So what's the consensus Yea Forums? Is it the hardest Fromsoft game? I haven't played it but it looks to be the toughest
So what's the consensus Yea Forums? Is it the hardest Fromsoft game? I haven't played it but it looks to be the toughest
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It's the hardest game of this gen
BB and DS3 were a bit harder but Sekiro is more fun overall
>Implying any of their games are hard to begin with
Nah, those games are way easier than Sekiro. The lenient i-frames present in those games make most everything (except the fucking Dragonslayer Armour) a breeze.
Once it really clicks (you know when it does, for me it was Corrupted Monk) it actually becomes easier than the other Souls games IMO. Foutainhead opposed no challenge for me for example
Whats the point of fighting lady butterfly in the optional area?
It's no more difficult than Souls was the first time you played it, it's just a bit different is all.
The Nioh alpha was probably trickier.
>Can't hide behind a shield the entire game
>Have to master parries to beat the game
>No summons to carry shit players
>Have to make split second decisions to counter thrust and sweeping attacks
>Spamming dodges will just get you killed
It's without a doubt harder than any of the souls games.
Sounds like a damn FUN time then...
I thought so too until my casual friend bought the game and sold it 4 days later because he sucked at it. Is he a brainlet? Maybe, I'd say most casual going "gamers" would have the same experience.
Probably the highest entry threshold, but overall the same.Even easier at times, since most mobs are killed through stealth.
In Sekiro, every player is forced to learn the game. There are no shortcuts like summons or overleveling. If you can't master the game's systems, you'll lose. Simple as that. This has caused a huge outcry in the pseudo-hardcore gaming base who wanted the reward without the effort.
I do think that Sekiro ocasionally does take it too far but it's also very logical and easy to learn.
extra res plus it's a good fight
they're definitely harder than most games getting released nowadays
It seems kinda hard this early, maybe I should come back later but will I miss anything if I do that?
It's not that difficult.
Once you actually learn how it's supposed to be played then it's kinda mid-tier in terms of difficulty.
>that feel when you reach Genjiro and perfect him, because something just clicked in your head and you understood the mechanics
It's the easiest FromSoft game since Armored Core.
It's not easy, but it's not as hard as Soulsborne.
It will be like that the entire game. Basically consider the first times nothing but practice and then go earnest after that.
>as hard as Soulsborne.
>but it's not as hard as Soulsborne.
How can people say this? I lost to this retarded ape more than anything from DaS1, 3 or BB. BB especially was really easy once you beat Gascoigne.
I dunno, Déraciné virtually had no challenge whatsoever
>In Sekiro, every player is forced to learn the game.
This is why I love the parrying and even having to jump to avoid some attacks. Would you say this is by far their most versatile combat system? The added mobility is exactly what a Souls game needed.
nah man you can continue with the game and come back once you have a few more prayer beads and are more comfortable with the combat. you wont miss anything
I don't think you do, but the fight also isn't really that hard, there's a trick to it. Attack her, dash to her side, repeat.
The game is really hard early on when you have no healing and no health, but then around the midway point, the game has a bunch of trivial gimmick boss fights and gives you way better stats and the rest is easy.
People are going to find different things difficult or easy. I thought Guardian Ape wasn't that bad, phase 1 was pretty easy aside from some shitty hitboxes, and then phase 2 is the tedious learn weird deflection timings boss fight that makes up most of the game so it's not too hard at that point either. Rape ape has much longer vulnerability windows than most bosses too.
Lot of people say Soul of Cinder is easy but I remember that boss giving me trouble for hours.
This is true. It seems really hard at the beginning since you're not used to the playstyle they want from you AND have like a two centimeter long lifebar so everything two shots you.
Then you get prayer beads, realize everything but parrying is a meme, and basically the game becomes the easiest shit ever. I did have bosses who killed me like ten times but I was usually just hard-headed and kept doing the same shit over and over since I like to play like that.
Lady Butterfly I killed in two tries, Guardian Ape took like like 6 or 7 but then I figured him out so hard that I killed the next one (and his bitch wife) in one try, Owl took me literally one or two tries, don't even remember, Guardian Monk was two tries, etc. Shit is really easy.
this game reminds me of ninja gaiden, souls, and kingdom hearts 2.
Now if only they could make a game this challenging with a good combo system for advanced players to spend time learning, maybe even with some Zelda/Resident Evil-tier puzzles sprinkled in there to make combat have more weight
Spam firecrackers. Easy win
How much longer do I have left after getting the Mortal Blade? Also where do I go now? I haven't played since last Sunday.
Hard when you don't understand game mechanics
Pathetically easy when you do.
There is no middle ground.
You can make the game harder with artificial difficulty by enabling chip damage, but why? Theres no fun to be had there.
>Getting 1 shot every single time is hard
>Dodge mechanic doesn't work properly so when you actually have to dodge lethal blows it fails 90% of times.
No Sekiro isn't hard is unfair.
>I lost to a casual filter so this game is harder
It's really fucking hard. However, it's also the most fun. Not only are the hard bosses extremely satisfying to beat, but also some of the easier bosses like the first one are just phenomenal.
Chained Ogre was my wall though, and that was legitimately not fun.
Bloody Crow of Cainhurst shits on every boss and mini boss in Sekiro
Bloody Crow is just cheap with his infinite bullets and 99 blt
Well yeah? That would prove my point.
Just because you're bad doesn't make a game hard.
For me, it's the hardest to get into, but the easiest once you've already beaten it.
It's also the only FROM game to get better the more you play it.
It is hard, but to me still suffers from a lot of problems the Souls games had, mainly slow combat and not a lot of variety in how to tackle the enemies, is either sneak up and do a stealth kill or engage in normal combat and break their defense (which after the millionth enemy gets old).
The level design was pretty good, the platforming and general movement options you had really made me not want to play a Souls game again considering how restricting it is and the setpieces were also great.
To me its BB > Sekiro > DeS > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2
>this game is harder than that other game
No shit Sherlock. Learn to fucking read.
Bloodborne is easy if you level up vitality. Dark Souls 3 is still tough even if you allocate stats optimally, so it's the only real competitor with Sekiro
take everything slow and you'll win; parry on swings, jump on sweeps, mikiri on stabs -- the windows are huge
the only thing you'd need to really learn is Demon's flaw and his patterns
>what is block and parry and jump
easily the easiest game to survive in if you know your enemies well or can gather clues to their next attack, arm wrapped near the body? Sweep, jump counter. Arm pulled back? Thrust Deflect or makami counter. weird new animation? Jump backwards and watch. 90% of this works wonders on every enemy git gud.
Right I guess Yakuza is harder than Souls because I can't into Mahjong
It's easier than any Souls game once you got gud.
It was the same with Bloodborne.
It's time to stop posting friend
The only challenging content from DaS3 is TRC. So 3 bosses. 2Demon, Midir and gael
Are we assuming your a knight here? Because being a pyromancer trivializes the game. I beat the dancer and the dragon armor on my first try.
>gets btfo
>s-stop p-posting a-user
Hardest early game, once you learn to use L1 it isn't bad
Bloodborne is still the hardest simply because you cannot block
Dark Souls 3 is the easiest of all Souls games.
Im not sure if its harder. Playing sekiro reminder me of playing DS for the first time and getting fucking rekt. Then after hours of grinding it all clicked and the sequels and BB were just kind of average difficulty. Once you beat lady butterfly or genichiro you should have a grasp on most of the games mechanics and it clicks with you.
In some ways its easier than soulds games. You can literally come back from the dead multiple times, dont die if you fall off cliffs, and dont lose all xp upon death. People also complain that you cant grind to lvl up to beat bosses but that was for fucking cheeselords anyways....Plus you can still grind xp to unlock skills which is close to the same thing.
All in all its a welcome break from soulsborne that im taking my time with. I hope fromsoft keeps pumping out quality new IPs.
>doesn't acknowledge armored core
Any regular guy with a sword including genichiro was easy. Magic spammer gimmick fights and no name longswordsman were much harder. It's just DaS but instead of only roll being useful it's mikri counter and jump. Technically twice as difficult.
Not really, I'd still give the edge to BB because you HAVE to evade. You literally have no other choice.
>he thinks anyone cared about FS before they did Demon's Souls
>no name longswordsman were much harder
But they all have the same moves.
They're easy as fuck.
Sekiro is only hard if you play on the intended difficulty (Demon Bell and Path of Hardship)
I'm doing this on a fresh NG run and its changing.
Anyone who is saying the game is easy probably played on on easy mode. And should be ignored.
>you HAVE to evade
That's what makes it easy imo.
I never tried pyromancy. I thought a lot of later bosses (twin princes, dragon lightning man, dancer) were genuinely challenging
if stamina was unlimited, sure.
They have infinite poise and kill you in two hits. Classic from hard enemy. It's not hard to figure out but you have to perfect parry everything or get fucked.
I disagree. If you invest in strength almost all Bloodborne bosses are mostly dodge spam with ass attack spamming. Plus they give you like 20 bloodvials to start with immediately. You can literally beat every boss without parrying. (This is coming from someone who loves bloodborne but thats just how it is)
I think BB's DLC is just a *little* bit harder because I was never able to nail down Orphan of Kos without overlevelling, but in terms of just base game it's definitely the hardest. With that being said I also found it the least frustrating. I was genuinely fine losing to bosses over and over just learning their patterns.
Kek, the charm only punishes you if you suck at deflecting
> on a fresh NG run
Don't you get the charm in NG+ only? Why are you lying user?
It's definitely harder. I'd say it takes Bloodborne's DLC difficulty and stays there in terms of boss difficulty. The world difficulty is probably the level of DaS1, nothing too special but the mini-bosses in this game will kick your shit in.
They are though. They're not the hardest games ever but it's doubtful anyone is going to breeze through them, especially not Sekiro.
Well as you said your friend is a casual. Sekiro's not going to meet someone half way. Either they learn the bosses or they don't progress, simple as that.
It’s the toughest Fromsoft game because of the removal of online and levelling crutches but it’s still not as hard as some make it out to be.
Again it punishes the dumb and impatient players who spam and fail to adapt to bosses and situations.
Sekiro has been a great litmus test to shot who is good at these game and expose the actual shitters.
Pretty sure I said SOULS game and not Soulsborne
And that is me too
>beat the mounted spear guy first go
>beat 2nd encounter genchiro second try
>got filtered by the headless over two dozen times
Also I thought pontiff sulyvanh was a big difficulty spike.
Really though, DaS3 is nowhere near the easiest souls game. That is probably Demon's Souls. In DaS3 bosses punish healing and have more sophisticated movesets, plus even a lot of the mobs are tougher (think of the boreal valley or snake man mobs, with mooks who had move sets more complex than any Demon's Souls boss).
Headless is a pure gimmick fight though.
>Foutainhead opposed no challenge for me for example
It's literally the easiest area in the entire game, what's your point? Everything in that level fucking melts if you equip sabimaru.
Headless isn't meant to be tackled until the later game
I did Sulyvanh second try. He's literally just a case of roll until you find an opening.
Idk I feel like stealth replaced leveling with it being a crutch. Stealth is stupid OP and the AI isn't good enough to not get abused.
It's easier than Dark Souls and anyone who says otherwise either hasn't played Dark Souls in good couple of months or are just shit in general and probably cheesed their way through the other fromsoftware games, the hardest part of the game is the first 3 hours which isn't even that hard.
You unlock the charm after beating the game
Any new games (including a new save file) will get the charm.
Could you actually play the game before posting drivel?
I would say Sekiro is so hard that it actually makes the game a chore to play. I didn't have fun playing this game.
This. It made non bosses and anyone without two bars trivial.
Now equip Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu and pop a Spirit Mibu Ballon, (nearly) infinite backstabs.
Sulyvanh punishes mashing in circle, you have to be a little bit reactive
And trash players cannot into stealth because they are dumb and impatient who are then ruined by numerous minibosses.
Just tested it, you're right.
Doesn't change the fact the the charm only punishes you if you suck at deflecting.
The NG+ posture changes are way more impactful on gameplay.
Pre-ng+ Sekiro hardly ever one-shots you and even then you have resurrect.
depends on what other ingredients you have. Once you gather them all, you're about 90% through
Starting stamina is OP in bb. You literally neverhave to put any points in endurance unless you're fucking trash.
Regular enemies are easier because you can just stealth kill them all or run away, but bosses/minibosses way harder than Souls
Not really dude, stealth is pretty forgiving. It reminds me a lot of the stealth in the batman games.
>mashing in circle
You know you can TIME rolls. You don't have to spam them.
And it's B and not Circle SnoyBoy
>So what's the consensus Yea Forums?
Just my personal opinion, but this game has major identity crisis, because its actually fun until it remembers it wants to be Dark Souls suddenly and throws a boss at you. The unseen aid mechanic is a load of shit because the whole point of Souls games was trial and error to figure out what to do, and now you get punished for doing so. It ends up being a game I desperately want to like but end up hating.
Otherwise I dig how they changed it from soul grinding to prayer beads to filter out casuals but goddamn, I'm getting flashbacks to SFV.
It's harder but not as fun. There's too much reliance on twitch reflexes. I know a lot of people (including me) enjoyed Souls combat because it DIDN'T place emphasis on twitch reflexes. Combat was slow and weighty, and dodging was about patience and timing. Everything in Sekiro has .1s of windup.
If you play the games solo I'd say it isn't.
Being able to counter almost everything makes it easier in my book.
i think in someways it is an easier game its hard to place it but i think its the fact that most enemies except for monsters are susceptible to a lot of your stuff. I mean there is more to sekiro than dodging or running from a bosses attack. You can technically parry almost everything isshin has and for special moves you can jump on him or mikiri or lightning reversal. not saying its easy just compared to roll dodge attack.
>way harder than Souls
Until you figure them out.
Souls bosses stay relatively hard even if you know the moveset. Sekiro bosses don't.
NG+ Charmless Demon's Bell, sure.
Sekiro isn't nearly as punishing as their other games though.
You get like 20 dragon droplets. Your Unseen Aid should never be not 30%.
Late-game you can grind damage boosts. Although by that point the casuals have all been filtered.
>Souls bosses stay relatively hard even if you know the moveset
What? No, they are just as easy.
>You get like 20 dragon droplets. Your Unseen Aid should never be not 30%.
Right but it's the same reason I hated Dark Souls 2, the shrinking healthbar was one of the most annoying fucking things in the game.
Fucking ridiculous how you can deflect the Bodyslam of Demon of Hatred. But at least it makes the game consistent in it's rules.
>can deflect the Bodyslam of Demon of Hatred
>this pikeman over here though sorry senpai you're fucked
It's retarded shit like this that I can't stand
But unseen aid accounts for nothing if you repeatedly die to a boss anyway, you won’t make any use of the exp or sen if you don’t have any to begin with.
In Souls you're the agressor. You have to attack them at some point. This means you can overextend or fuck up.
In Sekiro you nearly only punish the enemy attacks. It has less room for you to make mistakes (not counting reacting too late).
If we're including dungeons and DLC I think BB is harder
Congrats, you figured out that the Dragonrot/Unseen Aid mechanic is uselss and doesn't make sense.
>Dark Souls 3 is still tough even if you allocate stats optimally,
But it isn't. The only parts at all difficult are optional content, and then mostly DLC. The maingame is only tough on challenge runs.
I miss how difficult the Nioh alpha was, would've made the game more memorable than what we got.
>Unseen aid is useless
Thanks we agree.
The game is super forgiving about letting you try bosses over and over again though. Most places have statues really close to the bosses and you can easily avoid trash with stealth and the grappling hook. Not to mention you can teleport between all statues if you feel you need to buy or farm anything like divine confetti.
chained ogre was the casual filter, ape is actually a challenge
So was it owl that stabbed wolf in the dream?
I'd say it's way easier than any of the souls or BB, but that might just be because I'm better at vidya now then when I played those games.
I feel like I'm the only one who feels like Sekiro is more of a chore than a game meant to be fun.
You can run by fodder in all Souls games.
>ape is a challenge
Lmao just use fire crackers
Lmao just parry overhead slice
Ds3 was way easier you rube.
after you beat genichiro, you're told to go to one of three places, one of them being headless
It's the exact opposite, you dingus. In Souls, unless you are overpowered relative to an enemy, you bait a move and then punish. In Sekiro the secret to beating just about any challenging opponent is attacking constantly because the moves a boss can make as a counter invariably are less lethal than those he will make if you leave him alone.
I get what you mean. The only really fun thing are the bosses. World exploration and combat with normal enemies becomes tedious very quickly.
It was the easiest one for me. Not saying that it's easy full stop, but I'm a lot better at the fast rhythm based deflection system of the game compared to the slower "run and dodge until you see an opening" style combat of the souls games
Complete opposite case for me.
You don’t need to kill any headless though, you can just pass by.
>The only really fun thing are the bosses
Imagine being this wrong.
that doesn't make him not a challenge, you type like you got him first try
Are there any YYOOOOOOOOs in Sekiro?
Won't buy if there aren't
oh thought he mean't the headless ape
Say “hi” to the kite Tengu
>you bait a move
You can hardly bait them into a specific move.You get in, attack, get out, repeat.
In Sekiro you of course stay as close as possible and alternate attack with punishing them. Thing is you can't overextend in Sekiro.
You're talking out the ass if you're saying it's generally as quick and comfortable as in Sekiro. From the top of my head running to the Tower Knight or Ornstein and Smough is far more of an endeavour than anything in Sekiro where as I said most bonfires are literally right next to the bosses and you have infinite stamina ninjasprint anyway.
It's not hard at all, it's a fucking meme.
Even DSP is destroying it.
So the causals need really easy mediocre stealth gameplay and grappling hook movement.
Okay, it's easier in Sekiro. But you can still do it in Souls.
Yes definitely the hardest. You die in two hits and you only get like 3 healing items for the first third of the game.
The stealth itself obviously isn't complex at all but the level design is great and the way you have to use different tactics for different enemies is really fun. Some of the bosses feel a bit cheap (e.g. spear cunt when you go back to the starting area).
Fountainhead only has as the enemies the nobles that die in one hit, and Okami that get absolutely destroyed by Sabimaru and a gimmick boss. Not a good example
Game's pretty easy to be honest senpai
It's hard up until the 3 life boss then you get more and more gords beads and attack power then it becomes easy.
I kind of felt like that until Genichiro. The opening of the world and me gitting gud did wonders
I feel like this but about NG+. Bosses have so much health it's not fun anymore.
Normal game was fine.
Genichiro is a total jobber
Its the most electrifying out of all the souls games
No banter intended, that is the case and it's the best game they've released since the original Dark Souls
>when deathblows exist
sure let's see that video of you disregarding the health of owl ng+ and deathblowing him, faggot
>Bloody Crow of Cainhurst
>instagib you unless you perfect react
So does any Sekiro's normal enemy mid to late game.
It's not significantly harder or easier than other From games. It's just more difficult to cheese or brute force things which makes shitters think it's hard as nails.
Nah only the first hours. Also
>only THREE (3) ninjutsu which cost a lot of emblems
This useless crap made me mad.
>It's just more difficult to cheese or brute force things
Oil + Fire and Firecrackers say hi
I haven’t played any other from game besides sekiro (beat it multiple times now) and I’m afraid of playing Bloodborne because I might have the opposite problem that souls vets apparently had with sekiro. Will I get fucked if I play Bloodborne?
Firecrackers are a crutch weapon. If you used these in your first playthrough you’re a casual.
it's not hard, it just plays differently
they deliberately designed it so that any muscle memory you carried over from souls would fuck you over hard
DSP does not like it.
Most of the bosses I killed through posture damage (in the case of owl it’s 3 hits then deflect)
The only boss I had to kill through health was the ape
>mfw getting buttfucked by that general dude after the big black cock in the first area
10 tries is too much, the game is far too hard. Good thing I pirated it so I don't have a sick urge to keep playing and justify the purchase.
My first run through the game I found to be great. Hard but fair and all that as many other people praise. NG+ was good, felt like a victory lap I earned after beating the game and bodying bosses/seeing how much I had learned felt nice. Doing NG++ now but giving back kuros charm and using the bell, good fun.
zoomer retard
There's anything new in ng+?
Wish I had pirated it. Only finishing it out of obligation.
>BB and DS3 were a bit harder but Sekiro is more fun overall
I'd argue DS3 was fairly easy in comparison unless you include the optional Nameless King fight.
Yeah definitely the hardest. Close second is BB, followed by DaS3. DaS and DeS are literally easy mode after playing these games. Can't really be bothered with them anymore, since they're such a breeze.
Wish I had bought it desu. Really loved it.
Not really, just did one of the endings i didnt do and got some prayer beads I missed out on. Things like prayer beads you already have get replaced with jizo statues and shit like that or coin purses. Enemies deal more damage and your posture passively regens slower so you have to hold guard to regen more I believe. Other than those though, once you beat the game, on every subsequent playthrough whether you start fresh NG or not you'll have an item called kuros charm that you can give to him right at the beginning to make the game harder. I believe the main thing it does is make you take chip damage if you don't perfect parry. Not sure if there's anything else.
Not really apart from Kuro's Charm and posture changes forcing you to clean up your playstyle
Frieda and Nameless King were also hard as nails user.
I love how some people complain about not enough Spirit Emblems. You just KNOW they're using firecrackers as a crutch. I've not even finished the game and I have 750+ spirit emblems. And I use them quite frequently, mostly for shurikens for mid-air enemies or for ninjutsus and combat arts.
If you:
Didnt pick up demon seed
Leveled your health/posture
Used skills
Consumed memories
Used prosthetics
Your first playthrough, then your opinions about the game's difficulty should be and will be ignored.
The only issue I still have with the game is the sluggish controls. Perhaps NGB spoiled me, but the movement controls often get in the way of everything. I found every boss to be easier when I just stopped pressing WASD. They should have made the actions flow together I instead of the awkward halts you get anytime you press a different button.
If I had to cheese Gwyn from DaS with fireballs because I couldn't get parrying down, would this game be a waste of money for me?
how is that less difficult then literally just doing a pyro/mage build
But stealth fags still have to fight the hard bosses
Ah piggu vs monkey.
>that faked second phase surprise
>that firecrackers spam
>poison fart
>cheap terror one-shot mechanic
>"i didn't read a guide for this fight i swear i just knew how to cheese it"
Parrying is instead fun in this game
Best theme locked behind worst path.
Fuck you, Miyazaki.
Probably, but not as much. If you try parrying in BB you'd probably get fucked since the parry timings are more generous in Sekiro.
After losing to Genichiro 50 times and forcing myself to git gud, I feel a lot more confident. Took down Seven Spears on my 3rd attempt, killed the miniboss at Senpou on my first attempt.
The rhythm of combat in this game is completely different from other FromSoft games.
How the fuck do you avoid Demon of Hatred's flame carpet shit after the charge? There's a grappling point visible but it's crossed out every time.
Just wait till you get a can full of Ogremania!
Be at at a decent range away from it, sprint to the left and jump-grapple, if you're too close you'll get hit (and may be too far away to to grapple but never had that issue)
Yeah, Genichiro was my roadblock until i git gud and learned the general rhythm of parry-countering
Everything else clicks with time after it, whereas the ones before it i have to luck out from
Yeah I've been trying to grapple, I just can't get close enough after the charge I guess
The games difficulty is kinda weird. Genichiro is the biggest casual filter of this game not because he is insanely difficult but because up until that point you had no enemies that actually forced you to learn how to play the game properly. You can simply spam R1 and move on to the next enemy pretty easily. Once you know how to properly play the game however it becomes so much fun it's incredible. I finished the game yesterday and I can't wait to start playing it again. I wouldn't say it's better than Bloodborne but god damn if it didn't make me with BB combat was a little more like Sekiro.
Anyone have that twitch streamer clip of that guy ragequitting the shinobi hunter smashing his pad and fighting back the tears?
Nioh was better
But I really do love Sekiro and I think it's the hardest game in soulsborne series
>people actually replay this
Why? I beat it and enjoyed it, but there's no customizability and zero replay value.
They're 4 endings which have unique bosses, idiot.
I’m liking Nioh a lot, will I like Sekiro? I also loved to parry in Dark Souls snd was decent at it.
Fucking got him
I only found Demon in Pain/from below hard. Every other boss was just average on the difficulty scale.
>shinobi hunter
it's not even a boss, you have got to be kidding.
I played both Nioh until Abyss 200ish and DaS, can confirm Sekiro is absolute fun if you can get into the rhythm of parry-countering
Just got to rape ape and people weren't fucking kidding. He's utterly retarded. None of his perilous attacks are dodgeable and he spams them nigh-constantly.
It’s true, the clip was posted a few times yesterday, fucking hilarious.
Congratulations user
I poop on you kid
On one hand i worry for the future of such disabled people who can't even play a game and on the other hand i'm absolutely glad they are getting filtered
The sweep has huge tells and is well telegraphed
The run into grab you can't dodge away from, you have to literally sprint away then it becomes a huge attack window
I like to think Miyazaki and Itsuno has an amiable relationship and is taking little tidbits from each other's games
You need to time your jump. The flames take time to reach you. If you jump too early you'll land on them, if you jump too late they'll just hit you. Jump + grapple = dodge 100% of the time, and you can do an aerial to get a hit or two in.
Throw oil at him and burn the fucker
Sekiro is definitely easier than Souls and Bloodborne. The only people who say otherwise probably grind for hours before every boss. Sekiro's by far the most fair and honest challenge out of all of them.
>The run into grab you can't dodge away from, you have to literally sprint away then it becomes a huge attack window
It also comes out so fast that that's literally impossible to do if he decides to do it while you're attacking.
And don't even talk to me about his second phase's perilous. THAT's the actual retarded fucking bullshit. He does it EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU GET CLOSE TO HIM, so it's impossible to get any fucking damage in.
I got to him just now too, the terror scream fucks me up every time, everything before that I can do fine even without prosthetic tools. If I really need to run away every single time then I guess it's gonna take a fuckload of time, considering the first phase was pretty fast.
so are tghese supposed to be perma locked? i'v explored everywhere
The roar? Yeah you have to play it safely the first time around
protip: stand not too close, but mid-range away to bait his 2-hit slash, easily parriable and if 2 consecutive parries he'll do his overhead slash which can be parried for a free 5 second stun
In which you can spear dragmove for massive damage
Stomach it for now, for once you get a Lilac Umbrella you can hardcounter his scream and take sweet revenge
Because they're using Sabimaru instead of shurikens, numbnuts.
fighting the demon of hatred at max vit and the right attack power on ng is like fighting manus at sl1 but harder
You literally are not
He was surprizingly easy, took him and his second phase out on my 3rd try.
Not that user, I'm missing just one prosthetic until that lilac umbrella and I did pretty much everything aside from the ape, am I missing something or is it just an item you get later?
>Infinite stamina
>Refillable potions
>fuck up a deflect and you're still put into block
Game is easy as piss and boring as piss. I can't wait to be done with it, the bosses are Dark Souls 2 tier in that all of them feel nearly identical. Run into the centre of the boss stage, stand still and start tapping LB.
Shit's boring af. Ironically the only fun boss i've encountered so far was the great ape because it felt more like a Bloodborne boss
That one prosthetic requires a key item you only get from beating rape ape first form
but trust me that it'll wreck his shit in come 2nd form feat. waifu
>How can people say this?
How can people not say it? Refillable pots, jumps, escapes through grappling hook, infinite stamina stamina, blocks vs Finite pots, finite stamina, no blocks and no jumps/escapes.
Bloodborne is objectively harder in everyway, it's also better
>died twice
>all gourge used
>all emblems used
>not even bell's demon
Lmao look at this scrub
Have I not BTFO you enough yesterday?
Do you want to continue?
its so easy that you took a screenshot when you finally beat a motherfucker of a boss after dying, resurrecting and using all your pots. sounds like a breeze mate
Yea, the great ape was the only boss that actually required me to use my brain cells and learn when I could punish and when I couldn't.
Every other """"boss"" has been standing still and spamming LB. Boring game, cry about it. It's pretty hilarious that it took a budget bloodborne boss to give me any trouble or make me break a sweat.
Pic related, 2nd try at that Genshuro or whatever and hadn't used any prosthetics, had a full revive left and near full hp.
It's just a NPC repeating words, pay him no mind
But I blew you the fuck out user, not the other way around. There's no way a game with infinite stamina, fuck load of escapes, casual stealth attacks is harder than a game with no blocks, finite stamina and none of that bullshit
The general consensus also agrees. Cry about it PCpleb
Gonna need a webm, faggot
Sword Saint and Demon of Hatred were harder than any souls boss for me
>died once
>all gourge used
>to the fucking middle game boss
Post Isshin now, so you can end your pitiful rant
The great ape was a garbage boss because it played nothing like a sekiro boss would. Same goes for the Demon of Hatred, but at least the demon had a sick story behind it. Genichiro is literally a jobber and babies first boss, show me your progress in the Demon or Ishin.
Don't have one but I have better.
Here's DSP beating him in under 4 tries, lmfao
Game is easy as fuck. The only people hardcore shilling it are the same people who said the EXACT same shit for Dark Souls 3. Butthurt PCplebs DESPERATE for a game to surpass Miyazaki's magnum Opus, Bloodborne.
git gud
Yeah, desu I really don't think I'm gonna be able to beat sekiro. It's fun to accomplish things but I don't have the best patience for slamming my head against a wall as many times as needed, so I'm starting to get burnt out on sekiro, something that never happened on souls
>Don't have one
thought so
Literally seething, keep going user
Post a webm of you beating Orphan of Kos or Ludwig.
Didn't think so
>The great ape was a garbage boss because it played nothing like a sekiro boss would.
Do retards realize you can parry his attacks?
Why are BBfags so cancerous? Yikes.
>But I blew you the fuck out user, not the other way around.
Sure, post your webms about you standing perfectly still and spamming LB against bosses then, because I've been waiting for them since days and you still haven't delivered.
>There's no way a game with infinite stamina, fuck load of escapes, casual stealth attacks is harder than a game with no blocks, finite stamina and none of that bullshit
Except it is, since games are designed around core mechanics and not the other way round, it's why something as simple as your average Danmaku is miles harder than any Fromsoft game despite being even simpler mechanically.
>The general consensus also agrees
LMAO, you think I care about the general consensus or metacritic?
Most people can't even get past Gyoubu and you think they have any say on anything?
git gud
You can but I thought it was not really worth it since he has a tendency to run away after every engagement.
why would I save something thats not even an accomplishment?
Name a single Soulsborne boss that's as hard as this guy.
You literally can't
So is it true that once you get to NG+ that even new save files can choose to not take Kuro's charm? Do I have to beat the prologue on NG+ or just get to it?
Sekiro and the sculptor are the same people right?
Always felt tough but fair up until this point but rape ape is genuinely making me consider uninstalling.
Covetous trips demon
Nice trips, BBfag BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
I struggled *only* a couple hour on his bossfight, which compared to the days I spent on Pikachu&Snorlax, feels very short. But maybe I just became better at Souls game since then.
DSP got stuck on Great Ape for more than an hour and wasn't able to defeat him.
What point are you trying to make?
>Start using the shield against him
>Fight becomes easy as fuck
Man firecrackers and the shield are demigod tier in this game
>name in the fucking picture
>look at me I'm so fucking cool I don't even care
Man, I wish I was 14 again.
That's false. He only runs away after he gets knocked down by damage. And in the second phase it doesn't even run away.
As in both Shinobi who have lost their arms?
Yes, only Wolf still has a lord and hasn’t completely lost himself yet.
>Sure, post your webms about you standing perfectly still and spamming LB against bosses then, because I've been waiting for them since days and you still haven't delivered.
Want more examples? I even included the last boss, a so called "pinnacle of Fromsoft ware design" being beat in the exact same way you beat Genchiro, lmao.
*Stand still, tap LB" - The game
No wonder the general over on /vg/ is already dead. Gonna need to wait until Froms next game buddy, looks like Sekiro ain't the game to topple Bloodborne :^)
>Except it is, since games are designed around core mechanics and not the other way round, it's why something as simple as your average Danmaku
Wrong. Gascoigne is harder than every boss in Sekiro. Cry about it.
*fucks up deflect*
*still in block*
Nice game
>LMAO, you think I care about the general consensus or metacritic?
No, I wouldn't expect a SEETHING PCbabby to care about actual statistics.
But go on, carry on FEELING that Sekiro is harder and superior. It's trash
Trips speaks truth.
Didn't think so.
Git gud cope
Ludwig, Orphan of KoS.
because you can't stand still and tap LB against them like a turtled up Dark Souls 1 shield fag
No, Sculptor tells his story to Sekiro, you'd think he would notice the similarities.
Hardest bosses that's for sure, fuck 2Ape and fuck Demon of Hatred.
Jesus, imagine being so butthurt as to make a post such as this.
How does it feel to be even worse than DSP user?
You're right, my bad. I just remember spending a lot of time with me and him just looking at each other waiting for the other to make a move, because he wasn't motivated to attack, and I sure as fuck wasn't motivated to get in the middle of his combo.
I feel it's the hardest from soft game so far, since you can't change tactics with other weapons and you must have really sharp reflexes to react so fast to all the different kinds of attacks
You literally can stand still and tap L2 with OoK.
please answer
Not really, unless you're really good at the Souls games. I struggled with but enjoyed all of them. Sekiro is about the same difficulty, just a bit different playstyle.
>4(FOUR) years later
>PCbabbies still desperate for a game to surpass it
Impossible because his jump attack will hit you and his lightening phase will kill you in 2 hits. Nice try babby
Git Gud
I kinda wish they would've done more with the grappling hook in bossfight.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only fights where you get to use it are
>Guardian Ape (his arena is even specially designed for it, which is weird because past the couple first tries you just start to ignore the trees)
>Second monk fight (just useful to not be caught with the ghosts)
>Second bull fight
>Demon of Hatred
Shame about the latter especially, because spinning around columns of fire with Demon of Hatred jumping fifty meters in the air to get to you would have been sick
>stand still and tap LB
Not him but did you even beat Isshin? He has a shit ton of attacks that will fuck you up if you do this, and you need to be aggressive because his posture recovers so fast.
>I have no more shitty arguments so I'll just try to start a consolewar
The classic
>see attack, tap LB
>see attack, tap Circle
How are these so different? If you reduce the combat to the very basics you always end up with something like that. And deflecting takes better timing than dodging in the other games. You just have not played Sekiro. Plus in Sekiro you also jump or ground dodge some attacks, that's already two extra buttons when comparing Soulsborne to Sekiro. You're just an idiotic shitposter. Gascoigne is really easy by the way.
This applies to sekiro too you know? You can't deflect sweeps and grabs.
Sword Saint kicking my ass. Demon of Hatred was hard but only took me an hour to beat.. Fucking SS I just got past 1st phase after like an hour and fuck his spear
>Is it the hardest Fromsoft game?
Last Raven holds that title. But as far as soulzoomer games go, bloodborne is harder.
>(just useful to not be caught with the ghosts)
Actually I don't really know how the fuck I triggered that but sometimes you could go for an instant kill on the Monk from above. It only happened to me twice and I couldn't replicate it anymore but it made the fight so much more easier.
Gyobou also.
all souls games are easy once you figure them out.
It's the hardest mainly because of how unfun it is. I got my ass handed to me by nameless king, Ludwig and the Orphan a lot more than any Sekiro boss but I enjoyed that because the game felt fun and wasn't a slog
This video disproves your point. Did you even watch it? There is a whole lot more happening there than just spamming L1 at the boss.
its supposed to. those little enemies don't put up much of a fight so stealthing them isn't making the game any easier. you are supposed to stealth groups of enemeies to whittle them down anyways. eventually ninjutsus help with this.
Last Raven is very similar to Sekiro in the sense that it starts bullshit hard but then eases up outside of a bunch of spikes here and there.
And honestly, Isshin is harder than LR Zinaida, unless you count PSP Zinaida but that's just trash since she's roided up and is the biggest cheater FROM ever came up with.
Is this proof the game is too hard?
no, I played sekiro and O&S are still the most nigger tier boss in a From game to this day, I guarantee Yea Forums would never shut the fuck up about that fight if you couldn't summon through it. I have beaten DaS many times and at this point I just summon for O&S because I've solo'd them a few times but it's just such a bullshit fucking fight that I can't be bothered anymore, it's complete AIDS and remains the hardest From software boss period, including bloodborne, because of the utter janky bullshit like ornstein's retarded jig jag teleportation that gets stuck on walls/smough's ass half the time
It's only WOW SO HARD because of muscle memory/association. It's still challenging but its reputation of the next Ninja Gaiden Black is brought about by people not willing to learn as well as people who expected Soulsborne yet again.
AC Nexus is harder
because its fun.
Whoops, meant to say Last Raven. Haven't played Nexus yet
lol you can dark-souls-style hit and run him. all his perilous attacks are avoidable.
Just gave you arguments, here they are
Bloodborne - 92 Metacritic, 8.9 Userscore
Sekiro - 90 Metacritic, 8.0 Userscore
>MUH difficults
stealth attacks
grappling hooks
refillable potions
literal hidden easy mode (Kuro's charm)
pause menu
Infinite stamina
Replenishing Gourds (practically this games "ammo)
No blocks
No stealth
No Jumps
Finite health sources
Finite Stamina
No pause menu
No hidden easy modes
Finite Ammo
Hmm, yea, the former definitely sounds way harder and less casualised.
What's even funnier is the only argument you will most likely default to is "MUH LEVELING UP" which is hilarious because Sekiro virtually has the same thing but the ONLY difference is the game is SO casualised that Fromsoft do it for you! So you don't need to worry about totally fucking up your build and completely fucking up your playthrough!
Lmfao. By every single metric, Bloodborne shits on this game.
seems like a lot of peop[le having trouble witgh this game arent running. you can easily jog circles around p1 monkey and then use it to maintain space and whittle doiwn phase2. shit, boss took me like 15 minutes first try, and i only have 3 prayer beadsfinished
>Is it the hardest Fromsoft game?
>AC Nexus is harder
Nexus is a literal shitshow you can coast through with basic machineguns and flamethrowers, what the fuck are you talking about? It's the most unbalanced and easy 3rd gen AC game next to AC3.
>spam block and attack without paying attention to your enemies movements
>keep getting your ass kicked
nice vitality
>failing to mention that bloodborne is designed around rallying so you get your health back with every hit you take
Did you beat Sekiro already?
>literal hidden easy mode (Kuro's charm)
Thanks for confirming you're simply a shitposter who haven't played the game. I hope you reflect on your current life choices and why you would spend your precious lifeblood trying to be le epic troll instead of doing something that truly makes you smile and feel good inside, like talking to friends or playing something you like or whatever.
>still beats nearly every boss in less than 5 tries
>only boss who rammed his shit in was the great ape, a traditional Soulsborne boss
Really makes you think.
Does anyone even bother with lightning parries? I can't figure out how to do them consistently and the risk of the damage they do isn't worth the 2 seconds you get to hit the boss.
>Nioh was better
God of War has a 94 and a user score of 9.0, so both bloodborne and sekiro are worse than it
wouldn't you agree
You beat the game or not? I'm asking a simple question
>Is it the hardest Fromsoft game?
it has the most aggressive bosses, I'd say yes
Before playing Sekiro I felt the removal of RPG elements like different builds and weapons and armor was a good idea but having beaten it now and having no fucking desire to so much as touch it again, I reckon that was not the right call. Then again I have no issue autistically doing the same builds in DS3 so the bottom line is that it's probably the game not being very fun
But thanks for telling me
>grabs you from the other side of the map
Pirate, play, uninstall.
Sekiro is literally the definition of artificial difficulty.
The optional area where you fight the interior ministry goons followed by demon of hatred is the hardest area in the game and essentially the "final" area
>literal hidden easy mode (Kuro's charm)
So you didn't even bother googling your shit this time around.
Again, keep showing how you didn't even play the game, it sure will help you getting banned faster.
tfw after like 9 tries i basically didn't get hit at all during his last phase
he's a great boss
DS 3 was no way harder, way easier to cheese than sekiro
>expecting soulszoomers to know what armored core is
>>Have to master parries to beat the game
interesting choice of words, when the timing for a deflect is super relaxed. And once you don't sweat it too much, all the fights are easier than BB or DS.
I don't think that's true..
combat arts should not cost spirit points
No mention of easier enemies that can't block and can be stunlocked easily, can't chase you more than 10 feet without reseting their AI, dodge has a million iframes and costs no stamina, parry can be done from a mile away and trading a parry lets you viceral all your HP back.
Why falseflag anyways? Nobody likes you.
The Witcher 3 - 94 Metacritic, 9.4 Userscore
The Last of Us - 92 Metacritic, 9.2 Userscore
If you had played the game you would have realized it was indeed an argument. Kuro's Charm is actually an optional HARD mode that makes you take massive chip damage if you block instead of deflecting, and you unlock it after finishing the game once with any of the 3 better endings. Get fucked, shitposter-kun.
So i just found the secret path that leads to the bell tower in Mt. Kongo and it leads to the Ashina outskirts where the first headless is.
If you beat the headless at the start of the game can you come to Mt Kongo early at the start of the game or is it blocked off?
I never messed around with hteadless casue there was no reward for them aside from more shitty items
Reminder that only 2% of the people who bought this game has killed Isshin.
This games community really seems an exercise in back patting cause they beat this "hard" game.
>Bloodborne is still the hardest simply because you cannot block
This seems stupid to me. Blocking isn't useful on most souls bosses because they're big enough to have attacks ignore your shield. Bloodborne on the flipside has sidesteps, full dodges, no stat required to give you the good dodge, and guns to stunlock things/possible visceral attack them.
>combat arts should not cost spirit points
Things like Shadowfall are literally undeflectable and are guaranteed damage, other arts like Ashina Cross or One mind chip damage even if they hit, if they didn't cost emblems they would be absolutely broken.
Yeah. I beat Guardian Ape on my first try and Double Ape on my second attempt after idoling out of my first attempt. The difficulty of them is overstated for the same reason that Ogre is. You can simply run past them whenever they wind up attacks in your direction and if you are familiar with it you can fight them without lock-on. When I realized what type of boss Guardian Ape was I knew that this was over the moment the fight started.
You can just get there without beating headless.
Just report him, he's not even hiding it now.
if it's not hard then why are you stuck at the ogre
Haven't even played the game.
Fromsoftware games breed this sort of cancer.
>hey, everyone look at me! I beat this really hard game!
So fucking what?
my opinion is that the more Yea Forums argues about a game, the better it is
Git gud.
would rather not fight the final bosses and find out that i missed shit
>Haven't even played the game.
Go hug a wall then.
i think 25 spirit emblems would be fire if combat arts didn't use any or at least used only 1
It's kinda sad when Genishiro 1 and 2 are more challenging than him with Tomoe thunder
Those are permablocked parts.
It's nothing about git gud.
Beating any fromsoftware game is simply not an achievement.
and the sooner this whole attitude of people thinking theyre amazing cause they beat them dies the better.
Beating video games is not an achievement. It's completely arbitrary.
So which prosthetics did you upgrade with the lazulis on NG?
Parts of it definitely require more from the player than anything in Bloodborne or DS3. Just responding adequately to every type of attack requires two more skills than From's other games. Is it harder? Probably about on par with the hardest in BB, and there's not really a way to cheese the harder bosses for the most part.
At the syart of the game too?
Damn i knew i shoud have explored that area a little bit more.
All i saw was the headless casue it was to dark
About time FROM made a properly connecting world.
Can play the game from any point you want
why are you so mad that people are playing video games?
Yea Forums has spoken
Sabimaru was my first because it's aesthetically pleasing, the combo reminds me of Rakuyo. It's actually really good against enemies that can be poisoned.
Not mad at all.
It provides me endless amusement, seeing these threads and the back patting exercise that goes on.
With the REEEEs of git gud and the sincere reek of peoples superiority.
Actually makes me laugh because it's so pathetic.
This chart is unironically based
>Beating video games is not an achievement. It's completely arbitrary.
I don't think you know what arbitrary means
Absolutely based
>It's completely arbitrary.
Well no
If you were to place every video games based on difficulty in a order from difficult to easy fromsofts titles would be near the front.
It is an "achievement' and it isnt arbitrary.
Wizardry probably being 1st.
why are you even lying. Literally the first boss he fought he ragequit her after 5 tries and then complained about it on twitter.
First phase it's doable.
Demon's Souls > Sekiro > Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
Yes, I would.
Imagine being so bad at something completely arbitrary you can't help but seethe at the thought that others aren't as cucked as yourself, git gud kid.
you sound extremely mad 2bh
>No mention of easier enemies that can't block and can be stunlocked easily, can't chase you more than 10 feet without reseting their AI, dodge has a million iframes and costs no stamina, parry can be done from a mile away and trading a parry lets you viceral all your HP back.
You just described Sekiro enemies. only difference is, you can't reset bosses AI in Bloodborne and then get a free stealth attack onto them, sometimes even 2 completely negating the boss altogether!
Nice try PCbabby
If you can 100% deflect its easy. I on the other hand can spam L1 as fast as possible and still get hit
Wish there was a better training ground for harder combos
No I don't think so.
To most of the people on this planet. Beating a video game is not an achievement of any value.
So keep on patting your back and I can keep laughing.
Holy shit, imagine seething this hard that Froms best game is STILL exclusive to the PS4.
It's ok PCbabby, it's ok. Breathe
BB=Sekiro≥DeS=DaS>DaS>>>>>>>>>>>>>DaS3>Ass>Tits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LotF>more shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>das2
>Sekiro over anything
here, just got him down, I chipped away at him after his sliding slash and after parrying the 4th strike in horizontal combo but I never knew spear could actually be useful here, thanks for the tip (no pun intended).
>BBy bosses
>One health bar
>Sekino bosses
>3 healthbars
the entire DMC series except for 2 > Sekiro = DeS > Bloodborne = DaS > DaS3 > DaS2
That's DaS(before Lord Vessel)>DaS (after Lord Vessel).
Ultimately, Sekiro lacks the soul of Miyazaki's previous endeavours and thus we find ourselves left with a glib facsimile.
>All these people claiming BB is harder
Delusional. That game is arguably the easiest in the series. Doesnt detract from how good it is though its way better than Sekiro but dont kid yourselves. Sekiro is way harder.
why would you be afraid of that dude, just play the game
Absolutely and utterly based. Possibly the most based post in the history of Yea Forums
>can spam L1 as fast as possible and still get hit
If your getting hit then you are pressing it late or to early user.
Dont blame the game for your own shortcomings.
You mus parry right before the attack connects but some attacks come at different speeds
Spamming deflect lowers it's effectiveness.
you get the deflect sound and visual effect but not the deflect posture damage, right?
Not really.
Its great but I'd argue its probably their most accessible and easiest title so far at least as far as Soulslikes are concerned.
The game isn't very hard, but the most fair and honest of the series. Also the most fun and KINO
>19 vit with 1 extra bead
I know I missed Hirata 2.0 but damn if I can't find the last one I could get this cycle
I am sorry what? Dragon Armour is hard for you? He is the easiest boss in the game.
Emma and Isshin are beating my ass.
The easiest is ds2 actually
i'm shit at these games and o&s was 1st try. just use pillars and watch your enemy. easy. now... ishin and demon were far harder... they have more moves and are faster by a factor of 10 million.
Ok I missed the cave under the floorboards in gun fort centipede's house, I dropped under the floor but missed the cave entrance when I first was there
Why was I able to skip half of the Depths level ? I started at the Snake Eyes boss fight.
use fire.
How do you deal the with manlets after Oniwa, is breaking their posture through parrying the only way? Their fuckoff huge hats outright obscure some of their attacks like the quick forward attack so I'm having a hellish time trying that.
>coping this hard at being shit at something they claim to be irrelevant
Literally the easiest boss fight
I don’t get corrupted monk. What’s the secret? Surely you’re hot supposed to fight it regularly. There’s something I’m missing and I’m tired for looking for it.
It is the hardest game but the hardest Souls experience for me personally was that retarded moonlight sword horse boss from Bloodborne's DLC. I finished the game once before it's release and went straight to DLC location at the start of NG+ and it was clearly fucking designed for you to be over-leveled when you get to it.
Now that I think of it, maybe that retarded ass Dragon from 2 was the worst. The one that you had to fight fucking naked to ever have a chance of outrunning his retarded AOE.
to be fair it's much faster to get back to Isshin after you die, plus it's the end of the game so you should be better at it than you were at DS when you got to S&O
>Easiest Soulsborne
>Anything but Demon's Souls
Nothing in that game is anywhere close to the difficulty of bosses like Fume and Orphan.
Why does Genichiro sometimes have poise on his attacks in the end, sometimes I kill him fast without damage, sometimes I dodge his jumping downward slash and he follows upwith the sigil-less sweep that can't be interrupted. Sometimes you can interrupt his opening Mortal Blade, sometimes he just turns around and hits youwith the second. I'm tired of this clown when all I wanna' do is fight Isshin.
>Boss has your moveset but better
But why does parrying damage your posture and why do you need to hold block to replenish it, it just makes you back off and empty block to regen it. It should at least go down for attacking them.
So what’s the secret to the corrupted monk. It has three health bars. What trick am I missing.
No this game was a fucking joke, as soon as I learned how to play it differently than souls it became a goddamn cake walk
What are these triangles on the grappling spots supposed to mean?
So what’s the secret to curropted mink. I’m tired of the puzzle. What am I supposed to do.
i beat your very hard game on ps now with 100 ms latency so stfu
That you won't grapple TO that point, but PAST it.
The axe
The corrupted monk. What do you do? What’s the secret?
Corrupted monk. What’s the secret. What do you do to win?
Doesn’t work. Hiwbdo you beat corrupted monk?
Snap seeds.
Doesn’t do anything. I use snap seeds during second phase. Nothing happens and everything continues as normal. What the secret?
step dodge behind him to hit his vitality
get him to 50% hp
parry his attacks
nigga wut? DaS3 is unironically the easiest of them all with its endless stamina and infinite roll/R1 spam.
>second phase
user the first corrupted monk is harder than the second one, despite needing 3 deathblows, so i'm not quite sure how you're having trouble
Okay so your first priority should be to not get hit. After you entered the boss area you have to directly walk up to her and parry all of her attacks. If you do it correctly she should not be able to damage you. A good trick is also to counterattack her thrust attack. Make sure to jump her sweep as well. It's all pretty simply after you know that strategy, you can even use your prosthetic tool for additional damage. She should go down if you apply all of these tips correctly.
>he played with kuro's charm on
Oh you're talking about the real fight. You can grapple on top of the branch above the bridge and then wait until she's done with the animation after hitting the ground. And when she does the illusions you climb on the same branch and do a jump on top of her again and then you only have to beat her last phase.
Thank you. Pretty much knew this was a puzzle fight.
You can use snap seeds and confetti to deal damage to her easily. Snap seeds are specially good because they stun her and immediately deal some damage.
Fuck guardian apes
That bitch was the easiest for me. His move set was so easy to understand and counter.
the first time he mikiri'd me I didn't understand what happened
the second time I was like oh fuck
Unironically don't parry continuously just jump/dodge away from her range, she has long recovery on misses while parrying extend her combo length.
I'm there right now, there's also a respawning chained ogre here. Is this really the last area?
Can’t even be bothered to play it. The last two bosses are sucking out my will to play
the fuck is ludo? don't you mean kino?
What does this mean?
This game looks very good, too bad my PC can't run it.
When you learn you can parry the Blazing Bull charges.
Yikes and cringepilled
Hello? What is this explanation. It makes no sense.
Beating Genichiro is the most satisfied I've been playing a FromSoft game in a while.
>parry corrupted monk
>hits you anyway
I don’t get it
Are you forced to parry stuff or can you just run in and trololo like in Dark Souls ?
>yfw sekiro fags are zoomers
It makes sense desu
>sword saint isshin
>his sword phase is a joke
anyone else was disappointed to all hell? Owl is a better sword fighter than him.
Found the BlunderBore zoomer
no shit, that ape is the most retarded boss, the design is for you to perfect parry through the infinite variations of his attacks while evading a fair perilous and another retardedly lock-on grab that you need to evade at the last second
one error is basically almost an instant death, and seeing how you have a 2nd fight that you need to also learn, you really need to perfect the Ape fight
I don’t get it. Corrupted monk during third phase recovers posture faster than you can deal it. Some user said you can skip to the third phase by there’s absolutely no way you can do that? The trees do nothing. You parry forever and get posture broke. I don’t get it
Reminder that the """people""" that say that Sekiro is worse than Dark Souls 2 or 3 are babbies that can't adapt their strategies to another combat system
what? no
Isshin has way more variations than Owl and his timings are harder to react to if you're going for parries. Both are really fun bosses though.
If I get the Codex torrent for this, am I missing anything major from not having any updates if there are any ?
>get in boss area
>jump to tree
>jump to monk and deathblow
>do it again for phase 2
>as soon as phase 3 starts spam firecrackers
What's so hard about that ???????????
It doesn’t work? They monk jumps in, I’m in the tree, I jump at the monk, no deathblow symbol. I got it to last phase and was about to kill it but it just started doing whatever it wanted and broke its pattern.
Also where do I farm for money for spirit emblems. I’m tired of doing this. Is there a trick?
KF series alone is harder than anything released this decade. It's harder than Soulsborne for sure though.
I caught some of DSP's Sekiro stream and watched him struggling with Chained Ogre for fucking centuries. He was straight up having a meltdown, typically blaming the game and bugs and "I'm pressing buttons!" etc. I thought holy shit this must be really tough. I played the game today and beat the Chained Ogre on my literal second try. I was truly bewildered at that moment at just how DSP is at video games lol. Like holy fucking crap he's BAD.
It's not just DSP though because I read a preview of the game and the journalist also went on about how tough this ogre was supposed to be. I saw plenty of posts on Yea Forums, too. People are just fuckin retarded I guess.
Did you watch one video on youtube and start thinking you know what you're talking about?
that thing's been fixed for some time now
Why do spirit emblem costs have to increase? Can I just buy spirit emblems? What’s the big deal? I just want to be able to use prosthetics without grinding. Why does that cost need to increase?
>7 waters
>double revive
>that HP bar
is that ng+ or he was just overleveled? when I killed monkey I had 4 waters and literally half the HP bar he has
I thought kuros charm makes the game harder, no? just forces you to parry instead of block.
You were massively underleveled
Thats why BB can suck a fuckign msasive cock. Fucking no fun allowed game it is. Everything one shots you unless you level vit, but then shit takes forever to kill because your str/skill is only like 20.
this was me less than 30 minutes ago on NG+, took me a few tried with the charm and bell demon, several of his attacks one shot me or near one shot me.
I got all the achievements on Friday, and I did that strat all the time pal
no wonder I literally did no damage to him, took me 20+ tries to perfect the first fight and start learning the second one which is far easier
where the fuck im supposed to go after Genichiro then?
>lose to a boss a few times
>run out of spirit emblems
>have to kill basic enemies over and over and over and over to get them back
>spirit emblem costs increase as game continues
Why? Why do I have to do this? Why can’t I just fight the enemies? Why can’t I just have my tools?
Can you show video footage of it happening now?
Did you skip any minibosses?
what boss are you on?
Im not going to start another NG+ after 100%ing the game. If I had missing stuff to do I would
Why is it every god damn time we try to have a mother fucking thread about Sekiro some delusional soulsborne fag has to come in and complain about the most nonsensical shit ever just to shit up the place.
Ban these cunts.
one I think, the one in the valley with the thousand snipers
killed Genichiro and all the mini-bosses I found around him, then went down to the valley, killed the centipede, avoided great serpent and killed ape
DS3 is the easiest game they made since Demon' Souls.
Can you post footage of anyone doing that?
Corrupted monk. First time that this has been a problem. Would be ok if the boss didn’t just do a random unparyable up sweep attack that takes 70 percent of your health. Some rules would be nice
What are you talking about? You can deflect pikemen. Learn to actually deflect, you brainlet.
I know this games about fighting dirty but god damn this is brutal.
you can do things like you do in dark souls, but it would be painful
Holy fuck, how do you beat him?
You can bully the ape too, at least the first phase is insane if you just combine oil, flame vent and firecrackers
he's not even hard
>March 26
So it’s patched. This doesn’t work now.
Stealth attack him to get rid of his first bar, then learn how to mikiri counter.
mikiri counter the shit out of him
easiest mini boss
there were no patches game is still version 1.02
you're just dog fukcing shit
you don't fuck this guy and fuck this game
not him but I just can't land mikiri's at all. which direction is best to dodge in for his attacks?
For "Speedrunners" and PvPers on Dark Souls its actually a easy game, for casual players that overlevel zones in Dark Souls will have a lot of problems in this game since getting overlevel only give you more moves and more mechanics to handle and not just numbers to stomp everything.
Nioh is a dog shit low quality game
only front dodge works for mikiri i think
Thanks bros, I tried to parry him, he was super easy with mikiri
Just did it. Works. After that just cheese third phase. What an awful fight. Might as well not ah e the first two phases of the solution is just some nonsense pre-condition.
Is there any way to just get sen? I’m tired of grinding it between boss attempts for spirit emblems. Let’s go already, I want to fight the biss
Demon Souls is easier
Pull the left analog upwards and smash the dodge button as he lunges his spear forward.
You'll need to learn mikri counter fast if you want to beat certain bosses in Sekiro.
when he first mikiri'd me, was literally the best moment in the game.
Also that boss is literally just a better sekiro player than you, I just reached him in ng+ with charm hardship +demon bell active, tryin' to kill this fucker.
Who's the dead chick just before the Dragon?
Why is there a NOW THAT THE DUST HAS SETTLED thread about this game every 2 minutes
how hard is it to dodge forward? mikiri counter opening is huge you'd never fucking miss it even if you tried too.
Make deflect window 1f and enemy attack have only 3f of hitbox and you got yourself GOTY
That's retarded
So is there a rule to getting the deathblow on corrupted monk during first phase? It seems completely rng. Can anyone explain the exact moment you need to hit her?
Do you mean 3f of hurtbox? Do you even know what you’re saying?
hitbox is the part that hurts you sweatie
Easiest fromsoft game unless you ignore all the mechanics. Without having to dodge you can spam axe/attack and break every single encounters posture immediately including bosses (with the exception of 1).