>he plays with the english dub
He plays with the english dub
Other urls found in this thread:
Unless you can understand the language you're an utter weeabo hipster faggot for playing it with the jp language.
>he plays suckiro
Naw. Certain games just feel better when the characters speak their own language.
Plus the english sounds campy as fuck.
Or maybe just because, you know, the game is set in japan and it makes sense.
Could also be that.
>watching Sekiro videoes online
>the american players all have english dub on
>game set in feudal japan
>everyone speaks american
Tried both. Prefer the English this time.
>not playing original language with English subs
>playing with the original voice work on is "hipster"
I don't watch English movies in my own language either, maybe you should stop being a mono-language plebian.
I didn't know you could change it. Why would you? Not like there are walls of subtitles to read. I always thought the voice acting was good in Souls games but I feel like Sekiro would sound goofy in english, I don't even want to experience it.
>Dark Souls releases in japan with english voice acting
>"makes sense, it fits the setting"
>Sekiro releases in america with japanese voice acting
>*angry burger sounds*
I'd play the English dub if they didn't have American accents. It feels very off. Also English Emma doesnt sound like a qt.
>medieval Japan
>everyone speak English and have American accents
Yeah, this is fine and totally not completely retarded.
why do you have to tell the truth retard, now the dubfags will turn this thread into a spergfest.
mutt education
Something like an anime has decent animation so that even if you don't understand it all the time everything still kind of clicks and comes together.
Sekiro is like an anime that is 99% unanimated cafe scenes that are just shot and reverse shot of mouths opening and closing out of time with the words.
At that point I prefer the dub since it's not outright awful and I can't be fucked to not skip through dialogue that I can't understand but which I can read in a fraction of the time.
>sekiro says yoy
>translation is 8 words
allright then
Is there some fileswapping you can do to have the JP voices on everybody EXCEPT for Armored Warrior?
>post complaining about jap dub is incoherent
>I can't be fucked to not skip through dialogue that I can't understand but which I can read in a fraction of the time.
this. i dont have the autism to sit through long ass delivery. especialy since they couldnt even be bothered to make proper cutscenes or at least witcher 3 style dialogue animations
This would be kino.
>stream the game for a while for my friend's sake
>some guy joins the stream
>"why u got the game on japanese.. u weeb???"
>leaves the stream
It doesn't really matter if it's japanese or english since you can read the lines faster than they can open their mouths.
All the voice lines are basically "bea... see... see... les..." in my playthrough.
he did a good job
sekiro seems to have pretty good voice acting across the board, both nip and english
honestly playing with dubbed voices isnt as bad as playing with inverted axis, I know I do
Why would anyone ruin their peak immersion like that, especial when the default is set to japanese
X or Y?
B-but English has Darin De Paul
I liked the dub. Gave it a 90's anime feel
>Game takes place in Europe
>Everyone speaks Japanese
The manner and way characters speak english sounds fucking super awkward because it was clearly made with japanese in mind first. It's like a subpar anime dub.
There's a reason why the game defaults to jap, english VO sounds hokey as fuck.
I guess I'm an utter sweeabo hipster faggot for watching Let The Right One In in Swedish instead of the English dub even though I can't understand Swedish, too.
Genichiro and Owl both sound way better in English
It kind of works though, it reminds me of English dubs for japanese ps2 games
>Japanese people be like
>Chinese people be like
>I prefer to see the movie in English even though i can't understand it
It's only you hipster western faggots that do this, you know that right?
White people have a fetish for languages they can't understand, you never see it anywhere else in the world.
I think this is why they love mass immigration so much.
>decent animation
>3 frame mouth flaps with no other motion
I also enjoy English people pronouncing japanese names.
Nigger if nearly everybody has some weird ass japanese name then there‘s really no point in an English Dub.
Based and truepilled.
>Played with English dub and still skipped every cutscene, cheesed every boss until I got every trophy.
I am better than 99% of players and I don't give a single fuck about your weeb game.
This bugged me too
>you don't even understand the language !
That's just because english is better at everything, third worlder.
Even JP companies don't understand white people, they are like...why do they want jp language are they retarded?
Yes, yes they are.
So do I really have to climb the entire castle just to fight owl again? Why can’t I just tryn again? All you do is sprint past everyone and grapple hook to the top anyway. Why can’t I just fight him again? What’s the problem with that?
I'm glad he made you turn that shit off cringelord.
This is a baffling post. No where else in the world are there people who insist that dubs are better. It’s a laughable concept to watch foreign films with your own people speaking over the actors.
>every other country is full of cucks
Figures !
The only person you spite is yourself
You’ve never heard what they have to say? Why?
I don't need to understand the language. That's what subtitles are for. I also play The Witcher in Polish and Assassin's Creed in the native language of the time period when it's available (like French for Unity). It's more interesting that way.
>there are people wasting valuable life moments arguing whether or not you should listen or read English
get the top dojo idol and kill the new mini boss just like the genichiro runback
Go throught the dojo, dummy. There's an idol right next to him.
Is sushinami oniwasansaske
>"I prefer noises in my earholes that make no sense to me"
this, dub is better, sekiro and kuro sound way better in english
Even fucking spic language has more depth in words and language rules than fucking english retard, the fact that english is the easiest to learn doesn't make it the best, get some education and learn more than 1 language, it would do wonders to your brainlet ass.
>game set in sweden and all the characters speak swedish
"what the fuck is this shit?"
>game set in japan and all the characters speak japanese
>Everyone is wrong!
>me right hell yeah murica
Dumb mutt, be careful not to get shot or killed by a nigger, faggot.
This game is impossible to play while drunk.
Fact: learning any other language beside english is 100% a waste of time.
You can seeth now.
>i can't learn a new language, god forbid i educate myself, only pew pew kill kill kekekekekek.
>Jap VA
>Males all sound like they trying desperately to squeeze out a huge log while recording their lines
>Females all sound like their mom walked in on them during an Exit Bag.
As well you should be ridiculed you fucking weeb
I'm arab and agree with white people sentiment.
Bullshit. I beat owl completely fucking toasted off of rum and coke.
HAHAHAHA they couldnt even afford 2 voice actress for Kuro and The divin child of rejuvenation. So this is the power of english dubs.......
this, jap owl sounds so bad, like holy shit
I would kill myself were I arab.
You know it's bad when I read "my friend's sake" and thought the drink.
>jap VA of Isshin looks like Isshin
As 56% you probably have some already. Get onto it user, don't let dreams be dreams.
>being such a brainlet that you can't learn new languages just by hearing it and with minimum studying.
Geez, i thought the "american education" was kind of a meme, never change dumb mutt.
>the owl sounds audibly distressed when you break the iron code, almost as if he lost you as a son
I never asked for these kinds of feels.
your ESL is showing
>His name was Andrew Morgado
>playing with dubtitles
no one would actually do this right?
>subfags are only purists when it comes to japanese
t. your ass
Dude he's faking it. At the beginning of the second phase he does it again and if you go near him he throws a smoke bomb and calls you a fool. But you can attack him and prove you're not stupid.
I pity anyone that had to fight Owl with the english dub.
>game set in neutral setting
>play in language you understand
>game set specifically in a setting unique to the language you understand
>play in that language
>game set specifically in a setting unique to a foreign language
>play in that foreign language
It's for immersion. If I'm playing Yakuza, I'm going to play it with Japanese audio because it takes place explicitly in Japan. Something like Devil May Cry, I play in English because it's a more ambiguous setting.
It's why it's a good thing that the Souls series has English voice actors only. It's based on Western fantasy, it would be weird to play it with any Eastern language. Although it would have been pretty fucking cool if they had chosen something like Gaelic. But I imagine voice actors would be much more difficult to find that way.
This but with the japanese dub.
dark souls, retard
cant be worse than the garbage jap dub lmao
>Not wanting ROBERTOOOOO
After many playthroughs I can't switch back, I'd rather just ignore his nip dialogue and keep the ROBERTOOOOO, though I agree that having characters speak in their native language would be ideal. Nioh had it and it added to immersion as well, though the majority of the cast was still japanese.
Aw shit you sure got me mate!
I don't know anyone that played souls in weebspeak, but Sekiro is supposed to be played in niptongue
This, Nioh did it perfectly. Wish more games just had every character speak the language they naturally would. Who doesn't read subtitles?
Then fly your ass over in japan if you love their dick so much
The english dub is good except for some minor parts
>Ema's name changes to Emma to fit english dub
>Roberto changes to Robert
Most object descriptions are translated wrongly too
its the default setting, keep seething
>Nioh had it and it added to immersion as well
It felt weird as fuck in Nioh because everyone pretended it was the most normal thing.
they didn't make subtitles for Japanese voices
you would have to be autistic retarded weeb to choose Japanese voices
one of the best parts of the dub
the game is english sub japanese audio by default, what are you talking about?
>not listening to rice pirate's VA
subtitles are from the english dub retard
>what are subtitles
Fucking mutts. Dubs are literally the worst in any medium.
>not using english dub and english subtitles
kys filthy weeb
I don't see why you'd wanted english for armored warrior.He is not anglo.
I use subs for every movie, except English because I speak it fluently. Kys mutt, you're literally the definition of brainlet
>english subtitles are from the english translation
whoa... crazy....
I mean I'm not going to disagree that it wasn't odd when William replied in english, the game had that spirit cat enabling him to understand japanese and probably because of that he barely speaks in the game as it is, but examples like Kelley were done right as he spoke both english and japanese sometimes.
played through with both
english is unironically better aside from one or two boss lines
>I use subs for every movie
no shit are you retarded? stupid weeb kys
>he plays Witcher with the english dub
Just for ROBERTOOOOOO, that was my point, I tried the english version and just Robert! isn't the same, its my own problem anyway, not something that should be applied to everyone.
Yeah,the english dub for him was too weak,you almost couldn't hear him
yes english subtitles are from the english dub
but they didn't translate Japanese script to English
are you retarded?
>mutts in charge of not being retarded
Seems like it's too hard for you
Not everyone's native language is english you retard jaded burger, out there people learn more than one language, including english.
no one plays dark souls in japanese you massive retard
the english voices are the original for dark souls
the japanese voices are the original for sekiro
the english dub was made by activision with no supervision by from
kill yourself retard
>ching chong ping pong
Fuck that
But nobody played dark souls in japanese? Even japs stream it with english dub.
What are the key differences between the English and Japanese scripts?
I play games with English voices so I unironically can feel like I'm in the game world.
>Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne dubs
>a wide range of based anglo screen & stage actors giving 10/10 performances
>Sekiro dub
>Americans doing their best Nolan North impression, sounds like a 90s anime dub
What the fuck went wrong?
Someone told me the subs for Japanese are completely fucked so I switched to English.
fucking alcofags i swear have to shove their shitty drug down everyone's throat and make their whole personality revolve around dude bro booze lmao
fucking alcoholics are the niggers of drug users
Worth switching to dub just for this fight
I don't think I heard one YOOOOOOOO in this game which really surprised me
So you get the English translation, while having the Japanese characters speak Japanese? Sounds like the best of both worlds. What are you not understanding here?
Sekiro is set in Japan, user.
>he plays the witcher with szczeszcze dub
The English dub is also completely fucked.
Aris plays it with English subs.
Someone post the Chinese insulting each other over a dub. I Honestly cant remember
Figuratively who?
Westaboos are actually cringier than weeabos
>i dont understand a language, i will tell you that i use subs for them
no shit are your retarded? why are weebs low IQ? i wonder if its low IQ from being an incel or being low IQ has made u an incel, lmao
Not that user, but localized subs usually change some things that are not entirely translating what japanese dialogue is saying and sometimes it loses the "impact" and "meaning" behind the original intent, though that's hardly their fault since japanese language functions very differently from english and some things just can't be conveyed with english text, it's usually why most people that really want to understand it spend a great deal of time studying it since it involves learning how their culture works as well. For games though it's rarely an issue, and in this game it doesn't affect anything major.
no, you don't get a English translation
subtitles are from the English dub, not the Japanese audio
skeletons are in fact cool
god bless these nips
Fpbp. Fuck weebs
>le u must be involuntary celibate mae-mae
have intercourse
>its not a big deal
Whst is this feels guy called?
That's what I'm saying. You get both the English version, while still getting to hear the more authentic and immersive Japanese audio. It's the best of both worlds and the best way to play, if you don't speak Japanese.
Vinny is a secret weeb
I did not ask you to condescendingly explain what a translation is. I asked what the differences are between the English and Japanese scripts for Sekiro. If you don't know that, don't reply to my post.
if u did you wouldnt get triggered if someone doesnt use weeb language lmao
The thing is out there its actually common for movies to be sold with original language and subs and even on cinemas are like that, they still have the option for localized dubs as any place in the world, that isn't an issue, you're free to prefer it, but don't think for a second that its like that for everyone, a great deal of people consume it with subs, its usually done like that to make watchers get more familiarized with the language and some even get interested enough for them to try and learn it.
>Zoomer never played Dark Souls
Based Steinerposter
Fine, let's put it this way, unless you understand deep japanese culture and costume you will not be affected by the translated subs.
I understand hundreds of kanji after studying Japanese for years. I literally played the entirety of Persona 5 in Japanese months before it came out in the West.
In time I've learned that dubs truly are better than subs. Even Japanese in their own countries will prefer to just watch English produced media in their own languages most of the time. Your brain literally makes sense of it best in your mother tongue. Basically, even if you understand Japanese, if English was your first language you'll probably have a better time understanding everything if you just play the game in English.
It's not like I really care how people play these games, but it's always been so weird to me how weebs will defend Japanese audio as if it's the only option anyone should choose. Plus I came to enjoy a lot of the English voice casts more than the Japanese, especially in cases where the English voice is vastly superior like with Dragon Ball and My Hero Academia.
I don't think the fucker is english
But I don't think it matters too much desu
Haha baka gaijins...when will they learn?
I've also studied it for years and will agree with the thought that its always easier to understand in your native language, thing is not everyone has english as their native language so they aren't and weren't forced to consume things in english for most of their lives, many places are more used to watching things in the original language, be them english, japanese, chinese, french, italian, etc. so if they have the option to pick the original they will, it'd also be the same case if it was available for their language, because as you said its much easier if its in your native one.
>The english voices are the originals for dark souls
That's only in 1 and 2, in 3 and bb you have default voices depending where you bought it, I mean, there's even spaniard dub
>get owl down to 1 percent life
>choke and die
>all the sudden can’t even get the first deathblow on him
>10 tries in, still dying
>he’s doing random moves I’ve never seen before that insta kill me
Fucking great
What a massive retard. Dark Souls default is in English, even for the Japanese release.
the english dub in sekiro is great. get over it weebs
>there's even spaniard dub
Bloodborne's Spanish dub is actually stellar. The Doll's VA is amazing, the kind of voice that sends chills down your spine. Spanish dubs are hit or miss, but BB's was amazing.
Sounds better
>get killed by owl in first phase he says “one!”
>get a deathblow and you get a Rez back
>great, I just need to get through the first phase and I’ll have 2 rez’. I have the upgrade for Rex storage
>get through first phase unscathed, get killed
>no extra Rez
What the fuck? What are the rules to this shit?
>he plays with the voice option to hear a bunch of gooks screaming
Only played in nip. It's boring and sounds like every other jap VA. Also i hate having to read. But then i heard the english VA is anime tier cringe. I don't know what to do.
Why the hell would Japanese people in feudal Japan talk to each other in English with Japanese accents? I understand this complaint, but it’s still dumb. There’s Japanese if you want the authentic experience, and there’s the dub if you want English.
You heard from the english VA is excellent
makes sense, every time I see people praising el Donte because they found it funny and others even say the VA is really good, It's not
spanish dubs are slowly getting better but even in DmC they were subpar, all they want to hear is QUE TE JODAN
If it was a movie I’d choose the Japanese audio, but it’s a video game. Enemies talk while you’re playing in real time. My attention isn’t always going to be on the subtitles while I’m playing.
>attack owl
>instakills you for it
Do you also stop breathing because it might take your mind out of the game?
>Enemies talk while you’re playing in real time
boss fights
Why the fuck did FromSoft decide to use American accents?
The British dubs were some of the most kino voice acting I've heard in a video game.
Why voice a highborn noble with some inbred backwater country fuck?
Because you lost, fag.
Give an example
I don’t understand. The games were heavily western influenced and had western VAs. Why would Japanese people in Japan speak English with a Japanese accent? That’s not authentic, that’s just dumb.
europoor with a scottish gf here, british accents are fucking terrible
you're unironically retarded.
Only good part of the dub aside from the guy who voiced Owl.
I know the first boss on the horse has some dialogue in the fight. Though I played with Japanese audio and was able to read it without fucking up my flow so I don't understand people who can't.
DARK SOULS is only recorded in English.
Imagine not being able to read
well done, sekiro
Did we?
Why would Japanese people in Japan speak English with a Japanese accent?
You hate us, cause you ain't us
The final two fights for the Shura ending seem more difficult than the final two for the other endings. I may change my mind once I've actually beaten the Shura bosses though.
>genuinely appreciate any dub that has the sense to recruit seasoned TV actors and theatrefags instead of anime hacks
>most of dubs however, tend to be poorly directed schlock with a cast of hungover drama students and a handful of industry vets
Why does it always have to be this way?
I'm at the final boss.
Is there any way to do the second Owl fight?
I liked FLCL dub a lot despite it being annoying at some parts.
If you're able to play a game about japanese people doing japanese shit in japan with american and british fucking accents, you're actually a brainlet. It looks so fucking stupid except for the horse guy intro, that shit was awesome in english
Souls games have great gameplay but trying to make sense of a story is futile because of its heavily, heavily japanese spirituality influences.
The problem with souls stories is that even if they had extremely straightforward storytelling direction, they would still be utterly alien and ridiculous to the western mind because they're ALL based (even the lovecraftian inspired bloodborne) on Japanese ""spirituality"" aka the dumbest superstitions known to man (those same superstitions that build the souls lore are the reason why an entire class of workers are treated like subhumans in Japan, although it has gotten a lot less bad compared to centuries ago).
People who don't know about Shinto and the bits of Buddhism practiced in Japan will try very hard to look for deeper meaning in souls lore where there is none and in fact the thing is self explanatory but just doesn't make any logical sense, exactly like actual Shinto practice.
A few rare holdouts of those superstitions still do things like forbidding women from climbing mountains because they're a source of blood pollution (menstruation, child birth).
Don't let the westerny visuals mislead ya, even Demon's Souls was a Japanese story told with a western look and vocabulary. You could see the impact of the jap spiritual thoughts in elements like the karmic world's tendencies, the valley of defilement and so on.
The kind of thinking that drives the souls world building is a-l-i-e-n to any sort of rational thinking. There is no point in trying to make sense of the puzzle. To me, it is not the fact that Souls tell much of its setting from things like item description that makes them what they are but rather, that the writers are heavily influenced by a type of thinking that eludes rationality. I'm not surprised people will have trouble grasping wtf Shura is in Sekiro.
all of these weeb faggots claiming the jap dub "feels" better when they can't even understand the fucking language
Activision quality assurance.
thank you
sekiro has a quality dub
just look at the hype when horse guy enters the arena
What am I if I understand japanese but still need subtitles for specific words?
This. I usually go for dubs but the English va is just... so bad
fuck weebs
It seems to have it's moments like says but yeah it's mostly kind of off.
Plus that horse guy's entrance was hype as fuck regardless of language.
>Sub v Dub faggotry
Not this shit again
I want to fuck Japanese Big Boss!
Literally right after killing the blazing bull two enemies enter the arena and have dialogue about how it sounds like the bull has calmed down and then the other realizes it’s dead.
> 2019
> He doesn't at least understand basic japanese
Its going to be fun when japanese faggots take over the market.