupid to notice; it's arrogance.


based cat poster

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won't be once assholes like you get purged from society, I hope you enjoy ovens

Theres alot to unpack there, but desu let's just throw the whole suitcase in the fire.

Furries are friendly and cute and also very eager bottoms, do not bully them

>old MMO friend runs a discord
>it's the 30 year old admin circlejerking about how great nintendo is with a bunch of highschoolers for months
discord is cancer

there is NOTHING preventing ANYONE from using Discord as just a better Skype. You don't need to find some pre-existing channel. You can make your own with just you and your friends. Am I missing some other detail? Are there guerilla superhacker furries breaking into private channels left and right?

This quite honestly.

I use discord just to play games with 2 guys I know, literally no reason to use this thing for anything else

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peeeeeenis :3

I'm still looking for a good artist to draw mine. Most of them don't take commission or are too expensive.
I'm not going to talk too much about it, but it's a fox.

dear god is Yea Forums worse than Yea Forums?

Ok that's different though /wfg/ is a different type of cancer because everyone there is a straight up psychopath

Still just as subhuman as liking loli

I dont know how people use it in other ways. The only reason I use it is to keep in touch with friends long gone as we still play games together but all live really far away.

>be me
>join discord server
>about 5 people, become friends with all of them
>some drama here and there it nothing too serious
>shit like a dude pretending to be a girl and catfishing people
>no one falls for it and he gets kicked
>fast forward 2 years
>over 200 members
>the admins are all fucking girls who are only admin because they "act cute" for the server owner
>spend whole afternoons saying shit like AWWW HEWWO YOU LOOKING VEWY PRETTY TODAY in some kind of admin circlejerk
>despite this make one really good friend
>we DM alot for about 3 years, very supportive and nice, basically shaped a part of my life and made me start a new hobby
>he slowly starts becoming more and more like the HEWWOW admin crowd
>becomes admin because of it
>ff one year
>constantly DMing Almost every day
>one day make a political joke via PM
>he says "wait you're alt right???"
>I say yeah I'm right wing but that doesn't matter we don't even talk about politics anyways
>wtf I don't think we should be friends anymore
>dude chill we never talk about politics and i won't bring it up again lol
>don't talk to me anymore
>TFW what could possibly be my best friend threw away a 3+ year friendship because of my political views which influenced absolutely nothing since we never or very rarely talked about politics and only about vidya and music
>TFW he becomes very passive agressive towards me in the discord channel
>is basically in the HEWWOW circlejerk 24/7 now

fuck discord

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oh how ironic coming from someone making up stories to defend furries. 100% of the furries never shut up about their fetish.

>didn't play the game
>but here's my 2 cent anyway
based retarded tranny.

Shitposters and literal shills are mad they can't infiltrate and shitpost in closed communities so they try to make it seem like a bad thing with these threads.

>furry calling someone subhuman
Now THAT'S ironic


>using 18 year old cosplayers that he likes as """evidence"""
>muh childlike bodies (aka every asian woman outside of lardmerica)
>muh mannerisms of underage girls (aka jap girls acting cutesy)
This is prime thought police. Obviously he's also posting some real little girls (like that Harley cosplay), but why would you even bother to put that other stuff in your infographic. That stuff is neither illegal or morally wrong. These are girls that are of age posting their cosplay on twitter.

Trannies and roasties that think that's the same as posting CP need to kill themselves. Back to resetera.

The introduction of notifications and (You)s certainly infected this shithole with attention whores and made the cheap baiting even worse.

I still haven't told you about my fetish

You do realize everything right to Mao is alt-right right? You're not very bright alrite?

how basic bitch. I bet you're a sub too

i just have a server for my friends circle, public discords are not worth anyone's time and i dont know why you'd ever want to join one

>Using Discord for public servers/communities

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Reminder that Discord's corporate leaders are all Jewish and designed the logo to spell out PisscorP when read using the Jewish alphabet

>Isn't on the Titanfall 2 /vg/ thread, the most based /vg/ thread

Furry haters never shut up about their hate of furries.
Deep down you wish you could be like us. But you have to hate furries because you were programed to do it.
Break free from the hate user, embrace the floof.

He wasn't really your friend.

Host ts3 server.
Is cheap, fast and easy

>the staff will not let you shit on furfags
Wishing death and violence upon some group you don't like like a edgelord is practically not the same as personally sharing your opinion about furries.

>they arn't a identity
Neither are some sexual orientation and some pigment colored skin.

>they are just degenerates who chose to dress up in fursuits
I will never understand this. How in the world is wearing some suit automatically considered "degenerate"?

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Kek. Was just thinking the same thing. Thanks.

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Your fault for bringing up politics

>Blame discord for a shitty person
He shouldn't have stopped talking to you for a political joke but I don't blame him if his reasoning was you being retarded.

>tfw you can flip a coin while talking to a tranny to determine whether it will commit suicide or not

>yeah I'm right wing

Can't help it.
But I assure you, I'm not a multi colored fox.

>get banned from social discourse from every service
>media writes article after article about what disgusting losers you people are
>society doesn't defend you or want you around because you're a toxic shitstain
and you still wonder why I call you subhuman

i dont take hrt i just look cute as is
if i stopped looking cute i can just stop being a faggot and easily recover
>mentally ill
im literally just a faggot who likes being cute and do cute things with boys with the same interests
whats so bad and mentally ill about that

things that are true and get Yea Forums fuming because they engage in the same behavior as evidenced by the (You)s

Based. The community college discord I'm in is good but the main drama involves women lying about shit

Valve hires people to come on here and talk shit about Discord. This is a fact.

Let me guess California or Florida? Every user on the goddamn planet seems to live there.

to be honest you could do the same with any white male ages from 18-30.

maybe you should reconsider your political position if everyone around you is telling you that you are a piece of shit for supporting violent deviants?

forgot to add that this also happens in twitter screencap threads

>describes a bunch of shitheads
>blames platform they all congregate on (in a bubble he could just leave) rather than blaming the shitheads themselves

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Where can I apply?

>yeah I'm right wing

Attached: shrek.jpg (720x720, 233K)

*obliterates your gaming asshole*

>yeah I'm right wing but that doesn't matter we don't even talk about politics anyways

Attached: trump soyboy.png (1200x800, 1.68M)

not in the US not even Europe

>unironically believing this

You cant even purge your ass from the basement you online SJW. What makes you think you or your kind is gonna stand a chance against me and my entire city of like minded individuals???

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Don't be so naive user. While the 18 year old cosplayers are acceptable, the underage pictures are not.

hi ptg

>single handedly ruins /vg/ forever
Why is discord so based?

reminder that white males kill themselves more than any other demographic

I like how the reddits fags still mad that /r/Discord is a horsefucker land.
God bless /mlp/.

Please for once in your life say something you actually believe.

Because it doesn't matter so long as it can be spun to fit a narrative. Same with liking loli; there's nothing illegal or morally wrong about it, but if it can used to spin a narrative that you were a pedo the whole time, it'll get used. The same thing as finding out a celebrity/known personality committed a crime, then going back through years of their old social media posts to find "evidence" correlating to it.

I think you forget that Discord took a YTer's account down just because he made a video about furry discords
Just boom, gone, deleted, all because he made a video talking to furries and having some bants with them that MIGHT be considered offensive to some furries

If you don't think the staff are shit, you're retarded.

lmaooo me

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Of course you're not multi colored. You're just a regular dime a dozen fox slut

Liking 18 years old is basically pedophilia in disguise.

>Part of 2 Discord communities
>Have 3-4 other channels for different groups of friends
>No drama or furries


Cursed image

/vg/ is a ton of mini communities that don't mingle very much with each other. They range from perfectly alright to 100% degeneracy.

>make up retarded strawnman scenario
>receive three (You)s from people calling me out
>>lmao look at all these seething replies proving me right

Attached: 1539995380894.png (632x756, 44K)

there are entire genres (like niche fighting games) that rely on communal discord servers in order to be playable.

>Still mad 4 years later

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And about all the other degenerate stuff on your computer too.

believe or not, governments are finally cracking down on hate, do you really want to be blacklisted from using banks and other services just because you enjoy spewing stupid shit?

>caring about video game community or ANY communities at all
Why do people do this?

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>Go to /feg/
>They have time to both talk about waifus and vidya
>Go to Fire Emblem/v/ on
>90% waifuposting 10% shitting on Fates


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Whoah...its almost like...they're a lot of them in first world nations....

who are you quoting?

>it's another tranny discord boogeyman thread

Chinks now know the games that I play
Chinks now know where my secret folder is.
I still don't get it.

You broke my heart, so no. Fuck off.



Cheese Pizza

As someone who frequently faps to furry porn, if someone told me they were a furry I'd obliterate them without remorse.

>yeah I'm right wing

funny to imagine Hitler's Nazis of the past in the modern world, shitposting on discord and getting involved in trap drama

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>discord starts off good
>people get through content
>Normal people leave
>A clique forms with people who are left
>Retarded erp, drama, in-jokes resume
>Everyone who's not int he clique and refused to associate gets shafted
>People who come back to said game are excluded
>The retarded clique attracts more retards to said clique through forums and in game
>Clique proceeds to turn into cesspool
The cycle of every discord and /vg/ thread.

if you're obsessed about being "cute" then it's not going away
also escape bags apparently don't work nowadays because they add some oxygen to the helium so gun to the head will probably be the best choice

>sorry my reddit arrow buttom broke and now is stuck like this

some communities are worth caring for like darksoul's
but most arent

I fail to see the difference between al of those scenarios and stuff like Teamspeak or forums.

I thought the whole discord tranny thing was just a meme but judging by the way some people react in this thread looks like it's actually true, holy shit.

>I think you forget that Discord took a YTer's account down just because he made a video about furry discords
I'm unaware of what are you talking about, but I'm quite sure it WASN'T Discord, the staff itself, as a collective group, that thought to do it. It was, rather, one specific corrupt furry cub moderator that did that (the same one who ruled loli and shota to be offensive, but not cub). He was fired by the Discord staff for his noticeable bias and inconsistency.

Regardless, could you please link the said video?

or, maybe they're just mentally unstable

>4 replies
>one that has literally me
this actually happens and Yea Forums is seething af to the truth

It's because any server you join will be at least 50% underage

What happened?

that person didn't value you as highly as you valued them :)

I never said the underage pictures were, I even said obviously he also posted that Harley cosplay kid, even if it's literally not porn that is still morally questionable because of how he portrays himself.

What I am saying is that putting 18yo petite cosplay chicks that post their stuff on twitter as evidence that he's a future child molester is fucking retarded and literally Australia "if the girl doesn't have cowtits that means it's CP" tier.

If society has decided that 18 years of age is old enough to have sex and be in porn and all the laws are based around that age in most countries, then why would an 18 year old girl posting risque cosplay pics on a public platform like twitter not be ok?

also forgot the best part
>me and her talk about fucking her boyfriend up the ass
>get on VC one night and said I wanted to due to being tired and seeing how he would react
>he gets really uncomfortable
>one day they leave the community due to drama
>still talk with them even to this day
>some people in the community thought he left it to fuck me up the ass
I may hate the moderation but discord can be a hell of a ride if you just treat it as fun and shit.

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Meant to reply .

Communities, not fanbases, you dumbass. As in group of 3 to 25 pals who play games together.

Believe it or not. The Government isnt as efficient as you think. Unlike Europe, the guys in the cammies and in blue are the guys that go to church, watch football, and go to the range. But go ahead and keep pushing their buttons

Oh and btw. Military has its own bank. So im gucci.

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>Not posting this bullshit.

>Every discord
>/vg/ thread
Idk I don't browse /vg/ but sounds like a them problem and not a discord problem.

Depends entirely on what game general you decide to visit. Some are alrightbut then you have Katawa Shoujo, Gacha and that fucking Harry Potter where it's just waifufaggotry.

I don't get why furries love art styles that mimic inflated balloons. Isn't furry porn supposed to be, well, furry

This just proves that lefties are intolerable. Righty Mc Tighty tried to put politics aside for the sake of friendship and understanding, something the left is incapable of.

>H-ha nazi! Not so tough when we put you in the oven!
Do you not see the issue with that?
Yup, shittons of redditfags, as you can see in this thread. Dear lord, the absolute state of this basket weaving forum

Nothing feel better than being a cuteboy flirting with another cuteboy online

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It is truely an honor to fight this war & epoch with all fellow Honkees. The spoils will be immeasurable, or the honor of the fight transcendent.

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>Yea Forums talks about how much Yea Forums about how much transexuals/women/mods abuse and kill the servers
>Meanwhile I all of my fighting game and Gacha discords have nothing but bros, who just want to talk about the ge, help each other out, and play games with others

Attached: smug_sip.jpg (436x583, 105K)

>Have server for talk with friends
>No problem
>Make server with old communities I was part in
>No problem
>Join a random Yea Forums server
>Surprisingly chill, but one furry can't stop sperging how he hates animu shit
>Use invite from there to get to another server
>All chill
>Join servers of obscure weeb stuff
I have no idea how you guys find all these dumb servers, but I assume you're either looking for fights or actually expect public servers to not be full of cunts that drive any sane person out.

The problem with you autists is that you join random servers to make friends instead of already having friends and making your own server to only accommodate them. I use discord to exclusively chat with my buds who are in the military or in uni far away since we can no longer see each other in person

no it can go away just like how women stop caring after they hit their 40s i even know some guys who are on their 30s and are still cute it really doesnt matter as long as you dont fuck your shit up with hormones youll look just like any other man if not better.
stop being an incel

Is that what you're calling smart people now?

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>dark souls community

vaatividya dick sucking, LE PRAISE THE SUN, 'le git gud' and low quality memes?

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