Do you consider Jason Schrier (from to be a reputable industry insider and journalist?

Do you consider Jason Schrier (from to be a reputable industry insider and journalist?

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Do you consider eating shit?

I consider him to be a complete piece of shit and a detriment to the hobby and industry. He's the one who had the audacity to call the industry veteran George Kamitani a pedophile and a 14-year-old, then instead of apologiuzing doubled down when everyone rightfully lashed out at him.

He honestly looks like a cuck. Never seen a bigger cuckface than his.

kys jew

He's got bad opinions and carries on like a retard at times (his spat with George Kamitani was downright embarrassing), but he's got a pretty excellent track record with leaks and can actually pull some good journalism out of his ass when he wants to. His piece on the aborted Phantom Dust reboot for instance was excellent.

Looking at his sniveling ratty face makes me feel physically sick.
I'm not exaggerating.

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No because he has an incestuous relationship with the people he writes about and he's selective about his reporting because he's worried about burning bridges.

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>industry insider

no, he's a snake, the type of Jew who perpetuates the stereotype

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True but at least he didn't start five gois like Grayson.

Schrier is an idiot but at least he attempts actual journalism


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I just know him for the leaks. He holds some shit opinions otherwise.


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They put a "pure-bred" jew in charge of Japanese culture/RPG's. This is the most subversive video games blogger on the internet.

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Yes and yes. He regularly gets scoops and reports on them truthfully.

As an OPINIONIST he's just horrible, he says so many dumb things it's pointless to list them

He’s at the top of the pile. The problem is the pile is at the bottom of the barrel. He has some of the worst opinions in gaming.

>inb4 muh false equivalency

He's a slimy piece of shit.

In this article he takes a false flag Reddit post - one made by a leftist ChapoTrapHouse fan pretending to be anti-SJW - and reports on it as if it were legitimate.

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I don't have any respect whatsoever for any game journalist. This guy in particular is an embarrassment due to the Dragon's Crown nonsense. I personally despise the circlejerking around leaks so that does him no favors, either.

He's right though that guy at Blizzcon was just being an asshole to become a meme.

I wonder if he actually believes boobs are harmful to society or if that's subversion. He knows boobs are good for society so he calls them harmful.

he is not the absolute worst, but he is pretty bad.

Seething phoneposter.

Have you heard him speak? He has the softest little beta bitch voice I've ever heard. Couple that with the balding, and it's absolutely embarassing.

I want to earn lots of money and free games reading his articles and the comments aloud on a video streaming service.

>slimy piece of shit.
What is surprising here?

Fucking based.

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I genuinely cannot understand how people could consider his voice to be worth anything. I'd rather read /pol/posts than stomach his worthless opinions.

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Why do these people even run video game sites if they hate them so much.

They do it because of the money, that's it

I'm almost positive he used to look completely different like 5 years ago. I remember him having long hair. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else but I'm pretty sure it was him

>looks like a jew
>sounds like a jew

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>do you consider kotaku to be anything but shit-eating hyper partisans leftists?

No. In other news, I just checked out Yea Forums for the first time in about a week and /gif/ isn't working. What gives?

Because "geam" journalism is the bottom of the barrel of journalism at all. These hacks coudln't secure a place even in a local TV news channel or newspaper so they go with vidya instead.

His investigative stuff is alright, but his actual opinions on video games are retarded.

They couldn't break into legitimate journalism. That's the only reason that makes sense. They loathe having to write about video games for a living because no news outlet wants to hire these shitters.

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Trying to justify useless degrees after getting blocked out of "actual" journalism. Its why there's been an increase in stuff like pic related over the last 10-15 years.

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It's their job and they hate it but they need money

I feel like, due to the popularity of companies on social media, media journalism as a whole is just wasted effort. Its not like you need a press pass to go see what's happening at E3 anymore, and leaks and shit will make it's way on to any gaming forum within minutes of it happening.
Literally what's even the point? Why do these companies exist?

>people tend to think game """"""(((journalists)))"""""" actually play video games

I don't think anyone has that impression anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if game sites contract third parties to play games for review footage at this point.

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I forget exactly what happened but some big name site like IGN fired one of their writers because he plagarized the entirety of some small YouTuber's review.

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Jews need to be eliminated. They are always subversive Kikes who try to ruin any nation or industry that they are in

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Yes but on the flip side being an actual journalist can still mean being a biased, condescending shit.

they're failed journalists

wagies, man



He's also a massive islamaphobe.

>no vagina? NO say in abortion!
>can't play games? QUALIFIED to be game journalist!

tfw to be a leftist douchebag you have to be a walking bag of contradictions.

>Why do these companies exist?

To self serve and self perpetuate, basically. "Gaming journalism" should've always remained a hobbyist endeavor, rather becoming an "industry". Now you have shit like , glorified bloggers with delusions of grandeur. Hell, normal bloggers are more reputable than gaming journalists.

he definitely has reputable sources at Bethesda.
Can't say much for anything else.

and blizzard were being assholes because they thought they would make money off it

I mean, he is of some repute, that's undeniable.

hey guys why do you complain about journalists and sjws that much but make a billion threads per day about them? are you fucking stupid?

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Jason "palestinian children should die" Schreier?

Spreading awareness of their shit isn't a bad thing

He is a dirty jew.

Trawling the internet to find shit other people have already said is not journalism. Getting to shit FIRST is Journalism.

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>this wasn't the first post
You're slipping, Yea Forums.

He became famous after he leaked that Microsoft was buying Obsidian. Didn't really know him before that.

>Jason "palestinian children should die" Schreier?
Did he say that?

but they're barely videogame related, they're just retards who don't like videogames talking about videogames
and also why do we need an awareness of their shit shitposting spam?

I consider him a kike

He's a died in the wool Zionist pig

based do not forget posters

Well is there anywhere I can see his political views?

his head is reputably inside his ass so in a sense yes

Its the worst when game """journalists""" defend multi billion dollar companies like this