Large oof

>large oof
>mega yikes
>ultra cringe

Attached: doublepoint.png (760x792, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>r/Yea Forums reaction image
That's gonna be a YIKES from me

What's ooof anyway?

>based and redpilled

Attached: 7BF1947F-9F86-44F9-98CF-88ACF5DBA71E.jpg (647x740, 54K)

shake my head familama ding dong

Ya'll white people really need to get some pussy

These zoomer insults are getting cleverer by the day huh

have sex with children

>muffled oof
>unseen yike
>subtle cringe

Attached: 1502437360515.png (270x200, 30K)


Have sex

Ya'll white people really need to get some natto


Yikes and cringepilled

innovative and subtlepilled

Yeah, that's gonna be a huge zoinks from me, senpai

When is the next meme coming along? Clownposting already died and nothing filled its spot so far, Bucky was a failure.

its really mostly only crossboarders and newfags saying it
basically invaders, it has only slightly to do with age

>Dear white people, yall some of the~
>Dear white people. yall need to~
>Dear white people, yall act like~

Holy fucking ultra cringe and a mega large oof and yikes y'all just did


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Attached: 3rffohbuztv01.jpg (1080x1329, 713K)

>muh sekrit club!!!

That’s gonna be a gargantuan unf from me, familia

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-31 at 8.26.50 AM.png (497x465, 235K)

where's your dad, nigger?

>NOOOO you cant just dismiss the argument of the other person with a buzzword

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I've seen like 3 of you itt say it so far. So like the "yall white people -insert insult-" is a known thing or something?

Mega jinkies, famicom

I whiteboard switched your sister?

*bond burger


Attached: 32.jpg (386x376, 53K)

Fucking your white mom in a bbc gangbang

baka senpai
have sex
yall white people

I fucking hate Yea Forums. so much. so damn much

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this one is based though


Attached: wojakreddit.png (665x631, 100K)




It's when /v is invaded by bored discord trannies.

You people are stuck in the past.
Internet now is just a melting pot.

>have seх
How is this bad?

Attached: 1547785593294.jpg (2048x1152, 145K)

Might as call what you have a pussy since it's so tiny.

Attached: OP.png (758x426, 170K)

it's the sound your mom makes when I slam my dick into her asshole


It's the same thing as someone here telling you to get a life. Think about it.. the pot calling the kettle black?

>Don't know the reference but it's wojak
This makes me mad


Attached: 1553302759159.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

Don't steal my face.

I'm glad the suicide rate is going up.

Man I missed when people simply called you a faggot and a virgin.

where is this tranny discord user?
can you give me a link? somehow nobody can give me a link, really makes me think

Yikes, oof and frikkin CRINGE pilled.


oof yikes
real oofa doofa

ummm sweetyes youall' need to have sex

Is that what your dad told you when he left your mom?

Being gay is wrong though. Virgin doesn't really have the same effect as it used to. Getting laid these days is so easy that even the ugliest mother fuckers in the world are losing it.

If your dick is anything to go by it''s unlikely LMAO

>this thread

Attached: absolutely sweety.jpg (501x500, 47K)

oof pilled and cringe


I’ll have two ultra cringes, an ultra cringe large, a large oof with extra dip, a mega yikes, two bluepills, one with cheese, and a large wow.

Ummm and sweety-pilled

I'm white, ding dong. I'm basically saying ignore any comment that starts with the typical "white pepo, yall -insert insult-"

People unironically like making replies like this and submitting them here.

If you choose to click on these threads, you are choosing to surround yourself with people like this.
You have no one to blame but yourself regardless of any Reddit misdirection memes you have.

>not sweaty

A kernel of wisdom to be forgotten and lost ina field of stupidity.

>reddit is bad guys!!!

>proceeds to use buzzwords in his debate where he is beating you in his headlore
>you made no arguments!
>moving the goalpost!

the internet is a safe heaven for retards

>ding-dong diddly


umm sweety...

Im gunna give this one 2 sweatys and one hunny

it is, normies kill everything they touch

>people like this
>implying I didn't just post that because the OP is clearly an asshurt wojakposter that deserves to hate coming to this site, and would ever incorporate those words into my posts otherwise

Thanks for the (You) though

Back to your containment subreddit, worthless shitstain.

Attached: 13957.png (2200x874, 1.58M)

top zozzle


You people get sand in your vaginas over the dumbest things.


>Fuck lolis

Attached: E8168EB7-D661-407B-B989-BC32754817DA.jpg (2048x1219, 498K)

the virgin on the left
the chad on the right

No, it's spammed by underage 13 year old frog cancer from the 2016 elections who think spamming "nigger" is revolutionary on a website where people call eachother niggerfaggots for the last 15 years
>"Haha I said nigger!"

Attached: 1549922165714.jpg (1280x964, 118K)

back to your tranny discord



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Attached: sneed.webm (800x800, 2.47M)

nowadays you get banned for posting that, so it's not the same

You aren't above any of your posts, each one identifies you as a person and poster, regardless of your attempt to make a disconnect from thread to thread.

Homer Simpson vs Peter Griffin fight

>Hot take

Attached: 1546595350087.png (771x723, 680K)

OP here, I posted this thread because these words amuse me

There, you see, even OP accepts himself as a baseless degenerate with no real defining personality or opinion of value.

You should do the same, user.

This happened because you separated /pol/ from the rest of the site.

Attached: faggot.webm (498x240, 76K)


I kind of miss how 2012 Yea Forums freaked out about Reddit memes.

you need to go back


Wojak is a decade old. That's the problem. Most eras of joke and memes come and go. Redditniggers who run jokes to the ground (ragefaces) kept wojak on life support, he doesn't even serve his original purpose anymore.
>lol i painted le bald man gray, better spam him for months XDDD reddit gold here I cum!!!!

Attached: GOTTA BLAST.jpg (480x480, 33K)

Holy shit shit shit shit shit

>"tfw no gf" guy

Attached: 1548689993375.jpg (781x424, 68K)


>muh reddit boogeyman


fuck JEWS
fuck WOMEN
and most importantly

I'm going to watch Vinesauce videos until this thread 404's.

this thread is based and pillpilled.

>Have literal autism myself
>Miss how "autist" used to be one of Yea Forums's favorite buzzwords

I think I just miss how Yea Forums felt more relatable, while the new buzzwords these days feel like they came from Twitter drama.

Didn't Reddit used to be hated on Yea Forums just as much as Resetera is hated these days?


I missed when Yea Forums was funny in general. These last few years have been nothing but Wojaks and frogposting. It's tiresome.

>based and redpilled
I don't get this one, it's usually used for posts that are not based and redpilled.

Fucking Resetera

ResetERA aka REEEEera is NeoGAF 2.0: Electric Boogaloo, the sequel of NeoGAF. Essentially a case of "second verse, same as the first" it's basically the same situation as NeoGAF, with all the pedophilia, rampant faggotry, insufferable social justice whining, mods who drop the banhammer more often than Snacks ever did. Reseterans, better known as faggots typically spend all their time sucking Sony's dick, bitching about the evil white man, leeching off the government, blaming people, accusing people as claimed hate groups they don't like, and if that one guy on Yea Forums is to be believed...raiding Yea Forums.

>Be a newfag from the early 2010s
>Feel like I'm too new for the stuff on the left, but too old for the stuff on the right


Attached: what is this.png (378x592, 295K)

To be honest, all I know about Resetera is from Yea Forums talking about that site, but they do seem pretty crazy. I miss when the Internet was mostly apolitical, now everyone's going nuts.


this tb.h
the moment you got rid of all the edgy stuff all the normal fags came in to look for funny memes and upvotes

add "savage" and this is how my 12y/o niece talks. imagine grown men sharing the vocabulary of fortnite kids.

I feel you

Attached: 2011 v.jpg (1920x1080, 1.9M)

I'd argue that resetera is even worse than neogaf. Resetera filtered out all the moderate people from neogaf, and now it's just 100% crazy

that image was made before the Yea Forums/4channel split

for me, its the toast sandwich

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>tfw I only vaguely remember 2011 these days, but I remember 2012 stuff way more, like the "3.3 million Kickstarter" shitstorm

If I remember right, wasn't the thread post limit on 2011 Yea Forums 250 posts or something? I remember that it wasn't always 500 posts like it is now.

*ahem* ARTICLE 13 AND 17!

Attached: ahem.png (402x296, 123K)

i suppose it's this

or this one

i often write "BIG OOF" on 100% orange juice when im about to win and some guy throws like the biggest attack dmg possible in the game.

>Yea Forums has had no qualms saying "nigger" for the entirety of its existence
>continue doing so

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grow up