I've gotten back into the game after being kinda iffy with it,
What's your playtime?
Favorite Class?
Favorite Short?
What do you want out of the next update?
TF2 Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Favorite Class
Scout or Sniper
>Favorite short
It's either Meet The Medic, Meet The Sniper, or Meet The Sandvich
>What do I want?
An option to disable the ugly as fucking sin warpaints, some Frontline weapons being added and comp becoming actually fucking playable
God, the comps such a shit show I haven't even bothered with it
Also I would kill for some MvM stuff, that'd be great
What's your playtime?
2900 hours since 2010
Favorite Class?
Favorite Short?
Meet the Spy
What do you want out of the next update?
Something more than just cosmetics in a crate
Since 2013
1191 hours
I would kill my fellow man to get the next TF2 comic
>the artist told that they've barely started working on it and it's on hold until valve pushes for it, which will never be
We're never gonna get it, bros
MvM could've been great. Instead it got dropped, like most other Valve projects, because the developers lacked interest.
Oh no,
I know the Epicstore is considered bad but maybe it'll kick valve into trying again
Is MvM still worth playing?
I kinda want to give it a go
1300 hours playtime, favorite class is either medic or soldier. I would assume that Expiration Date counts as a short even though it's pretty long, so I'll go with that. I want the mythical heavy update, though anything substantial will do.
I have a little game theory that the Pyro update was secretly an update for both but just leaned more towards Pyro in weapons
Favorite class: all of them desu
Short: expiration date
I mostly do MVM tours as a kind of slow gambling, though I do still find it enjoyable. Operation two cities is the only tour that drops australium weapons, so that's the one I do.
I think that depends heavily on how lucky you are with teammates. If you play the bootcamp mode, you're gonna get a lot of retards who can barely play the base game. If you play mann-up, expect a bunch of hardcore tradefags who only play to beat it as fast as possible for the chance at a golden weapon.
Thanks for letting me know my dude, I didn't know that
I'll be careful, thanks for letting me know
I only play TF2 for custom gamemodes like surf and bhop. Vanilla TF2 has gone tits up, bloated to the point of bursting with shit gimmicky weapons, cosmetics out the ass for the kids who like to play dress-up and a lack of love from the dev team.
mann up with tour tickets. if you get a group that kicks you or is shit just leave and requeue, you don't consume a ticket until the map is won.
I found this video helpful: youtube.com
Certain classes are absolute shit for MvM and you'll be shunned if you pick them. Also, if you don't use optimal loadouts, you'll be shunned.
Just be a good player and get ez wins, two cities tour is easy as fuck when you get a based team.
Hope you find it fun user. I did tours back in the day with /tf2g/ when australiums first came out and got a Gold Ambassador on my very first tour which back then I sold for $80 USD.
Don't go into it for profit reasons or trying to score big. Do it for fun.
You never know, you might get so lucky, the whole of tf2 is announced you received a Golden Frying Pan (worth thousands of dollars), don't count on it though.
It is worth doing at least 1 tour before the game dies user. Go for it.
Thank you guys so much, I do really like how helpful the TF2 community is, compared to shit like Overwatch which people constantly screech toxicity,
I just want arena back, even Pyro and fucking melee shitter keep has a QP option
Can i ask Steam support for spellbook pages? I really want that fancy spellbook, it looks so nice