How does Kuro give you immortality?
We know immortality is actually given by that weird centipede parasite, so one of those has to be put inside you.
It can't be through blood because we know that Kuro can't bleed without the mortal blade and the everblossom incense.
We also know that the monks at Senpou talk about getting immortality with the expression "receiving the waters" (see the dialog of Robert's giant dad).
I think this means Kuro gives you immortality by pissing in your mouth.
Sekiro theory
French kiss
Did you watch the cutscene after killing Lady Butterfly?
He gives his blood.
How can he do that if he can't bleed?
I've rewatched it, he says "take my blood and live again" but it's not shown and we know he can't literally give you his blood because he can't bleed, so he must mean metaphorically. From probably didn't want to have him say "drink my piss and live again" but that's what happens.
it's this
Why would a french kiss be described as receiving the waters?
But Kuro can't bleed.
Neither Wolf, Kuro, or the Infested are actually immortal, by the way. The only actual immortal in the game is the Dragon. Maybe also the Divine Child. You find out in the Return ending.
Maybe the writers are just retarded. Dragon's heritage is his bloodline, and it is his blood that people want throughout the entire story. It most likely means his actual blood.
It's just some magical pact or some sort. The whole "Take my blood and live" is just metaphorical.
Miyazaki is a hack.
an *adult french kiss
What if he can voluntarily bleed?
bugmen immortality is a different immortality
kuro did it by the 'immortal oath'
genichiro also asks for the same thing, and holds out his sword. and at the start of the game, when you meet with kuro, he gives you back your sword. so im guessing it has something to do with the divine heir and his retainers swords. perhaps he takes the swords and shoves it up his tiny booty hole? or perhaps he just takes out his sword and touches the side of sekiros face just like the queen of england? would explain the weird glitter mark.
Kuro has proper dragon blood immortality, which means he has magical pact creating powers. Who knows what the ritual actually is because you're dead as a doornail when he actually performs it, but it's very different to both the rejuvenating water immortality and the centipede's raised on rejuvenating water immortality.
It's probably just a magical handwave with a fancy light show.
He can't. This exact thing is touched in game. Only the power of the Mortal Blade can cause him to bleed.
If this was the case he would not have needed the mortal blade to help him light the incense.
do you guys think kuro would need the mortal blade to get circumcised?
Centipedes have nothing to do with rejuvenating waters, you can stop posting your dumb headcanon any day now.
yes, they do
i think the ritual might involve Wolf receiving a blowie from Kuro
t. rice thot apologist
He uses his feet.
Wouldn't it be the opposite?
Proof? Becsuse Genichiro was not infested and he used the rejuvenating waters for his "immortality"
miss me with that gay shit
No, they don't. There's multiple types of imperfect immortality and centipedes are only one of them.
Red eyes, centipedes, turning into a fish people and whatever what was done to turn loli into artificial Divine Heir are all different methods.
This game has such an amazing plot.
I swear there was 3 types of immortality in the game
Wolf is actually a blood relative, but he didn't inherit the dragon blood. So they made him a guard the bloodline.
Kuro didn't even want it and is trying to pass it off to you one he realizes he can.
There is
Dragon blood
Dragon piss
And none of them are actually immortal. Great.
Wolf is an orphan, no one knows his lineage. So this can't be the case.
If he is an orphan then why was he at the warzone in the beginning armed?
And why did owl check if he bleeds before taking him in?
He was probably scavenging weapons from the battlefield.
A more interesting fact is that Emma was apparently found on a battlefield as well. It would be hilarious if she actually turned out to be Sekiro's sister or something.
> armed
He was stealing those swords, you idiot.
>And why did owl check if he bleeds before taking him in?
You've never seen this trope before?
Random homeless kid wandering around and scavenging somehow discovering a battlefield?
>why does he cut him first????
Have you never watched ahything from japan before? This is an extremely common trope. Plus, if he bled, there would be no logical reason for Owl to assume that he is related to someone who cannot bleed. You idiot.
ok but did they fuck???
Is this male or female, just to know if I'm allowed to be attracted to it
I'm surprised nobody pointed out this is a pedo fetish thread posted by a perverted NEET
This was the intention of the game's developer
Why were the samurai such homos
yeah, i am gonna need a sauce on that
They're all the same shit, just at different distances. The dragon produces water, which flows through the fountainhead palace, and then drops down into the depths and from there spreads out to the other low land areas.
If you drink the water at the fountainhead, you become a fish person. If you drink it after it's fallen into the village, you go absolutely fucking nuts and can revive a few times.
The water also flows down into Senpou, and the monks experimented with it to try and make immortal children.
Centipedes are still a mystery, but they're definitely capable of surviving in the water at the fountainhead, and they've been infesting life since before the last carp died. Perhaps centipedes made their way downstream to find more hosts and happened upon unlucky humans and animals like headless ape.
I didn't see enough about red eyes in the game to actually determine if they're immortal or anything, but they're probably just failed attempts at creating shura through intense suffering.
>there's already so much porn of Kuro
Truly a blessed timeline
>>A more interesting fact is that Emma was apparently found on a battlefield as well. It would be hilarious if she actually turned out to be Sekiro's sister or something.
She's a foreigner, so I don't know how that would work out.
Are just Buddhist imagery depicting evil/unclean spiritual energy and practices. Those bigass Crickets are the same thing.
It's just a Buddhism thing.
>pissing in your mouth.
Kuro obviously peed on Sekiro's right side face, his pee turns your hair/face white
Kuro is NOT for lewd!
>Sekiro is going to spend years if not decades travelling with the loli on a huge spiritual journey that will most likely span across human and divine realms
So at which point she will become cock hungry like in typical samurai grooming stories?
Can someone post screenshot of when Kuro says that he is embarassing to eat in front of you?
I want to play sekiro so bad but already sent my gear to fix.
Why Kuro is so cute, I hope he is not really male, but now I just dont care anymore.
It's magic, user. Blood is used as a symbol most of the time, but it can be pure life force that is transfered to you through sheer willpower.
>There's a second mortal blade.
I assume he got it by pulling it straight out of the writers ass.
You can eavesdrop Isshin talking about it and also find a document about it in his room long before it appears in the actual game.
that's the drip at the end.
cum in mouth
Where the fuck did Genny procure second m. blade from?
No, I'm not talking about the foreshadow by Isshin.
Seems like total asspull or DLC content.
>typical samurai grooming stories
I'm gonna need some reference material.
Centipedes absorb the immortality of the sacred waters and bestow it upon their hosts.
>kuro will never menstruate in your corpse
Why live, only to suffer
You are wrong.
I still think possibility that Kuro is a girl high enough. Hirata events might've been during that time. How else would Kuro get wolf blood without mortal blade?
Myazaki doesn't usually slip on details like this.
i am a total brainlet when it comes to the political aspect of the story
any QRD? why genichiro is so assblasted, why his grandad isnt/is by his side?
it happened right here maybe op is onto something
Genji Monogatari
grandad is half dead
genchiiro is adopted and overly loyal to ashina clan, he is ready to save it no matter what
what's QRD?
Genichiro want's immortality so he'll basically have infinite time to revive Ashino to it's former glory, grandpa want's none of it because, as seen with everyone in the story who desires it, it causes madness and disease.
Thinking ancient nips called a woman lord
not just once but twice, am I fucking retarded?
He is really male, and you're really not straight.
you don't really know japanese history then. women role in society changed only past sengoku period, it was rather complicated for priestesses and noble women
remember that famous story when castle was brought down for a woman? forgot the clans and names of it
ashina can eat my ass
by sucking your dick
It's not a possibility, you pathetic delusional loser.
>please save Ashina and reinforce the dying troups in the outskirts
>they still attack you
Ashina can burn to the ground.
t. Central Faggot
I honestly can't tell if the dialogue between Kuro and Sekiro is intentionally romantic or not, given the time period I can't rule that out.
Except no one really called Kuro Lord.
English translation is fucked up.
It is not confirmed.
Though I dont really mind his gender now, male I fuck female I fuck
miko in a sense the emperor heir or priestess doesn't deny Kuro being female
being all embarrassed about baring chest during draw blood scene, and sekiro reaction is rather peculiar
rejuvenating waters, I kinda think Myazaki went full sex education here
it's a common tactic to switch gender for safety during the time
I'd say Kuro being female is around 60% chance.
>"preese take out their main camp or its all over"
>shoots me in the back while i fight off red army.
it's friendly. and sekiro gasps a lot.
in japanese voice over there are no gender indications at all except for miko.
Buddhism. Search up nanshoku. Also Sekiro is a shinobi, not filthy samurai scum.
He's male you retards. This is literally stated in-game multiple times through pronouns. He's also constantly referred to as "miko", which translates to "prince", although it's translated as "Divine Heir" in-game. Cope with the fact that you're a gay pedo. Cope. This level of delusion is high. Sad!
It's would not be. Samurai and shinobi were not allowed to have relations with royalty.
Why are you quoting my post when i was talking about the rice loli, retard?
were not allowed to, but Kuro didn't want to treat Sekiro as a mere servant, and as a friend at the very least.
>he didn't find the black mortal blade scroll
its a warm lord and retainer relationship. nothing more
>We know immortality is actually given by that weird centipede parasite, so one of those has to be put inside you.
That's only false immortality.
so is there an ending where both kuro and protagonist can live happy?
Is it actually called "mortal blade" in Japanese? I thought the name was supposed to be "undead slayer" or something
What if Sekiro's father was the guy that Ishinn started a coup against and killed, General Tamura? I mean it would kinda explain why he calls him Sekiro because he know his true identity.
Kuro wants him to be his friend and visibly hates the Wolf's traditionalist bullshit.
I'd say the Temple's Divine Child is the one who has more adorable interactions with Sekiro and even talks about him with her invisible friends in illusion world.
That would be actually really cool.
Sekiro has one unique trait and it's his ability to see in the dark. His eyes literally flash yellow. It's probably hinting at that he belongs to some unique bloodline too, maybe it will be explored in DLC.
sekiro 2 will take place in korea
i cant wait for the kpop dance skit from the kpop boss
what girl group do you guys think will be the model for sekiro 2's kpop dance boss
do you guys htink sekiro will have to match the dance routine or he will die
>He's also constantly referred to as "miko", which translates to "prince", although it's translated as "Divine Heir" in-game.
Miko are shrine maidens.
Cool idea, but I wouldn't give Miyazaki that much credit.
>She's a foreigner,
No she isn't
So Lady Butterfly was one of Wolf's masters in training him to be a master shinobi. So you guys think we'll get see and fight his other masters through dlcs or a sequel?
She has brown hair, green eyes, and her name is Emma.
御子 or 皇子 all have the same meaning, it does not point out exactly the gender of the person. It just mean heir of emperor (prince/princess).
As the emperor (tennou天皇) can be male or female, it is not reliable evildence to his gender.
I thought Lady Butterfly was THE master?
>stated in-game multiple times through pronouns.
examples with video
>He's also constantly referred to as "miko", which translates to "prince"
except miko meant priestess/shaman to a god in shinto, always female for 1.5k years
you know women were emperors in japanese history, right? emperor is divine, so it's descendants are channels of divine power
Myazaki doesn't ignore details, there is no way he made something this inconsistent.
Same sex marriage dlc is not out yet
Miyazaki is not Sekiro's writer.
kuro is a girl
ah, thought he handled the writing as the director, who is it?
Return ending implies that sooner or later Sekiro, Kuro and rice loli will all get their happy end together.
But it will only happen after a huge journey.
based retard
That's 巫女 you fucking retarded nigger.
It will be Bhutan (Land of Thunder Dragon) I think.
Tibetan and kingdoms around it are cool and fit sekiro gameplay.
Girls also piss.
don't call me that.
>Miko are shrine maidens
Oh shit. Anime expert's in.
Are you fucking retarded? It's a homophone. It's not 巫女 (shrine maiden) it's 御子 (Prince). The cope is fucking strong. Cope.
Are you genuinely retarded? There's been few Japanese female emperors. There's a reason every Japanese artist draws him male. Because he is. He uses a male tone (boku) and not a female tone (watashi) when speaking in Japanese.
prove it, you can't
From their ass?
you know healthy people usually have no blood in their piss
maybe, but it will also be in korea
the divine dragon holds the seven branched sword which was a gift from the baekje king to something something i dont remember all the wikipedia shit
but also the fountainhead palace was all korean inspired
but nobody answered my question. what kpop dance boss would be in sekiro 2
> all shota porn artists are muslims
Checks out
The blood is a metaphor. It's just piss.
Boku 僕 is not reliable as it is neither male or female.
At this point there is no clear evildent. Kuro gender is pretty much unclear.
We don't know the name right now, apparently.
The only thing we know is that they had historical and theological advisor while making the game.
>And why did owl check if he bleeds before taking him in?
This is the kind of bullshit that spawns headcanons
Hatsune miku
She was one of his mentors in shinobi techniques according to remnant description. So pretty implying she wasn't the only master Sekiro had.
That means shrine maiden in Japanese.
The Japanese word for prince is ouji.
t. korean
Yeah, you dream about that. Japs hate your country, so never ever
>He uses a male tone (boku) and not a female tone (watashi) when speaking in Japanese.
that's not an indication. especially for Kuro age. Some males refer to themselves as watashi in literature, so what?
>i-it's a tomboy!!
Holy fucking deluded. Boku is masculine.
see this post, tard monkey:
I dont think so.
The architecture of the palace is inspired by Heian and Tang Empire.
They do but shoddy half-truths get spread around for no reason.
Rejuvenating waters are seperate from centipides. YOu can drink the water and become immortal (if luck favors you) without getting a centipide up your ass. Now here comes the fuck, centipides eventually started infesting the waters at Fountainhead and started breeding there (you can see centipides at the bottom of the lake feasting on a corspe of another giant fisher), they lay their legs in the egg and said eggs end up in the waters that reach all the other pools from the Fountain which then gets drunk. There's a note at Senpou that says "DON'T DRINK THE WATER, IT'S FULL OF EGGS!!".
So what you basically have is Centipides breeding in the stagnant lake of Fountainhead and people looking for immortality end up getting centipides up their ass that by proxy grant them immortality (since cenitpides drink the water too).
Boku can be used by girls. Such girls are called Bokukko.
wow you faggots really need kuro to be a guy don't you
But in the story interviews for sekiro Miyazaki referred to the divine prince with me pronouns
>He uses a male tone (boku) and not a female tone (watashi) when speaking in Japanese
I thought watashi was just the polite version.
>all these lolicons seething because the cutest character in the game is not female and they can't have him
Doesn't the divine child already have a crush on him?
>with me pronouns
Asians can have brown hair you moron, and her eyes are not green. 'Ema' is also a japanese name
every day i wish i was korean. but thank you.
on god? you know chinese architecture?
>it's a tomboy
No such thing in ancient Japan. Male clothes. Male way of speaking. Miko. He's a boy. Not to mention that Kuro is literally a male name, not even a unisex one.
Watashi has feminine connotations.
Isn't Kuro specifically called a "he" at some point in game? I'm not some fucking faggot but i'm pretty sure it's a guy.
Watashi is often used by women, but very polite men also use it.
>A polite way to refer to yourself, this is the most general expression that is used by both women and men everywhere from formal occasions to business and public situations. If you are not really close to the other party you are talking to, this word would be your best bet to avoid any offence.
this face still hunt me...
>but also the fountainhead palace was all korean inspired
>Okami Warriors are all wearing Genpei War era armor
So how is he holding that burning wall of wood up?
wait people legit think kuro is a girl?
a new level of retardation has been reached.. sasuga sekiro fans
5 yikes to this weabu
you come off as someone who never read a japanese literature. they are very particular about religion and terms. pronouns can change depending on context and giving emotion to a character.
Holy shit are we witnessing the birth of Sekiro's barry but this time for kuro
She at the very least likes him enough to bleed herself into anaemia so she could help him and discusses him with her friends in divine realm.
Stories like Dororo makes be question young "boys" gender. Girls back then sometimes dressed like boys and pretended to be boys to keep from being raped.
He's even refered to as HE.
protip, kuro isn't actually 11 years old, he doesnt age
Kuro would be great if he was 10 years older. I wouldn't even have refunded this shitty game if that was the case.
You again? The seven branched sword was made by the Chinese and ended up in Korea and was later given to the Japanese as a gift. The sword is not Korean in origin under any circumstances. The sword even has date engravings from a Dynasty in China that Korea was never a part of by the time it occurred.
>but also the fountainhead palace was all Korean inspired
What the hell are you even talking about? Are you the same retard who thought that the dragon is Korean because it has 4 fingers despite traditional Chinese dragons also having four fingers?
They're closest shotacons in denial.
You obviously are working on high levels of delusional. He is literally given male pronouns in-game you cannot be this fucking retarded.
Not royalty.
3 words
kpop dance boss
You think it's Korean for what reasons, exactly?
That's atachi. Watashi's feminine connotations are overblown by learner's of Japanese.
Cope more, delusional retard.
>1 year old
>it's kroean!
>no it's not
>ummm you don't know chink architecture!???
Kill yourself nigger.
Boku is male only is a myth. While it is quite tomboy to use boku, it is not male only.
Girls like to use other feminine words but that does not mean boku is a gender indicator.
In fact in literature, there are cases of character using ore and oira too, but you will sound like an old baba
I am pretty sure kuro can give immortality to one person at a time and not multiple people
this vid has some cute korean girls playing sekiro
the parasite is a symbol
its doesnt give you shit, the blood gives you immortality, parasite is a symbolic symptom of it
this is asian storytelling m8
its a neat way to show corruption
Anyone who uses watashi is a beta cuck or a walking pair of tits.
>a "he" at some point in game?
not by jpn VAs to my memory. I'm asking for examples, nobody gives them
but I still stand on point a point that miko is very strict in religion context means it's a female.
helc duing muromachi japan had 10 kinds of different miko by function, they all were female
special word for male shaman was jisha, and they were portrayed as females, there are pieces of art left all over
doesnt the wolf still have a ton of missing memories
>He doesn't age
Then why isn't he an infant?
i was asking if you knew chinese architecture because i wanted someone knowledgeable to ask about it
im not the kpop dance boss poster
>Okami Warriors are all wearing Genpei War era armor
Tomoe confirmed for Tomoe Gozen
why did you say this to me? I always knew Kuro was a boy
Fuck off, you dumb shitposter.
did someone mention kpop dance boss? because you know it will be in the game.
Retard or discord tranny
>He uses a male tone (boku) and not a female tone (watashi) when speaking in Japanese.
Or, you know, he's been raised as a boy because "muh great shame".
The jury is still out. Until we see a dick, nobody can be certain of the gender of our cute lord. What kind of boy wants to own a tea shop and make sweets?
what did i do lol
i made two posts in this thread, been lurking
blackpink will be in it prob
so what will happen if you eat rice in front of kuro
>Playing Sekiro with keyboard and mouse
Asians are on some next level shit
I don't care.
Kinda interested the possible setting of Sekiro 2 being in China would bring to the table. Like will it delve more into chinese mythology than japanese mythology if it were set in China? Also interesting what would the enemy and boss varieties be like?
>What kind of boy wants to own a tea shop and make sweets?
Most tea and sweetshops where owned by males.
How? It's better for reacting. try it.
>he doesn't know about the incoming genichiro DLC
yes pretty much, it is common knownledge that heian era use a lot of red and that is also inspired by Tang Empire.
maybe hes a gay boy
That's fucking neat.
In-game canon she is probably immortal from the waters of Fountainhead, hence why she is 400 years old.
Some fun interaction and you figuring out that Sekiro has autism and eats rice raw without cooking.
It will most likely follow journey to the west as a setting.
Comedy Chinese Action Movie boss
That's not really autism, he just had awful parenting.
So is there an explaination why Kuro has the dragon's heritage? Like did parents and his grandfather had the dragon's heritage too before eventually being passed on to him?
Sekiro got POZ'D
It's because of his bond with Kuro. If you rotate the camera you'll see his pupils are slited like kuros.
cant wait for the jackie chan boss
his ancestor stole a dragon from china and used its blood but instead of bloodborne where that was a very very bad idea this time it worked and granted immortality
is there an explaination why sekiro has a gigantic cumstain on his face no other person with dragon heritage has it
Literally doesn't matter at this point he is referred to as male in-game.
Nigger how fucking retarded are you? They mean 御子 and not 巫女. The kid never once mentions Shinto. He's not wearing a shrine maiden outfit and he certainly doesn't talk about kami at all. In fact that only religion mentioned in Sekiro is Buddhism, which is not associated with 巫女 at all.
Also, taking this from the Sekiro wiki
>Originally known as "The Prince" during pre-release phase.
A Japanese one.
No it won't. Secondly and more importantly, that would be fucking horrible. That shit is overplayed as FUCK.
You did not wake Kuro up right?
Not a suprise considering his only parents is a foster dad that dissapeared on him to look for immortal dragon cigs
>she is probably immortal from the waters of Fountainhead
If you want to headcanon it up even more until the DLC confirms anything you can assume that Takeru is actually Yamato Takeru and made a pact with Tomoe Gozen like Kuro with Sekiro.
mark of shura is my guess
you rub his magical feet
You can catch him sleeping and choose between waking him up or waiting and letting him wake up alone
I did play it with mouse and keyboard, no issues, you simple have no clue how to play with it and project personal incompetence on others, think about it.
Genichiro used the lightning of Tomoe
beat the game three times and never had this encounter, weird.
>Becsuse Genichiro was not infested
How about that he dies without needing to kill the centipide.
>Maybe the writers are just retarded.
This is most likely what has happened.
the dlc is obviously going to be a fuck off to the past adventure
He makes fun of you for not using it in a battle
Imagine being so fucked in the head that you think every deep male friendship must mean they're fucking each other?
Bro, didn't you ever have any close friends? Didn't you ever play sports or mentor someone?
most likely featuring genichiros father and tomoe as bosses
I wouldn't mind going on a Takeru/Tomoe adventure to find the seven dragon balls and fight Isshin along the way.
I'm gonna say cutting yourself with a mortal blade and having a young version of your grandpa pop out could coun't as another pretty lethal thing to immortals.
no need to get defensive.
Makes me wonder if there are still some unknown encounters
honestly I thought the shinobi arm had something to do with shura since everyone who uses has problem with shura
I don’t get it, is there some reference to japanese pop culture in Sekiro i’m not aware of? Or is this just schizo shit straight from your ass?
>Princess Yamatohime-no-mikoto showed him compassion and lent him a holy sword named Ame no Murakumo no tsurugi (Kusanagi no tsurugi), which Susanoo, the brother god of Amaterasu, found in the body of the eight-headed great serpent, Yamata no Orochi.
This shit literally writes itself. They can easily turn this into MLGS and make him Ludwig 2.0.
Kuro is not for sexual
>I'm gonna say cutting yourself with a mortal blade and having a young version of your grandpa pop out could coun't as another pretty lethal thing to immortals.
You'd have a point if the decapication stopped the Guardian Ape. Isshin himself was also immortal that got killed by the Mortal Blade without killing a centipide.
every morning i have breakfast with my father and drink coffee, and as i sit on my computer to digest afterwards, i also enjoy shitposting in whatever way comes to me.
dont take it too seriously.
It's degenerate and disgusting to turn every innocuous relationship sexual. You can't even play a videogame with self inserting as a pedophile.
With your dick
again, no need to get defensive, nobody here cares if you're gay or straight.
if you talk to isshin he literally says the one who trained genichiro in the sword was tomoe gozen, yes.
>We know immortality is actually given by that weird centipede parasite, so one of those has to be put inside you.
That's just one way to be immortal. The nobles at fountainhead palace are immortal too but aren't infested. They just drank the waters with diluted dragon excretions/secretions.
is the shinobi arm explained at all theres no way its not magical in some way
>The kid never once mentions Shinto
the whole fucking game is shinto metaphor you stupid twat. how fucking blind are you? kanji shinto miko means girl historically and undoubtedly, emperor heir can mean both. fuck off already with your google knowledge
Cambridge history of japan volume 1 and volume 3 will enlighten you about religion and role of miko in history. volume 2 covers fountainhead palace and corrupt monks.
>Originally known as "The Prince" during pre-release phase.
did you read that from activision marketing material? fuck off already.
dragon's heritage
>if you talk to isshin he literally says the one who trained genichiro in the sword was tomoe gozen, yes.
He says Tomoe, he never calls her Tomoe Gozen
>Isshin himself was also immortal
I'm gonna need some source to this one, senpai
>used by both women and men everywhere from formal occasions to business and public situations.
Anyone have the description for the 10th prayer beads set ?
decapitation was with the kusabimaru, not the fushigiri. even if you go to senpou first, the first guardian ape boss always ends with the kusabimaru decapitation.
the "decaying corruption" version of it in from style could be fun enough
Do you wake him up with the tip of your penis?
say hello to the dlc final boss
>imagine having to deathblow 7 heads
Do you complain when it happens with male/female friendships as well? Because that "will they won't they" bullshit plagues practically every single fandom.
It's made by Dogen who was experimenting with plants, seeds and soil related to the Dragon.
I won't be surprised if it's created from the left hand of the dragon aka the branch of Everblossom
*oops not the kusabimaru. sekiro ofc cuts the head off with the sculptors friends sword. its the centipede he kills with the kusabimaru.
What? Explain, I don't remember any snails. Besides the heritage and centipedes I just remember the fountainhead palace waters that turn you into ayy lmaos
You need to kill the centipide you dumbass. Why do you think Sekiro pulled out the centipide from Hanbei instead of decapicating him if it had the same effect?
I heard that some NPC (not the memorial mob) confirms that Robert is dead. I enjoy lore. Can anyone fill me in on who this is and where they are?
Just the tip though, no need to go deeper
It says "immortality severed" after you beat Isshin.
im not following. but what i was trying to tell you is that the mortal blade is never used on the first guardian ape fight
Don't know. I waited and he had a cute reaction.
Olden Japan was super homoerotic. Oda Nobunaga's lover was Mori Ranmaru. And Tales of Genji had the hero fuck the little brother of a girl who rejected him.
>male/female friendship
doesn't exist, someone at some point wants to fuck. always. maybe one sided but it always happens.
who is the girl at the fountainhead sanctuary, leaning against the stone?
he became one when he was pulled out from underworld with black mortal blade
your mom
Chill out Freud
Jokes on you, the final boss is going to be the Moon.
I am hoping the dlc will have a lot more weird and horror elements the enemies is one of my dissapointments of the game
That'll show her to friendzone him
Yea you dont have to be female to fuck cute male.
You can do that nowadays because fucking nigger spreads HIV everywhere
Why does the Divine Dragon missing his left arm like you are?
isn't it because you kill genichiro
the village before the corrupted monk you see them gathering snails and the guy inside a house celebrating he made it disappear after drinking something
the villager's type of resurrection is distinctly different to the centipedes
I don't get it. You all claim to hate trannies and fags, but the site is crawling with pedo gay diddlers that want to marry cartoons.
Yeah and the Guardian Ape resurrects and you "kill" him. Except he's not really dead and you meet him later on again and that's where you actually kill him with the Mortal Blade by dragging out the centipide.
Too much fapping
something something Shura
I felt kinda sad about this but he wanted it
>Isshin himself was also immortal
I guess people summoned by the black sword (forgot the name) are inherently immortal and the only way to kill them is with the twin sword, Mortal Blade.
The game has a fantastic and kinda dreamy atmosphere of a weird buddhist adventure with all those giant bodhisattvas, misty forests, autumn mountains and the royal grounds where the time has stopped 400 years ago. It's wonderful in its own right.
What? No. You literally used Mortal Blade to kill Sword Saint.
the original palanquin rider
it pisses me off that sekiro doesn't use the mortal blade if you got it before the first fight.
owl cut off the branch from the everblossom
everblossom is the divine dragon
more like dragon my balls across your face
He probably only became immortal because of Genichiros body. Genichiro turned his own body into a gate of the Underworld that allowed Isshin to get out.
this, as a buddhist its pretty crazy
i called my mom over to watch me play the game, she said the buddha would never condone such violence. i told her yeah thats part of the story too.
>dragon is also a tree
This shit is super close to being like dark souls.
Wouldn't surprise me at all if its the same universe
>He probably only became immortal because of Genichiros body
This confuses me. How is genichiro already immortal? Didn't he need Kuro for that?
They probably didn't account for people actually getting the Mortal Blade first. I explored everything at Depths and Senpou and still ended up first killing the Ape before I got the blade (because I somehow didn't find the hooking point near the broken bridge)
rejuvenating waters
he pulled some fuckery behind kuros back
the immortality he chose was fake and he will slowly lose his humanity, he needed the dragon's heritage to get true immortality
M8 they elaborated on that after you beat him the first time.
>You all claim to hate trannies and fags,
Those are newfags from /pol/ user besides Kuro is neither of those.
What's the difference between the Divine Child's immortality and the monks'?
He drank the purple drank.
Not very likely since Japan is name dropped.
Genichiro possesses an imperfect immortality via the Waters that turns him into immortal similar to the villagers.
It's flawed and only gives him a few more chances, he wants the real thing.
But weren't the rejuvenating waters the ones infested with the centipedes? Or weren't those the waters that turn you into an ayy lmao?
oh I understand that to an extent, I did way worse though, I scoured literally every area I possibly could before I realized I could get to the roof of the Ashina castle on my first playthrough. By the time I fought Genichiro I was severely overpowered because of this.
One is a pact with the dragon the other is caused by centipides breeding in the Rejuvenating Waters. Imagine getting a tape worms from drinking water except now it's a centipide that grants immortality.
Come the fuck on From.
How did the female loli go from being blind after eating the two dragon turds to being no longer blind in the return ending?
she quit smoking. you can too.
Her immortality is "clean" and provides her with the same powers Sekiro and Kuro have.
I don't think she was blind, she was just shedding them frozen tears and couldn't see for a while. Kinda like eating to much cheese that makes you go blind for a while
There'll be more in the DLC
The Dragon drifted over from China on its own for some reason, it probably got its shit pushed in and ran away because it's missing its left arm.
I hope the dlc give us new weapons or something substantial
Theres a scroll you find outside isshins room that flat out tells you it exists and that i can bring somone back from the dead.
There better be.
That being said I hope Genichiro is not the MC because I don't really fancy playing as jobber-kun.
Gid you really need this don't you. Well fuck off nigger you're in the wrong place.
Her eyes were merely froze when she cried.
The more pressing question is whether she is warm to touch.
One is natural immortality bestowed by the gods and the other is fake man-made immortality.
Sekiro is the MC, they won't change him.
DLC will probably be a dream.
>The more pressing question is whether she is warm to touch.
Didn't she say no? Could have sworn this was a topic when they talked.
Because he inherited the heritage through Kuro but he isn't a part of the Bloodline, so it shows a lot as advanced stagnation. Kuro also has the grey ashy stagnation by the way. It's just far more suppressed, but you can still see a bunch of grey in his hair.
he wont be from doesn't have history of pulling that shit
Someone give me a quick rundown on whatever the FUCK is going in Mibu Village.
Possibly Tomoe.
But user, you can use electric abilities + bow and arrows. IMAGINE
>You all claim to hate trannies and fags,
Anyone who came to Yea Forums after 2013 is not considered Yea Forums and should not be addressed as such. Yea Forums has been filled with faggots and degenerates since at least 2006. A few whiny electionfags doesn't change that.
Though yes, everyone has hated trannies forever.
doubt she is warm to the touch when even the rice she hands out will be frozen after that event
Takeru stole it when he went to the divine realm, which became the cherry tree in the castle, which Owl took a branch from
Didnt read this, but where can I find more Sekiro art like the OP pic?
Wolf never kills Genichiro you blind tard, Genichiro kills himself.
Tomoe is buried at Ashina Castle. God, I understand the mystery of Tomoe is appealing but this getting out of hand claiming any female you see might be Tomoe.
the greatest prank yet in japanese history
>centipides breeding in the Rejuvenating Waters
End this meme.
>hahahaha let us drink the vermin infested water
>hahahahahaha it will surely turn us into nobles
Dive down into the lake of Fountainhead.
I don't get the Doujun storyline.
Where the fuck did his master go?
And does he know Emma and Dogen?
No, her power is actually cleaner than Wolf and Kuro's. She has no stagnation like they do.
Dragon heritage is not natural, as stated in game.
Maybe the graves are empty
Why is Genichiro so pathetic when he was mentored by the canon GOAT warrior Tomoe?
Tomoe is clearly Emma
I would but just started a NG+ run. What's in it? This doesn't explain why Genichiro and the Divine girl aren't infested, then because they had contact with the rejuvinating waters.
>/4centgarbage/ is one person
Also its been often said the linger you're on this site the more gay you become. A decade ago with futa posting that was often said. Now I'm into way more degenerate shit. Still hate trannies though, they're attention seeking retards who feel the need to insert themselves everywhere.
can't you just boil the water before you drink it then?
>voiced by Itou Shizuka
Why can't she travel with us to the west in the Return ending? Imagine Sekiro traveling with his harem of a loli and a cute virgin physician.
He has shit genetics and he isn't cool enough.
Who said the divine girl isn't infested?
There needs to be way more art of Sekiro and Nero from DMC hanging out together as fellow amputees.
Every single infested person looks like a broken being and has a deformed body. Her body is normal. Genichiro also consumed the waters but he isn't infested. There's no logical reason to assume she's infested, because nothing points towards it. If she was infested, then all the other children with her wouldn't, or shouldn't, have died. They would all just be infested little kids, but they all died and you can see their drowned, bounded, corpses strewn across Senpou Temple's grounds.
looks like an ugly used goods like the doll bet she bleeds white as well
I killed Gyobu and met the Tengu, I also found Lady Butterfly but haven't killed her yet. I met the headless and fled from him too.
Which way should I go? Also where is Senpu temple?
We actually don't know her fate. She may as well follow Wolf to be a useless failsafe in case he goes Shura.
>use lightning abilities
>enemy pulls a reverse za lightning on you
They were too weak to accept the worms. She is an educated prostitute and accepted them
>Also where is Senpu temple?
After the abandoned dungeon water, go into the elevator
>boiling will kill the magical immortal centipedes
Thankfully top men like yourself are on the case.
She might tag along, because we never actually see Wolf and Girl leave without her in tow, and she has nothing left for her since Isshin dies.
Retarded headcanon, nice job.
Cute, I would fuck his ass while kissing Emma
wont boiling the water evaporate it?
I don't think I have found an abandoned dungeon yet so I figure I can't go there just yet.
So then why isn't Genichiro infested?
no retard, Genichiro went to Senpou first and passed the halls of illusion. thats why that monk mentions there was one other that came to the halls but then it went quiet, because he passed. Then genichiro thank the water of Rice loli to get his immortality and took Mortal Blade (negro) as well
Cute, I would fuck his ass while kissing Emma.
She's an unmarried young woman living in feudal Japan. This isn't an America roastie in 2019. Women back then had standards of purity they had to maintain.
She probably has never even been kissed by a man before.
Kissing didn't exist in Japan until it was introduced by the West after WW2.
I appreciate your joke, it seems to have gotten over the head of other posters.
>She probably has never even been kissed by a man before.
I bet Oda Nobunaga did it before it was cool in Japan
Why would the centipedes live inside their host anyway, wouldn't they just eat their way out?
I need a "precious bait" edit right now
But the head priest of Senpou predates the divine children and he's infested. The girl in the inner sanctum even mentions that she has no idea how old he really is. So if his infestation predates the rejuvenating water experiments, how is it that he looks the way he does and the child doesn't?
>Rice girl will never get as much fanart as Kuro because she appears way later in the game.
Feels bad.
its based on a real life parasite that lives by eating food you ingest
>be a parasite
>have a host that lives forever
>"just fuckin leave, lol"
>Corrupted Monk's true name is Yao
>there is a japanese tale called Yao Bikuni (eight-hundred Buddhist priestess)
>the tale if about a girl that gained immortality after eating the flesh of a "mermaid"
I wonder if that's related to the great carp copse in the ape's watering hole, that would explain why both the monks and the ape are infested with the centipede.
Probably meditated so hard the Centipide died of hunger.
Gantz is dumb as fuck, but man, the costumes are great
That's the carp that you kill, user. The watering hole flows from the fountainhead.
>Yao Bikuni
The great carp corpse at the watering hole is the one Wolf kills later on in the game. It drifts from the fountainhead after dying, so that can't be what got the ape infested.
There's another corpse at the bottom of the Lake
how come the wolf and emma are the only 2 people who seem to actually be loyal to kuro? hell even emma does not fight to protect him until the bad ending
Nice. Same issue as Lavenza from Persona 5 really. Cute sexy nympho loli girls who deserve tons of art but won't get any because most people don't get that far in the game.
Are ashen streaks in your hair signs of immortality?
Why did Miyazaki set out to do a video game to turn people into pedophiles? What's his endgame?
everyone else died in the attack back in the memory
Who eats rice raw?
Kuro is female, dragon blood is given through menstruation
Filtering out casuals any we he can
>no summoning
>no rpg stats
>loli and shota pandering
Actual chad
Mate, she has even fucked monkeys
Kuro is Bucciarati's ancestor.
Bucciarati resurrected with the dragon blood, not Giorno's replacement part healing.
Not that guy but that's pretty interesting.
But how the fuck did that corpse drift through all those fucking buildings anyway?
Also is the new giant carp the pot noble?
It could be true, its how some of bloodbornes blood transfusion worked
No she's just turning into Guts. Sekiro 2 will actually be Rice Loli: Journey to the West
you don't know shit, Buddhist nuns commonly practiced prostitution for example, salve trade of women was common
nobles, sure, were untouchable
people really misunderstand what sex life was like be it in europe or asia, everyone fucked like rabbits nobody had to spend time watching tv or playing games, alcohol was rare, what is easier to get then? sex.
by letting you mating press him
yep, its the mark of the Dragon Heritage, she herself mentions it.
Why does the headless giant in the Senpou Temple literally tear something out of your ass and put it in his ass?
He also does weird shit for the whole fight. If you pay attention, he pats his ass or something.
yes, Ema mentions it first time you talk to her.
It's a sign of impurity/stagnation, so yeah probably.
I'm sure he tried to kill himself. Probably due extreme pain from that weird bait.
japanese mythology, for example kappas were feared because they would pull your guts from your ass
>Also is the new giant carp the pot noble?
in theory, you see giant waterfall and buildings on verge of drifting off? that's how
Whos this? I remember seeing him in the trailer as well, but I've never seen him ingame
Japanese like to meme with asshole plucking
>There's a note at Senpou that says "DON'T DRINK THE WATER, IT'S FULL OF EGGS!!".
Something about kappa's pulling soul balls out of your ass.
dude, those are clearly the infesteds in senpou
these are just the old sitting monks in senpou. if you get close to them they will spawn the centipede or puke their guts out and spawn roaches
that's monk who sit around in temple
How did both samurai and Greeks fuck cute boys but still get heralded as peak manly?
But if I do it I'm a faggot?
Your Soul
The centipede guy that was in the trailer is probably the head priest. He just looks different. That guy in your image just looks like a regular infested monk.
Actually after looking at the trailer it might be someone different, since they have a massive centipede circling them. Cut content? Or maybe just an early version of the head priest.
Didn't the greeks consider it peak man to fuck other men?
source habib
>The kappa are known to favor cucumbers and love to engage in sumo wrestling. They are often accused of assaulting humans in water and removing a mythical organ called the shirikodama from their victim's anus.
More you learn... those japanese heh... heh
What does the Pot Nigger feed to the immortal carp to make it die? Why not just use that instead of the Mortal Blade?
This is one of those games where the honest fact is that there is no deep lore to figure out. It's all kind of retarded.
>You need cold dragon blood to do the ritual, ookami!
Uhh OK, so maybe I have to kill the big snake? They are cold blooded and sorta like dragons...
4 hours later
>After eating the snake's heart (which everyone calls a fruit for no actual reason) I'm cold, and here is one of my cold tears. This is totally exactly like "cold dragon blood", see?
It's just nonsense stacked on top of nonsense. These aren't "mysteries", you aren't meant to figure anything out, it's just supposed to look complex.
From are masters of switching shit around until the last second.
Greeks all being fags is a huge fucking meme and you idiots fell for it.
You can inhale the immortality fumes without centipede eggs in it.
because it's hugely overestimated and propagated by modern gays, it simply wasn't scorned, but in reality if you are straight you simply can't
greek got heterae
japan got geishas
they were way more popular than boys,
there are several giant carp skeletons down in the lake. i don't think they are immortal
I want to fuck Kuro's tight boipussy.
>kuro isn't immortal
>fake made divine child is
you do realize she also got that bug inside her, right?
>(which everyone calls a fruit for no actual reason)
how illiterate are you? did you specifically decide to ignore all text and dialogue?
can someone explain what shura is and why sekiro breaks the iron code no matter what?
I said the girl might be immortal, I never said she was for a fact. And yes, Kuro isn't immortal either.
>you do realize she also got that bug inside her, right?
Proof? Because the game implies otherwise.
The Child calls them fruit because she thinks they look like persimmons (??? retarded), and then everyone else just calls them fruit for no reason.
shura is manifestation of ashura, buddhist demon of hatred and wrath
shura means you basically become a demon
you meet one at the end of the game
he's optional
Assuming magic immortal centipede eggs can't evaporate, you just have to distill the water. Did medieval Japan know about water purification?
doesn't the memory description say that he became the demon of hatred instead of becoming shura?
shura is the physical manifestation of asura and happens when a person gets lost in bloodshed, the sculptor was on the brink of becoming one and the invasion caused him to snap.
Sekiro snaps after murdering emma isshin and then owl all after each other
If they make DLC I imagine it'll have some focus on Tomoe, considering they made such a big deal out of her but she never shows up.
>Because the game implies otherwise.
the rice loli implies otherwise, but we really don't know, the rice is a little weird, you have to admit
They're the infested monks at Senpou. Some of them have that massive centipede. That trailer looked like it was showing a cutscene with one of them so I asked Lance (the guy who found the BB cut content) and he said it's probably the cinematic unlocked camera mode and not an actual cutscene as he didn't find any cutscene with them in the files.
He "failed" in the beginning when Isshin cut his arm off. He succeeds later and becomes DoH.
>everyone else
Its just a single women that doesnt seem mentally stable.
nah, he failed to become shura
shura is scarier than that.
What the fuck do red lumps do? Do they have any use in combat? You only get like 4-5 of them throughout the game, I want to know the best use for them and don't want them to go to waste.
>the rice loli implies otherwise
She never calls herself infested and looks nothing like all the other infested people in the game. Actually, the Head Monk even says that he immortality is different than his and he also never calls her infested. The girl never implies that she's infested. I'm going to need proof is this claim you're making. Hell, even Genichiro became immortal with the waters and he isn't infested either.
>muh rice
Oh, it's you again. Fuck off.
No the memory says he became Demon of Hatred because he failed to become Shura.
>female tone (watashi)
Are you retarded?
Boku - just playful/boyish style of saying I. Like Ore - masculine style.
Watashi/watakushi - usual/noble style, and not gender specific. Watakushi actually used primary by emperors.
cool thanks
Incorrect, the corpse was there before I killed the current one.
what about sword training bro? he looks fine to.
The big carp corpse in the middle of the Ape watering Hole? that only shows up when Wolf kills it. It isn't there beforehand.
If you're talking about the wateringhole's one then it's impossible.
I LOVE the fact that from decided to be less vague (like dark souls) when it comes to story and lore
Dudes got a centipede
Why is there so much Buddhist shit in this game? I thought Japs were predominantly Shinto? Where's all the shinto shit like their gods and so on?
What's up with the master of the sepou temple? Is he alive or what?
I've herad people saying that he moves to where we get the bell, but I don't know
does it show until you cut him? I don't remember. My point he looks normal like her.
Buddhism is more kino than Shintoshit
After you get mortal blade you can agree to kill and the pede came out after you did so.
Give her some monkey booze
Don't forget about his cute feet
Buddhism is fucking boring
>muh bald enlightened faggot
>Where's all the shinto shit like their gods and so on?
giant snake isn't enough? it is about shinto and buddhism though but subtle parts aren't on surface, I see how people don't get it at all, you need obscure weeb knowledge for this
Read the item.
>he looks fine to.
Are you joking? Hanbei looks diseased, you moron. Even Isshin looks healthier than him and Isshin is on the verge of death. He does not look normal at all and resembles nothing of the Divine Child.
Theres a skeleton of a carp in fountainhead palace with green worms on it, deep in the water.
yes, they didn't let us cut the girl to check if she got one
that's whole idea behind her having one.
He dies an dno onw knows how, but he just passes away. Infested aren't actually immortal.
Mt.Kongo seems to be located in the domain of the Ikko Ikki which were buddhist. Its probably to ease an introduction into Sekiro 2: Chinese Bogaloo
Anyone here played Onimusha Dawn of Dreams? The Return ending of Sekiro reminds me of the ending of that game. In both cases, you have an immortal warrior (Sekiro/Tenkai) traveling with a cute immortal loli (Divine Child/Ako) on a sacred mission. Pic related. The ending of that game.
Wrong the centipede demons are the fake manmade way. Senpou temple explicitly states this.
That isn't the guardian ape watering hole, you idiot.
That's why i like fromsoft games. You can make a clear picture of what most likely happened, but you have to search for the pieces. Also thanks for writing this, didn't know that, but what about the pure water? The waters heal according to Emma and concentrating it grants ressurection, but why does one still get corrupted? Why red eyes? Why the black skin? Why do the divine heirs never have these problems? How did they even get their immortality?
Hanbei looks like a Zombie
Earlier posts were saying only one carp died.
Buddhism is still a big deal in Japan, it's been practiced for like 1500 years there.
Besides, it's not like you can only be Buddhist or Shinto, there is an equally long history of mixing the two in Japan.
>dumb nigger never read Journey to the West
Why didn't Hanbei join us? He could have been an amazing ally instead of just standing around doing nothing.
Hell, he could have discovered the Mortal Blade sooner if he did this and still wanted to die.
He could have gone down as a hero instead of a nobody.
>How did they even get their immortality?
Kuro is a miko which in shinto means the one who channels divine power. sort of a vessel for divinity but not directly. it really goes into theological bullshit i'm not familiar with.
>she's a centipede!
Centipedes are different from immortal waters and she makes dragon tears, which centipedes cannot do. There's no logical reason to think she's infested when she makes fucking dragon tears.
Dumb niggers, shinto and buddhism have merged in Japan as two complementary religions. People do not think about the two as completely separate things. If you need blessings, good fortune and weddings you go to a shinto shrine, if you want a burial you go to a buddhist temple.
she made frozen tears. which looked kinda same to rice.
why would she have one? she looks healthy, unlike everyone else that has a centipede
They're just frozen tears. They make Dragon tears cold when both are ingested for the cradling ritual.
Eating snake hearts is centipede shit.
because the chance she drank waters without any eggs is really low and every other child died. I just know from doesn't make happy characters, she got a trick about her 100%
Kuro is not miko (巫女) you fucking autist. Shinto isn't even present in game. He's a miko as in prince (御子). Cope.
why centipedes? what's the deal with them?
also, how exactly does the rejuvenating water work?
he's old and he can't fight for shit, being immortal doesn't mean he's good at fighting. You breaks his posture by deflecting like 3 times
Also he's like a crestfallen samurai because he couldn't protect his lord. Sekiro was full depression autism too before Emma came to him
Why was she "writhing in agony" behind the door after she ate the fruits?
Why wouldn't she let us see?
the reason for hearts is very vague. and she withers in pain after eating them.
Is Return the happiest ending From Software has ever done?
>because the chance she drank waters without any eggs is really low
according to who? she looks healthy, please explain that. every other centipede dude is fucked
The fact that they all died and didn't become infested shits on your theory.
the parasite possibly burst out of her body, painfully, to eat the fruits
Too much shame. He could've died and pontentially save his master but instead, he became a coward and was punished with immortality and the burden of his shame. The centipede probably didnt help him move on too
lmao this
it flows from sakura tree/dragon=>gets infested by bug eggs=>drunk by everyone who can't get to palace for cleaner water
If the rejuvenating waters are the source of the parasites, and she is the source of the waters, obviously some shit is up.
The other kids probably died because they were prototypes of the parasite.